Laura - Chapter 337




Nyomi, as a single mother who also had a demanding and ascendant career as one of the bright young stars in the small universe of mayoral assistants (her boss, the mayor, was rumored to have exalted political ambitions that might take her along with him to Sacramento and then Washington), had keen difficulties finding spare time for Laura, though it was clear she desperately wanted to find it.  Laura, who had a pretty demanding career of her own, did not make it any easier by being offline, as it were, often for weeks at a time when Makeeda was back in town.  Their meetings were few, and often crippled by the presence of Alana, Nyomi's nine-year-old daughter, who had a sly but attentive curiosity about their physical relationship.

"She told me to ask you if you could try not to be so loud when you're 'sexing,'" Laura told Nyomi, who often could not control the exuberance of her sexual cries and had awakened Alana several times while climaxing and screaming.

Both of them spilled over in riotous laughter.  "When I'm sexing?" Nyomi said, her grey eyes watering as she laughed.  "Oh god, I'm such a rotten mother!"  She gasped, trying to control her laughing.  "A lesbian lech who shrieks and wakes her daughter every time she comes!  They ought to lock me up."

Laura grinned at her.  "At least you have the good manners not to blame me.  I'm the one who got you started on all this."

But Nyomi shook her head.  "Remember Uncle Mike.  Between him and me, she's had a thorough introduction to sexual screaming."

This, for some reason, aroused Laura frightfully.  They were sitting in her car, waiting for the traffic to clear, but too conspicuous for a kiss.  Instead, she ran one hand down Nyomi's skirt to her bare knee, then slipped it under the hem to clutch at her magnificent hard thigh muscle, the one that had taken her to heaven several times.  "I'm doing my best to make you forget Uncle Mike," she smiled, squeezing it.  "But the thought of him making you scream gets me all hot and bothered."

Nyomi grinned and pursed her lips.  "Eyes on the road, Your Horniness.  One, I don't need the slightest help in forgetting Uncle Mike.  The prick.  And two, we have to pick up Alana at day care and drop her at Grandma's house before we can indulge our little perverted desires."

Laura grinned back.  "I didn't suggest a single perversion.  But I'd be happy to think up one or two, if you're interested."

"Control yourself, girl. You're getting me hot and bothered too."  She looked straight ahead, through the windshield at the street, as if making an effort at self-control.  "Ever since you told me about those handcuffs of yours, I've had the most life-altering fantasies.  And thanks for picking me up like this.  My car's transmission went out this morning.  Eight hundred bucks.  Yikes."

Laura had brought along the handcuffs.  She had just tossed them into her little valise.  In case.  She had recalled how excited Nyomi had once become at the mention of them.  But she said nothing.  Don't push your luck, she thought.

"I guess I better stay in the car at Grandma's.  I hear she doesn't like me."  She alluded to Nyomi's frequent complaints about her mother's censorious attitude toward her new sexual affinities.

Nyomi patted Laura's thigh.  "She would love you if she got to know you, darling.  Just as I do.  But of course I have an advantage.  I spend hours fucking with you.  I know how wonderful you can be.  You'd have to persuade her on conversation alone."

"I'm not very good at the Jesus conversation.  Plus, she must think I'm a lesbian Jezebel.  Eating her darling daughter's pretty pussy and leading her down the garden path."

"She never objected when Uncle Mike was eating it," Nyomi cracked.  "I don't think she'd object if Jesus was eating it either.  It's the female part she don't dig, my luff."

This got them laughing again.  Things, however, turned serious after they picked up Alana, who whined and wheedled on their way to Grandma's house.  "I don't see why I can't come home with you guys.  I love seeing Auntie Laura.  I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Neither have I, honey," Nyomi tried to soothe her.  "Auntie Laura and I have things we're just dying to talk about.  You can see her next time."

Alana pouted.  "When will that be?"

"Oh . . . soon.  I'm sure."

"You guys just want to have sex without me there."

Nyomi shot Laura a sardonic glance, but Laura kept her steely eyes on the road, unwilling to help Nyomi wiggle out of this one.  "That's enough of that, young lady," Nyomi said, but calmly.  "We're just going to talk.  Nothing else."  She turned, looking back over her shoulder at Alana in the back seat.  "And you better not say anything like that around Grandma.  She doesn't even know Auntie Laura, and we don't want her leaping to conclusions."

"What?  That you guys have sex?  She already knows that.  I can tell."

Laura smiled grimly, but tried to hide it. 

"Anyway—" Alana continued, "isn't it wrong for two girls to have sex together?  My friend Britney at school . . ."

There's always a 'Britney,' isn't there? Laura thought, seeing a similar recognition flash in Nyomi's enchanting grey eyes, and watching her voluptuous mouth turn down at the corners.

"My friend Britney told me it's sicko for two girls to have sex."

"Your friend Britney is a nasty little shit who doesn't know a thing about it," Nyomi suddenly spat out.  Then she thought better of it and softened visibly, turning to speak face to face over her shoulder again at Alana.  "Sorry, honey.  Auntie Laura and I are going to talk, that's all."

Liar, Laura thought, grinning but trying to pinch the grin away.  I am so going to fuck your pretty black ears off.

"I don't believe you," Alana said, firmly.

"That's your privilege."

Well, this is mighty uncomfortable, Laura reflected as they pulled up in front of Grandma's house.  She turned to Alana.  "Give me a kiss, sweetie.  Next time you and I will play and play, okay?"

Alana frowned.  Then she smiled, reluctantly.  "I love you, Auntie Laura."

This melted Laura, and Nyomi too.  For a moment, Laura thought Nyomi was going to cry.  But Nyomi shook herself and gathered her moxie and ushered her lovely little girl up to the door.  She had a few testy words with her mother, who peeped, frowning, over her shoulder at Laura in the car.

When she got back to the car, they exchanged glances that said: Well, it won't be easy to get this evening back on track, after that.  "I feel so guilty," Laura said, dropping the car into gear and heading for Nyomi's house.  "I love her too."

Nyomi shot her another sardonic glance.  "Don't go all mushy on me, Laura.  You know she said that just to make you feel this way."

Laura smiled.  "You mean she doesn't love me?"

"No . . . she does.  We both do. She is just very good at pulling your chain."

"Mmmm, like her Mommy."

"Park in the garage.  Here . . . I have the garage door opener in my purse."  She clicked it to open the door.  "This time I was not stupid enough to leave it in the car."

In the kitchen, just in from the garage, they could not wait to assault each other.  They dropped their handbags on the island in the kitchen center and embraced hungrily, mashing their mouths together.  It's like one of those They're-Going-to Devour-Each-Other movies, Laura thought as she tried to swallow Nyomi's tongue, which was thrusting down her throat. 

"Unh!  Unh!" she gasped.

"Mnngg . . . annguunngg!" Nyomi softly grunted back to her.

Laura felt her back shoved up against the refrigerator as Nyomi's fingers bit into the flesh of her ass through her skirt.  Her own hands rushed happily up Nyomi's statuesque body to her substantial round breasts, squeezing them also through her clothes.  "I want you want you want you," she panted against her neck.  "In the bedroom, quick!"

"Yes!  C'mon!"

Down the darkened hallway, past Alana's also darkened room, into Nyomi's bedroom in the back, then clawing and sucking at each other again, two wild sexual demons.  They literally tore off their clothes.  It was fun.  Laura had done this in the past a few times with others, but each time was new with a new lover, and this heedless urgency charged them both with fierce physical need.

Nyomi literally ripped the bedspread and blankets down to the foot of the bed.  They were still in the dark.  Laura, nearly naked now except for her bra and panties, reached over and switched on the bedside lamp to its lowest setting.  "I want to see you," she smiled.  "I love to see my hands on your beautiful body."

"Did you bring the handcuffs?  The strap-on?"  Nyomi, also in her panties, her magnificent large breasts jutting out naked and thrilling, looked around for Laura's little valise.

"Later," Laura said, grabbing her, cupping her naked breasts in both hands and dropping her lips to one large dark nipple.  "Later.  I can't wait to fuck you."

"Take everything off," Nyomi commanded, pulling her down on the bed.  "Oh god, fucking is so good with you!"

For the next several minutes nothing was said, though there was plenty of punctuated noise: sucking and gasping and moaning and whimpering.  They clawed and consumed each other.  Laura slid out of her panties and nearly ripped Nyomi's, trying to get them off.  Nyomi unfastened Laura's bra, tearing it from her body and flinging it clear across the room.  Usually Laura, as the more aggressive and experienced one, was on top at first, but this time they roiled in a struggling, wrestling mass of alive and tingling flesh until she found herself on her back, with Nyomi on top, their thighs interlocked and pushing against their sopping wet cunts, humping and chuffing and snuffling and groaning and fucking each other in a frantic surge of pumping and churning.

They kissed sloppily and voraciously, their teeth clanking painfully; but they barely noticed.  Their tongues stabbed deep.  "I love you . . . I love to fuck you . . . I don't care what you say . . . I love you . . . I—" Nyomi panted wildly into Laura's mouth as she kissed her savagely, pumping and crunching her hard thigh into Laura's flaming pussy.

"Shut up . . ." Laura gasped, interrupting her.  "I love you too . . . I love to fuck you . . . you're making me come . . . unngghhh!  Oh shit yes!  Like that!  Harder!  Ungghh!"

They increased the pace.  Laura didn't know how it was possible, but they began fucking each other even harder and faster.  Outside the periphery of their frantic, semi-hysterical moaning and whimpering she could hear the bed hammering the wall and feel it scrunching up the rug under it, making a racket that certainly would have awakened anyone else in the house.  Thank god she's not here! she thought insanely of Alana.  They were creating a firestorm of fucking, heedless of the consequences. 

She got a hand up to one of Nyomi's large round breasts and quickly scooped it into her mouth, sucking Nyomi's big dark nipple hard, hard, hard, hearing Nyomi squeal with delight.

"Nnnngggmmiiieee!  Oh . . . oh god! Oh!  Yes . . . Laura . . . yes, harder!  Mnnggiieee!"

But Laura could only keep it up for a few seconds before she felt a tsunami of an orgasm welling up in her body.  "Oh god, honey, I'm going to come!" she panted, as Nyomi's wet nipple slipped out of her mouth.

She clamped her thighs around the one Nyomi was fiercely crunching into her pussy and pumped in one last, jerking fury of effort.  And as she did it, she suddenly felt an answering quake of Nyomi's straining body, a spasm of clenching flesh that let her know Nyomi was nearly coming too.  Oh god, we're going to do it together!

"Mnngggeeee!  Mmnnggeee!" Nyomi was squealing, grasping Laura now in an iron vise of a grip, and mashing her own wet cunt down sharply into Laura's thigh, shuddering, shuddering.

A piercing spasm seemed to wrench them both at nearly the same moment.  Their bodies clenched, and then dissolved into an undulating frenzy as a sharp dual orgasm engulfed them.  Whether from their usual attempt at caution or the shock of reaching the same culmination together, their cries were muffled into low, but keening, grunts and half-choked groans.

"Aunngghhh!  Ohnhmmmgg!" Laura whinnied into Nyomi's gleaming black shoulder and neck, feeling her body press against every glorious inch of this woman's beautiful, spasming flesh.

"Unnoowwmmnnggghh!" Nyomi's cries met and mingled with hers, her body lurching and quivering as successive waves of bliss shook her.  "Oh god!"  She whimpered, also lying her head on Laura's shoulder, still on top, still jamming her thigh into Laura's destroyed pussy, though not as hard as before.

The orgasms were very sweet and intense, and it took two or three minutes for them to recover completely.  During this time, they merely nuzzled and pecked at each other, not daring to move.

"Okay . . ." Laura finally stirred under her.  "You're crushing me.  It's okay when you're fucking me, but now I can't breathe."

"Sorry!" Nyomi giggled softly, rolling off to the side.  "I got carried away."

"I think we both did," Laura gasped, pulling her face closer with both hands for a fervent kiss. 

"God, Laura, I felt for a moment there like I broke something, I came so hard."

"Me too.  I think Alana not being in the other room helped.  We just . . ."

"Tried to eat each other alive, as you're always saying."

Laura smiled and kissed her again.  "That knocked me for a loop.  I think I need a nap."

Nyomi reached down to the end of the bed and pulled the covers up over their naked bodies.  "Me too.  Hold me.  Let's doze a minute.  A little nap won't hurt anything.  I never get to sleep with you.  It's always fuck fuck fuck, and then you go home to feed the cats.  Hold me.  Let me doze and wake up touching you."

Laura smiled and snuggled up next to her.  Nyomi was not the clinging vine type, and so these words were especially tender.  Laura had these special, very deep feelings for only a few others, after Makeeda, and Sara, and Deshona, the three of whom each had special little inviolable chambers in her heart where her love for them burned bright and steady.  Nyomi was quickly claiming one of her own.

They did sleep, for about twenty minutes, though it was really only drowsy squirming and nuzzling and luxuriating in the warm feel of each other's naked body, cooing and gurgling and tonguing each other.  Nyomi finally murmured into Laura's ear.  "Do you want to fuck again or have something to eat first?  I have some leftover chicken in the fridge."

"Mmmmm," Laura smiled, squirming aggressively against her and sucking her full lower lip.  "I think I want this chicken first.  You make me so horny with this marvelous body."

Nyomi kissed her behind the ear, a place she had discovered that always made Laura erupt in excited shivers and grow fantastically lustful.  "I'm sorry I said 'love' instead of 'luff,'" she whispered.

"No you're not," Laura whispered back, smiling and pinching one marvelous large but shapely buttock.


"I think you are a bad girl.  Breaking the rules.  I might have to handcuff you and spank you."

Now Nyomi shivered briefly.  "Oh god, I think you mean it."

"You bet I mean it."

"I've never been spanked.  Even my mother, bitch that she is, never spanked me.  I had a boyfriend once, his name was DeMarcus, he was really into bondage and even whipping, but I never let him do any of it to me.  He wanted to, though."

Laura raised an eyebrow.  "This was obviously before Alana."

"Oh, way before!  And I told you, I never let him."

"But you'd let me?"

"I trust you."  She made an odd, sexy but vulnerable face at Laura.  "He got me thinking about it.  He wanted to whip me between the legs.  The 'black orchid,' as you call it.  I definitely wouldn't let him.  You wouldn't do anything like that, would you?"

"Not if you didn't want me to," Laura reassured her. 

Nyomi looked curious.  "Have you ever done that?"  Then, seeing Laura's expression, but before Laura could answer—

"Oh god!  I'm sorry I asked!"

Laura pecked her on the nose.  "You needn't be.  So I have a checkered past.  It's what makes me exciting to you."

"You're like a hand grenade.  Just lying there.  Waiting for me to pull the pin.  Then you go off."

Laura shook her head.  "Bad analogy.  I'm more like a surprise package.  Untie the bow and see what you get."

Nyomi pursed her lips.  Her grey eyes flashed with sexual adventurism.  She put her two wrists together in front of her stomach.  "I'm ready for my spanking," she said softly, giving Laura a very fake but beguiling ingénue smile.  "You better handcuff me or I'll slap you."

"I'll bet you would."  She hopped off the bed, still buck naked.  "I have to get my little bag.  I left it in the kitchen, I think."

"Hurry back!" Nyomi called after her.

Laura found it quickly and pranced back to the bedroom, only to find Nyomi spread across the sheets again like The Naked Maja, a pose she loved to provoke Laura with, knowing how vulnerable Laura was to the allure of her naked body.  Laura walked slowly to the edge of the bed. 

"God, you are gorgeous," she swallowed, riveted by the voluptuous invitation.

"You are soooo good for the ego," Nyomi smiled, stretching in a way that made her large naked breasts jiggle and swirl.  "I think I'll keep you around."  She turned, stretching catlike, over onto her stomach, presenting Laura with the firm, large, shapely moons of her magnificent bottom.  "I think this is what you're looking for."

"You have been such a bad girl," Laura said, rummaging in her small bag, trying to keep up the pretense of their little game.

She found the fur-lined handcuffs that Randi had given her long ago.  She was surprised she hadn't used them more often.  But then, handcuffs were not everyone's cup of tea.  Imagine suggesting them to sweet, innocent Bonnie, for example.  Or wholesome, athletic, exuberant Arthell, who loved to fuck in a happy frenzy of splendid, exhilarating orgasms and yet would never even imagine letting herself be handcuffed.  Then there were the more devious types . . .

She regarded the magnificent Nyomi, stretched voluptuously across the bed.  Nyomi gave her a saucy smile.  "Why don't we just skip the cheap theatrics and get down to the actual dirty stuff?"

"Whatever you like, my dear," Laura snapped, feigning a rougher attitude.  "Put those wrists out for Mama."

Nyomi, suddenly very pliant, passive, and obedient, extended her arms and watched in fascination as Laura snapped the handcuffs in place on each wrist.  She began to shiver a little.  "Oh shit . . . we really are going to do this."  Her eyes signaled her fright.

"We can always stop right now, if you want to."

Nyomi shook her head vigorously.  "I want you to spank me . . . and fuck me.  With the strap-on.  Hard."  She had not stopped shivering.

A slow smile spread over Laura's face.  "You look like you're getting way too much pleasure out of this."

"More than you know.  But I'm also scared shitless."

Laura showed her the inside of the goody bag, where the keys to the handcuffs were securely taped to the inner lining.  "In case I faint from ecstasy . . . or something . . . these are the keys.  You might have to let those handsome, sexy firemen unlock the cuffs . . . or just wait until I revive."

"Oh shit.  Now you're making me even more scared."  She really was shaking.

Laura leaned close and kissed her mouth with hungry passion.  "There is absolutely no need to be scared," she murmured.  "I am going to fuck you senseless, that's all."

Nyomi's beautiful face broke into a broad, infectious grin.  "Oh god . . . hurry!  I'm so wet!  The minute you put them on me, I . . ."

Laura merely grinned and quickly slipped into the strap-on harness.  "Lie down on your stomach, you bitch," she hissed with menace.  "Time for your punishment."

With a coquettish little anticipatory smirk, Nyomi stretched out face-down on the sheet, looking back over her shoulder at Laura.  "I'll bet you've never spanked a butt as big as mine," she said slyly, as if bragging and denigrating her magnificent assets in the same sentence.

Laura ran one hand lovingly over the large but firm bulging dark moons of Nyomi's fantastic ass.  "Never one more beautiful," she murmured under her breath, almost awed by it.

She had spanked a few beautiful bottoms in her time: Jane's, Dawn's, Deshona's, of course Makeeda's.  Some were small and taut and hard, some were larger and more voluptuous, and all were . . . thrilling.  Somehow comparisons seemed pointless, as each splendid ass had its own sterling beauty.  She bent her lips to Nyomi's and began kissing the large, firm moons as well as stroking them with her hand.

Nyomi clenched them and giggled.  "I thought you were going to spank me, not kiss my ass."

Laura opened her mouth and sank her teeth playfully into one round moon, a definite bite, but not too hard.

"Owwnncchhh!" Nyomi yelped anyway, squirming. 

"That'll teach you to shut up and take your medicine," Laura warned her.

But Nyomi smiled back over her shoulder.  "If that's all there's going to be, I think I can take it."  Her eyes rolled up a little.  "I especially like the kissing."

"Oooohhh, you minx," Laura teased, parting Nyomi's delicious asscheeks with her fingers and stabbing her tongue down into the dark crevice, making sure the tip of it grazed her tiny, pinched-shut rosebud.  "There . . . that's just a taste of what you'll get if you don't behave."

Nyomi just shivered and gurgled.  "Hurry!"

Laura raised her face out of Nyomi's asscrack and gave her a hard slap on one cheek with the flat of her palm, a quick, totally unexpected whack.

"Oooohhh . . . ouch!" Nyomi gasped, looking back over her shoulder again at Laura's hand poised over her ass.

"That didn't hurt."

"Did too!  Ouch!  Owwnnggg!  Owww!  Ouch!" she cried out as Laura gave her luscious bottom four more hard whacks with the same hand, alternating the blows between each of Nyomi's round moons.

These probably did hurt a little, since Laura made them harder, but still they were a far cry from what she planned to deliver soon.  Nyomi's ass was a masterpiece.  These slaps made her clench even more, and the clenching hardened her dark round moons into peerless balls of flesh that Laura wanted to kiss and suck as much as she wanted to flail them with her palm.  (There was also the thought of the festering wet warm blossom underneath them that she was eager to plunder.)

Still, there was a plan here.  'Spank me and fuck me,' that's what Nyomi had asked for, and that's what she would get.  Without further delay, Laura began to spank her vigorously, giving her Nyomi what she craved.  She whacked her ass hard, on both cheeks, using the flat of her palm and giving each round moon a vicious couple of spanks before switching to the other one.  Nyomi, apparently surprised by the speed and force of the attack, erupted in hot squeals.  This time, squirming wildly, she did try to wriggle away, but Laura was strong enough to pull her back into place before unleashing a fresh series of hard blows to her fantastic, delectable naked ass.

"Aiiieee . . . aaahhnngghhiieee . . . aiiieee . . . oh!  Laura!  Stop!  You're doing it too hard!  Annggiiieee!   Mnnnggeee!   Oh shit!  Oh . . . oh!  Jesus, stop . . . please!  Owwccnnhhh . . . you're hurting me!  Ouch!  Ungghh!  Oh god!"

It was, Laura realized, both remarkable and kind of scary how quickly you could get into this.  She was incited by Nyomi's wild and piteous squealing to spank her even harder, even though she adored the woman and had never had the slightest desire to cause her pain.  But the feel of her flat palm striking these beautiful hard round moons sent hot arrows of sexual electricity through her own body, as she knew it was doing to Nyomi's.  In fact, as she continued spanking her, she could see and hear Nyomi gradually growing more and more aroused, writhing sensually under her hand, moaning a little instead of squealing, turning more sensual as her physical arousal increased.

Time for Act Two.  Laura knew there was no time to waste.  They had to grab this moment of feverish passion while it was in full flower and not give it a second to deflate.  She quickly climbed onto the bed, pushing Nyomi's legs apart, exposing the hot, wet, inflamed slit of her glistening pussy, and skillfully sliding the strap-on dildo into it, carefully, slowly, then harder, until with one last jab of her hips it slammed deep into Nyomi's slit.

"Awwonngg!" Nyomi groaned, wincing and almost gagging as the whole shaft penetrated her.

Her whole long body was stretched out, face down, under Laura, her handcuffed wrists extended above her head, her shapely back a miracle of silky flesh, her ass uptilted slightly, her thick, floppy black pussy lips clinging to the pale shaft that was embedded deep in her pussy.  Laura ripped it into her again, letting her know who was boss, also knowing that Nyomi wanted it, wanted it hard.

"Awwoonngg!" she yelped again, wincing and shuddering.

Oh god, she's going to come pretty quick! Laura realized. 

"Yes . . . yesssss!" Nyomi gasped, now gyrating her ass back up into Laura's thrusting.

As usual, Laura hated the fact that it was going to be over quickly.  Half of her wanted to fuck Nyomi this way for hours and hours without any climax, until the very end.  She wanted to lean forward like this and brush her own small breasts against the sinuous curves of Nyomi's naked, dark brown back, and nip her ears from behind, and talk dirty to her, and slam the dildo deep into her beautiful pussy so she could hear the squeals and gurgling gasps of pleasure that poured out of her throat.

"You have been a naughty girl . . . a beautiful naughty girl . . . and I am going to fuck you and fuck you until you beg me to stop," she chanted, panting pretty heavily herself now too.

"Don't stop!" Nyomi gasped.  "Do it harder!"

"If I do it harder, you're going to come."

"Yes!  Unngghhh!" Nyomi grunted as Laura pierced her with the dildo again.  "Oh yes!  Auungngghh!"

Laura's hands were all over Nyomi's ass at the same time she was fucking her with rough, jabbing strokes.  Like many women Laura knew, Nyomi especially loved to be fucked doggy style and often had stupendous orgasms that way.  She appeared to be heading for another one right now.  Laura realized she could almost guarantee it as she slipped one forefinger into the moist, dark crevice between Nyomi's beautiful jouncing buns.

So far in their relationship Nyomi had not welcomed any explicit anal sex with Laura, but she would tolerate a little external tickling of her anus before she came.  But now she was so aroused that Laura felt she could get away with more.  And they were working up such a frenzied sweat that the crack between Nyomi's clenching, jiggling buns was already moist, so that a little saliva, which Laura quickly added to her forefinger, lubricated everything nicely.  Her fingertip popped into Nyomi's tight little rectum before she could object.

"Ungghh!" Nyomi gasped, straining to look rapidly back over her shoulder, her grey eyes glassy and fiery at once, her expression both shocked and quizzical.

Laura slid her whole finger in as far as it would go.  At the same time, she slammed the dildo again deep into Nyomi's pussy, with such force that Nyomi's head fell forward again into the sheet. 

"Unngghh!  What . . . are you doing!" she panted to Laura.

Laura paused in her thrusting long enough to smack Nyomi's beautiful bottom again viciously twice, three times, with the palm of her right hand, fierce, shocking blows.  Then the finger promptly slid back into Nyomi's tight little asshole, deep.

"Owwnncchh!  Ow!  Ohnnggg!" Nyomi grimaced in pain.

"I'm fucking you, you bitch!" Laura swore at her, resuming her thrusting roughly, hammering Nyomi's body into the bed, truly ravishing her probably harder than she had ever done.

At this point the excitement was so intense and severe for both of them that Laura knew nothing but a total meltdown could be the result.  And it was coming fast.  Nyomi was writhing and softly groaning in a sweet delirium under her fierce, pummeling thrusts.  She wriggled her forefinger deep in the clasping channel of Nyomi's tight anus, in effect double fucking her with sharp, feverish passion that brought Nyomi to the edge very quickly.

"Ahhnngg!  Unmmmnngg!  Oh shit!  Laura . . . you . . . you . . . oh god, fuck me harder!  I'm . . ."

"I know you are!" Laura panted, feeling Nyomi's long, voluptuous body come alive under her in ways it had not approached until now, until her climax was only seconds away.

"Awwonnggg!  Unh!   Unh!  Unh!  Oh Jesus oh shit!  Oh god, yes!  Ungghhh!"

Laura leaned forward, mashing her breasts into Nyomi's gorgeous naked back, and bit her shoulder.  At the same time her pile-driving hips slammed the dildo deep into Nyomi's pussy and her forefinger raped her anus.  All this at once sent Nyomi into a huge, rupturing, squealing orgasm that clenched her spasming body like an iron fist.

"ANNGGHMMNNIEEEE!" she erupted in frightening squeals, flipping and surging under Laura, gurgling for breath, then erupting in more piercing squeals.  "OOMMNNGGGHHNNIIEEE!  Ah!  Ahnnggg!  Oh!  MMNNGGGIIIEEE!  Oh shit . . . oh god oh shit oh dear!  Nnnnnnnn!  Ummnnnn!"

It was certainly the most violent, convulsive orgasm Laura had ever seen her have, and by far the loudest too.  Thank god we left that darling little girl with her Grandma, she thought.  No child should hear her mother being turned inside out by an orgasm.  You'd think I was murdering her or something.

Slowly, while Nyomi was still vibrating and mewling through a succession of small aftershocks, she extracted her finger from her still clenching and fluttering asshole, and also pulled the strap-on dildo out of her clinging pussy, watching with great pleasure Nyomi's thick black cunt lips clasp the wet shaft as if Nyomi's sweet pussy could not bear to let it go.

Nyomi seemed stunned and incapacitated for another minute or so.  Then she stirred.  She rolled half over onto her side, now that Laura had moved over a little to free her.  She squinted and smiled a half-smile, goofy and still groggy with spent passion.  "Shit, girl, you are a tornado.  Nobody ever fucked me like that, not any man."

"Liar," Laura smiled.  "I'll bet 'Uncle Mike' made you scream even louder than that."

"He never stuck his finger up my ass," Nyomi said softly, with a vague flicker of reproach in her striking grey eyes.  Then her eyes traveled up her arms to the handcuffs, as if to draw Laura's attention there.  "You know . . . it was exciting when you did it, but I'm getting a little tired of them now.  This is an awkward position.  My shoulders hurt."

Laura made a droll face at her and quickly took the key out of the valise and unfastened the cuffs.  Nyomi sat up, rubbing her wrists, still a little bleary-eyed and blasted from her climax.  She was so fetching in this state that Laura could barely control her freshening lust.  After all, she had not come.  She had got a lot of pleasure out of fucking Nyomi that way, but she had not climaxed herself and was severely horny still.

Nyomi's phenomenal large breasts were swaying a little under her arms as she continued to rub her wrists where the handcuffs had been.  Her dark round nipples seemed larger than ever, and more tempting, it seemed, to Laura than they had ever been.  She wanted to swallow each one.

  "I want to suck your nipples."

Nyomi smirked.  "You always want to suck my nipples.  You and about a hundred guys."

"A hundred?"

Nyomi tossed her head airily.  "Slight exaggeration."

"Let me suck them and then you can fuck me to your heart's content."

"Sounds like a plan.  Take it off and give it to me," Nyomi gestured to the strap-on dildo, which still jutted obscenely from Laura's groin.  She smirked again.  "I'm going to make you pay for being so mean to me.  And for sticking your finger up my ass, you freak."

"Oh goody," Laura flirted, sliding the straps down her thighs.  "I do so like to be ravished and raped by Miss Prim and Proper, the Mayor's Aide.  What would he do if I leaked our little escapades to the Chronicle gossip page?"

"You wouldn't dare do that," Nyomi shot her a hard, warning glance.  "The singer would find out too.  Then you'd be up Shit Crick, right?"

Laura nodded grimly.  "You're probably right.  I guess we better keep our twisted little affair to ourselves."

Nyomi grabbed the handcuffs and dangled them in front of Laura's eyes.  "Stick out those wrists, you naughty girl."

Laura hesitated, she didn't know exactly why.  Nyomi, though a hot bed partner, was a little dangerous, too.  Laura knew they came very close to a deep love for each other, but she still didn't know if she trusted her.  Handcuffs? 

"What's the matter, chicken?" Nyomi cracked, grey eyes glinting hard.

Laura nodded.  She watched Nyomi slipping into and tightening the strap-on apparatus.  "A little."

"Can't take it, eh?"

Laura pursed her lips and stuck out her wrists together.  "I thought I get to suck your nipples," she pouted, with almost shy petulance.

"Oh, you do," Nyomi said brightly, snapping the handcuffs into place.  "Lie on your back with your arms over your head.  Like this . . . that's it."  She straddled Laura's midriff with her thighs, and the still-damp dildo brushed against Laura's breasts.  Looking down at Laura, she lowered her own large breasts so that they dangled over Laura's face.  "Suck away, darling.  It makes me so horny, I'll bet I fuck you almost to death."

Laura laughed.  "I guess I get what I deserve."

Nyomi threw her head back as Laura sucked one large, dark, delectable nipple all the way into her mouth.  "Oh shit . . . you suck hard!"

Laura nipped it with her teeth.

"Ouch!  You bitch!  Oh shit, that feels good," Nyomi changed her tune in mid-growl.  "Do it again."

Laura did.  She held Nyomi's large, dark umber nipple between her teeth and shook her head like a dog worrying a bone.  Nyomi hissed with pleasure and mashed her breast so hard into Laura's face that for a moment Laura could not breathe.  She stopped biting and sucked it again, hard.

"Ngggggnnnggg!" Nyomi gave a half-demented groan.  "Oh shit . . . so good!  Suck it hard!  Now . . . do the other one."

Since Laura could barely moved and did not have the use of her hands, Nyomi obligingly moved her other breast to Laura's mouth and again moaned and gurgled as Laura assaulted it passionately.  "Oh god, I love your nipples!" Laura gasped. 

Nyomi was now panting excitedly, again mashing her breast into Laura's mouth.  But she also had the presence of mind to drop one hand to the strap-on dildo and guide the head of it quickly into the splayed, juice furrow of Laura's inflamed pussy.  She shoved it in deep.

"Unggghhhh!" Laura groaned, releasing Nyomi's nipple and writhing as arrows of intense sexual pleasure shot through her body.  "Oh shit.  Yes!  Ungghhhh!"

This was a rather awkward position, Nyomi scrunched up a little so that she could mash her wet nipple into Laura's mouth, but also trying to thrust with her pelvis, fucking Laura with the strap-on dildo.  Awkward, but they kept it up for about a minute, and the sheer awkwardness of it somehow made it even more exciting.  Laura was impaled on the cock and her whole body streamed with sexual fire, streaming toward an inevitable explosion that wasn't far away.

"Yes . . . yes . . . yes!" she gasped and grunted as Nyomi finally pulled her nipple out of her mouth and slid down just a little to get a firmer purchase with her knees on the mattress so that she could thrust now more effectively, which she did without delay.

She reached down with one hand to anchor the dildo and began to fuck Laura with fierce, relentless passion, as she had warned she would do.  And Nyomi was a big, strong woman, capable of fucking with all the pile-driving force of a man determined to spew his load as deep as possible into your poor, plundered pussy.  She fucked Laura in a hard frenzy, whether out of revenge for the anal fingering, or out of sheer frothing lust Laura couldn't tell, though she hardly cared.  The hard fucking brought her to the brink even more quickly than usual, and in only seconds she was on the verge of a killing orgasm.

"Oh god, yes . . . honey!  Yes . . . honey . . . yes!  Unngghh!  Ungghh!  Oh shit!"

Nyomi was snuffling and grunting too in the effort of fucking Laura so hard, but her gasps only mingled with Laura's into a cacophony of sexual frenzy as their two bodies slammed and writhed together in a straining delirium of crazy lust.  Yes, fuck me, yes, fuck me, Laura found herself chanting inwardly in rhythm with each sharp, penetrating thrust of Nyomi's strong body, feeling her flesh clench and flame and wince and clench again in a more and more rapid rhythm as she got closer to coming.  The strap-on dildo jammed deep into her body, stabbing her pussy, piercing her, pummeling her.

And then she was there.  A huge, crippling orgasm suddenly overtook her and wrenched her without mercy, welling up inside her body and gripping it in a fury of throttling pleasure.  "Annmmmngghnneee!" she suddenly shrieked, then went silent as the air was driven from her body.

For the next few seconds she surged and strained as the waves of excruciating pleasure gripped her, and then her lungs again filled with air and long, low whoops of happy release poured from her throat. 

"Oooooohhhhhnnnnnn!  Ahhnnnggghh!  Oh!  Oh!  Ohhnngggggghhh!"

Nyomi, who had been hugging her tightly with one arm while fucking her, holding the dildo steady with her other hand, slowly released her, and began kissing her everywhere as Laura came down from the fierce initial fury of her climax.  Nyomi's warm lips were on her shoulders, her neck, her cheeks, her forehead, and Nyomi was now cooing and sighing to her, as if to make up for this furious on-rush of passion.  She slid the dildo out of Laura's still-throbbing pussy and quickly slipped out of the straps.

"I'll bet you want these off now," she cooed, rubbing her long naked body against Laura's as she found the key to the handcuffs where Laura had left it on the bedstand and unfastened them.  "Ooohh honey, I think you take the prize for the biggest O of the day so far."

Still groggy, Laura smiled, happy to have her hands free again, running them all over Nyomi's warm flesh.  Marvelous how you could come so hard and yet still want to clutch this beautiful body.  "I don't think I ever get enough of you," she croaked softly.

"You could have more if you'd come around more often," Nyomi purred softly into her neck. 

"Alana would be even more suspicious."

"Suspicious?  Girl, she already knows we're fucking like two horny goats whenever she's not here.  And in fact, even when she is.  You heard her in the car.  'I know you guys just want to be alone so you can have sex without me being there.'"

"I know," Laura grinned.  "Isn't it terrible?  Give me those lovely big nipples again.  I didn't get nearly enough of them before you started to rape me."

She took both of Nyomi's marvelous breasts in her hands and began to kiss them extravagantly.  But Nyomi stopped her, though gently.  "Honey, you already gnawed them raw.  Give them a minute to recover, okay?  Let's go in the kitchen and heat up that leftover chicken.  All this sex makes me hungry."

"Me too.  Why don't we go out for a bite and then come back for more of this."

Nyomi gave her a droll smile.  "Don't you think we both reek of hot fucking?"

Laura winked.  "Don't you think it'll be fun to see the look on other people's faces when they get a whiff of us?"

Nyomi grinned mischievously.  "I can't wait."








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