There was a lot to be said, Laura
reflected dreamily, for snuggling under the down comforter on a rainy Saturday
morning with your naked sweetie, having slow, drowsy, sensual sex and cooing
and murmuring little intimacies to each other.
Makeeda was home for an extended period, maybe weeks, and they were
taking every opportunity for unhurried, deeply emotional sex, feeling the need
to re-bond and knit up the little frayed ends of their relationship which
separation inevitably caused.
"Oh god . . . that feels so good,"
she breathed warmly into Laura's neck.
"I forgot how good your fingers feel."
The forefinger and middle finger of
Laura's left hand were embedded in the snug, greasy channel of Makeeda's warm pussy,
but she was barely moving them. Where
they forked together, however, at the top of her palm, she was pushing gently
against Makeeda's aroused clit. Pushing
. . . pushing. Makeeda's fingers were in
Laura's pussy, too. She also was pushing
and rubbing it. But there was no hurry,
no urgency. It was as if they were both
determined to take as long as they could to finish, to draw
this sweet moment out for hours, if possible.
"Kiss me and tell me you love me,"
Makeeda whispered against Laura's lips, snaking her tongue into Laura's mouth.
"You know I do."
"We're like two infatuated
"There are a lot of things worse
than that," Laura smiled. She gazed deep
into Makeeda's marvelous hazel eyes. "I
love you, Cynthia."
Makeeda had grown used to this, now
even liked it, when Laura used her real name, which she did only in moments
like this of the most exquisite and touching intimacy. She had formerly insisted on being called by
her new name, but somehow Laura's use of 'Cynthia' meant to both of them that
Laura was loving the 'real' Makeeda, the one no one cherished, or even knew
about, but her.
"I love you, Laura. I'm sorry I'm a moonstruck teenager. Unnhhhh!" Her beautiful, striking hazel eyes rolled up
in their sockets as Laura's fingers somehow touched a sweet, secret nerve. "Oh . . . yes!"
Again they fell silent, just
kissing and rubbing. Outside the rain
alternated between heavy sheets that swept menacingly against the outer walls
of the house, and heavy downpours that felt like oceans being dumped on them The trees
whipped around dangerously, and the wind hammered shrubbery against the
windows. Laura and Makeeda were safe and
warm under their comforter. They were
making love but moved so little that even the cats had not yet fled the room, as
they usually did, fearing the whoops and groans and thrashing of more
extravagant passion.
That might come yet, but for the
present it was all gentle touching and soft cooing. They could keep this up for a long time,
Laura knew. They had done it before and
perfected it to a slow song of longing and touching and coaxing. The fact that they were slowly bringing each
other to the pinnacle was almost a side or background issue, taking a back seat
to the kissing and cooing that monopolized their attentions. Their fingers worked silently, their lips
worked tenderly, their bodies grew infinitesimally
more tense with each second, climbing the mountain, but not straining, and
above all not hurrying.
"You know . . ." Makeeda whispered,
"the rain will wash the house away and they'll find us like this, drenched and
shivering, with our fingers in each other's pussies. Then they'll know for sure what we do in here
all the time."
"Not all the time," Laura smiled.
"Sometimes we cook and eat.
Sometimes we sleep. Sometimes we
play with the cats. Sometimes you do
your vocal exercises. We aren't always
fucking like two horny old goats."
"Those are the only times I
remember when I'm away." She raised her
free hand to Laura's breasts, stroking them.
"No, I take that back. I remember
you scrubbing my back in the shower.
Once in a while we take a shower without even fucking, remember?"
"I do remember."
"And I remember the time I was sick
with the flu and you made me tea and sat on the end of the bed and read the
paper to me and kissed my forehead when you thought I was asleep. I guess there are lots of things to
Laura felt her body coming alive,
felt Makeeda's coming alive too. "All
this talk about fucking is getting me hot," she murmured into Makeeda's beautiful
bare shoulder. "I think I'm going to
Makeeda grinned. "I wasn't talking about fucking a bit . . .
but I know what you mean. Me too . . .
but don't go any faster. Let's see how
long we can do this before we come.
Let's do it so we come in spite of ourselves. Our bodies just . . . you know, have a climax
but we weren't even trying."
Laura nuzzled her neck. "I don't know about you, but I'm trying. Just looking in your eyes makes me come. I've told you that before."
"Liar. Romantic liar. If I weren't touching you, you wouldn't come."
"I might."
Makeeda grinned again. "Go ahead and lie to me. I love it."
For a while they fell silent again
but continued rubbing. Laura noticed
that their breathing, however, had accelerated.
She could feel their bodies simmering and burbling. But she knew that their climaxes were still
not close; closer, but not imminent. Nevertheless, both were squirming but trying
not to.
"I . . . think I want to go for
it," Makeeda suddenly panted.
"No . . . no . . ." Laura shook her
head. "Just let it get here. Don't force it."
They kissed again, more
heatedly. Wetly. Searchingly. Their bodies seemed to undulate in perfect
rhythm together. Laura could feel
Makeeda's pussy getting wetter by the second, and she knew hers must be
"Ohhh . . . we're getting there,"
she murmured into Makeeda's jaw, pushing closer, now feeling her small breasts
mash into Makeeda's full globes.
"Yes," Makeeda panted. "Slow . . . slow . . . god, it's heaven!"
Now the cats did
leave, hopping from the end of the bed onto the floor with a double thud, then
meandering slowly out the door, as if bored with this continual human rutting,
so unpleasant, so intrusive and disruptive of their sweet slumbers. Neither Laura nor Makeeda could suppress a
soft giggle at this. They both knew that
the cats were well aware of what was about to happen.
"I don't . . . think we can . . .
hold it back, if they . . . know it . . ." Makeeda panted.
"I don't either."
"Remind me to tell you about
something . . . when we finish."
"Okay. Unh!
Oh honey . . . you are good!"
Laura kissed her neck, her throat,
her collarbone, her smooth upper chest.
Her free hand lifted one of Makeeda's firm round breasts to her lips.
"If you suck me, I'll come!"
Makeeda gasped in a muted panic. "Really. I will."
Laura broke into a wide grin. "Oh, good! Just what I want."
There was no way in heaven and
earth she could keep herself from sucking Makeeda's big, shiny, black nipple
into her mouth. She did, sucking it
hungrily. Makeeda gave a little
choked-off caw. Her body twitched,
several times.
"Awwgghh! Oh!"
"Mmmmm! Oh shit . . ." Laura panicked, feeling her
own lower body respond to Makeeda's spasm.
Nggeeee! Ohnnggeee!" Makeeda wailed in tight,
high-pitched whine.
The next minutes were a radiant
blooming of ecstasy for them both. They
were enveloped in a hot, throbbing cloud as their intermingled bodies yearned
and spilled over in cascades of scalding pleasure, so deep and intense that
they could not even squeak or squeal but clung to each other and vibrated like
one overheated wire, gasping for breath in the grip of a huge shared
orgasm. It had been months since Makeeda
had fallen into one of her trance-like climaxes, in which she seemed
momentarily to pass out even though she was still conscious, twitching and
swooning and coming unbelievably. But
she fell into one now.
You lucky thing, Laura thought as
she held her and felt Makeeda's heart racing against her own breast, held her
as if to make sure that she came back from this crushing bliss. She herself was bathed in warm, throbbing
pleasure, her body jolted again and again by shimmering swells of sweet clenching as she
clung tightly to Makeeda and whimpered into her damp neck. Oh god, never let it end, she thought. We can die like this.
But they did not die, and even
Makeeda eventually surfaced from her trance, slowly, groggily blinking and
stretching and pushing her long, lovely body into Laura's sensually. A slow, languorous grin spread across her
face. "Only you can make me come that
way," she whispered, love in her glowing hazel eyes.
And Diane, Laura wanted to whisper
back. Diane, Makeeda's former lover,
over whom Laura could still resurrect a tiny fit of jealousy now and then, if
she let herself, which she was not going to allow herself to do right now, to
spoil this moment. Forget Diane. I have the privilege now.
"I'm so glad," she whispered
back. "But you scare me. I'm afraid you won't come back."
"Have I ever failed to come back?"
Laura shook her head. "If you didn't . . ."
They lay dozing for a while. The weather outside died down for a spell, so
that trickling rain could be heard from the gutters, and wet tires humming on
the street.
"Let me tell you something." Makeeda sat, propping herself on a
pillow. "Remember that song I sang to
you once . . . when you kept trying to get me to say I loved you."
Laura pouted. "Did not. You did
love me. You were just being mean."
Makeeda smiled and kissed her. "You're right, I was. I was afraid of how much I loved you." They kissed and mashed their naked breasts
together and almost forgot that Makeeda had begun to tell her something.
"Anyway—" she resumed. "I sing it now and then when I'm working, especially
when I'm missing you hard."
Laura blushed and bloomed with
love, burrowing her head into Makeeda's shoulder.
"And I was singing it, in Chicago,
at that club I just finished appearing at, and B.B. King was there."
"You're kidding."
Makeeda shook her head. "He and a friend were sitting in the
back. He later told me he doesn't like
to make people nervous, so he sits in the back.
Anyway, he came up to congratulate me, and he had made a record of that
song. So . . . I talked him into singing
it with me." She beamed and swelled with
pride. "Can you believe that?"
"God, I wish you had taped it or
something. How did the audience react?"
"Have you ever heard a crowd
whistle and stamp? I never heard so much
applause and cheering. He was almost
shy, too. He doesn't like to sing
without Lucille, his—"
"His guitar, I know."
"Right. He says she's his security blanket, something
to hold onto. So, I made him hold my
hand, and we sat on two stools and sang it for the people and I told him I was
singing it for you. My
Lucille. My
security blanket."
Again Laura lay
her head against Makeeda's shapely bare shoulder. "Oh god, you're making me want to fuck you
"Don't use that word," Makeeda
admonished her playfully. "Say you want
to make love to me. Not fuck me."
Laura kissed her beautiful
neck. "I want to do both."
"I think we better wait," Makeeda
purred. "If I have two of those
'Laura-loves-me' orgasms in a row, I might not come back this time. I might just sail away."
Laura dragged her back down under the
comforter just as the heavens opened up again outside, and sheets of rain
whipped against the house. The cats,
seeking safety in numbers, rejoined them on the bed. Laura nuzzled her snuggled close. "I'm giving you an hour," she breathed. "Then, it's all over for you. I'm going to sail away with you."
"Mmmmm," Makeeda nuzzled her
back. "Wake me when you're ready."
Demetra, Sara's sister, who hated
the name 'Demetra' and insisted on Dee Dee, was a beautiful and reckless young
woman with brains and a talent for self-destruction that left Laura's
imagination in the dust. Sara had spent
the better part of Dee Dee's adult life rescuing her from the tangles of
alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex, inadvertent pregnancy, and other crevasses of
premature doom. Dee Dee used her
physical beauty to ensnare and manipulate people of both genders, and Laura had
been no exception. There had been no way
in heaven and earth that she could have resisted her, and their affair had,
although other reasons had been given, probably been the ultimate cause of
Laura's split with Sara, who could tolerate almost anything but Laura sleeping
with her dangerously feckless baby sister.
It had been about a year since
Laura had seen her briefly, during a trip to Michigan,
where Dee Dee was trying, on a last probationary stab at it courtesy of the University
of Michigan, to finish up her
Ph.D. They had nearly incinerated
Laura's hotel room with hot fucking.
"Hey, did they ever complain about
us making so much fucking noise at that hotel?" These were the first words Dee Dee said to
her when Laura picked up the phone.
"Dee Dee?"
"No. Santa Claus."
"You shouldn't be calling this
number!" Laura immediately dropped her voice to a hushed whisper. "What if my honey should overhear us?"
"Your honey?"
Laura realized she had never told
Dee Dee much—or maybe anything—about Makeeda.
There were lots of details about her split with Sara and subsequent
lovers on both sides that Dee Dee would not know. On second thought, she realized, this was
silly since she was not at home but still riding the BART train. There was no chance anyone of importance
would overhear them. And anyway, Makeeda
was again out of town in L.A.
"I . . . oh, never mind. I'll explain later. Where are you, Ann Arbor?"
"I'm sitting here in Sara's
apartment drinking a rum and Coke and thinking of the first time we met. Right here. Remember?
I was drinking a rum and Coke then, too.
"Oh god, you're back!"
"Well, don't sound so overjoyed
about it, okay?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I'm just . . . surprised, that's all. Pleasantly surprised."
"Why don't I believe you?"
"Because you're being silly, that's
Though Laura knew—and Dee Dee knew—there
was some hesitation in her voice. Dee
Dee was dangerous. True, not as
dangerous as she once had been, given the fact that Sara and Laura had split
for good now (allowing for an occasional dalliance) and that Dee Dee was making
strenuous efforts to get her life in order, for a change. But still, sex with her was moth-to-the-flame
sex, wild and unpredictable. The kind of
thing you desperately wanted and feared.
For once Laura was glad Makeeda was, however briefly, out of town.
"Laura, I'm as horny as a ram
goat. I haven't had sex with anybody but
that librarian in Ann Arbor for a
year. I've been such a good girl I hate
Even though she had the phone
pressed to her ear, Laura bloomed in a hot blush and looked around the BART car
with acute embarrassment.
"Laura? Are you there?"
"Yes . . . I'm here. God, it's good to hear your voice."
It was true. She had a special affection for dear Demetra,
the wild woman. It was often hard to
believe that she and Sara were actually sisters; though half-sisters, which
maybe explained it. It was also hard to
believe that in 'real life' Dee Dee was a dry academic, a super-serious
graduate student doing a dissertation on the Marxist interpretation of Mass
Culture, or some such impenetrable gobbledygook, while in bed she was a demon
of sex.
"So . . . if it's so good to hear
my voice, why don't you pop yourself over here and hear it in person."
"What about . . .
Sara?" Laura brought up the obvious.
"Sara and Darlene went up to Reno. They're gone for two days. I'm apartment-sitting. Nobody will ever know, unless she smells you
on the sheets."
"Dee Dee . . ."
"Just kidding. We'll wash them. How long will it take you to get here? And bring that double strap-on thing of
yours, okay? If you haven't broken them
off in some sista by now. I know how
jungle fever gets the better of my Laura."
"You better stop drinking that rum
and Coke. I'm not going to fool around
with a girl who's too drunk to come."
Laura said this as quietly as possible, with her eyes still darting
around the BART car at the drowsy, oblivious other passengers.
This was an allusion to several of
their earlier trysts. In earlier days,
Dee Dee had frequently been too wasted on drink or drugs to climax.
"Laura, I'm almost coming right
now, just from talking to you on the phone," Dee Dee purred in a low, sultry
voice. "I'm playing with my snatch. Say something dirty."
"I can't. I'm on a BART train."
"Whisper it."
"I can't."
"How soon can you get here."
"Half an hour. Depending on the traffic. I'm almost home. I have to feed the cats and hop in the car."
"My. How domestic.
What about your honey? The one
you mentioned. I'm hella jealous."
"She's in L.A."
"Oh god," Dee Dee laughed wildly,
"the meeses are going to play while the cats are away!"
Because of tight traffic on the Bay
Bridge, it took Laura over an hour
to get there. Oh god, she'll be blotto
by the time I arrive, if she doesn't stop drinking, she thought. Do I really want to deal with a drunk Dee Dee? No
matter how ravishing she is?
But surprise of surprises, Dee Dee
answered the door almost completely sober.
"Don't look at me like it's a miracle," she smirked. "I stopped drinking after I hung up. Shoot, you only took about two hours to get
here. Anybody could've sobered up in
that period."
"One," Laura said, following her
upstairs to Sara's apartment. "One
hour. There was heavy traffic and a big
rig accident on the bridge. You're lucky
I made it this quickly."
She couldn't take her eyes off Dee
Dee's flesh, the part that was visible, as she followed her up the stairs. Dee Dee was wearing a midriff blouse, as she
often did when the weather was warm enough.
She had a delicious back and a delicious midriff, and was certainly not
opposed to showing them off to whomever cared to look, whenever possible. And her skin was as black as midnight, and as smooth as velvet, the most
perfect, flawless skin Laura had ever seen on a woman, bar none. It was one of the things, maybe the most
important thing, that had undermined her loyalty to
Sara long ago, and made her completely vulnerable to Dee Dee's physical allure. You wouldn't think one could give up the
woman she loves just so she could touch the perfect skin of that woman's own
sister, would you, she thought mordantly.
That's Laura for you.
"I can feel your eyes on my tummy,"
Dee Dee said as she locked the door behind them.
"You have a beautiful tummy."
"I know. Aren't I lucky? Want to see more? It's been a while since you've seen my tummy."
Playfully, she pulled up the bottom
of the midriff blouse, exposing a perfect hard stomach, silky black. Laura didn't think Dee Dee ever worked out,
but she had naturally hard stomach muscles.
"Laura . . . you're scaring me,"
she teased. "Looking
like a rapist. Never seen a
girl's tummy before?"
"Not one that yummy."
"Let me tell you something
sexy." Dee Dee lowered her voice a
little, as if someone might overhear her.
"You know my librarian friend in Ann Arbor? You know what she likes to do? She likes to rub her pussy on my tummy until
she comes. Isn't that wild? She comes every time, just gasps and gags and
wails. I've never seen anything like
it. I've had people like other parts of
my body, but I've never had anybody do that.
Until her."
"Oh god, you're making me so
horny," Laura grabbed her. "Quick, kiss
me. There aren't any hidden cameras or
anything around here, are there? So that
Sara and Darlene can watch us when they get back?"
Laura was acting playful but wasn't
entirely joking. Somehow the thought
that Sara was watching couldn't be vanquished.
It was her apartment, after
all. Sara and Laura had fucked here
gazillions of times, and doing it with her sister had always been a dangerous
violation of their sweet connection.
"Don't be silly," Dee Dee scoffed,
kissing Laura back, letting her eyes drift down to Laura's hands busily
caressing the bare warm skin of her midriff and back. "You white girls are all alike. I guess now you'll be
wanting to rub your pretty pink pussy all over my tummy, too."
"You bet I will," Laura panted,
kissing her neck. "Let's go into her
"Don't say 'her' bedroom," Dee Dee
rebuked her. "She has nothing to do with
us any more, you know. It's just 'the'
bedroom. We could fuck our brains out
right in front of her and she wouldn't have a right to say anything. Now come over here and kiss me for a little
while first. You know we never do any
kissing. Shoot, I think we fucked about
twenty times before we ever kissed at all."
"You're right," Laura burst into a
grin. She had never kissed Dee Dee, at
first. Dee Dee was too glum, too
hostile, too brittle.
Not kissing material. But god, what fucking material. Laura had wanted to fuck her long before she
had wanted to kiss her, the reverse of the way she felt with so many others. "I could go for a little kissing," she
"Good." Dee Dee dragged her over to the sofa. "I've been learning a lot about kissing from
Ginger. She's the librarian. And you, of course. After you and I started kissing. Nobody ever kissed me much before you
two. Just wanted to
dive into my pretty little black kitty, especially the guys."
"You weren't always this fun to
kiss," Laura reminded her, kissing her smooth black cheek. "Half the time you were too zoned out,
Dee Dee pouted. "Not any more. Now, kiss me and fuck me. I am so horny I could scream."
"Mmmm, my darling, you are going to
get your wish," Laura purred, embracing her and kissing her with a scorcher.
She kissed Dee Dee with fierce,
searing passion. After a minute or so
they surfaced, panting. "Shit, I can see
this isn't going to last very long," Dee Dee gasped. She looked down at Laura's hands on her body,
under her abbreviated blouse. "Want me
to take it off?"
"I want you to take everything
off. I want to kiss your whole body."
"You don't want it any more than I
do," Dee Dee grinned, pulling the shortie blouse over her head, then
unfastening her black bra, scooping the thin straps off down her arms with her
She had small but scrumptious
breasts, and Laura's hands were all over them immediately, squeezing, cupping,
tweaking. Again she assaulted Dee Dee's
mouth with her own, while holding and kneading her small breasts and coal-black
nipples. "I want to suck these," she
panted softly into Dee Dee's cheek.
"We better go into the bedroom,"
Dee Dee stopped her. "I am so horny, I'm going to come in three seconds."
"No, you're not," Laura
smiled. "I won't let you. I want to suck these."
"You forget,
I know the way you suck. Enough to make me come."
"Then I will be careful."
But already Dee Dee was struggling
to her feet, pulling Laura up behind her.
"In the bedroom."
"Yes," Laura followed her.
It was such a strange
sensation. Laura had fucked with Sara countless
times in this bedroom, in this bed. Some
of those moments had been as intense emotionally as any she had ever
experienced. Putting them out of her
mind as she and Dee Dee quickly stripped and fell on one another right in
Sara's bed was not easy. But Dee Dee was
so desirable and indeed, as she had told Laura, so horny, that it was like
trying to make love to a whirlwind, a beautiful deeply black whirlwind.
Laura's mouth and hands were
everywhere, and Dee Dee's too. She was
not content to let Laura devour her but must devour back. She sucked Laura's neck, then her nipples,
"Ouch!" Laura yelped, but
half-laughing at the same time. "You
bitch! I'm getting you back for that."
"You better," Dee Dee panted,
savaging Laura's mouth with her own.
Laura's turn. She scooped up Dee Dee's delectable black
breasts in both hands and began slurping and sucking her gleaming black nipples
hungrily. Dee Dee's body writhed under
her hands and her mouth.
"Maybe I better go get the
strap-on," Laura gasped, unable to let one of Dee Dee's wet, erect nipples out
of her mouth for a second.
"Forget it," Dee Dee gasped
back. "Do it later. Just fuck me now . . . fuck me quick. With your hand. With your mouth. Anything. Just quick. Oh shit, Laura, I have missed you."
Unable to stop devouring Dee Dee's saliva-wet,
glistening breasts, Laura thrust one hand down between her thighs and felt the
wet, matted hair of her bush, probing further to reach the hot, slimy trench of
her blossoming pussy. She slid two
fingers into it and was met by wild gyrating and pumping from Dee Dee.
"Yes! Do it!" Dee Dee panted frantically.
"I want to fuck you with my pussy,"
Laura panted to her.
Sometimes her partners could not
come from tribbing; she had forgotten whether Dee Dee was one of them. But anybody who was as near-delirious with
fuck-need as the girl in her arms was at this instant could come
that way, or any way. This was a great
opportunity not to be missed. It took
very little maneuvering to slide a leg under her and bring their groins close.
"Oh yes!" Dee Dee panted
again. "Yes yes!"
"Hold on . . . honey . . . feel me
. . ." Laura chanted to her as she spread soaked strands of crotch hair apart
on both sides and then mashed her own open pussy into Dee Dee's sopping wet
"Unnnhhhh . . . unhhhh . . ." Dee
Dee groaned softly, her head lolling back.
"Oh shit . . . yes!"
"Now . . ." Laura panted. "Do it with me . . . like this . . . yes . .
. like this."
She could feel the exquisite
sensation of her warm, slippery cunt lips sliding against Dee Dee's equally
warm, runny vulva, and knew Dee Dee could feel it too.
Pump, swirl, pump, swirl, grind a
little, work with me, get us both into that rhythm, yes, yes, let me fuck you
honey, fuck me back, honey, yes . . . yes . . .
They pushed and swirled their
groins together for a sweet eternity, until suddenly Dee Dee began to swirl
faster, more urgently. "Oh! Oh . . . fuck!" she gasped in a choked-off,
clotted voice. "Yes . . . do it hard!"
Laura could feel it too. They might not come simultaneously, but they
wouldn't be far apart. Her own body was
alive with streaming, pulsing sex fire, and just the sight of Dee Dee's naked
body and beautiful, contorted face and long black swan's neck, damp with the
sweat of their mutual effort, and her lovely small breasts bobbing as she
leaned forward or arched back, pushing her cunt into Laura's, was nearly enough
to spark the dynamite explosion that was gathering in her flesh.
"Oh . . . Laura!"
"Yes! Ungghhh!
Oh . . . yes yes!"
Dee Dee gave one last lunge into
Laura's groin, and then she erupted in violent shuddering, her whole body
straining as it clenched to release the pent-up fury of her orgasm. "Auunggghhh! Onngghhh!
Mnnnggeeee! Oh . . . shit! Auunngghhh!"
Laura was a few seconds behind her,
which was okay with her since she got to relish the sheer beauty of Dee Dee's
climax wrenching her, squeezing these helpless sounds of almost painful ecstasy
from her constricted throat. But her
vicarious enjoyment of Dee Dee's orgasm was quickly overtaken by the uprushing
spasms of her own. Just as Dee Dee began
to go slack, and subside into mewling aftershocks, Laura was gripped by a
shocking seizure of hot coming that shook her whole body.
"Anngghhh!" she cried out,
straining and stretching her whole body to let the clenching waves run through
it. "Onngghhhh! Oh!
Oh! Unngghhhhmmnnneeee!"
By this time Dee Dee was watching
her, having survived her own hot spasms, watching Laura transformed by hers,
tenderly caressing the top of Laura's thigh with her fingertips and waiting
patiently for Laura to return from her own blissful journey.
"You all right?" she asked, after a
few moments.
Laura smiled and nodded, still
panting softly. "How
about you?"
Dee Dee propped herself up on her
elbows, smiling too, in sweet relief. Her
adorable little black breasts jiggled. "Considering
that you are the queen of pussy-fucking, I can say that I never came better than that in my life.
Nobody ever fucked me that way but you.
Even Ginger."
Laura disentangled their bodies and
stretched out to kiss her. "I'm glad to
have some distinction. Something for you to remember me by."
"Oh, I don't think anyone ever
manages to forget Laura." She caressed
Laura's lips with one fingertip, a curiously tender gesture that was so unusual
for Dee Dee, who was not the tender type.
"What do you think it would feel like if we, you know, shaved down there
before we did it? Then it would be just
two little wet kitties mashing together.
Nothing in the way. God, I would come so hard."
"You just did."
"I know," Dee Dee admitted.
"You're a little slut," Laura
teased her. "Whoring
after the ultimate orgasm."
"Don't you call me a whore."
Whereas some women would say this
jokingly, Dee Dee appeared to mean it. The curse of a checkered past. According to Sara, Dee Dee had once been
spectacularly promiscuous, another reason Laura had initially been wary of
her. Laura tickled her.
"It's a joke. Don't be so serious."
Laughing, squirming away, Dee Dee
realized she had been too quick to take offense, a frequent weakness of
hers. "Sorry. I guess I'm still very wound up over this
thesis business. First I have to write
it. Then I have to go back there and
defend it. Then . . . I guess I have to
look for a teaching job." She suddenly
turned sad and troubled. "I'll be living
so far from you, Laura." Her voice was
plaintive. "So far. I'll be teaching at some dopey little college
in rural Kentucky, or
something. Some racist
burg where they expect me to wear a bone in my nose. Yuck!"
"We all have to make sacrifices for
our careers," Laura said, sententiously.
Dee Dee embraced her and kissed
her, a loud smooch. "You don't. You have everything just the way you want
it. Your lovely singer wife, your hot
nigga girl friends on the side—"
"Hold on there," Laura pinched her. She had told her earlier, during the kissing,
about Makeeda. Dee Dee
had taken it calmly, but her envy was now clearly showing.
"Ouch! Cut that the fuck out!" Dee Dee glowered at her.
"You're out of line."
Dee Dee softened. "Okay . . maybe . . ."
Laura nuzzled her neck, nipping her
earlobe, but gently this time. "You're
the only one who is hot."
"Liar." Dee Dee mashed her small, naked breasts into
Laura's. "Aren't you going to fuck me
with the double-dick monster?"
"I was considering it," Laura
feigned indifference, "but then you decided to get nasty."
"I'm sorry, Laura." She made a contrite face, but then a
mischievous one. "Truth hurts sometimes,
doesn't it."
"If you're not nice, I will leave."
"You will not. You love fucking me. Once is never enough for you." Dee Dee turned kittenish, rubbing her velvet
naked black flesh against Laura's body, enfolding her sensually. "Aren't you going to fuck me? I'm dying for you to fuck me." She sucked Laura's lower lip.
Laura was inflamed by the touch of
this magic girl. She might be a stuffy
intellectual in some ways, but she was scintillating sorcery in the sack. Her body was a miracle of supple beauty, and
had the added attraction to Laura of being coal black. Laura was all over her, kissing and licking
her marvelous smooth skin, sucking her black nipples again. Dee Dee accepted it all, panting and
squirming. "Go get it," she whispered.
Laura hopped to the living room,
then back to the bedroom, carrying her little goody bag. She quickly slipped into the harness and
steadied the Double Destroyer in place.
Dee Dee watched from the bed, fascinated. "I'm almost coming already," she said, half
in awe.
"You don't want to spoil the fun
too soon, do you?" Laura smiled at her.
Dee Dee's black eyes were glowing
embers. "I'm not worried." She stretched out her arms for Laura,
beckoning her. "I think I could come a
hundred times."
Laura smiled and climbed onto
Sara's bed with her, with Sara's sister.
"That might be pushing it a little bit," she teased, slipping between
Dee Dee's sleek, yawning black thighs as Dee Dee settled onto her back.
Laura and Sara had never used the
Double Penetrator, and bizarrely Laura found herself wondering why, even as
this electric sexual moment with Dee Dee was commencing. In fact, she didn't even think Sara knew such
a thing existed, or that Laura had one. Their
sex was never lacking for variety, but it also had packed an emotional
component that sex with few others could match, and Laura knew in her secret
heart that toys, no matter how ingenious or excitingly perverse, could only be
irrelevant to her and Sara. They might
use them temporarily, but always they would revert to the simple white-hot
connection that still drew them together now and then, even though they were
now with other partners.
It was not the same with Dee
Dee. She was a push-the-envelope kind of
girl. Anything for a
thrill, a new twist. And since
the emotional connection between them was much weaker than the sheer physical
electricity they brought one another, Laura knew that if she led Dee Dee down
the handcuffs and whips path, she would be an eager and willing follower, and probably
contribute a few perverse new strokes of her own. In fact, they had done handcuffs and
blindfold before; just as a prelude to the possible. It was almost impossible to imagine Sara
wanting to be handcuffed and blindfolded and rough-fucked until she screamed,
but the expectant look on Dee Dee's beautiful face as she watched Laura
patiently swabbing the lower prong of the Double Penetrator with baby oil was a
clear indication that she could hardly stand the waiting.
"Hurry!" she even murmured, her
throbbing eyes going briefly glassy with overheated lust. "I want it."
"I know you do," Laura smiled,
replacing the screw cap on the little bottle of oil and carefully setting it on
the bedstand. This, she thought with
amusement, is going to be the kinkiest moment ever to take place in Sara's
Dee Dee gasped a little as the two
shafts jutting from Laura's groin made first contact with her body, sliding
slowly into her pussy and her tight asshole.
Laura took it slowly. One, she
was in no hurry; two, she loved watching the expressions passing across Dee
Dee's face as the two prongs entered her body.
Dee Dee gasped, wincing slightly, her face then turning almost beatific as the
dildos pushed into her. "Oh . . .
shit. Oh god, that feels good!"
"Ummm," Laura purred in a soft,
humming sigh, just an outward reflection of the pure pleasure she got from
entering Dee Dee's body like this.
Dee Dee panted softly, freezing Laura in mid-motion. Both shafts were already deep in her
body. "Hold it there for a second. I want to feel it . . . feel both of them
deep in me."
Laura kissed her cheek, her smooth
black forehead, her ear, her bare gleaming shoulder. "They're going to be a lot deeper when I
start fucking you, you hot bitch."
"Oh shit, Laura, why can't I have
you every day?" Dee Dee began swirling
her hips. The two dildos slid in and out
of her. She gurgled and chewed on her
full lower lip. "Do it faster!"
"Now now," Laura teased her gently,
still kissing her everywhere and now pumping more vigorously in response to Dee
Dee's accelerated churning. "You don't
want it to be over too quickly, do you?"
"No . . ." Dee Dee gasped. "I want it to go on forever."
"My point
exactly. I love fucking you."
"Fuck me like a man," Dee Dee
suddenly panted. "Fuck me hard . . .
like a man."
She had asked Laura this
before. In fact, Laura reflected, she
asked Laura that nearly every time. Dee
Dee, like some others, wanted it hard.
Gentle, loving, tender sex was not for her. She wanted to be hammered and tonged. Fuck me like the hammers of hell, Laura, you
coward! she had once interjected in the middle of a crackling
whirlwind of rough sex they had inspired in each other.
It took a minute for Laura to get
into it. This was Sara's bed, after all:
a place of almost sacramental seriousness to her, where she and Sara had
occasionally come closer to an almost holy union of their two trembling bodies
than Laura had ever imagined possible. Dee
Dee was asking, no, demanding of her that she turn it into a steamy cauldron of
fierce, searing, screaming lust, and it took her a minute or so to give in.
But give in she did. For one thing, Dee Dee's writhing,
straining, churning body was just an amazing miracle of desire under her. How could any woman be this beautiful? How could her whimpering and panting and
increasingly desperate moaning do anything but make you want to devour her with
pure sexual hunger? Laura filled her
mouth with Dee Dee's small, lovely breasts, first one, then the other, her lips
tearing at Dee Dee's stiff black nipples, sucking them down, feeling Dee Dee's
body quake in response.
Oh god, she's going to come! Laura
thought. Too soon, too soon! But she knew you had to ride this horse in
the direction it was going. She picked
up the pace to match Dee Dee's keening, surging desperation, Dee Dee's headlong
dash toward the final eruption. Dee Dee
whooped and gurgled and groaned, her body rising off the mattress to meet
Laura's thrusts, her flesh alive with tense need.
"Yes . . . ungghhh! Yes!
Like that! Anngghh! Ummnggg!
Oh shit! Harder! What's the matter, Laura, can't you do it
harder! Aunngghh! Yes!
Like that! HARD! Ommnggg!
Unh unh unh!"
"Oh baby . . . oh honey . . ."
Laura panted to her, almost out of breath herself as she fucked her
frantically, holding the base of the Double Penetrator with one hand to steady
it and secure it, while her hips jabbed and plunged the two shafts deeply into
Dee Dee's straining body again and again.
"Oh fuck! Yes!
Oh god yes shit fuck yes hard hard unnmgggg! Oh!
Laura leaned forward and encircled
Dee Dee's neck with one arm, mashing her own breasts into Dee Dee's and sucking
her sweaty black neck and impaling her viciously on the two prongs as she felt
Dee Dee's marvelous, strong young body literally explode in huge, flexing
spasms of ecstasy. She fully expected a
keening roar of release to flood the room from Dee Dee's lungs, but instead for
a few seconds Dee Dee emitted only a clotted, high-pitched, choked off whinny,
a helpless juddering whimper of barely endurable, excruciating pleasure. They clung together fiercely, Dee Dee still
shuddering, clenching, shuddering. Then, a huge cry burst forth from her throat
as the air finally escaped from her lungs.
out, now flipping and surging even more wildly up into Laura's body. "Ohhnngggmmnngg! Oh shit!
Laura held her tight. There was nothing else she could do. She held tight, wondering if she had ever
seen Dee Dee come this hard. Or this long. It
seemed to go on forever. She was no
longer thrusting, just holding the spasming girl until the spasms seemed to
start fading, and Dee Dee's labored breathing finally drowned out her dying
sighs of rapture.
And then they were silent, still
glued together, panting, Laura on top, Dee Dee still twitching and fluttering a
little underneath her. We are literally
glued together, Laura realized, feeling the sweat from each of their bodies
stick and weld their flesh together as they gently moved against each
other. It was, she was reminded again, a
warm day.
"I think we're stuck together," she
whispered against Dee Dee's marvelous, shiny black cheek. "It feels good."
"You are damned right it feels
good, girl friend," Dee Dee smiled back slowly.
"If you move, I'll kill you."
Not wanting to risk being murdered,
Laura did not move for long minutes. But
finally Dee Dee got tired of having her body weighted down by Laura's.
"You're a skinny little white
girl," she grinned, "but you're crushing the breath out of me. Isn't fucking me like the hammers of hell
enough for you?"
"There you go with the 'hammers of
hell' again," Laura smiled, extracting the two wet shafts of the Penetrator
from Dee Dee's body and rolling off to the side.
Dee Dee grabbed her before she
could get away. She was never solemn and
romantic, but this time she kissed Laura searchingly, and long. "Nobody in the universe ever fucked me like
you do, Laura. I wish we would both die
right now, while it's perfect."
"Don't say that," Laura
frowned. "There's plenty more where that
came from."
Dee Dee flirted, showing how she
could be kittenish and seductive when she wanted to be. "Are you sure? Can I have some more? After we both rest a
Laura stretched out next to her and
enfolded her delicious body in her arms.
"I think it can be arranged. But
I have an idea. Let's retire the Hammers
of Hell for a while and just snuggle and lick and suck and see how long it
takes both of us to come."
"I can go for that," Dee Dee
"Anyway . . ." Laura gave her a
pert stare, "I didn't get to rub my pussy on your gorgeous tummy yet."
Dee Dee flirted salaciously, "I can hardly wait."