"But you know what? You taught me a valuable lesson. You see, I could never understand why someone like you took it so hard when I face-sat you into oblivion. I mean, beyond the unpleasantness and all. But now I understand it. The notion of someone as powerful as me being face-sat into oblivion was too much for me to bear. I'm so powerful and indestructible. It's a feeling I just couldn't take..."
"So now I know how you felt on that day over four years ago. Now I know what it was like for someone like you... at the top of her game... never ever having tasted defeat... on the verge of the biggest score of her life. And then to have me come in and ruin it all for you. And to top  it off, I sat on your face until you passed out! I now know how you felt then..."
"And I know how you feel NOW!! You think that you are all tough and everything. You kicked MasterGirl's ass. You got your pitiful little revenge. But look at you now... Right back where you were Four years ago. You were never in my league, Analyzer. You never stood a chance against me. Thanks to you, I now know how you feel, and it's giving me a TOTAL RUSH!!!!"
"MY GOSH!!! THIS FEELS SO GOOD. SO AMAZING!!! THIS, MY DEAR ANALYZER, IS GOING TO BE THE FACE-SIT TO END ALL FACE-SITS!!! You're gonna have lots of time to think about this one while your in prison."
The Analyzer squirmed and struggled under the weight of the dominant super heroine. She moved her face back and forth in an effort to create friction up against MasterGirl's crotch.
"I knew I was going to love getting back at you Analyzer, but I never thought it would feel this good. I have you right where I want you."
"You....<pant>...you must have been..<pant> nuts to think that you..<pant> could go up against me!!"
MasterGirl's breathing had become very rapid. A strange feeling was beginning to well up within her.

The Analyzer managed to bring  her right hand up to MasterGirl's left breast.

She then brought her left hand up to MasterGirl's right breast and began caressing them both.
Normally, MasterGirl would have smacked her silly for doing such a thing, but she was suddenly, somehow, unable to do so.
The Analyzer continued to move her face back and forth across MasterGirl's crotch all the while caressing the powerful heroine's breasts.
"What's....hap....peining to me....Feeling...Strange.  Feeling......."
"...Weak....Feeling so..weak.  Weak....and...horny, but ......but how??? "
"WHAT'S....what's .....going......on<gasp> here..?"
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