Noel Burch's stories
Noel writes about martial arts experts using their painful and deadly skills against men
- L'Amazone de la ceinture rouge deuxi#me partie
La suite des aventures d'Eve et Nicolas
(28/Aug/99) Listen to the story
- L'amazone de la ceinture rouge
Policier : Éve, une redoutable spécialiste et des arts martiaux, aide un ami handicapé-
- Amsterdamazons Pt. 1
A biologist visiting Amsterdam is kidnapped by a mysterious female colleague and her a sadistic henchwoman, skilled in the art of inflicting pain.
(14/Mar/12) Listen to the story
- Monsieur Venus, Somnambulist
First adventure of Bret Blade aka Louise Lame , dominatrix in black leather, martial artist and hypnotist.
(02/Jul/02) Listen to the story
- The Comeuppance
An aiki-jitsu-wise fifteen year cripple old routs her tormentors.
(18/Aug/99) Listen to the story
A beautiful L.A. swinger and her Japanese girl-friend "initiate" an innocent young man
- Blackbelt Dominatrix 2
The continued exploits of Cornelia and her Japanese lover, jiu-jitsu expert Michiko.
Surrey 1905. Spoiled rich boy John's new tutor, Miss Gilham, has studied Jujitsu in Japan and uses it for discipline and vengeance.
(09/Jun/01) Listen to the story
- THE GENTLE ART OF TUTELAGE - ch. 2 & 3 incomplete
Wales & London ca. 1905. Further adventures of jiujitsu expert Miss Gilham in a travelling side-show and a London brothel
(04/Mar/05) Listen to the story
- A visit to Hong Kong
Where a viragophile's dream comes true. or does it?
(18/Aug/99) Listen to the story
- A Case of Mistaken Identity
An innocent man tortured by a mysterious martial artist
(20/Aug/99) Listen to the story
In the clutches of a female exponent of the deadliest secret arts, bent on revenge.
(27/Mar/09) Listen to the story
- A Visit from Joanna
Julian Schwarz aka "Jules-the-Fence", visited by a "mistress of the martial arts".
(03/Dec/02) Listen to the story
More adventures of the ruthless Bret Blade, martial artist and hypnotist extraordinary
(02/May/05) Listen to the story
Une jeune handicapée experte en aïkido donne une leçon cinglante à un malappris
- Monsieur Loyal Retrouv'
suite et fin des aventures de Louise Lame
(24/May/05) Listen to the story
- Monsieur Jourdain Prom'th'e
suite des aventures de Louise Lame
(24/May/05) Listen to the story
- Monsieur Loyal Resurrected
by No#l Burch
(10/May/05) Listen to the story
Paris, 1920 : une belle aristo punit les malfrats au jiujitsu
- Slaves of the preying mantis English version
Paris, 1920: a lovely countess punishes bad men jujitsu & hypnosis.
(18/Aug/99) Listen to the story
- Slaves of the Preying Mantis - Part 2
Further adventures of Countess Clara de Mantis, Parisienne righter of wrongs in the 1920s.
(30/Aug/99) Listen to the story
- Martine in Hamburg
Judo-wise French nurse must fight the sinister Petra for L'on's life.
(23/Oct/09) Listen to the story
- Martine # Hambourg
Notre h'ro#ne judokate dispute # Petra, sp'cialiste du kung fu, la vie de L'on
(12/Sep/99) Listen to the story
Une infirmière judokate capture et " traite " à sa façon un violeur
- Max and Martine or Another Way to Love
A French black belt nurse captures and 'treats' a rapist.
(09/Jun/01) Listen to the story
- Martine takes a Holliday
Judo-wise French nurse meets a viragophile
(27/Jul/09) Listen to the story
- Martine en vacances
L'infirmière judokate, rencontre un viragophile et une méchante allemande-
- Martine fait du cin'ma
Martine, l'infirmi#re judokate, rencontre un producteur tr#s louche...
(09/Sep/15) Listen to the story
- Martine in the Movies
Judo-wise French nurse confronts evil kunoichi.
(11/Jul/09) Listen to the story
- La Myst'rieuse enti#rement corrig'e et compl't'e
Un Fantomas f'minin, experte en jiu-jitsu, terrorise le Paris de 1910.
(28/Apr/05) Listen to the story
- Mystery Woman part I
A female Fantomas, expert in jiu-jitsu, spreads terror in 1910 Paris
(02/Oct/07) Listen to the story
- Mystery Woman part II
A female Fantomas, expert in jiu-jitsu, spreads terror in 1910 Paris
(27/Dec/07) Listen to the story
- Mystery Woman part III
A female Fantomas, expert in jiu-jitsu, spreads terror in 1910 Paris
(30/Mar/08) Listen to the story
- Monsieur V'nus somnambule
Une aventure de Louise Lame, dominatrice, don juane et " artiste martiale "
(28/Aug/99) Listen to the story
- La Duchesse et le philosophe
Ce maso de Jean-Jacques rencontre une aristocrate qui sait se d'fendre'
(15/Mar/05) Listen to the story