Laura - Chapter 279



Laura wore her silver bracelet every day, taking it off only on Friday when she was going to meet Sara since she didn't want any questions. She thought often of Amber, and of Dawn, of the scorching but entirely different sex she had shared with each of them, but it did not leech away any of her love for Sara, and the weekend, now that there was no period to interfere, was another sweet and exhausting marathon of love-fucking.

Both of them marveled at how they were unable to wear it out. Laura had fucked like this with others, for hours on end, until she could barely raise her arm, but she did not know whether Sara had. At any rate, they simply flourished together and continually surprised each other by the intensity of their passions. If anything, it was the emotional rather than physical content that Laura was afraid might dissipate but never did.

The more she thought about it, the less she wanted to go out on her 'date' with Brad Dickinson. In truth, she was very lukewarm about it. She arrived home from work on Monday evening still mulling over the possible stratagems she could use to get out of going. Since she had not driven her car downtown but caught a ride with an office mate who lived up higher on Twin Peaks, she had been let off at the entrance to her condo development and was walking in when she spotted a girl, a black girl, in a cheerleader outfit, half-sprawled across the hood of her white Camaro, which was parked across from Laura's door.

As she drew closer, she realized that the girl was carefully watching her approach, and even subtly twisting her long slender body to reveal more of her rich mahogany, honey-brown skin. Contrasted with the short, bright yellow skirt and top of the cheerleader outfit, the sight was breathtaking.

The girl smiled at her broadly as Laura came up to the car, a fresh adolescent smile. She had a charming little gap between her two upper teeth, a sexy little space that made Laura's pulse flutter.

"Hi," the girl said brightly.


"This is your car, isn't it."

Laura nodded.

"I'm Joy. Joy Willis."

"I'm Laura." Laura extended her hand and took Joy's long fingers in it. "Pleased to meet you. What are you doing on my car?"

Joy grinned even more widely. "Waiting for you."

When Laura didn't respond, she unfolded her long, thin legs and slid slowly off the hood of the Camaro until her feet touched the ground. She ruffled the hem of her short skirt with her fingers to make it hang properly, also drawing attention to her shapely young thighs. Her legs, and her thighs, were pretty skinny but still bare and wildly fetching.

She was also very bold and saucy. "I live over there," she said, pointing over her shoulder to a condo about fifty yards up the street. "I can see your door from my window there. I've . . . seen you and . . . your friends. Those girls. The black girls. You like black girls?"

Laura blushed hotly, unable to stop herself. Joy twinkled, as if this were just the reaction she had hoped for.

"Were you spying on me?"

Joy shook her head innocently, her eyes wide and playful. "Just looking. There's one that comes here every weekend. The short one. I think she's cute. She's always smiling, and making you laugh. And I saw you with one who looked like she was about my age. Shame on you."

"And how old are you?"

"Seventeen. I go to McAteer High School, up at the top of the Portola hill? I live with my father. He's away traveling on business a lot, so my friend Carmela who lives up on Aquavista Way . . ." Joy pointed vaguely up toward Twin Peaks, ". . . comes down to stay here with me sometimes while he's gone. We're sort of like you. We . . . really have fun together. Her parents don't have a clue. They probably wouldn't let her come down here if they knew."

"Has Carmela been spying on me too?" Laura asked crossly, aware that she was becoming a little defensive and irritable.

"Gosh no, she doesn't even know I've been doing it."

"So you have been doing it."

Joy looked down bashfully. "I couldn't help it. I sort of, you know, got excited when I saw you with them. I couldn't help imagining what was going on when you got inside."

Laura realized she was about ready to scream with anger and frustration and sheer annoyance. All the problems she had experienced at her old place after having made the acquaintance of Jane and Kendra came flooding into her mind. She didn't want the same thing to happen here. The thought that this cute, saucy little teenager had been spying on her all this time made her stomach roil.

Joy saw her distress. "Don't get so upset," she told Laura. "I didn't mean to. I couldn't help it."

Laura realized that while her anger and annoyance were percolating through her body she had been letting her gaze drift down Joy's, very enchanted by what she was seeing. Joy still had a girlish, adolescent figure, but her breasts were high and full and moved when she did under her thin yellow top, showing the bumps of her nipples. Her torso was long, almost incredibly long, one of the longest Laura had ever seen, as if her waist extended all the way up to her armpits.

"I . . . I'm not upset," she said finally, softly, resigned. "I guess you couldn't help it. But it is a little rude, don't you think?"

Joy didn't miss a beat. She tilted her head to one side, smiling innocently again. "I guess it was. I'm sorry. Sometimes I get bored. All alone. You know."

This innocence of hers was quite fraudulent, Laura suspected, but she made it seem very authentic. After all, what were she and her friend Carmela doing in there that made her so curious about Laura and Laura's friends? God, she's trying to seduce me, Laura thought, almost blushing again, flattered and frightened in the same instant. Another bewitchingly sexy child.

The best thing to do was avoid and ignore it. "Well," she said, drawing herself up, shouldering her purse strap, looking resolute, as if all innuendoes had airily floated right over her head, "I have to go in and rustle up something to eat. Long day at work, you know. Pretty tired. Nice meeting you, Joy. Try staying off my car. You might scratch the paint."

Joy leaned back against the grill of the Camaro and crossed her long legs. "My dad's in Chicago until Thursday. I think I'm going to have a frozen pizza."

There was a painful silence while she waited expectantly for Laura to invite her in. Both of them knew what she was waiting for. Both of them knew Laura was sorely tempted. Joy even moved her shoulders imperceptibly so that her fine, loose, swelling young breasts swayed under her thin top. Laura's eyes moved helplessly to them. Oh god, I could fuck her so easily. She wants it.

Knowing no other way to cut it off, she smiled curtly at Joy and turned to go up her steps. "Hope you enjoy it," she said, implicitly turning down the invitation.

Joy was very good and barely showed her disappointment. She did shrug a little. "Okay, Laura. Nice meeting you. I like you."

Laura paused and smiled back at her, so taken by the girl's sudden passive resignation and lost look that she nearly crumbled and invited her inside. "I like you too."

Joy gave her a wan grin and started down the street toward her own place. Laura allowed herself a brief but intense final look at her long bare honey-gold legs and her cute little ass, covered somewhat by her short, pleated yellow skirt, knowing this time that no one could stop her from looking or shame her for her obvious lust, but then quickly regained control, whipped her head back around and entered her house.

Goodness, we can't have any more of that, she told herself as she locked the door behind her. Not another Jane, not in my own neighborhood. Her father off on business trips while she's getting screwed by the lesbian three houses down. That would go over big. If she can see people coming in here, then others could see her coming in here. No thanks. I can't get involved in that kind of mess again.

But Joy was very alluring. Something about that fresh adolescence mixed together with her almost blatant deviousness and undisguised lechery—so reminiscent of Jane and Mavis—made Laura feel very vulnerable. She knew that in a few more minutes Joy would have had her snared. I've got to stop thinking about it, she thought. Just treat her like any other neighbor. Smile and be friendly. Don't let 'god, I want to fuck you' show in your eyes.

She changed and made a quick dinner, a small broiled lamb chop and a salad. Her mind returned to pondering ways she could wiggle out of the Brad Dickinson date, which was tomorrow night. He's a drip, she thought. Why would I want to have dinner with him? Maybe I'll call Sara. We never do it during the week, but it would get my mind off him and Joy both.

She was cleaning up the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Uh oh, she thought. She was expecting no one and had a strong sense that this would be . . .

"Joy! Why . . . hello." She opened the door wider. "Anything the matter?"

Joy had changed out of her cheerleader's outfit. It was a warm night, and she wore a thin green dress, more like a shift, which still left a lot of her smooth gorgeous skin exposed. She smiled and again showed Laura the charming, sexy little gap between her front teeth.

"I burned my pizza," she said, her face screwed up in mock tragedy. "I left it in the oven too long."

"Oh dear," Laura said, playing along.

"Now I'm going to starve."

"Don't you have a can of anything you could open?"

Joy shook her head. "I've got ramen. I guess I could make that."

"Oh, ramen is so bad for you," Laura frowned, opening the door wider and gesturing her inside. "All that fat. Clogging up your veins. You're too young to be starting on that stuff. Come in here and I'll fix you an omelet or something."

"Would you?"

"Can't let you starve, can we. Your father will thank me."

Joy let that one pass without comment. It was as if her absent father were hovering there silently between them now, watching every move. Joy followed her into the kitchen. Laura could not help but notice her firm young breasts moving again under the thin green dress, as they had done under her cheerleader outfit top. This girl, though she had substantial round breasts, apparently never wore a bra. Her breasts appeared very firm and did not sway so much as simply move a little under the cloth.

"So . . ." Laura took a deep breath as she whipped up some eggs in a bowl. "Tell me about you and Carmela. You sound like good friends. How did you meet?"

Laura realized that she had asked this question before really realizing the implications. She was only trying to make conversation, but part of her always had an irresistible curiosity about how people came to be sexual partners—which she was almost certain Joy and Carmela were—and she loved hearing sexual narratives, such as the long one Dawn had told her about the warehouse, when the person was willing to share them.

"You wouldn't believe it," Joy said calmly. "We met at cheerleader tryouts. Last year, actually. I didn't make it onto the team until this year, but Carmela made it last year. I flunked the tryout. I was sitting on a bench outside the gym crying, and she came outside and sat down next to me. Tried to cheer me up. She was so sweet. She told me it wasn't the end of the world, and she would help me practice so I could make it next year. Which she did. That's why I'm in now."

"Very touching," Laura said, heating up some butter in a skillet. "You became fast friends."

Joy nodded. "I didn't even know her. I had no idea she lived just up the hill. We rode the bus home together, and she came in with me a for a few minutes, just to make sure I was all right, and wasn't going to do anything crazy." She snickered softly. "We ended up doing something pretty crazy anyway."

"Oh?" Laura asked, realizing suddenly that the narrative had veered off quickly into intimate details.

She knew she had no one but herself to blame for this. She had invited Joy to tell her, half expecting that basic modesty would prevent the girl from going into detail, but now that she knew her better she realized that she was playing right into Joy's hands. Joy did not observe the rituals of basic honesty. She was out to arouse and discomfit Laura as much as she could, and she plunged right ahead.

"We were sitting on the sofa and she put her arm around me. Kind of to comfort me, you know? I never did anything like that before, I mean with another girl, but I started getting all hot and prickly and excited when she did that. She did too, I think. We both got kind of hot and squirmy. We ended up kissing. It was sort of funny, actually. Neither one of us had ever kissed a girl. So we were both a little shy. But we got over that quick."

Laura smiled tightly at her, trying to keep her mind on the omelet she was making and not the sex she was hearing. "Maybe you should stop there," she said, feeling the pulse beat in her throat.

"Why?" Joy tilted her head in mock curiosity. In reality she knew Laura wanted to hear every scintilla of the story. "Does it embarrass you?"

"No," Laura gulped, trying to conceal her excitement. "It just seems . . . private. Maybe you want to keep it that way."

Joy looked devastatingly innocent. "Oh, I don't mind. I kind of like remembering it, if you know what I mean."

I'll bet you do, Laura thought, flipping the omelet, putting some shredded cheese in the middle. She examined her hand, the one that held the spatula, to see if it was shaking, but it was steady.

She finished off the omelet and put it on a plate. "I've got a little leftover mashed potatoes I could heat up in the microwave," she told Joy. "How about it?"

"No, this is fine." She followed Laura to the table, the same one, Laura reflected with wicked joy, that she and Dawn had sat at naked only twenty-four hours ago, eating food with their mouths and each other with their eyes. "You have any soda?"

Laura shook her head. "I'm afraid I don't drink it much. Bottled water, though."

"That's cool."

Laura got a bottle for her out of the refrigerator. She set it beside the plate but Joy still made no move to sit down. Because she had just put the things on the table, Laura was standing right next to her, and both were standing right next to the chair.

Joy uptilted her face and smiled to show the sexy gap between her teeth. "If you put your arm around me, we could kiss too," she breathed very softly.

"I . . . don't know whether we should," Laura swallowed.

"Why? I'm not pretty enough for you to want to kiss me? I saw those other girls who come here. They're really pretty."

Laura was close enough to inhale the fresh, clean odors of the girl's young body, a fragrance slightly tinged with sweat since Joy obviously had not showered after cheerleader practice. The sweet odor was enough to make her blood rush and her head swim.

"None of them are prettier than you are," Laura murmured, unable to take her eyes off Joy's sensual, parted lips.

"Then why don't you do it? We don't have to go on. Just a little kiss."

Laura stiffened, summoning all her will power. She stepped back from the chair. "Sit down and eat your dinner. Your father would kill me if I touched you."

Joy smirked, still refusing to sit. "That's what you think. Carmela and I have done it right in his own bed. He never even knew. I think he must have lost his sense of smell or something."

Laura raised one eyebrow. The mention of a sense of smell only heightened her own response to Joy's fresh, clean fragrance, just spiced a little with a hint of sweat. Joy's full lips were glistening just inches away. Joy's breasts were heaving a little in her own excitement over trying to tempt Laura. Joy's black eyes were a little glassy. She was already primed, Laura knew. She must be wet. God knows I am.

"You know you want to," Joy finally said, eyes glistening, mouth upturned.

Laura nodded slowly, realizing Joy had won. How could she resist? This girl was enchanting and very willing.

Joy stepped a few inches closer until there was hardly any space separating them. She was so tall that her face was right next to Laura's, who could no longer avoid the implications of what they were doing. Her eyes fell to the girl's parted lips.

"Just . . . one . . . kiss," she croaked softly, giving in, saying the words more for herself than for Joy since she knew they were pointless and irrelevant.

"Oh, good," Joy breathed.

Her eyes, Laura saw, closed even before Laura's lips met hers. Laura brushed her half-open mouth against Joy's parted lips, then pressed it more firmly into them. Their lips were the only parts of their bodies touching. Laura let her own eyes flutter open briefly, just to take in again the rapt swoon that Joy seemed to be experiencing. Joy had worked hard for this moment and was now reeling with happiness as Laura kissed her.

For some reason, Laura didn't dare to touch her yet. Somehow she felt that she could preserve her resolution if she refrained, that this kissing would indeed be all they did, that it would be sweet, and end there. She knew deep down that this was as false it could be, but she kept up the illusion to herself all throughout the first part of the kiss, during which they simply melded their mouths together slowly, feeling their lips curve into an achingly sensitive fit, moving expressively against each other.

Their tongues had not even touched yet when Joy paused and pulled back an inch or so, opening her eyes, gazing soulfully up into Laura's. "You are the best kisser ever," she whispered.

Laura's eyelids were heavy. She could sense in her fingertips the desire to explore every smooth honey-gold inch of Joy's wonderful young flesh. "You have a mouth made for kissing," she whispered back.

Joy said nothing but closed her eyes again and offered her shiny wet lips back to Laura, who this time kissed her more urgently. Now she let her fingers brush Joy's bare arms, feeling the fine silky filaments of the soft down that grew there, slipping her tongue between Joy's parted lips into her mouth.

Joy seemed to melt at this. She didn't sink or quiver or collapse; she merely loosened imperceptibly, somehow becoming even more supple and soft, her body yielding through her mouth, surrendering up everything, drawing Laura further in, as if beckoning her to enjoy it, to pleasure it, giving it all to Laura, everything. Laura could feel this yielding mystically, as if it were transmitted through the warm smooth flesh of Joy's bare arms to her fingertips.

She drove her tongue deeper into Joy's mouth, now rubbing and coiling it against Joy's, coaxing Joy to do the same to her. She hardly realized her fingers were digging into Joy's back through the thin green dress until she felt Joy's body stiffen a little, then felt Joy's own fingers digging into her body too. Joy's tongue now almost leapt from her open mouth back into Laura's. She whinnied softly, then moaned against Laura's lips.

"Ohhhnnnn! Laura yes!"

"Joy . . . we have to stop this," Laura panted, kissing her phenomenally smooth cheek, moving her lips across to Joy's long dark neck.

"I don't want to stop," Joy panted, tilting her head to the side so that Laura could kiss her way up and down her beautiful neck. "Please don't make me stop."

Of course Laura knew stopping was impossible now. Her own pussy was aflame, and she knew Joy's had to be too. Her hands, annoyed by the green dress, were now trying to find warm smooth flesh anywhere, pulling it up a little, dropping under the hem, cupping Joy's smooth ass cheeks, not large swelling ones but modestly curved moons. Laura squeezed them both, sucking Joy's incredible neck a little under her earlobe.

"Oh Laura, yes!" Joy panted.

"Come on with me into the bed," Laura panted, raising her hands higher, moving them into the small of Joy's back, running them up her very long waist.

"Really?" Joy asked her meekly, her eyes glassy, her breath coming hard.

Laura paused briefly. She drew her lips across Joy's cheek, back to her mouth. She kissed Joy heatedly, then pulled back a little.

"You don't want to?"

"God . . . yes, I do! Let's go."

Laura pulled her down the hall, trying not to seem over-eager, though by now she was about ready to rip her green dress off. Like some enchanting other girls in the past, Joy was a thrilling mixture of innocence and wantonness. Laura could hardly control her fierce lust. She had tried hard to be good, but turning down this charming creature had proved impossible.

As soon as they got inside her bedroom, Laura shut the door behind them. This was an odd moment and caused her to stop a second and ponder it. In the past at her old apartment she had often—in the beginning, always—closed the door to her bedroom when she had a girl in her bed, even though they were completely alone with the front door locked. Even then she had wondered why she did it but figured it had something to do with symbolically walling them off from the world. Perhaps in her closed bedroom all inhibitions and fears would be blocked out, and they could become for each other sexually everything they were capable of being.

Gradually, especially in her new place, she had abandoned the practice and now wondered if that had happened because she had become more comfortable with her own needs, and less inclined to disguise them. At any rate, she had stopped it and now wondered why she had done it again this time. Joy, though in some ways still innocent, it appeared, was also hot to trot. She had tried to seduce Laura into this very moment, and so there was little reason to worry about her inhibitions. Or mine, Laura thought, suddenly coming back to life after this minor few seconds of abstraction.

"Is anything the matter?" Joy asked, having noticed Laura's lapse of attention.

Laura smiled, drawing her closer, close enough to kiss again. "Nothing that holding you naked in my arms won't solve," she murmured.

"I'm so excited," Joy confessed. "I never did it with anybody but Carmela before."

"Boys?" Laura asked.

Joy shook her head. "Only her. And she and I . . . we just sort of made it up as we went along. We didn't really know what we were doing."

Laura kissed her long brown neck again, very sensually running her lips from the bottom to the top, right under her chin, then back down again. "But you had fun?" she whispered.

"We still do. God, we do it about five times a week. Or more. We can't get enough."

"Mmmmm, I can't get enough of you," Laura purred, now pulling the thin green dress up again from the bottom. "Can I take this off?"

Now Joy flirted, as if unable to resist the opportunity. "Want me to take it off for you?"

Laura smiled and gave in. "If you like." She began slowly to remove her own clothing, carefully, since she was still wearing her work clothes.

Joy watched Laura undress, fascinated, hypnotized, as if she were unable to believe that she and this gorgeous neighbor who looked like a model were actually going to commit a hot sex act in this bedroom within minutes. Seconds, even. She was so transfixed by Laura's disrobing that she forgot to take off her own dress. Laura was down to her underwear before Joy remembered.

"Well?" Laura teased her, looking up and down her body.

"Oh. Sorry."

Quickly, Joy pulled the thin, loose dress up from the bottom, lifting it over her head. The brief instant in which the dress obscured her vision but exposed her entire naked body to Laura's eyes was one that sent Laura's lust meter into the stratosphere. Joy wore no underwear at all under the dress, something Laura had suspected and that was now confirmed. Her body had sinuous, supple allure of a young woman and the pubescent freshness of a girl child in the same flesh, a kind of sexual appeal that Laura could never resist and that inspired a hunger in her she was often afraid of.

Joy was what used to be called 'long-waisted,' her long, narrow torso extending, with a barely perceptible inward curve at the waist, from her crotch to her armpits in an unbroken line on each side. She had the longest upper body Laura had ever seen. Even the wide, tawny stretch of flesh from her navel down to her black patch was a smooth, inviting field of velvet skin, and above her navel her body seemed to go on forever until her young, round, highly placed breasts came into view, delicious springy globes, perfectly proportioned to her long, slender body, not the type that would ever sag. Her nipples were thick, dark caramel bulbs with protruding centers, the areolas wide and pure silk, mouthwatering to Laura. There was a tiny, pinhead black mole on her right breast about two inches down and to the side of her nipple, which Laura immediately wanted to kiss.

Finally, breaking through this brief slow-motion interlude, in which every detail of Joy's naked body that she could see seemed to sink into Laura's consciousness, Joy finished pulling the dress over her head and looked at Laura with a complex mixture of shyness and anticipation.

"You like?" she asked demurely, holding the crumpled up green dress in hand, watching Laura's hungry eyes on her body.

Laura dropped what she was doing, still wearing her underwear, and crossed the short distance between them. She took the crumpled dress out of Joy's hand and flung it across the room onto a chair. Then she took Joy in her arms and kissed her voraciously, much more heatedly than she had ever kissed her so far.

Joy responded eagerly, but only two seconds of kissing elapsed before she mewled and pulled away. "That bra is scratching me," she complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Laura said, quickly removing it, popping the cups up and then swirling it around her body and unfastening the clasp. "I wanted to . . . kiss you so bad, I forgot."

Joy pouted and watched. Then she came eagerly back into Laura's outstretched arms. Their naked upper bodies pressed together now, their breasts mashing, their nipples brushing, and Laura felt a tremor of flaming desire for this girl licking the inner folds of her creaming pussy. Oh god, this feels so sweet . . . so intense, she thought.

"There . . . that's better," she murmured, kissing Joy's neck and shoulders.

"Sure is," Joy smiled, opening her mouth for Laura's aggressive kiss.

This time they began to go wild. Laura's hands were all over Joy's warm, slim, naked body as she kissed her, driving her tongue deep into the girl's open mouth, digging her fingers into Joy's long back, moving her own body so that her breasts would move against Joy's and both of them could experience the feel of their hardening nipples drilling into their moving flesh. Joy's hands roamed Laura's body too, and she even dipped them beneath the elastic of Laura's panties, the only garment Laura had not yet shed, cupping the smooth moons of Laura's ass, before letting them climb to Laura's naked breasts.

"I love your body," she breathed against Laura's cheek. "You're so smooth and, you know, white . . . against me."

Laura looked down at their arms, where Joy was looking. "I know. You're so beautiful, Joy. I love your skin. It's so warm and smooth. I want to kiss it everywhere."

"What next?" Joy asked with droll candor. "Do we lie down here and lick each other? That's what Carmela and I do."

Laura suppressed a tiny giggle of happy surprise, not wanting to seem critical of Joy's charming naiveté. "I think that would work. Why don't we."

Laura slipped out of her panties and carefully pulled back the bed coverings, while Joy watched.

"What a huge bed," she said. "You could roll all over it."

Laura grinned back at her. She reached out her hand, taking Joy's, pulling her toward the mattress. "I could roll all over you," she murmured.

"Ooohhh, I love the way you talk, you're so nasty," Joy laughed, lying down with Laura on the sheet. "Are you going to say dirty words? God, they make me so excited. I don't know why. Sometimes I get Carmela to whisper in my ear all the nasty things she's going to do to me. When she does them, I, like, come, extra fast."

"Mmmm, would you like to come extra fast now?"

Joy softened, and her black eyes glistened. "I don't think so. I want it to last. I'm feeling so good . . . I want it to last. I never thought we'd be doing this. I used to watch you through the window. My window. I used to think, God, I wish I was one of those girls. I'll bet they really are melting down in there."

Laura let her chatter on while she began kissing her body, letting her lips now find the places that had previously been covered. Since Joy didn't want it fast, Laura was happy to oblige her and took her time, eager to explore every inch of the svelte honey-gold teenager's beautiful flesh. She kissed her collarbones, her throat, her flat, smooth upper chest, skirting her lovely high breasts, leaving them for later. She wanted to get her lips on that phenomenal long stomach that seemed to descend forever to her cute navel, then below it just as long to the fringe of her patch.

It was not a hard, muscular stomach like Dawn's, on which she had rubbed her pussy to paradise only days ago, but a smooth, expansive field of warm dark-tawny flesh, very firm, covered with a downy sheen of fine, nearly invisible hairs that brushed against Laura's lips as she kissed it everywhere.

"Oh, that feels so good, Laura," Joy sighed, stretching out, even rolling half onto her back, as if to surrender every part of her body to Laura's caressing lips.

"It's going to feel even better," Laura purred softly to her, now caressing her body with her fingers too, and moving her mouth up again, approaching Joy's lovely young breasts. "Can I kiss these?" she asked Joy in a sultry, smoky voice.

Joy by now was becoming very aroused. She could only nod wide-eyed at Laura and watch as Laura extended her tongue and curled it around one of Joy's beautifully-shaped dark brown nipples. Laura raised both hands to Joy's breast and cradled it like a treasure in her palms, running the tip of her tongue all around the smooth silk of Joy's areola and then directly stabbing the protruding center of her nipple with it. Watching, fascinated, Joy gave a tiny gasp when Laura did this, overcome by the sharp visual excitement of it.


"You have such a beautiful nipple, Joy," Laura breathed. "Both of them. I want to swallow them."

Joy could not say anything. Her glistening black eyes were wide and supplicating, melting with sexual heat as she looked down at Laura's mouth just an inch from her wet, tightening nipple.

"Oh . . . you can . . . if you want . . ." she finally managed to get out.

Still holding Joy's wonderful naked breast gently in both hands, Laura began to lick and suck her thick, excited nipple slowly and sensually. It was something she absolutely loved doing, making love to a new girl's scrumptious breast in very slow increments, sucking it slowly, licking it, pulling the delectable nipple ever so softly with her teeth, sucking it again, this time a little harder, stopping to kiss the surrounding firm flesh, then returning to the wet, pointing nipple, the center stem rising up even further now from the wrinkling areola, and tongue-stabbing it, sucking it again, this time harder still.

She could feel Joy's body tensing and quivering under her, which was exactly the reaction she needed. Joy's body wanted the intensity to increase, to accelerate, and she was now twisting and mewling softly as Laura hungrily sucked and love-mauled her breast.

"Oh!" She raised one frantic hand to Laura's head and ruffled Laura's hair in a tender frenzy with her fingers. "Oh!"

Laura grinned up at her. "You like that," she purred.

"I love that. Oh! Yes . . . oh!"

Again Laura sucked the wet, erect bulb deep into her mouth, now squeezing Joy's firm breast with the fingers of both hands too. She was getting pretty aroused herself, and Joy's writhing and whimpering was making it worse. She released Joy's wet nipple from her mouth and quickly propped herself up by placing both palms flat on the mattress on either side of Joy's head, swishing her own naked breasts against Joy's, unable to resist the impulse to feel Joy's against her own.

Joy stared up at her, then down at their touching breasts, then up at Laura again. Their eyes locked in a smoldering, hypnotic, throbbing trance, and Laura let all of her fuck-hunger flood into her own gaze, forcing it from her eyes into Joy's, letting her know how much she was enjoying this herself and how much she wanted to fuck Joy completely, to devour her sweet young body, to ingest and inhale her flesh. She knew Joy could feel it because she could see a flicker of recognition in her face, a vaguely apprehensive hint that she knew she was going to be fucked in a way she and Carmela had not yet dreamed of.

And yet, as they got to this stage, Laura realized something peculiar was happening. Joy, while animated enough earlier, was becoming curiously slack and pliant and quiet. She moved where Laura moved her, and whimpered softly once in a while; nothing more. She was almost completely passive, and Laura was made very uneasy by her lack of responsiveness. This was unusual to Laura, who was always able to make a lover climb the walls fairly easily.

On the other hand, she viewed it as a challenge, and also reflected that it might merely be a phase, a minor moment in the rhythm of Joy's long-term sexual response, something would pass when they got into even hotter territory. She remembered how Joy had asked if Laura was going to talk dirty to her. Maybe this would break her out of her trance.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Laura murmured, bending closer, so that their naked breasts mashed together. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

Joy nodded. Her eyes were glassy. In a way she reminded Laura of how Dee Dee had been after too many drugs, or too much alcohol. And yet Joy, as far as Laura knew, had had nothing. She was merely limp and glassy-eyed, submissive, smiling faintly, whimpering, but saying nothing as Laura kissed her neck and shoulders with increasing passion and hunger.

"Can I suck these again?" Laura panted, now moving her lips to the breast she had not yet touched, lashing Joy's beautiful dark-caramel nipple with her tongue.

Joy nodded again. "Mmmhhh!" she said, biting her lower lip as Laura's entire mouth closed over her wide nipple and drew it inside.

This time Laura sucked harder. It was not only her own passion that welled up in her but also her need to make Joy respond, to elevate things to a new level, to get a loud, uncontrollable whimper or moan out of her. Partly she hated herself for this need, this craving to know her sharp lust for the girl's wonderful, supple young body was being reflected in Joy's undeniable and intense pleasure. But the other part of her was quickly turning into a dynamo of unslaked lechery as she devoured the girl's lovely high young breasts, now sucking first one nipple, then the other, watching Joy's face for a reaction, finally seeing the acute pleasure she was causing flicker in the depths of Joy's glassy black eyes, though she still made relatively little noise.

"Do you want me to fuck you now?" Laura repeated to her, panting uncontrollably now herself, bunching Joy's firm round breasts up in her hands and assaulting her wet, shiny, stiffened nipples.

"Yes . . . Laura . . . yes . . . Laura . . ." Joy panted back, almost mechanically. "Please . . . Laura . . ."

Laura wanted to taste her sweet pussy in the worst way, but she was also overcome at the same moment with the urge to feel her own wet cunt meat against Joy's. She really did want to fuck her. She wanted to grind her, and pump her, and drive her insane with sexual need, and finally finish her off in a fiery eruption of wild coming.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey!" Laura gasped, unable to resist this desire, twisting her own body so that she could get one of her legs under one of Joy's and bring their oozing crotches together.

Joy seemed not even to know what was happening. Her body was as slack and rubbery and pliant as ever, and her gaze totally fixed on Laura's face, but also totally abstracted and trancelike. Laura manipulated the girl's body with ease, slipping one leg under one of Joy's slender, dark-honey colored thighs, and inching her wet, puckering slit closer to Joy's, inserting her fingers between them to make sure their cunt lips actually touched.

When she felt Joy's long, warm, greasy vulva touch hers, Laura's body sagged, and she emitted a tiny sigh of happiness, feeling the sexual warmth of their two aroused bodies fill her with heightened lust. Joy, however, acted as if nothing had happened. Only a brief fluttering of her eyelashes let Laura know that she had even felt it.

Increasingly desperate for a reaction, and at the same time filled with urgent desire for this girl and her beautiful long, lean body, Laura began to grind and rub her own wet pussy against Joy's, propping her own body up on her elbows for leverage, jamming her cunt into Joy's hard, gyrating her hips fast. Joy's glazed eyes suddenly seemed to acknowledge what was happening, and a tiny, vague smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She parted them, revealing the sexy little gap between her front teeth which had so captivated Laura from the start.

Somehow this minor flicker of a response was enough to fire up Laura completely, as if she finally realized that Joy was there, was enjoying it, was submersed in a seething, roiling pit of sexual need, as Laura was quickly being too. Why can't I get this lovely girl to yelp . . . to moan . . . to gasp and grunt . . . ? she wondered. Joy, tell me you like it. Tell me you want it. Tell me it feels good.

Without really realizing she had started it, Laura began letting forth a constant stream of words to her again, while she fucked forward, gyrating her lower body, grinding her hips, and fucking Joy harder with her pussy.

"Oh yes . . . let me fuck you . . . oh yes . . . oh yes, Joy, let me fuck you . . ." she half-growled in a panting, chuffing, half-demented voice, chanting to Joy, trying to hypnotize her into a reaction. "Oh yes . . . I'm fucking your beautiful pussy . . . I love your beautiful pussy, Joy . . . I want it . . . I want to fuck it . . . I want to eat it and lick it and suck it . . . I want you . . . I want to fuck you so much . . ."

Joy said nothing. Still staring at Laura glassy-eyed, her sensual lips half-parted, she lay limply back and let Laura fuck her, giving no sign that it was pleasurable or tedious. It was maddening to Laura. Though sexually aroused to the highest degree herself, she couldn't help feeling disappointed and deflated by Joy's amazing lassitude, her shocking passivity, her slack flesh, totally devoid of sexual tension.

Trying to ignore her own disappointment, her own distress, she focused her eyes on Joy's delicious high firm breasts, which were swirling in taut little circles as Laura jammed and rubbed her frothing slit into Joy's, feeling their squinchy, oily cunt lips slide together, getting more and more aroused herself, knowing she at least would eventually come—and not too long from now either—if they kept this up, whether Joy did or not.

The sight of Joy's beautiful round breasts swirling and her thick, dark caramel nipples swollen and stiff, her areolas covered with tiny bumps and the centers of her nipples springing up, was just about enough to send Laura over the top. In a flash she recalled how she had once trib-fucked Mavis in almost every position possible, swarming all over her and devouring her whole delicious body until both of them had exploded in shimmering cascades of orgasms. She was determined to do it to Joy.

But before she could do anything, she began to come herself. Laura rarely had any trouble coming. There was a point in every sexual encounter where a switch inside her body seemed to get thrown, a spark ignited, and a micro-second later the gushing flood of killing pleasure erupted inside her. This time it must have been the sight of Joy's lovely body supine beneath her, Joy's swirling, firm young breasts, Joy's slack but mesmerized expression that set Laura off. Before she could bend forward or shift her body to fuck Joy in any other way, she was wrenched by beautiful, sharp, stirring spasms of intense pleasure boiling up deep in her womb.

"Auunngghhhh!" she groaned, very loud, her body shuddering as the lightning struck her. "Oh shit! Oh god! Unngghmmnnnghiiieee! Aahhhnnnggiiieeee!"

For a moment she fell back, her elbows slipping, her body reeling from the sharp explosions of coming that wracked her, but almost as quickly she was back up again, now bending forward over Joy and ramming her more roughly than ever, trying to make her come too. Contorting her own body so that her pussy remained glued to Joy's, Laura managed to scoop up one of Joy's breasts in her hand and fasten her mouth on the girl's thick, pulpy nipple, sucking it hard while fucking her almost maniacally.

"Unh! Unh! Unh!" Joy grunted softly under Laura's love assault. "Unh! Ohnnn . . . Laura!"

"Yes . . . yes!" Laura hissed and panted to her. "Come, baby . . . come!"

But again Joy said nothing. Laura's body was still throbbing from the aftershocks of her own climax. She clutched Joy's silky young flesh with her hands, running them all over Joy's long body, squeezing her ass, again grabbing one of her breasts, sucking it almost ferociously.

"Unh! Unnmmggeee!" Joy squealed softly as Laura sucked her harder and harder.

Oh god, am I doing it too hard? Laura wondered. Am I hurting her? Why can't she come?

"Are you going to come, baby?" she whimpered to Joy, sucking her neck, then leaning back again to gain more leverage and pumping Joy's pussy hard with her own.

Joy's glassy black eyes were locked to Laura's, and this time she nodded a little. "I . . . think so . . ." she gasped, almost inaudibly.

"Oh . . . let me make you come," Laura panted, now grinding and swirling her hips in a frenzy. "Let me help you come. Can you come like this?"

Again Joy nodded, docilely. "I think so."

Again Laura contorted her own body, bending up, leaning closer. "Do you want me to do anything else? Do you want me to lick you? To eat you?"

Joy shook her head. She looked lost, puzzled, helpless, but also a little like she indeed might come at any second. There was an incendiary flicker deep in her shiny black eyes that seemed to suggest to Laura that a terrific orgasm was just moments away.

"Oh baby . . . oh baby," Laura murmured to her, now shifting their bodies so that she was entirely on top of Joy and could pump her vigorously, more rhythmically than before.

She held Joy's swirling breasts in both hands and gyrated her hips wildly, feeling their wet, slippery pussies slide together, feeling Joy's body finally tense up again, finally begin to clench as the beginnings of her orgasm arrived. Oh yes, she's going to come now! Laura thought, both excited and relieved to have reached this point. Oh, now, now, honey!

Joy came, but almost without a sound. She shut her eyes tightly, and her body stretched and quivered, but only several small squeaks escaped her throat.

"Neep!" she mewled. "Neep . . . neep . . . neeeep! Unh!"

Laura stopped pumping hard as soon as Joy began to come, but she stayed where she was, unwilling to break the spell of this nearly unattainable moment. God, I'm glad she made it, she thought, watching Joy relax as the last, waning spasms of her climax receded. It didn't seem like much, but I guess it made her happy. Joy was blinking and smiling up at Laura, her face animated again now that the sexual trance was broken, her eyes shiny with gratitude.

"That was so totally wonderful," she said to Laura in a soft, childlike voice. "I never did it that way before. Carmela and I never thought of that."

Laura smiled, unlocking her groin from Joy's as she felt like she might soon get a cramp in one of her thighs if she didn't. She stretched out next to Joy and embraced her, kissing her warmly.

"It was my pleasure," she purred to Joy. "Maybe you'd like me to give you an even better one."

This was probably not the best thing to say, she suddenly realized, since that may have been Joy's usual orgasm, a pygmy orgasm, a tiny little squeaky quiver of an orgasm, certainly not one Laura could feel proud to have produced. Laura wanted a whopper. She wanted Joy to be shattered and transformed by it, not just mildly pleased. And yet, who could say if a bigger one was possible. God knows I worked hard enough to get her to that little one, Laura thought.

Joy's eyes grew wide with innocence. "Do you think I could come again? I've never done it more than once. Carmela sometimes comes twice. She just rubs her pussy on my leg after we do it, and sometimes she comes all over again. It never worked for me."

"Did she ever eat you again?"

Joy shook her head. "My pussy gets real sensitive after one little fuckie. I usually can't stand any more for a little while."

Laura let her hand slide down Joy's wonderful, smooth young body to her crotch. She fluffed Joy's pubic hair with her fingertips. "Is it sensitive now?"

"A little. Gosh, you came so loud, Laura. You really come hard."

"I hope I didn't scare you," Laura murmured, flirting from under her heavy eyelids.

In truth, she was very hungry for more of the delectable Joy. The girl had suddenly become a challenge. I have to make her come harder than that, Laura thought. Just to make her see that it's possible.

Joy smiled and shook her head. "It was exciting. I think just hearing you made me . . . finally get there."

Laura's fingers found the wet, swollen lips of Joy's pussy and massaged them gently. She looked down at their nipples brushing when they moved.

"You know, I'm very excited by your body," she whispered, kissing Joy's cheek, her forehead, then her full, wide mouth.

Joy smiled and closed her eyes dreamily. "You want to do me again this quick?"

Laura was already heading south, though slowly, pausing each inch of the way to let her lips caress Joy's soft, naked, dark honey colored flesh. "I never got to taste that beautiful pussy of yours," she murmured.

Joy giggled. The long, smooth muscles in her stomach contracted, bunching into ripples that Laura eagerly kissed and stroked with her fingertips. "How do you know it's beautiful?" Joy giggled.

By now Laura was kissing her pelvic bones, her dark gold thighs. "I know because I kissed it with my own pussy," she whispered. "And now I'm going to kiss it with my mouth."

"Ooohhh, I love that."

Laura realized that this was more what Joy was used to, what she did with Carmela. She even seemed more relaxed, and sighed happily as Laura's tongue found its way into the soft wet folds of her long, half-open, black-lipped pussy. Joy being long and sinuous herself, her pussy was very appropriately also long and incredibly lovely to Laura, less a little hot mouth of love than a lengthy hot pink slit enclosed on either side by a long glossy black lip of flesh. Laura eagerly ran her tongue up and down each inner lip, up again to the top, finding Joy's little clit peeping out shyly from its protective hood.

"Oh. Oh . . . that's nice," Joy said softly, lying back, but not reacting in any other way as Laura began to lick her beautiful wet black pussy with slow, simmering passion.

Laura was certainly in no hurry and took her time. She loved eating a sweet new black pussy, and this one was a delicious wet feast, all glistening and inflamed, running with nectars, and beautifully shaped. She toyed with Joy's clit, flicking it with the tip of her tongue, to see if Joy would react. Maybe her clit wasn't as sensitive as most since again she showed no particular reaction but continued to sigh and twist only once in a while.

And yet she had said her pussy got a little sore after one fuck.

"Does it feel all right?" Laura prompted. "It isn't sore?"

"Oh no. It feels wonderful."

"Do you think I can make you come this way?"

"I . . . I don't know. I don't usually come twice."

"Ohhhh . . . you can come for Laura, can't you?" Laura purred to her, licking her wet, raw pussy from top to bottom, then back up, sucking Joy's tiny clit tenderly, now introducing one finger into the gooey furrow. "You can have a little come for Laura. You can close your eyes and just let Laura take you to heaven, can't you?"

For the next three or four minutes they were silent as Laura painstakingly coaxed Joy's beautiful black pussy toward what she hoped would be a thrilling climax. Occasionally, Joy whimpered, and squirmed her hips. Mostly she said nothing, panting softly, looking down at Laura's head bobbing between her spread thighs. After three minutes, Laura not only began to tire—her jaw cramping a little, her tongue straining—but she also began to wonder if Joy would actually ever come again. She didn't seem any closer now than when Laura had started.

And yet, when she briefly tried to stop, to rest her tongue and let her jaw muscles relax, Joy quickly reached down with one long arm and fluffed Laura's hair with her fingers.

"Oh please . . . don't stop! Oh god, it feels so good!"

"Really? Is it getting you there, darling?"

Laura recognized the quite desperation in her own voice. Never had she worked so hard to make anyone come. If she were in Joy's place, she would have come three times by now.

"Oh yes. It is."

Joy looked into her eyes. To Laura she seemed very vulnerable but also very aroused at this moment. It was the first time Laura had looked at her face for several minutes, and she suddenly realized that Joy was telling the truth. Even though she showed little outward reaction, she was clearly tense with the need for a sexual release. Her mouth was taut, her eyes somehow fiery with sexual desperation under the bland, glassy exterior.

Encouraged, Laura returned her mouth quickly to Joy's blossomed, puckering pussy, stabbing her tongue deep into the interior, parting Joy's long, sinuous black cunt lips with her thumbs and slurping her aggressively. Her lips and chin and nose were covered with Joy's copious juices, but she was herself in ninth heaven right now and gulped them down thirstily, going heatedly for more. I want you to come, she thought. I want it to be the best ever for you.

"Oh yes, come honey, come," she panted to Joy, now sliding her hands under Joy's smooth buns and pushing her whole face into Joy's streaming, flooding pussy. "Umgghhh. . . come, honey . . . ummgghh . . . oh I love your beautiful pussy . . . yes . . . come for Laura . . . come now for Laura . . . come now . . ."

"Oh!" Joy gasped, the first time she had really gasped uncontrollably since Laura had started.

Oh yes, she's going to come now! Laura thought. I've got her! Give me that pretty little clit, honey. Let me suck that gorgeous little clit, and you're going to explode for Laura, aren't you.

Laura let her lips crawl up to the top of Joy's long cunt again and took the tiny berry inside her mouth. It was really more like a large seed, and she laved it with her tongue, remaining extra sensitive to Joy's body, to Joy's tense flesh, trying to feel whether it caught fire from this, whether the end was near. In fact, it was, but again Laura seemed to miss the trigger point. One moment Joy was sighing, Laura was gently sucking her clit, and the next moment . . .

"Neeeep! Unh! Neeeeep!" Joy suddenly gave her characteristic truncated yelp of ecstasy. She was coming. "Ungghh! Mnnmmiiieeep! Oh!"

Her body barely contracted, but she shivered a little, then stretched, then her flesh slackened again. It was all over within a few seconds. She was breathing a little hard as Laura looked up, but there was little else, except maybe her glazed eyes, to show that she had just had a delightful orgasm. She smiled broadly at Laura, showing the sexy little gap between her front teeth, which even now somehow made a hot, frantic pulse start up deep in Laura's pussy.

"God, that was so good," she said to Laura. "You really made me do it twice. I can't believe it. I better not tell Carmela or she'll get jealous."

"Was it really good?" Laura said, disbelieving.

Joy nodded. "It was probably the best I ever had. Really."

But Laura was so dispirited, though she tried not to show it, that her own sexual arousal seemed to have simply glimmered off into the atmosphere. Ordinarily, after an experience like this she would be craving an orgasm herself in the worst way. But somehow she now felt like it would be an anti-climax. In truth, she felt bizarrely both pleased and distressed by this whole encounter with the delicious Joy. It troubled her deeply that she had not been able to give the girl an intense orgasm.

For her part Joy did not seem overly concerned either with returning the favor for Laura. They lingered and talked softly together for another half hour, but at no time did Joy try to make love to Laura again. Instead, she acted like she felt the evening's fun was over. Laura thought it was just as well. She was mystified and puzzled. But as Joy grabbed her green dress from the chair across the room where she had tossed it, and prepared to go, Laura's distress was overtaken by her uneasiness about this darling girl spending her nights alone in a darkened condo down the street. She realized that she still hadn't given up her desire to make the girl have a life-altering climax, and she felt protective. They would have a future, of sorts. You will come so hard, some day, Laura thought.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here tonight?" Laura suggested. "I mean, don't you get kind of lonely down there by yourself?"

"What about you? You're by yourself."

"True," Laura acknowledged.

Joy smiled and slipped the dress over her head, covering up all that long, beautiful honey gold body. "I have my dog Java to keep me company. She's a German shepherd, totally devoted to me. Nobody would ever try to touch me. If I didn't want them to, that is." She smiled again, a huge beaming grin, at Laura. "Like you."

Laura kissed her at the door, again running her hands up under the high hem of the green dress, feeling the girl's smooth warm flesh. "Come back and see me some time?" she murmured. "I think we only got started tonight."

Joy nodded but then uptilted her head innocently, and coquettishly, at the same time. "Better not tell Carmela that or she might get jealous."

Then she almost flounced back down the street to her own door, while Laura watched, entranced and pensive, from her own small porch. Joy waved to her and smiled before letting herself in.



Pictures of Joy.


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