Laura - Chapter 278



About noon the same day Laura got a message from the mail room that a package had been delivered addressed to her. Since they were shorthanded, she would have to wait for them to deliver it; or, she could come downstairs herself to get it. Intrigued, since she was not expecting anything, Laura took the elevator down.

The package, it turned out, was from Bailey Banks & Biddle, a high-class jeweler. Rather than open it in the mail room, Laura acted nonchalant and returned with it to her office. There, with the door partially closed, she ripped off the expensive silver wrapping paper and opened the small box. Inside it was a sterling silver tennis bracelet with 12 small blue sapphires set at precise intervals along the strand.

Laura was dazzled, so overcome by pleasure and surprise that for a moment she forgot to check the card, which was attached to the box top. Quickly, she opened it.


Just a little token. I had fun. Stephanie could only hope to be as good as you. See you soon. (I didn't have it inscribed so your sweetie pie can't get jealous.)


Laura's heart fluttered. She felt light-headed and had to sit down. It wasn't a question of 'love' or deep emotion. She didn't feel for Amber what she felt for Sara, and she knew Amber didn't feel that way either. But it was so touching, nonetheless. They had hit it off right away, so simply. They were so relaxed together, after the initial skittishness; and the sex was scorching. Laura couldn't help reliving some of it as she sat there holding the bracelet.

She didn't have long to mull it over though, because her phone interrupted her reverie. It was Brad Dickinson, the mayoral candidate, the guy who had tried to pick her up at the Palace Hotel party before Amber had succeeded.

"I hope you don't mind if I call you at work," he said. "I got your phone number from Wendy Small. She said she's known you for years and you wouldn't mind."

"I . . . don't mind," Laura said in a soft, reserved voice.

"I know it seems kind of forward, but I can't get you out of my head. I looked around for you all evening. I guess you left early."

"I had . . . another matter I had to attend to," Laura said equivocally.

"Look, why don't you let me buy you a drink after work. Better yet, how about dinner. I have a table at Fleur de Lys that I can get any time. How about it? I'd love to wine and dine you."

You'd like to wine and fuck me, Laura thought, raising one eyebrow. On the other hand, the guy was very handsome and rich and powerful. She had been ignoring her mild bisexual tendencies for quite a while now, though the feel of a good, vigorous, hard cock hammering your pussy was not an unwelcome experience, at times.

"I'm sorry, I have a date tonight," she said, evenly. It was true. Sara and she would be screwing like bunnies by seven o'clock.

He didn't seemed bothered by this. "Maybe next week."


Laura enjoyed being coy. She twirled the tennis bracelet in two fingers. I'm very popular all of a sudden, she thought.

"I hate to wait all the way until next weekend," Brad said. "How about the middle of the week? Say, Tuesday evening."

Since she and Sara never saw one another during the week, Laura was very tempted. Amber would be gone. Sara would be on hold. Dee Dee was too dangerous, and Shontay had moved to France. Why not, she kept wondering. Why not.

"Why not," she said softly.

"Great. I'll pick you up right there where you work, about six. How's that?"

"Fine," Laura smiled. "See you then."

Her weekend with Sara was full of everything she could have hoped: scintillating, heart-stopping sex, though not as much of it as usual, happy sleeping and dozing together, intent movie watching, relaxed dining. She did not think about Amber Grant, or Brad Dickinson, once.

This time they had spent the weekend in Sara's apartment, and when Laura returned home about seven o'clock on Sunday night she saw someone sitting on the steps leading up to the door of her condo. She didn't know whether to be worried or frightened or not, but as she drew closer she saw that it was Dawn.

"What a surprise," she said happily. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you. What does it look like? I guess you've been out screwing somewhere," Dawn grinned her suggestive half-grin. "You sure smell like it."

Laura knew this was a lie. She and Sara had both showered before she left, and she knew she was clean as a whistle. It was just Dawn's way of showing her little jealousy.

Laura stepped around her and unlocked the door. Under her breath, she said, "If you don't get inside here where I can kiss you quick, we're going to give the neighbors a big shock."

Dawn's black eyes flickered with happiness. She stood up and followed Laura inside. "Is that all you want to do, kiss me? You haven't seen me for about two months?"

Laura locked the door, bolted it, then pushed Dawn back against it, grabbing her face in both hands and kissing her ravenously. "I want to do everything to you," she murmured, sucking her very black neck.

Dawn was already breathing hard, but giggling and twisting too against the door. "Laura," she tried to push Laura away, laughing. "Laura . . . you're a sex maniac."

"I want your body," Laura panted playfully, but seriously too, slipping her hands under Dawn's shirt, pulling it out from her pants, getting her palms on that wonderful, delicious smooth warm flesh. "I want your body."

Dawn gave her a throaty giggle, delighted to be so desired, meeting Laura's mouth again with her own in a wet, hungry kiss. "Down girl," she broke it off, laughing. "You're a rapist. You're a sex fiend."

"I want you, I want your body," Laura panted, unbuttoning the front of Dawn's shirt rapidly.

Laura was almost surprised herself at the heat of her attack. At first she had only been playing, but just the feel of Dawn's warm smooth flesh and incredibly soft, deeply black skin against her lips was enough to light the fires quickly all over her body. Since over the weekend Sara had got her period on the second day, they had not had their usual prolonged and sweetly exhausting sex. In fact, Laura realized, she had had only two orgasms all weekend, though that was hardly a reason to be sexually assaulting the lovely Dawn like a sex-starved demon.

But she knew they were both enjoying it. Even though Dawn was making mild protests, still laughing, she was also aroused. Anyway, Laura knew she had come here to be fucked. That was what her 'Is that all you want to do, kiss me?' remark had been about. She simply had not expected Laura to begin ripping off her clothes the moment the door closed behind her.

By now, Laura was unfastening the buttons, and doing it so hastily, so urgently, that she was on the verge of ripping them out. Dawn was wearing one of the white men's shirts she often wore, Robert's shirts, which Laura had taken off her before. The stark white of the fabric contrasted brilliantly, stirringly, with the deep blue-black of her smooth skin, a phenomenon that always made a hot, frantic pulse leap up deep in Laura's pussy.

"Laura . . . Laura," Dawn panted, still laughing softly. "You're gonna rip this shirt."

"I'll buy another one for you," Laura panted, now, having exposed the deep cleavage between Dawn's large breasts, pressing her lips into it, frantically continuing to undo the lower buttons. "Robert will never know."

Now Dawn laughed louder, a sharp, explosive laugh. "Robert ain't gonna care. He's gone. He's history. He moved to L.A. to work in his brother's business. Oh god, Laura, that feels pretty good."

Now Laura had the shirt off. Her hands and her mouth were all over Dawn's near-naked upper body. She was kissing her throat, her collarbones, her smooth upper chest, the upper slopes of her breasts, breasts that she, Laura, had feasted on in the past and could not wait to expose again to her hungry mouth. Again she seared Dawn's mouth with her own, kissing her greedily, while reaching behind her and unfastening her bra, finally freeing the marvelous large round globes.

This time Dawn, who had stopped laughing, was kissing her back heatedly, and as the clasp of her bra came free in Laura's fingers, she suddenly moved her mouth to the side of Laura's head and slithered her tongue into Laura's ear.

"Ahhhh!" Laura gasped in surprise and pleasure as a squirt of sexual fire shot through her body.

"I've been dreaming of fucking with you," Dawn whispered.

"Your dreams are about to come true," Laura panted, pulling back and taking Dawn's loose bra with her, flinging it aside and filling her eager hands with the marvelous springy round balls of Dawn's breasts.

She buried her face between them, lightly pinching Dawn's large soft black nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, at the same time gently easing Dawn down the door to the floor. The entryway was tiled but Laura had bought a large, thick-piled throw rug for the area just next to the door, and they settled onto it, with Laura's hand already groping for Dawn's zipper even as her mouth roamed hungrily all over Dawn's naked breasts.

Again Dawn was laughing softly, but now she too was plucking at Laura's clothes, pulling up the hem of Laura's sweatshirt, trying to get Laura undressed too.

"Don't you want to go in the bedroom?" she laughed/whimpered, panting through her laughter.

"Can't wait," Laura gasped, holding one luscious deeply black breast in both of her hands and running the tip of her tongue all around Dawn's large coal-black areola, until the telltale little bumps began to appear on the silky skin. "I want you."

Dawn pulled Laura's sweatshirt up until Laura had to drop the breast for a minute to raise her arms and let it come completely off. She was wearing no bra under it, and Dawn quickly was squeezing and tweaking her naked breasts too.

"Let me suck you too," she panted to Laura.

"No, me first," Laura grinned, pushing her down, again cradling the breast she had been compelled to release in both her hands, lashing Dawn's wet black nipple with her tongue, then sucking it all the way into her mouth.

"Uhhh!" Dawn gasped softly. "God, I love how you do it so hard."

Laura had not even noticed that she was sucking Dawn's delicious, plump nipple especially hard. She was so consumed by fresh, feverish lust for her gleaming black body that she realized she was nearly inhaling it.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" Dawn whimpered softly, throwing her head back, then lifting it again and helping by holding Laura's head in her hands as Laura moved over to her other breast and began sucking her other nipple in the same way.

This time Laura gave her a hint of teeth, sinking them lightly into Dawn's thick, stippled areola, feeling her body stiffen infinitesimally. Ordinarily, with her other women, Laura was careful, especially at first, but she knew that Dawn was a perverted slut like she herself who loved it hot and wild, even rough. And the half-demented mewling she heard in response to the feel of her teeth sinking even gently into Dawn's nipple only confirmed her attitude.

"Oh god, Laura, take your clothes off too!" Dawn suddenly gasped, now tearing at Laura's jeans, whereas before she had only been touching or pulling them. "I need to feel you against me. It's been so long!"

"I know," Laura panted feverishly, quickly unzipping her jeans and struggling out of them and her panties, while also trying to help Dawn out of hers.

In seconds they were naked, and they coiled together, kissing passionately, running their hands all over each other, as if they had never touched each other's naked body before. Now that Laura was naked too, Dawn's mouth and hands were all over her flesh, and Dawn was sucking her nipples too, then biting her neck.

"Oh! Ungghhh!" Laura groaned, feeling Dawn's hand between her thighs, pushing them open, finding the wet runny gash between them. "Unhh! Oh yes!"

Dawn slid two fingers up into Laura's pussy, which was frothing and creaming so copiously that the warm juices seemed to flow over her hand. She pumped Laura hard with her hand for a few seconds, and Laura grunted and undulated, nearly losing it. But she was not about to give in. Her desire for Dawn's body was equally fierce.

She had to have every inch of the girl. They squirmed together heatedly, but Laura managed to roll Dawn onto her back and again began devouring her sleek naked flesh, working her way down Dawn's body quickly, sliding between her thighs while letting her lips roam excitedly over the hard planes of her coal-black stomach, on which Laura had rubbed her own pussy into delirious ecstasies in the past.

"Ohhh honey . . . too long, too long!" she moaned softly, sucking the inner flesh of Dawn's black thighs, then happily giggling as she noticed the thick black patch of pubic hair that had never been there before, at least when she was doing this. "Oh, you let it grow for me!"

Dawn was delirious with sexual excitement, her body churning, her eyes fiery, but she smiled her patented half-smile down at Laura, the little crescents in her cheeks at the sides of her mouth suddenly making an appearance. "When Robert left, I let it go. Anyway . . ." she panted, "you said you wanted to rub your nose in it."

Laura was already doing it. She had always thought it bizarre that Dawn had shaved herself anyway. Robert was a nice, decent, bland fellow, but he didn't seem to exert enough power over her to make her do this. Now that he had moved away, she had 'gone natural' again, and Laura was in seventh heaven, nuzzling the glistening filaments of black hair and inhaling the fresh, murky, steamy odors of Dawn's aroused and inflamed pussy.

But she could not keep her mouth from Dawn's delectable, festering quim for long. Even though Laura tended to soar into worshipful rhapsodies over each beautiful vagina she discovered, Dawn's had always been perfection to her, a sculptured black-edged seashell with inner wet folds of deep coral, the thick inner lips ascending and converging on an exquisite little black hood sheltering the small dark pink bead of her clit, just waiting for Laura's tongue to find it. When you pulled open the outer lips, as Laura was now doing, it was like an embedded wet, pulpy red mouth of raw glistening flesh, all runny and gooey and inviting. Laura rapidly slid her tongue all the way into it.

She didn't eat Dawn's sweet, oozing pussy so much as hungrily assault it, sucking it and burrowing her mouth in deep, slurping, driving her tongue up into the squirmy, slippery, tangy pit of it. And since Dawn was very much like Laura in that she usually came fairly quickly, at least the first time, and since writhing together on the floor was not exactly a tranquil moment of shared meditation for them but rather a fierce, urgent sexual struggle, she began to moan and quiver violently almost immediately.

"Ohhnnn! Oh Laura! Unh! Unh!"

"Yes . . . yes!" Laura half-growled, devouring her burbling wet slit. "Yes!"


Laura often wanted things to go on forever, but she knew this wasn't the end of it but the beginning. She wanted Dawn to come fast, and knew it would happen in only seconds. She slid a finger up into the warm, oily channel of Dawn's delicious pussy and fucked her with it very fast while also sucking Dawn's clit thirstily, little hood and all.

"Oh!" Dawn began to come, a swift, crushing blow. "Ummnngghhh! Auuggnhh! Oh . . . oh shit, Laura . . . oh . . . auungghhhh!"

Her strong, athletic body surged momentarily off the throw rug, stiffening and shaking, then collapsed back to the floor in sharp spasms as Laura continued to suck her and let her down gently. It was a short, quick, but piercing orgasm, over quickly, but leaving Dawn gasping and bleary-eyed as Laura quickly straddled her, pushing her own wet, throbbing, gaping pussy into Dawn's hard stomach.

She even reached down, almost frantically, to spread her warm, greasy cunt lips open widely so that she could feel Dawn's silky skin against the inner wet raw meat of her aching slit. By now Dawn had returned to consciousness enough to realize what Laura was doing. Her black eyes flickered both with temporary sexual satiety and delighted pleasure as she stroked Laura's naked thighs with her long, slender black fingers. Slowly, she started undulating her body under Laura, so that her stomach muscles rose up into Laura's slowly sliding wet pussy.

"You've been dying to fuck my tummy, haven't you?" she grinned up at Laura, who was already approaching ninth heaven, her eyes rolling, her body quaking inwardly.

"Unngghh!" Laura responded incoherently, her long hair waving wildly behind her back as she rocked and pumped vigorously.

She knew she was going to come quickly too, just as quickly as Dawn had. The only thing she didn't know was how quickly. Suddenly she felt a spurt of flame shoot up through her pussy and stream through her whole body. Then a sharp, physical shock wrenched her so violently that it threw her forward, so that Dawn had to reach up and clutch her to keep her from falling.

"Auungghhh!" she groaned. "AUUNGGHHHH!"

Without knowing it, she went briefly crazy, grabbing Dawn's ribcage with both frantic hands and jamming her slippery pussy into the hard, smooth muscles of Dawn's wet stomach, even grunting and snuffling in a fierce fit of lust as the last dying spasms of a thrilling, short, unexpectedly powerful orgasm dissipated. The craziness lasted only a few brief seconds, and she came rapidly back to consciousness to find Dawn holding her breasts, looking up at her in amazement, as if Laura had exhibited a species of demented lust she had never seen in anyone.

Feeling a little shocked herself by her wildness and loss of control, Laura shook her head to clear out the cobwebs, then smiled down weakly. "I'm . . . sorry. I guess I lost it there for a moment."

A broad grin broke out on Dawn's face, not her usual half-grin. She squeezed Laura's small breasts with her long black fingers. "I guess you did," she laughed. She brushed her thumbs across Laura's nipples, still wildly sensitive after this shocking explosion. "You want to lean down a minute so I can lick these beauties, which you never gave me a chance to do?"

Laura grabbed her by the wrists and pushed Dawn's palms hard into her breasts. "Come in the bedroom with me and let's do it right."

Dawn giggled softly as they disentangled their bodies and helped each other up from the throw rug in front of the door. Their clothes were scattered everywhere. "Looks like we already did it right to me," she laughed.

But Laura was not interested in pausing. She did not know exactly why, but her body was feverish with desire for Dawn. She had just climaxed fairly violently, but it was as if it never happened. Her hunger was immense. She grabbed one of Dawn's hands and pulled her toward the hallway.

"Come on," she panted. "Hurry."

"I'm comin' . . . I'm comin' . . ."

In the bedroom, Laura tore off the bedspread and blanket and pulled Dawn down with her on the sheet. As usual, the sight of the crisp white sheet against Dawn's incredibly blue-black, silky smooth skin was almost enough to make her overflow with another surge of sexual rapture on the spot. They kissed and coiled together, now kissing slowly, not as urgently as before, letting their tongues slide and slither together.

"That's more like it," Dawn breathed, stroking Laura's body tenderly. "Slow down a little, okay? I ain't going anywhere. I came here to do just this. I missed you, Laura."

"Eeuuuwww! Your tummy is all clammy now," Laura made a face. "Let me dry it off."

Dawn crinkled her nose. "You get carried away. By my fantastic bod. Let's both dry it off. Get a towel."

Laura shook her head. "Use part of the sheet. I'll change them later. And you do have a fantastic bod. It just makes me quiver with desire."

Dawn almost blushed, though she was coal black. "There you go again. Nobody ever said the things to me that you do, Laura. Here, you wipe it off. Don't quiver."

"I might kiss it, though."

"You kiss everything. I'm surprised you don't kiss the soles of my feet, or between my toes."

"Now that you mention it, maybe I will. I could just eat you alive."

Dawn was silent, looking down, while Laura carefully wiped the pussy juices off her stomach with the edge of the sheet. Of course, Laura could not stop there. She had just rubbed her clit into a stunning, violent orgasm on this hard, smooth, very black stomach. She could not now keep her mouth off it.

She licked and kissed the smooth, dark expanse of Dawn's stomach slowly, sensually, kissing her way along the sides of Dawn's ribcage, letting her lips roam the faint creases between each rib, then slowly returning to Dawn's navel, frenching it, growing more passionate.

"You have the most beautiful body," she murmured as she kissed it. "I've missed your body so much."

Dawn was panting again so hard that she could barely speak, her stomach now rising and falling rapidly under Laura's lips. "God, Laura, nobody fucks like you do. Nobody."

Laura couldn't prevent herself from heading south again, her nostrils filled with the steamy, thick odors of Dawn's reawakened pussy. But Dawn pulled her up forcibly until they were face to face.

"Whoa there, Laura," she laughed softly. "Not so fast. We got time."

"Who've you been fucking that isn't as good as me?" Laura asked her, petulantly. "Nobody can appreciate this gorgeous body the way I can. It was made for love."

Dawn smiled innocently. "Since Robert left, Tamara and I have been sharing the apartment," she said, meaningfully. "You aren't going to be jealous of her, are you?"

Laura shook her head. "How could I be."

"She loves to do it . . . but she's a little inhibited, if you know what I mean."

Laura nodded. "I do know."

Dawn bared her teeth in a mock savage way and gave Laura a small, sexy growl. "You aren't, though."

"No . . . I'm not."

"Then, you remember that Vietnamese girl I mentioned to you once, the one who was in one of my classes out at State?"

How much had happened in so short a time, Laura reflected. Laura recalled having been really jealous when Dawn had mentioned this girl, a few months back. That's when I was madly in love with her, she thought. Now I'm madly in love with Sara. How things have changed.

And yet she knew perfectly how it had all happened. Dawn had been preoccupied with school, and somewhat with Robert, then with Tamara. There was room for Laura, and Dawn certainly reveled in the way Laura felt about her, but Laura was sometimes made to wait. Laura's attention had drifted, and Sara had swum into view. Her instant emotional as well as physical connection with Sara had been overwhelming, compelling.

Dawn didn't seem to care too much about it. She wanted Laura purely for hot moments like this, and Laura could not quarrel with that motive at all. Still, she feigned the same jealousy for a few moments, as if unable to resist the opportunity.

"Oh god, not her," she said, making a long face.

Dawn smirked. "Yes, her. Her name is Hanh Chu, which means 'special gift,' or something like that. Isn't that a pretty name? Actually she goes by Hannah instead, just to Americanize it, I guess. But I call her Hanh." Now Dawn bent her head toward Laura and assumed a playfully conspiratorial whisper. "Her real name is Hanh Phuc Chu. So I told her, but only after I knew her better, 'I'd like to Phuc Chu, Hanh.' God, we laughed!"

Laura even laughed to hear it. She could see the sparkle in Dawn's eyes. How could she be jealous of anyone who could put it there?

"I guess you two have some pretty hot times in the sack, eh?" she said, cynically.

"Actually, they're more like 'sweet times,'" Dawn said. "She's very soft and shy and gentle. I can't really ask her to do any of the kinds of things we do."

"Which brings us to why you're here," Laura said.

"Exactly," Dawn gave her the half-grin. "Sometimes I just need . . . the old scorched earth policy."

Laura embraced her and rubbed their naked bodies suggestively together, kissing Dawn's ear, her cheek, her neck, her collarbone. "Tell me what you had in mind."

Dawn looked briefly dreamy-eyed, as if she had rehearsed this moment in her fantasies a thousand times. "Actually, I had in mind that time when you tied up my titties and fucked me hard with that double doer, the one that goes in both places. You don't know how much mileage I've got out of that one. First, I came like the world was ending when you did it to me. Then I came about five times afterward when I was alone in bed just remembering it. I mean five different times. Each one of those I probably came twice, at least. See, I can live for weeks on one of those."

Laura playfully poked her chin with a loose fist. "You little sicko. You just want me to satisfy your sick little perversions. Don't you know you're talking to the New Laura?"

Dawn raised one eyebrow. "Is she anything like the old Laura? The one who will do anything? The one who has a rope farm underneath her bed?"

In a flash she had rolled away from Laura, sliding off the bed, and was giggling and grinning on her knees, searching with one hand under the bed for the ropes. Knowing she would find nothing, Laura scooted over to the edge of the bed and watched intently, captivated as usual by the swaying, dangling globes of Dawn's enchanting naked breasts, her large black nipples shiny and swollen in the dim light. Dawn looked up at her from the floor, her face falling as she came up with nothing.

"Where'd you put them, Laura?" she whined. She looked truly, deeply disappointed, as if she had pegged a lot of hope on this. "How could you do this to me?"

Laura's lust was instantly jacked up to the wildly combustible point. Dawn was so amazingly desirable, sitting there on the floor on her knees, looking plaintively up at Laura on the bed, her naked, very black body sleek and gleaming, her sensual mouth pouting. She was about nineteen or twenty, but at this particular moment she looked about fifteen, fetching, innocent, but full of tempting, brash sensuality and fresh sexual mischief, reminding Laura of Mavis and Jane at that age, when they had snared Laura's heart (and her hungry pussy) forever with their adolescent charm.

This was swiftly turning into a wonderful little game. Laura compressed her lips tightly. "I'm not telling." She shook her head. "You won't get a thing out of me. This is the New Laura." Laura was being firm but had trouble not laughing.

Dawn knew it, Laura realized, but played along. She immediately leaped back up onto the bed, pouncing on Laura, wrestling her onto her back. "You bitch," she glowered, lowering her voice to a level of menacing threat. "Tell me where the rope is or I'll pinch your nipples."

"You wouldn't do that to me," Laura said, gazing up at her. "You love me."

Dawn snarled at her so convincingly that for a flash of a moment Laura wondered if she were serious instead of playful. Then a squirt of fire followed by a spark of devilish menace came into Dawn's eyes.

"Oh . . . you think so?"

She pinched each of Laura's nipples in her fingers and twisted them hard, sharply. The pain and shock was so sudden that Laura nearly rose up off the bed. Her nipples had not hurt so badly since the days when she and Karen had lovingly tortured each other's breasts.

"Anngghiieieeeee!" she cried out, writhing and twisting to get her body out from under Dawn's. "Oh god . . . you cunt! Let me go!"

But Dawn had now straddled her waist and was holding her down by pinning her wrists to the mattress. Dawn was a big, healthy, strapping young girl, strong and vigorous, and there was no way Laura could wriggle free. Also, in addition to the pain in her nipples, now waning, she had felt the peculiar sexual fire stirring deep inside her pussy that she and Karen had been seeking to arouse when they had succumbed to such things in the past. Her pussy was wet, and her body was throbbing. She was wildly, fiercely aroused.

Dawn was too. She was panting hard, and her eyes were fiery. Since she was pinning Laura's wrists to the mattress, her full, large breasts were swaying in Laura's face. Her thick, deeply black, swollen nipples were merely inches from Laura's lips. Laura chased them with her mouth, and Dawn swished them in her face, now diverging again toward her earlier playful mood, teasing Laura, tantalizing her.

"You bitch," she panted. "Tell me where that rope is, or you can't suck my nipples." She knew how much Laura loved sucking her nipples.

Bizarrely, since Laura had been holding out before, this threat was almost enough to make her crumble. She really wanted to get her mouth on one of those shiny, bulbous black nipples that kept sliding by just out of reach.

"In the closet," she gulped hoarsely, softly. "On the floor . . . the back."

She stopped wriggling, looking up pathetically into Dawn's eyes. Dawn's grip on her wrists relaxed too. She seemed to soften a little.

In one fluid motion, she released Laura's wrists and also lowered her body at the same time, actually mashing her naked breasts directly into Laura's face. Surprised and delighted, Laura quickly filled her hands with the luscious warm globes, turning her head slightly and filling her mouth finally with one of Dawn's large, swelling, silky nipples, swirling her tongue around it and sucking it in deep.

"Unhhhhh!" Dawn half-grunted, succumbing to Laura's sharp hunger for her body. "Oh god, yes! Do it hard!"

Laura sucked it harder, then the other one the same way, their bodies struggling and rubbing together until they fell on their sides, panting and whimpering softly.

"Get the rope . . ." Dawn panted, "and tie them up like before, only tighter this time, and then bite them while you fuck me."

Laura rolled backward off the bed, took a few strides to her huge walk-in closet, and quickly returned with several strands of white nylon rope. She had fought against this, but she had remembered their last time, when a few fairly gentle rope games like this one had added immeasurably to Dawn's pleasure. There was no way she could resist this temptation.

"You, my dear," she smiled as she climbed back onto the bed, "are a perverted little tramp and slut."

Dawn beamed. She sat up and held out her magnificent breasts in both hands for Laura, looking down at them, then looking back up sassily at Laura. "I love it when you talk dirty to me."

Laura leaned close and kissed her very sensually, letting their wet tongues dance and coil and stab. "You forget I'm the new Laura," she breathed. "You're trying to corrupt me."

The fetching half-smile tugged at the sexy crescents in the dark skin beside each corner of Dawn's mouth. "I'm taking you back to your roots."

Laura shook her head, smiling a little too. "I'm the new Laura," she repeated.

With a feigned snarl, Dawn reached out for the rope. She grabbed all the coils out of Laura's hand, shaking them so that all but one fell to the bed, her firm breasts jiggling alluringly at the same time. "I like the old Laura better," she said.

Impatiently, she coiled the rope around one of her naked breasts, looping it loosely, then around the other one, trying in vain to tighten it. The rope slipped and sagged, then slid off her body. Dawn's face fell.

"How the fuck do you do this, anyway?"

Laura, who had spent months with Karen, earlier in her life, and with Earlene, perfecting the art of tying up various body parts—tying them loosely, tying them tightly, tying them ingeniously so that one part pulled another part whenever the victim breathed, or writhed—could only smile. Slowly, she reached down and retrieved the rope.

"I think you have to have someone do it to you," she whispered huskily. "Harder to do it yourself."

Dawn pouted. "If you're not going to do it for me, I have to do it myself."

Again working slowly, Laura coiled one loop of rope around Dawn's luscious left breast. "I've spent a lot of effort in my life trying to overcome the need to do this," she murmured softly to Dawn, making a few more loops, then turning to Dawn's other gorgeous breast. "Then you come here and tempt me, try to get me into it again, when I've sworn off."

Dawn made a sassy face at her. "You didn't get rid of the rope," she said, taunting Laura.

Laura actually blushed. Dawn was absolutely right, and the feeling of having been caught in a lie was mortifying to Laura. The red flush spread down her neck to her chest, stopping, but still burning, just above her breasts. Dawn saw it and grinned.

"Guess you were waiting for me to bring my pretty titties over here and tempt you, as you put it, eh?" Dawn taunted her again.

To emphasize her point, she shimmied her still only half-entrapped breasts at Laura, who felt the pulse beat in her throat as she watched the scrumptious dark globes swaying and jiggling. She swallowed.

"Maybe you're right."

Dawn waited for her to resume, then grew impatient. "Hurry, Laura," she coaxed. "I'm in a hurry here. My little cunny is running over."

Laura leaned close and rubbed her cheek against Dawn's, licking her earlobe, breathing warm breath into her ear. "Mmmm, aching for my big dick, eh?"

Dawn pushed her gently back, her eyes glowing, burning. She took Laura's hands in both of hers and raised them to her breasts, entangling Laura's fingers in the limp strands of rope. "Do it. Hurry."

Laura knew there was no fighting it. The same thing had happened last time, when she had tried to talk Dawn out of it. After all, Dawn didn't want torture, like Karen; she wanted only a little fun bondage, a little splash of hot sauce on the meal. Laura could never resist the temptation to give in to Dawn's wildest needs.

Carefully, she looped three coils of the rope around one of Dawn's breasts, then crossed over and looped three more around the other one. As before, she did not pull them very tight, wanting to emphasize only the esthetic thrill of constriction instead of the actual discomfort. But Dawn frowned, looking down.

"Make them tighter. Tighter than last time."

"They're tight enough."

Dawn was panting so roughly that she had to get control of her breath before she could speak again. "Make them tighter, Laura."

"You don't need them any tighter to feel it."

"Goddamn it, if you don't make them tighter I'm gonna spank your white ass," Dawn glared at her.

Laura smiled slyly. "Promise? When, before or after?"

Instead of answering, Dawn reached up and took the strands of rope from Laura's fingers. She yanked them tighter, pinching the shiny flesh just under the coils, and making the sweet entrapped gourds swell. Dawn's black nipples flared and gleamed, the stiff centers pushing up even further from the puffy silk of her areolas.

"There . . . that's better," she panted, glowering at Laura. "Now, tie them. Keep them that tight. I like it."

"You, my darling, need a check up from the neck up," Laura purred, running one loving finger along the taut, round ball of one of Dawn's engorged breasts, nearly overcome with lust for Dawn's bursting, swelling black nipple.

Dawn shivered. Now when she looked at Laura, her brash, commanding manner had vanished and she was looking vulnerable, her eyes imploring Laura to give her everything she required. Obediently, Laura took the rope in her fingers and knotted it between Dawn's now-jutting, swollen, magnificent breasts.

"More," Dawn said, this one word interrupted by a choked whimper of frantic lust. "More."

Gently, Laura pushed her onto her back. "Just lie here for second, I'll be right back," she murmured.

Half-hating herself for what she was doing, for she actually did think of herself as the New Laura, who no longer succumbed to these exciting but perverse temptations, Laura dashed to the closet for more rope. Instead, changing her mind, in two seconds she returned with the fur-lined handcuffs that Randi had given her long ago, plus both ball gags. Dawn loved being gagged, for some reason, and her eyes flashed with fire when she saw them, even more than the handcuffs.

"We don't need these any more, not here," Laura said, dangling both the single strap gag and the one which employed an ugly, gothic-looking head harness in front of Dawn's face. "But I know how you like to be . . . shall we say, mugged?"

Dawn's eyes actually rolled up briefly, showing the whites, her eyelids quivering, as she apparently contemplated the sublime sexual pleasure Laura was about to inflict on her. She was pliant and soft now, and Laura had no trouble rolling her onto her side and handcuffing her wrists behind her. She had considered tying Dawn's wrists to opposites sides of the bed frame, stretching her out that way across the bed, but she knew that would take too much time. They were both now in a hurry.

Again Laura held the gags up in front of Dawn's face, and Dawn nodded vigorously at the one with the harness, the nastiest one. "That one," she said, her voice thick and clotted with fierce sexual excitement.

Laura held it up above the other one and examined it with mock-serious fascination. "Are you sure? This one is so nasty."

Dawn nodded. "That one. And use the double dick thing."

Dawn was a great one for being fucked in both holes at once. Laura had never known anyone—except herself, perhaps—who seemed to love it so much. Ever since she had told Laura the story of being waylaid in a warehouse after school by two guys and double penetrated for hours, she had been unable to part from Laura without getting the same treatment. Moreover, she loved getting it from the Double Penetrator in the way that was not intended; that is, lying face down, doggy-style, with the largest dildo in her ass and the slightly thinner one in her pussy. She had epic, mammoth orgasms this way, and Laura had always been filled with joy at helping to provide them.

"I can't get either Hanh or Tamara to do me in the ass," Dawn went on, her words still punctuated by heavy panting. "In fact, I can't even ask them. They're both too prudish."

"What about Robert?"

"He always wanted to, but I wouldn't let him."

"Why not?"

Dawn looked vaguely puzzled, but only momentarily. "I don't know why, exactly. I think I didn't want him to have that power over me."

Laura grinned. "But you don't mind me having it."

Dawn's eyes flashed, and though she was too sexually aroused to give Laura her usual kittenish half-grin, she managed to hint at it. "You know how to do it right, Laura," she panted. "Now hurry up and do it. I'm dying for it."

"Open wide, my dear," Laura purred as she slipped the red rubber ball into Dawn's mouth and wrapped the leather straps of the harness around her head.

"Ummphggumpmmm," Dawn tried to say something; but it was too late.

Laura had the clasps fastened. Already she was descending to Dawn's gorgeous, imprisoned breasts, the taut balls shiny and bursting from the coils Dawn had tightened with her own hands, her large black nipples popping and glossy. Laura was all over them with her lips and tongue, licking and sucking them hungrily, letting Dawn feel just the slightest hint of her teeth on her swollen, flaring nipples.

This was just what Dawn had wanted all along, and she responded by frantic squirming and half-hysterical snuffling into the gag. Lying on her side, with her hands handcuffed behind her, she looked down at Laura's mouth and hands on her tightly-cinched breasts and whimpered as Laura now took first one, then the other swollen nipple deep into her mouth, sucking it hard and nipping it passionately.

Dawn shuddered and strained, arching her back a little to push her entrapped breasts into Laura's face. Laura mouth-mauled them hungrily, letting one hand wander down between Dawn's thighs, feeling the dewy moisture exuding from the wet blossomed flower of Dawn's frothing pussy, again enjoying the gooey filaments of Dawn's pubic hair on her fingers. Oh honey, I've missed this gorgeous body, she thought. I am going to make you come so hard you'll never want those other girls again.

Laura was a little concerned to hear herself thinking this way, as if she were jealous, and spiteful, but the situation was too hot for her to dwell on it. Dawn was shaking and squirming and undulating now uncontrollably, also mewling and keening, imploring Laura with her eyes.

"Oh yes, I'm going to fuck you," Laura purred to her, knowing how such intimate, dirty language thrilled Dawn and aroused her sexual need to the breaking point. "Mmmm, I'm going to fuck you everywhere . . . every part of your body is mine . . . I'm going to eat you alive . . . oh Dawn, you are so beautiful!"

"Mnnggee . . . mnggaaugghh!" Dawn groaned into the ball in her mouth, her eyes fiery and desperate.

Laura knew she wanted to be fucked with the Double Penetrator, in the usual way, but a sudden impulse swept over her to do it her own way, some way Dawn did not expect. Dawn had insisted on the conditions so far, and Laura had acquiesced, but now Dawn was half-bound and relatively helpless, while Laura was in charge. Somehow the thought of the DP at this moment left her cold. She had used it only days ago on Jane, with wildly orgiastic results, which made her unwilling to repeat the act, as if she would have to try even harder on Dawn to surpass her conflagration with Jane.

Also, there was something mechanical, even 'male'-like, in grinding and pumping your way to a shattering finish with it. It had its virtues, but right now what she wanted was to press every bit of her flesh against Dawn's strapping, glossy, voluptuous but hard young body. She wanted to fuck her and feel every inch of her silky black skin against her own skin a the same time, to be close enough to her to feel her own flesh crackle with the same sexual electricity that was coursing through Dawn's frantic, firing nerves.

Suddenly, it came to her what she could do, the most natural, erotic thing in the world, and she was off the bed in a flash, darting for the drawer. Moments later she returned with the strap-on dildo, the long, thick, ridged one that was meant for your pussy, though this time it would find a snugger home inside Dawn's delectable body. She had slipped into the harness in only a second, and snatched one of her small bottles of oil from the bedstand drawer, quickly swathing the ridged pole with oil until it was shiny and slippery.

Dawn, quivering in the grip of a fierce sexual need, watched in silence, knowing that what she had expected was not occurring, but wondering what Laura was up to.

"Mmmphggg!" she grunted softly, expectantly.

In another few seconds, Laura was back on the bed, lying sideways next to Dawn, then pushing her half onto her side to make the entry easier for both of them. Dawn's dark, muscular thighs parted, and with two fingers Laura found the girl's pinched-shut rectal aperture below her gaping pussy. Almost before Dawn knew what was happening, Laura had inserted first her oily finger, then the slippery end of the dildo into Dawn's ass and was pushing it slowly home.

"Unnggmmphhnneee!" Dawn whinnied softly, tears suddenly springing up in her black eyes.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes, baby . . . oh yes . . ." Laura panted to her, looking down, guiding the shaft with her fingers, watching it disappear into Dawn's body.

She did not stop until Dawn's ass was completely impaled on the greased shaft. She gave Dawn a few seconds—not moving, kissing her, stroking Dawn's phenomenally smooth black cheek with the fingers of her free hand—to get used to the shocking invasion. Dawn shut her eyes, then opened them again, then blinked them at Laura and slowly nodded her head. She made a tiny, choked, muffled grunt, signifying that she was ready for Laura to get on with it.

Laura was so enraptured and overheated by the feel of her body pressing everywhere against Dawn's that she almost missed the signal. She had altered their usual fucking positions just to achieve this, just so she could press her hot flesh everywhere against Dawn's hard, silky, very black body and feel this heavenly sexual rapture. Rarely did they fuck face to face any more, since they had become so adroit at administering horrifically intense orgasms to one another via other positions.

But this way Laura's fingers, which were only seconds ago holding and guiding the dildo into Dawn's ass, could just as easily turn slightly and sink into the warm, wet, snug folds of Dawn's gaping pussy.

"Mmnnuummnn!" Dawn moaned softly as she felt Laura's fingers enter her.

Her body shook involuntarily. Laura knew she would come quickly. In fact, she, Laura, was almost coming too, already, she was so overcome by the hot, throbbing pulse of her own lust for this delicious naked girl. She realized that she was churning her hips gently forward, moving the strap-on dildo in and out of Dawn's ass, before she had even made a decision to resume.

Dawn grunted softly and snuffled, her mouth completely filled by the ball, her eyelids fluttering, her body stiffening as Laura now began to fuck her in earnest, the way she had wanted it. Laura knew that this dildo felt differently in your ass than the one Dawn was used to, since it had convex ridges running the entire length of the shaft, and Dawn whole lower body seemed to quiver involuntarily each time the long rod slid deep into her.

At the same time Laura was luxuriating in the feel of their skins rubbing together, probing Dawn's wet pussy with her fingers, letting the upper portions of them rub hard against Dawn's hard, nubby clit, swirling it slightly, kissing her smooth black neck, biting her earlobe, feeling the hard swollen gourds of Dawn's trussed breasts push against her body. Imperceptibly their rhythm gathered force until they were both writhing and straining together, Dawn now whimpering deep in her chest, Laura panting and gasping as she gyrated her hips more rapidly.

"Ummnngghh!" Dawn groaned, tiny tears appearing in the corners of her eyes, her face contorted, grimacing; that is, as much of her face as Laura could see through the straps of the gag harness. "Ummnngghh!"

Laura knew the end was near. As usual, she wanted it to go on and on, but Dawn was right at the breaking point, shaking and straining and squirming hysterically, groaning loudly each time the long dildo penetrated her ass. Using her free hand, Laura held one of the girl's bulging, taut, rope-imprisoned breasts and dropped her mouth hungrily to it, sucking Dawn's large, shiny black nipple deep into her mouth and ringing the bumpy, erect areola with her teeth.

The feel of it there between her lips, between her teeth, swollen and tumid and throbbing with excitement, nearly made Laura faint with ecstasy herself. She had no intention of biting Dawn the way she and Karen had, in the past, lovingly assaulted one another's breasts on similar occasions. Sometimes she wondered how her poor breasts had actually survived that affair. And yet a little hint of teeth was a marvelous thing and could shoot a hot spike of juice through you so electric that it jump-started your orgasm and made it a thing of awe.

Dawn knew she was going to do it and had actually let Laura know earlier that she wanted it. She wanted it harder than Laura would give it, but Laura knew anyway how to make it work. You didn't need it especially hard, only to be delivered at the right moment, in concert with a few other actions.

She was in the process of delivering these now, since she knew Dawn could not possibly last another ten seconds. The dildo was embedded deep in Dawn's body so that only the slightest thrusting of Laura's hips could move it in and out. Her fingers now probed hard and fast in Dawn's frothing, slippery pussy, scissoring Dawn's clit between them and rubbing it rapidly, almost maniacally. Oh come, honey, come . . . you're going to come . . . I know it, Laura thought, laving Dawn's erect nipple with her tongue, letting her teeth sink slightly more into the edge of Dawn's taut areola.

"Mnnngggghh! Mnnngghhh!" Dawn grunted, twisting wildly and pumping back as Laura fucked her, undulating her own hips in a frantic, furious rhythm.

Finally, Laura knew Dawn was coming. She knew even before Dawn seemed to know it. Everything exploded in a shower of fire. Dawn's flexing body buckled in a sharp seizure, a motion so sudden and intense that it nearly lifted both their bodies off the creaking bed. Then she began to whinny and shudder as she felt Laura's teeth sinking, still lightly but very insistently, into her throbbing nipple, a sensation that sent her over a deeper edge into an even more excruciating orgasm.

"Mmnngghiiiieeeee!" she wailed now, grimacing hysterically and arching her back as Laura held onto her strong, jackknifing body. "Unnggmmmhhh! Ounngghh! Mmnngghiiiieeeee!"

It was like riding a bucking horse. Laura, in mid-flight, wondered if she had ever had such trouble holding on to another climaxing woman. Dawn was young and strong, and her thrashing was violent and fierce. But it was just as quickly over, as the most intense spasms waned.

She slumped back to the mattress, carrying Laura with her, gasping and snuffling for air. This was what Laura always feared happening at this juncture, the fiendish gag making it nearly impossible for the sweet victim to breathe, especially at this critical moment when she needed air desperately. Quickly, frenziedly, using both hands, even the one that was still slick and fragrant with Dawn's shiny pussy juices, she freed the buckles and straps and peeled the thing off Dawn's face. That's it, I'm throwing it out tomorrow! she vowed to herself as she flung it across the room.

Having made sure to keep the key to the handcuffs in plain sight on the bedstand, she snatched it up and quickly released Dawn's wrists. Dawn rubbed them with her fingers, even though the fur had kept them from cutting very deeply into her skin, while Laura unwrapped the coils of white rope from her dark, glossy breasts. This, Laura remembered from her episodes long ago with Karen, was a critical moment for her, for releasing these beautiful black globes from their imprisonment, watching them return to their pristine natural curves from the unnatural swollen state in which they had been trapped for the past twenty minutes, always seemed to reinvigorate her hunger for them, making her want to kiss and suck and maul them passionately all over again.

For a few seconds Dawn gulped air and did not look at Laura. Instead, she still appeared so stunned by her climax that she might pass out. Her eyes rolled up twice, then came back, then finally focused on Laura's face.

"You mind pulling that fucking huge ripply thing outta me, please?"

Laura smiled and nodded, scarcely believing that she had done all this with the dildo still sunk in Dawn's body. "Hold your breath."

Dawn did hold her breath, now that she had caught it, and even whimpered a little as Laura extracted the long monster from her delicious behind. Dawn looked down at it with a mixture of fascination and distaste.

"At first I didn't think you were going to . . ." her voice trailed off.

"Going to what?"

"You know . . . really do it to me. Hard. You didn't do it like usually do."

"I wanted to hold you. I wanted to be face to face."

Without skipping a beat or changing her expression, Dawn said, "Turn over, I'm going to spank you."

"Wha . . . ?" Laura shook her head, smiling, disbelieving.

Dawn grabbed her arm and tried to force her face down on the bed. "I told you I was going to. Now I'm going to do it."

"But why? I just made you come . . . so beautifully."

The small crescents at the sides of Dawn's sensual mouth grew deeper. "Just on general principles, you bitch. Because you deserve it."

A hint of smile now also crossed Laura's face. So this was it. They were still playing the game. The thought of Dawn spanking her made a wild tickle leap up inside her already hot and wet cunt. Unlike some people, she didn't secretly love spankings, but this session with Dawn was so scintillating and welcome that extending it in anyway possible was her most urgent need. And the idea of being spanked by this wonderful girl suddenly thrilled and aroused her wildly.

Still, she didn't mind resisting a little, just to see what happened.

"I don't deserve any such thing. I just made love to you."

Dawn bared her teeth and twisted Laura's arm until it hurt. "Do as I say or you'll get worse."

Laura winced at the pain in her arm, twisting her body slightly to ease it, watching Dawn's eyes on her small, swaying, naked breasts. Dawn reached out and grabbed one, cupping it in her long, graceful, black fingers, squeezing Laura's breast almost roughly.

Still holding it, she pushed Laura down.

"No . . . wait," Laura panted, wriggling, almost overcome by now with hot, crackling sexual excitement.

As Laura fell face down onto her stomach, Dawn released her breast and planted the same hand flatly in the middle of Laura's back, pressing her into the mattress. There was hardly a split second between this and the feel of her palm sharply cracking into Laura's bare ass. Laura had been expecting it eventually, but not this hard, not this quickly. Her whole ass seemed to flare up in pain.

"Yaiiee!" she shrieked, clenching her buttocks involuntarily, flipping her head around in time to see Dawn's raised hand descend again. "Oh! Aiinnggeee!"

Dawn's face did not look angry but instead fierce, and she again whacked Laura's exposed moons hard, several times, reducing Laura to tears. But something marvelously magical was occurring too, Laura knew, for through the hot, stinging pain she could also feel a coursing, surging molten river of fuck juices pour through her body. She also had a perverse desire to confess her shame, her guilt, whatever it was, the reason Dawn had begun to spank her so mercilessly. It had become more than a game. It was a deep, debauched need to be punished, for no reason at all, it seemed.

Weeping and writhing in the rumpled sheets, half of her wanted to confess (what?) to Dawn, to say how bad she was, how she deserved this. The other half of her just wanted to come immediately, to be ravished and raped by this stunning, strapping, powerful black girl who was slapping her burning bottom so hard. After all, she had nearly had a sympathetic orgasm already while fucking Dawn in the ass with the strap-on dildo, and by now she was truly coiled and tense and bottled up, ready to explode.

Dawn knew it, too. There was no time to waste. Laura was keening and sobbing and also swirling her ass back up into each fierce blow Dawn delivered, her whole body shaking as each blistering whack sent arrows of fire through her loins.

"Ungghh . . . oh god . . . Dawn . . . do me . . . ungghhh!" she grunted and gasped into the sheet below her face, which was now soaked by her tears. "Oh god . . . please . . . please! Auungghh!"

Oh god, I think I'm going to come anyway! she thought, twisting and groaning, minutely anticipating each fresh blow from the flat of Dawn's strong hand, thrilling at the perverse spikes of hot erotic pain that shot through her ass cheeks and seemed to make her pussy throb and overflow with juice. I'm going to come! Please help me come! Please do it to me yourself! Don't make me come like this! Touch me! Please!

"Ohhnnngg . . . touch me!" she gasped, looking up over her shoulder at Dawn, pleading with her eyes. "Touch me . . . Dawn . . . anngghhh! Unghhh! Touch me! Please!"

Their eyes locked, and instantaneously they both knew that of course Dawn was already touching Laura, whacking her bottom mercilessly with the flat of her hand, but that the time had come for another kind of touching. Again she smiled down at Laura, more broadly this time, more playfully, finally, and then she was all over Laura, swarming onto her back, digging one hand down between Laura's thighs, finding the sopping wet, gaping trench there, burrowing into it with her fingers, making a wedge, almost trying to fist-fuck Laura.

"Oh, you want it now, do you?" Dawn chuffed, gasping with sexual excitement herself now. "You want it? You want it now? Are you going to come?"

Laura was so far gone by now that she scarcely heard Dawn's voice. Her ass was flaming, but her pussy was even hotter, boiling, burbling, flooding, and she didn't even care that Dawn seemed intent on working her entire hand into it. She knew she would come before any of that could happen. She was falling, careening, clenching . . .

And then, time seemed to be split in half. First there was the struggling, straining, moaning seconds with Dawn on top of her back, pushing her large breasts into Laura's flesh and trying to drive her hand down into Laura's pussy. Then there was apparently a gulf. Then Laura realized she was in the middle of a wrenching, pulverizing orgasm, a screeching, squealing cataclysm unlike any she had experienced for a while.

"Mmnnggiiieeee!" she squealed, hearing her own voice almost shatter the walls as if it were the voice of some disembodied demon, not her own, a voice shrill and piercing and tortured by a sharp, barely endurable ecstasy. "Mmnnggiiieeee! Oh! Oh!"

By now Dawn was only holding her, leaning half over Laura's clenching, spasming body. She had never succeeded in getting her hand into Laura's pussy since Laura had climaxed so quickly, but her fingers were still dipped in the cauldron, wet and greasy, and she moved them a little as Laura began to come down from her soaring rocket burst.

"Ohhhhhnnnn god!" Laura moaned, "ohhhh god, Dawn."

As if to make up for not having been able to fist fuck Laura, Dawn again moved her fingers, pushing them deeper into Laura's pussy. Laura turned, her eyes still bleary and blasted from her fierce orgasm, and smiled over her shoulder at her.

"You can keep that up forever, if you want," she croaked softly.

Dawn smiled back. "I might just want to."

They lingered for a while this way without moving, enjoying the aftermath of this explosive sex they had visited on each other, luxuriating in the intimacy they had recaptured. In a way it was strange, Laura reflected, since they had once been, not long ago either, pretty seriously in love, and their present shared emotion both acknowledged that and confirmed that they had moved beyond it into something else. The feeling Laura had for Sara was deeper and more pervasive than what she had felt for Dawn, and yet it did not overshadow the intense physical passion they had for each other, or the tenderness.

Finally, Laura turned on her side and Dawn's wet fingers slid out of her pussy.

Dawn pouted. "I can't do it forever if you move and make my hand come out," she said.

"It's because I want to kiss you."

Dawn's black eyes flickered with mischief. "More than you want my fingers in your pretty pink pussy?"

Laura nodded. "Right now . . . yes."

They kissed with moving tenderness, a long kiss. Now they were face to face again, on their sides, their naked breasts brushing, their hands stroking each other's flesh slowly, tenderly.

"You know what?" Dawn murmured against Laura's lips. "You got anything to eat in there? I think I could eat a horse."

Laura laughed deep in her throat. For some reason she and Dawn always worked up an appetite together, and they often spent hours cooking and eating between bouts of fucking, something Laura did infrequently with others. Come to think of it, she thought, I'm a little hungry too. And my ass is still flaming.

"I don't have a horse," she said. "In fact, you may have to settle for some scrambled eggs and a toasted bagel."

Dawn bent over and kissed the reddened moons of Laura's ass as they disentangled their bodies and slid off the bed. "Ooohhh, I really made them red. No wonder you came so hard."

Laura smiled sarcastically at her. "Proud of yourself?"

Dawn let the fingers of one hand deviate from Laura's inflamed ass cheek toward the crease. "Maybe we could wait for those eggs. Want to try for another big one?"

But Laura quickly wriggled away. Never one to turn down a sexual opportunity, she was surprised to notice that she still felt completely drained and wrung out by the powerful orgasm she had just experienced. "Later . . . okay?" she asked softly, feeling totally out of character, no longer Laura the fuck slut extraordinaire.

Maybe I am the New Laura, after all, she thought. Dawn did not seem concerned. It turned out she really was voraciously hungry, and they quickly cooked up a meal and devoured it, sitting naked across from one another at the dining room table. But when they were finished, Laura knew the fires were rising again. It was impossible to sit at a table across from the naked Dawn, watching the dim lights gleam off her bare shoulders and jutting young breasts, watching her round black nipples shine, drinking in the deep sheen of her coal-black skin, without wanting to devour her. Even a stupendous orgasm half an hour ago could not slake that need.

Laura let her eyes drift toward the bedroom. "What do you say? Shall we?"

"Why Laura, are you propositioning me?"

They strolled there hand in hand. Laura let escape from her mouth something she had been dying to ask but couldn't. "What do you think about inviting your friend Hanh Phuc Yu, or whatever her name is, over here to . . . you know, be with us?"

"Hanh Phuc Chu," Dawn corrected. "You trying to steal my honey?"

By now they were at the foot of the bed. They turned face to face, embracing lightly, brushing their nipples together, teasing each other with their tongues outside their mouths. Laura could already feel a hot rush of sexual wind through her flesh, and she knew she no longer cared about the answer to her question.

"Forget I asked," she said. "All I want is you."

"Ummmm," Dawn giggled happily, digging her fingers now a little more passionately into the flesh of Laura's naked back. "I don't believe you," she whispered. "But maybe it ain't such a bad idea. Only thing is, between you and me, she might just burn up into a cinder on the spot."

They fell together onto the bed laughing softly and began kissing more heatedly.




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