Laura - Chapter 336





Laura lay in bed with Frankie after about an hour of exhausting and exuberant fucking.  They were coiled warmly together, drowsily nuzzling and sighing.  The kitten, Sammie, quickly growing into a cat, was between them, preventing them from completely touching but making a happy threesome that neither one was willing to interrupt.

"Shit, I have to go to Denver," Laura said softly, wearily, out of the blue, though not stirring. 

Her cheek rested on Frankie's shoulder, one hand cupping Frankie's small, lovely breast.  After weeks of overwork, Frankie was taking a few hours off to relax.  "I wish we could do this forever and never move," she said, ignoring Laura's tiny outburst.  She scratched Sammie behind the ears.  "I wish you married me instead of her.  Then I could stay home and you could support me.  I hate being a lawyer."

"You do?"

Frankie nodded.  "Maybe it'll get better.  This is better."  She kissed Laura's forehead.  "Just lying here with you.  I don't want to do anything but this."

"Unfortunately, neither one of us is rich," Laura observed.

Frankie stretched.  She had a skinny but magnificent, very black body, with a tiny waist and thrilling ass, the kind of body that made Laura quiver and salivate.  She could not keep her fingertips from running all over it.  "So," Frankie said, "tell me about Denver.  You could probably see my sister, while you're there.  Like, for dinner or something."

"Your sister?  I didn't know you had a sister."

"Twin sister," Frankie nodded.  "Regina.  She's an assistant hospital administrator in Denver.  Why are you going there?"

Laura briefly described the conference she was being forced to attend, as a representative of her company.  "They must trust you a lot if they're forcing you to go," Frankie reasoned.

Laura nodded absently, her mind instead lingering on Regina.  "Your twin?  She looks just like you?"

Frankie smiled.  "What is it about the word 'twin' that you don't grasp?" she teased.

Laura grimaced sourly.  "You could be fraternal twins," she said.

"Right.  You're smart, you know?  No wonder they're sending you there.  Nothing slips past Laura.  Identical, though.  Identical twins."

Laura pinched her.  Frankie laughed and squirmed away.  Sammie, roused from her slumbers, blinked and looked up.  This kind of playfulness usually led to more sex, but Laura was intrigued by the thought of Regina and didn't want to let it drop.  Frankie could see her thinking.

"I'll call and let her know you're coming.  But I wouldn't get any ideas, if I were you.  Gina loves The Dick.  In high school when I was, you know, screwing constantly like a maniac with Sandra all the time, Gina couldn't let up with the criticism.  'You revolting little lezzie, how can you do that?  Sticking your tongue into another girl's coozy!  You're sick, both of you!  You should get help!'  All that kind of stuff.  She didn't approve.  To put it mildly."

"Still.  How would you feel if I . . . shall we say, did talk her into it?"

Frankie almost guffawed.  Her laugh was an explosive outburst.  "Good luck there!  You think I'm kidding.  Gina loves The Dick.  Get it?  Hard and long and tireless fuck-me-all-night-Daddy dick.  You'll have about as much chance turning her as turning a train off the track."

Laura smiled.  "You will make a good lawyer," she teased.  "You express yourself very well."

Frankie pursed her enchanting lips primly.  "I just know what I'm talking about, that's all.  She'll think you're a freak for even suggesting it."

Laura stroked her naked body lovingly.  "I just can't get over the feeling . . . that there are two of you like this.  Two bodies like this."

"Not completely," Frankie announced, almost haughtily.  "She has a scar on her forehead she got when we were six.  She fell while wading in a creek near our house and cut it on a rock.  That's how you can tell us apart.  Also, she loves The Dick, as I told you, whereas I—"

"Sort of swing both ways," Laura interrupted.

Frankie snuggled closer, mashing her naked breasts against Laura's.  "Used to.  That is, until I met you."

"But you wouldn't be jealous?"

"Ha!  Nothing to be jealous of!  You haven't got a chance.  Even if you did, why should I care?  She's my sister.  Go ahead and fuck her, if you can.  She'll be the lucky one.  Fucking with Laura is about the best thing there is."

"Honey, you are so sweet."  Sammie, annoyed by their groping and stroking and deep sexual kissing, awoke and bounded away, off the bed.  Laura clutched the naked Frankie closer and breathed in her ear.  "I think I need you again, need to feel you gasping and groaning in my arms."

Frankie gazed almost dreamily into her eyes.  "I think I am ready to be bop bop bopped."






Denver was dreary and cold.  It was not one of Laura's favorite destinations, though this time the realization that there was another Francine, her gorgeous twin sister Regina, living there somewhat palliated the mild ordeal of going there.  The wind was blowing sharp, and the sky was steel.  It was supposed to snow by nightfall.  I'm just not a mountain girl, I guess, she thought, sitting in her hotel room, wondering whether to call Regina, whose number Frankie had supplied her with before she left San Francisco.

Regina.  Who loves The Dick.  She smiled, recalling Frankie's characterization of her twin sister.  Well, maybe just company for dinner.  No expectations.  After all, I have dear, delectable Frankie to consume at home.  I don't need the struggle of trying to get a carbon copy of her into bed.  No pun intended.  Especially a copy who 'likes The Dick.'

Since it was still mid-afternoon, she called the hospital where Regina worked.

"Hi, Laura."  At least she was friendly.  "Frankie called and let me know you'd be calling.  I'm kinda busy right now, but I was thinking, why don't we meet when I get off work and we can decide if we want to do dinner or maybe get together later in the week.  How long are you going to be here?"

Laura told her and they arranged to meet in the lobby of Laura's hotel at six.  Laura took a nap and went downstairs about 5:45.  She was slightly unprepared for what she saw when Regina arrived at about 6:10.  Shockingly gorgeous.  Throat-catching gorgeous.  She was identical to Frankie, of course, but she dressed much more flamboyantly, and her hair was cut much more sexily, long, brushing her shoulders, the only thing that was blacker than she was.

Of course Laura was used to Frankie being gorgeous, so it stood to reason her twin sister would be equally so.  Duh.  But at first glance Regina was a wholly different article, dressed in a pale green dress cut high on the knee, with a daring scarf of burnt orange around her neck, and gold bangles on her wrist.  Frankie dressed in a severe, corporate style, and also cut her hair accordingly, determined not to let her appearance detract from her I'm-all-business manner.  She was still stunning, but she chose not to draw attention to that fact, whereas Regina seemed to be saying, "If you don't look at me, you'll really be missing something."  Laura tried not to drink her with her eyes.  She noticed the barely visible shiny crescent of a scar on Regina's forehead that Frankie had told her about.  Being a whore for scars and birthmarks, as she had told Shelley recently, Laura immediately wanted to kiss it.

Regina smiled broadly and warmly at her as they shook hands.  "You're Laura.  I'd know you anywhere.  Francine gave a good description.  The super model hair.  The Stephanie Seymour look.  Poor Stephanie.  She's been in the papers lately.  Ugly divorce.  Not so with you, I hope."

  "Frankie didn't prepare me for you, I'm afraid," Laura flirted, but she hoped not too obviously, skirting the subject of divorce. 

But Regina's smile suddenly turned ambiguous, and Laura could see the gears whirring in her brain.  Another one of Frankie's dyke girlfriends, she could see her thinking.  Probably hoping to score a twofer, right?

Oh, I'm not going to spar with you over that, darling, Laura thought, dropping Regina's shapely black hand as if she, Regina, were being over-familiar, as if to say: I may be what you think, dear, but your gorgeous black pussy (if Frankie's is any clue) is safe from me.

Regina seemed to get the message.  "You hungry for dinner?  Some friends of mine own a great little bistro about three blocks from here."

"I have to go upstairs and get my coat."

"Great.  I'm parked out front in a white zone anyway.  Better get out there before they have me towed.  Green Beamer.  I'll be waiting."

The restaurant Regina took her to was indeed stylish and filled to the brim with young professionals like themselves.  Regina seemed to know everyone there.  She was animated and vivacious, charming and oozing with confidence and sex appeal.  Laura could tell from the way everyone looked at her that they all wished they could get Regina into the sack.

I wonder which of them has got lucky, she mused, appraising each man for likely candidates.  Regina likes The Dick, she could almost hear Frankie repeating the mantra in her brain as she looked at each one.  As time went on, though, and Regina received and gently rebuffed two phone calls during dinner, each from a different man, Laura grew to realize that the guys in this restaurant, for the present at least, were only eager to be recruited into her bed.  These other two were probably already there.

"Men are pests," Regina finally said wearily, after the second phone call, as she put her cell phone back into her purse.  "But then you probably know that."  She shot Laura a significant glance.

Is this my clue to make an abject confession? Laura wondered.  Alas, yes, I have fucked your darling twin sister Francine.  I have fucked her to the moon and back.  You could only hope to be as good in bed as she is, dear.

But she said nothing.  "I like this chicken pesto."  She filled her mouth with it so she wouldn't have to speak.

But Regina would not let it rest.  "You and Frankie have a . . . thing?" she asked, pointedly.

Laura smiled calmly.  "A thing?"

"You don't have to be coy with me, Laura.  In high school she went lock, stock, and barrel lesbian.  I thought the two of them were going to get married, they were so stuck on each other."


"Yes," Regina broke into a grin.  "Sandra.  You've heard about Sandra."

Laura nodded.  "And Jamal."

Regina frowned.  She was sweet and beautiful throughout their other conversational topics, but the mention of Frankie's sex life had turned her sour and ill-tempered.  "Baby sister likes to swing both ways.  Go figure."

"Baby sister?"

"She was born forty-five seconds after I was.  You haven't known many twins, have you."

"No."  Laura shook her head.

"Francine is my twin and also my baby sister.  I like to look out for her."

Laura smiled an amused smile.  "You don't have to protect her from me.  She's perfectly capable of that herself."

Regina looked down at her plate, then back up at Laura, her expression having quickly changed to puzzling hostility.  "Just because you two are fucking doesn't mean I have to like it."  Her mouth, formerly so sensual, became a straight line.

She was so bewitchingly lovely, so black and sleek and hard and gorgeous like a finely cut diamond is gorgeous, that Laura almost felt the breath catch in her throat.  She was the mirror image of Frankie and yet harder, fiercer, and somehow, Laura sensed, hotter in her core.  She would burn you alive in bed.  All these slavering guys in the restaurant and on the phone didn't have a clue what they were pursuing in her.

"I guess whether you like it or not doesn't matter," Laura said airily, wiping her mouth with her napkin.  "People can't pick who they fall in love with."

This, she thought, though true, was introducing a novel twist.  It had just occurred to her and she had blurted it out, not really anticipating the consequences.

"Love?  You guys are in love?"  Regina glanced down at the gold ring on Laura's left hand.  "Aren't you married?"  She pointed at it.  "Aren't you in some kind of twisto lesbian marriage?"

Now Laura blushed hotly.  Things were getting out of control.  "I didn't mean to say 'love.'  We are very close."

"I'll bet," Regina snapped.  "Closer than peas in a pod."

Again Laura filled her mouth and chewed.  After a discreet silence, she said, "What does it matter to you?  She has a life.  Her law firm likes her very much.  She has a bright future."

Regina looked down at her plate, unwilling to meet Laura's eyes for a moment.  "You know . . . you're right.  If a little carpet munching now and then makes her happy . . ."  She shot Laura a sharp, vaguely hostile glance.  ". . . who am I to object, right?"

"You don't have to be so mean about it," Laura said softly.  "I'm not such a bad person.  I really care about her."

"I can see you do."  Regina softened, but not much.

They finished off the wine bottle and Regina refused Laura's offer to pick up the check.  "I can expense it," Laura said.

"I wouldn't think of letting Francine's girl friend buy me dinner just to win me over," Regina cracked ironically, giving her a smirk. 

She drove Laura back to her hotel.  "Tell me one thing," she said in the car, idling curbside by the large glass sliding doors to the lobby.  Again she pointed to Laura's wedding ring.  "I know how Frankie falls in love.  I don't want you hurting her.  What about your 'wife'?  Is that what you call her?  Your wife?"

Laura nodded.  "Frankie understands.  We have something like 'love,' but she knows how I feel about my wife.  I guess . . . things are often more complicated than we'd like them to be."

"I guess you got that one right," Regina said wearily, almost as if she were growing resigned to the weird permutations of this puzzling life.  For example, how anyone could crave pussy when they could have The Dick . . . "Well . . . enjoy the rest of your stay in Denver."  She shook Laura's hand, more warmly now.  "I enjoyed meeting you.  Take care of Frankie for me."

"I will," Laura smiled.

"Don't break her heart.  Promise me."

"I promise."

"'Night, Laura."

"'Night, Regina."

"Gina.  Please."

"Okay.  'Night, Gina."






Laura did not spend much time, back in her hotel room, wishing she could have gone farther with Gina.  That was obviously an avenue not worth even heading down.  She did have dreams of her, or perhaps Frankie, since who could tell them apart?  This one was deliciously naked, though, and coiled together with her, though they were not fucking.  Dreams were so weird.  She would die to fuck Regina, she knew.  Regina's bristly, faintly hostile attitude made her even more desirable, challenging.  She must be hot in bed, Laura mused.  God knows her baby sister is.

She was therefore surprised the following evening when she got back to her room after a day of conferencing and meeting with clients and found the red light flashing on her bedside telephone.  A message.  "Laura, this is Gina.  Don't make any plans for dinner.  I'll pick you up at six."

"To what do I owe this honor?" Laura asked her in the car, on the way to another of Regina's favorite restaurants. 

"My boyfriend is out of town," Regina almost snapped, as if she had called Laura against her better judgment.  "I hate eating alone."

"You sound like you could use a drink.  I know I could.  A day of working and meetings is enough to make me crabby too."

Regina shot her a smile.  "You're right . . . I'm feeling a little nasty.  Sorry.  Nothing personal."

Laura smiled back and said nothing.  I could kiss away your cares, my darling, her eyes said to Regina, who was however too busy driving to notice.  Boyfriend or no boyfriend.  I could make you pant.

They soon pulled up in front of a Thai restaurant.  Regina killed the engine and frowned.  "They don't have a bar here.  You really want a drink?"

Laura nodded. 

"Me too."  Regina started up the car again.  "Let's go to my place and have a drink.  There's a Chinese restaurant that'll bring the food.  I have a menu we can order from over the phone."

Laura smiled.  Shades of Frankie, who also had a Chinese takeout place nearby.  "I love Chinese," she said.

Regina had a nice, spacious apartment near the hospital where she worked.  There were no conspicuous signs of a man living there too, so Laura concluded that this 'boyfriend' she had referred to was not a live-in partner.  Regina disappeared into one of the bedrooms without a word and reappeared moments later having changed into loose black pants and a baggy pink sweatshirt, looking nothing like her previously glamorous self, except that it was impossible to disguise raw beauty by careless clothing. 

The pink sweatshirt showed off her rich, deeply black, smooth-beyond-belief skin, so reminiscent of Frankie's, which Laura ran her lips over in a hot fit of lechery whenever she got the opportunity.  Only there wasn't much of it showing now.  Just her wrists and hands, her long black swan's neck.  More of her delicious skin had been visible when she was wearing her working clothes.

"You're staring, Laura."

"Sorry.  You look . . ."  She made a pixieish smile, she hoped.  "So much like Frankie."

"I would hope so," Regina smirked.  But her eyes said: Don't get any ideas!

"I mean, in a good way.  You're both so gorgeous."

"Wine or vodka?" Regina asked, not deigning to notice Laura's compliment.

"I'll have what you're having."

Regina uncorked a bottle of Merlot and poured them each a glass: big, cavernous, expensive wine goblets.  She offered Laura a chance to clink glasses.  "To Frankie.  We both love her, I guess."

"Yes, we do," Laura smiled sweetly.

"In different ways," Regina cracked, lasering Laura with her dark eyes.  She had a nasty streak that Laura had never noticed in Frankie.

 "I think I make you uncomfortable," Laura said, boldly.

"You're probably right," Regina said, walking into the room adjacent to the kitchen and sitting on a huge dark brown leather sofa, leaving Laura to sit wherever she chose.  "Just like you haven't known many twins, I haven't known many lesbians.  I prefer male company."

"Francine told me."

Regina raised one eyebrow.  "What did she tell you?"

Laura pondered what to say.  "She said . . . she told me not to get fresh with you because—"

Regina broke out into a broad grin before interjecting: "Gina likes The Dick."

Laura laughed.  "How did you know?"

"Old joke.  Between us.  I tease her about liking pussy, and she teases me back about liking cock."

Laura said nothing.  She was not going to push this subject any farther unless Regina wanted to.  They sat silently and drank their wine for a few minutes.  Laura wanted so much to touch her that she could feel her fingers trembling and twitching.  I am very susceptible to the beauty of beautiful women, she chanted her mantra over and over.  I must have self-control.

By now they had both drunk nearly a glass of wine and were feeling more relaxed.  Regina smiled and tucked her bare feet under her butt on the sofa.  Laura had not noticed until now that she was barefoot.  Her feet were marvelously well-shaped, very black on top and salmon-pink on the undersides.  Laura was not, as she realized some people were, a 'foot' person.  Feet and ankles, no matter how delectably shaped, did not light little sparkling fires in her pussy.  But she was so enchanted by Frankie's twin that every little glimpse of bare skin she could get excited her.

"You're staring again," Regina said to her, this time not as sharply, with a little smirk.

I know what you look like under your clothes, Laura thought, hoping telepathically to transmit this provocative thought to Regina.  I've already kissed your entire naked body in absentia, so to speak. 

"You're gorgeous.  I love gorgeous women.  So, shoot me."

"How did you get into women instead of men?  You're gorgeous too.  They must all be after you."

"Some."  Laura didn't answer the first question.

"So, what is it?  You have better orgasms?  Or more of them?  Frankie told me she never came with a man—meaning her ex-husband Jamal, she's such a little naïf—never like she did with Sandra."

Laura, feeling a little reckless (maybe the wine), shot her a hard glance, but with a smile to soften it.  "Want to find out?"

Regina, who never seemed to flinch, flinched a little at this.  She looked down.  She looked back up.  "You just think it would be a feather in your cap to bag a pair of twins?"

"Absolutely not.  I'm not looking for trophies."

"Just for sex?"

"I wouldn't turn it down.  You're very beautiful, as I already said."

"How about another glass of wine?"  Regina stirred from the sofa, standing up, taking her glass and Laura's.

"If I don't have something to eat, I'll get woozy."  Laura stood up too and followed her back to the granite countertop, where the half-empty wine bottle was.  "I might do something I'm sorry for."

Regina smiled, looking sharply in her direction.  "What, like make a pass at me?"

"I thought I already did that."

Regina sat both wine goblets down by the bottle, without refilling them.  "You are the damnedest person.  You've got brass."  She grinned suddenly and uncorked the bottle.  "I've never known anyone as bold as you.  No wonder Francine likes you.  She likes brass.  Thinks maybe some of it will rub off on her."

Now Laura reached out with one hand, bolder than ever, bolder than she felt she had ever been, and ran the backs of her knuckles along Regina's smooth black cheek, then along her jaw bone up to her earlobe.  "You are enchanting," she whispered.  "Why not let me kiss you?  We don't have to go any farther."

"I've never kissed a girl.  Or been kissed by one, either."

"You know you want me to.  You're curious."

"You're right."  Regina's eyelids suddenly drooped sexily, something over which she seemed to have little control.  Her eyes descended to Laura's mouth.  "What the hell," she half-whispered.

"Yes . . . what the hell.  Frankie swore you wouldn't," Laura lied.

"What does she know."

Laura took this for the green light.  She moved her face closer, closer, and her lips brushed Regina's.  Regina did not move.  Laura pushed her mouth further forward so that their lips mashed lightly together.  She extended the tip of her tongue and ran it over Regina's top and then bottom lip.  Regina, whether in shock or receptivity, opened her lips slightly, and Laura's tongue slipped inside.  This, before their mouths had really mated in a serious kiss.  Their lips were still barely brushing.

Laura was patient.  You couldn't be anything but patient with a hard case like Regina.  She probed with the tip of her tongue, but it was not an overtly sexual kiss, merely a slow, sensual one.  As her tongue probed more deeply, their mouths came together more completely, and soon they were really kissing, moving their lips, pushing together more urgently.  Regina's tongue now met hers and coiled around it, a long tongue, like Frankie's.  Laura caressed her cheek and her neck with her fingertips, kissing her more searchingly.

Suddenly, Regina broke it off and pulled back a little.  "That's enough."

"Oh.  I'm sorry.  Didn't you like it?" Laura asked, knowing she had liked it.

Regina refused to answer.  She poured more wine.  "We better order that Chinese food before we get drunk."

Laura put a hand over hers on the countertop, forcing her to look up.  "We don't have to go any further.  Just tell me you liked it."

Regina looked at her with a mixture of her earlier hostility and a new, brimming affection that she could not disguise.  "You're a very good kisser.  Satisfied?"

Laura grinned.  "You know the answer to that.  But it'll have to do."  She picked up the restaurant menu Regina had supplied earlier.  "I love broccoli beef."

Regina did not lower her glance or respond to the suggestion.  Suddenly she took a step closer to Laura.  Her black eyes were smoking.  "Again," she murmured, almost inaudibly.

Laura did not hesitate.  She kissed her passionately this time, grabbing her slender body and pulling it close, drinking her beautiful mouth, jabbing her tongue into it.  Regina made little whimpering noises as they kissed, wetly, heatedly; little noises that Laura knew must drive her male lovers insane with lust.  They certainly had that effect on Laura.  Her fingers bit into the hard flesh of Regina's lean back through the loose sweatshirt.

She had no idea how long the kiss lasted since she was in a swirling whirlpool of physical desire, throbbing and tense with craving.  She could feel that Regina was caught in it too, but Regina had self-control.  She finally pulled back.  "No more," she wiped her lips, her eyes pulsing, her breath coming a little fast.  "I'm . . . not going to do it with you."  She wiped her mouth again, as if for emphasis.  "I . . . just wanted another one."

"I don't blame you.  I want another one now."

Regina smiled cryptically.  "Me too.  You're good."

Honey, I can kiss your sweet black pussy the same way, Laura thought.  "Let's sit over there and kiss one more time," she nodded toward the large leather sofa on which Regina had been sitting earlier.  (Some women like to kiss, she thought happily, remembering Arthell especially.  Shoot, there are even whole web sites devoted to women kissing.  We're like them.)  "We don't need to eat yet.  This is more fun."

Regina nodded, slowly following Laura back into the larger room behind the granite countertop.  "I never dreamed I'd be doing this."

"We're not doing anything."  Laura patted the space next to her, inviting Regina to sit.  "But kissing.  I like kissing you."

Regina smiled a genuine, warm, friendly, unambiguous smile for the first time she had ever smiled such a smile at Laura.  "Do that thing where you run your tongue up under my upper lip.  Nobody ever did that to me before.  It makes me shiver."

"I will be so happy to oblige," Laura smiled back.

She held Regina's face in both hands and pressed her mouth very firmly into hers, instantly parting her lips and sliding her tongue in, wriggling the tip of it up where Regina had requested it to go.  Oh god, if we're lucky we'll both come right now! she thought, feeling a spurt of happy sexual surge flow through their bodies simultaneously.  Regina did quiver a little, as promised.  She kissed Laura back more aggressively than before, stabbing her tongue into Laura's mouth.

They grabbed and kissed each other hard, their hands roaming.  Only after a minute or so did Laura come partially to her senses and realize that she had one hand already under Regina's sweatshirt, rubbing her smooth, warm back.  They were still kissing hard, and Regina was again making the soft little whimpering noises that fanned Laura's lust so sharply.  She realized that Regina was like Frankie and not like her: the same body, the same face, but different in her soft moaning and her little kissing habits, like nibbling Laura's lips, and nipping her tongue playfully, before plunging ahead with more passionate, searching kisses.

Finally, they pulled back, panting, both a little flummoxed by their enthusiasm.

"Oh shit, you really got me into that," Regina gasped softly, seeming embarrassed by her display of passion.

Laura was not embarrassed.  She wanted to eat the lovely woman alive.  Her hand, under Regina's sweatshirt, was still pressed against Regina's silken, lean, warm back.  Regina was not wearing a bra under it, and it was an easy matter for Laura to slide the hand around and cup one of her small, firm breasts, the shape so familiar, an exact replica of Frankie's breast, which she had devoured on so many happy occasions.

"I didn't say you could touch me," Regina said sternly.  But she did not pull back.  She simply glowered at Laura, but her glowering seemed more sexual than irate.

"I know.  Sorry.  Want me to stop?"

"What the hell," Regina whispered, again looking embarrassed.  "Just kiss me again."

Laura pushed her against the back of the sofa and kissed her ravenously now, moving her other hand around to cup her other breast, then squeezing both of them, her hands shoved awkwardly up under her sweatshirt, as she raped Regina's mouth. 

"Nnnnnnn . . . nnnnnnn . . . nnnnnnn . . ." Regina moaned softly as Laura drank her mouth, kissing back now, eagerly, drinking Laura's in return.  "Oh fuck . . . you're really making me want this," she panted against Laura's lips.


Laura kissed her cheek and her neck.  "You have such a beautiful neck."

"I'll bet you said that to Frankie," Regina giggled softly. 

Laura bit her earlobe.

"Ouch!  Fuck . . . why did you do that?"

"To make you want me to do it again."

Regina laughed out loud this time.  "God . . . you are hot!  No wonder she likes you."

Laura was still hungrily kissing her long black swan's neck.  "The question is: do you like me?"

"Not enough to fuck with you, if that's what you mean," Regina continued laughing softly in a low, throaty, very seductive way.  "Anyway, I'm not a lesbian.  I wouldn't even know how to do it."

Laura, knowing it would register immediately, gave her a 'Duh!' look.  "I know a little bit about it," she said, now inching up Regina's sweatshirt with her forearms so that she could get her mouth on more of her bare body.  She squeezed Regina's small, lovely breasts again in both hands.   "I want to kiss these."

"You are very forward."

"I know.  So, shoot me."

"You already said that."

By this time, Laura had the bottom edge of the sweatshirt up over Regina's breasts.  She could now see Regina's very black nipples peeking through the gaps in her pale fingers.  "You don't mind . . . do you?"

Regina's eyes pulsed and sparked.  "If you're as good at that as you are at kissing . . . I don't mind."

"Oh, I'm even better at this."

Regina said nothing, but her eyelids drooped sexily again, as if to say, Go ahead and prove it.

Laura knew somehow that the battle was won.  She kissed her way lower, down this familiar body, kissing her collar bones and her smooth black chest, cradling one small breast in her palm and letting her lips descend slowly to Regina's swollen, coal-black, gleaming nipple, then not bothering to lick or tease it but sucking it immediately inside her mouth.

"Hhhhh!" Regina gasped, slightly arching her back, as if surprised by the sexual heat of Laura's attack.

Laura sucked most of her small breast into her mouth, almost reeling with hot, lecherous happiness.  She somehow had an inkling that Regina would like it hard, was used to rough handling by her male lovers and would not object to this fierceness.  She sucked and sucked, feeling Regina's thick, silky nipple expand in her mouth, stiffen under her vigorous tongue.  And she could hear Regina's characteristic soft, insistent moaning as she sucked her.

"Nnnnnn . . . nnnnnn . . . nnnnnnn!  Oh!  Oh shit . . . Laura . . . you suck hard!"

Laura looked up, releasing her wet breast for a moment.  "Too hard?"

Regina smiled and shook her head.  "I like it hard."

"Mmmmm, me too." 

Quickly she stuffed most of Regina's small, saliva-wet breast back into her mouth and ran her fingers all over the exposed upper part of her body while sucking it again.  Regina gasped and gurgled, her finger scrabbling in Laura's hair, finally holding Laura's head, as if to prevent Laura from stopping.  Laura had no intention of stopping.  She sucked and sucked and squeezed and then quickly moved to Regina's other breast, giving it the same treatment.

By now Regina was squirming a little, as well as moaning more loudly.  You could hear the leather of the sofa squeak and creak under her bare skin as she writhed and held Laura's head,  panting seriously, pushing her breast into Laura's mouth.  "Oh god, that feels good!  No wonder Frankie lets you fuck her."

Laura smiled up at her, holding both of Regina's wet breasts in her hands, pinching her stiff black wet nipples.  "But are you going to let me?"

Regina grinned down at her, but her dark eyes were swirling and throbbing with sex.  "I . . . I think I am," she gasped, as if surprised to hear herself say it.  "What the hell.  You've got me so wet."

Laura slid up to kiss her mouth again, hungrily, still holding and squeezing her adorable breasts.  "Bed's more comfortable," she whispered into Regina's sensual lips, for a brief moment when their tongues were not coiling and stabbing.

Regina nodded.  "I don't want to get this sofa all messy.  Come with me."

She was up, pulling Laura up behind her, before Laura could quite believe it.  Seconds later they were in her bedroom, undressing.  "I can't believe I'm doing this," Regina repeated softly as she pulled her sweatshirt over her head and unzipped her pants, stepping out of them after they fell to her ankles. 

"Don't worry about it," Laura smiled at her, quickly shedding her own clothes.  "Make believe it's a fantastic dream."

"It is!" Regina laughed.  "Only I wouldn't do this even in my dreams."

"Come to me, my angel, and let me take you to heaven like I've taken your baby sister there a hundred times," Laura purred, pulling her close now that they were both naked, running her hands all over this familiar, lovely lean body.  "Gina, you are beautiful."

"I know," Regina giggled softly, kissing Laura back hungrily.  "So are you.  Good thing no one's watching.  They would get off quicker than we will."

Laura buried her face in the crook of her neck where it met her gleaming black shoulder.  "Don't be too sure," she murmured, sucking it.

"Don't give me a hickey, you bitch," Regina laughed.

"And if I do?"

"I'll give you one back.  Right where it shows.  You white people can't hide hickeys.  I had a white boyfriend once.  He could never hide the hickeys I gave him.  The guys used to tease him unmercifully about them."

"Mmmm," Laura hummed, kissing and stroking her delicious naked body.  "Better pull these covers down if you don't want them to get messy too."  Together they ripped back the bedspread and blanket, exposing the pale yellow sheets.  Laura pulled her down onto them, groping and sucking her flesh.  "If you give me a hickey, I will wear it as a badge of honor."

"What will your wife say?"

"She will probably divorce me and I'll have to come live in Denver and make your life a living hell."

They were completely naked and embracing now, running their hands all over each other's warm, smooth flesh, and Regina seemed delighted by it enough to let this pass without another smart remark.  "God, this feels good," she murmured into Laura's bare shoulder.  "I guess I should've tried it before."

"Mmmm, maybe you were just waiting for me to arrive to show you how good it feels."  Laura mashed her breasts into Regina's, squeezing her magnificent ass with both hands.  For long and lean girls, the twins had thrilling shapely bottoms.  "I love your ass."

"Everybody does," Regina smiled, as usual not modest about her physical appeal.

They kissed again, more seriously this time, not mere introductory passion but single-minded fuck-hunger.  We are going to fuck, said the kiss.  We are going to fuck so heatedly that the bed might catch on fire. 

"I want to fuck you," Laura panted into her ear, squeezing her small breasts again.  She knew how this made women hot for it.

"What are you going to do, eat my pussy?" Regina asked softly, panting too.  "I have to tell you, I've never come from anybody eating my pussy."


"Of course guys."

"They don't know what they're doing."

"I guess I'd have to concede that point," Regina grinned.  "And you do?"

"Lie back, my lovely.  You are going to get Laura's A Number One Special."

"Is this the same Special you give Frankie?"

"I give it to her when she's been a good girl."

"You've got me so hot . . . I think I really will come," Regina confessed.

"Mmmm, I think so too," Laura purred, sliding down her lovely lean black body, pushing her thighs apart.

Both twin girls had lovely long midriffs and naturally hard, rippling abs, but Laura realized she could not linger, not until later.  She was determined to bring Regina to the most startling, wrenching orgasm she had had for months, and she knew she could do it.  You are mine, you darling.  Lie back and let the doctor go to work.  She will have you mewling and gasping in seconds.

She knew this beautiful pussy.  Amazingly, or maybe not so amazingly, the twins were identical down to the very shape of their vulva.  It was a beautiful black pussy, black as coal on the outside, startling, fiery hot pink on the inside, glistening and runny with fuck juice that Laura lapped up eagerly, bringing frantic little yelps of pleasure from Regina's throat.

"Ohhh . . . nnngggeee . . . ohhh!"

"Mmmm . . . you like that . . ."

"Oh god . . . yes!"  Regina's hands fluttered up her writhing body to her small breasts and twisted them sharply, more sharply than Laura would have dared.  Immediately she began swirling her hips and her pelvis in skilled fuck motions.  "I wish you had one of those strap-on dicks.  Frankie's right, I like dick, I need to be fucked."

Laura was busy kissing the silken black flesh of her inner thighs, which flexed and strained as she dug her heels into the mattress and pushed her shiny wet pussy up into Laura's face.   "Oh darling, you are going to be fucked," Laura purred.  "You don't have to worry a bit about that."

"I need it, Laura, I need it," Regina panted wildly now, her beautiful gleaming black body churning and arching.  "Don't make me wait!"

God, I wonder how her boyfriends and their Famous Dicks manage to keep the jizz inside their bodies when they see and hear a sight like this: this gorgeous creature begging them to fuck her quick.  Laura nevertheless was determined to be in charge, and not to give in simply because Regina demanded it.  You, my pet, are going to have a supreme climax, and I am going to make you wait for it.

And now they lapsed into a period of silence, except for the sound of their rapid breathing, and Regina's occasional soft mewling, and the smacking/licking sounds Laura's lips and tongue made as they skillfully ravished Regina's exquisite, oozing pussy.  Laura lavished a plethora of sexual skill on her, tongue-stroking her clit, but not sucking it too hard or too long, not wanting the explosion to occur until she was ready to bring it to the fore.  Instead, she parted Regina's slick black cunt lips with her fingers and licked every interior inch of her inflamed cunt passionately, finally bringing whoops and clotted, gargled cries of lust from deep in Regina's throat.  Regina's body shook and she propelled her pelvis up off the mattress, churning it in midair, indeed almost begging through her body language to be fucked hard and fast.

But Laura did not relent.  It had been a while since she had toyed with a beautiful woman like this one, but it was a skill she wasn't willing to lose.  In the larger scheme of things, it really didn't matter if Regina preferred 'Dick' to this ardent lesbian loving, but Laura had discovered a buried competitive streak deep in herself that made her want to make this the supreme sexual moment of Regina's life so far, something that would give her, too, an echoing, resonant glory when Regina reported it back to Frankie.  That Laura had destroyed her with ecstasy.  That she had never known sex with a woman could be so searing and crushing.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" Regina whooped, clawing the sheets, squirming uncontrollably.

When her eyes briefly caught Laura's, they were streaked and fiery with need.  Laura had slipped two fingers now up into the clenching wet sleeve of her aroused pussy and was slowly, rhythmically fucking her with them as she continued to pleasurably torment Regina's swollen clit, stabbing it and flicking it relentlessly with her tongue, until Regina was whooping and gasping.

"Unnhhhh!  Oh!  Oh shit . . . Laura . . . please!  Unngghh!  Yes!  Oh yes!  Right there!  Like that!"

Her hips pumped and shimmied.  Again she twisted her lovely little breasts sharply with both hands, her face torn with grimaces of sexual need.  Laura felt compelled to slack off a little.  Regina appeared almost ready to come, in spite of all Laura's patient delay, and Laura would not allow it.  Oh no . . . oh no you don't . . . she cautioned in her thoughts.  Mama is going to make you come even harder than you think.  But not yet . . .

Mama is going to make you beg . . .

"Oh god . . . oh god!  Unngghhh!"

Laura kissed her inner thighs and ran her fingertips up to Regina's long, hard, clenching stomach muscles, caressing them, letting her hands float even higher, to her breasts, scissoring her taut black nipples.  "Mmmmm, you have a beautiful body," she purred.  "I want you to come so hard."

"Oh . . . god!" Regina whimpered.  "Please!"

But not yet . . . Laura smiled.  Again she lowered the temperature a little by deserting Regina's inflamed red pussy and kissing the skin of her taut lower abdomen, a beautiful expanse of smooth, firm, coal black skin, then slowly reintroducing two fingers into the warm, buttery slit of her pussy and descending with her lips again to Regina's swollen, erect clit.

"Oh!  Oh!"

"Mmmmm, I think my darling Gina wants to come . . ." Laura purred.  "I think she is about ready to burst."

"Oh shit . . . you bitch!"  Regina's own hands fluttered spastically down to her pussy, as if to rub it hard and make herself come, but Laura merely pushed them away.  "Laura . . . do it!  Please do it!  Oh god!"

Now Laura turned her hand so that her two fingers were massaging the front inner wall of Regina's sweet, tight, very wet pussy.  She didn't know if Regina had the magic button, but she knew Frankie did, so it was a pretty safe bet. 

"Are you ready?" she purred, still kissing her clit passionately. 

"Oh god!  Fuck!  Please!"

Already Laura was rubbing the inner wall with her fingertips, searching for the magic spot, the nerve bundle that would unleash the furies of scorching ecstasy in this delicious writhing body.  It did not take long for her to find it.  She felt Regina's entire, squirming body suddenly freeze in mid-squirm, as if paralyzed for a brief second by a piercing shock. 

"Auuccgghh!" she made an awkward, choked off squawk in her throat.

And then she rose in a jackknife almost two feet off the bed in a wrenching spasm, before falling back and straining in sharp convulsions.

"Uunngghhh!" she cried out, a fierce roar unlike anything Laura had ever heard come from her mouth, or from Frankie's either, for that matter.  "Nnnnnn . . . nnnnnn!"  There was that little incoherent humming noise again.  And then another roar.  "Uunngghhh!"

Then the breath seemed to leave her body for a brief instant.  She quivered, arched, her hips shuddering convulsively, and then cried out again in a wild, piercing shriek.

"Annnnggghhiiiieee!  Oh!  Oh!"

Laura held on.  She could feel Regina's pussy muscles clenching against her two embedded fingers, as well as the crazy, violent flexing of her thigh and ass muscles.  The wonderful thing about this orgasm, in addition to its being sharp and wrenching, was how long it seemed to last.  Shit, I wish I could come this long, Laura found herself musing, even as she held on to Regina's spasming body.

There was no choosing another path.  Just hang on.  The most powerful shocks of Regina's orgasm soon passed, but they were succeeded by a series of jerky, twitchy, quivery aftershocks.  Now Laura took the opportunity to kiss her quivering body, to finally remove her greasy fingers from the tight, still fluttering sleeve of Regina's sweet pussy, and to slide up to embrace her.   She kissed her smooth cheek, her gleaming black forehead, especially the shiny little crescent of a scar that Frankie had warned her about..  Then her neck and her throat, moving her hands up to Regina's small breasts, which Regina herself had been so violently twisting just before she came.

"You are getting my own cunt juice on my cheek!" Regina snarled, but in a playful more than an angry tone.  Her black eyes sparkled with the glowing aftermath of a stupendous climax.  She was still panting softly.

"Oh . . . you can stand it," Laura murmured.  "It's a small price to pay for coming like that."

Regina shook her head slightly in disbelief.  "I guess I underestimated you," she half-whispered.  "I didn't know it would be like that.  Do you know some secret place?  You touched me . . . and god.  The H-bomb."

"I practiced on your sister," Laura feigned a confessional attitude.  "Excuse me, your baby sister.  I figured if she had a g-spot, you had one too."

Regina was still shaking her head.  "After all these years . . . all those dicks.  Only one or two ever came close to that."

Laura already had one of Regina's pretty breasts inside her mouth again.  "Woommnnnwommnn," she replied.  She let Regina's spittle-shiny black nipple go with a wet pop.  "I want to fuck you with my pussy."

"What?  You really do that?"

"Watch me."

"I know you didn't come yet," Regina said, seriously.  "You can come that way?"

"You bet."  Laura was already maneuvering Regina's long, shapely black legs so that she could slip between them.  She slid forward and mashed her groin into Regina's before she could say anything else.

"Unhhh!  Oh . . . that feels good!" Regina gasped.  A smile spread across her previously skeptical face.  "Real good."

Laura, so horny she could barely control it, quickly maneuvered Regina onto her back again and sat up over her groin at a forty-five degree angle, looping one arm under Regina's hard black thigh, for leverage, and began to pump and swirl in a firm, deliberate rhythm.  Her wet pussy mashed into Regina's and Regina's met hers with easy rocking and rubbing, as if she had done this every day of her life.  Regina's eyes, moreover, held Laura's.

"God . . . I can see what you mean . . ." she panted.  "You can come . . . maybe me too."

"Maybe . . ." Laura panted too, increasing the pace, knowing it wouldn't take her long if they kept it going like this.

But she did sacrifice this complete and arousing connection long enough to bend down and savage Regina's mouth with her own, kissing her ravenously, rapidly running her hands again over Regina's small, firm breasts, pinching her nipples, desperately wanting to suck them but unable to pause in this fervent maelstrom of need.  Never shying away from a little hand-help, when she sat up again she dropped one hand to their crotches and adjusted her own hard little clit so that it rubbed directly against Regina's.  This was electrifying to them both.  Regina actually gasped aloud.


"Yes!" Laura half grunted, pumping more vigorously.  "Yes . . . yes!  Unngghhh!"

"Oh . . . Laura!"  Regina grimaced with pleasure and raised both hands to Laura's breasts, cupping and squeezing them, then twisting them the way she had earlier twisted her own, obviously a thing that aroused her deeply.

"Ungghh . . . unghhh!  Oh god!" Laura gasped, churning even more wildly now, approaching the peak.

She was almost too gone to notice, but she did feel one of Regina's hands pushing against hers in their groins, holding her own clit too so that it rubbed easily against Laura's as they pumped and squirmed together.  This was gasoline on the fire.  Their hard little clits rubbing frantically together sent Laura over the top in about two seconds.

"Auunnggghhhh!" she cried out, feeling her body wrenched by hot, surging internal spasms, falling partially forward onto Regina as each detonation occurred deep in her straining flesh.  "Ohhhgggnmmm . . . auunngghhhh!  Oh shit!  Unngghhh!"

She came thrillingly, finally pulling her hand away and mashing her groin forcibly down into Regina's, just as Regina emitted a tiny, choked off cry too, and her body clenched in a sympathetic orgasm, shuddering slightly, her cries trailing off into a soft, cooing sigh as her long arms came up to embrace Laura and pull her down even closer.  "Oh, Laura, you are a miracle!" she babbled, her nails clawing Laura's back a little as a final spasm wracked her body.  "Unnhhh!  Oh shit, I'm still coming!"

Laura laughed softly, having cleared the last hurdles of her own cataclysm.  She kissed her neck, her gleaming shoulder.  "You go right ahead.  You earned every one."

Breathing heavily, Regina simply cooed until her surprising climax waned.  Laura said nothing but continued kissing her marvelous silky black skin everywhere.  "I could kiss your body forever," she murmured.

Regina revived.  "You can, if you want.  I love you kissing it."  She made a face.  "Never thought I'd say that."

"You never thought you'd do a lot of things," Laura reminded her playfully.

"'Gina loves The Dick,'" Regina quoted.  "Guess we have to revise that to say: Gina loves the dick and the pussy.  Laura's pussy, anyway."

"Guess so," Laura smiled.  "You got anything to eat in this place?  I'm starving."

"Told you, we have to order out.  Chinese."

"I feel more like pizza."

Regina made another face.  "Pizza makes you fat.  But you've never seen a fat Chinese girl, have you?"

Laura made a face back at her.  "No disrespect, but you have a ways to go before you're in danger of being fat."  She ran a fingertip all over Regina's svelte, naked, deliciously black body.

"Do you think I'm too skinny?" Regina immediately asked her, alarmed, as if this were a question she pondered daily about herself.

Laura drew her back down onto the sheet, so that they were lying face to face, mouths only inches apart.  "If you change a thing, I'll never fuck you again."  She kissed her shiny nose.  "I mean it."

"Can't have that, can we.  I never thought I'd say this either, but I'd die to think you wouldn't."

Laura's hands ran all over her naked body.  "Order me up a pizza, darling, and I'm yours until the morning light."

Regina beamed.  "How many days before you go back to San Francisco?" she asked eagerly.










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