The Analyzer could not help herself and had to get
in a little more breast fondling as the formerly undefeatable super
heroine just lay there helplessly. |
MasterGirl's entire body tingled as the Analyzer placed her
hand atop of her crotch. |
She reached down between the heroine's legs and
commented on how soaking wet she was. |
MasterGirl was stunned by this remark.... |
Yet she could not contain the strong feelings flowing through
her body. |
Yet despite all this, MasterGirl could not come to terms with
what had just happened. She could not come to terms with her defeat. She
could not come to terms with the weakness, and she could not come to terms
with how powerfully aroused she had become.
She tried to pull herself off the floor.... |
But she was as weak as a kitten, and could not even lift her
back off the ground. |
She kept on going over this again and again in her mind.
"How could this have happened? How could I have been taken out like
this? What happened to me?" |
And the hormones were killing her. Grand pulses of sexual
excitement shooting through her body at alarming rates. |
What was it that made her so horny?? |
It's not like she was a virgin to begin with. In her secret
identity, she was quite normally active sexually, but nothing had ever
been like this. She had always been in control. Always dominated and
always LOVED the feeling of power over her lover, even when off duty as a
heroine. |
To her dismay she suddenly discovered that the true
excitement comes when you finally meet your match. When you give it all
that you have but still wind up being completely, totally, and utterly
dominated. |
She could have never imagined a situation like this where she
was totally stripped of all her powers and at the mercy of someone else.
The thought of these had heretofore been incomprehensible. Yet now, the
very thought of being at the Analyzer's mercy, the thought of being
defeated continued to excite her to no end. |
The vanquished heroine continued to lie helplessly on the
floor as the Analyzer informed her cohorts that the plan had worked and
that MasterGirl would be out of commission for as long as was needed to
complete the job. |
MasterGirl heard the conversation and it drove her mad. She
could not believe that she had been taken out like this. Could not come to
terms with being vanquished. She had to do something. She had to do the
impossible and get out of this. She had always come out on top
before and couldn't stand the thought of loosing...Yet, her powers were
now completely gone. She was helpless. And worst of all, the sexual rush
would not stop. She was so fucking horny!!! |
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