But the Analyzer pressed on and on grinding up against MasterGirl undeniably amazing body. 
Her only hope was that the Analyzer would lose it once again and have another Orgasm. This would give her the break she needed and she would now make very sure to try and get away quicker.
And so it was that it came to a race against time. Who would be the one to Come first. Would it be the Analyzer, or would it be MasterGirl?
The Analyzer increased her pace even more.  MasterGirl was loosing it.
She then shifted gears and began kissing the heroine's neck.
And then went back to humping her with a fury.

MasterGirl's breathing was increasing rapidly....

Her eyes were now wide open, and her pupils completely dilated.

Her mouth was open and her rapid breathing gave way to a slow and steady pant.

MasterGirl was beginning to lose what little bit of control she had left. Her body now took over. Her arms came up to hug the Analyzer and bring her closer. Her mind said "Stop"  but her body kept saying "yes, yes yes!!"
Her slow and steady panting began to pick up speed. A steady, low, throaty moan escaped her lips. Her hips began gyrating and she rose to meet each and every one of the Analyzer's thrusts.
And then she felt it... At first it was almost as if from a distance. Not even within her. And it began building and building, growing stronger and stronger at a steady pace. Her steady throaty moan gave way to a most audible groan of pleasure as the feeling continued to build up from deep within her. She knew she had to fight it. Hold it back. stop it with everything she had!!! 
But it was no use. A massive tidal wave of sexual excitement crashed down upon her and completely swept her away as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure consumed her body and senses. It was as if every last ounce of her super powers were restored to her for one brief moment as the Orgasm ravaged her with a force previously unknown. 
And then it was all over.  A magical, almost mystical feeling came over her. She felt different than she had ever felt before. Almost as if there was a fire that always burned within her that fueled her awesome super powers. A fire than burned so brightly most of the time, and who's intensity had been turned way down during the course of this day's events. Despite all she had endured so far today, there was still some of that fire that continued to burn. Now, she suddenly felt that fire go out completely, and for the first time in her life, she had absolutely no powers whatsoever. Not even the slightest bit.
The Analyzer had accomplished her goal and now had other matters she had to deal with. She dismounted the fallen heroine.


MasterGirl was experiencing the aftershocks of that 9.9 Richter scale orgasm she had just experienced and was totally disoriented.

She was utterly spent in every way and unable to reconcile the conflicting feelings she was now experiencing.
It was an almost unbelievable site to see the Analyzer kneel over the defeated body of the world's mightiest heroine
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