Laura - Chapter 277
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Sex with Jane or Kendra or Shaniqua was a now and then thing, but love with Sara went on and on, filling Laura's days, enlivening and spicing up her nights, and leavening every bit of her life with sweet anticipation. They spent their weekends together, watching old movies (Sara's, and quickly Laura's, favorite pastime), eating popcorn on the floor and fucking finally, or sometimes unable to wait until the movie was over, fucking maniacally and exhaustingly on the carpet while Fred and Ginger were smartly bantering or stylishly dancing in the background. They went to museums and concerts and out to dinner or lunch, walked in the park, took long drives. They never tired of one another. It's a miracle, Laura thought. Just a miracle. Though their relationship had very early come close to being dashed on the rocks of sexual betrayal by Laura's dalliance with Dee Dee, they had somehow managed to recover, mainly through Sara's good sense and forbearance, and now they were perfectly comfortable in their deep and moving intimacy. During the week they spoke by phone occasionally, but both agreed that seeing each other every day or night would be pushing things a little too hard. The joy they took in each other's company was made more intense for both of them by the sweet anticipation they felt all week long, although on a few Friday nights they had verged on tearing one another apart in the heat of their longed for reunion. For Laura, it was a revelation that one could feel this way. Accustomed to the ups and downs of the tempestuous lusts and passions she had suffered through—as well as enjoyed, in fact exulted in—with her other lovers over the years, she now found herself bathing continuously in the warm current of Sara's steady love, which did not shift or alter from day to day but was always a constant, radiant force, relaxed and humorous, but also keen and piquant and sweet, though anything but saccharine. Consequently, Laura was more relaxed herself, already noticing that she was not desperate to fuck every attractive woman she saw on the street, not always scheming to see which of her current contacts might be free for a delicious little romp. This was not always a welcome phenomenon, since the middle of the week frequently found her wondering if just a tiny moment of fucking with, say, April might be fun, or Yvette, whom she had not seen in ages, it seemed. The truth was that when Sara had mentioned 'old friends,' she had not had a clue how many old friends Laura actually had, though her opportunities were admittedly fewer now that Randi was in North Carolina and Shontay in France. But basically, she was loyal and happy. Working in the Corporate Communications unit of her company meant that she was obliged on occasion to attend social events representing it. One of these, held on a Thursday evening, was a swank party for an Eastern European dignitary held by the mayor of San Francisco in the Garden Court of the Palace Hotel, an enchanting Victorian domed restaurant that had been the carriage entrance to the fabled hotel one hundred years earlier and was now an elegant and classy fantasy-room that made one feel like a princess just by walking around in it. The champagne was flowing freely when she arrived, and several men tried to pick her up immediately, but Laura, while remaining civil, did not allow them closer. One of them she recognized as Brad Dickinson, a Member of the Board of Supervisors, who was pretty wealthy, very handsome, and rumored to be a leading candidate for mayor in the coming year. She was flattered by his obvious attraction to her, so apparent that he followed her around for several minutes, but she firmly and sweetly let him know she was otherwise occupied. Then, already friendly with a staffer of the current mayor's that she had known for years, she stuck close to her and discouraged any further approaches. It was just before the dinner was going to be served that she felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to find herself face to face with a stunning young black woman in a slinky red dress and a diamond necklace. She was as tall as Laura, slender though with quite alluring cleavage since her dress was cut daringly low, very dark, her skin richly smooth and flawless, her hair cut high around her ears. The diamond necklace appeared to be real, though Laura realized she wouldn't actually know. But why would someone wear a diamond necklace to such an occasion if it were not real? Either you were a vulgar showoff and a fraud, or you were rich enough to wear one. "I'm Amber," the woman said, looking directly, almost boldly, into Laura's eyes. "I'm Laura." Slowly, Amber took Laura's instinctively offered hand, raising it almost in slow motion, her fingers cool and coiling around Laura's knuckles, her eyes never leaving Laura's. "Do you really want to stay here and eat this rubber chicken? Or would you rather come back to my place. I've got an apartment in the Fontana. Sixteenth floor. Great view. I've got champagne, too. Better than this swill." She raised her champagne flute and made a charming face. The Fontana Towers, Laura knew, were twin apartment buildings on the northern waterfront overlooking Ghirardelli Square and Angel Island, very expensive, inhabited almost exclusively by the people she had grown up thinking of as 'the filthy rich.' My god, am I being picked up? she wondered. By this incredible young woman, so gorgeous, apparently so rich? The last time Laura could recall being so blatantly approached was when the wild and molten Kim had picked her up boldly in the Dallas airport. She had never regretted that, since they had nearly killed one another with fucking for twenty-four hours and since then had a few more incendiary meetings. But this woman, though also bold, was about as different from Kim as you could get. For one thing, she was not brazen and fiery but elegant and cool, though there was a smoldering, ambiguous sensuality lurking in the bottom of her gaze. She also had the self-assurance and almost imperious confidence that came, Laura speculated, from being rich, probably all her life; a life unencumbered by want or deprivation or pecuniary anxieties. Kim had been, as Laura herself had been before her present job, in a constant state of financial uncertainty. And finally, of course, on a purely physical level Amber was very dark, enchantingly black, whereas Kim was golden and dark wheat colored, like a jaguar, which she resembled in other ways too. Apparently these little reflections took longer than Laura had realized, for she saw one of Amber's eyebrows rise in impatience and curiosity, as if she were herself speculating, wondering if she had after all got it wrong, and Laura was not a prospect. "Well?" she said to Laura, wanting a decision. I don't even know you, Laura thought. You might want to take me home and rape me. Though I probably wouldn't fight it much. She smiled at Amber mysteriously. "I'm thinking it over," Laura murmured, feeling her eyelids lower a little, almost unconsciously, but a reaction over which she had no control. "Don't take too long," Amber murmured back. Laura set down her own champagne flute on a nearby table. "Okay. Let's go." The smallest hint of a grin tugged at the corners of Amber's mouth. She placed her own flute next to Laura's. Without speaking, she tilted her head to one side, indicating the door. "Did you bring a coat?" she asked Laura as they walked casually toward it. "Left it in my car," Laura said, staring straight ahead. "Hot tonight." "Have to stop for mine." Laura waited while she picked up a silver fox wrap at the check-in counter. They waited under the awning while the valet brought Amber's car. "Leave yours here. I'll bring you back," she said to Laura. The car was a black Mercedes two-seater. Laura noticed the word Kompressor in chrome high on the side fender. Amber drove it the way Isadora Duncan must have driven hers just before being strangled by her scarf. The top was down, and the wind was sharp, so that both of them became very tousled and wind-blown. "Doesn't it make you nervous, walking around with all those diamonds on?" Laura asked her when they were sitting briefly at a stoplight, and the wind was less vigorous. "You could be . . . attacked." Amber gave her a satirical stare. "Who's going to attack me . . . you?" Then the light changed, and she drove on. "Not me," Laura said. "You know, some criminal. Jewel thief." "But not you," Amber repeated. Laura swallowed, feeling nervous and not knowing what to say. It only took a few minutes for them to reach the Fontana Towers. The doorman greeted Amber by saying "Evening, Miss Grant," so that Laura now knew her last name. Her apartment was spectacular, something Laura had only seen before in movies. It was hard to say how you knew that something was expensive, but you knew. The furniture and carpets all reeked of money, gobs of it. Everything had clearly been put together by a designer, not the usual throw-it-together slapdash style, however tasteful, that Laura herself would have managed. It was like one of those apartments where models posed in Vogue or Elle, looking trés chic and vapid or bored, with a Giacometti sculpture in the background. In this case, no Giacometti, but actual Georgia Okeeffes on the wall, four of them. Stunned, Laura paused in the white hallway, which was arranged like an art gallery, walking from painting to painting, scrutinizing them. Certainly in all the flowers she had painted during her long life, Okeeffe had probably done only a few that looked exactly like vaginas, but Amber Grant seemed to have every one of them hanging on her walls. They might be disguised by odd coloration, such as the one with the green inner lips framed by the long, graceful arcing outer curves of dark purple. "God, they must've cost you a fortune," Laura said, under her breath. Amber was watching her from the end of the hallway, looking like this was a common experience for someone entering her home for the first time. She seemed calmly pleased to find Laura so enchanted by these splendid paintings. She nodded. "It's worth every penny just to see how much you enjoy them." "How much does something like this cost?" Amber looked bored and shrugged, leading Laura out of the gallery/hallway and into the rest of her apartment, which was impossibly elegant, with a one-eighty degree view through huge plate glass windows. "I have somebody who buys them for me," she said. "I don't know how much. Sorry." Laura stood for a while in front of the windows, mesmerized by the view, which only mildly reminded her of the view she herself had given up by moving from her old apartment. She had not had such huge windows, and anyway the Fontana faced in a more northerly direction, so that the sights were different. She was in a pleasant hypnotic trance of visual fascination and barely heard the popping of a champagne cork in the distant kitchen. Like the windows, the rooms themselves were huge. Amber appeared seconds later with champagne for both of them. "You must have a lot of money," Laura said softly, trying to keep the awe out of her voice, as Amber handed her one glass. Instead of answering, Amber raised her glass, looking deeply and seriously into Laura's eyes, and clinking the rim of her crystal champagne flute lightly against Laura's. "Welcome to my place. I'm glad you came. I like you." Laura blushed, but the room was very dim, lit mainly by the starlight and the streetlights below, and she doubted that Amber saw the red flush on her face. "I don't know anyone who has real paintings on their walls," she said nervously. "Just prints." Amber smiled, more warmly this time. "You don't have to be nervous. I'm not going to attack you either." Laura grinned. She raised her own glass, to make a toast too. "Thank you for inviting me." Again the small, semi-amused grin tugged at the corners of Amber's sensual mouth, a mouth Laura was now beginning to hunger for, a very kissable, very desirable mouth. "My father was the first great black media mogul," she explained, after a long pause. "You never heard of him. Always in the background . . . nobody ever knew much about him. Not famous, fanatically private. Hated the limelight. He made gazillions of dollars. He was almost seventy when I was born. Only child. I inherited all of it, after my mother died a few years ago." She looked blankly at Laura, as if that was all there was to say. "Yes, I have a lot of money. I hope you won't hold it against me." Laura looked searchingly into her black eyes. "You must be kidding. You're gorgeous, you're rich, and you like me? What could I have against you?" Amber smirked, and turned away, walking over to a marvelous heavy glass table and setting her champagne glass on it. "Do you just run off with anybody to her apartment, without knowing anything about her, whenever you feel like it?" "Why, are you a serial killer or something?" Now Amber laughed out loud. "Probably worse. I might be after your virtue more than your life." It was Laura's turn to laugh. "My virtue? What makes you think I have any of that left?" "Believe me, Laura, you have plenty of it. I could tell the moment I saw you from across the room. Do you know what virtue really means? Power. I saw the way you brushed off those guys who were hovering around you. One of them was Brad Dickinson, too. Every little chickie in San Francisco has a severe pussy-flutter when he simply walks into the room. I saw the way you stuck close to Wendy Small, the mayor's aide. I've known Wendy for about a thousand years, and I was going to get her to introduce us, until I saw you alone. And vulnerable. To my devastating charm. So . . . the rest is history. You have . . . virtue. Believe me." "And you want it?" Laura asked, boldly, enjoying this banter. Amber smiled, amused. "I usually never have to do without what I want," she said, mysteriously. This was the moment Laura always loved and feared, in equal measure, the time when something was going to happen but nobody knew how. She felt pretty sure that they were going to wind up in bed, in only a few minutes probably, but how they were going to get there was anybody's guess. The air in the room was electric, and she realized that both of them were giving off vibrations and scents that signaled their sexual anticipation. In my wildest dreams I never thought I'd be in a situation like this, Laura realized. With a beautiful rich girl. Who picked me up. Amber came over to her, only a few steps, and turned her back. "Since you like my necklace so much, maybe you'd like to . . . take it off for me." Now Laura was nearly overcome by excitement. The intimate, stirring, almost sweet odor of Amber's body quickly penetrated her nostrils and made her giddy. Of course she smells good, Laura reminded herself; she probably has all that ruinously expensive perfume that no one else can afford. Laura's face, her lips, were only inches from the smooth, black nape of Amber's neck. She could see the soft firm black velvet of Amber's nearly bare shoulders, broken only by the thin red straps of her dress. She could smell her clean, perfumed hair. Slowly, she raised her fingers to the clasp of the necklace and unfastened it. The necklace was very heavy as it came away from Amber's neck, and for the first time Laura realized how big the stones were, how much they actually weighed. "God, this thing must put an extra two pounds on you." Amber smiled back over her shoulder, not moving, even though the necklace was off, dangling from Laura's hand. "I can use it," she murmured. "Oh . . . I don't think so," Laura stammered. "I think your figure is . . . just perfect." "You want to kiss my back, don't you?" Amber whispered in a distant, soft, almost shy way, still not moving. "If you do . . . I want you to. And my neck, too." "Oh god," Laura said, "I think I want to kiss all of you. Every bit." Amber grinned, turning slowly now to face Laura. "See. I knew I picked the right girl to bring home with me." She took the dangling necklace from Laura's hand and set it next to the champagne flutes on the glass table. Laura ran her fingertip slowly along Amber's lips, whispering very softly, feeling her eyelids getting heavy again. "You didn't give me a chance to do it. Turn back around." Amber looked into her eyes, her own gaze now less amused but soft and glowing and questioning. "You really want to?" Laura nodded slowly. Gently, she placed her hands on Amber's shoulders and slowly turned her, with Amber acquiescing, until she was again positioned with her mostly naked back to Laura. I am a connoisseur of backs, my dear, Laura thought, and it looks like this is an all-time beauty I plan to add to my collection. Amber's hair was cut short, up around her ears, exposing the entire lengthy, smooth black column of her neck. Laura began by pressing her lips against the smooth bump of her nape, the same place she had caressed with her fingertips moments earlier. Amber's sleek black skin was warm against her lips, and she moved them slowly, sensually, kissing this marvelous swelling as carefully and expressively as she could, then slowly extending her tongue and licking it, running the tip of her tongue around it and then up to the first roots of Amber's hair above it, then down again to the nape of her neck. She was looking for a sudden, unanticipated shiver, and she got it quickly. "Ahneeee!" Amber sighed and giggled, her whole body gripped by a quick, light, racing tremor. "Oh god, that tickles!" "Don't move," Laura murmured. "I'm not finished." Amber's giggles tapered off into rapid breathing. "I wouldn't dare move." She glanced back over her shoulder at Laura. "Go ahead. I'm loving it." "Mmmm, me too," Laura purred. Now she began kissing the smooth upper slopes of Amber's back, nuzzling the firm flesh between her neck and shoulders and both sides, then returning to kiss the nape of her neck again, lick it as before, again bringing happy giggles and shivers from Amber. "I think you've done this before," Amber sighed, wriggling her shoulders as the sensations caused by Laura's mouth became more intense. One thin red strap of her dress slid off her left shoulder. Laura immediately moved her lips over to that shoulder and began to kiss every inch of it, also licking the round flesh at the top. "What ever gave you that idea?" she teased. "You're good at it," Amber panted softly, now turning around again, forcing Laura to pull her face back from her smooth, gleaming black shoulder. "Why . . . thank you," Laura grinned. "If I'm so good at it, why did you stop me?" "Because I'm good at a few things too." She caressed Laura's cheek with the backs of her knuckles, a very tender gesture. Maybe she isn't going to rape me after all, Laura thought. "Want to find out what?" "I think I do," Laura whispered, looking at her mouth, wanting now to kiss it hungrily. Slowly, tantalizingly, Amber ran one slender dark finger down Laura's pale arm to her hand, hooking it through Laura's forefinger, and gently tugged it, motioning for Laura to follow her, smiling in a mysterious, ambiguous, and yet devastatingly sexual way. As if in a deep hypnotic trance, Laura, though linked to her only by their crooked fingers, followed her through the half-darkened apartment until they reached what was apparently Amber's bedroom. It was, like every other room in the place, amazingly large. There was a huge oriental carpet on the parquet floor, extra thick throw rugs on it surrounding the bed, a large salt-water aquarium filled with brightly colored tropical fish in the center of the room, and a gas-fired hearth on the wall opposite the bed, which was a canopied four-poster, draped in expensive fabrics. Whereas Laura thought of four-posters as a quaint, bygone era sort of bed, this one was ultra-chic, made of expensive polished mahogany cut in slantwise modernistic shapes and beautiful curves. The whole thing looked like something out of a high-class furniture catalog, aimed only at the super rich. Amber saw her looking at it. "Feeling sleepy?" she joked. Not trusting herself to speak for fear her sexual excitement would clot her throat with choked off words, Laura merely shook her head. But she also shot Amber a hot, knowing glance, signifying that they both knew what was coming. "I'd like to lie down on it, though," she finally managed to say, softly. "Why don't you? Go ahead . . . kick off your shoes and try it out." Laura tried a little coyness, a role she was not accustomed to, usually having it sprung on her by the other party. "Only if you . . . join me," she whispered. Amber moved closer. Her face, her whole manner, became more sultry and sensuous, and her eyes fell to Laura's lips. She propped both forearms on Laura's shoulders, locking her fingers behind Laura's head, staring directly into Laura's eyes. "I want to do this first," she whispered, almost inaudibly. Without another word, she just pushed her face forward until her lips met Laura's, still pushing, mashing them gently into Laura's mouth. The first time kissing someone new was always a special thrill for Laura, and she could feel a little quiver of excitement ripple through her body as Amber's cool, sensual lips curved into her own. For a brief instant they reminded her of the sublime pillowy paradise of Sara's mouth, but she quickly realized there was little emotional content to this kiss, which always gave her and Sara's kisses their extra moving and sexually heated character. It was a kiss between near strangers, and it had the excitement of novelty and adventure that such a kiss always had. Amber did not touch her but simply moved her lips against Laura's, finally coaxing Laura's mouth open and letting her tongue dance in between Laura's teeth. Laura was an expert kisser herself and responded in kind, and after about a minute she could hear her breathing and Amber's accelerate, even though their tongues, and their lips, were still moving and gliding slowly together in a patient, romantic tangle. Amber had a long tongue, longer, Laura thought, than any she had ever come across, and she slithered it so far into Laura's mouth that Laura wondered if it might slide halfway down her throat. At the same time, it made Laura's pussy simply gush with juice. Oh god, I'll die if she sticks that tongue all the way up my cunt, she thought. Amber ended the kiss by taking Laura's lower lip between her teeth and tugging it gently outward, opening her eyes and gazing deeply into Laura's. Then she released it. "Still want to kiss all of me?" Laura smiled and nodded. "Every inch. You're beautiful." "You ain't so bad yourself, girlfriend," Amber said, again in her soft, sultry voice, now peeling the other strap off her shoulder and letting her slinky red dress slide down her body. Underneath it Laura saw that she was wearing an ivory-colored backless, strapless bra that covered her stomach down to just an inch above her navel. The bra had a fringe of ivory lace along the top of the cups and a pretty little bow in the center, just below Amber's fetching, shadowy cleavage. Around her navel was a filigree of dark tattooing, a fancy, symmetrical design elongated at the top and bottom. Laura usually despised tattoos, even when tastefully done like Randi's ankh, but this one was very attractive. Amber was a pretty elegant creature, and of course had a pretty elegant tattoo. Laura was wearing a sheath dress that easily unzipped down the back, and she reached behind her to pull down the zipper, doing it slowly, without taking her eyes off Amber, who was similarly unfastening the backless bra behind her waist. Their eyes never left each other's while they slowly disrobed. There was a current flowing between them, hot and steady and throbbing, and Laura could feel it coursing through her whole body, rippling down to her toes and making them curl slightly, also coiling deep inside her womb, making her belly tremble and quiver. She could see that Amber was feeling it too. God, I am going to be exhausted in the morning, Laura realized. We are going to eat one another alive, I just know it. Amber knew how Laura was scrutinizing every little inch of her body that came into view, and she purposely removed the backless bra slowly, just to tantalize her. Laura slipped out of her sheath and gently laid it on the end of the four-poster's mattress, at the foot of the bed. She knew she wasn't exactly an ugly troll herself in her underwear, which was confirmed by Amber's admiring, even hungry eyes. Laura had had no plans for sexual encounter this evening but had worn very alluring underwear anyway: black lace bikini panties cut very high on the hip, and a skimpy black bra that plunged between her breasts and had lacy tops too. She loved wearing sexy underwear, no matter who was going to see it, or even if nobody was but her. It made her feel almost lethally lecherous, which she was certainly feeling at this moment. But the wonder for her was Amber's body, which was slowly coming into view. Amber was tall and lean and dark, her skin smooth dark velvet, her bones perfect, a model's body really, like Laura's, with straight horizontal clavicles and a long waist. She also had the most incredible puffy black nipples Laura had seen since Rina and Trina, the twins. Amber's nipples and areolas were perfect soft cones, rising almost an inch off the surface of each firm breast. She looked down at them as she saw Laura staring. "See something you like?" She looked up at Laura from under her eyebrows, questioningly. Laura swallowed. "Yes . . . I do." "See something you'd like to touch? Or . . . more?" Laura nodded. Amber gave a throaty laugh, throwing her head back. "You don't just like me for my money after all, do you." "I'm afraid not," Laura laughed softly too. "In fact, your money means nothing to me. I want your body." Amber came over to her and turned Laura around so that she could unclasp Laura's bra. "It's so refreshing to meet someone so honest, Laura." The sexy black bra came loose, and Amber slid the straps down Laura's shoulders. Then she again using her fingertips she turned Laura's shoulders around so that Laura was facing her, their naked breasts now brushing, their nipples touching. Laura emitted a tiny gasp, the sensation was so amazingly acute and exciting. She felt Amber quiver a little too. They both looked down at their breasts touching. "Still feeling sleepy?" Amber teased. Laura gnawed her lower lip. "I never was sleepy. I don't think I could sleep with you in the same room. Too many other things on my mind." "Mmmm, like what, may I ask." Without answering, Laura bent forward and kissed Amber's long, smooth, dark neck, running her lips up to the girl's earlobe and nipping it gently. "I think you know what," she whispered. Amber tilted her head to one side, making it easier for Laura's lips to reach more of her delicious skin. Laura breathed in her ear. This seemed to ignite Amber, and she suddenly grasped Laura harder, finding Laura's mouth with her own and kissing Laura more hungrily then ever, snaking her long tongue down to the entrance of Laura's throat. This in turn made flames leap up inside Laura's pussy, and she could feel, as if they were moving on their own, her own arms encircling Amber's naked back more aggressively. She could now feel their naked breasts, which had merely been brushing before, mashing together. She could also feel Amber's soft, large, puffy nipples squashing against her own, which made her desire to have them in her mouth fierce and urgent. They were both now wearing only their panties, Laura's the sexy black lace ones, and Amber's just as alluring, ivory bikini-style panties to match her bra, devastating against her velvety black skin. When they broke off the kiss, they were both panting, their fingers digging into each other's warm flesh. Laura could see Amber's black eyes swirling and throbbing and knew hers were doing the same. "I want to lick your beautiful tattoo," Laura panted softly, dropping one hand to Amber's hard, flat belly and running her fingertips over it. Amber gave her a soft, throaty laugh, her eyelids heavy with sex, and bent her face forward to run her lips up Laura's neck, the way Laura had done to her. When she reached Laura's ear, she slithered her long tongue into it. "I want to lick your pussy," she murmured. The combination of her words and her tongue in Laura's ear almost sent Laura over the edge. Her knees sagged a little, and a sharp, wild pulse leapt up in her throat, and her neck, where Amber's lips had just been. "Ooohhh, you like that," Amber murmured, clutching her body harder. "Come here." She pulled Laura over to the bed. They fell onto it immediately, kissing feverishly, groping, clutching. "Who goes first?" Laura panted, nibbling Amber's chin, biting her earlobe. "Why me, of course," Amber laughed again, her throaty laugh. "It's my place, isn't it? Little rich girls always go first." She had long arms and dropped them quickly down Laura's back, sliding the fingers of both hands under Laura's bikini panties, cupping Laura's ass cheeks in her palms. Laura was sliding her mouth down again along Amber's smooth neck to her shoulder, trying to reach Amber's breasts with her lips before she lost the chance, but Amber was too fast for her. She was lightning fast, already pressing her lips into Laura's taut lower belly, squeezing Laura's buns and also tugging down Laura's panties. "Mmmm, you have a nice little booty, for a white girl." "Thanks . . . I guess," Laura panted, already feeling overwhelmed by this onslaught of friendly passion. Clearly, Amber was no amateur at this. She adroitly turned Laura over onto her stomach, cleanly peeling the skimpy panties off her ankles, and pressing her mouth to the round, tender moons, kissing them ravenously. "I just love a pretty naked ass like this," she purred, pulling Laura's ass cheeks apart and running her phenomenally long tongue up and down the moist, deep crack. "Ooiiieee!" Laura shrieked and laughed, reflexively wriggling away, but not wanting it to stop either. "Oh shit . . . that feels good!" "Oh no you don't," Amber said. "Come back here." She flung herself forward, catching Laura, pressing her warm, sleek flesh against Laura's body, and Laura effortlessly rolled over again onto her back, holding out her arms and taking Amber into them. Again they were kissing hungrily, and stroking each other more urgently than before. Amber kissed Laura's nose and nibbled her lip. "Know something? You look a lot like Stephanie Seymour. The model. Remember her?" Laura, though feverish with sexual excitement, had to fight being deflated by this casual comment. As always, she was delighted to be thought beautiful—didn't everyone think Stephanie Seymour was beautiful?—but at the same time Amber's offhand compliment reawakened her fear that both she and Stephanie were past their prime. Remember her? Of course I remember her, she thought. She's passé, just the way I'm beginning to be passé. "I met her once," Amber continued softly, staring deeply into Laura's eyes. "In New York, at a function. She doesn't do it like we do. I tried, though." Laura smiled wanly. "So now you've got her lookalike." A brief, mild frown furrowed Amber's smooth, dark brow. Then she smiled, caressing Laura's cheek, a very touching gesture. "Surely you don't think I'd rather have her here, do you? That stuck up het bitch? It's you I picked. It's you I wanted. All the better that you want me too." "God, I do, I really do," Laura confessed. Now when they resumed kissing it was like a hot tornado had enwrapped them and swirled them off into a shared sexual frenzy. Again Amber got the upperhand and slid down Laura's body to feast on Laura's naked breasts before Laura could stop her, not that she wanted to stop her. Amber did not observe the niceties of first-time romance. She assaulted Laura's breasts passionately with her mouth and hands, as if she would have no other chance. Laura was immediately overcome by a hot rush of piercing physical pleasure. "Oh! Unhhhh! Oh shit . . . oh god Amb—" she gasped. "Oh god, that feels good! Yes! Unhhhh! Yes . . . suck it! Yes! Anngghhh! Suck it harder, yes! Yes! Unhhh!" Amber was like Laura in her approach. It was not just Laura's swollen, excited nipples—now wet with Amber's warm saliva, and pointing, jutting, throbbing—that attracted her mouth and fingers, but every inch of Laura's breasts. Her lips were all over the small, perfect balls of flesh, sucking and nipping the taut, bulging flesh, kissing the space between them, devouring one of Laura's nipples hungrily, sucking it hard, then darting beneath her breast to kiss the crease below the swelling underside, then sucking Laura's other aching nipple sharply, making Laura whinny and caw with fierce sexual excitement. "Unhhh . . . oh shit, girl . . . you're going to make me come!" Laura panted, looking down at Amber's dark fingers snaking over her breasts, and at Amber's lips snaring her nipples. Amber smiled up at her without missing a beat. "I am going to do that. You're right." "I . . . I mean . . . pretty quick!" Laura panted, twisting and writhing on her back. Amber promptly slid further down Laura's body, pushing open her thighs, not stopping until her face was in Laura's groin. "Ooohh honey, you have the prettiest little pink pussy I've seen in months. All wet and gooey and hot for Amber's long tongue, too." "Ahhhnnnnn!" Laura nearly fainted with pleasure as she felt Amber's tongue enter her and slither way up the hot frothing channel of her pussy. Now, instead of the controlled frenzy of her attack on Laura's breasts, Amber's approach was slow and sensual. Either she knew that Laura was already nearly at the point of no return, and was trying to slow her down, or she simply loved to lavish her considerable skill slowly on a festering, pulsing cunt and was determined to draw this out, no matter how aroused Laura might be. Though wildly stimulated, Laura thought briefly of the Georgia O'Keeffe paintings hanging in the hallway. This girl loves vaginas, she thought; aroused or not. She loves them, and loves to lick them. Amber certainly loved Laura's. The tip of her amazing tongue seemed to find every secret crevice and nerve in Laura's pussy, so much so that within about a minute Laura was arcing off the bed, whimpering, clawing the bottom sheet with her spastic fingers. Usually the aggressor herself—or at least by default the initiator—she now had no choice but to let Amber ravish her aching cunt, and the pleasure was almost unendurable. It quickly became clear that Amber was using a technique Laura often employed. She would coax Laura to the brink, then back off, then bring her up again. Since Laura usually came easily and quickly, it was not a simple thing to do. Amber began with only her incredible tongue, licking and penetrating Laura's hypersensitive cunt and tormenting her clit until Laura was cawing and wheezing and churning. Then she would slack off, kissing Laura's thighs, caressing Laura's heaving belly with her hands, looking up at Laura with the most astonishing ingenuousness, as if Laura's convulsive, sexually-tortured moans were anything but her responsibility. "You have a quick trigger, my darling," Amber murmured to her, and Laura could see her sensual lips glistening with Laura's own pussy juices. "We have to control that. We don't want any premature explosions. I intend to enjoy you thoroughly." Laura giggled softly, almost uncontrollably, her body tense and overwrought with sexual need, but her admiration for Amber's amazing skill still intact. This girl is going to fuck me from here to next Thursday and back, she realized. God, I love it. "I don't know who's enjoying it more," she laughed softly, giving Amber a killer stare. Amber smiled and went back to work. This time she seemed intent on finally bringing Laura to the finish line. Her long tongue seemed to find the depths of Laura's aching pussy. Laura could feel Amber's sensual lips against her vulva, and even Amber's nose pushing into her pubic hair as the girl probed deep into her oozing cunt. At the same time, she could now feel Amber's fingertip sliding between her ass cheeks, searching for her secret little rosebud, then finding it and tickling it cleverly. "Ohhh!" she whimpered uncontrollably. "Mmmmm!" Amber purred, now sliding her tongue out and curling it around Laura's hard, throbbing clit. "Hhmmmmm! That's just what it takes to make you go off, isn't it?" "Oh god!" Suddenly, Amber was pulling away, withdrawing her finger from between Laura's buns, scooting off the bed. "Wait just a sec," she said, half under her breath, which was coming more rapidly now too, Laura noticed. But Laura was flexing and quivering and moaning with so much sexual tension by now that she barely noticed anything else. She ran her feverish hands all over her own throbbing, writhing body, wondering when anyone had ever aroused her to such an unbearable pitch without letting her come. It was mean, but she had done it herself to countless lovely girls; it was deliciously mean. She was twisting her erect nipples in her fingers and squirming frantically when Amber returned to the bed, after being gone only a few seconds. She pushed Laura's thighs apart and settled between them again. "Miss me?" she asked, grinning. But Laura was too far gone even to respond. Also, before she could even focus on Amber's face, she felt the finger again, this time greased, sliding between her buns and then quickly up her anus, penetrating her to the second knuckle. "Unngghh!" she grunted, tears instantly springing to her eyes. But Amber was unconcerned and began heatedly slurping and sucking Laura's aching wet pussy again immediately, now focusing on her clit, lashing it with her phenomenal tongue until Laura was climbing the walls. "Oh! Oh!" "That's it, honey," Amber panted. "You're almost there. Come on home, now. Come on home to me. Come on, honey." "Unh! Unh!" Amber fucked Laura's asshole in quick, deep strokes with her greased finger and sucked Laura's clit rhythmically at the same time, sucking with each penetration, releasing as she withdrew her finger again, then sucking once more as she plunged it back into Laura's ass. A squirt of hot liquid fire shot from Laura's ass to her pussy and back, until her whole lower body was vibrating and throbbing with heat and swelling tension. She knew she was only a micro-second away from a killing climax. "Unh! Unh! Oh god! Unh!" "Yes . . . yes!" Amber hissed happily. Then Laura seemed to black out briefly. At any rate, for a few seconds she did not know what happened. Her thrashing, pumping body was enveloped in a pulsing, incandescent fog of sex, and when she surfaced back into consciousness she could hear herself screaming and feeling her body coming in sharp, wrenching spasms. "Anngghhmmnnggiiieeee!" she wailed, then gasped for breath as her body fell back to the bed after one shattering spasm. Then again. "Anngghhmmnnggiiieeee!" This time the muscles in her body seemed to cramp so hard that she was afraid they would not uncramp. She shuddered, bowed and arched off the mattress, with Amber clinging to her thighs, looping her long dark arms under them and holding on while Laura came and suffered through several more intense spasms, whimpering and gurgling helplessly until they waned. Even after they faded, she could not speak. Amber seemed to know that she was briefly paralyzed by this extreme sexual rapture, and she effortlessly disconnected their bodies, wiping her finger on a small towel she had also brought back with her, then sliding up to embrace Laura and kiss her. Laura, still dazed, watched her pretty dark face come into focus. "I want you to know I haven't been fucked like that in a long time," she said in a hoarse whisper, blinking back the hot fog that still clouded her eyes. Amber made a long, disbelieving face. "Even by your sweetie pie? I know someone as gorgeous as you are must have a sweetie pie, Laura. Maybe more than one." Her candor and honesty were so disarming that Laura found herself nodding, even thinking of Sara, and feeling momentarily guilty. What if she could see me like this? she wondered. Having thrilling orgasms in the arms of this stunning rich girl. "I do have . . . someone special," she whispered to Amber, averting her eyes. "Nothing to be embarrassed about," Amber whispered back. "So do I. And let me guess. You feel a little guilty since I brought her up, and you'd rather just fuck with me all night and forget you ever knew her until tomorrow morning." Laura grinned and laughed. "You're a mind reader." Amber drew an invisible line down Laura's cheek with one finger. "She doesn't do you like that?" "We have . . . a very strong emotional connection," Laura explained softly. "Sometimes when we fuck, if you can believe it, the sex almost gets lost in the . . . I don't know how to describe it. The union, you know? The merging?" Amber nodded. Then she grinned. "That's why you have someone like me. The raw side, I call it. Wakes you up a little. I like it raw." This reminded Laura that she was being very selfish, having climaxed spectacularly while Amber had not. She kissed Amber's nose, then dropped her mouth to Amber's lips, kissing her romantically. "I believe I can give it to you raw, if that's what you like," she murmured. Amber grinned salaciously back at her. "Mmmm, I was hoping you'd say that." She lowered her voice to a deep, smoky murmur and flirted shamelessly. "How would you feel about raping me and pulling my hair." Laura sat up. "What?" She was a little shocked. Not that she hadn't done such things before, but she was still ambivalent about having it known, which meant she was ambivalent about doing them again too. Amber made a long, mock-prim face. "I'm sorry. Did I scandalize you?" "Oh . . ." Laura quickly recovered. "No. I mean, I guess I'm just . . . a little nervous about it. We barely know each other." Amber grinned broadly, rolling off the bed, letting Laura admire her stunning naked body as she disappeared again momentarily into the huge walk-in closet adjacent to the bedroom. She returned moments later with a large, translucent, shiny purple strap-on dildo and a hip harness. As she walked her high, firm breasts swayed only slightly, her black, glimmering, puffy nipples moving too, and Laura was so enchanted by the sight that she could hardly look at the device Amber was bringing. She climbed back onto the high bed again with Laura. Her naked breasts took a real bounce as she plopped herself down. Laura could not resist reaching out for them, cupping them in her hands. "Where did you get these marvelous nipples?" she purred, gently pinching them with her thumbs and forefingers. Amber looked down at Laura's pale fingers toying with her breasts. "Well, I didn't buy them, if that's what you mean," she grinned. "They came with the package." Laura pulled Amber down on the mattress with her, pushing the strap-on and harness momentarily to the side. "Come here for a minute before I rape you and fuck you and make you beg me to stop." Amber laughed softly, stretching out next to her. "Mmmm, I love the way you talk," she purred. "You are one hot girl, Laura. You like my titties? You want my titties first? You want to kiss and lick them?" "I want to suck and bite them," Laura teased, kissing her gleaming black shoulder, running her lips across the smooth, flawless skin of Amber's upper chest. Amber was already panting. Laura was good and knew she was good, and Amber was now finding out how good. You made a good pick, darling, she thought as she began to make love to Amber's gorgeous breasts and soft, thick, swollen nipples. I am going to ring your chimes so loud that all of San Francisco is going to turn its head to the Fontana and wonder what the hell is going on up here. She held the precious round balls in her hands and kissed them everywhere, circling Amber's incredible nipples with her lips, flicking them occasionally with her tongue. Amber panted more rapidly, then twisted a little. Finally, Laura took one bulbous, silky black nipple into her mouth. "Oh!" Amber gasped in a tiny voice. "Where did you get these incredible nipples?" Laura repeated, letting it go for just a second before devouring it passionately again. This time Amber did not answer her. She was panting and mewling too much. Laura was also accelerating the pace, sucking one wet, shiny nipple, then kneading it with her fingers while her mouth moved to the other one. In only thirty seconds or so both of Amber's nipples were tight and stiff and pointing, wet with Laura's warm saliva, erect and excited. "Oh shit, you're making me want to have it," Amber panted. "Do I make you wet?" Laura asked coyly, smiling up at her, still squeezing her delectable breasts and pinching her stiff nipples, this time not so gently. "You made me wet when I saw you at the Palace Hotel," Amber gasped, her eyes rolling up briefly as Laura sucked one hard, coal-black nipple into her mouth again. "Does it make you want me to fuck you?" Laura breathed. Now Amber pulled Laura's head up with both hands so that they were face to face. Her eyes were streaked by hot sexual lightning, and she was not as self-composed any more as she had been all evening until this moment. She glared hotly into Laura's eyes. "I want you to do more than that," she panted. She glanced over at the strap-on dildo, which Laura could now see was larger than usual, larger than hers, not a huge, out-sized monster but still thicker, longer, more menacing. "Put it on." Slowly, Laura slipped into the harness, getting the feeling as she did so that Amber found the spectacle of her preparing like this almost as stirringly erotic as the feel of Laura's mouth on her nipples had been. She lay on her side, staring at Laura's naked body, entranced, her sensual mouth half-open. When Laura had completed her preparations, they lay side by side, face to face, and kissed for a long time. Laura still could not keep her hands off Amber's breasts as they kissed. She could still feel the dampness of her own saliva on Amber's hard nipples. "I could swallow these," she whispered. Amber ignored her, except for a tiny, self-satisfied smile. "I know we only met tonight," she whispered back. "But I feel like I've known you a long time, Laura. I feel like I can trust you." "You can." "I want you to give it to me as hard as you can do it. And pull my hair when I come. Pull it hard." "Are you sure?" Laura had done it and had it done to her, but she felt compelled to ask. She knew how it could make you nearly die of ecstasy. Amber nodded slowly. "If you ever had it that way, you'd know how sure I am." Laura felt herself blushing, a physical response over which she had no control but which occurred on its own, this time because she was both sexually excited and gripped by the memory of her own indulgence in this thrilling practice. "I have," she said, in a choked whisper. "Then you know." "I know." "I can't bring myself to get my sweetie pies to do it," Amber confessed. "See? I'm a little like you." "I have feeling you're a lot like me," Laura purred, stroking her arm, her bare shoulder, then her breasts again, kissing her smooth black neck. "Except for being rich." "Rich has nothing to do with it," Amber panted. "I need to be fucked. Rich or poor, I need to be fucked. I need to be fucked hard." She rolled onto her stomach, looking over her shoulder at Laura, her dark eyes smoldering, beseeching Laura to get on with it, to obliterate her with hard fucking. Laura bent close to her face. "You won't hate me afterward?" "I'll love you afterward. Are you kidding?" Laura teasingly nipped her earlobe. "Then maybe we can switch places." "Ooohhhh, you are absolutely wicked. I love that." Amber had a modestly upcurved ass, not a hard high spectacular bubble ass like Jane's, which had been much on Laura's mind the past few days after their explosive reunion, but one that perfectly suited her long sinuous body. Lying on her stomach made it swell up a little more, and Laura was quickly enchanted, caressing it, even leaning down to kiss and fondle it. This made Amber start to coo and squirm, and she spread her thighs and uptilted her ass back into Laura's face so that Laura could easily whiff the thick, pungent odors now emanating from the fiery red wet crease she could clearly see between them. "Ohhhh . . . fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy, Laura . . . god, I need it! Fuck my pussy, please!" Laura looked down at the very large purple dildo bobbing and swaying as she walked on her knees across the mattress until she was poised between Amber's spread thighs. The bulbous head of the huge thing bobbed just above her smooth, dark, gently-curved buns. A little nudge with Laura's fingers sent it dipping toward its delicious, puckered target. Amber's inflamed pussy was a beautiful hungry dark red mouth of need, blossoming and oozing with juices, her cunt lips the long, wavy black ones that so aroused Laura's esthetic lusts. Everything about Amber's body seemed to be beautiful, though Laura knew that she was usually tempted to believe this about every lover, at least at first. Still, she was a connoisseur of gorgeous black cunts (god, I'm just like she is with her Georgia O'Keeffes! she realized), and this one quickly went way up near the top of her list. She especially enjoyed watching the thick, shiny purple head of the huge dildo as she nestled it first in the juicy dark red pit of Amber's pussy, then slowly pushed it in deeper. The shiny purple shaft disappeared slowly, inch by inch, into Amber's pussy, with Laura watching intently as each inch slid past the girl's clinging black cunt lips. Lots of sex was esthetic pleasure for Laura, as well as sensual pleasure, but very little of it came close to this moment when the shaft was sinking into her lover's body, with her on the pushing end. Amber seemed to go into a deep sexual swoon as the long, thick, garishly-colored snake slid into her body. The muscles of her long legs and arms quivered almost spastically, and she cooed and gurgled deep in her chest, the sounds muffled by the sheet against which she was pressing her face. "Oh shit . . . yes!" she finally gasped when the dildo was completely buried in her pussy. This involuntary twitching and quivering reminded Laura of Jonelle, who had done the same thing before succumbing to the most apparently life-threatening orgasms Laura had ever witnessed. She didn't, however, let it distract her. Amber's sleek black body was writhing under her now, still quivering, but Amber was looking back over her shoulder at Laura, her face grimacing from intense sensations. "Yes . . . do it . . . do it, Laura . . . do it hard . . . and fast! Please!" she panted hoarsely, almost out of control already, just from being penetrated. As always, Laura did not want it to be over quickly. She refused to pull the dildo out and begin fucking Amber, who wanted it so badly. Instead, she left it sunk in the girl's tight pussy and leaned forward, running her fingertips all over Amber's long, silky back, then leaned down even farther and began to kiss the smooth dark warm skin. Amber moaned and continued quivering. She swirled her pelvis, pushing her cunt back into the shaft, as if trying to encourage Laura to begin actually fucking her. "I love your body . . . I love your gorgeous back . . . I love your smooth skin . . ." Laura murmured, kissing and massaging Amber's naked back and also now beginning to swirl her own hips forward, as if unconsciously drawn into the slow, sensual rhythm of fucking that Amber's gyrations were initiating. And Amber seemed to be pleased by Laura's movement. "Yes . . .fuck me . . . yes . . .fuck me . . ." she panted into the sheet in a guttural voice, quickly submerged in a heated trance of fierce need, a need sharper and more insistent than Laura had expected, given Amber's earlier cool and faintly sarcastic manner. Laura began to get into it, too. She straightened herself back up and grasped the wet dildo with one hand to steady it, holding one of Amber's gyrating hips lightly with her other hand. Again Amber looked back over her shoulder, her black eyes blazing red with fuck hunger. "You're not doing it hard enough, Laura," she panted. "I . . . I'm sorry." Laura clenched her teeth and rammed the thick shiny purple rod deep into Amber's cunt. "Unhhhh!" "Auungghh!" Amber groaned, slumping forward onto the mattress. "Yes! YES!" And suddenly all thought of stretching it out, making it last, seemed to disappear from Laura's mind. Amber's writhing naked body, pinned under her and locked into her own by the long thick shaft that Laura was ramming into her cunt, was wildly desirable to her, gleaming and flexing, quivering and shuddering as Amber hurtled toward a thrilling finish. She seemed to crave being fucked hard like this, 'raped,' as she called it, and the harder and faster Laura fucked her with the strap-on, the more delirious and wild she seemed to become, thrashing and squirming and whimpering almost hysterically. By now Laura knew that she was going to come quickly. Again Amber, with effort, raised her head and glowered back over her shoulder at Laura, now completely consumed by fierce sexual need, her eyes shooting sparks, her voice snarling. "Deeper . . . Laura! Unghhh! Yes! Deeper . . . harder . . . rape me! Fuck me! Ungghhh!" "Oh baby . . . oh baby . . . oh honey!" Laura panted, fucking her harder and faster as requested, stabbing the hard rubber cock deep into her pussy, feeling Amber's body shudder as it pierced her. "Anngghhhee!" she yelped. "Yes! Ungghh! Yes . . . Laura . . .yes! Oh shit! Ahnngghiiee!" By this time Laura could not help herself. She was giving in to her most basic lusts, consumed by the need to clutch Amber's silky black body hard against her own flesh and fuck her mercilessly, convinced that Amber was only seconds away from a killing explosion. Caught up in a hot delirium of her own, she flung herself forward again onto Amber's undulating back, mashing her own breasts into it, still gripping the thick shaft in one hand as she jabbed it deep into Amber's quivering body. At the same time, with her other hand she reached under Amber and clutched one of the girl's small, perfect breasts in her hand, squeezing it sharply and burying the hard stalk deep in Amber's tight channel with a fierce thrust. "Owwnngguunnghh!" Amber groaned, wincing and shuddering as Laura's thrust impaled her and nearly lifted her whole pelvis off the bed. "Ohnnggg . . . yes!" She began to keen hysterically deep in her chest, and her quivering grew more intense. Laura knew she was going to come. She pumped her vigorously, almost maniacally, knowing Amber wanted it, that this was the culmination she had sought. As Amber began to twitch uncontrollably, and Laura knew the dam was going to burst, she released Amber's delectable little breast with her hand and brought it up to the girl's hair. Honey, you are going to come so hard, she thought, holding Amber's shoulder with her hand, still hammering her with the strap-on, lunging into her, hearing Amber gurgle and grunt with each powerful thrust. But at the same time she was wondering how anyone could exceed the kind of demented frenzy that Amber was already immersed in. The lovely rich girl was frankly frothing and burbling like a volcanic pit in the grip of frantic sexual need. And Laura was doing everything possible to bring her to the pinnacle, now with clear success, as Amber's long, smooth body suddenly stiffened and locked for a brief instant into a seizure of sharp muscle contractions. "Aahhuunn . . . aahhuunn . . . aahhuunnnnn . . . " she groaned incoherently, each groan louder than the one before as her arriving climax sped through her writhing body in a rapid crescendo. And then it was there. A sharp, violent convulsion of her body told Laura that Amber was coming, even though her breath seemed to be knocked from her lungs, and she merely wheezed and gurgled again. Now, acting quickly, Laura sank the dildo deep into Amber's pussy and, pulling both hands up to Amber's head, filled them with clumps of the girl's short, black hair. Oh god, here it is! Come hard, honey, come hard! With both hands she yanked Amber's hair up and back, stretching her neck and giving her just the added shock she needed to spill over into wild, violent spasms of uncontrollable coming. At almost the same instant, Laura drove her hips forward one last time, sinking the thick shaft deep in Amber's clinging pussy, hearing the girl yelp even through her frantic gurglings as it plunged into her body. "Aiiee! Ungghhh! Oh! Oh!" Amber grunted, her body flipping and surging under Laura, until the full force of her orgasm finally struck her. And then, without warning, she seemed to sink into a stunned rapture that again reminded Laura of the way Jonelle came, a deep swoon. Her lovely body twitched and quivered, and soft, remote mewlings came from deep in her throat, her eyelids fluttering, her fingers skittering across the sheet. Laura, shocked by the depth of Amber's ecstasy, gently released the girl's hair from her fingers and tried to hold her in some comforting, supportive way while she lived through this frighteningly intense climax, which was difficult to do from behind her, with the strap-on dildo still embedded deep in Amber's throbbing pussy. Fortunately, it didn't matter much since Amber began to recover more quickly than Jonelle ever did, though she was clearly still coming. She was whinnying and twisting and grimacing and moaning, but her body was no longer quivering as if in the grip of a grand mal seizure. "Ohhnnnnggggg!" she groaned, twisting beautifully under Laura, flexing, her sleek black body gleaming and shiny. She began thrusting her groin back into Laura again, and Laura could not help cooperating, thrusting forward again too, watching the huge stalk disappear into Amber's beautiful pussy. "Ahhnnghh! Ungghh! Yes!" "Oh!" Laura gasped, becoming aware of what was happening. "Yes, honey!" Amber was going to come again; there was no mistaking it. And Laura quickly threw herself into renewing her hard pumping, but even as she was beginning to thrust again, Amber arched her back, threw back her head, and came in a hot fury. "Anngggmmnngghiiieeee!" she screamed, a loud, piercing scream that Laura feared must be heard as far away as the lobby of the building. Amber slumped forward. This time there was no quivering and shuddering, just wild, spasmodic jerking of her lovely body, followed by a deep moan as she stretched out under Laura and appeared to swoon again briefly, her moans subsiding finally into soft cooing. Laura had seen—and had had herself, in her lifetime—some pretty crushing orgasms, but she had never known one more cataclysmic than this one. Following it, as it tapered off, Amber was not swooning or blacking out but merely almost comatose, limp and lifeless, breathing only scratchily, her mouth slack, her eyes closed. Realizing that the fireworks were temporarily over, Laura gingerly removed the wet dildo from the girl's plundered pussy, then slipped out of the harness. By the time she stretched out next to Amber to embrace her, Amber was groggily reviving, looking at little like she had been space-traveling, and also shot from the middle of an exploding star. Her eyes were wide and glassy as she stared at Laura, as if disbelieving what had occurred. "Did we really do that?" she finally croaked in a hoarse, faraway voice. Laura kissed her on the nose, unable to keep her hand from sliding up Amber's body again to one of her marvelous breasts, scissoring the soft, bulbous nipple gently between her fingers. "We had nothing to do with it," she murmured. "You did it all. Are you sure you're okay? I thought you were going to fly, for a second." Amber crinkled her nose, her eyes now sparkling as she came fully back to life. "I did fly. I flew to Jupiter and back . . . all in under a minute. God, Laura, it's been months, maybe years, since anybody made me come like that." Laura batted her eyelashes. "You're too flattering." Amber, recognizing Laura's playfulness, nevertheless shook her head slowly. "I mean it." For some reason, this solemn declaration overheated Laura's blood almost in an instant. She wanted Amber again. Right now. She knew Amber had just been through a killer orgasm, and yet she wanted her pussy, wanted to kiss her tattoo, as she had promised, wanted to devour her soft, swollen nipples again, one of which she was more insistently twisting in her fingers right now, feeling it stiffen. Without asking, she began her descent, kissing Amber between her breasts, sliding lower, finally pressing her lips to the ornate filigreed design of the tattoo surrounding her navel. Amber responded almost immediately, her long torso undulating under the stimulus provided by Laura's lips and fingers, low soft moans coming from her throat. "I want your pussy," Laura breathed. "I want to kiss your marvelous tattoo and lick your beautiful pussy . . ." "Oh! Oh . . . Laura!" But Amber stopped her mid-descent, reaching down and pulling Laura up again. Laura gave her a throbbing, sensual, questioning look. "Give me a minute . . . okay?" Amber said in a labored voice. "I'm . . . a little sensitive, and exhausted . . . after that last one. Okay? Can we wait a minute?" Laura smiled. She nuzzled Amber's smooth black cheek. "I want you to know that I have only begun to devour this beautiful body of yours." Amber giggled, almost nervously. Now that Laura had given her the supreme pleasure, she was like a pleased young girl, a little shy, a little grateful, and devastatingly alluring. "I think I picked right," she said, alluding to her comment earlier in the evening that she had been right to approach Laura. Laura kissed her. "You picked right." "You think you're car will be all right in the Palace Hotel parking garage, over night?" This, of course, meant that she was asking Laura to stay the night. Oh god, we'll destroy each other with fucking, Laura thought happily. "Maybe I should call them and tell them I can't pick it up till tomorrow. It'll probably cost a fortune to leave it there, though." Amber made a mordant, screwy face, which amused Laura and yet reminded her of Sara at the same time. "Silly, I think I can pay the fee. Tell them if they watch it for you, I'll double it." Delighted, Laura called, and afterward she and Amber sat naked in Amber's living room, sipping champagne and flirting, looking at the lights of the bridges and the city. Now that they knew Laura was going nowhere for a while, they could take their time. The night stretched before them, alive with glorious possibilities, and by morning both were sweetly sore and tingly from the marathon of sex they had shared. As they got ready to drive Laura over to pick up her car, she began to feel a little sad. She wondered if, now that they had got to know each other and had fucked so well and so long together, Amber might want to see her again this weekend. But it was now Friday, and Friday nights were her reunion nights with Sara, with whom she planned to spend the weekend. She tried not to reveal her uneasiness about it, but she knew that before they parted, they would both want to discuss seeing each other again. As Amber pulled the black Mercedes into the garage entrance at the Palace, she patted Laura's hand. "You know, darling, I'm off to Vail to meet some friends for a couple of weeks. Can I call you when I get back?" She lowered her eyelids and gave Laura a thrillingly sexual stare, one that seemed to burn through Laura's eyes and arrow down directly into the depths of her pussy. "Say yes, please." "Yes," Laura swallowed, hurriedly searching through her purse for a business card. "Is it okay to call you at work?" "Yes. Or here," Laura hurried scribbled her home phone number on the back of the card. "Either one." Amber smiled a beatific, and also suggestive, smile. "I had fun." "Me too. Don't break a leg on the slopes. I have plans to kiss my way up and down both of those legs." Amber laughed, throwing back her head, exposing her beautiful long black neck that Laura wanted to kiss and suck. "I knew I picked right." Laura watched her drive away, still barely able to believe what had happened.
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