Laura - Chapter 265
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Laura ran into Deshona Reed coming out of the ladies room at work. They almost knocked each other down. Deshona gasped nervously and stepped back, nearly dropping her briefcase. "Laura!" She looked flummoxed, caught unawares, almost sneaky. Laura was instantly suspicious. "Deshona. What are you doing here?" Deshona didn't answer and looked guilty. She also, Laura noted, looked ravishing, as usual. She wore a business suit, but instead of the severe, chalk-striped charcoal she often sported, this one was pale orange and showed off her café-au-lait skin to perfection. A choker of genuine pearls (Laura knew they had to be real since Deshona had money and was not inclined to hide it) drew attention to her exquisite throat. The coat of the suit obscured the firm thrust of her substantial breasts, so large for such a small-boned woman, but Laura knew every inch of the delicious, incredibly round globes and could not keep her eyes from falling to them. She also felt, all in the space of only a few seconds, an emotional palpitation of real depth. She and Deshona had a checkered past, full of heated passion and jealousy and breach of faith, and they could not ignore the effect they had on each other. Laura had loved her, loved her deeply at one time, though she wondered if her feelings had ever been as deep as they now were for Sara. But Deshona had used her, craving hot sex one moment, then running back to her ex-husband Charles the next, never able to break entirely free. On the other hand, Laura recalled, their last meeting had been a scorcher. Deshona had dropped by to comfort Laura after her dental surgery, and they had wound up fucking one another senseless with Laura's new strap-on dildo. You couldn't forget something like that. Dreamily, Laura also remembered that it was the same day, in the dentist's office, that she had met Sara for the very first time. "I had to come by to . . . to see Reardon. Your boss." Deshona still looked flushed and nervous, very unusual for her, since she was normally icy, aloof, magnificently in control. "We're finalizing that deal. Remember when you brought down those papers for me?" Deshona raised an eyebrow significantly, and her eyes sparkled with sexual meanings. Neither of them, she knew, would ever forget it. "I was going to come right by your office and see you," she said, as if to allay Laura's suspicions. "In just a few minutes, in fact," she said, looking at her watch, another expensive piece of jewelry, diamond-edged, in fact. Probably a gift from that prick Charles, Laura grumbled to herself. Her feelings were all in a jumble. The emotional residue of her night with Dee Dee still weighed heavily on her. This morning, awakening all coiled and tangled together with her, inhaling the musky fragrance of her marvelous deeply black naked body, rubbing her lips against it, and feeling Dee Dee come to life against her, had been especially hard for Laura. They had fucked again on awakening in a sort of spontaneous conflagration, a sharp, animalistic melding of hot flesh that had almost no emotional content but an acute measure of desperate sensuality on both sides, as if each of them knew that this, finally, was the last time they would ever do it. And yet, instead of feeling good remembering it—her orgasm, possibly because she had already had several during the night, had wrenched her flesh almost painfully—she was overcome by a sodden feeling of remorse and piercing guilt. Even the thought of Sara's name was almost enough to make her retch. I've lost her, she thought. Lost her. She'll find out. She'll never want to see me again. She'll hate me for sure. She had to shake herself free of such thoughts, and she could see Deshona looking at her weirdly, as she herself had been looking at Deshona seconds earlier. "Laura . . . you okay? You look sick or something," Deshona said, her brow furrowing, concerned, putting one hand on Laura's shoulder. "I . . . I'm fine. I think I . . . oh, I'm sure I'll be all right. I just have to sit down for a minute." "Let me help you back to your office." "I can walk," Laura said. They sat down in her office, Laura behind her desk. The reason for her brief faintness, she realized, was that her feelings for Deshona, sexual and otherwise, had suddenly become all confusingly intermingled with her feelings for Sara and for Dee Dee, everything merging in a wild welter of contradictory yearnings. The thought of Sara made her want to burst out in tears. The thought of Dee Dee did the same, and it also made her blood leap and pulse, since the memory of their hot couplings was only hours old. And the sight of Deshona brought back all her deep longing for the woman, who had put her through such emotional wrenching and such sublime sexual fulfillment at the same time. As an added twist, she felt a quick squirt of hot jealousy at hearing that Deshona had come there to meet with Rhonda, and because she had looked briefly, unaccountably embarrassed on running into Laura. She decided to overcome her own confusion by going on the offensive. "So . . . you came here to see Rhonda?" she said, her voice curling upward with just a hint of scorn. Deshona did not want to meet Laura's gaze. When threatened, she automatically turned on the deep freeze. She raised an eyebrow and gave Laura her tightest, most frosty smile. Laura immediately, in spite of her anguish and guilt over Sara and Dee Dee, instantly wanted to rip Deshona's clothes off and fuck her violently. It had been this frigid demeanor, coupled with Deshona's obvious physical appeal, that had attracted Laura in the first place, making her hunger to touch the flame under the ice. "I told you . . ." Deshona said, turning her head away, looking out the window deliberately. "Business." "Oh. Right." Laura was sure Rhonda wanted Deshona. Who wouldn't? "Oh shit, Laura," Deshona said under her breath. "Don't look so hurt, like a little girl who lost her lollipop. I came to see her on business. I was just getting ready to drop by and see you." "Really." "Yes . . . really. Since when have you become such a nasty, jealous little twit?" Laura sighed wearily, agreeing tacitly. "I don't know. You're right." "Come with me for an early lunch." "It's only ten-thirty. I have a meeting at one." Deshona glowered at her. "How many times do I drop by and ask you to lunch?" There was something ambiguous in Deshona's eyes, something clearly beckoning her. But Laura had already tried to hint that she could not afford a long lunch. Nevertheless, she shrugged and stood up, slipping on her coat and grabbing her purse. Deshona was driving her gun-metal blue Mercedes, and as soon as they were both inside it, she turned to Laura, after starting the barely audible ignition. In fact, Laura could only tell that the engine was running from a slight vibration in the car. "Let's go to your new place. I want to see where you're living now." Laura smiled primly at her. "I told you I have a meeting at one." Deshona ignored her. "Tell me where to go." Laura gave her directions. Deshona, accustomed to driving in the suburbs, was a little spooked by the reckless mayhem of the San Francisco streets, but Laura calmed her and guided her until they pulled up outside Laura's new condo. Deshona looked around. "Pretty cool. Trees and everything. I didn't know the city had these little secluded spots. You did pretty well for yourself, girl." Laura, trying not to be glum, made an effort to perk up. "You sure you can get me back there for my meeting at one?" Deshona raised an eyebrow. "What if you don't want to go back?" "I have to. It's my job. I don't own my own business, like you." Again, Deshona ignored Laura's anxieties. "Take me in and show it to me. I'm already impressed." But the moment the door closed behind them, they were all over each other. Deshona wheeled in her tracks and grabbed Laura, pushing her back into the wall next to the door, sliding her hands around Laura's body and digging her fingers into Laura's ass as she kissed Laura ravenously. "Oh . . . shit . . . it's been so long!" she gasped into Laura's mouth. "God, I need this!" Laura, though she knew they hadn't come here to drink tea and play checkers, was flabbergasted by Deshona's abrupt passion. But she found that she was equally hungry. You'd think a night of fucking with that exciting and debauched Dee Dee would be enough for me, she thought. But Deshona's fragrance, her hot little body, her frigid exterior and completely wanton need for Laura combined to fan a flame in Laura that always began to burn when she saw this fantastic woman. "Don't you want to see my new place?" she giggled softly, teasing, knowing that Deshona wanted only one thing. Deshona was unbuttoning her, Laura's, blouse, kissing her neck. "I want you," she panted softly. "I don't care about anything else." To Laura, a delightfully erotic thing about Deshona was that she too bought very expensive and sexy underwear, and so you never knew exactly what inflammatory undergarments she might be wearing. It was always an adventure when they undressed one another. Laura toyed with the top button of Deshona's suit coat. "I don't know about you, but I've got to take care of these clothes. I can't just rip them off," she whispered sexily. She unbuttoned two of the buttons, then the third, then the fourth, until she could get a finger into the warm, deep cleavage between Deshona's magnificent breasts. She lowered her face to the deep, fragrant valley and pressed her lips to the warm brown skin where her finger had been. Deshona put one hand under Laura's chin and drew her face back up slowly. Her eyes were burning, swirling. "If you don't take me into your new bedroom, I am going to rip them off right here," she breathed. "Why are you suddenly so hot for it?" Laura asked, mischievously, flirting. "I'm always hot for you, Laura." Deshona winked, a slow, salacious wink. "Anyway, you looked so glum when I ran into you. God, it made me horny. When you're depressed, I just want to take you to heaven, I guess." Laura scoffed. "You want to take yourself there. All you want is my body. You're as bad as a man." At this point, the doorbell rang. Since they were standing right next to it, they both nearly jumped out of their skins, alarmed, as if their sexual bantering had been overheard. Laura looked through the peep hole and saw Dee Dee. Oh god. Does anyone else ever ring this fucking bell? she suddenly thought, an unfair reflection, she knew, since Dee Dee had only rung it once before. Oh shit. "Shit," she said, under her breath. "Who is it? Somebody you don't want to see, I take it." There had been times in the past when Laura would have done anything to keep Deshona from knowing that the girl she had spent the night with was again on her front step. But things had changed between them somewhat. Deshona knew she had little right to be jealous. "It's the reason I was so . . . glum, as you put it." She unlocked the door. "This will only take a minute." She opened it. Dee Dee's eyes looked a little vacant, as if while waiting for Laura to open the door she had drifted off into some dream. Laura had seen that look in her eyes several times last night. "Dee Dee?" Laura spoke forcefully, to snap her out of it. "Dee Dee!" Dee Dee's eyes swam back into focus. Immediately she looked over Laura's shoulder at Deshona, who was peeping around the door for a glimpse of the visitor. Then she looked back at Laura, her face curving into a knowing smile. "God, Laura, you already got somebody else in there? You're really a horny one, aren't you." Laura could not stop herself from blushing a deep apple-red. "What do you want!" "I . . . left something here. I just thought I'd ring the bell . . . in case you hadn't gone to work yet." Laura realized that Dee Dee was making it all up on the spot, as she went along. She sensed that Deshona had again withdrawn behind the half-open door, realizing that this was an embarrassing scene for all involved, or at least for her and Laura, since Dee Dee seemed to be having fun twisting the knife. "I think you'd better go," Laura said, coldly. "I have to pee again." "That only works once, Dee Dee." Dee Dee began shifting on her feet, wincing. "I mean it. Sorry. I really have to go. Just a second? Please?" "You better let her in," Deshona whispered. "You don't want her peeing all over your front steps." "You let me handle it," Laura snapped, softly but firmly. "Please, Laura?" Dee Dee's lovely face was screwed up in anguish, and she hopped back and forth on each foot. Laura caved in. She opened the door, disgusted. "You know where it is," she said wearily, pointing down the hall. Since Laura felt paralyzed by shock and guilt and shame and horrible confusion, Deshona had to shut the door. "You should be more careful who you get involved with, Laura," she whispered, with a tiny hint of a superior smirk. Laura was tempted to snap at Deshona again, but she realized that her anger was really directed at Dee Dee and it would be very bad to unleash it on Deshona. Instead, she melted, experiencing suddenly an overwhelming physical desire for Deshona, a magnetic passion to strong that she had to reach out to her, caressing her smooth cheek, running a fingertip across her amazingly sensual lips. "I want you," she whispered. "I want her to go away so we can . . ." Deshona raised her 'aloof' eyebrow again. "She's kind of pretty, you know. You have an eye for beauty, Laura." Again Laura blushed and looked down. Before she could respond, Dee Dee was heading back down the hall toward them, having exited from the bathroom. She took her sweet time about it, sashaying sexily down the hall. Laura could almost hear Deshona swallowing. "She looks . . . dangerous," Deshona whispered, barely moving her lips. "She is dangerous," Laura nodded, also speaking softly so that Dee Dee wouldn't hear, wondering if they meant the same thing. When Dee Dee reached them, she paused and looked at Deshona, a very meaningful stare. "You like the sistas, don't you Laura." She let her gaze drift down at the gaping jacket of Deshona's suit, where Laura had unbuttoned four buttons and the top black lacy edge of Deshona's bra showed, as well as the bulging moons of her delicious breasts. Laura pulled the door open. "You were just leaving, I believe." Out of the corner of her eye, Laura could see that Deshona was mildly mortified. She had immense dignity and self-possession, was if not rich then very well-off, owner of her own consulting firm, exquisitely dressed and coiffed, very protective of her reputation, and not accustomed to being thought of by strangers as a lecher or lesbian, or even a bi-way swinger. Laura could feel her shrinking back in distaste. Dee Dee tilted her head and tried to be charming. "Sure you want me to go? I could stay. We could have a party." "Let me put it this way. If you don't go, I'll call the police." Laura could hardly believe the words that were coming out of her own mouth. Dee Dee's face suddenly fell. She appeared to be deeply insulted. "You don't have to do that," she said, moving through the open door, out onto the steps. "You don't have to be so cold about it." "Oh Dee Dee . . . !" Laura said in exasperation. Dee Dee glanced back over her shoulder as she headed down the steps. Laura's eyes were on her incredible bottom, and with a quick glance she could see that Deshona's eyes were too. Deshona herself had a lovely taut little butt, but it could not compare, few could, to Dee Dee's high, round masterpiece. "You don't have to worry," Dee Dee said. "I still won't tell her." Laura's eyes followed her to the 'Guests' parking lot and watched her get into Sara's car. Then Laura closed the door and locked it with a dramatic jerk of her wrist. "Tell who about what?" Deshona said, still faintly amused by Laura's unpleasant little scene. "Oh . . . don't pay any attention to her," Laura said, flustered by the whole thing. "Now, where were we?" She flirted with Deshona, peering up from under her eyelids sexily. "I think I was doing this." She gave Deshona a suggestive smile and lowered her face back into her alluring cleavage. Again Deshona pulled Laura's face up by the chin. Her eyes were quizzical, amused, pulsing with sex, and at the same time troubled. "Sure you don't want to tell me?" she asked softly. "It's none of my business, but it looks like you've got yourself some trouble." Laura let her eyes burn into Deshona's. "I want you." Deshona smirked. "I want you too, but this has kind of got me out of the mood. Why don't you tell me about it and we can sort of, you know, drift back into it." Laura wilted. She was out of the mood now too, suddenly. That fucking Dee Dee! she thought. "Only if you come into the bedroom with me while I tell you," Laura pouted, seductively. Deshona nodded, pursing her lips, her black eyes flickering with puzzled amusement, reluctantly letting Laura draw her down the hall. As soon as they rounded the corner, Laura was horrified to realize that she had not made up the bed. There it was for all to see: a huge mattress covered by rumpled, wrinkled and sweaty sheets and blankets, a place where quite obviously violent, passionate fucking had been going on, and not a brief episode either. Nobody could make that much mess without continued thrashing and squirming. Deshona slowly walked over to the bed and bent down briefly, sniffing. Her eyes twinkled with awe and humor—but nothing like the fiery jealousy Laura had feared—when she looked back up at Laura. With one careful finger, she lifted a portion of the twisted sheet, grinning. "I can smell her," she said in a barely audible voice. "I can smell you, too. Smells like you two have been screwing in here for a week." Laura chewed her lower lip. "Only . . . last night." "You must've made an impression on her," Deshona smiled, dropping the sheet from her finger and returning to Laura. "I apologize for . . . making you see this." Deshona shook her head. "Don't. I know I . . . that you . . . live your own life when I'm not around." "Want me to change the sheets?" Again Deshona slowly shook her head. "I kind of like that smell. It turns me on." "Oh?" Laura perked up. "Are you getting in the mood again?" Deshona rested both arms on Laura's shoulders and brought her face close. She rubbed Laura's nose playfully with her own. "I think one kiss might get me there," she whispered. "But first I insist you tell me what she meant. Tell who?" Laura's shoulders slumped. She realized that her anguish showed in her face. Deshona frowned, concerned. "You can tell me, Laura," she whispered. "I won't tell either. I don't even know anybody to tell." Laura sat with her on the edge of the very rumpled and fragrant bed. She could smell Dee Dee in the sheets too, and the odor was shockingly erotic. God, it smells like a whorehouse in here, she thought. If that's what a whorehouse smells like. How would I know? Patiently Deshona listened while Laura told her about Sara, then about Dee Dee. At first Laura was reluctant to let Deshona know how deeply she felt about Sara, but as she was talking, her voice soft and murmuring and hushed and solemn and intimate, she began to cry silently, almost without knowing it, and the full depth of her feeling simply poured out. Deshona put one arm around Laura's shoulders. To Laura's great relief, she was not angry, or hurt, just warm and supportive, nodding, cooing as she had been when she had dropped by to comfort Laura during her dental ordeal. She hugged Laura very close when Laura broke briefly into genuine hot sobs, but Laura recovered quickly. "Let me go wash my face." "Let me kiss away your tears." Laura broke out in half-tragic laughter and jumped up. "No . . . I'm washing my face. Stay right there." Unfortunately, while Laura was washing her face, the doorbell rang again. Both of them knew who it was. When she emerged from the master bathroom, she saw Deshona standing again by the side of the bed, looking entrapped. Snared accidentally in my little love drama, Laura thought, ruefully. "Should I answer it?" Laura asked. Deshona shrugged. "You don't want her making a scene for all your new neighbors." Laura scowled. "Almost everybody who lives here is at work anyway, at this hour." Deshona raised her eyebrow. "Still . . ." "I know, I know." Laura went to the door. She took a deep, calming breath before opening it. Dee Dee smiled at her, a contrite smile, a small child's plea for indulgence and understanding. "Have to pee again?" Laura asked, bristling with sarcasm. Dee Dee shook her head. "I . . . left something in the bathroom. I'm sorry, I know it sounds stupid. But it's true." Laura formed her mouth into a thin, sharp line, glowering at Dee Dee. "I can get it for you. What is it?" Dee Dee looked abject, ashamed. "I . . . can't let you see it. Too embarrassing." "Dee Dee, you are so transparent. What a cheap trick." Dee Dee looked suddenly sick at heart. The stricken, pained, desolate look Laura had seen so many times passing through her eyes last night returned. "I'll only take a second," Dee Dee said, meekly. Laura shook her head. "Go on . . . hurry up." She couldn't believe the welter of feelings that passed through her as Dee Dee slipped by and down the hall toward the bathroom again. She had given in because suddenly she had felt like she was whipping a sick cat, or lacerating a poor fellow creature who was down on her luck by unleashing savage, self-serving insults on her. I fucked this girl repeatedly only hours ago, she remembered with chagrin and undeniable pleasure. I fucked her beautiful body until we both moaned and screamed. How can I treat her like shit, now that she is on the outside, looking at me and Deshona? She stood by the front door, holding it open, wishing this whole thing would be over quickly, when she saw Dee Dee standing at the end of the hallway in front of the bathroom, looking somehow desperately back at her, not going in. Exasperated, Laura closed the front door and went to her. "What's the matter?" "I . . . think she's in there. Your friend." The door was indeed closed. Laura was puzzled. Why would she use this bathroom instead of the one in the bedroom? she wondered. But before she could speculate further, Deshona opened the door and stepped out, shutting off the light at the same time. She looked surprised—or at least feigned surprise, Laura thought—to see them both standing there. She also, to Laura's deep shock, had unbuttoned the rest of her suit coat, so that now it gaped open, revealing her black slip and lacy black bra, and more of her bulging, very round breasts than had been visible before. Just like her, Laura thought. Tastefully stripping. Not too much . . . just a hint . . . just an accident. A very elegant tease. Look at that smug little kittenish smile on her face. Oh! Are you both here? I . . . you know, I didn't know anyone would be looking at me . . . now that I'm showing off a little more of my perfect body. Oh dear. Laura saw Dee Dee looking at Deshona's cleavage, the same lovely, shadowy, perfumed spot where she herself had just been pressing her face moments earlier. Laura pursed her lips. Another convert. She's dying to do the same thing. "Dee Dee left something in there," Laura said, surprised to hear how cold her voice still sounded. "Oh . . . sorry," Deshona murmured, stepping aside. Dee Dee emerged a second later from the bathroom, clutching a small zippered purse, looking relieved. "Got it. Well . . . I'll be going." But she didn't move. In fact, none of them moved. They just stared uncomfortably at one another. We don't want her to leave, do we, Laura thought. I don't want her to leave either, god help me. "Want to stay for a minute?" she asked Dee Dee weakly, feeling deeply ashamed of her quick reversal. Dee Dee beamed. "I guess you could talk me into it." Deshona gave Laura a spare, mysterious smile. Without saying a word, she walked back down the short hallway and into Laura's bedroom. "Well, I guess you got your way," Laura said to Dee Dee under her breath. "I don't know why you're so mean to me. I thought you liked me." Dee Dee's eyes were wide and mock-innocent. She's about as innocent as I am, Laura thought. "She's great looking," Dee Dee whispered as they moved together toward the bedroom too. "I guess you got me hooked on this. What a great body." Laura frowned at her. "Let's be a little more subtle, okay? You're a bright girl." "Ooops!" Dee Dee gulped, reminding Laura for the very first time of her sister Sara. "Sorry." In the bedroom Deshona, more brazen than she had ever been with Laura up to now, had already removed the suit jacket entirely and was folding it on the easy chair. She looked back over her shoulder, still saying nothing, her eyes soft and shining and expectant. Then she stood upright and turned to face them. "Aren't you going to introduce us, Laura?" Oh brother, Laura thought. Deshona, this is the dope addict sister of the woman I love. Dee Dee, this is the fire-and-ice business consultant who stole my heart before Sara happened along. From this mordant reflection, Laura unaccountably began to cry without notice. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks. Choked sobs shook her chest. Both Deshona and Dee Dee looked at her in amazement, then deep concern. "Laura . . . you all right?" Dee Dee asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. Deshona took a step forward, her smooth forehead furrowed. "Laura." Laura shrank back a step or two, taking a deep breath, quickly wiping the tears away with her hand. How humiliating! she thought. She didn't know why she was crying. She knew she was perfectly capable of doing it as a cheap manipulation and wondered if that were the cause. On the other hand, she sensed that she had fallen into a trap so deep that only tears could get her out of it. Or could they? "I'm . . . okay," she blubbered. "I'm okay." She put up her hand, like a police officer telling drivers to stop. "I'll be all right. Really." Now Deshona had an arm around her shoulder. Dee Dee was only watching. "Come over here and sit down on the bed," Deshona coaxed her gently. Deshona held her for a few moments. Dee Dee had gone over to the vanity table where she was unzipping her small purse and taking something out. "I don't know why I did that," Laura confessed, finally back in control of herself. "How weird." She felt Deshona's smooth, sensual lips brush her cheek. "Probably a little chemical imbalance," Deshona whispered. Deshona's lips moved lower, onto Laura's neck, then up to her ear. Laura could feel Deshona's warm breath everywhere on her skin, which made her shiver and press her thighs together. Deshona's fingers began to unbutton Laura's blouse and caress the skin of Laura's back. Dee Dee looked over at them. "Either of you want to do a line of coke with me before we get started?" she said, matter-of-factly. Both Laura and Deshona looked at her blankly. "It's really rad for sex," Dee Dee said. "Really. It'll make you, like, fall over the edge." As if sunk in some zombie, sleepwalk state, Laura shook her head slowly, again unable to believe this phantasmagoria of weirdness she had got herself into. I can fall over the edge without any help from that, thanks, she was thinking. She looked at Deshona, who seemed equally befuddled. Gosh, we're both really out of it, aren't we, Laura thought. Two old ladies who don't take drugs. "None for me, thanks," Deshona said calmly, echoing Laura's thoughts, then turned more deliberately to Laura's blouse buttons. It was as if Dee Dee had not even shown up, and she and Laura were again intimately involved in the slow, exciting buildup to their ultimate coupling. They had done this before, many times, and the fact that a beautiful young girl was across the room snorting cocaine while they caressed each other seemed to lie beyond the purview of their awareness. Laura felt herself melting. Even though Dee Dee's presence implied very hot and exciting moments down the road, for a few seconds she found herself wishing that the girl were gone, that only she and Deshona shared this moment, that they could take every inch of the way as slowly as possible, without having to accommodate another person, and end in a fierce conflagration of fucking and climaxing as they had so many times before. She wanted to obliterate her guilt over Dee Dee in a bonfire of fucking, and she suddenly realized that this simple need was the reason she had consented to come here with Deshona even though she had a meeting at one o'clock. The recollection of the meeting suddenly panicked her, but Deshona was very involved in undressing her by now, and the sensations of her lips on Laura's naked skin was enough to distract Laura from her anxiety. "Ohhhh!" she moaned, as Deshona's lips moved over her shoulder, across her bra shoulder strap, down her chest. Reaching behind Laura with both hands, Deshona unfastened her bra clasp, then skimmed the thin straps off Laura's shoulders, quickly drawing her hands around to the front again and filling them with Laura's warm, naked breasts. Her soft lips continued downward until they arrived at one of Laura's throbbing nipples. Laura quivered and mewled excitedly as she felt Deshona's wet tongue on her nipple. "Unhhhhh!" Deshona had not uttered a sound, not even a sigh or a brief murmur. She now cradled both of Laura's breasts in her palms and began to slowly, painstakingly, suck each of Laura's aching nipples until Laura was about to go mad with pleasure. "Oh god, that feels good!" she whimpered into Deshona's hair. Deshona sat up and smiled at her, slowly releasing Laura's breasts from her hands. "I wouldn't mind a bit if you returned the favor," she whispered, her black eyes murky and mysterious. And it was a mystery to Laura, since she never could have imagined that they would be in this situation. Deshona was a very private and reserved person, exclusively heterosexual except for her relationship with Laura, and it had taken ages and agonies for Laura to seduce her in the first place. Laura would have expected Dee Dee's boldness and thoughtless sexual innuendoes to have disgusted the aloof Deshona and quickly driven her away. She never would have dreamed that Deshona could walk out of the bathroom with her suit jacket unbuttoned, giving them both a sort of dazed and sensual smile, as if she too had no idea why she was suddenly being swept into this potential sexual maelstrom. Laura was eager to return the favor. She had Deshona's thin black slip straps down her shoulders in an instant, and reached behind her to unclasp her bra too, a fantastic lacy black thing that dipped deeply between her magnificent round breasts, the breasts Dee Dee had been ogling earlier. But Laura wasn't thinking of Dee Dee. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her snorting something, some kind of powder she had prepared, but she tried to ignore it. Carefully, Laura drew Deshona's limp bra forward, removing it and the slip straps from her extended arms, watching the firm, impossibly spherical naked globes of Deshona's naked breasts come into view. It was certainly a breathtaking vision for Laura, and she suddenly, again from the corner of her eye, glimpsed Dee Dee looking too. Laura wanted to devour them every time she saw them, and she ran her thumbs across the hard rubbery bumps in the centers of Deshona's dark brown nipples, then bent to lick the unusual jagged edge of one areola. A sharp intake of breath whistled past Deshona's clenched teeth. "Hhhhh!" she gasped. Laura raised both hands to the hard round breast, cupping the firm warm ball of flesh in both of them, and sucked Deshona's entire nipple into her mouth. Both of them had forgotten entirely about Dee Dee, but suddenly the mattress sank next to them, and they realized that she had joined them. Laura saw Dee Dee's very black and shapely hand and long slender fingers enclose Deshona's other breast. "Wow . . . they're so round," Dee Dee whispered. Laura swirled her tongue all over Deshona's brown nipple, feeling the hard thick bump in the center each time her tongue slid over it, squeezing the hard round ball of Deshona's breast in her fingers, remembering now how difficult it actually was to get her entire nipple into your mouth since her breasts were so hard and round. "Yes," she panted to Dee Dee, almost an afterthought. "Mmmm," Dee Dee hummed, "I want some." Now Dee Dee began tonguing and sucking Deshona's other nipple, and the sensation of both of them doing it at the same time suddenly brought a hot gasp of sharp pleasure from deep in Deshona's chest. "Ungghhhh! Oh!" They pushed her down on the mattress, but Deshona, though swooning in transports of passion from the pleasure of having her nipples devoured by them, grew anxious about her expensive clothing, more than half of which was still in place. "Oh god . . . let's get out of this stuff!" she gasped, her hands fluttering around both Laura's and Dee Dee's heads as she struggled up onto her elbows. Her brown, irregular-edged nipples were now glistening and saliva-wet, the centers sticking up higher than ever, the areolas wrinkled and excited, and Laura pinched one in her fingers, watching Deshona's eyes roll up briefly. "Yes!" Laura agreed, glancing over at Dee Dee, who was still slurping and sucking Deshona's other nipple, holding Deshona's firm breast like a drinking cup in both hands, unwilling to stop. Laura frowned at her, but playfully, and noticed that Dee Dee's eyes were glassy, her expression dazed, as she looked up. She inhaled some godawful wonderful drug over there at the table, no doubt, Laura thought, to make everything 'rad.' Dee Dee looked from Laura to Deshona. "I just love your boobs," she said softly, almost solemnly. Deshona gave her a slow smile, as if to say, They're all yours, honey, if you just let us get undressed. "Dee Dee, it will help if we're all naked," Laura reminded her gently. Dee Dee nodded, as if it had taken the message a few light years to reach her. The girl is completely spaced out, as we used to say, Laura thought. But there was no turning back now. And Laura realized that she did not want to anyway. Deshona's half-naked body was warm, vibrant, wildly desirable, and there was no way she could deny that Dee Dee was gorgeous and hot, no matter how drugged. Quickly, with skill borne of long experience, she helped Deshona get off her skirt, slip and panties, piled them fairly neatly on top of the suit jacket on the chair, then slipped carefully out of her own clothes. Dee Dee too had pulled off her top and was unbuttoning her jeans, moving in slow motion. Deshona was watching both of them. Laura thought she saw Deshona's eyes widen as more and more of Dee Dee's sleek, very black naked flesh came into view. She was indeed incredibly lovely, Laura thought. Laura removed her bra and skimmed off her panties, then rejoined Deshona on the bed. Dee Dee now knew they were both watching her as she continued to move almost as if she were under water, bringing both hands between her bra cups to unfasten them. This was the same bra she had been wearing when she had unclasped it like this last night for Laura, in Sara's apartment, trying to tempt Laura and causing Laura a sharp anguish as she fought valiantly to resist. She was not resisting now. Her eyes drank in Dee Dee's marvelous young body, and she turned to see Deshona staring at it. Again Laura realized how shocked she herself was at this reaction. She could never have predicted it. Though Deshona was still a little shy and said nothing, clearly somewhat tentative about what she had now got herself into, she was clearly fascinated, almost hypnotized by Dee Dee's naked body, and Laura's, and her own, lying there stretched out across the bed waiting for her first experience with a woman other than Laura. She turned her face to Laura and smiled nervously. "I'm as surprised as you are," she confessed very softly, almost too softly for Dee Dee to overhear, as if sensing the question in Laura's eyes. She then let her eyes wander back to Dee Dee, who was now sliding her white panties down her coal-black legs. "She's very . . . lovely." She looked back to Laura, her eyes smoky and murky with a thousand ambiguous meanings. "Her sister must be very lovely." "They don't look a bit alike," Laura said, dragging her down once more onto the mattress, drinking in the sweet odor of her body mingled with her expensive perfume, burying her face between the large round globes of her wonderful breasts. "I wish she wasn't here. I want to fuck you and fuck you," Laura purred in a soft, husky voice, kissing the bulging sides of the firm round balls. They felt the mattress sink slightly again as Dee Dee rejoined them, almost climbing on top of Laura's back, pressing her warm, naked flesh against Laura's body everywhere in a move that nearly sent Laura's sexual arousal meter through the roof. She felt a happy little squirt of sexual fire shoot through her as Dee Dee's hands encircled her and scooped up her breasts. She kissed the nape of Laura's neck at the same time, burrowing her lips down into Laura's hair to push it aside. "I don't want you guys to start without me," she half-giggled, her voice muffled by the thick curtain of Laura's hair. A hot, delicious shiver gripped Laura's body. "Oooohhhhh . . . oh shit, that feels good!" she laughed, rolling sideways so that Dee Dee slipped gently off her back. Now Laura was between them, facing Deshona, with Dee Dee behind, pressing her small naked breasts into Laura's back aggressively, and kissing her shoulders, and pinching Laura's nipples. Deshona scooted closer and began kissing Laura's neck, encircling Laura's body with her arms too, letting her hands roam over parts of Dee Dee's smooth flesh and pushing her own naked breasts into Laura's, which were partially covered by Dee Dee's hands. Oh god, I'm glad I didn't make myself miss this! Laura realized, feeling a warm surge of thrilling sexual pleasure course through her body. They are both so beautiful! "Ungghh! Oh!" she panted, beginning to squirm, feeling a semi-delirious hunger course through her veins, wanting to be fucked by them, both of them, quickly, roughly if necessary, completely. "Oh yes . . . oh yes," she whimpered. Deshona, as she had made clear, had been intent on fucking Laura before Dee Dee had ever appeared on the scene, and she did not deviate from her goal. She slid lower immediately, slipping between Laura's yawning thighs, kissing Laura's smooth belly, and then pressing her mouth directly into Laura's blossoming, tingling cunt. "Anngghhh!" Laura groaned, surprised that she did not come almost instantly. Her body flexed and almost jackknifed out of control, but she clenched her muscles and quickly regained control. She was so sexually excited by Deshona's moving lips and probing tongue on her pussy and Dee Dee's smooth, sinuous body pressing against her from behind that she began to churn and whimper in a sensual fit of intense pleasure. "Oh fuck me . . . oh fuck me . . ." she heard her voice saying, panting, again shocked to realize that she had reached this overwrought state so quickly. "Oh yes! Oh god . . . like that! Yes! Ungghhh!" Deshona knew how to please Laura, having done it often before, and she also knew how to tease her. "Oh no," she breathed, drawing her mouth momentarily away from Laura's dripping, throbbing pussy. "You're not going to come that fast . . . and spoil all my fun." She smiled up at Laura, and at Dee Dee, who now decided to get into the act too. She released Laura's breasts from her hands and scooted to the side, pulling Laura onto her back. "Let me lick her too," she panted to Deshona, her eyes glazed and swirling as she nearly pushed Deshona out of the way so that she could get to Laura's gaping pussy too. "I never got to do that. I want to lick her." Laura's eyelids fluttered open long enough to see Deshona give Dee Dee a bemused and faintly hostile smirk before she lowered her face again between Laura's thighs and pushed her lips into Laura's greasy, smoldering vulva. "Unhhhh!" Laura gasped as she felt Deshona's long tongue slide up between her cunt lips. Immediately she felt Dee Dee, who had taken this rejection well enough, envelop the upper half of her body, kissing her face, fondling her breasts again, then lowering her lips to them. Now Laura knew there was no turning back. She was going to come, any second, she could feel it, feel it surging and rumbling deep inside her flesh, feel the forward sweep of it, rolling toward her, squeezing and wrenching each hypersensitive nerve. Oh god, yes! she thought. Oh yes! As if she were somehow suspended in time and space, she could hear all three of them gasping, snuffling, panting, mewling, though she knew only her body was hurtling toward this killing explosion that loomed before them, only micro-seconds away. "Oh yes!" "Mmmm, you're almost there, honey," Deshona babbled to her, slurping her pussy, now sliding one finger up into it too, the buttery channel all gushy with fragrant juices and pulsing in an ever more rapid rhythm as Laura writhed and cawed helplessly. Laura's eyes fluttered open again. Delirious, she looked down at Dee Dee sucking her nipples. "Do it hard!" she suddenly gasped, bucking, pushing her cunt up into Deshona's mouth, feeling the dam burst almost an instant after she said it. Dee Dee's eyes widened, and she sucked one of Laura's nipples deep into her mouth, harder than she ever had sucked it until now. At the same time, Laura felt Deshona's hands slip under her ass and squeeze her buns sharply, and suddenly everything exploded in a searing shower of coming. "Aunngghhiinnngggiieeee!" Laura screamed, flipping and stretching, her body shuddering as the fierce impact of several rolling shockwaves wrenched her. "Ungghhh! Oh! Unnnggggaaiiieeee!" It was not a sweet, surging climax but felt more like getting hit by a piledriver, a series of stunning blows, well in excess of anything she had expected, even though she was so aroused at being fucked by two beautiful women at the same time. Her body buckled and quivered, then settled down into slow, rolling undulations, until the sweet spasms slowly died away. Moments later she was still gasping and gulping for breath, dazed by the force of this quick climax. She was not even aware of Deshona and Dee Dee until she drifted back to consciousness and realized they were kissing just above her body. It was the most marvelous thing to watch. Laura herself had barely even kissed Dee Dee last night until after they had pretty much combusted in a wildfire of rough, urgent fucking, and here Deshona, the ice queen extraordinaire, was moving her mouth in slow, sensual rhythms against Dee Dee's, her hands stroking Dee Dee's beautiful and very black body at the same time. The contrast of their skin colors was also fascinating. Deshona's skin was a rich, deep cross between mocha and café-au-lait, while Dee Dee, of course, was about as black as you could get, her smooth skin glossy and sleek and black as night. Deshona's paler hands moved hungrily over Dee Dee's young, delicious body, finally arriving at her small, perfect breasts, twisting and squeezing them, gently plucking Dee Dee's coal-black nipples, while Dee Dee's dark, spidery fingers enclosed Deshona's small waist, then moved down to Deshona's taut little buns. Dee Dee dug her fingers into Deshona's ass while the two of them kissed, now with their tongues, their breath quickening. The visual contrast was heightened even further as Laura lifted her own hands to their smooth, marvelous bodies and began stroking them too, her fingers looking even paler than Deshona's as they caressed her light brown thigh and Dee Dee's black velvet one. She ran her hands all over their firm thighs, then slipped each hand up into their wet crotches, rubbing the warm, slimy lips of their dripping cunts with her fingers and feeling their bodies suddenly react to the new stimulus. She could feel Dee Dee's little pussy ring, which was slippery against her fingertips since Dee Dee was extremely wet. Deshona, always a copious lubricator, was absolutely flooding. Deshona's body tensed, her thighs clenching, and even though her mouth was still glued to Dee Dee's, she looked down at Laura. "Unhhh!" Laura could hear her frantic, quick breath, and see the unexpected pleasure reflected in her face. Dee Dee, on the other hand, did not look down and merely swirled her pussy rhythmically forward into Laura's hand. Her fingers dug a little more aggressively into the flesh of Deshona's beautiful brown ass. Despite just having had a sharp climax, Laura was very hungry for both of their bodies, and feeling their warm, buttery cunt juices oozing over her fingers didn't do a thing to dissipate her hunger. The fragrance of their two aroused pussies was also intoxicating. She lay between them, inhaling every bit of it, and it nearly made her head swim, and her blood thunder. "Mnneee . . . ohnnn!" Deshona whimpered softly as Dee Dee's hands came up to her face and kissed her more voraciously, aggressively, pinching her hard nipples at the same time. Somehow this spurred Laura into action too, and between her and Dee Dee, they had Deshona on her back in seconds. Dee Dee, who had been enchanted by Deshona's breasts earlier (probably because they're so incredibly round and hard, Laura thought), returned to them passionately, squeezing and sucking the magnificent globes, while Laura naturally slid between Deshona's spreading thighs and came face to face with the woman's exquisite pussy, all wet and ripe and festering, its red interior slick and juicy and inflamed, the wavy black lips enclosing it all shiny and swollen. God, I love this woman's pussy, Laura thought, spreading the wet black lips with her thumbs and licking the hot, tangy center furrow from bottom to top with long, sensual strokes of her tongue. At the top she let her tongue linger on Deshona's small clit, only now peeping out from it's little shelter, a taut whitish bead. Deshona erupted in helpless quivering, and strangled moans came from deep in her throat as Laura's tongue slowly slid across the most sensitive part of her body. "Ahhhnnnnnnn!" she moaned, clawing Laura's head almost spastically, uncontrollably. "Oh, I love your boobs . . . I just love your boobs!" Dee Dee was panting, slurping and sucking and squeezing Deshona's breasts in a passionate frenzy. "I always wanted to have boobs like these." "Unngghhh! Oh!" Deshona gasped, her eyes rolling up in her head as Dee Dee tried to swallow her nipples and Laura kept up the loving assault on her flooding pussy. "Oh yes . . . oh yes, god yes!" But Dee Dee was not content to devour Deshona's extraordinary breasts, and moments later she slid down to join Laura, trying to push her aside. "Me too," she pouted, eyes still glazed but smoking with fiery sex, the way Laura had seen them a few times last night. The girl loved fucking. "I want to lick her pussy too. You two never let me." Laura was very reluctant to give up this feast. She loved eating Deshona's exquisitely beautiful pussy almost more than any other sex act she had ever performed. But, even though she had managed to avoid putting her mouth on Dee Dee's pussy last night, she had not denied Dee Dee her own cunt, and Dee Dee, being a sexual predator almost on a par with Laura herself, had quickly learned a variety of thrilling skills. Laura knew that Deshona would not suffer by the replacement. She also quickly recalled the time she had slithered her tongue up into Deshona's ass when Deshona had not been expecting it (her finger too, later) and Deshona had almost ruptured herself in jolting, hot torrents of coming. It wouldn't be easy, but she thought she might be able to do it again if she surrendered her current position to the eager Dee Dee. "Oh . . . all right," she said, moving aside, watching Dee Dee take her place and begin hungrily to slurp Deshona's beautiful wet quim. "Unhh! Oh . . . unhhhhh!" Deshona gasped, squirming, looking down at Dee Dee's head bobbing between her spread thighs. While the two of them were absorbed in this heated ritual, Laura skillfully tilted Deshona's squirming body onto her side and lifted Deshona's upper leg, resting it on her own shoulder. Dee Dee adjusted easily to eating Deshona's wet, inflamed pussy from this tilted angle, and this gave Laura an easier entry into the rear portion of Deshona's groin, now completely exposed and vulnerable. True, she did have to spread the taut little buns of Deshona's ass apart with the fingers of both hands, but when she did, there it was, the puckered little dark brown rosebud of Deshona's anus, tightly shut and just waiting for her clever ministrations. She knew that Deshona would object if given the opportunity, or if she even realized what Laura was up to, and so Laura moved swiftly, sliding her thumbs into the crack of Deshona's ass, between the smooth round little buns, and pulling open Deshona's rectum with them, then pushed her face between the ass cheeks and burying her tongue in the tiny, warm, tight aperture before Deshona could buck or recoil. "Mmmnnnggeee!" Deshona wailed, a soft, swelling whinny suddenly keening up out of her throat. "Oh! Oh . . . Laura . . . goddamn you! You bitch! Unnnmmmggeee!" But Laura knew it would be a wild little ride by this time and was holding on tight, her tongue buried as far as she could get it into Deshona's ass. Dee Dee had not been expecting the wild jerking spasms of Deshona's pelvis and was momentarily thrown off her mark, but she was a very committed sexual athlete and quickly grabbed Deshona's thighs to steady her, joining Laura now in propping up Deshona's upper leg to make it easier for both of them to tongue-rape her ass and pussy at the same time. "Unhhh! Unhhhhh!" Deshona gasped, squirming and thrashing, but not really making any strenuous attempt to escape or to stop them. "Anngghhh!" She was usually, compared to some (Laura herself being one), a little slow to come, as she freely confessed to Laura, but Laura never minded since she loved to prolong it and savored the opportunity to watch Deshona in the throes of her slow, sweet struggle to arrive. But the penetration of her asshole by Laura's tongue, coupled with the half-insane, demon-driven way Dee Dee was devouring her pussy—and now fucking it with two fingers, too, her palm turned toward her face, probing the front wall of Deshona's pussy with her fingertips as if trying to find her g-spot—had brought Deshona right to the edge in only seconds. She was moaning constantly now, her moans punctuated by fierce, desperate whimpers, her body undulating and shaking, one hand grabbing and twisting her firm, round, rolling breasts as she careened toward a blazing finish. "Oh god . . . yes . . . fuck me!" she growled in a half-guttural, garbled moan, quivering and whinnying excitedly as Laura drove her tongue into the tight little channel of her ass again and again. God, if Dee Dee does find her g-spot, Laura realized, we aren't going to be able to hold her down. She's going to tear this place apart. "Oh, you like me to fuck your ass?" Laura panted to her, amused, holding it open with her thumbs and stabbing her tongue deep into it again. "Ohhnnggg!" Deshona groaned, her body leaping and churning. "Yes! Yes! Ohhnnnggg! Ungghh! Fuck! Fuck me! Yes! Ohnnggg!" As Laura had foreseen, she suddenly felt the telltale deep twitch in Deshona's flesh and knew that Dee Dee had struck gold. For an electrifying microsecond, Deshona's whole body stiffened. Then she erupted in long, violent, undulating spasms, moaning in a shrill, hysterical wail that died away and then revived even more loudly with each wrenching jolt of her orgasm. Having been thrown off once, Dee Dee now clung to Deshona's straining, jackknifing body, her mouth glued to Deshona's flaming pussy, while Laura held on for dear life, her tongue still burrowing deep in the clenching ring of Deshona's asshole. "Auunngghhiiieeeee!" Deshona wailed, her whole pelvis quaking as shock after shock struck her. "Onnggg! Ungghhnngghiieieee! Oh god!" Just when it seemed that the most violent shocks were past, her body suddenly jerked up off the bed again, nearly throwing Dee Dee and Laura off for the second time, and a loud, wrenching moan ripped its way up out of her chest as a completely new orgasm shattered her. "Auunnggghhhhh! MMNNGGHIIEEEEE! Oh! Oh! Nnngggeeeee!" she sobbed, coming fiercely a second time, her pussy now gushing fluid all over Dee Dee's face, and her asshole pinching shut in spasms so tightly on Laura's tongue that it was expelled. Both Laura and Dee Dee were stunned by the force of these crushing climaxes and now simply held onto Deshona by instinct, clutching her body but not fucking her any more, panting, holding on, wondering if it would happen again. But if they were stunned, Deshona herself was nearly obliterated. Her body went limp between them, and she appeared even to faint for a few seconds, then revived, moaning softly in the aftermath of such a violent explosion. Slowly, all three disentangled their bodies. Deshona lay on her back between them, her eyelids fluttering, her toes curling, her breath slowly returning to normal. Laura had seen her looked dazed and stunned after coming before, but never this much. She had apparently got more than she bargained for. Dee Dee, half-embarrassed and half giggling with excitement at having been a part of this, grinned and wiped the cunt juices away from her cheek with one finger. "She's a wet one, isn't she?" she smiled at Laura. Laura smiled back, bemused, but she knew Deshona would not find it amusing. Though it was a normal, if rare, occurrence to gush like this, Deshona often did it, and was fiercely embarrassed by it. Fortunately, she still seemed rocked enough by her dual orgasms to be still remote from them, still drifting slowly back. Laura rolled to the side and grabbed a small towel from the bedstand, handing it to Dee Dee. She watched her wipe Deshona's shiny cunt nectars from her face. It was really a beautiful face. And a completely gorgeous, deeply black naked body below. Again Laura was overcome by the disparity in her vision of Dee Dee as this acutely desirable black fuck-goddess and the reality of her sleazy drug addictions and feckless ways. She scooted around Deshona's body and drew Dee Dee down to the mattress, eagerly wanting to fuck her again, remembering their hot moments together the previous night. Dee Dee smiled. "I was wondering when you were going to get around to me," she teased, eyes still glazed but also throbbing with sex. "I'm getting hornier by the second, watching you two go off." "Mmmm, does that mean you want to 'go off'?" Laura nuzzled her bare black shoulder. Dee Dee cupped her beautiful small breasts in both hands, offering them to Laura. "I want you to make me go off like she did . . . you know, make me yelp and beg." "Oh," Laura replied, feeling a wild rush of lust shoot through her body, "I think I might be able to do that." She thought she had enjoyed Dee Dee's wonderful body as much as she could last night, when she had been semi-obsessed by the idea that she would never be able to touch it again, but now she had all of it offered to her anew, and her joy was instant and intense. She swarmed over Dee Dee so passionately that it appeared to startle them both, scooping up the girl's marvelous little breasts in both hands and hungrily sucking Dee Dee's soft, coal-black nipples until they grew thick and rubbery between her lips and Dee Dee began to whimper uncontrollably. "Oh shit, yes, I love it when you do that!" she gasped to Laura. Laura saw her looking to the side and realized that Deshona had rejoined them, having recovered from her pile-driving orgasms, and was sidling up on the other side of Dee Dee's body, an amused smirk on her lovely face. "Do I get some too?" Laura grinned. "Anything you can steal from me you can have," she murmured, releasing one of Dee Dee's breasts from her hand, which Deshona immediately began to stroke and kiss and lick. "I don't know why you want boobs like mine when you have these," Deshona murmured to Dee Dee, laving the shiny, pointing black nipple with her long tongue, then sucking it as hungrily as Laura had been doing. For a few seconds, Dee Dee simply yielded her body, her breasts, to them, arching her back, dropping into a semi-swoon, even holding her breasts underneath with the fingers of both hands as if to make sure neither Laura or Deshona stopped doing what they were doing. But then she sat up halfway, onto her elbows. "Excuse me, you guys . . . just a minute. Okay?" She pulled herself gently free of them and scooted off the bed. "I've got to have just a little bump." Flabbergasted, both Laura and Deshona looked at one another in amazement, then followed Dee Dee's impossibly delicious naked black body as she bounced back over to Laura's vanity table. "I guess we really are a little out of it," Laura said under her breath, as they watched Dee Dee quickly raise a creased dollar bill to her nose and run it past her nostrils as she inhaled something. "No shit, Sherlock," Deshona said in the same awed, disbelieving tones. Dee Dee saw the expressions on their faces as she returned to the bed. "Sure you don't want some? I have enough." "I'm sure you do," Laura said as they pulled her down between them again. Somehow, she realized, even though this moment was radically bizarre and discomfited her and Deshona completely, it also paradoxically seemed to heighten their lust for Dee Dee, and they both swarmed all over her naked body with redoubled hunger. Deshona especially surprised Laura by her sexual hunger for Dee Dee's delectable, incredibly smooth young flesh. They began again sucking both of Dee Dee's nipples at the same time, but quickly Deshona slid lower, kissing Dee Dee's phenomenal hard abs and caressing her thighs, sliding her hands under Dee Dee's incredible ass. "God, will you look at the ass this girl's got?" she panted, as if speaking to Laura but really speaking to no one but herself. "Dee Dee, you have a beautiful ass." Laura was now kissing Dee Dee's neck while still hungrily massaging her saliva-wet breasts and nipples with her fingers. She noticed that Dee Dee, even though both Laura and Deshona were heatedly kissing and caressing her naked body, was curiously remote, her face somehow suspended in a state of dreamy bliss, her expression completely failing to reflect the urgent, sizzling lust that both Deshona and Laura were unleashing on her body. Her mouth was, however, curled up at the sides in a weird, sensual smile, showing that they were getting through to her in a way, at least. After observing this, Laura glanced down to see Deshona now pressing her mouth vigorously into Dee Dee's pussy. Nothing in Dee Dee's expression had given her reason to suspect this, and her first reaction was shock. Oh god, don't do that! she wanted to gasp out loud, but she held it back. How could she stop her? The damage, whatever there might be, was already done. Dee Dee might have a festering pit of horrible germs down there, for all they knew, but it was too late. Anyway, Laura could smell the delicious fuck-odors wafting up to her, and they made her pussy absolutely jangle and throb. "Ahhnnnn!" Finally a moan escaped from Dee Dee's lips. Her body even twisted a little, gleaming and deliciously black against Laura's white sheets, arousing Laura further. Deshona looked up at Laura, her eyes dark and shiny with sex, throbbing, glowing, her lips smeared with pussy juice. "She has one of those little rings," she said to Laura, as if astonished. "Look." Deshona flicked the silvery little ring with the tip of one finger, grinning as if she had made a super-amusing discovery. "I know," Laura smiled and nodded. Did you forget I fucked her last night? Though I didn't kiss it, like you're doing. Laura suddenly felt herself filling with envy. I want to kiss it, she realized. I wanted to like crazy last night. I still want to. She slid down Dee Dee's squirming body eagerly, throwing caution to the winds. Oh hell, we'll all go together, I guess, she thought. I can't have her halfway. I have to have all of her. She smiled sexily at Deshona. "Me too? Don't I get some?" Deshona had spread open Dee Dee's pussy with her fingers, and the insides were fiery magenta colored and oozing shiny juices. Oh god, what a pretty pussy! Laura thought. It was as black as midnight around the edges, the vulva puffy and puckered. She inched her body forward, taking over, and thrust her tongue deep into it. Many women would have twitched or groaned at this tongue-penetration, but Dee Dee gave no sign she noticed. How weird, Laura thought, nevertheless not letting it interfere with her own pleasure. She licked and sucked and tongued it rapaciously, luxuriating in the tangy, tart taste of Dee Dee's cunt nectars flowing over her tongue, feeling Deshona's fingertips tenderly caressing her own bare shoulders and back as she looked on. "Want you to fuck me," Dee Dee suddenly murmured, out of the blue, in a distant, dreamy voice. "Want you . . . both to . . . fuck me . . . fuck me . . . hard . . . fuck me hard . . ." Laura looked back over her shoulder at Deshona. Deshona smirked ambiguously and shrugged. "Give her what she wants," she whispered darkly, raising one eyebrow. Laura could tell that Deshona felt the same way about Dee Dee that she did. Dee Dee was sunk deep in some drug stupefaction she had brought on by sniffing that powder, and it was depressing to be caressing someone who barely acknowledged that you were touching her. And yet, her naked body, and her face too, were exceptionally beautiful. She was a stunning creature no matter how you cut it, and being in bed with her like this was phenomenally exciting sexually. Deshona had clearly never been in bed with two women at once before, and she was relishing every second of it. On the other hand, it felt kind of sinister to Laura for them to take advantage of her this way. Dee Dee was somehow deadened and slack, clearly enjoying what they were doing but also so remote from it in her mind that you could not say she was really there. Wouldn't it be wrong to 'fuck' her 'hard,' as she was requesting? How could you feel good about it when she appeared to be so desensitized that she could barely register a sign of having felt your touch? Laura quickly made up her mind. No implements. No, we'll just turn up the heat this way until she comes. Nothing but us. As much as she wanted Dee Dee's body, she wanted it to be over with, too, and was getting anxious about her meeting at one o'clock. Somehow she knew in the back of her mind that Dee Dee was thinking of the drawer, which she had discovered the previous night, and the thrilling but deviant devices Laura kept hidden there. To her mild surprise, it turned out that Deshona was thinking the same thing, but without Laura's squeamishness. "We should use that thing of yours," she whispered to Laura, almost conspiratorially. "You know . . . the one we did each other with when your mouth was hurting." Deshona's eyes were almost glassy with sexual excitement as she mentioned it. You darling little fuck slut, Laura thought. How glad I am I ever managed to light your fires. You really want to fuck this poor little druggie, don't you. But she realized she was shaking her head. She could tell from the way Deshona was looking at her, as if she had expected Laura readily to go along with her suggestion. Without answering, Laura pressed her mouth back into Dee Dee's splayed, glistening red pussy and resumed licking it passionately, this time even more aggressively, sliding two fingers up into the warm, greasy channel too. She continued this for about two minutes, but unfortunately Dee Dee responded as lethargically as before, even though whimpering softly and tossing her head. It was the first time Laura could remember when she had not been able to get a reaction, especially when she cranked up the heat in this fashion. Deshona, as if sensing her bewilderment, slid down next to her, still caressing her back tenderly, kissing Laura's shoulder. "I mean it," she whispered. "Maybe it's the only thing that'll get her attention." Laura gave her a lubricious grin. "You just want to fuck her, you nasty thing. Don't you." Laura remembered the delight Deshona had taken in fucking her, Laura, with the strap-on. Deshona nodded, her eyes glowing, her mouth trembling with a sexual excitement that was hard to contain. Oh well, Laura shrugged, tilting her head toward the dresser in a mute acknowledgment that she gave her consent. Deshona was off the bed in a flash, returning seconds later with the long, ridged strap-on dildo. Oh shit, Laura realized, she must've seen all the other things in that drawer when she got it out! But by now things were beginning to happen too fast for her to worry about it. Laura couldn't take her eyes off Deshona's naked body as she slipped into the harness. Her amazingly round, hard breasts bobbed and swayed. Her short but beautifully shaped legs made you want to reach out and stroke them. Dee Dee too seemed to come to life as her eyelids fluttered open and she saw Deshona climbing onto the bed with the long shaft bobbing menacingly, sticking out from her groin. "Oh yessssss!" she sighed, stretching out, letting her deeply black thighs yawn even more widely open, even holding up her arms as if to receive Deshona. "Fuck me . . . yes . . . fuck me . . ." Just the sign that she was coming to life was enough to ignite Laura's lust again. She watched as Deshona, aiming carefully with one hand, slid the strap-on dildo up into Dee Dee's inflamed, gaping cunt, then turned her attention to Dee Dee's face as the girl's eyes rolled up, and she quivered and moaned. "Ohhhnnnnn shit . . . oh shit that feels good!" Dee Dee moaned, again whimpering as Deshona began to fuck her, moving the cock in and out, leaning forward, her large breasts swooping forward. Watching Deshona fuck Dee Dee with long, slow strokes from the thick, ridged pole totally hypnotized Laura for several minutes. Her feelings about both women were so complex and intense that seeing them locked together in this raw physical act was fatally hypnotic. She fell into a near-trance, watching Deshona's face as she fucked Dee Dee in a solemn, serious, deliberate way, slowly pushing the long shaft deep into the girl's pussy, then pulling it out just as slowly. Laura could feel a tingle travel through her whole body as she watched Dee Dee's shiny wet black pussy lips cling to the convex ridges of the dildo as it slid back out of her wet slit, the bright glistening salmon colored flesh inside her cunt showing around the edges before Deshona pushed forward again, sinking it back in. Deshona was absorbed, her face frozen in a rapt expression of total concentration. Laura knew this was a stirring experience for her since she was so emotionally complex, so self-controlled outwardly, and yet so potentially hot and at the same time vulnerable within. She and Laura had been through a lot and had tormented one another in various ways, but their bond was deep. Laura had often been jealous of Deshona for the obvious pleasure she got from fucking with Charles, but somehow she could not feel bad about her fucking Dee Dee, getting this thrill from another, even though it temporarily put Laura herself in the shadows. Deshona was so absorbed in it that she seemed to have forgotten that Laura was there. As for Dee Dee, the complex of feelings she aroused in Laura befuddled her totally. Dee Dee seemed completely slack and unfeeling as Deshona slowly fucked her, except for an occasional twist or faint whimper, as if she were dreaming of being fucked instead of actually doing it. And yet her body and her face were phenomenally desirable. She was silky and supple and deliciously black and smooth, her breasts amazing little globes of perfection, her soft black nipples gleaming, her abs taut and rippling, her thighs sleek, like black velvet against Deshona's lighter brown skin. And yet she was such a total, incorrigible pest, so self-indulgent and weak, so full of loneliness and self-pity and infantile defiance, and devious tricks, that part of Laura wished they had never met. She especially wished it since Dee Dee was Sara's sister, and the mere thought of Sara made her heart leap and also made her want to cry. What have I done? Oh god, Sara, I love you! Partly to get her mind off these lugubrious thoughts, and partly to join this smoldering, scintillating spectacle she saw going forward right in front of her, Laura slid closer to their slowly churning bodies. Deshona's back, probably the most beautiful of any back she had ever kissed and caressed, with its curves and smooth cambers and shadowy groove down the center, beckoned her touch, and she crouched behind her as Deshona kept deliberately and rhythmically fucking Dee Dee, pressing her naked breasts into the smooth flesh, kissing Deshona's perfect shoulderblades, murmuring senseless little nothings to her, just wanting to be a part of this mesmerizing moment. Deshona looked back over her shoulder and smiled. She shook her head. "She's not going to come," she whispered to Laura. "Nothing's going to make her." Laura nodded. "I am, though." "Again?" Laura nodded slowly, eyelids heavy, breath coming quick. "Guess you want Mama to give it to you instead, eh?" Deshona cocked a suggestive eyebrow. She was already pulling the cock out of Dee Dee's pussy and turning, smiling in that weird, smirky, impossibly sexy way she had, as if to say 'Dry ice, baby—careful where you touch me, 'cause I burn!'. Laura was onto her back, with Deshona rising up over her supine body, in seconds. Deshona was nearly as grim and deliberate as she had been while fucking Dee Dee, whom they now both ignored. She looked into Laura's eyes, after glancing briefly down and guiding it with her hand to make sure the dildo was going where she intended. Laura was so aroused that she wondered if she might come as soon as it slid into her. The shockingly intense buildup to this moment, and the swirling welter of emotions she was feeling, combined to make her exquisitely horny. Oh god, I am going to come so fast! she realized. It was as if she had not already climaxed twenty minutes or so earlier. Moreover, they were fucking face to face, as a man and woman usually fucked, but something Laura wondered if they had ever done before. Deshona leaned down to embrace her, and Laura felt the hard balls of her breasts mash into her own, and opened her mouth as well as the rest of her body to this sweet invasion. Deshona's tongue snaked into it, and at almost the same instant Laura could feel the stalk of the strap-on dildo pierce deep into her pussy, until the head of it rammed against her cervix. "Ungghh!" she groaned, writhing, clutching Deshona, digging her fingers this time into the woman's gorgeous naked back. "Did I hurt you?" Deshona panted against her teeth, not taking her mouth from Laura's, still kissing her with scorching passion. "No. Unhhh! Oh god, I love you to fuck me!" And she did not come quickly, as she had feared. They both were breathing very hard, but Deshona continued to lean close, to clasp Laura's body urgently to hers, to fuck her with slow, patient deliberation, and Laura could feel the urgency of her imminent climax abate. They fucked with rhythmic sensuality for several minutes, Deshona periodically dropping her hand to make sure the dildo didn't slip, then pushing it in deep, so deep that Laura felt like it became part of her body, deeply embedded in her throbbing cunt, tickling her very roots. And this was the sign that she was about to come. She could feel ripples of fire suddenly shooting through her body. "Oh god . . . honey!" she gasped into Deshona's beautiful round, smooth shoulder. "I'm going to come . . . now. Unhhhh!" She had held it off until now, but suddenly it began to light her up. Deshona clasped her body even harder, and jabbed her with the strap-on, and Laura simply dissolved in a hot bath of coming, moaning and undulating as the shocks wrenched her. "Unnnhhhhiieeee! Unnnhhhhiieeee! Oh! Unnnhhhhiieeee!" she wailed, her flesh throbbing as waves of honeyfire rolled through her. When they dissipated, she realized that Deshona was still clutching her desperately, their groins still locked together, the strap-on dildo still embedded deep in Laura's aching pussy. She could feel the almost spastic quivering of Deshona's body, and hear the desperate little squeaks of her frantic breathing. "Don't move!" Deshona gasped to her, as Laura hinted at disentangling their bodies. "No . . . don't move! Unhhhhh! Just . . . put your hand down there. Yes . . . like that. Oh god! Yes!" "Oh, you're going to come too!" Laura panted, her fingers slipping under the harness and the base of the dildo, finding the warm gooey wetness of Deshona's flooding pussy. A sharp tremor gripped Deshona's luscious body as she felt Laura's fingers invade her sopping-wet cunt. "Unhhh! Yes! Do it . . . do it . . . yes . . . do it . . ." she chanted, almost maniacally, now gyrating her hips and pushing her pussy into Laura's fingers, and also pushing the dildo in and out of Laura's pussy again. Fucking Laura with it had aroused her so much that she too was on the edge of another orgasm, and within seconds it engulfed her. "Oh Jesus . . . oh Jesus!" she groaned, her fingers digging into Laura's back, her breasts mashing down into Laura's as she rubbed her body against Laura urgently. "Oh . . . oh! Unngghmmnniiiiaaaaaa!" she cried out. "Oh! Unngghmmnniiiiaaaaaa!" The beginnings of a violent orgasm stiffened her body, then released it into a succession of convulsive shocks. With her free hand, Laura embraced her, pulling her down into her body, sucking her shoulder and her neck and still rubbing her pussy vigorously with her fingers as three sharp jolts of coming shook Deshona and left her gagging and sputtering, slumped now on top of Laura's body. For several long seconds they lay that way, glued together, panting, totally oblivious to anything but the tingling and aftershocks of their shared orgasms. Laura kissed her ear. "I don't know how to thank you," she whispered, playfully. "I really needed that. The second time really rattles my brain. Not to mention my pussy. Now I feel ready for my meeting." Deshona lifted her head and smiled, a dreamy, blasted, sexually-stunned smile at Laura. "I'm so glad you liked it," she half-gasped, still panting. "Seemed to work for me too." "You guys! I'm so jealous!" Dee Dee said, pouting, sitting up beside them, having watched the whole thing. "You didn't even do me long enough for me to come!" Laura and Deshona grinned at one another, amused, and now slowly disentangled their bodies. Deshona wiped off the strap-on dildo with one corner of the bed sheet. Both had a thin sheen of sweat coating their flesh from their hot moment, making them gleam. "Look at you, you're all wet," Dee Dee said in a hushed voice, as if in awe of them. "You two are really hot. I never saw anybody fuck like that." Deshona and Laura, moving as if in synchronization, as if they both knew the plan, pulled Dee Dee down on the mattress between them. "Mmmm, we're going to give you one last chance," Laura murmured, kissing the girl's smooth black neck, nuzzling her under the chin, cupping one of Dee Dee's marvelous breasts in one hand squeezing it meaningfully. Deshona slid behind her, pressing those marvelous round breasts into Dee Dee's very black and sinuous back, kissing her shoulderblades, murmuring too. "I'm going to fuck you with it, Dee Dee," she whispered. "Do you want me to fuck you with it? Do you think you can come this time?" Dee Dee froze, then sat up between them, as if an idea had just struck her. "I just need another quick little bump," she said, scooting down the bed toward the edge. Both Laura and Deshona grabbed her before she could reach the end of the bed, pulling her back. "No, no, no bumps," Laura said. "But—" "We can't wait," Deshona panted, running her light brown hands all over Dee Dee's sleek black body as they drew her back between them. "We have to fuck you now . . . we can't wait." "Ohhh!" Dee Dee sighed as both Laura and Deshona began to swarm all over her heatedly, much more aggressively and passionately than they had done the first time. They overwhelmed her with everything in their arsenal, and Dee Dee was soon writhing and whimpering, twisting excitedly between them. Laura was all over her marvelous young breasts, while Deshona managed to slip the dildo into her from behind and began fucking her with it much more forcefully than she had done earlier. She and Laura both seemed tacitly to realize that the only way Dee Dee was going to come was to be inundated by sharp, fierce, heated fucking, before she could lapse into her reeling trance. "Ungghh! Ungghh! Ohnngghh! Ungghh!" she grunted softly as Deshona fucked her. And now Laura, throwing caution to the winds, slid down Dee Dee's marvelous lean body to her pussy, watching the long ridged shaft of the dildo slide in and out of it as Deshona fucked her. She realized that there was probably one quick way to make Dee Dee come. Last night had taught her that. While Deshona fucked her, Laura leaned across the bed to the small table where she kept her baby oil and greased two fingers quickly with it. "Stop a minute," she said softly to Deshona. "Pull it out." Deshona, her face questioning Laura, pulled the dildo slowly out of Dee Dee's beautiful inflamed pussy. Laura's fingers slipped quickly under it, between Dee Dee's incredible firm buns, and up into her ass. "Annngghh!" Dee Dee groaned, looking down. "Put it in there. We'll make her go up like a rocket," Laura said, looking up at Deshona. She pulled her fingers out and guided the dildo with them up into Dee Dee's ass. Deshona, who had never really done this before to Laura's knowledge, not in the ass, was wooden and reluctant and needed encouragement. "Go ahead," Laura prompted. "Fuck her. She'll explode." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure. Do it." Slowly, holding it with her hand, Deshona began to thrust. The ridged dildo moved up into Dee Dee's ass. "Ohhhhhhh!" she whimpered, looking wildly back over her shoulder, as if she could see the invader. But she quickly whipped it back to the front as Laura began to simply inhale her pussy. Hell, if I'm going to pay for this, I might as well enjoy it to the max, Laura thought. She sucked and slurped Dee Dee's wonderful black-lipped pussy voraciously, stabbing her tongue deep into the squinchy wet hot-pink flesh in the deep glistening trench, finding Dee Dee's clit and tormenting it with her tongue and her lips until the girl was whinnying and jackknifing as she never had done earlier. We're going to get you there this time, honey! Laura thought, looking up to see Deshona's face all contorted with tension as she began to fuck Dee Dee's ass more and more forcefully. Then Laura looked in Dee Dee's eyes and could actually see the beginnings of her orgasm reflected there. She is going to come! she realized. It's working! Even through all that drug shit she piled on, we're getting through! "She's going to come," she gasped to Deshona, her lips glazed with thick nectars of pussy juice from Dee Dee's delicious cunt. "Get ready. Give it to her hard." And Dee Dee's lovely body was now undulating helplessly, rapidly, in the grip of an inevitable rhythm. "Ohhnnnnn . . . ohhnnnnn! Oh yes! Ohnnggghhhh! Ungghh! Aungghh!" she groaned, wincing as Deshona plunged the dildo up deep into her ass. Laura now introduced two fingers into Dee Dee's pussy too, as she continued to suck the girl's clit hungrily. She didn't know how anybody could fail to come in a situation like this. God, I would've exploded into a thousand pieces seconds ago, she thought. And then, without warning, she knew Dee Dee was going to come. She had seen it in her eyes, a faraway spark, a jagged leap of light. But when? How long would it take? She could hear Deshona grunting and panting as she drove the strap-on dildo up into Dee Dee's ass repeatedly. And she could hear Dee Dee's clipped, strangled moans and faint whinnying now and then, as she climbed closer to the pinnacle. She's there . . . she's there, Laura thought, hoping, sucking her, fucking her harder with her fingers. Come, honey, come! We want you to come! Please! Suddenly, she felt an involuntary twitch in one of Dee Dee's silky black thighs, against which her free hand was resting. She glanced up to see Dee Dee almost crunching her lovely small breasts in both hands, twisting her nipples, her face frozen in a grimace of excruciating ecstasy. A deep shudder then shook her body, and a helpless throttled cawing arose from deep in her throat. She began to come, and it was like a death rattle. Both Laura and Deshona seemed to realize at once—and together—that fucking her any more would be pointless. Dee Dee erupted in a long, rolling, agonizing, nearly silent orgasm that wrenched her quivering body repeatedly for nearly a half minute while Laura and Deshona ceased moving and held her pinned between them. After this long period of quivering and shaking, her voice somehow returned, and keening, painful moans began to flow from her lungs. "Auunnnnnnn . . . oohhnnnnnn . . . aahhhhhnnnnn!" she moaned, the flexing of her body now evening out, slowing down, until she was not moving but only moaning. After a while, even the moaning tapered away, and she lay nearly comatose, panting softly. "Hold on . . . I'm going to take it out," Deshona whispered to her, slowly removing the dildo from her ass, trying to make the exit easy. Laura wiped her own fingers and her lips on the sheet. "Well . . ." she purred to Dee Dee, trying to be as tender and conciliating as she could be, "we finally got you there, eh?" Dee Dee had the same look on her face that Deshona had had earlier: blasted, wiped out, dazed, shocked. "Didn't think I was going to get there," she confessed, half-ashamed, still breathless. "Guess I had a little too much—" "Never mind that," Laura cut her off. "What matters is that you got to the finish line." She smiled at Deshona. "We both had a wonderful time bringing you there." Dee Dee flopped back to the mattress on her back, sighing, stretching, her marvelous little black breasts jiggling, her soft gleaming nipples dancing. "Give me just a minute to recover, okay?" Laura nodded to the bathroom, beckoning Deshona to follow her. There was a large, half-full bottle of Listerine on the sink countertop, which she had bought right after her root canal job to rinse with. She poured a glass for herself and one for Deshona. "Wash your mouth out," she said, under her breath, beginning to run the Listerine vigorously around inside her own mouth. "You know something I don't?" Deshona asked, raising her eyebrow. "Yes . . . I do. Rinse. Rinse twice." Deshona obeyed, looking curious and chastened at the same time. "Wash your hands too," Laura said, washing her own. "With this anti-bacterial soap." While Deshona was rinsing her mouth, Laura happened to glance at the small travel clock which she always kept on the sink in the bathroom, just to check now and then. It was already two-twenty. "Oh, shit!" she snapped. "Wha?" Deshona asked, in mid-gargle, her eyebrows going up. Laura pointed at the clock. "I missed my meeting! Oh, fuck!" In the bedroom, Dee Dee was now sitting up, on the edge of the bed. Laura hastily retrieved her clothes and tossed them to her. She wasn't trying to rush her, but Dee Dee still looked phenomenally alluring, sitting there completely naked, all her delicious smooth black flesh exposed. And Deshona now came in from the bathroom, also stark naked, with her luscious firm round breasts swaying, and her amused, aloof demeanor as usual so hot and provocative to Laura. "I've got to get out of here, guys," Laura said, trying not to become hysterical. "I've missed my meeting. I've got to get back. It may still be going." She knew that, having missed it, she had to overcome her temptation to just call in sick and spend the rest of the afternoon fucking with these two incredible beauties. Deshona walked to the chair and began to pull on her things. "You can blame it on me," she said, nobly. "Just tell them I kept you long at lunch over a business idea. They'll understand." Laura shot her a suspicious glance. She knew Deshona had been meeting that very morning with Rhonda, before running into Laura. Was this a veiled allusion to her clout with the boss? And exactly what was the history of all that, anyway? She herself was almost dressed already. She looked over to see Dee Dee only now pulling up her panties. "Hurry, Dee Dee. We have to hurry." Dee Dee frowned. "Sorry." She smiled sweetly at Laura, as sweetly as she could, being ultimately devious, and humorless, even though obviously still half-reeling from the thrill of her stupendous orgasm. "You know," she said mock-innocently, while zipping up her jeans, still naked from the waist up, "I'm picking up Sara at the airport this evening at six-forty. You want me to give her a message?" Laura was briefly aware that both she and Deshona stopped breathing at this instant, though for only a second. Laura could feel the blood drain from her face, and she felt Deshona looking at her. Dee Dee waited, with an ambiguous smirk on her face. Laura gave her a tight smile. "Tell her to call me . . . as soon as she gets the chance." She looked straight into Dee Dee's eyes. "Tell her I'm dying to see her." Dee Dee nodded blankly. Oh god, just don't tell her we did this! Laura thought. Oh god, how can she not find out? Deshona could see Laura's anguish. Both of them were dressed now, and they stared at Dee Dee as if to pressure her to move faster. Finally, she was dressed too. Laura purposely supervised her search for items she might be tempted to leave behind. Outside, Dee Dee climbed into Sara's car. "I had fun," she squinted into the sun, smiling at Laura and Deshona. "Sorry we can't do it again." She turned her face to Deshona, wondering if there might be a possibility there. Deshona smiled back, opaquely. She and Laura watched Dee Dee drive off, then got into Deshona's Mercedes. On the drive back downtown, Laura thought of taunting and teasing Deshona about Dee Dee's obvious invitation but decided to forego it. If she wants to fuck her again, after all that we just went through, then how can I object? She looked over at Deshona, who was driving with her eyes intently on the road and the hair-raising traffic. "Did you have fun?" Laura asked. Deshona gave her the brief, patented, sexy-aloof smirk. "She was okay . . . but you were the one who really rattled my cage." Laura blushed happily, not having expected this reply. "So . . . you never did tell me why you looked so guilty this morning when I ran into you coming out of the bathroom. What's going on? Does it have to do with Rhonda?" Deshona swallowed, gripping the steering wheel more tightly. "She . . . wanted to invite me for dinner." She swallowed again. "I think she . . ." Then she turned her face to Laura, unable to control her sly glee. "I think she might be a little like you, Laura." "Right here," Laura interrupted her. "Stop right here. Let me off at the corner. I've got to run into the drug store for a minute and get some breath mints before I go in." Deshona pulled the car over and then put a finger on Laura's hand. Her eyes were very serious now, full of deep regard for Laura, resonating with the rich emotional history of their relationship. "I hope everything works out okay with her." Laura was already half out the door. She looked back, touched. "You do, don't you." Deshona nodded. "I do. Just call, okay?" "Promise," Laura said, then slipped out, shut the door, and waved goodbye.
To see what Dee Dee and/or Deshona look like, click here.
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