Laura - Chapter 266
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At eight o'clock that night, Sara had still not called. Laura was crazy with anxiety. Well . . . just calm yourself, she thought. Let's see, six-forty. That's when Dee Dee said she was meeting her plane. An hour to get off, get her luggage, et cetera. Probably an hour or more to get home from the airport. She's tired. Maybe hungry. That's eight-forty. Nine o'clock. She couldn't call before then. What am I worried about? Laura knew exactly what she was worried about. In order not to dwell on it, she cleaned her condo from stem to stern, changed the sheets and other linen throughout, spraying for lingering odors, scrubbing the guest bathroom, where Dee Dee had been smoking-snorting-inhaling-injecting god knows what. At nine-fifteen Sara had still not called. Laura sat in a chair by the window, looking out at the fog swirling through the tall eucalyptus trees in the grove on the hill above her condo development. What would I do if I were her? she wondered. What if I found out about Dee Dee fucking my . . . my love? Or worse, my love fucking Dee Dee . . . and enjoying every second of it. Fucking her alone, fucking her with someone else. Having orgasms in her arms, making her have them, even when it was almost impossible, when she was so stupefied by drugs that she could barely wake up long enough to climax. I'd kill her, she thought. No, I wouldn't. I could never do that. I would . . . just turn away. I'd be so sad. I wouldn't talk to her again. Ever. Laura turned weepy and cried softly in the dark for a while. Sara still had not called by midnight. These were the most agonizing hours Laura had ever spent. She could not sleep, but she was so tired that by two or three a.m. she fell into a stupor in spite of her emotional pain and distress. As she was dressing glumly for work in the morning, the phone rang. It was seven-thirty. Oh god, let it be her! Even if she's . . . in a purple fury. Laura dashed to the phone, almost stumbling and breaking her neck on the way. "Laura?" Sara's voice was bright and upbeat. "I hope you don't mind that I didn't call last night. I was so damn tired." "Oh god, it's you!" Laura gasped. "Oh god, Sara, it's so good to hear your voice." "You don't mind? You're not mad at me?" Laura couldn't suppress a wry grin, since there was no one to see it. Mad at you? Silly girl. I thought you'd be ready to toss me to the vultures. "Of course I'm not. I'm dying to see you." "Got to go to work," Sara giggled. "Someone's got to pay the rent here. Maybe we can . . . you know, 'get together,' if you know what I mean, this evening." "I don't think I can stand it. The wait, I mean." "Does that mean you're inviting me over?" "God, yes! Does that mean you'll come?" Sara chuckled sexily at the other end of the line. "There you go, making zee leetle joke, no? Of course I will. You know how to make that happen." "Oh Sara, god I've missed you. I love you." Sara lowered her voice, as if she didn't want to be overheard. This clearly meant to Laura that Dee Dee was still there, in her apartment. Laura could feel her stomach recoil at the thought, and the danger that still existed, that would always exist now. "I love you too, Laura," Sara whispered into the phone. "And I'm gonna show you how much. You know, it's Friday. Can I stay over tonight?" "Oh, yes! And the night after, and the night after too!" Laura exclaimed happily. "Please stay over!" "Control yourself, girl. You acting like a lovesick dodo." "I am." Again Sara lowered her voice. "Got a confession to make. Me too. Okay, then. See you at about six-thirty?" "I'm dying already of the wait." More than you know,More than you know, Girl of my heart, I love you so . . . Laura hummed happily as she continued to get ready for work, and all the morning through, too. Lately I find,You're on my mind, More than you know. I love her, she thought dreamily. I love her. I never loved anyone this way. I can't live without her. She had to stop, though, when Shontay came into her office, sharp and bristling, her whole manner jagged and peremptory, as it had always been in the days before their affair. Shontay had reverted in more ways than one. She was again wearing one of her drab, baggy brown business suits that hung on her bony frame like ill-arranged drapery. Her hair was pulled back around her head in the most severe hairstyle Laura had ever seen her wear, as if she were primed for battle. Even the pony tail, which Laura had long ago surmised was actually a fall, was missing. They had spent several nights together since the night of their furious fighting and fucking in Shontay's parents' apartment, but since Laura had moved—and also since she had become completely infatuated with Sara—they had not shared a bed. Laura, though she now had a shitload of trouble with Dee Dee, almost regretted it. Just the presence of Shontay in her office sent electricity through her body. She had worked hard to touch Shontay in the past, with remarkable, and sexually stirring, success. It was hard to turn your back on that. Moreover, even in this sharp, angular, threatening, semi-hostile mode, Shontay was wildly attractive to Laura. Under that baggy business suit was a long, supple, lean, sinuous, light-molasses-colored body to die for, with gorgeous little teacup breasts that you could barely even guess were there under that flat, straight suit jacket, mouthwatering caramel nipples, and a long, dark-lipped pussy that could keep you yearning for weeks. Laura had raped her, once out of pure lust, once out of anger, and Shontay had confessed to being thrilled by it since no one had ever wanted her enough to do that before. Laura couldn't imagine why. "Is there a reason you've been avoiding me?" Shontay snapped, but in a soft tone of voice, in order not to be overheard. Laura was instantly on alert since in the office Shontay was enormously discreet and would never do the slightest thing to call attention to their affair. Laura, for her part, felt immediately, devastatingly guilty. How could she deny that she had been avoiding her? "I've . . . just been busy, that's all. With moving, you know. What a hassle." "I don't believe you." Laura tried to act unconcerned. "That's your choice." "I can't believe you, Laura. You're so cold." Shontay grinned spitefully. "That's supposed to be my tactic." "I am not being cold." God, I'd fuck you right now, if I could, Laura thought. I forgot the effect you have on me. Shontay seemed not to know what else to say and merely paced around the small office, invisibly steaming. "You haven't even invited me to your new place," she finally pouted, but with a steel-honed edge of accusation in her voice. "I'm sorry. It's such a mess. It's unbelievable how hard it is to get everything squared away when you move like this." "What a crock," Shontay said, under her breath, turning for the door. "Bye." "Wait!" Laura said. She came out from behind her small desk. Everything in her office, and the office itself, was small, not large like Shontay's, who was an executive director. "Wait, Shontay." Laura took her hand, closing the door slightly in case anyone should be passing by outside. Shontay jerked her hand away, eyes burning. "Don't touch me. Especially not here." "Sorry." Laura was contrite. "Look, when can you come over." "Tonight?" Laura shook her head. "Not tonight." "Got a date?" Shontay sneered, then suddenly yanked the door open and left abruptly. This was certainly enough to ruin anyone's day, Laura reflected, standing rejected and sexually aroused in the doorway of her office. Worse, Rhonda asked her to lunch, then quizzed her about Deshona. Things being now much friendlier between them, Rhonda was chummy and even mildly seductive. "You know, now that you moved, you only live about two minutes from my house," she said, her eyes suddenly growing veiled and sexual, even though they were sitting in a burrito palace. "St. Francis Wood. You remember. Just over the hill. You could drop by for a visit now and then." Laura smiled, genuinely touched to realize how far they had come. At one time they would have been throwing the burritos at one another instead of coyly alluding to a possible night of heavenly fucking. "I'll be sure to call first," she teased. "I'm not kidding." "I know you're not. I will . . . drop by." Rhonda then asked her a question without looking her in the eye, a very strange occurrence, which had never happened to Laura before. Rhonda was a strong, executive sort of woman, curt, even brusque and sometimes mean, and definitely no shrinking flower. "Did you ever, you know . . . make a pass at that Deshona Reed? You know, the one who runs that Decision Resources company that did those two consulting projects for us?" "You mean that gorgeous petite black woman? Small bones, big . . . you know?" Laura cupped both hands out in front of her chest. Rhonda nodded. "She's a fucking ice cube, too, if you remember." "Why Rhonda, I think you asked me that question once before. I told you, it was all business with me. Rhonda did not know whether to believe her. "She's just your type." "You're projecting," Laura scoffed. "Why, did you want to . . . get a closer sniff of her perfume?" "God, it's heavenly, isn't it? I wonder what it is." Laura acted very distant. "I haven't seen her for over a month," she lied. "I can only vaguely remember it." Inside, she realized she was beginning to boil and tried to control it. This was clearly the reason Deshona had seemed so guilty when she had run into Laura the day before. Rhonda had been flirting with her. She had been enjoying it. "Well," she added to Rhonda, "I can only say that she is an icicle for sure. I never met anybody so cold. Great package, but there's a heart of stone inside, you take my word. I wouldn't mess with her, if I were you." Rhonda mused aloud. "I know," she said, wistfully. "She reminds me a little, not in looks of course, of that girl Shontay Gibson we hired. God, a total deep freeze. What a crabby, stuck-up bitch she is. Great at her job, though. All her people are scared shitless of her. I guess that's not good management practice, but she sure is getting results. A little too skinny for my tastes, but she's just as frigid as your friend Reed." Laura let that pass, not wanting to protest too much. She might appear defensive. It was almost beginning to appear that Rhonda had made passes at them both, which she would not appreciate Laura pointing out. "Best not to fool around at work," Laura said, a smarmy platitude if ever there was one, though she delivered it with aplomb and gentle humor. "I guess you're right," Rhonda sighed. These visits at least helped distract Laura from both her fluttery excitement and her deep anxiety over seeing Sara, finally, after work. Because Sara's voice had been so upbeat on the phone, and Sara her typical ebullient, wisecracking self, Laura doubted that she had to feel so anxious, but she did anyway. You never could tell what might happen during the course of the day, and Dee Dee was about the most devious person Laura had met in a long time. Could Laura really trust her not to tell? Too nervous to trust herself to cook, Laura picked up a gourmet salad for them at a special deli she knew about on the way home, and a loaf of freshly-baked bread. Sara arrived at six-thirty with a suitcase. "Look at this," she grinned before Laura could even get her inside the door. "First I unpacked it last night, then I had to pack it up again when I got home from work. I'm a traveling fool." Laura pulled her inside, almost violently, taking the suitcase from her and setting it down by the door. "What you are is a sight for sore eyes," she said. She closed and locked the door, then pushed Sara back into it and kissed her ravenously, squeezing her firm flesh through her clothes. "You lost weight," Laura panted, kissing her neck, her ear, nibbling the earlobe, breathing hotly into it, raising her hands to Sara's breasts. Sara swatted her hands away playfully. "You sex fiend. Let me go. You're gonna make me think you only want me for my body." Laura eased up. She gave Sara another long, lingering, very emotional kiss on her fantastic mouth, and Sara responded in kind. This time they did not grope one another but focused all their passion on their tongues and their lips, ingeniously exploring each other's mouth, until it seemed they had never kissed so long. Even this kiss had to end, but neither of them wanted it to end. Sara's eyes were shining and luminous as Laura finally pulled her head back. "I sure missed you," she whispered to Laura. Without replying, Laura took her hand and pulled her down the hall toward the bedroom. She closed the door behind them, and pulled Sara close again, but Sara wriggled free, giggling, and opened the door again. "No no no no," she waggled her finger at Laura, unable to keep a straight face. She shook her head. "It's not going to be like this. We're not going to spoil it. Now, I thought about this moment all the time while I was in Mississippi." She gave Laura a droll smile. "Can you believe that? Lying in bed in the dark, my Daddy's stone cold dead in the mortuary, everybody wailing and grieving, and I'm thinking of when you stayed that night, the first time, in my apartment, and we wore my pajamas, you know, the oversized ones, and you were taking them off me." Laura acted scandalized. "You make it sound like I seduced you or something," she pouted. "You did," Sara teased her. "You sure did. I never gave you the least cause. You just wanted my body then, just like you do now, you horny old lady. God I missed you, Laura." Now that Laura was standing a few steps back from her and not trying to love-maul her hungrily, she could see that Sara had indeed lost a little weight. "You're skinny." "Hardly," Sara smiled. She pirouetted ostentatiously, tapping her butt with the fingers of one hand. "You like my new look? I did drop a few pounds, especially in the big booty. I couldn't believe that either. You know, neighbors coming by with food. Girl, there was so much food we could've fed half of Jackson with it. And I couldn't eat. I would just . . . I don't know, think about you and me . . . think about what we would do when I got back . . ." "But you won't let me do it," Laura pouted, though grinning, unable to contain her joy at simply being in the same room with Sara. Now Sara, still smiling luminously, took a step toward Laura. She put one finger on Laura's lips. "I brought the tents." "The what?" "You know, silly. The extra-large pajamas. I want to do it again. It was all I could think of. Our first time." "But it's only six-thirty. We can't really go to bed yet." "Sez who?" Laura was unable to answer that. "I'll go get my suitcase." "I'll help. I love looking at your ass when you walk in front of me." "Oooohhh, I can tell it's gonna be another night to remember," Sara laughed as she went down hall, back to the front door, with Laura following her. She got her suitcase and returned with it to the bedroom, Laura still following, admiring the swaying curve of her delicious rump, so different from her sister Dee Dee's high, hard masterpiece of an ass, and yet so infinitely desirable to Laura. Biting down on her thoughts, Laura castigated herself for even allowing the thought of Dee Dee to enter her mind in any form whatsoever. Sara opened the suitcase on the bed and took out the folded pajamas. "Why don't you wear the stripes this time?" she grinned. "Now that I'm so skinny I don't need them any more." Laura took them and started to lift her sweatshirt over her head, but Sara stopped her, pulling it back down, shaking her head. "No . . . just like the first time, I said. I'll go down the hall to the other bathroom and change. You change in here. No peeking." Her dark eyes were dancing with delight and mischief and sexual anticipation, and Laura could hardly contain her own joy. "No peeking," she said, nodding. "I promise." "You better," Sara flirted as she slid out the door again and down the hall. Oh god, my hands are shaking, I'm so excited, Laura realized as she quickly shed her clothes and pulled on the huge pants and top of the oversized pajamas. She nearly disappeared into them, feeling clownish and bizarre—as she also had felt when wearing them for the first time—but also sensual and tingly as the very fabric seemed to bring back memories of her first night with Sara. The pajamas were freshly laundered and had a clean, aseptic smell, but nothing could prevent her from recalling that they were the ones Sara had worn that night, the pajamas that Laura had slowly and lovingly removed from her naked body for the first time. Fortunately, daylight savings time had not yet gone into effect, and since it was nearly seven, the dusk was gathering outside. To aid the mood even further, Laura shut the drapes in the bedroom and lit the candle she usually kept on her vanity table. She could feel the warm wetness in her crotch as she waited for Sara to reappear. We're going to kill each other with fucking this weekend, she realized. Not knowing what to do to control her elation and excitement, she sat on the edge of the bed until Sara returned. It did not take long. She came back in under a minute, carrying her clothes in a pile in her hands, looking every bit as ridiculous and wildly fetching in her baggy pajamas as Laura remembered her looking the first time. "I have to hand it to you, Sara," Laura confessed as Sara carefully put her clothes down on a chair across the room. "I never could have thought these huge, clownish pjs could be sexier than a lace teddy . . . but they sure are." Sara grinned, walking toward Laura, her breasts swaying under the flannel. "I know. They work, don't they. Something about the contrast, I guess." She paused in her approach and made a crosseyed curtsey. "I look like a clown, but I'm all nakey under my clothes." Laura broke out in laughter and held out her arms, beckoning her forward. "Oh god, I missed you." They stretched out on the bed in their pajamas without pulling down the spread and embraced, kissing tenderly, slowly. "Mmmm, this is what I dreamed of," Sara sighed, her eyelids fluttering as Laura gently sucked her sensual lips and slid her tongue into every secret crevice of her mouth. "Being loved by Laura." Laura's lips slid down her cheek to her neck, then up to her ear. "Are you really nakey under your clothes?" "Maybe you'd like to find out," Sara whispered, now dropping her own lips to Laura's neck. "Maybe I'd like to find out if you are." "Did you know I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you?" Laura murmured, rubbing her lips sensually against Sara's marvelous dark brown throat, inhaling the marvelous smell of her body, a delicious, wholly unique, and sweet odor she now realized she had longed for. "If you're telling the truth, I'm glad," Sara whispered, brushing Laura's hair away from her face so that she could kiss it more thoroughly. "But I'm not disappointed if you loved others before. I've got you now." Laura felt a deep, soul-stirring quiver rumble through her body. "I think I could come just from looking into your eyes." Sara giggled softly. "I hope not. I was counting on a little more fun first." Laura got a hand under Sara's pajama shirt, running it up along her smooth warm back. Meanwhile, Sara was unbuttoning the front of Laura's pajama top, kissing Laura's throat and collarbones. Not content to let her hand explore only Sara's back, Laura now slipped it under the elastic waistband of her pajama bottoms and plunged it down, squeezing one large, firm ass cheek. Sara's thick, marvelously sensual lips moved lower on Laura's body, and she unbuttoned the large buttons one by one. Laura knew they were both dying to feel each other's naked flesh rubbing together, but this slow, agonizingly patient undressing and kissing was something they each savored, prolonging it, exploring each other's body with skill and tenderness, until they were both panting softly and squirming more. Laura's shirt was half-unbuttoned, and Sara's lips were moving around the upper slopes of her small breasts, approaching her nipples, teasing her with the anticipation that she would finally suck them, then moving away again, down under Laura's breasts, sliding her tongue up into the secret crease where each firm globe met Laura's body. Oh god, she's even better than I am! Laura thought, panting harder, now writhing a little, squeezing Sara's ass harder under her pajama pants. "Oh god, honey . . . it feels so good!" she murmured, caressing Sara's face with her fingers. She finally had to withdraw her hand from Sara's pajama bottoms and pull it back up so that she could unfasten Sara's shirt buttons too. She got two of them open, but Sara would not let her go any farther. Now she kissed her way up to Laura's throbbing, excited nipples again and took one into her mouth. The intensity of the sensation as her nipple disappeared into Sara's sensual, warm, wet mouth nearly made Laura faint. What kept her from fainting were Sara's eyes. For the next several minutes, she sucked both of Laura's nipples slowly, with soft, creative sensuality, and her dark brown eyes, full of love and adoration and simmering passion, never left Laura's. Occasionally, she would stop sucking and lick Laura's skin, and flick the protruding centers of Laura's wet nipples with the tip of her tongue, grinning when Laura's eyes rolled up in her head. "Mmmm, you like that," she breathed, licking her wet lips and then sucking Laura's nipples even more insistently, until Laura realized that her own hips were beginning to squirm almost unconsciously. "Ohhhhh . . . not yet . . . not yet!" Laura whimpered frantically. "Don't make me come yet. I want it to last . . . I want it to go on forever!" Sara giggled softly. "You aren't going to come yet, you pretty thing. I'm only sucking your nipples." "I know," Laura smiled at her, "but it feels like I might come anyway. I told you." Holding Laura's breasts in both hands, still licking her wet, erect, throbbing nipples with her tongue, Sara laughed throatily. "That would be something. You must really be hot, girl. Have you been lying around here just waiting for me to return with my magic mouth?" Even through the fever of her sexual arousal, Laura knew enough not to try answering that one, and she groped for Sara, unbuttoning two more buttons of Sara's pajama top, freeing Sara's magnificent naked breasts finally, and filling her own hands with them. "You have the most beautiful boobs of all time," she gasped, sitting halfway up. Sara just grinned. She looked down at her own breasts jutting out from her half-open pajama top, then grinned and shimmied them a little by swiveling her shoulders. She only had to lean forward a few inches to let her large, soft, puffy black nipples brush Laura's tight, saliva-wet, pointing buds. Both of them held their breath as their naked breasts did this slow, phenomenally arousing dance together, brushing, skimming, touching, swaying away, then brushing again, their nipples caressing. Sara smiled, then lifted her breasts in her hands, offering them to Laura. "Your turn." "I've been dying for this moment," Laura whispered, lowering her lips to them. "You won't believe what I did in Jackson," Sara murmured back. Laura paused in mid-descent. Sara lowered her voice, as if she were telling unmentionable secrets. "Everybody was away at the mortuary, and I was alone in my aunt's house, taking a bath. I just lay there in the warm water and dreamed of you. You were . . . you know, doing it all to me, and I was just . . . I don't know, aching, dying for it, dying for you. I did this . . ." She lifted one of her breasts, now with both hands, drawing her large nipple up to her lips. Then she extended her tongue and ran it all over her soft, gleaming areola until it was shiny with her warm spittle. Laura could feel her whole body throbbing as she watched. Now, pulling up just a little harder with her hands to bring her large nipple even closer to her mouth, Sara parted her lips and sucked it inside. While Laura watched, fascinated and pulsing with sex hunger, Sara slowly sucked her own nipple, moving her lips around it, her cheeks hollowing as she pulled on it. Her eyes, formerly on her own breast, now drifted up to catch Laura's, her eyelids veiled and heavy, her dark brown eyes swirling and smoking. After sucking her nipple for a few seconds, she released it, but still held it only a inch from her lips. "I pretended you were sucking it," she breathed, her eyes never leaving Laura's. "It . . . got me so hot that I came a few minutes later." She squint-smiled with faux bashfulness at Laura. "With a little help from the quartet, of course. Am I bad or what?" she winked. "Good thing there was nobody home. I was screaming 'Laura . . . Laura!' I'm surprised you didn't hear me all the way back here in California." "The quartet?" Laura asked. Sara held up the four fingers of her right hand, all bunched together. She made a small swirling motion with them, smiling guiltily. All Laura's physical hunger for Sara seemed suddenly to be concentrated in this one moment. She actually had to restrain herself from dragging Sara down on the mattress and raping her violently. With love, of course, she thought, fighting it off. But, god, I want to just inhale and devour her. "I'm here now," she whispered to Sara, her eyes smoldering with the heat she felt radiating through her body. "I love you, and I'll never let you go." Sara blinked. She was clearly moved by Laura's honesty. Solemnly and slowly, she let go of her breast with both hands, which were replaced in one fluid movement by Laura's. "Why don't we get out of these things?" Laura suggested softly. "I think they've served their purpose." "I think you just want to fuck me, lady," Sara grinned. "You think right." Slowly and methodically, they each removed their pajama tops, then the bottoms. They briefly rolled off the bed and pulled down the spread and the top sheet, then hopped back on, into each other's arms, kissing romantically. "Ain't love grand?" Sara whispered into Laura's ear before following her words with her tongue. Laura's hand was already groping in Sara's crotch, feeling the warm slippery wetness there, and noticing something. "Your little ring is gone." "I took it off for a few days," Sara panted into her neck. "Every time it rubbed my clittie, I thought of you. It was embarrassing." "Aren't you afraid the holes will close back up if you don't wear it?" Sara nodded. "Can we stop talking about that for a minute and go back to love?" "Oh god, yes!" Laura laughed out loud. Sara held Laura's face in both hands. "I love you, Laura. There. I never got to look you right in the eyes and tell you that. I love you, Laura." Laura was overwhelmed by so much feeling that she couldn't speak. She was also afraid she might cry. They kissed again, but this time more passionately than romantically, sucking each other's lips, tongue-fucking each other's mouth wildly. Finally, Laura kissed her way down Sara's smooth brown shoulder and her chest to her breasts, the beautiful firm globes she had enshrined in her fantasies, their large dark nipples all puffy and swollen. In this dim light, Sara's areolas were black, but Laura had noticed that they were a deep burnt umber color when the light was brighter, not the coal-black of her sister Dee Dee's nipples, but a deep reddish chocolate brown, these changeable, chameleon nipples that so forcibly drew her mouth to them, like a powerful magnet. She still had her hand in Sara's warm, wet crotch, and she rubbed and caressed Sara's soupy slit while slowly licking one of her big, bulbous nipples. It was a heaven greater than any she had anticipated. Sara's nipple was silken and soft against her tongue, a bulging soft plum, with tiny bumps beginning to show in the dark corona under Laura's shiny spittle. The areola was so puffy that the center only emerged a little from it, but enough for Laura to tickle it with the tip of her tongue, watching Sara's eyes, watching her face seize up with intense pleasure. "Ohhh!" Sara moaned. "God, you sure do that better than I do." "You know," Laura teased her, "I hear them crying, 'Suck me . . . suck me!' just like you said." She said 'suck me' in a very tiny, faraway voice, imitating Sara's voice when she had said it on their first night together. "You better do the other one," Sara panted softly. "It's getting jealous." Laura smiled up at her. "The other one will just have to wait. I said I'm in love with you, but what I'm really in love with is these incredible nipples. I have to give each one its due worship." "I knew it," Sara sighed theatrically. "You only want my body. You only want my nipples. You and about a hundred others." "I don't blame them . . ." Laura purred, continuing her gentle sucking and caressing, then finally moving to Sara's other luscious nipple and unleashing the same sort of slow, passionate love on it. "Ohhh!" Sara moaned again, unable to suppress her excitement. In truth, Laura realized that she felt a sharp little pain and twinge of jealousy at the thought of others licking and sucking these magnificent breasts and large, puffy, burnt umber nipples. As irrational and childish as it was, she resented the fact that others had been here first, which was clear from the confidence Sara had always shown that her breasts, if not the rest of her, were extraordinary treasures that frankly deserved the slavish adoration Laura lavished on them. Now Sara's hips were swirling rhythmically as Laura continued to rub her wet pussy gently, sinking her fingers into the deep warm wetness, then withdrawing them to massage Sara's nubby little clit with two fingertips, giggling again as she thought of 'the quartet.' This is the duet, she thought, pressing and rubbing Sara's clit with two fingers only, and sucking her nipple more insistently, feeling Sara's body grow more tense, hearing her breathing accelerate. She had been sucking Sara's nipples and fingerfucking her this way for three or four minutes, and Sara was becoming very aroused. "Mmmm . . . you like that," Laura purred. "Oh god, Laura . . . doing it in my aunt's bathtub was never like this!" Sara gasped, her eyes widening as she looked down at Laura's hungry mouth on her wet nipples. "You know . . . like I told you, I always take a long time?" She shook her head. "I never take long with you. Ungghhh! And I . . . don't think it's going to take very long now. Ahhnnnn! Oh yes! You can bite it a little, if you want. Just gently . . . like that. Ungghh! UNGGHHH! Yes!" "Do you want me to suck your clittie too?" Laura murmured, pinching and twisting Sara's large, wet nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, kissing the warm dark brown skin between her breasts. "Yes! Quick! No! Bite the other one too," she giggled uncontrollably. "It's getting jealous now." "Like this?" "Ungghh! Oh shit! Yes . . . like that! Do it again! Auungghh! Oh god . . . I'm going to come if you don't suck my pussy." She giggled again. "And I'm going to come if you do suck my pussy!" "Either way," Laura grinned up at her. "I have to confess, Sara. I was lying, I do love you, not just your nipples. I love this whole gorgeous body, and everything about you." "Oh god . . ." Sara made a face of mock-distress, her dark eyes, however, dilated and pulsing with frantic lust. "Now I'm about ready to explode, and you want to talk of love." She crossed her eyes briefly at Laura. "Don't adore me . . . just fuck me," she panted, then let her head flop back to the sheet as Laura began to slide down between her spreading thighs. "Anything you want, darling," Laura purred, filling her nostrils with the sweet, thick odor of Sara's oozing pussy, pulling the already-parted plump black lips open even farther with her fingertips, exposing the raw, glistening wet, shiny dark pink insides. "I love your pussy just as much as I love the rest of you." "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Sara was now panting semi-hysterically, her hips churning so fast that Laura had to loop her arms under Sara's thighs and hold her pelvis steady just to get her tongue into the woman's sweet, delectable cunt. "Slow down . . . slow down," she purred to Sara. "It's all going to happen . . . it's all going to get here . . . I love your pussy so much . . . what a lovely wet pussy . . ." "Oh! I'm sorry . . ." Sara gasped, trying to control the gyrating of her hips. "There . . . I'll . . . slow down . . . anngghhh! Oh god, that feels so good when you do that! Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Her breath grew more rapid and ragged at the same time, and a tiny helpless whimpering started up deep in her throat. Laura licked her clit in broad strokes, knowing she could probably get away with it for a few more seconds, knowing that Sara was nearly at the peak, but still far enough below it not to crack if Laura kept control of the tempo. I want it to be so good for you, she thought over and over again to herself, probing and stroking this beautiful flowing pussy with her tongue, feeling the tension mount in Sara's thrashing, squirming body. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Sara whimpered, now squeezing her own rolling breasts, since Laura had abandoned them for her swollen, aching pussy, tonguing and sucking it more and more passionately. "Unhhhh! Oh yes! Ungghhhh! Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Now, without even realizing she was doing it, Laura knew, Sara reached down and grabbed Laura's head with both hands, her strong fingers digging into Laura's scalp. "Unnnnn . . . unnnnn . . . oh yes . . . oh yes! Ungghhhh! Oh god . . . Laur—" Sara's body literally jumped a foot up off the bed, with Laura still clinging to her. As if in suspended animation, both of their bodies rose up, Sara's shuddering briefly in midair, then fell back to the mattress. There was no sound but their chuffing, labored breathing, but then Sara's orgasm truly ripped her flexing body like the fierce monster of coming that it was, choking and wrenching her until she began to caw and arch her back and shudder again in great waves of excruciating bliss. "Auunnnmmmnnggghhiieeeee!" she finally wailed, arching again, quaking, her thighs clenching, her toes curling as she dug her heels into the mattress and pushed her pussy again and again forward into Laura's face. "Ooonnnggghmmnniieeee! Oh yes . . . auunnggghhhhh! Oh yes . . . oh yes yes YES!" Laura held on, breaking into helpless soft laughter of joy and love as she felt Sara coming, and coming again, felt her body quivering with the deep rapture of a stupendous love orgasm, heard her gurgling and cooing, then finally sighing and moaning softly as the fiercest of the spasms receded. It had not only been an intense orgasm, but it had also been a long one, maybe the longest one Laura ever remembered Sara having with her, and it was several minutes before either of them felt it possible to pull away from one another. I don't care if I die here, Laura thought. I didn't even come, and I've never been happier in my life than I am right now. She had no idea how much time passed before Sara, looking down her supine, almost voluptuous body at Laura, tenderly brushed the hair away from Laura's forehead with her fingers. "Lady," she half-croaked in a fetchingly hoarse voice, "if that's what your love is like, I think I'm going to be lucky to survive it." Laura slid slowly up to kiss her. "You survived it just fine. You came like it was the end of the world." Sara's eyes rolled up playfully. "It was the end, the end of the universe. I think I must've stored all that up while I was away. Just dreaming of you every day." They kissed slowly, sensually, for a long time. "I never thought I'd say this," Sara cracked, "but I kind of like the taste of that pussy on your lips. Too bad I'm not a contortionist. Then I could do myself, and get the taste, and I wouldn't even have to wait for you to be in the mood." "Mmmm, I'm always in the mood when I'm with you," Laura purred, now becoming kittenish and seductive herself, knowing that Sara enjoyed fucking her as much as she did Sara. Sara drew an invisible curlicue on Laura's chin with one fingertip. "You know," she murmured very softly, almost inaudibly, "I don't remember ever losing control so much in the past as I do when I come with you. I mean . . . with my husband . . . my boyfriends . . . even with Evangelina, I had climaxes, sure, but they were nothing like that. Or like most of the others with you. I just feel like I'm completely exploding. And I can feel it here, too." She pointed to her left breast. "You mean in your boob?" Laura joked. "No, in my heart, silly." Sara now rubbed her naked body meaningfully against Laura's. "And now I'm going to make you feel it there too." "I already do," Laura laughed softly. "My heart feels like it's going to burst open." "Oh no . . . oh no," Sara murmured, now caressing Laura's breasts, then dropping one hand to Laura's crotch. "You're not going to spoil my fun. I get to make you pant, too. Look how wet you are. Gosh, Laura, you got a river going down here." For the next few minutes they did not speak at all. Sara did make Laura pant, and it didn't take long. She was a very slow and sensual lover, very thorough, in no rush, and her thick, expressive lips worked magic on Laura's bare flesh. Again Sara explored her small, perfect breasts, sucking Laura's nipples until they were tight and throbbing in her mouth, pinching them with her lips as Laura watched, her own eyes fastened on Laura's throughout. Without a word, she went lower, still with her eyes glued to Laura's, full of love and promise. Laura could hardly bear the sexual excitement in her body, and she squirmed and bit her lower lip, tossing and grabbing the sheet in her hands as those phenomenal lips reached her gaping, wet pussy. "Ahhnnnn! Oh god, Sara! Unhhhhh!" Laura knew it was futile to try to make it last, and Sara didn't care to either. She knew they had all weekend. She grinned to see how Laura reacted at the feel of her lips on her pussy, and she immediately ratcheted up the heat, licking and tongue-probing and sucking Laura's cunt lips and her clit voraciously, sliding two fingers up into the flooding channel and fucking Laura with them, at first slowly and gently, then more rapidly. "Are you gonna come fast, honey?" she murmured to Laura, smiling, sucking her clit, her eyes still fastened to Laura's. "Are you gonna come quick? Are you gonna come hard for me? Now? Now?" "Oh god, yes!" Suddenly, she did something she had never done before. Her fingers were coated with Laura's copious cunt nectars, and she slid them out of Laura's pussy and down between Laura's buns, rubbing the tip of one finger against Laura's tightly shut asshole. Laura never knew whether Sara intended to slide her finger up into it or not because the mere stimulation of her fingertip was like touching the magic release. A fierce, quick, throttling orgasm rose up inside her body in a split second and pulverized her. A sharp, whinnying cry of ecstasy ripped its way out of her throat, her body convulsing and straining. "Aunnngghmmmmnnn! Ohnggggg! Ungghhh . . . ohnnnggghiiieeeee!" she cried out, arching, pumping, then exploding again as a second jolt of killing spasms struck her. Even Sara seemed surprised by the quickness of it. She had known, along with Laura, that it would not take very long. Laura was a quick comer, and she had become wildly aroused already by bringing Sara to her orgasm. But this climax seemed to just boil up and spill over in an instant, leaving Laura slack and gasping in its aftermath. Sara grinned, her lips now covered with sweet cunt slime too as she looked up, her face still nestled in Laura's crotch. "I think you must own the world record for speed, lady," she said, in amazement. "I mean, I've known guys who come as soon as it pops out of their pants, but I never heard of a girl coming as fast as you do." Laura was still breathless. With effort, after a few more seconds, she propped herself up on her elbows. "Less work for you, at least," she gasped. Sara pouted, sliding up to embrace her. "Less fun, you mean. How do you do it so fast? I never did it that fast in my life." They cooed and cuddled for a long time, warm and relaxed. "I can teach you how to do it fast," Laura whispered, coiling her arms and legs all around Sara's firm, fleshy body, luxuriating in the feel of Sara's large breasts—large for such a short woman, larger than Laura's—pushing into her own. "You just make love to Sara Paige, who is this fantastic black woman I met and fell in love with. All you have to do is make love to her for about a minute and you feel like you're going to come if she just touches you. And then, when she does touch you, it's like being shattered into a thousand stars." Sara frowned mischievously. "You know, I've made love to that short bitch about a thousand times, and she never comes that fast when I'm doing it to her." "Oh, you've got it twisted around," Laura teased her. "You've got to let her make love to you. That's when the magic happens." Sara smiled wryly. "You're just trying to confuse me." She cupped one of Laura's breasts in her hand. "Are we going to do it again right away, or should we eat first?" "Mmmm, right away sounds good to me," Laura sighed, stretching, fondling Sara suggestively, squeezing one of the big firm moons of her ass. "You tickled me in a secret place," she suddenly remembered. "That's what made me go off so quick." "I thought that might be it," Sara grinned. "I don't know what possessed me to do that. I never did anything like it before." "I'll bet it would make you go off just as fast. Want to try it?" Sara shook her head. "Guys are always trying to shove their pole up your butt. No thanks. I don't want anything up there. Off limits." "I'm just talking about a little tickle. Like you did to me?" Sara giggled nervously. "Sure made you blow, didn't it. Volcano time." "Never mind." Laura backed off. "I just want to love you." Sara pulled her close, looking down again at their warm naked breasts mashing together. "Told you not to adore me, just fuck me," she whispered. "You can do it again." "Oh, you're giving me permission?" Sara's tongue slithered into Laura's half-open mouth. "You have my permission to do anything you feel like. I can't believe I'm feeling this way. I think I'm getting gooey down there again already." "Turn over and let me give you a back rub," Laura smiled. "I can't get enough of this fantastic body. I want every inch of it." With a languid, sensual smile in return, Sara turned over onto her stomach, and for the next several minutes Laura kissed and caressed her naked back. She knew from experience just where her lips and her fingertips could find the nerves that Sara didn't even know were there, and in a few minutes she had her moaning and sighing. "Oh god, that feels so good . . ." Sara moaned softly, face down in the sheet, turning her head back, looking over her shoulder at Laura. "Where did you learn to do this? No . . . don't answer that." This was okay with Laura, who smiled indulgently at her. She detected now and then that Sara was as jealous of her past as she was of Sara's, jealous of anyone else who had received this loving treatment from Laura, and Laura understood. She could feel a sharp pinch of her heart at the thought that someone had fucked this darling woman before her. Made her come . . . made her scream. She concentrated instead on this lovely naked back. Some in fact, Deshona being the most obvious, had more beautiful backs than Sara's, but hers was far beautiful enough for Laura, and Laura lavished extremes of skill on the silky warm dark brown flesh, kneading it, kissing it, tickling it with her tongue, rubbing her cheek against the resilient smooth muscles. "Ooohhhh!" Sara cooed and gurgled, sighing, squirming now again as the pleasure grew. "After this I think you could do anything to me," she murmured, now panting softly. "Anything?" Laura teased, nipping the resilient flesh between her neck and shoulder. "Aiieee!" Sara yelped softly, then dissolved into laughter, her body clenching under Laura. "Oh! Yes . . . anything. But don't try it." Laura ignored her. She was sliding lower, now kissing the smooth shallow wide dimples just above Sara's swelling ass cheeks. "Is your pussy wet?" Laura purred, sliding her hand between Sara's thighs. "Oh yes, your pussy is very, very wet. Oh, wet . . . wet . . . and warm and squishy. I think it wants to be loved again." "It . . . does!" Sara panted, more roughly now, uptilting her crotch almost instinctively at the same time. Laura was not proceeding by any plan. Her love and sexual desire for Sara were so all-pervasive and intense that every gesture seemed to flow from her naturally, without forethought, becoming an expression of her deep need to simply ingest the woman and consume her utterly. Her hands moved of their own accord, caressing, exploring, and her mouth followed, sucking the warm brown flesh of Sara's quivering body, licking it, biting it gently. Now she was kissing every inch of Sara's round buns, taking the firm flesh between her teeth and snarling happily, feeling Sara yelp and giggle uncontrollably, then noticing Sara's shiny black wet cunt lips, all puckered and vulnerable, just below these swelling moons, an inviting slit of bright, glistening pink showing between them. Her fingers slid down and started toying with them while she continued to nip and suck the round, springy flesh of Sara's magnificent bottom, darting her tongue over into the deep, dark crease between her large cheeks from time to time, making Sara shiver and squeal excitedly. "Ooohhh, you have a big beautiful ass, Sara Paige," Laura purred. "Big, yes," Sara giggled, looking back over her shoulder at Laura. "I think I have to spend a lot of time just loving and kissing your beautiful ass," Laura murmured, now gently pinching the full moons as well as sucking and kissing and licking them. "You're . . . a kissass," Sara joked, trying not to lose it entirely. "Mmmm, I'm going to kiss this one until you beg me to stop." "Oh!" Sara gasped as Laura slipped two fingers into her hot, wet slit. "Unnnn . . . I don't see that happening any time soon. Oh Laura, you're getting me going again." "Good," Laura panted, getting aroused all over again herself. Without displacing Laura, Sara turned her body over so that she was on her back again. "Let me turn so I can see you," she said, her eyes now smoking with sex again. Laura smiled up at her, slightly puzzled to know if this was a ploy to divert Laura's attention from her magnificent ass before Laura got further ideas. But Sara's entire naked body was magnificent to Laura, who had no trouble adoring any of it. Her fingers were still sunk in the soupy cauldron of Sara's tight, plump little pussy, and when she moved them Sara's eyes rolled up. "Ohhhhhh . . . you can do that as long as you like . . ." Sara moaned, letting her head loll back as she rested sitting half-forward on her elbows. Her enchanting breasts splayed to either side, leaving the wide expanse of dark brown skin between them that Laura loved so much to kiss, before sliding her lips to either side to unleash a love assault on Sara's large, swollen nipples. In Laura's experience, only April had bigger nipples than these, and Sara's were so exquisitely formed that Laura could never keep her lips from them for long. Now gently fucking Sara with her two fingers, not wanting her to come or even to get close to it yet, Laura leaned forward and with her free hand guided one thick, dark, swollen bulb into her mouth, squeezing Sara's firm breast with her fingers and sucking Sara's nipple slowly and sensually. Both of them had already gone through their initial explosions, their first happy orgasms in each other's arms after an unfortunate separation, and now they could revel in the nuances of love-fucking, savoring each infinitesimal motion, each clever stroke or loving probe. Laura fucked Sara and sucked her nipples, both of them, so slowly and sensitively that Sara was in no danger of climaxing, and yet after several minutes of it she was reduced to hot jelly under Laura. "Oh god . . . you better make me come, girl . . . or I'm going to die!" she panted, half-giggling, to Laura, her hips gyrating in slow circles, her thighs clenching, which Laura could feel against her wrist. Laura love-chewed her ear, frenching it hotly. "I am going to make you come . . . but only when I say so," she teased. By now Sara's wet, dark nipples, which Laura had noticed rarely got as erect and stiff as some, were getting crinkly and taut after all, the centers pushing up, the soft wide areolas now wrinkled and bumpy under her lashing tongue. Did this mean she was getting even more aroused than usual? "Oh god, Laura!" Sara gasped.
Laura was so busy trying to inhale Sara's luscious breasts that she barely noticed that she had slipped another finger into the girl's extremely wet pussy, so that now she was pushing three fingers in and out at an ever more rapid pace. And Sara was clearly enjoying it, pumping, gasping, undulating. "Oh . . . Laura! Oh yes!" "Mmm, you love it when I fuck you, don't you," Laura panted. "You love it when I fuck your beautiful pussy . . . hard . . . like this." "Unh! Unh! Oh god . . . yes . . . unh! Do it . . . do it . . . oh, Laura, you drive me crazy!" It seemed the easiest thing in the world to slip in four fingers now, since Sara's pussy was easily yielding to the first three, a soupy, sloshy mess now, the plump lips easing open to accommodate Laura's thrusts. She could feel the damp strands of Sara's pubic hair clinging to the back of her hand when she pulled it out, which let Laura know that it was already going in pretty deep. "Oh yes . . .fuck me . . . oh yes . . . fuck me," Sara panted, now gyrating more aggressively, mewling and whimpering in increasing sexual abandon. "I want to fuck you forever . . . I want to love you and fuck you forever," Laura panted to her, probing with her four fingers, and naturally folding her thumb under them, scarcely realizing that she was forming the famous wedge with her hand before it was already done. Miraculously, it seemed to Laura, Sara's pussy was so wet and receptive that one extra forceful push was enough to get her whole hand inside Sara's cunt. Both of them seemed momentarily paralyzed by the shock of it. Laura had not planned or intended it, and Sara had probably never imagined such a thing possible. Her eyes grew wide, both with horror and fierce sexual stimulation, as she looked into Laura's. "Nnnnnnn . . ." she half-gagged, her eyes rolling up. Laura didn't move her hand. She was waiting for a sign. Did Sara like it? Did Sara hate it? Was she going to shriek in terror and revulsion? Was she going to sink into a frantic fuck-mania, as Mavis, and Brenda, (and me, Laura thought) sometimes did? Sara did none of these. Instead, Laura could feel a warm cloud of intense intimacy envelop them, and she could see, and feel from the vibrations of Sara's body, that Sara felt it too. It was the startlingly acute physical and emotional feeling she often got when fist-fucking, a sense of melding completely with the other girl, and since she and Sara were in love and had freely and frequently confessed as much to each other all evening, the feeling was more shocking and piercing than ever. Sara's eyes were thunderstruck, and yet they also pulsed with a heat more molten than Laura had ever seen there, and then throbbed with a love she had seen earlier but never as intense as this. She looked down her body to Laura's hand, embedded up to the wrist in her cunt, her slick and puffy black cunt lips clinging to it tightly. Then she slowly gnawed on her full lower lip, her eyes smoking, and gently nodded her head at Laura, beginning to slowly churn her hips so that Laura's hand moved inside the tight channel. "Ungghhhh!" she groaned, sharply inhaling as the intense and novel sensations gripped her body. "Oh god, yes! Unggghhh!" "Oh honey . . . oh honey . . ." Laura chanted to her, now moving away from her breasts and settling between Sara's yawning thighs where she could control her movements more easily. Sara was now beginning to ride Laura's hand, pushing her cunt more forcibly down onto it as the passageway loosened. She was also becoming more wildly aroused than Laura had ever seen her, grunting and groaning, pumping, her breasts rolling and swaying, bouncing, her face contorted as she urged Laura to fuck her faster. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Laura barely had to move her arm. Sara was fucking herself on Laura's hand, jouncing up and down, undulating, whimpering, careening toward a fierce climax. "Oh baby . . . oh baby . . ." Laura whimpered in return, getting her fingers into a ball now inside Sara's pussy, knowing from her own experience how that felt, how it heightened the sensations incredibly. They sank into a rhythm, not slow, not fast, only a smooth churning, a relaxed and yet deliberate rhythm of fucking, their eyes locked, their breath loud and labored, their flesh completely united and linked, their inner tempos interlocked in the same frequency as they traveled together closer and closer to Sara's ultimate eruption. "Oh Laura . . . you're making me come!" Sara finally whimpered in a small, helpless voice, her dark eyes suddenly streaked by an electrifying knowledge that the moment was arriving and nothing would stop it. Now Laura wanted to give in, to fist-fuck Sara hard, not to hurt her but to deliver the most powerful orgasm possible, to express her deep love through this cataclysmic sexual event, but she still held back, unsure whether Sara wanted it that way. "Oh, I love you! Oh, I love you!" she gasped, throwing part of her body forward onto Sara and kissing her neck and breasts, which made it hard to thrust with her hand. But Sara now plunged into a wild final stage, grunting and thrashing, grinding her cunt down on Laura's hand, moaning and keening hysterically. "Unnnnnn . . . aunnnnnnn!" she moaned, almost flinging Laura off her writhing body, then stiffening, a sure sign to Laura that she was about to come. Laura bent forward, kissing her smooth, heaving belly, twisting her fist inside Sara's tight pussy, feeling the wet, spongy walls slide across her knuckles. Oh, I love you, Sara! Come hard, I want you to come so hard. "Yes!" Sara gagged. "Ungghhhh!" She arched her back. Her breasts quivered, her black nipples gleaming in the dim light, her bright white teeth clenched in a sharp seizure as she grimaced. "Do it HARD!" she suddenly cried out. Laura did it as hard as she dared. She had done it harder to others in this situation but could not bring herself to let everything go when Sara was on the receiving end. Nevertheless, it seemed to be what Sara required. Laura jammed her hand up into Sara's spasming pussy, and Sara dissolved into the most violent convulsions Laura had ever seen her have. "Anngghhmmnniiggghhiieeeee!" she screamed, a loud, ripping scream that seemed to Laura to fill her entire condo. Sara's body surged and rolled, stiffening and shaking again as yet another fierce shock of coming tore her apart. "OOUNNNGGHMMNNGHIIIEEE!" she cried out, even louder than the first time, still pumping, her pelvis shuddering in mid-air, with Laura's hand still sunk deep in her cunt. Then her body fell back to the mattress and she seemed to sink into a swoon for almost a minute, her luscious flesh quivering everywhere, her hips twitching, her eyelids fluttering, as yet another phase of this crushing climax passed through her. Laura had relaxed her fist by now and was merely waiting for the intense sensations to pass, not daring to move for fear she might somehow hurt Sara, who was still gasping as if she were about to die of suffocation. Tears leaked from the corners of Sara's tightly shut eyes. Her breathing slowly evened out, then turned to soft sighing. She twisted sensually, her naked body perhaps more attractive now to Laura than it had ever been, all slack and tingling in the afterglow of her killing orgasm. She opened her eyes and smiled dreamily at Laura, then glanced down to see Laura's hand still sunk in her pussy. "Is this some treat you've been saving up for me while I was gone?" she croaked, still seeming stunned by it. Laura smiled and started to remove her hand, as gingerly as she could manage. "No," Sara stopped her. "Don't take it out yet. I want to memorize every sensation first. Just in case I get hit by a bus on my way home, I want to remember on my death bed how Laura fucked me and loved me until I had the greatest orgasm of my life." "Oh," Laura scoffed, sliding her hand quickly out. "It wasn't so hot. I'm going to give you many more that are even better than that before the weekend's out." Sara sat up on her elbows again, then reached out and caressed Laura's cheek with one hand. "Better not try it unless you want a corpse on your hands." They stretched out together, kissing, murmuring tenderly, and it was no surprise to either that Laura herself had another orgasm in only a few more minutes, so aroused was she by the unanticipated fist-fucking of Sara. It came over her so fast that neither of them were really prepared. Sara was kissing her, caressing her pussy, when suddenly Laura began to come, just a quick, unannounced spilling over, a flood of warm, impossibly beautiful waves flowing through her flesh as she lay in Sara's arms, groaning and smiling. "Oh shit . . . I loved that," she whispered to Sara, when the final spasms had melted away. "Excuse me for saying 'shit'. It just got to me. It happened so fast." She kissed Sara, luxuriating in the feel of Sara's full, pillowy lips moving against hers. When their mouths parted, Laura felt an uncontrollable urge to sing softly to her. She knew how embarrassing this could be. Many people fancied themselves great singers, probably because of the shower, but were not. She could not, however, hold it in. No need to tell me nowWhat makes the world go round, [she sang, caressing Sara's cheek] When at the sight of you My heart begins to pound . . . and pound . . . And what am I to do? Can I be with you? Sunday, Monday, or always? Sara smiled with love while Laura was singing softly. "God, honey, you could be a singer. You have a great voice." Laura blushed and looked down. "I'll tell you what. You can be with me Sunday, and Saturday too. That's tomorrow. I don't know about Monday. I have to go to work. As for always . . . that's a pretty long time. You might get tired of me before 'always'." Laura shook her head. "Never." Sara grinned goofily. "If you sing it to me again, I might fall in love twice." "Come to the kitchen with me and we'll fix dinner. At this rate, we need some fuel." "So," Sara said idly, as they sat across from one another eating their salads. "How did you and my sister Dee Dee get along?" Laura nearly choked on a garlic-flavored crouton. She turned blue. Sara got up and came around the table, thumping her on the back. "Are you all right? Are you all right? Here . . . let me get you some water." Laura held up her hand, cawing. "I . . . I'll be okay. Honest. Something . . . a crumb, I think . . . down the wrong pipe." Sara smiled and returned to her chair. "Dee Dee will be thrilled," she said, mordantly. "I'll tell her you got all choked up when I mentioned her name." This was cutting pretty deep for Laura, but she could tell—through her tears of choking and anxiety—that Sara meant it only for an innocent joke. She seemed wholly oblivious to the possible significance of Laura's choking and quickly passed over it. "You know," she said, leaning forward intently over her salad, "Key Largo comes on tonight. Do you like old movies? You know, it has Edward G. Robinson as the guy you love to hate. That awful Johnny Rocco. And Bogie's in it. And Lauren Bacall, when she was only about eighteen. She was so impossibly gorgeous. God, I always thought if I was going to be a white girl, I'd want to look like Bacall, you know? No offense to you, of course, Laura. I'd put you second." She crinkled up her nose at Laura, who was so relieved that the subject of Dee Dee had passed that she quickly gulped down about half the contents of her wine glass. "I love it," she said. "I love old movies." She reached across the table for Sara's hand. "Thank you for . . . not letting me choke to death." Sara rolled her eyes comically. "Oh, I couldn't do it. Really. After what we accomplished back there in your bedroom a while ago, I think I've still got plans for you." Laura beamed. "Sunday . . ." she hinted, tilting her head suggestively. "Monday? And . . . always . . . ?" "There you go jumping the gun again, girl," Sara joked. "You keep forgetting Saturday. This is only Friday. By Monday, we be dead." They watched Key Largo, coiled together on the white sofa, and by Monday were still alive, though exhausted.
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