Laura - Chapter 276


Jane phoned Laura at work.

"I found your business card in my Mama's purse," she said. "You and she been doing the Big Nasty, haven't you. I could scratch your eyes out, Laura."

Laura did not remember having given Kendra her business card, but she did have a stack of them on her dining room table. Kendra must have helped herself. This realization warmed Laura a little, since it signified to her that Kendra was thinking of calling her again.

As for Jane, a quick glance at the clock told Laura it was three-thirty, just after school. She was probably alone in the house and could call with impunity.

"Since when do you go through other people's purses?" she asked Jane.

"Is that all you have to say?" Jane shot back. "Aren't you gonna tell me how much you've missed my pretty little black coozy? And my booty that you always want to be licking and sucking on?"

Laura knew her office phone was not monitored, but even so, she became a little nervous at this salacious bantering. She could even feel herself blushing. In fact, just the sound of Jane's voice electrified her with sexual temptation. When she didn't reply directly, Jane went on.

"I don't go through everybody's purse," she snapped. "I went through my Mama's 'cause she said I could get five dollars out of her wallet, okay? What the fuck business is it of yours, Laura? Since you don't give a shit about me anyway, not any more."

Oh, I do. If you only knew how I do, Laura thought. "I'd love to see you," she said, almost whispering it into the phone.

"I got two hours, maybe three, before Mama gets home," Jane said. "You'd have to pick me up and take me somewhere. Can't do it here. Nosy neighbors."

"Oh Jane. I can't. I have a meeting in fifteen minutes. And I have to attend a cocktail reception tonight at the Ritz Carlton. Company duty."

"You just meeting some nasty sista for some carpet-munching, I bet," Jane cracked.

"No. Honest. I can't make it today."

Jane turned flirtatious. "Tomorrow Mama and Marshall driving up to Reno again. Unfortunately, they're taking the Jeep because Marshall's Lexus is fucked up somehow. That's what he get for having a rich people's car, I say. Anyway, I got to stay over with Auntie Doris again, but she ain't picking me up here until about seven-thirty, since she gets off extra-late on Friday. So . . . I get out of school at two-thirty-six. I got about five hours to . . . play. Laura? You still there?"

Laura was mesmerized, floating in a different world, reliving all the times she and Jane had nearly destroyed one another with hot fucking. The time they had fucked so violently they had broken Laura's bed. The time they had fucked in the open, on a hillside of Mt. Tamalpais, with Jane's spectacular young body all oiled and shiny, and afterward at Laura's place where they had screwed in the shower and Laura had fucked Jane's incredible ass with two fingers while sucking her pussy at the same time and making her nearly perish from ecstatic coming.

"Oh," she gulped, shaking herself out of this steamy trance. "Oh god, Jane, yes, I can take off early tomorrow. They owe me some time here. Tell me where I can pick you up."

They arranged a place close to Jane's school for Laura to pick her up, promptly at three forty-five. They would have to speed to Laura's condo, fuck like bunnies, then speed back across the bridge in time for Jane to be there when her aunt came to pick her up. The only trouble was that speeding back across the bridge was rarely possible. The traffic across the bridge was never easy, especially on Friday night.

"Don't worry about it," Jane reassured Laura, sounding a lot like a woman of the world though she was still only seventeen. "I can take BART back. The El Cerrito Del Norte station is only three blocks from my house."

"My pulse is fluttering," Laura confessed to her over the phone, wondering if it were wise to let Jane in on this fact, to give her this power.

Jane giggled salaciously at the other end of the line. "I'm feeling just a little wet too, you nasty old lady. See you tomorrow."

Later that same day, while walking to a meeting and daydreaming of the pulse-hammering sexual thrills that awaited her tomorrow, Laura was shocked to pass Shontay's office and find it empty. Rhonda, who happened to be passing the same way only seconds behind Laura, saw the shock on her face.

"She left. Didn't you know?"

Laura shook her head slowly, trying to conceal whatever hints her face might be expressing that this loss was more than just the loss of a co-worker. "I . . . had no idea."

"Moved to France," Rhonda said. "Can you believe that? I thought she was happy here. I know a lot of people didn't like her. She was kind of cold, withdrawn, aloof. A little too tall and skinny for my tastes. Anyway, you know that big telecommunications company, Alcatel? They're trying to break into the U.S. market and need some smart Americans to help them. Turns out Shontay speaks perfect French. She went to that private French School here in the city while she was growing up. Fluent. They snapped her right up. Gave her a huge signing bonus, moved her to . . . is it Tours? Avignon? Some place like that."

Laura just shook her head in disbelief. It hadn't been more than three weeks since she and Shontay had been lying naked, toe to toe, under the sheets at the retreat, fucking and cooing, warm and intimate. She didn't even bother to tell me, she thought. I made her pant. I made her come. She had given up sex entirely before me.

She suddenly realized that Rhonda was staring at her. She wondered if her face were revealing what she was trying to conceal. Quickly, she smiled tightly and regained her composure. "Too bad," she said, in a clipped, businesslike voice. "I spoke with her a few times," she said, as they continued walking together toward the meeting. "She wasn't as cold and awful as everyone, especially Randi, said she was."

Rhonda raised an ironic eyebrow. "Do tell."

But for the rest of the day, and afterward too, Laura could not get over this sadness. True, with Shontay gone to live in France, her own life was a little less complicated. But for everything you gained, you lost a little something too.

Tomorrow, as Jane had mentioned, would be Friday. Laura and Sara had not planned to see one another until Saturday evening, and so a Friday evening romp with the scorching hot Jane would not be much of a risk. It was remarkable how easily Laura could get into the mood for fucking some firebrand out of the past like Jane. For days after Sara's return and their emotionally and sexually hot reunion, Laura had been dreamily mooning around about her, bathing in each exquisite emotion of love, in each tender nuance, reliving their sex, each twinge and moan. But the sound of Jane's sassy young voice on the phone was enough to inundate her with memories of a wanton fucking almost more searing than any she could have about anybody else.

There's no way I could turn my back on Jane, she realized. I love Sara, but Jane is, as Sara said herself, an old friend. Even though she's still only seventeen, Laura rolled her eyes up ruefully. Underage. But it seems like we've been fucking forever. Still, seventeen, Laura reflected. I could get thrown in jail. What if someone saw us? Coming in to my place, for instance. They could call the cops.

Laura worried a little about it, but she did not let that stop her from picking Jane up the next day at the appointed time. Jane was dressed in baggy black hip-hop clothes, like the rest of the kids on the streets, which did nothing for her spectacular figure. She was, however, wearing an oversized slouch hat with the bill twisted to the side, which was devastatingly sexy to Laura.

"God, you look good enough to eat," Laura said under her breath as Jane hopped into the car. "But those baggy clothes do nothing for your incredible body, my dear."

Jane beamed. "Same old Laura. You want to rip these baggy clothes right off me, don't you. Off my 'incredible body.' Right? Confess."

Laura quickly swung her car onto the freeway, in a hurry to get back to her place. "You like it when I compliment you," she smiled.

Jane gave her a droll, sexy grin. "I like it better when you rip 'em off, like I said."

Laura swallowed and tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "So . . ." she said, trying to make conversation, and also to lower the temperature inside the car a little, since it was about to boil over. She could feel stirrings and warm wetness between her thighs.

"So . . . your mother tells me you're already taking the SAT exams. Looking forward to college?"

Jane shrugged. "I took 'em. She made me take 'em. I think I did okay, but they are hard."

Laura nodded. "I remember." She sounded to herself like an old lady. I wonder if she thinks of me that way, Laura speculated. Like an old lady. A horny old lady, as she sometimes jokes. "She also tells me you are very involved with boys these days."

Jane snorted. "Shows how much she knows. She don't have a clue to what I do." She squint-smiled devilishly at Laura. "I got myself a girlfriend now. Her name is Maisie Franks, and she and I just fuck like two little squirrels every day after school. And Mama don't have a clue. She'd shit a big red brick if she knew. She think that dick is so hot, and yet she still running across the bridge to suck on your pretty little pink pussy, ain't she, Laura? Anyway, I just dumped that loser Donnell. Always fucking around behind your back. Think he the fucking king rooster. Fuck him. Me and Maisie really click, and boy do we have ourselves some fun. She ain't quite as pretty as you, Laura, or as experienced, shall we say? She white like you, by the way. Can't get no sisters to diddle with me, somehow. I tried. They all stuck up or too afraid. Anyway, Maisie ain't afraid, and she and I really get it on. Maybe you should meet her some time. We could all have a little fucking party. I know she wouldn't mind. She's kind of 'free,' you know? Does whatever she wants to."

Laura's attempts to cool things down were having the opposite effect. Jane's little outburst got her pretty heated up.

"I'd love to meet her," she said, noncommittally, since right now she would not have shared Jane with anyone in the world and was eagerly looking forward to getting home as quickly as possible.

"You better slow down, Laura," Jane cautioned. "I got a ticket on this bridge in Mama's Jeep Cherokee, and she restricted me for a month. They watching you."

"I know. You're right," Laura said, easing up on the accelerator.

When Laura pulled into the parking lot outside her condo, Jane was dazzled. It was only mid-afternoon, but the long fingers of fog were already curling in over the treetops.

"Wow, you live in this great place," Jane said. "This is way better than where we lived before."

"Don't forget that's where I met you," Laura reminded her as she unlocked her door. "It couldn't have been all bad."

Jane frowned playfully. "It's where you met Mama, and that stinky Inky, too."

Laura frowned back, but not playfully. Jane had always been very mean about Charise.

"You still fucking her?" she asked Laura outright.

"That, my dear, is none of your business, is it."

"She still black as the oil in my Mama's car?"

Laura ignored this. "She had a baby."

"No shit." Jane acted stunned. "You gotta be kidding. Not ugly little Inky. She about the most ugmo little nigger I ever knew. Must be one ugly baby."

"Jane . . . please."

"Sorry. She got some dude to stick it in her, though. I'm amazed. Probably only did it to her once and got her prego. If that ain't the shits."

"It's so nice to see how sympathetic you are."

"Better her than me, that's all," Jane shrugged again, now taking off her slouch hat as she walked around Laura's condo, inspecting it. "This is cool."

"Want a soda pop or something?"

Jane made her way, inevitably, into the master bedroom, with Laura following. In the early days of their relationship, Jane had worn her hair in a style featuring long, ropey ringlets, very long, that hung and swished down the sides of her face, descending nearly to her shoulders. Laura's pussy would get hot and wet even from looking at them. Now she had changed it, however, into cascades of long curly strands, very much like the style Dee Dee wore, except without the dark bronze streaks. It was also very fetching in a more mature way, though Jane was no more than one and a half years older.

She wrinkled her nose at Laura. "You always have nasty stuff like root beer."

"I think I have cokes or something. Want me to check?"

Jane's dark eyes sparkled with mischief. "I want to know where your secret drawer is. The one where you keep the fun stuff."

There was now no way Laura could keep from grabbing her. She pulled Jane against her. "Kiss me, you little devil. God, I've missed you."

Jane kissed Laura back eagerly, sliding her wet tongue deep into Laura's mouth and grabbing Laura's ass. "Where's the drawer?" she gasped as they both came up briefly for air.

Laura was feeling a kind of smoking, steaming, urgent lust she had not felt for a while. Her recent sex with Shaniqua had been slow and seductive; with Sara, sensual and emotional, almost in slow motion; with Kendra, Jane's mother, supremely physical and athletic. But at this moment it was as if she were consumed by flames flaring and crackling inside her body. She had to have Jane immediately. No delay.

She felt the way she had sometimes felt in the beginnings, with Karen, or with Yvette, when they had barely been able to get inside the door before they began clawing and sucking and biting one another, ripping their clothes in the haste to get them off so they could fall on each other in a frenzy of squealing and fucking. She felt that way now with Jane, sucking her neck, biting her ear, whispering heatedly to her.

"I want you . . . god, I want you . . ."

Jane was panting too, and digging her fingers into Laura's back. Still, she giggled softly, very sexily, Laura thought, enjoying Laura's hot craving for her body. "You worse than Maisie," she panted. "You want it bad, Laura."

Jane decided that it would be fun to be a tease. She squirmed free of Laura's embrace. Laura pursued her, smiling. "Come here."

Jane backed toward the bed, looking around to gauge how far it was behind her. "No," she giggled. "Come and see if you can get it."

Laura caught up with her and tried to embrace her again, but Jane again squirmed free. This time, however, she was closer to the bed, and she fell backwards onto it.

"You're being a naughty girl," Laura teased her back. "I might have to spank you, if you don't watch out."

Jane, her body awkwardly lying across half of the bed, glowered up at her, but playfully. "You wouldn't dare."

Laura had only been playing up to now, but suddenly the thought of spanking Jane's incredible ass sent a fiery, quicksilver squirt of sexual excitement through her whole body. She had spanked a few others in the heat of sexual play. Randi, Taneesha, Deshona—all of them had beautiful bottoms, and just the pure aesthetics of it as well as the sexual stimulation of both Laura and her spankee had been devastatingly pleasurable.

But Jane had an ass designed by the gods as the paragon of all beautiful female posteriors. It was a miracle ass, a gorgeous bubble ass of perfect proportions and a purity of curve that was truly breathtaking. Jane was right, as she had earlier said, that Laura always wanted to kiss and stroke and lick and nibble it. And fuck it, Laura thought, with happy, exciting guilt.

She jumped directly onto the bed with Jane, grabbing her. They tussled together for several minutes, rolling around, pinching and tickling and laughing.

"You can't spank me," Jane laughed uncontrollably. "I'm a big girl. I'm a woman."

Laura managed to get a hand under the waistband of Jane's pants, plunging it down to her ass, which was still covered by the cotton of her panties. She squeezed one round gorgeous moon hard.

"You sure are," she panted and laughed at the same time. She could already smell the odor of sex. Whether it was rising up from her own pussy or Jane's or both of them, she couldn't tell, but she could smell it, ripe and hot. "And I can spank you if I want."

Jane suddenly grew solemn, her big dark brown eyes wide and innocent. "Oh god, Laura, that feels good."

Laura tried pinching her, but Jane's ass cheeks, as she had found on other occasions, were so firm and round that it was nearly impossible to get a small piece of flesh between your thumb and forefinger. Nevertheless, she managed a small pinch, and Jane's eyes widened even further.


Meanwhile, Laura was pulling down Jane's pants with her other hand, then with both. "I'm going to spank you on your bare ass," she hissed playfully, quickly pulling them down around Jane's knees, then going for her panties.

Jane pretended to resist, but Laura could tell her heart wasn't in it. She wildly enjoyed Laura's passion for her beautiful young body. Even though she scooted backward on the huge mattress, Laura was right on top of her again, tugging her panties down around her knees too.

"Oh . . . I'm going to spank you now," Laura warned, letting her eyes drink in the beauty of Jane's sleek, dark, naked flesh, which she had not seen for so long.

Jane's thighs were firm and black and shiny, and Laura could even glimpse the sparkly black hair of her patch between them, which of course aroused her even more. She was much darker than her mother, and darker skin always had an incendiary effect on Laura, making her want to lick it and stroke it and kiss it hungrily. She felt exactly that about Jane's thighs but had to put it aside for the present, since she had other things on her mind. Like Jane's beautiful ass.

"I am going to spank your pretty black ass until you scream," Laura threatened playfully, tussling with her again, trying to turn her over, which Jane was resisting.

"You better not try it," Jane panted, giggling and rolling away.

"I'm going to do it," Laura said, determinedly, realizing that she too was panting. "I'm going to spank you and fuck you."

Jane froze briefly, her eyes rolling up a little, her breath short. "God, Laura, I love the way you talk. It gets me so excited. Nobody talks to me like that but you."

Gnashing her teeth and grinning with feigned anger, Laura lunged toward her. "I'm finished talking, young lady."

Again Jane broke into laughter, enjoying the threats and the chase, but this time she let herself be caught easily. She looked coyly over her shoulder at Laura, who was already rubbing the flat of her hand across the incredible round black moons of Jane's ass.

"Don't you want me to be naked?" she asked, flirting shamelessly.

"God, yes."

Quickly, Laura helped Jane pull her baggy black shirt up over her head. Under it she was wearing a thin white chemise, and through it Laura could see the round, bulging circles of Jane's black nipples. Somehow this, to her, was almost sexier than seeing them exposed. The way the thin cloth showed and hid them both was wildly arousing.

Jane had a nearly perfect young body, glossy and hard and black, not coal black like her ex-friend (Laura's darling) Charise's (whom Jane herself had dubbed Inky) but still richly ebony and sleek, darker than her own mother's. She did not work out, like her mother, but she surely didn't have to yet. Her beautiful body had the springy, lean resilience of late adolescence as well as the deliciously curvaceous appeal of a young woman's body, with an absolutely unbelievable ass, young, upswept breasts that were perfectly proportioned to the rest of her torso, and hard, rippling abs that Laura would have died to rub her pussy against. Maybe I will, she thought. I would just dissolve in coming, if I did.

"You want me to take this off too?" Jane teased, lifting the bottom edge of the chemise a little with two fingers.

Laura nodded, feeling herself simply rage with lust for this girl. God, it's been too long! I have to have her. I always had to have her. That's why Kendra could never keep us apart, no matter how wrong it might be. "Please," she said in a hushed, clotted voice.

Jane began to pull it up slowly, enjoying Laura's slavish scrutiny, until one of her hard young breasts popped out, then the other. It was all Laura could take, and she quickly reached out to help, pulling the flimsy piece of cloth up hastily over Jane's head and tossing it back across her own shoulder.

"Watch out, Laura," Jane laughed. "You getting a little fast there."

Laura filled her hands with these springy dark globes, rubbing her thumbs across Jane's large, shiny black nipples. "I can't get enough of you."

Jane pouted, pulling back. "I thought you said you were going to spank me."

Laura sat up, realizing too that she was spoiling the game, deviating from the plan. "I am," she said, suddenly stiffening with mock anger. "Lie down, young lady."

Jane tilted her head to the side, her eyes sparkling, laughing again. "Make me."

Obligingly, Laura pushed her down onto the mattress on her stomach and quickly raised her hand. "Now this is to teach you to behave when you come over to my place," she half-giggled, staring down at the incredible dark grapefruits of Jane's gleaming ass cheeks, which seemed even harder and rounder than usual since Jane was clenching them in anticipation of the first blow.

Laura was torn between the urge to fall on Jane's ass with her mouth and hands and completely love-maul it, or the urge to spank her excitingly, as Jane was obviously expecting. She could feel her own wet cunt throbbing and spiking with little hot arrows of fierce desire. She took a deep breath. Well, might as well give her what she wants, she thought.

She raised her hand farther up, above her head, then dropped it fast, giving Jane's naked bottom a fierce whack on both cheeks with the flat of her palm, though the palm itself caught one cheek more fully than the other. It made a loud slapping sound, and Jane squealed.


Laura lifted her hand and thwacked her again, hard, this time letting her palm smack directly into the round black moon she had half-missed the first time.

"Aiieeee!" Jane squealed again, her body jumping a little. She looked back over her shoulder at Laura, her eyes watering. "Laura, you shit, that hurts!"

"Mmmm, it's going to hurt even more," Laura hissed, trying to make the menace in her voice even hotter, more threatening.

In truth, she had no desire to really hurt Jane, but she could feel, as she knew Jane could, the sexual heat and frenzy ratcheting up sharply. Even though it hurt a little, she knew Jane was deriving a great sexual thrill from it, and the faster Laura spanked her, as she now began to do, the more Jane squirmed and moaned and squealed with happy excitement.

"Ohhnnnn . . . ohnnnnnn!" she moaned, twisting, making her glossy dark body even more alluring to Laura. "Oh god . . . aiieeeee! Laura . . . ungghhhh! Stop! Ahhnnggg! Oh shit! Oh god . . . you doing it too hard, Laura! Aiieee!"

For a few seconds Laura had unleashed a fury of short, hard whacks against Jane's luscious, swelling ass cheeks, smacking them so hard that her own hand began to hurt. But now she had slackened the pace a little, pausing between each hard slap to let her palm cup and caress the fantastic moons, before lifting her arm again and delivering another sharp whack. Still, she knew Jane was becoming very aroused because she unconsciously spread her thighs a little, and Laura could see the glistening, wet, red seam of her blossoming pussy just below the hard, high, taut melons of her ass.

She could also smell it, smell them both. Again, the sharp, thick, pungent odor of wildly aroused pussy penetrated her nostrils, and sent her own hot blood surging through her tense body. She knew that if Jane had white skin instead of black, her round buns would be glowing red by now, so fiercely had Laura spanked them. Jane was cooing and gurgling into the sheet, while Laura was more and more unable to resist the urge to touch these splendid round hard moons with her lips.

"Ohhnnnnn . . . oh Laura! Ohhnnnnn . . . oh Laura!" Jane gasped, looking up at Laura now with pure sex, pure need to be fucked and hard, in her eyes.

Laura dropped her hand between Jane's buns, into the dark, inviting crevice, slithering her long middle finger between them and tickling Jane's rectum before plunging her whole hand lower and thrusting her fingers into the wet soupy hair-tangled mess of her melting pussy. Jane immediately began gyrating her bottom back into Laura's wrist, pushing her flooding pussy back into Laura's fingers.

"Oh god, Laura, yes! Oh god, Laura, yes!" she panted in a sort of demented chant, gulping and swirling her ass, groaning as Laura began to fuck her pussy faster from behind with her hand.

There were a thousand things Laura wanted to do. Apart from wanting to eat Jane alive, to merge passionately with her, to ingest her and devour her and consume her and erupt in a blazing fury of mushroom cloud orgasms, she also wanted to fuck her, really fuck her, with the strap-on, in every delicious orifice available, an all-consuming, deliriously energetic fuck that would leave them both simply devastated and destroyed. And she knew Jane, having expressed her usual interest in whatever ingenious toys Laura might have on hand, wanted it too. She might be young, Laura thought, but she was still almost too hot to touch when it came to sexual adventurism. God, that Maisie is one lucky girl, getting to have this bundle of dynamite in bed every day after school.

She also wanted now to bend down and lick and suck and bite these beautiful round dark moons she had been spanking, while continuing to fuck Jane's soupy, throbbing pussy with her hand. But Jane would come. Laura knew she would come. She had fucked Jane many times and knew the signs. Already her sleek young flesh was quivering uncontrollably, and she was cawing and whimpering and almost growling in the grip of fierce sexual need.

I don't want her to come yet, Laura thought. They had a very limited time to share, and Laura wanted to extract every last ounce of sexual pleasure for both of them from it. I want to fuck her and fuck her and not let her come until I'm finished fucking her.

But Jane was taking care of this by herself. She was keening and flexing and mewling, and Laura knew she was going to have a powerful orgasm in just seconds.

"Unngghh . . . oh Laura . . . yes!" she kept panting. "Unngghh . . . oh Laura . . . yes!"

Giving in to her urge, Laura fell on Jane's beautiful gleaming black buttocks with her mouth and the fingers of her free hand, caressing them as well as sucking them and biting them in a frenzy of sexual passion, pulling them apart, stabbing her tongue into the dark, moist crack between them, wriggling it deep until the tip of her tongue found Jane's little wrinkled rosebud. At this touch, Jane's body leaped slightly upward, and she whinnied softly.


But Laura was in control, still fucking Jane's oily, slippery pussy with the fingers of her other hand so hard that Jane could not bear to pull away from it. She was groaning in a guttural, demented way, and swirling her fantastic ass back into Laura's face. Laura removed her wet fingers from Jane's frothing pussy just long enough to pry open her taut buns and thrust her tongue into the tight little ring of Jane's rectum, burrowing it in as far as she could.

Jane's head was caught in mid-swivel as she tried to look back over her shoulder at Laura. Instead, she was instantly crushed by a horrific climax. Laura saw an expression of sharp, exquisite pleasure pass over Jane's face, which was momentarily paralyzed in the clutch of fierce sensations. Then she saw no more because she again burrowed her tongue deep into Jane's rectum, rubbing Jane's wet pussy rapidly with her fingers and feeling her whole body erupt in clenching spasms as a loud, explosive cry of rapture escaped her throat.

"Auunggghh!" Jane roared. "AUUNGGHHH!"

She burrowed her face into the sheet, shimmying her gorgeous, tight round ass back and up into Laura's face, gurgling and groaning and shuddering as several huge orgasmic waves shook her taut body. Laura kept tongue-fucking her anus as heatedly as ever through this firestorm of coming, until Jane was merely quivering and moaning and whimpering, a total wreck, though her body had slowed it's furious convulsions.

"Ohhhhnnnnn . . . oh shit . . . Laura . . . oh shit you're killing me," Jane gasped, now having regained enough strength to lift her head and glance back over her shoulder.

By now Laura was not fucking the tiny, snug aperture with her tongue so much as licking and probing it tenderly, while her greasy fingers in Jane's pussy were caressing the gooey furrow with soft affection. She lifted her face out of the crack between Jane's lovely dark buns, smiling at her.

"You were too quick," she smiled. "I wanted to go on doing this."

She leaned her face forward and gently nipped another large, hard piece of Jane's buttock, holding it between her teeth and waggling her head like a dog.

"Ouch, Laura, you too rough," Jane giggled, though this time her laughter was laced with the fatigue of having birthed a killing orgasm only seconds ago.

She wriggled away, sitting up, leaning back on her hands, her firm young breasts swaying, reminding Laura that she had not been able to touch them or mouth-maul them yet. Of course, Laura had not come yet herself and was as 'horny as a tick,' as one of her lovers had put it long ago.

"You horny old lady," Jane teased her. "You looking at me like you haven't had enough of my poor little pussy even yet."

Laura, surprising herself, jumped forward onto her with a small yelp, dragging her down on the mattress again, squeezing her sleek smooth flesh, kissing Jane's shoulders, then her cheek, working her mouth up to Jane's mouth.

"Kiss me, you delicious young thing," Laura panted. "I want you. You're right. I want to fuck you. I have so missed fucking you, Jane."

For nearly a minute they kissed wetly, hungrily. Jane was clearly not satiated by her cataclysmic and very quick climax. She clutched and rubbed against Laura's flesh as hungrily as Laura clutched hers.

"You didn't come yet, Laura," Jane panted into her ear. "You want to come first, before you fuck me again? I know you can't get enough of my pretty black booty."

"I think I could come if you just sucked on my bottom lip," Laura confessed, sucking on Jane's.

Jane crinkled her nose. "Let me try."

She coiled together with Laura immediately, pushing Laura down gently onto her back. Laura surrendered her body. There was nothing else she could do. Jane was suddenly all over her, pressing her sleek young flesh against Laura's everywhere, sucking her neck, digging her fingers into Laura's thighs, stabbing her tongue into Laura's ear. Jane had always been a fiery lover, but somehow Laura got the feeling that fucking every day after school with her friend Maisie had sharpened her skills, so that in seconds she had Laura whimpering and arching her back, quivering on the brink of a lovely orgasm.

"Ohhh . . . " Laura sighed, twisting, undulating a little as Jane's mouth found her sensitive nipples and began attacking them. "Ohhhhh . . . I think I'm going to come before you suck on my lip, if you keep that up," she panted.

"Then I'm gonna do it right now," Jane breathed, slithering up her body again, but also dropping one hand between Laura's spreading thighs.

Laura had been half-kidding when she mentioned Jane sucking her lip. True, she was very aroused from having tongue-fucked Jane's beautiful ass while the girl was coming, and she meant it when she had said she was very close. Just how close now became clear as Jane's fingers began to slide into the frothing slit of her pussy, rubbing hard against her clit, while Jane actually did take Laura's full lower lip into her mouth and began sucking it.

"Anggh . . . anghhh!" Laura groaned, unable to close her mouth, but feeling her body suddenly leap alive with frantic sexual urges. "Oungghhh gawggghd ungghh!"

"C'mon, Laura, you gon' do it now," Jane panted, briefly releasing her lip, speaking so low that her breathy voice was nearly inaudible. "I know you gon' do it."

Laura knew she was too. A hot lava flow was spurting deep inside her body, trying to find release. "Oh . . . yes!"

Her eyes rolled up, but she felt Jane suck her lower lip into her mouth once again, and begin to pump Laura's pussy harder with her hand. Then suddenly the world went black. A hot, gushing climax finally burst from Laura's tight, clenching flesh, a molten geyser of coming that left her cawing and surging off the mattress, her hips shuddering as the explosive spasms rocked her.

"Unnmmmnngghiieeee!" she squealed, as Jane released her lip and concentrated more on trying to hold on to Laura's flipping body. "Anngghhh! Ohnnnngg! Ohh! Ohh!"

Finally, after several seconds, Laura came to a rest, still panting desperately, her body still tingling with the feathery aftershocks that followed the orgasm. Jane leaned forward and kissed her very tenderly on the cheek.

"Been a long time since I did that to my Laura," she whispered, wiggling her two fingers that were still embedded in Laura's wet, throbbing cunt.

Laura gave her a bleak, ravished smile. "I'll give you about forty years to stop," she wheezed softly, watching as Jane pulled her shiny wet fingers out of her pussy. "You aren't mad because I spanked you?"

Jane frowned and rubbed her naked ass with the same two long, tapering black fingers. "Hurt like hell, you bitch," she smiled. "Wow, made my pussy wet. Still hurts, though. You spank hard. My mama never whopped me any harder than that."

"It's only because I love your ass so much."

"Maisie says I got the most perfect ass every made," Jane preened.

"Maisie is right."

"Nobody ever did that to me but you. What you did with your tongue. It's nasty, but it sure makes a sista quiver."

Laura enfolded Jane in her arms and pulled her down on the mattress again, pushing their naked breasts together. "It's my job to make you quiver," she murmured, inhaling Jane's fresh naked smell, still reminiscent of sex.

"Now you can show me the drawer," Jane said. "Where the hot stuff is."

"You, my dear, are insatiable."

"If that means I like to fuck with Laura, you got it right." Jane slid off the bed and knelt on the floor, sweeping one hand under the bedframe. "Where is it? You used to keep lots of that stuff under the bed. Ain't here any more. Where is it?"

Slowly, Laura too slid off the bed. The urge to fuck Jane with the strap-on was still strong, though she felt a little guilty about leading her toward the kinkier toys. Like Jane, however, she realized that two quick climaxes were not going to keep them from an even more combustible sexual collision. Also, they didn't have much time. Soon she would have to be driving Jane to the closest BART station so that Jane could make it all the way home before Auntie Doris arrived to fetch her.

Still, she did not especially want Jane to see the handcuffs, the blindfold (which she had recently bought, after her last fiery time with Dee Dee), the ball gag, the ropes, or the nipple clamps, which were left over from her past encounters with Karen and hadn't been used for years. There was more history, and more titillating perversion suggested by the contents of that drawer than she was willing to face in Jane's presence. On the other hand, the thought of using the double penetrator made Laura's breath quicken with excited anticipation.

She motioned Jane back toward the bed as she crossed the room to the bureau. "Go back there and sit."

"Awww!" Jane groaned in disappointment. "I want to see everything, Laura. I want to choose the wildest, hottest thing you got."


Reluctantly, Jane backed up to the bed and sat on the edge of it with her incredible ass, while Laura went quickly through the drawer. Being fair-minded and scrupulous to avoid manipulating Jane's response, though she certainly knew what she wanted herself, she took out both the double penetrator and the single, ridged shaft, the one that had recently sent the darling and delicious Shaniqua to heaven.

She closed the drawer and took them, along with the harness, back to the bed and sat next to Jane. Even though they had just fucked exuberantly, Laura was again overcome by the fresh, almost innocent thrill of sitting naked next to this astonishingly desirable young girl, letting her eyes caress Jane's gleaming black skin and sleek flesh, letting them linger briefly on Jane's large, shiny black nipples that she so loved and had yet to taste during this visit.

For her part, Jane was wide-eyed with wonder as she looked at the implements in Laura's lap. "Shit, Laura, you are amazing," she said as she ran one long finger over the ridges on the single dildo. "And look at this one."

She lifted the double penetrator out of Laura's lap and held it up, scrutinizing it with fascination. She also ran her finger all over both appendages, slowly, sensually, as if she were already contemplating how such monstrous objects would feel inside her body.

"Don't tell me where this one goes," she said, giving Laura a salacious grin, running her fingertip along the curve of the lower shaft. "Where your tongue just was, right?"

Laura nodded, but her hands were already reaching under the double penetrator, which Jane still held up in front of her eyes, for Jane's naked breasts. "I never can get enough of your wonderful body," she confessed softly.

Jane smiled and lowered the double penetrator, putting it beside them on the bed, looking down at Laura's pale fingers on her dark young breasts. She had turned suddenly pliant and submissive. With little encouragement from Laura, she lay slowly back, letting Laura effortlessly rise over her, still holding Jane's naked breasts in both hands.

"I want to swallow these," Laura murmured, feeling her voice already clotted again with sharp physical desire.

Jane's black eyes flashed with mischief. "Swallow away," she grinned. "But before you do, tell me. You gon' do me with the double-headed monster?" Her voice had turned a little thicker and hoarse.

"Is that what you want?"

Jane's eyes were now swirling and pulsing with hot sex. Wide-eyed, she nodded at Laura. "Nobody ever fucked me like you do, Laura," she whispered. "Nobody. You make me die."

Laura grinned back. "Oh no. I'm going to make you live. I'm going to make you so happy to be alive. But first . . . I'm going to do this."

With Jane watching intently, Laura began kissing every part of her smooth upper body, licking her shoulders, snaking her tongue into the spooned shallows below Jane's sculptured clavicles, kissing her way down between Jane's marvelous, small, beautifully proportioned breasts. Again she cupped them loosely in her hands, feeling Jane's swollen black nipples push into her palms, even feeling the small hardening center nubs pushing up from the soft, silky surrounding areolas.

Laura's lips crawled up the side of one firm, pear-shaped mound, kissing Jane's breast everywhere but her nipple, circling it, nudging her mouth into the crease beneath the bulging underside of her breast, licking the secret skin there with slow sensuality, hearing Jane's breath catch, feeling her quiver slightly.

"Oh . . . you like that," Laura purred.

Jane nodded her head, without speaking, her dark eyes wide and shiny.

"How do you like this?"

"Oh! Laura!" Jane gasped, her eyes rolling up.

Laura began licking Jane's thick, shiny black nipple passionately. Just the feel of this silky bulb against her tongue was enough to make her pussy flood again with warm juices. Having denied herself this chance earlier, she now took pains to draw it out and indulge every last urge, making love to Jane's exquisite naked breasts with a patience and skill that she knew would put other lovers, even the new girl Maisie, in the shade.

She bunched the firm balls up in her hands and methodically love-assaulted the pointing black cones of Jane's glossy, wet nipples, licking them sensually, sucking them, holding them lightly between her teeth and pulling, sucking them into her mouth again, harder this time, lashing them with her tongue. Soon Jane's thick nipples were shiny and wet and stiff and springy, and Jane herself was cooing and moaning and twisting frantically.

"Oh shit, Laura! Ohhhhh god . . . Laura . . . oh god you do it so good! Yes! Ungghhhh!"

"Are you getting all wet again? Do you want me to fuck you and fuck you?"

"Just keep sucking," Jane panted, her eyes fiery now with sexual need. "Suck . . . and then fuck."

"Oh, I will . . . I will," Laura purred, pinching Jane's wet, hard nipples between her thumbs and forefingers whenever she momentarily let them out of her mouth.

"Unhh! Unhhh!"

"I'm going to fuck you in your ass and your pussy at the same time," Laura purred. "Are you sure you can handle that?"

Jane nodded rapidly. "I'm ready now. Please, Laura. Do it. Do it now."

"Oh god, honey, your body is so beautiful."

As if to emphasize her point, Jane's hand scrabbled across the mattress desperately and came up with the double penetrator. She shoved it into Laura's face. "Now! Please!"

But Laura felt about the rest of Jane's body the way she felt about her breasts, which she was still hungrily devouring. "If I can't lick your beautiful pussy, I won't get you back home in time for Auntie Doris," she teased Jane.

Even though she would never do anything to hurt Jane, she also knew that Jane was a lubricious little fuck-demon and would stop at nothing to get her way, especially when it came to getting Laura to screw her. But she had had a thrilling orgasm only a few minutes earlier, Laura knew, and the frenetic lust she was exhibiting right now was genuine but not desperately urgent. I've got to have a taste of her beautiful pussy, Laura thought. I can't get her here and then not take my fill of it. How soon will she be back here?

She slid down Jane's lean, undulating body quickly, noticing that Jane did not try to stop her, and even opened her thighs more widely to smooth Laura's descent. She whimpered a little as Laura's fingers spread open her juicy black slit even further.

"Ohhnnn! Yes . . . Laura . . . do it!"

Laura was too busy licking to respond. Jane's pussy was an exquisite dark pink juice flower, edged in wet, glossy, wavy black lips that Laura was now caressing from top to bottom on both sides with the tip of her tongue, running it slowly up and down them and luxuriating in the tart flavor of Jane's cunt nectars as they slid across her taste buds. She loved Jane's pussy and had always loved it, this almost perfect wet pink mouth of love, so much a magnet to her thrusting tongue. In seconds she was tongue-fucking Jane with hungry sensuality, listening to her whimper and gurgle and groan.

She took her time, knowing Jane would probably not come again so quickly, but still very alert to the signs, since she knew they both wanted what would follow this. She burrowed into the hot, slippery trench with her tongue, then withdrew it slowly, sliding it over Jane's hard little clit, which she had helped to further expose by spreading away its tiny tent with her thumbs. Then she stabbed her tongue back into the glistening, fiery center of Jane's pussy, slurping and licking it aggressively, feeling Jane's body quiver and strain.

Laura was in a sweet sexual delirium, sucking and licking this exquisite pussy exuberantly but also in a controlled, skillful way, determined that Jane would get as much intense pleasure out of it as she herself was getting, and yet careful not to make her come prematurely. For several minutes they kept up this loving struggle, Jane whimpering and writhing, Laura slipping her arms under Jane's sleek thighs and holding her hips steady while she sucked and slurped the girl's delicious, inflamed wet slit with increasing heat and hunger.

Neither one of them spoke, but their rough, labored panting and Laura's hungry feasting sounds were clearly audible, as were the singing springs of the bed as they both grew more and more excited, and Jane began to squirm more violently. Laura's lips were covered with warm cunt slime, and she pushed her mouth deeper into the sopping wet crease of Jane's flowing cunt, unable to stop herself from a fierce sexual attack on Jane's gorgeous, creaming quim.

Finally, it became too much for Jane.

"Oh!" she gasped. "Oh . . . Laura! Do it now . . . or I'm gonna come again! Really!"

Laura looked up, smiling at her, well aware that her own face was shiny wet with Jane's pussy juices. "Are you ready, darling?" she purred, sitting halfway up and groping for the double penetrator. "Ready?"

"Oh god, yes!" Jane whimpered.

In a flash, Laura had slipped open the drawer of the bedstand and extracted the small baby oil bottle. Next she quickly slipped into the harness and fastened the double penetrator in place. Flipping open the top of the bottle, she quickly oiled the fingers of one hand and lubricated the lower appendage.

Jane was in a state of almost drugged sexual frenzy and looked on in an abstracted stupor of lust while Laura completed her preparations. Usually so full of sass and trash talk, she now was mesmerized and pliant and completely silent except for her soft panting as Laura settled between her spread thighs and moved the two prongs up to her groin. She looked solemnly, expectantly, at Laura, her dark eyes wide and shiny, her face suffused with a kind of naïve wonder, as if she were seeing a side of sex she had never known before.

Laura's fingers were still oily, and she quickly slid one up into Jane's ass to lubricate and prepare it for the invasion. Jane's eyes watered.

"Unhhh!" she gasped softly, her sensual lips parting, her eyes watering.

Laura rotated the finger, watching Jane's eyes roll up briefly. She then insinuated a second finger into the tight aperture, fucking Jane's ass with them slowly but deliberately, widening the entrance.

"Oh shit . . . Laura!" Jane groaned, looking down at Laura's hand, at Laura's fingers protruding from her ass.

"I'm going to put it in now," Laura said, removing her fingers.


"Are you ready?"


Laura held the dildo apparatus firmly in her right hand and guided both stalks up until the gristled, thicker top one was almost touching Jane's puffy, swollen black cunt lips. Knowing that the upper shaft would slide easily into Jane's oozing slit, she dropped her fingers to the lower one, holding it steady, pressing the tip into the groove of Jane's anus that she had just opened with her fingers. Getting the head of it lodged in that small entryway was half the battle, and now she pushed forward with her hips, slowly sliding both long stalks into Jane's body.

"Ahhnnnnnn!" Jane moaned as the two thick poles slid into her ass and pussy.

Laura was not rough about it, but she leaned forward, pushing them in deep. Jane gave a tiny, choked off squeal as the two shafts penetrated deep into her body.


"Oh honey . . . I'm in you . . . I'm in you all the way," Laura panted, leaning forward even farther, kissing her cheek, tonguing her ear.

"Oh Laura! Ohnggg!"

"Now I'm going to fuck you," Laura whispered, beginning to draw both shafts slowly outward, still holding the bottom one in her fingers.

Jane's eyelids fluttered open. She looked up into Laura's eyes, her face frozen in a peculiar mixture of pleasurable agony and naked lust.

"Oh yes! Unhhhhhhh! Yes . . . Laura!"

Laura sat up a little again to get more leverage and then began pushing the two rods in and out of Jane's squirming body slowly. It was impossible for her to resist a quick flash of memory that made her feel as if this were a return to their earlier times together, back in her old apartment, the one just below Jane's and her mother's, with Jane on her back in Laura's bed, this same bed, writhing and moaning while Laura fucked her delicious shiny black body with the same thrilling hunger she was feeling right now.

Still moving slowly, sliding in, sliding out, she put her hands on Jane's body, running them over her hard stomach, up her ribcage to her firm breasts, so firm that instead of slackening out while she was on her back, they merely rolled like hard balls from side to side, until Laura cupped them with her palms and squeezed them excitedly. Now she was thrusting the double penetrator in and out of Jane without holding it steady with her fingers, and yet they were still moving so slowly and fluidly that she felt there was no danger of it slipping out. She rolled Jane's thick, erect nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, watching the expression on Jane's face each time the monster slid into her deep.

Jane's head would loll to the side, her sensual mouth would tighten, her eyes would glaze over briefly, and a soft, constricted squeaking sound would caw and scratch in the bottom of her throat as she stiffened, feeling both large shafts push up into her impaled cunt and asshole.

"Unhhh! Oh . . . Laura!"

"Yes . . . yes, baby. Is it good?"

Jane couldn't reply. She tried to, but the words caught in her throat, and this time her eyes throbbed with a hotter fire than Laura had seen there only seconds ago. She could also feel Jane's body undulating and surging more rapidly, more jerkily, under her. Jane was now pumping back, her pelvis moving and swirling more urgently into Laura's careful thrusts. Laura had to remove one hand from the girl's marvelous naked breasts to clutch the base of the strap-on once again, holding it steady while the semi-hysterical whimpering rose up deep in Jane's chest.

"Ummngghrrganngghh! Oh yes . . . Laura . . . yes!"

Laura realized that both of them were on the verge of going out of control. She herself was wildly excited by Jane's writhing, straining body, and by the union of their two bodies in this surging, thrashing connection, by the sharp nudge of the strap-on's base against her own pubic bone and her clit, and by the look of excruciating, pleasurable torment that contorted Jane's face, and the labored cawing of her moans. On top of that, all this frantic, aroused struggling had resulted in a thin coat of sweat all over her naked body, which gave her smooth black skin a fine sheen that made her more desirable than ever to Laura, who even dipped her mouth down occasionally to lick it off Jane's tense arms and round, gleaming shoulders, and even from her swollen black nipples.

Oh god, I love to fuck this girl! she thought deliriously. I love to fuck this girl! All the Saras in the world could never keep me from fucking this delicious, hot girl.

For her part, Jane was really in a deep, elemental, almost animalistic trance of sex, groaning and grunting and grimacing as Laura continued to fuck her with sure deliberation, more rapidly now, more sharply, sinking the two fierce shafts deep into her ass and pussy with each forward thrust. Jane couldn't even talk any more to Laura, or even gasp incoherent words. Her eyes, whenever her eyelids fluttered open for a second, were streaked with flames, and her pelvis now churned frantically up into Laura's inward plunging.

"Unhhh! Unhhhh! Annrrghh!"

"Oh yes, you're going to come," Laura panted to her.

She finally had to release Jane's other delectable breast and slide her hand down to Jane's hip, trying to steady her while again lunging forward and piercing her body with the two monstrous prongs.

"So deep . . ." Jane panted, her face contorted in a preliminary agony of bliss that foreshadowed the shocking climax that was only seconds from obliterating her. "So deeeep! Ungghhh! So . . . deeeeep!"

"Yes!" Laura half-growled, putting everything into the last, culminating thrusts. "Yes! Yes!"


Jane's body stopped gyrating. She was suddenly seized by a stiffening, overpowering jolt, a fierce shock that seemed to crush her from within. Her voice was throttled, pinched off in her throat, and her arms flipped spastically beside twitching body on the sheet, her knees jerking awkwardly in the air as she began to come in violent spasms. Laura stopped thrusting, leaning forward and grasping Jane's shuddering body in her arms, embedding both cocks deep in her and embracing her as the climax shattered her.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey, yes, come hard, come hard . . ." she panted into Jane's ear, feeling the enormous shockwaves roll through and wrench Jane's quivering flesh.

It was only after the worst (or best) was past that moans began to pour from Jane's throat. Her body went slack after the major onslaught had waned, but then suddenly grew tense and strong again, as she gripped Laura and pulled her even closer, undulating her hips again.

"Ohhnnnnn . . . ohhnnnn . . . Laura! Unhhh! Oh god! Feel so good! Unhhhh! Yes . . . oh yes! Do it some more! Ungghh!"

Laura could feel yet another hard shock seize her body, and Jane arched her back, squeezing Laura's hips with her thighs fiercely as a sharp spasm rocked her.

"Oh Laura! Press me to you! Ohhhhhh . . . press me to you! Arrnnggghghhh!"

Laura was already pressing their sweaty, naked bodies together as close as they would go, and yet in response to Jane's wild, desperate appeal she gripped her spasming body even tighter, almost crushing her, again ramming the two dildos deep into Jane's body to help her through this last, shattering wave of coming. Jane quivered, sighed deeply, and then began actually to whinny softly as the last waning currents of a second electrifying orgasm began to dissipate. Soon she had stopped moving under Laura, and stopped moaning and whinnying too, and the only indication that she was still alive was her faltering, erratic breathing.

Laura, feeling that the pressure of her own body on top of Jane was making it harder for her to breathe, quickly disengaged herself and slowly, carefully with drew the wet, obscene shafts from Jane's body. She slipped effortlessly out of the harness, set the apparatus aside, and stretched out again next to Jane, who was only now beginning to stir again. A blissful half-smile began to spread over Jane's face. She turned her head to look at Laura lying next to her.

"You always got a surprise up your sleeve, don't you, Laura," she finally croaked, looking totally wasted by the experience.

Laura acted completely innocent. "You're the one who chose it," she said softly. "I only did what you wanted."

Jane smiled back dreamily. "You sure did. I gotta get one of those things for me and Maisie." She saw Laura pout. "Don't worry, Laura. She's good, but nobody could ever do me like you do." She caressed Laura's bare shoulder, sitting up. "You want me to do you with it? I think that would be hella fun."

In fact, Laura did want it, so aroused had she become again from fucking Jane with the two-pronged strap-on dildo. But a glance at the bedside clock told her that this was impossible. It was already quarter to six. It would take Jane at least an hour to get home on BART, probably more at this time of the evening. And Laura would have to drive her to the Glen Park BART station just to get her on her way.

"I don't think we have time," she said.

"Sure we do." Jane reached for the double penetrator, making a face when her fingers came away wet.

Laura shook her head. She pulled Jane down again, rubbing her body against hers, kissing her neck, her cheek. "I don't want to rush it," she breathed softly. "I want it to be like we just did it . . . slow, and sensual. Not a rush job."

Jane's face fell. "I know," she said, glumly. "But we gonna have to do a rush job anyway. I just know you're about ready to pop too . . . after that."

Laura nodded. "I am," she said, almost sheepishly.

"Bet if I give you my patented kitty licking you'll come quick enough," Jane grinned. "I remember one time I made you come in about five seconds."

Laura laughed. "You might beat that record this time. I got pretty horny doing that to you."

"Mmmm," Jane smiled, kissing her way down Laura's body, lingering momentarily at Laura's breasts to suck her nipples hungrily. "Just let me at that pretty pink pussy."

It did take a little longer than five seconds, but not much. Jane, always a hot lover, had been practicing with Maisie apparently, and her skills only added to her ardent passion. She had Laura climbing the walls in about twenty seconds, and coming in about twenty more, an abrupt, crunching orgasm that left Laura whimpering and giggling afterward at the suddenness and power of it.

"Oh god," she laughed, her eyes watering, her breath not yet returned to normal. "You are so good! You are a whirlwind. You just ravished and raped me."

Jane smiled sassily, wiping Laura's pussy juices off her lips with the back of one hand. "You make it easy, Laura. It's easy to make you come. I never done it with any other girl but you and Maisie, but sometimes she takes fifteen minutes to get there. God. Takes forever."

"I can't imagine that's true with you on the other end," Laura confessed, feeling herself unaccountably almost ready to blush.

This easy intimacy they had thrilled her. Jane was only seventeen, and Laura nearly thirty, and yet their relationship had always been one of the hottest Laura had ever known, and they also shared this relaxed, playful intimacy that stirred Laura deeply. Jane was anything but a sweet little angel, like for example Charise, but she was completely genuine in her own way, and Laura felt lucky not only to be able to fuck her but just to know her too.

She glanced over Jane's shoulder at the clock and saw that it was now after six. "You know, Auntie Doris is going to be awfully disappointed when she comes to get you if you're not there," she said gently.

"Shit, you're right. And Mama will kill me if she finds out. Quick, we gotta get out of here."

They threw on their clothes, and Laura drove her to the BART station. "You might want to take a quick shower, or at least sponge off when you get home," she told Jane, pressing a five dollar bill into her hand as Jane got out of the car. "You smell a little bit like sex. Good smell, to me," she smiled, "but Auntie may not dig it."

Jane's black eyes flashed. "You make me want to go back for more, Laura."

"Me too," Laura grinned. "Call me. When you can get free. Of Mama and Maisie."

Jane merely smiled back and nodded, then turned and ran into the BART station.




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