Laura - Chapter 267
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Her reunion with Sara was, to Laura's great relief, a total three-day immersion in glorious love and scintillating sex, exhausting but exhilarating too, and so filled with deep emotion that each of them seemed to need just a few hours apart after it, if only to digest the profound feelings they had shared. They were both deliriously in love. Unfortunately, on Monday morning Laura was sent to Dallas for the remainder of the week to clear up a problem there, and another enforced absence would keep her and Sara apart again. Both were disconsolate but so full of afterglow from their weekend that even this could not spoil it. Laura told Sara she would call her every night. And yet, there in the back of Laura's mind was the rest of her life, the earlier part, and Dallas inevitably meant to her Jonelle, and Ada. She would be away from Sara, who would never know. Since she had seen Jonelle on her last visit, she made up her mind to try contacting Ada. And, while she was packing, she whimsically tossed the strap-on dildo into her suitcase, thinking it would be great to have it along if the opportunity arose to use it. On the evening before Ada had abruptly resigned her job at Laura's company and rushed back to Texas, Laura had fucked her senseless with the fat double dildo, causing strings of fiery orgasms, and Ada had returned the favor, fucking Laura with it so exuberantly that she had been mortified afterward and unable to face the pleasure she had received and caused. Evidently her religious upbringing had slammed shut like the door of a vault on her blossoming sexual feelings. Laura patted the strap-on dildo, which lay among her lacy underthings in her suitcase. Think of how she'll love using this one, she thought. That is, if I can find her . . . and if I can persuade her. Overcoming that guilt might be tough. In the airplane on her way to Dallas, Laura tried to work, snapping open her laptop and browsing through some materials that she had been given on the problem she was being sent to resolve. Nevertheless, she could not keep her mind off Sara, and when she tried to stop thinking of her, she thought of Ada. Somehow it felt to her like she would be cheating on Sara if she sought out Ada and managed to break down her defenses. She felt like a scoundrel. Sara loves me. I love her more than anything. But the closer the plane came to Dallas, the more Laura could feel her sexual fever growing, the more she found her mind returning to Ada, to her charming shyness, her voluptuous, love-goddess body, even her horrible, grating voice, the kind that could peel the paint off walls. I don't care, I want to hear it, she told herself. I want to hear it when I slide my tongue into her pussy. I love hearing how she gurgles and screams like the horn of a Greyhound bus. In the Dallas office, Laura quickly found several people who were still in touch with Ada, and one of them obligingly gave Laura her office phone number after Laura explained that Ada had been her boss in San Francisco. Now the only tricky thing was picking the proper moment to call. And what to say. Ada would probably resist her at first, even though they had had a hot tryst together at the conference in Tucson, where they had met unexpectedly. But fundamentally, Ada believed that she had successfully escaped the temptations that Laura represented. For a while she stewed and cogitated over this, over when to call, and what to say, but it quickly began to get in the way of her concentration on the problem she had been sent there to solve. Finally, in mid-afternoon, she just picked up the phone and called. Ada's staff assistant said she was in Chicago and would not be back in the office until the next morning. Disappointed and relieved at the same time, Laura turned her attention back to her work and was pretty tired by the end of the day. On her way out, she noticed a stunning girl at the reception desk, whom she had not seen earlier having entered the building from another entrance. She had also never seen her on previous visits. Trying not to be obvious about it, but unable to stop herself, Laura approached her. The nameplate said SHANIQUA BRANCH. The girl was younger than Laura, about Dee Dee's age probably, twenty-five or so, and she was not by any means conventionally gorgeous, as Dee Dee, despite her peccadilloes, actually was. But Shaniqua was immediately more appealing, with a brisk, friendly, even vivacious manner, sparkling black eyes, an easy smile. She was dark but not deeply black like Dee Dee or Charise, more like Ada herself, or Sara—a rich, dark, creamy chocolate color. She had long black hair falling softly around her shoulders, and long bangs, which on a lovely girl were always enough to make Laura's pussy flutter. "God, I love your name," Laura said to her. "How do you pronounce it?" Shaniqua smiled up at her with simple, direct warmth. "Shaw-NEE-kwa," she said. "And thank you for asking. Some people make a mistake and put the accent on the first syllable. Like SHAWnuhkwa. That's because they don't ask, like you." "I think it's gorgeous. I would die to have such an exotic name." "What's yours?" Laura tried to keep her eyes from roaming all over Shaniqua. Even though she was sitting, she appeared to be as tall as Laura, lean and tall, though not skinny. She wore a gray sleeveless sweater, more like a jersey actually, and her shapely dark brown arms were smooth and lovely, her breasts not huge but just right for her lithe, lean body. Laura tried not to look. "Mine's Laura," she said, feeling a blush coming on, the result of her being too obviously attracted to Shaniqua and not wanting it to show. "Oh, you're Laura Robbins . . . from the San Francisco office! They told us you were coming out here for a few days." Laura nodded. She extended her hand. Shaniqua took her hand and swung around in her chair, suddenly animated, and much more vivacious even than before. "Gosh . . . San Francisco, how cool! I think it would be so cool to live there. I've seen it in the movies, on TV, it just seems so cool. I've never been there, though. But you know, since I started working here, I've thought about it a little. Since our headquarters is there . . . I figure there must be a few jobs. What do you think?" Laura smiled. That's all I need, she thought. To have you there, instead of safely back here in Dallas where I can't see you very often. "There might be some," she said, noncommittally. "Maybe I should just ask for a transfer and see what happens." Laura gave her a skeptical frown. "I think it would be better to visit first. You don't know, maybe you wouldn't like it. It's pretty windy . . . and not very warm, for example. Not like here."" "Maybe I should take a week's vacation there," Shaniqua smiled. "Would you show me around?" "Of course. You can even stay at my place, if you want. That'll make it cheaper. San Francisco is very expensive." Shaniqua could not believe her good fortune. She beamed, spilling over with excitement. "Really? I could stay at your place?" Oh god, Laura wondered, what have I got myself into? In the back of her mind she was thinking: Sara, Sara . . . I don't want to compromise this relationship. Why did I say that? But then she thought, Oh well, she probably wouldn't actually come. People don't do that any more, do they? Take a vacation somewhere, then turn around and move there? Do they? "Sure . . . I guess so . . ." she stammered in the glow of Shaniqua's enthusiasm. "What about my boyfriend?" Laura shook her head, almost relieved. "Sorry. I only have one extra room." Shaniqua grinned and looked sharply at Laura, as if Laura were a prude. "I understand," she said knowingly. "I don't blame you. Well, I'll think it over." "Just give me a call a few weeks ahead," Laura said. "God, you're so cool. I can't believe you're so cool. I will call you, Laura. And if I can't stay with you, maybe you can find me an inexpensive hotel." Laura smiled at her and took one last look up and down at Shaniqua, who was devastatingly desirable. Oh god, I wish you were coming back to my hotel room with me, she thought longingly. I think I would love to spend the night in your arms, you darling girl. But by the time she got to her hotel, she could think only of Sara. Both Ada and Shaniqua drifted out of her mind, replaced by a vision of the divine Sara, her one true love, the only woman whom the mere thought of could make her throb and brim over with deep longing and hungry yearning. She phoned her and lay in bed murmuring to her for nearly half an hour. They missed one another grievously. Even though her heart ached, Laura was filled with happiness to realize that Sara missed her as much as she missed Sara. Her biggest fear at going to Dallas had been—irrational though she knew it was—that somehow in her absence Dee Dee would finally spill the beans to Sara, and that Laura would not be there to clean up the mess. Or, she realized, somehow to magically prevent it from happening in the first place. She couldn't get over her conviction that once she was in Dallas, everything would come apart, and that if she had only stayed home she could miraculously will things to stay the way she wanted them to be; that is, for Sara never to find out she had slept with Dee Dee. Twice. Gulp. The next day she called Ada's office first thing. Ada was in but occupied in a meeting. She would not be available until afternoon. Laura phoned back after lunch and was told that Ada had been called away unexpectedly and would not be back until tomorrow. By this time, Laura was becoming vexed, irritable, and hurt. She's avoiding me. Damn her, she's still . . . still . . . Laura didn't know what Ada was 'still,' but it clearly seemed that her fear or rejection of Laura had not diminished or faded. You'd think I was going to drag her down on the floor and rape her or something, Laura thought, feeling very insulted. All I want is to see her, for Christ's sake. To talk to her. To look at her. She acts like I'm a goddamned sex maniac or something. On the other hand, Laura was honest enough with herself to know that if the chance presented itself, she would be all over Ada like white on rice. The more irritable and rejected she felt, the more she found herself recalling Ada naked, or Ada in her Venus Williams-style abbreviated goldenrod tennis dress, her black skin shining with healthy sweat, her huge bulbous nipples bulging provocatively beneath the fabric as she dashed to the net to intercept Laura's clever lob. These reveries heated up Laura so much that she did not dare call any more for fear that if Ada did answer, she, Laura, would reveal herself to be the panting, slavering lecher Ada apparently felt she truly was. Instead, she poured herself into this task she had been sent here to do, and it was nearly seven-thirty before she looked up and realized she had not had dinner. Wearily, she began to pull on her coat when the phone in her borrowed office rang. "Laura?" "Ada! God, it's you!" Ada laughed nervously. "Of course it's me. What a surprise. You're in Dallas. I hope you can forgive me for not calling you right back. I've really been bashed by work." "Oh . . . it's okay," Laura said, forgetting all the vile canards she had been dreaming up about Ada. "It's just so good to . . . hear your voice." She suppressed a tiny chuckle, since Ada's voice was perhaps her least forgivable quality. It could sound like the screech of a crow magnified a hundred times, if she grew excited. Or sexually aroused, Laura remembered, smiling. But right now it was indeed soft and beguiling, and Laura realized that she truly was very glad to hear it. "Have you eaten yet? I'm just finishing up here, and I thought maybe we could meet some place for dinner." "Starved," Laura admitted. "Tell me where and I'll catch a cab." They met at a small steak house Ada knew of and dined intimately in a secluded banquette by candlelight. Wow, Laura wondered, half-jokingly to herself, is she trying to seduce me? I can tell you, it won't be hard. I'm hornier than a tick already, just looking at her. She realized that most people might not feel this way since Ada was dressed, as usual, in a businesslike though stylish way with a flamboyant yellow scarf around her throat, a tailored jacket, and a skirt that came nearly to her ankles. On top of that, her hair was swept back in a fold behind her head in a hairstyle that Laura had always loved pulling loose. Ada was actually very reserved and shy, not to say repressed, and when her hair was pulled loose and all messy and shaggy around her face, she was to Laura wildly sexy. But right now she looked like a successful business woman, which she was. Totally immaculate, totally in control, very much reminiscent to Laura of Deshona except that Ada did not have the cold, aloof exterior that Deshona presented to the world. Instead, she was warm and friendly, as always. (She was also statuesque and voluptuous, a true full-figured woman, not petite and small-boned like Deshona.) And of course the constant undercurrent to their conversation was the knowledge that they had together experienced a kind of fucking that most people could only dream of. They had not seen one another since their accidental meeting in Tucson, when they had fucked for two days straight during a conference they were attending, ducking out of forums and banquets, wearing each other out with energetic sex. Laura was sure that Ada had thus indulged herself since she had felt the prospects of ever seeing Laura again were almost nil, and yet here they were, sitting together in a restaurant, romantically ensconced in the dim recesses, both looking soft and alluring in the candlelight. You never could tell. However, both were careful never to allude to this last tryst of theirs. Laura kept quiet because she didn't want to seem pushy, as if she had called Ada just so they could take a few quick tumbles while she happened to be in Dallas. And she was not surprised that Ada said nothing about it since Ada was painfully reticent about sex and became charmingly scandalized whenever Laura mentioned it. Her father had been a Christian minister, and Ada was about as inhibited as one could get. It was—perversely, Laura realized—a part of her charm. "Come on, I can drop you back at your hotel," Ada said, as they left the restaurant. "Which one? Sheraton or Marriott?" She named the hotels closest to Laura's company's offices. "Sheraton," Laura said, glumly. She was feeling bad. Ada did not seem to want to get together. She seemed content to chat over dinner, then drop Laura off and forget about it. Maybe she has another 'friend,' Laura thought, not knowing whether to be happy or sad about that. It would be good for Ada to have someone else, a woman or a man, it wouldn't matter. Probably a woman would be better, though, since any woman who could gain her confidence would probably understand her shyness and inhibitions better than a man. But a man would be okay too. Ada had a body made for love, and she truly reveled in fucking once you got her into it, Laura knew. But she apparently wasn't interested in resurrecting their hot moments with Laura. She pulled up at the taxi/limousine entrance to the hotel for Laura to jump out of her car. Laura was all choked up for a moment and couldn't get out. She could not bring herself to open the car door. "Gosh, it was great to see you, Laura," Ada said warmly. "Can't we . . . you know, go have a drink or something?" Ada smiled uncomfortably. "You know I don't drink," she said, very softly. Laura risked all. She looked deeply into Ada's eyes, then dropped her own eyes to Ada's full mouth. "Come upstairs with me. Please." For a long time Ada looked at her without speaking. Laura thought she was on the verge of saying yes. Then a taxi honked behind them and flashed its lights. "Oh shit," Laura said, impulsively. Ada shook her head ever so slightly. "I can't." "You can." Ada shook her head again, more forcefully. Tears blurred Laura's vision, not tears of anguish but only sheer frustration. You would like it, Ada. I would make love to you. How long since anyone made love to you? Oh, don't answer that. Suddenly, Laura could see it in Ada's dark, shining eyes. The truth. No one had made love to Ada since Laura had done it in Tucson. Ada had reverted to her celibate life, which was far less threatening than what she had encountered in Laura's arms. "Pull over somewhere so we can talk," Laura said firmly. "I . . . can't, Laura. I have to go home. I'm tired, I need some sleep." "Why are you being this way?" Ada shook her head, her eyes now glistening too. "Oh . . . all right . . . just for a second," she said, looking over her shoulder at the cabbie, who was still honking, rhythmically now. She drove out of the carriage entrance into the street, then down the block, parking in front of a darkened office building. She shut off the engine and turned to Laura, clearly exasperated but also disturbed. Laura believed she was still fighting the urge to give in. "You want to," Laura whispered. "I know you do. Just come up for a little while. We'll take a shower together. Nobody will know." Maybe it was playing dirty, but Laura knew the allusion to the shower would pierce Ada to the quick. They had first fucked in the shower of Ada's townhouse after playing tennis, and in Tucson they had fucked in the shower twice. Somehow it seemed to make their sex unbelievably hot to do it when they were all wet, and Laura knew if there was a shortcut to Ada's sweet pussy, it would be mention of the shower. Ada smiled in the shadows that swathed the car and would have blushed, Laura was certain, were she pale enough to blush. "You don't play fair, Laura," she whispered. "I want to kiss you," Laura whispered back. There was a long pause while Ada tried to come up with new stratagems of resistance. It was so quiet that they could hear one another breathing. "I've been a very good girl since you've been out of my life," Ada finally said, in a strained, tortured voice, very soft but mangled by suppressed pain. "Now you have to show up again." "You want me to leave." Ada shook her head. She gave Laura a wan, yielding smile. "I'd love to kiss yuh . . . but I just washed my hay-uh," she said, quoting Bette Davis, a joke she and Laura had shared now for a long time. Laura put a hand on hers. "Come upstairs with me. I'll wash it for you." Ada slowly shook her head. Laura felt her heart sink. Oh god, she's going to hold out. She is really determined not to give in. "Let's go to my place instead," Ada breathed, almost too inaudibly for Laura to hear. "More privacy." Laura actually had to swallow a squeal of glee. She squirmed in her seat, grinning from ear to ear as Ada started up the car. The thought of the strap-on dildo upstairs in her suitcase briefly troubled her, since it would be the height of bad manners as well as debauched taste to ask Ada to wait while she retrieved it. They would not be able to use it, but she and Ada had incinerated each other with fucking many times before without the need of such aids. Ada now lived in a high-rise apartment, about ten minutes from Laura's hotel. They parked in the basement garage and took a speedy elevator to the twenty-sixth floor. "You're doing pretty well for yourself, girl," Laura told her. "This place is even nicer than your last one." Ada smiled as she removed her tailored jacket. Now that they were inside, alone, proceeding slowly toward the inevitable, she had softened and warmed up to Laura. "It really is good to see you, Laura," she murmured. Laura threw her own coat on the sofa back, on top of Ada's jacket. She held out her arms. Ada came into them shyly, as if she had forgotten how to kiss or embrace. "Laura . . . you're evil," she whispered, smiling, eyes shining. "You just make me melt. Now you see why I had to run away." "Don't talk," Laura said, pressing her lips into Ada's full mouth, kissing her slowly, sensually, running her hands up and down Ada's back, dropping them suggestively to her large, firm round ass and squeezing it, digging her fingers into the firm moons, then raising her hands again to Ada's face, caressing her phenomenally smooth cheek tenderly. "Are you going to use those dirty words again?" Ada murmured into Laura's lips. "Mmmm . . . you love it when I talk dirty to you, don't you," Laura sighed, now kissing her more aggressively, sucking her full lips, driving her tongue deep into Ada's mouth. Ada laughed softly and pulled her face back, her black eyes glistening. "Whenever I think of you, I think of those awful words. I think of Laura talking like a truck driver . . . like a rapist or something." "Mmmm, you like me to rape you too, don't you. Admit it." Ada held Laura's face in both hands, looking deep into her eyes. "Hold still a minute and let me look at you. I still can't believe you're really here." "I really am. What about that shower? I don't know about you, but I'm feeling sooooo dirty." Now Ada laughed out loud. "God, you are a caution!" Then she stopped laughing and Laura could see her eyes suddenly go all glassy, as if the point had sunk in. "Come on," Ada laughed, "I'll show you the bathroom." "Shouldn't we get undressed first?" Laura asked her suggestively again, as they passed through the darkened master bedroom on their way to the bathroom. Ada stopped and turned, smiling, embarrassed. "I never met anyone like you, Laura. Where are your manners? I'm showing you around. We can't just . . . you know, start doing everything . . . without a little getting ready, you know?" Laura took Ada into her arms, finding her pliant and willing, kissing her again, raising her hands to Ada's breasts, fondling them aggressively through her blouse and bra. "I can," she whispered. "I want you. I want this luscious body." "You've got sex on the brain," Ada scoffed, flattered, breathing harder. Laura kissed her dark, smooth neck hungrily, loosening the expensive yellow scarf at the knot with her fingers. Then she kissed Ada's smooth throat. "I've got Ada on the brain." Ada pushed her gently away. "Tell you what. You leave your clothes on the bed there. I'll get some towels." "Good idea," Laura said, meaningfully. "It's probably going to be very wet." Ada 'blushed' and let it pass. "Then I'll join you in the shower. How's that?" Laura grinned at her reluctantly. "If you take more than one minute, I'm coming to look for you," she warned. She realized as she undressed in the dark bedroom, however, that if Ada had joined her in disrobing, they probably would not have made it to the shower at all. Now naked, she popped into the bathroom and found it spacious and marbled, much like Ada's other bathroom. The shower stall was large, separate from the tub, which was also a jacuzzi, Laura realized, like her own. This unfortunately made her think of Dee Dee, which made her think of Sara, and quickly her feelings were in a turmoil totally unconnected to her anticipation of Ada's return. To stop herself from thinking, she turned on the shower, getting it hot, and looking at herself in the mirror through the swirling filigrees of steam that began to develop. Here you are, cheating on your darling Sara again, Laura, she told herself, a little sternly. But before she could keep castigating herself, Ada appeared with a stack of bath towels. She was also naked, the column of towels held up in front of her body, concealing most of the delectable parts. "Well, aren't you going to get in?" she asked Laura. "You're wasting my hot water." "Oh. Of course." Laura opened the shower stall door and stepped inside, leaving it open a crack for Ada. A moment later, Ada too stepped inside, pulling the glass door shut behind her. Laura's knees grew suddenly weak as she realized what pleasure was in store. The warm water from the shower immediately poured over their naked bodies, making them shiny and wet. Laura pulled Ada's voluptuous, glistening body to hers and sucked the water off her neck, pushing her wet breasts into Ada's, feeling Ada's soft, puffy nipples rubbing against her taut coral buds, excited both from the water and the from the swelling sexual desire she was feeling. "God, honey, it's been too long," she gasped, licking the water droplets from Ada's shiny wet body thirstily. She kissed Ada's neck up to her ear, nipping her earlobe, breathing hot breath into the dark whorled beauty, dropping her hands at the same time to Ada's substantial bottom and digging her fingers into the springy round flesh. Ada shivered and moaned softly, her knees obviously weakening too, as Laura's had done. She tried to get her mouth on Laura's body too, but Laura was too much for her. Instead, her hands caressed Laura's wet back, then rose to Laura's face. "Kiss me, Laura," she murmured through the crash of the shower water. "Kiss me before you . . . do anything else. Please. I haven't kissed you enough. I want to kiss you more." "I will kiss you as long as you like," Laura breathed. "I will kiss you forever." They stood in the hot rain and steam of the shower, kissing sensually and running their hands over each other's wet body, for at least a minute. Laura knew they must have kissed this romantically many times before, but this felt completely fresh and new, and Ada seemed to be a marvelous mixture of pliant sexuality and hungry carnal lechery as she intermingled her tongue with Laura's, dropping her hands now to Laura's breasts and squeezing them urgently. Ada's hair was still tightly folded behind her head, and while they kissed, Laura began to pull out the bobbie pins that held it in place, tossing them one by one over the top of the shower door into the bathroom, until Ada's black, thick hair spilled down around her shoulders in the way that always made a fire alarm go off deep inside Laura's pussy. Her own hair was already matted in wet ropes around her neck and shoulders, and now that Ada's was billowing out from her head, it began to collect tiny glimmering diamonds of shower water. By now Laura had pushed Ada back against the tiled wall of the shower and was kissing and sucking and licking her wet, glistening, dark body more aggressively than ever, dropping her face between Ada's large, pendulous breasts, these full, jutting, beautifully-sculpted masterpieces of flesh that she knew no one could have ever appreciated as much as she did. She began to kiss the slippery dark brown globes, moving her mouth from side to side, feeling Ada's fingers dig into her wet, bare shoulders. Ada's breasts were so beautiful—large, springy, round, wet gourds of flesh, her nipples bulging and bursting and swollen and black and shiny wet—that Laura had to restrain herself from being too rough in her voracious love-assault. She wanted to just suck them down and swallow them greedily. In the middle of kissing and kneading them, she remembered that unlike most women, Ada could actually come just from having them sucked, which she had done once or twice with Laura, to her and Laura's happy surprise. What made Laura remember it was the way Ada's body was quivering and trembling even now, in anticipation of Laura's mouth on her nipples. They were very sensitive, as well as being large, mouth-tempting bulbs of delight. Laura didn't make her wait. She quickly took one wet black plum deep into her mouth, sucking the water from it and swallowing eagerly, pulling on Ada's plump nipple so sharply that she could hear a tiny cawing gurgle rise up in Ada's throat, even over the noise of the shower water. "Uawwnnggmmm!" Ada grunted softly, clawing Laura's shoulder. "Ohnnggg . . . god, we can't do this, Laura!" she gasped. "You're . . . you're getting me too excited! I'm going to fall or something!" "You're not going to fall." Laura pushed her back against the wall, releasing Ada's nipple from her mouth and raising her face to Ada's again, kissing her ravenously and squeezing both of Ada's large wet breasts in her hands. She had been aggressive and passionate before, but now she unleashed the full heat of her lust on Ada. "You said that before, remember?" Laura panted, reminding her. "But you didn't fall. You just held onto me . . . and the lights went out for a second. Remember?" While she was talking, Laura was kissing and sucking every part of Ada's face and neck, slurping the water off her delicious shiny black skin, pinching her large, bulbous nipples, slithering her tongue between Ada's sensual lips. Ada moaned. She tried to laugh but was overcome by Laura's onslaught. "Oh!" she gasped, half-giggling, clutching Laura's wet, slippery flesh awkwardly, but craning her neck, giving Laura every access to this beautiful part of her body. "Oh! Oh . . . Laura!" "Ada . . . you are so lovely," Laura gasped, licking the beads of water from one of Ada's shiny black shoulders, slithering her tongue into the spooned shallow beneath her collarbone. "I want your beautiful body, I want every inch of you, I love kissing and licking you . . . I want to fuck you, Ada." Now Ada broke out in genuine giggles, though again they were truncated by a quick, helpless moan as Laura's mouth reached her nipples once more. "Ohhnnnn! Oh, there you go with that word again," she laughed, then winced, as Laura quickly sucked one large wet nipple deep into her mouth. She held Ada's large, wet breast in both hands and devoured Ada's nipple like a starving woman, kneading the firm globe with her wet fingers, watching the rivulets run down the shimmering wet black skin, then pulling on the soft pulpy bulb of Ada's nipple until it grew thick and hard between her lips. She could almost feel it pulsing and throbbing. "Ohhh! Ohhhhh!" Ada moaned, quivering sharply. Laura knew it was possible to make Ada come this way, though she didn't know whether she could do it again. I'm going to try, though, she thought, scooping up Ada's other breast the same way and devouring that nipple hungrily too. Ada was now slumping, sagging against the wall, her body heavier against Laura's as Laura pushed back to keep her standing. And Ada was not a small woman. Not short and petite like Deshona, or even short and fleshy like Sara, or lean and rangy (though also short) like Dee Dee, she was a large, voluptuous, big-boned statuesque goddess of a woman, as tall as Laura, full-bodied, and not easy to keep on her feet if she was slumping forward onto you. But Laura at this moment had superhuman strength, it seemed, energized by a wholesome, full-throttle desire to entirely consume this delicious creature, who so deserved to be loved and fucked into paradise but who, for whatever reason, could rarely permit herself to be ravished, and possibly only by Laura. Feeling this energy permeate her own body, Laura pinned Ada against the wall as the warm shower water poured over them both and the echoes of their panting and whimpering filled the small shower stall. She found that by squatting and bending slightly in a tensile crouch, she could hold both of her arms under Ada's armpits to keep her from slouching, then pepper Ada's delicious, jutting, water-dripping breasts with kisses and sucks that soon had her gasping and half-squealing, writhing, trembling so sharply that Laura's was convinced she might actually come. "Ohhh . . . you like this, don't you," she panted to Ada, raising the volume of her voice to be heard over the relentless noise of the shower. "You want me to suck you . . . do you want me to suck them harder?" "Oh . . . god! God, yes!" Ada whimpered, again slumping forward, her wet, bobbing breasts pushing into Laura's face. Laura realized that Ada indeed might slip and fall. They had done this before, but Laura now found herself wondering how they had managed it without disaster. Slowly, easing her down, she let Ada's body slide against the wet tile of the shower stall, until Ada was sitting, with Laura crouched between her spreading thighs. Fortunately, the shower stall was just wide enough to permit Ada to stretch out her legs partially, knees slightly bent. Laura now unleashed a feverish passion-attack on her, and, almost surprisingly, almost refreshingly, she heard what until now she had not heard once, the rising wail of Ada's incredible airhorn of a voice. Curled up between Ada's yawning thighs, Laura got two fingers up into her meaty wet cunt, scissoring the large pulpy grape of Ada's clit between them, rubbing her pussy sharply while again slurping and sucking her bulging wet black nipples. Ada went wild. "Auunngghmmnngghhh! Anngghaaiiiii!" her voice keened up, a piercing whine loud enough to shatter the glass of the shower stall, Laura was sure. But it didn't matter. Laura knew now that she had Ada where she wanted her, and she quickly turned up the heat even more, letting her mouth leave Ada's aroused nipples only long enough to kiss her almost savagely, while fingerfucking her urgently at the same time. "I want you to come . . ." she panted into Ada's mouth, intercepting the frantic moans that pealed out of it. "I want you to come. Honey . . . you're going to come." "Oh yes! Oh yes! Ungghhh!" The hot water and steam were intense, spraying them, drenching them, relentless, but both of them, though slumped and curled together at the bottom of the cramped shower stall, were flexing and gasping and clutching each other desperately as Ada hurtled forward to her inevitable climax. Laura dropped her mouth again to Ada's wet nipples, licking the rivulets of water from her large round breasts, and Ada began to churn her hips awkwardly up into Laura's thrusting hand. It was hard for either of them to move, but they did anyway, their wet bodies squeaking as they rubbed against the tile, frantic, desperate, whimpering and gasping to one another, warm, slippery, rubbing flesh everywhere, hungry, frenzied. "Yes, Laura . . . yes, Laura! Auunngghh! Auunngghmmnngghhh!" Another one of Ada's ferocious, whining moans, the kind that could shatter plaster, rose out of her lungs and filled the shower stall, drowning out even the loud hissing sizzle of the shower water. Oh god, she is going to come! Laura realized. She's almost there! Oh, Ada! Yes! "Auunngghmmnngghhh!" Ada wailed again, this time gyrating the lower part of her body more forcibly, her nails biting into Laura's shoulders, her face torn in a grimace of intense pleasure and striving. Laura cradled one of Ada's large breasts in the palm of her free hand and took Ada's plump, swollen, glistening-wet black nipple deep into her mouth, nearly swallowing it, sucking it lovingly but harder by the micro-second, even sinking her teeth a little into the large, puffy areola, suspecting that this would bring Ada quickly to the fiery finish. It only took about a second for her to know she was right. A sharp tremor shook Ada's flesh, and, looking up, Laura saw her eyes go suddenly glassy and her head fall back. At the same instant she felt Ada's hips twitch forward and up, then felt her pelvis quiver spastically. Laura sucked Ada's thick, rubbery wet nipple even harder, pumping even faster with her hand, thrusting her fingers up into Ada's buttery, clenching channel. Then she felt the dam burst. "Unniieee . . . unniieee!" Ada half-whinnied, her body stretching and squirming desperately in the cramped space. And then she was coming in long, killing spasms, at first making only a clotted, gurgling sound in her throat as the initial impact struck her, but then unleashing a devastating moan that filled the bathroom, rising to a shriek of fierce ecstasy. "Auunngghiimnmnnniieeeeee!" she cried out, struggling, clutching and grasping Laura, gyrating her hips up into Laura's plunging hand, biting her lower lip as Laura continued trying to swallow her throbbing nipple. "Ungghh! Ohnngghhh!" It was a long, intense, and exhausting orgasm. Laura clung to Ada's spasming body, releasing her nipple after only a few seconds, and not hand-fucking her either, just holding her while Ada groaned and flexed, then whimpered through the dying waves of her climax. They were so crammed into the tiny space of the shower stall that for a few seconds Laura was afraid Ada might get painful muscle cramps, being unable to stretch out and flex while she was suffering through the intense pleasure of these sexual spasms, but she helped her, holding her, even shifting Ada's body as she came, pulling her up, turning her slightly so that one leg could fully extend, then shifting back to let her extend the other, until the spasms began to weaken and Ada merely slumped back against the wall, panting. And even though they had risen and fallen together in the rhythm of Ada's sexual arousal, first to the pinnacle, then slowly down again, the shower had never stopped and continued to beat down on their sensitized bodies, pinpoints of hot water striking their skin everywhere, the noise incredibly loud now that their panting and Ada's shrieks had passed. Laura's hair was matted in heavy, wet ropes around her neck and shoulders, and Ada's was likewise soggy and webbed and sticking to her cheeks and forehead. The water ran in quicksilver rivulets down her velvety, glistening black skin, and her slack, dazed, bewildered look made her more desirable than ever to Laura, who had not climaxed herself and was still fiercely horny. Ada cleared her throat, half-shouting to make herself heard over the roar of the shower water, which now seemed doubly loud to both of them. "Do you think we could do the rest of this in there on the bed?" she asked Laura, comically. "I'm getting a little stiff down here." Laura raised her eyebrows, smiled, shouting back. "Stiff, eh? Sounds like what I need." Ada 'blushed' and scoffed. "Oh . . . you!" She poked Laura affectionately on the chin with a loose fist. Then she glanced up at the shower head. "Let's get out of here. I'm drowning." Laura reached up to the faucets with both hands and turned them off. While her arms were extended, Ada put her own hands on Laura's wet, slightly shimmying breasts. "On second thought," she murmured, lowering her voice now that the shower had stopped, "don't move." She lifted her hands from Laura's breasts to the wet ropey strands of Laura's hair, caressing them. "My little wet rat," she said solemnly, then smiled. It was an old joke between them. "My little wet white rat." Laura brought her face closer and they kissed emotionally. During the kiss Ada again dropped her hands to Laura's breasts, now squeezing them more passionately, then tweaking Laura's nipples with her fingers. A sharp shiver seized Laura, and they both realized how cold they were without the hot shower running. "Your little white rat is freezing to death," Laura gasped. "Mmmm, Mama Ada knows how to warm you up," Ada purred as they both struggled to their feet. They couldn't resist one last kiss while they were both wet and slippery and still tingling, Ada physically and Laura sympathetically, from the powerful eruption of Ada's orgasm. "I love feeling my wet body against yours," Laura whispered into her silky black cheek. "I've missed it," Ada breathed, running her fingers all over Laura's ass. "Come into the bed with me and let me have all of you." They toweled one another off, lovingly, and spent a long, slow night of love in Ada's bed. Later in the week, in Laura's hotel room, Ada allowed herself to be seduced yet again by Laura, who had grown used to it and realized that each time Ada had to be won over anew, and encouraged to give in to the sexual urges of her magnificent body. Laura had actually come to enjoy it, each tantalizing hint, each sensual nudge, since both of them knew what would eventually happen, but Ada insisted on dragging her feet. Laura, however, had this time an ulterior motive. "So," she purred to Ada, nuzzling her smooth black throat as they lay snuggled together after a slow, simmering session of incredibly sensitive fucking, "tell me what lucky woman . . . or man . . . gets the pleasure of making love to this gorgeous body these days." Ada looked embarrassed, then perplexed. Then she looked a little cross with Laura. "What a thing to ask. Laura, don't you have any manners?" Laura shook her head. "I want to know." "That really isn't your business, is it?" "I guess not. But I'm very curious." "I . . ." Ada turned her head away, facing the ceiling, since initially they were face to face with their heads lying on Laura's pillow. Finally, after a long pause, which Laura allowed to happen, feeling there was truth at the end, she said, "I haven't . . . you know, done this with anyone . . . since I last saw you." Laura had suspected as much. She leaned forward and kissed Ada's cheek. Then she kissed Ada's ear, running the tip of her tongue into the dark whorls, then into the center. Ada sighed and squirmed a little. "Actually . . ." she said in a soft, distant voice, very unusual for Ada, whose normal voice could cut through marble, "there is someone . . . this woman I met at work who . . . I think she . . . oh, I don't know." "You think what?" "I think . . . she likes me." Ada smiled wanly, still staring at the ceiling. "I remember what it was like when you . . . liked me." She turned her face to Laura again. Her eyes were wide and shiny. "She looks at me like . . . you did. I mean, I never really noticed a woman liking me . . . before you did." "Like she wants to fuck you from here to November and back," Laura whispered. Ada frowned and giggled at the same time. "You're so nasty. You and your awful words." "Repeat after me," Laura teased her solemnly. "This woman wants to fuck me. She wants to lick my beautiful black pussy and suck on my big beautiful clit. She wants to suck on my nipples and give me nipple orgasms, like Laura does. In fact, she wants to do all those things to me that Laura does. I think I might like it. I think I might like having her eat my pussy. Go on, now. Say it." Ada laughed out loud, nervously, her eighteen-wheeler airhorn of a voice keening up like a trumpet blast. "You are so baaaad. What am I going to do with you?" Laura flirted silently with her, still in a teasing mood. Slowly, moving very gracefully since she could feel Ada's eyes everywhere on her naked body, she slid off the bed and slipped across the room to her suitcase, which was propped open on a luggage stand near the bathroom. She returned to the bed with the strap-on dildo adroitly concealed behind her. "I can think of one thing," she murmured to Ada, rubbing her naked breasts against Ada's magnificent mounds, watching their nipples slide and brush together. Slowly, Laura drew the strap-on out from behind her back, pulling it up so that Ada could see it. Ada's shiny black eyes nearly popped out of her head. "What's that!" Laura, tilting her head to the side, mused theatrically. "Oh . . . a toy." Ada frowned. "You aren't using that perverted thing on me." Laura batted her eyelashes, again moving her body closer so that her excited nipples brushed Ada's. "I was kind of hoping you'd use it on me," she whispered, as sultry as possible. A strange mixture of emotions passed across Ada's face. First there was a slow, agreeable smile curling her mouth, as if she had never contemplated anything so wildly, wickedly exciting. But there was also a flicker of fear in her dark eyes, a confusion, a realization that Laura had entrapped her, and that she didn't want to escape but really should exert every effort to break free. She's trying not to let herself give in, Laura realized. I have to nudge her forward, but I have to be careful. Or do I? She really wants it. Look how her breathing grew faster. I can even see a pulse beating in that wonderful smooth neck. Using the swelling head of the ribbed dildo, Laura carefully, but very suggestively, drew invisible circles with it on Ada's breasts, curving around Ada's big nipples, even rubbing the stiffening centers with it as Ada looked down. "You know you want to," Laura murmured, very softly. "Remember when you did it to me . . . back in San Francisco? When you fucked me? God, Ada, I've dreamed of it ever since. I loved it. I came so hard. I loved it when you fucked me." Now she ran the dildo up and down gently in the deep valley between Ada's large, out-thrusting breasts. "I want you to fuck me again. Can you do that . . . just for me? Please?" Ada shook her head from side to side, but it was clearly not a refusal. It was more like she was clearing the cobwebs, trying to shake away her confused impulses. "Laura . . . you are the devil," she said, but her smile belied her words. Laura again rubbed the ridged dildo up and down between Ada's magnificent breasts. "I knew you'd agree . . . I knew you'd want to . . ." she breathed, leaning forward, kissing Ada's neck right where the hot blood was pulsing under the smooth dark skin. "Oh Laura," Ada trembled, half-sighing. "You can't be serious. You know how this goes against everything—" "Goes against what?" Laura replied softly, now kissing her shoulders, her earlobes. "You want to give me pleasure, don't you?" "Yes." "Nothing gives me more pleasure than having you . . ." Laura giggled softly, sexily, choosing her words carefully. "Ram it into me." "Oh god." "God has nothing to do with it." Laura held up the strap-on dildo between them. The harness dangled. "Just wholesome fucking between friends. Please?" Ada's eyes had left Laura's and were traveling every inch of the dildo. "It's so . . . long." She ran her fingertip over the ridges. "These little things must feel . . ." "Incredible," Laura supplied the word. Maybe after you do me, I can do you, darling, she thought, but did not dare to say it. Ada was still teetering; closer than ever, but still teetering. "How does it go on?" Ada asked, almost innocently. "You might make fun of me, but I never heard of such a thing before." "Let me show you," Laura purred, eyelids heavy now, her own pussy feeling hot and runny, knowing that she had pretty much won the battle but still moving carefully forward. Caressing Ada's long dark legs as she moved, she slipped the loops of the harness over Ada's shapely ankles and began to draw it up. Ada stopped her before the harness had reached her knees. She put a hand on Laura's wrist. "I meant on you," she said. "Show me on you." Acting almost as if she didn't hear her, Laura kept on pulling the harness up, across Ada's large, beautiful, smooth black thighs. Ada's hand, still on Laura's wrist, rode up with it. In the back of her mind Laura was wondering if Ada wanted her, Laura, to try on the strap-on because she really wanted to be the first to be screwed with it. But she knew that couldn't be true. Instead, she was just trying to prevent this, the fait accompli, the dildo in place, jutting out from her own groin, and ready to ram. "Lift that beautiful bottom a little . . ." Laura prompted her. "That's it . . . now . . . there it is, all ready to . . . oh, you know." She smiled demurely and deviously up at Ada, who looked down in disbelief at the long, wobbling shaft that sprang up from her crotch. Ada then burst out in nervous laughter. "I can't believe this!" she gasped. Not daring to let the excitement of the mood change, or the intimacy they felt to become dissipated, Laura again leaned forward and kissed her, caressing Ada's cheek with her lips, then her neck again, loving to let her lips linger on the beating pulse there. She raised her hands to Ada's magnificent breasts and fondled them tenderly, lightly pinching Ada's large soft nipples. "If your daddy could only see you now, eh?" Laura whispered into Ada's ear, following her words with her tongue and a gush of hot breath. Ada quivered sharply. "He'd die," she whispered back, turning her face to Laura and catching Laura's mouth with her own. Ada's kiss was hot and passionate and wet. Her hands came up to Laura's shoulders, and they were tense with lust. There was no other word for it. Laura seized the moment. Skillfully, while they were still kissing, she reached behind Ada for the bed pillows, pulling them closer, then pushed Ada back against them. "Just lie back . . . like this . . ." she coached, straddling Ada's thighs as Ada leaned back into the mound of pillows. "Now . . . hold onto it a little bit, like I'm doing." Laura grasped the dildo with her fingers and watched while Ada did the same. In a fluid motion, Laura lifted her crotch over the upstanding dildo and carefully, after rubbing the thick head a few times between her puckering labia, lowered her pussy onto it. "Keep holding it . . . keep holding it," she panted, releasing her own fingers, looking down, as Ada was, to watch the entire long ridged shaft slowly disappear up into her throbbing cunt. Laura took the entire stalk into her body, and Ada had to let go of it finally as Laura's cunt reached her groin. Laura was completely impaled on the rod, and the sensations were stark and intense. She froze and clenched her teeth, throwing her head back, keening deep in her throat. "Oh . . . shit!" she hissed softly. Ada was looking up at her, concerned. She raised her hands to Laura's breasts. "Are you all right?" "Oh . . . yes!" Laura half-growled in a sexually-crazed, guttural tone. She didn't want to alarm Ada, whom she knew was already shocked by the depth of Laura's sexual energies and proclivities, but the way she felt at this instant, crouching over Ada, the strap-on dildo jutting up from Ada's groin and buried deep in Laura's pulsing, running pussy, was enough to make her want to scream with joy and fierce ecstasy in the same cry. Slowly, she began to get control of herself and to gyrate her hips. It was a heavenly moment. Laura was not too far gone yet in her sexual mania to fail to enjoy the vision of Ada, propped up on the pillows, her voluptuous black body sleek and smooth against the white sheets, her large, firm breasts swirling as she reacted to Laura's gyrations, her dark eyes pulsing with sexual excitement, her face scrutinizing Laura's as if to absorb through her gaze the acutely intense pleasure Laura was obviously feeling. Earlier she had raised her hands to Laura's naked, bobbing breasts, but now she had dropped them again, holding Laura's thighs with her fingers, now even churning her own hips, sliding the dildo deep up into Laura in response to Laura's undulations. Laura reached down for her hands and pulled them up again to her breasts. They were communicating with their eyes, not speaking, and in fact Laura was panting so rapidly now, and groaning a little with each gyration, that she could not speak anyway. But Ada got the point. She squeezed Laura's small, perfect breasts, twisting Laura's excited coral nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, watching Laura's face intently. "You're . . . fucking me, Ada," Laura panted. "I love to feel you fucking me." "Oh . . . baby," Ada said, her eyes filling with love. "Oh baby . . . you just go for it, okay? I love doing it too. I love this." Both had already had one climax nearly an hour earlier, and so Laura was in no hurry. She wanted to enjoy every scintilla of this experience, and she moved very slowly, riding the strap-on, looking down at Ada's dark, graceful hands on her pale breasts, looking into Ada's eyes, aware that the electrifying sexual magic of this moment had at least for a while completely obliterated her fears about Sara discovering her betrayals. As much as she adored Sara, this moment was Ada's. And Laura's. God, I'm going to come so hard! she realized. I'm going to forget all about dear Sara, for at least a few seconds. They settled into a slow, sensual rhythm that lasted a long time. Laura rose up on the pole, then slid down slowly on it again, feeling it probe and penetrate her so deeply it felt like it was riding fully up the length of her body, the bulbous head of it tickling the bottoms of her lungs. She began to quiver and whinny softly each time it became buried to the maximum in her body, feeling all her swollen nerves flutter with sexual fire, feeling Ada's slim black fingers on her nipples even more sharply than before. "Ohhnnnn . . . ohhnnnnn!" Laura moaned. "Ohhnnnnn . . . I love it! Unhhhh! Oh! Honey . . .it's so deep! Ungghh!" Ada seemed hypnotized right along with Laura in this slow, simmering fuck-trance and fuck-dance, but Laura could tell she was not yet at the stage of yielding completely to her inner urges. She lay back in the pillows, gazing up at Laura's face, twisting Laura's nipples in her fingers, her eyes glazed and pulsing, while Laura did most of the work, pumping and swirling her hips slowly, biting her lower lip as the dildo slid up deep into her pussy, then whinnying softly as she flexed her thighs and rose again on it, feeling the thick head nearly escape from her clinging cunt lips before she began another slow descent. Ada had now dropped one hand to the shaft again, holding it steady each time Laura rode up and down on it, her eyes darting to the mesmerizing sight of the ridged stalk sliding up into Laura's cunt, then back to Laura's face to see Laura's reaction. And indeed Laura was becoming more aroused by the second. She had started slowly, she had let it simmer and swell, but now the pressure was growing more intense, welling up inside her body, expanding, seeking release. The sight of Ada's beautiful, naked, voluptuous black body nestled in the pillows on her back just under Laura didn't make her any less hungry either. She reached down with both hands to hold Ada's large, slightly jiggling breasts, then paused in her fuck-motions long enough to dip her mouth to them, sucking Ada's bursting black nipples sensually, then more passionately, hoping to awaken in her a sharp sexual hunger that would overcome all her inhibitions. Laura loved this, but she wanted Ada to fuck her, to ram her. She wanted Ada to be so consumed with the need to fuck Laura that she simply took over. "I want you to fuck me . . . I want you to fuck me . . ." she purred as she sucked Ada's breasts, looking up at Ada, begging her, goading her. "Oh . . . Laura," Ada gasped softly, panting now herself, the swirling fires in her eyes betraying her growing lust. Laura reached up to Ada's head and pulled her hair loose, mussing it more urgently than playfully with the fingers of both hands. "I love it when you look all disheveled and naked and sexy," Laura breathed. "It makes me want you to fuck me." "Oh . . . Laura!" Ada gasped, looking almost frightened and at the same time overwhelmed by fierce sexual desire. "Yes! Tell me you're going to fuck me. Tell me. 'Laura . . . I'm going to fuck you. Laura . . . I'm going to fuck you hard. Now.'" "Oh Laura!" Ada bit her own full lower lip. In a very smooth maneuver, considering how sexually overwrought she already was by this point, Laura lifted herself completely off the dildo and lay down on her side, turning her body so that her back was to Ada, and her ass directly adjacent to the strap-on. It was wet with her warm cunt juices, and the sticky fluids smeared the taut skin of her buns as she maneuvered her body into position in front of Ada. Looking back over her shoulder, she caught Ada's eyes. "Please . . . Ada," she murmured. Ada seemed momentarily paralyzed, but she quickly came back to life as Laura spread her own thighs and, reaching behind for the wet dildo, slid it back up into her pussy again from the rear, pushing her ass back into Ada's groin at the same time. Ada moved closer, rolling off the pillows now, and Laura could feel her large, firm breasts pushing into her naked back, even feel Ada's moist, warm breath on her bare shoulders. "Oh yes . . . oh yes, Ada!" she whimpered, realizing that Ada was coming around, that the hot, smoldering sexual need that Laura felt was transmitting itself through her writhing flesh to Ada too. She felt Ada's fingers replacing her own on the wet dildo, then felt a strong, firm thrust as Ada got her hips behind it and pushed it deep into Laura's body. "Ungghhh! Oh yes!" Laura was on fire. It had been a slow, steady buildup, but now she knew she was careening toward the finish line. She could feel Ada's body pressed everywhere against her flesh from behind. Ada's thighs rubbed against the backs of her own thighs and her tight buns, Ada's large soft nipples mashed into the skin of her back, the nubby centers rubbery and thick, Ada's breath was on her neck, Ada's lips were on her shoulder. Ada was panting too, gasping a little as she looped her free arm around Laura's body from the rear, clasping Laura more tightly against her, thrusting harder now, dropping her hand to Laura's breasts and squeezing them, squeezing them harder now too. "Oh yes . . . Ada! Oh yes . . . Ada! Unghh . . . unghh!" Laura panted, falling into the rhythm of Ada's rhythmical thrusting. The convex ridges on the shaft rippled across the wet, sensitive flesh of Laura's pussy, making her quiver and buck as Ada relentlessly kept up the pace, plunging it up into Laura's body, now even sucking and biting the strip of flesh between Laura's neck and shoulder as she too became fiercely aroused by Laura's frantic squirming and whimpering. Laura was delirious, panting and writhing, groaning each time the long rod split her pussy and jabbed deeply up into her. She shuddered, briefly alarming Ada, who froze momentarily. "You all right?" she asked again. "Oh god, yes, Ada . . . fuck me!" Laura gasped in a sharp, guttural plea, swirling her ass back into Ada's groin. "Fuck me harder . . . harder . . . yes!" This was the moment she had been building toward, the chance to make Ada truly ram her and fuck her, which Ada would not consent to do under any other circumstances. Both of them had to be truly at the end of their tether, frantic, feverish with sexual need, for Ada to give in, but now she was doing it. She was piercing Laura's hungry pussy with each powerful thrust, holding the dildo in place with one hand, then unleashing one fierce plunging jab after another into Laura's body. And Laura was dissolving in sweet sexual mania of the most profound and moving kind. Already she could feel the distant approach of a killer orgasm, as if the tingling in her curling toes and a faint throbbing spark of a fuse deep inside her womb were hints of the cataclysm about to strike her. Once she felt these familiar hints, she knew that only a second or two remained before everything went up in flames. "Unhhh . . . unhhh . . . awwonnggg!" she groaned, wincing as Ada's thrusts became even more deliberate and piercing. "Oh yes! Ohhnnnnnn yesssss!" "Oh . . . Laura!" Ada panted and chuffed, gripping Laura's body hard with her arm, mashing her large breasts into Laura's back, grunting softly herself as she up-jabbed the cock into Laura's flaming slit, a strong, plunging penetration that made Laura see stars briefly. "Yes! Ungghh! Yes! Awoonggggg! Oh shit! Oh Jesus! Ungghhh!" Somehow this stabbing thrust seemed to accelerate the arrival of her climax. It reached her about twice as fast as she expected it, and suddenly she was submerged in a firestorm of coming, her flesh swelling and bursting in hot, blinding spasms. And yet it was not a jolting, wrenching orgasm, as she had anticipated, but instead a swelling, roiling fiery cloud of pulsating rapture that enveloped her whole writhing body, flaying her nerves and stealing her breath as her pussy boiled over with gushing flows of lava. "Ahhhnnnnnnnnnn!" she moaned, alternately stiffening, then slackening, feeling the waves of pleasure pour through her. "Ohnnnnnnnggggg!" She shuddered, perhaps more deeply and for longer periods than she had ever done with Ada, her whole body stretching and quaking interminably as each wave poured through her throbbing flesh. By now Ada had stopped thrusting and was just holding Laura, still pressing Laura tightly against her body, holding one of Laura's small breasts in her hand and squeezing it gently as Laura came. And Laura did continue coming for a long time. When she had this kind of orgasm, it frequently seemed to last an eternity, spreading out like molten honey through her quivering flesh, unfolding inside her body and radiating outward, until her very pores were clenching in ecstasy. Lying on her side like this, pressed tightly back against Ada's voluptuous naked body, feeling Ada's breath in her ear, feeling the dildo that was attached to Ada's groin embedded deep in her aching quim, all of it made her orgasm seem to prolong itself to a record length. She moaned softly and quivered through several long, excruciating aftershocks, even feeling the hint of a cramp begin in the arch of her foot as the sweet, interminable orgasm never seemed to end. Finally, it released her, slowly bleeding away and leaving her stunned and limp. Even the incipient cramp in her foot seemed to dissolve and vanish. Ada's grip on her body loosened, and she let go of Laura's breast, almost reluctantly. Even now that it was over, it seemed to take long minutes for them to peel their stuck-together bodies apart. "Unhhhhh!" Laura winced and gasped as the strap-on dildo slid back out of her pussy. "Sorry," Ada murmured. "I'm not used to these . . . things." Laura smiled back over her shoulder, her totally-destroyed-by-beautiful-sex smile. "You seemed to handle it pretty well to me," she croaked, hoarse not from screaming but apparently simply from being pulverized by coming. Ada looked away, both pleased and embarrassed. The obscene stalk, still shiny and wet with Laura's cunt juices, wobbled in the air comically, still jutting up from between Ada's delicious dark thighs. She touched it delicately, gingerly, with two fingers. "Eeoowww!" she made a face. "How do I get it off?" Laura helped her slip out of it, first wiping it off on the edge of the sheet. She couldn't get over these squeamish, shrinking flowers who couldn't stand a little gooey cunt nectar on their fingers. I wouldn't mind if you spread yours all over me with a paint brush, Ada darling, she thought. She could not stop looking at Ada's naked body, a novel and thrilling realization at a moment like this, when she was stunned and satiated by a fierce climax. But for some reason, it was as if she were seeing Ada naked for the first time, though during this visit of Laura's to Dallas they had been fucking nearly every day. Laura's eyes seemed to lick Ada's dark, gleaming, chocolate skin, and burrow into the shadowy places: behind her knees, for example, or under her large breasts, or the dark vee of her crotch. Ada saw her looking. "You got that hungry wolf look in your eyes, Laura," she tittered. "I can't get over you. I never in my life saw you or anybody else come the way you just did." "It was heavenly," Laura admitted, nodding. "And now you look like you want to rape me or something. God forbid." "God, I told you, has nothing to do with it," Laura winked. "God forbid? You don't want me to take you to heaven too with that little plunger?" She eyed the strap-on, which was lying now at the end of the bed. She coaxed Ada down with her so that they were lying on their sides, face to face. Now Laura could caress her, and she wasted no time, running her fingers over Ada's shiny black shoulder, bending her head forward and kissing the smooth upper slopes of her breasts. Ada ignored her question. She smoothed Laura's hair away from her cheek tenderly, gazing with longing into Laura's eyes. "I never get over you. Even when I . . . you know, did it a long time ago with those two guys I was involved with, I never did it more than once. Not at the same time. With you, it's just one after another, until I . . . I just feel like my body is going to melt, and I can't even lift my arm. I didn't even know I could have that many orgasms until I met you." "Mmmm, I think you're about ready to have another one right now," Laura purred, burying her face between Ada's gorgeous big breasts, twirling Ada's thick, pulpy nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. By now, during this week at least, Ada was capable of relaxing and fully enjoying Laura's worship of her body, and she smiled and sighed, looking down at Laura's lips and fingers on her breasts. "You really like them, don't you," she said, wonderingly. Now Laura was tonguing her large, puffy nipples, never able to get enough of them. "I would like to devour them each and every day," she panted, looking up at Ada while she lashed one beautiful wet nipple excitedly with her tongue, making Ada grimace with pleasure. "You know," Ada panted softly, "I hope you don't mind, but instead of that . . . thing down there," she pointed to the strap-on, "I wish we could do it like you did it to me in Tucson. In the shower. Remember. When you put your . . . pussy . . . on mine?" Saying the word 'pussy' took real effort for Ada, and she smiled bashfully and refused to look Laura in the eye. Laura reached over with one hand and swiveled Ada's face back to hers, holding Ada by the jaw. She let a slow smile spread across her face. "Only if you let me eat that gorgeous black pussy first to get you ready," she whispered huskily, staring straight into Ada's eyes. "Shoot," Ada giggled, "I'm already ready. Seeing you come like that made me . . .. well, I just felt this hot little fire down there. I'm still feeling it." "Okay," Laura breathed excitedly, now slipping down Ada's smooth, dark, magnificent body, "I promise only to lick it for a minute. I don't want you popping before we . . . you know," she smiled suggestively. "Ohhhhh . . . Laura!" Ada sighed, rolling onto her back and spreading her thighs, unable to prevent a strong moan of pleasure—giving scary hints of her airhorn tendencies—from escaping as Laura went lovingly to work on her gaping wet cunt. It was a beauty, and Laura had been feasting on it for days, whenever she got the chance. Ada's pussy was thick and meaty, almost fat, the lips plump and black and shiny, the interior a glistening juice-pit of wet pink flesh, very tangy to the tongue. In Laura's experience, only Randi had a larger clit than Ada's, a large pinkish-white marble at the top of her thick-lipped slit which Laura attacked passionately with her lips and tongue, lashing and sucking it so hard that Ada was soon cawing and churning, her pelvis bucking off the mattress. "Oh god! Oh god . . . Laura! Stop! Oh god . . . you're going to make me come!" "Mmmm, good," Laura hummed, but she did pull back since she too did not want Ada to come just yet. Relieved, Ada unclenched her body, still gasping, looking down as Laura slid her tongue all the way into her pussy. "Ohhhh!" Her head fell back, and her large breasts jiggled. "Honey, I love this pussy," Laura panted. "I can't get enough." "Oh . . . Laura . . . please! We better . . . do it. I can't hold it back!" Just what I love to see, Laura thought: Ada completely helpless and begging me to fuck her. "Mmmm . . . are you going to come?" Laura half-teased in a very sultry, sexy voice, now sliding up Ada's body and sitting up at the same time, slipping one leg under one of Ada's. "Are you going to come, baby? Is Laura going to make you come by fucking your pussy with her pussy?" "Oh god!" Leaning forward over Ada's supine body, Laura brushed their breasts together and ran her tongue all over Ada's sensual lips. "Hold still and let my pussy kiss yours," she whispered, inching her groin forward until she could feel the wet, warm, gooey outer lips of Ada's inflamed cunt touch her own slit, now flooding again with its own juice. Now she leaned back a little, raising her torso a little more for leverage, and watching Ada's face as their cunts mashed more closely together. "Unhhhhhh . . . unhhhh!" Ada moaned, her dark eyes streaked with fire as she gazed up questioningly into Laura's face. "Ohhhh, you like that?" Laura teased her tenderly. "You want more?" "Oh, yes! Unhhhh!" Ada's eyes rolled up. She let out one of her keening, curdling whines. "Awwwooiieennnnn!" Laura smiled and shuddered inwardly at the same instant. She loved making Ada lose control, but she now realized that the hotel staff soon would be pretty agitated if Ada let it out full-throttle, which was exactly what Laura wanted her to do. And now their groins were locked in a rocking, pumping rhythm, slow and grinding, infinitely pleasurable, but Laura knew it would quickly accelerate into a maniacal churning and bucking, accompanied by deafening and grotesque cries of rapture from Ada. She had become very aroused while fucking Laura with the strap-on. In fact, Laura had rarely seen her so aroused, her body so tense and her movements so urgent. It wasn't going to take much of this to make Ada come, and when she did, everybody for miles around was probably going to know it. On the other hand, Laura had just had a stunning orgasm that had lasted longer than any in recent memory, leaving her limp and exhausted, and though she was always hungry for Ada's body, she knew she was in no real danger of coming again for a while. She enjoyed the gentle, persistent rocking of their hips in synchronized motion together as they felt the wet, slippery flesh of their pussies sliding up and down, felt their clits periodically collide, rubbing together, giving each of them a little added jolt of pleasure. In fact, to make it happen more often, Laura reached down between them with one hand and carefully guided her own clit into Ada's, which, being very large, was easy to find. Ada, feeling Laura's clit press into hers, squirmed and moaned. "Oh Laura . . . I'm so close!" she gasped. Laura knew she was telling the truth. Ada had never looked lovelier to her, writhing, her large breasts jiggling, her puffy nipples now wrinkled and stiff with excitement, her mouth slack, her eyes glazed, her lower body undulating in response to Laura's more rapid swirling thrusts. Laura leaned slightly forward and placed her hands on each of Ada's large breasts, not squeezing them hard, just holding them in her hands as she stared directly into Ada's smoldering eyes and began to pump her harder. Oh god, when she comes, they're going to send the fire department, she thought. "Ahhnnnn! Ahnnnnnn!" Ada gasped, now writhing violently under Laura, pumping back, grinding her pussy up into Laura's. Laura continued to hold onto Ada's breasts and to grind her pussy roughly into Ada's. You're going to come now, darling. Now . . . I can see it in your eyes . . . Almost without thinking, and never missing a beat in the frantic fuck-gyrations she was performing, Laura reached over and pulled one of the pillows in their direction. Then, willing to undergo almost any contortion, especially since she knew she was not going to come herself—not in the same instant, anyway—Laura leaned forward almost horizontally over Ada, pushed her breasts into Ada's once again, pulling the pillow closer, kissing Ada's slack, panting mouth, and still churning and fucking her in a frenzy that grew hotter and more uncontrollable by the second. "Ahhnnnn! Ahnnnnnn!" Ada gasped again, her pulsing, sex-swirling eyes looking almost frightened now as she realized the force of the orgasm hurtling towards her. "Yes . . . unh! Yes . . .unh!" Laura pumped her, nibbling and sucking her thick lower lip, now for almost the first time feeling a little twinge of incipient ecstasy in her own grinding pussy. God, maybe I'm going to come after all, she thought. I wouldn't be surprised after all this hot churning, and Ada's delicious naked body writhing like this under me. For a second she eased up, leaning back and away from Ada's twisting, tense body, settling for a few moments into a more relaxed rhythm. She loved the feel of her damp, matted crotch hair and slippery, swollen pussy lips sliding back and forth against the wet warm inner flesh of Ada's meaty cunt. When their clits rubbed and mashed together, she could almost feel her heart skip. She did not want it to reach a speedy conclusion, and she knew that Ada was about to come unraveled. Instead, Laura modulated into a slow, smoldering motion, moving her hips sensually in a half-circle and staring deep into Ada's glazed black eyes, letting Ada know how much pleasure she was getting out of this. Again she could not keep her hands off Ada's firm, rolling breasts and Ada's thick, gleaming black nipples, and with her fingers she caressed and twisted them while her pelvis slowly swirled. Ada seemed mesmerized, swirling her hips back and up into Laura's motion, occasionally biting her lower lip as the sensations grew more intense, her eyes rolling up, her eyelids fluttering helplessly. "Oh god, Laura . . . I love you to do this . . . to me," she whimpered. "I wish it would go on forever." Laura smiled down at her, pausing in her gentle swirling and grinding. "It is going to last forever," she murmured. "I'm going to make it last and last." Ada looked down at Laura's fingers on her stiffening nipples. Laura was kneading and pulling them sensually. Ada shook her head slightly, a tight little grin beginning to curve the corners of her lips before her eyes rolled up again. "I don't think so," she panted. "If you sucked them . . . I'm going to come . . . right now. Oh god! I love the way it feels! I love the feel of your . . . pussy . . .against mine. I thought of it every day since I last saw you." "Oh honey . . ." Laura panted, grinding faster now, very aroused not only by what they were doing but by Ada's words too. "I don't want it to stop either." For another two or three minutes she was able to control the tempo, gently churning, cleverly sliding her wet pussy up and down against Ada's plump, greasy labia, occasionally guiding their clits together with her fingers, then gasping along with Ada as the sensations grew more piercing, more urgent. But finally she knew there was no delaying any longer. Ada began to moan, the horrible, keening, helpless, excited moan she emitted when the sweet sexual torments were nearing their most intense. Laura pulled the pillow closer. She leaned forward again, placing her torso almost horizontally over Ada, grinding harder. "Oh!" Ada cried out. "Oh!" "Yes, honey, yes," Laura murmured, pumping faster. "Awwwooiieennnnn!" Ada groaned, flexing, shuddering. "Ohnnngggg god! OH GOD!" She began coming in sharp, crushing spasms, her body undulating beneath Laura in violent waves. Fortunately, her climax was powerful enough initially to deprive her of breath, and only seconds later did a deafening wail begin to pour forth from her lungs. By this time Laura was covering Ada's mouth with her own, kissing her, trying not to bump teeth with her, but almost swallowing and inhaling Ada's moans into her own body, finally pulling the pillow closer and gently turning Ada's face into it as the worst passed. "Awwwooieengggghmmmnnnggiiieee!" Ada moaned, her hips bucking now, shuddering above the mattress, then falling back as Laura kept churning. "Oh . . . god! Aunnngghmnngghiiie!" But her cries were somewhat muffled by the pillow, and Laura, after the fiercest spasms subsided, released the scissor-lock she had with her own legs on Ada's groin and slid up further to embrace her completely. Ada's eyes were glassy and wet as she looked into Laura's. "Oh no!" she shook her head. "You too . . . I want you to come too. Please, Laura!" "Gosh, I actually think I could," Laura confessed shyly. "Please!" It was an easy matter for Laura to slip back down and press her own gooey quim into Ada's again. Their two hot, very wet vaginas sloshed and slid together, both overflowing, both throbbing and pulsing as they resumed the rhythm, starting slowly again but quickly accelerating as Laura began to feel the swelling bubble of fire expand throughout her own body. She was still half-sitting, leaning forward, with Ada on her back, reaching up and holding Laura's breasts, her eyes gazing deep into Laura's, renewing a deep intimate connection that had begun long ago. Neither of them said a thing as Laura began to pant and grow more and more feverish. Ada was solemn, serious, adoring Laura with her eyes and swirling her hips up into Laura's increasingly frantic thrusts. "I want to look into your face when you come," Ada said seriously, in a voice so faint that Laura could barely hear her, such a contrast to her earlier shattering moans. "You're going . . . to get . . . your wish . . ." Laura panted, now churning and bucking wildly. Ada smiled. "Good. I can feel your pussy . . . I can feel every wet wonderful inch of your pussy on mine, Laura." Ada breathed these words in such a way as to let Laura know how easily they came to her at this moment, how sincere she was, and how aroused by this hot sex and this perilous intimacy. As usual, Laura was infused with more urgent lust than ever by Ada's devotion and adoration, and by the sight of her luscious naked body and large rolling breasts and sensual mouth and the flickering heat of Ada's sexual desire showing in her dark shiny eyes. "Oh!" Laura gasped, rocking, and grinding more vigorously now. "Oh! Oh . . . Ada!" Ada's hands tightened on Laura's breasts. Her eyes widened. She gnawed her full lower lip, churning her hips back up into Laura's swirling thrusts, now tweaking Laura's stiff nipples in her fingers, panting too, her eyes glazed and pulsing as if she too were going to come again. Laura paused in her bucking and churning and leaned forward, pressing the length of her body into Ada, bringing her face close to Ada's. "If you fuck me, I'll explode," she whispered, quickly pulling Ada up, somehow possessed at this instant with superhuman strength. She pulled Ada upward and fell onto her own back in the same fluid motion, bringing Ada to a sitting position, their crotches still locked together. From the look on her face, Ada barely knew what was happening until she suddenly found herself on top, and Laura on her back. "Now . . . fuck me," Laura looked up at her, eyes pleading, commanding, begging, beseeching. "Fuck me fast . . .fuck me hard . . . Ada. Please!" Ada had been fucked by Laura this way several times, but never had she been in the aggressor position, and she seemed momentarily confused and reluctant. But Laura knew she would give in. She began pumping her hips again, and Ada very quickly fell back into the rhythm with her, her large breasts now swaying above Laura's body, her pussy slipping and sliding against Laura's, pressing more urgently against it with each grinding thrust. Laura reached up with her hands and squeezed Ada's large, dangling breasts, knowing she herself was going to come any instant. No waiting. It was here. "Let me suck you," she gasped, as Ada leaned down, seeming to sense the same need at the same second, almost aiming one of her breasts toward Laura's open mouth. Laura barely got Ada's large, bulbous nipple into her mouth before she began coming in torrents. "UnnngghhuungghhhUNNGHHH!" she cried out, feeling Ada's wet nipple slip out of her mouth, her body suddenly slammed by a huge fist of orgasmic shock. It was so different from her earlier orgasm that she was completely stunned by it, hammered and shattered, her breath knocked from her lungs after the first groan. Gasping for breath, she stiffened and quivered violently for a full ten seconds, her body seized by fierce pleasure, her mind obliterated by this white-hot ecstasy. Ada stopped moving, almost paralyzed by the spectacle of Laura's climax. When the first violent shocks began to dissipate, she disengaged her groin from Laura's and slid more completely over her, embracing Laura, who could feel Ada's heavy breasts against hers, a sensation that almost made her come again. "Oh baby," Ada murmured to Laura, who was still moaning and whimpering. "Oh Ada!" "You come hard, baby. You always come so hard." Laura's eyes blinked open. She smiled at Ada, who slowly came into focus. "With you I do," she gasped. Ada smiled bashfully. "I'm so glad you do." She kissed Laura's forehead. "Something to remember you by." Laura embraced her hard. "How could I ever forget you?" Her body tingled all over. She rolled Ada onto her side, kissing her enthusiastically. Tomorrow afternoon she would have to leave Dallas, return to San Francisco, and who could tell when she would be able to do this again. She wanted to keep going, to screw until midnight, anything to keep Ada in her bed, and yet she knew they were both nearly screwed out. They had been devouring each other for days. Several times Laura had nearly forgotten to make her regular evening phone call to Sara, and once she had skipped it completely. It wasn't that her feelings for Sara were any less deep, only that because of the short time available she wanted to spend each second possible in Ada's arms, fucking and loving and kissing and stroking and teasing and murmuring, and by the time she remembered Sara, it would be too late. Laura felt shockingly guilty about this, but she tried to keep from thinking of it. Finally, Ada arose to leave. She had a flight to St. Louis in the morning and had to go home and get some sleep. Laura could not prevent a brief tear from rolling down her cheek. She watched Ada's voluptuous body disappear inch by inch into her clothes. "I want to hear about you and that woman at work who wants you," she gently admonished Ada. "I want you to phone me and tell me how good it was. I want you to smile at her and let her know you're interested. You are interested, aren't you?" Ada gave Laura a shy smile and looked away. "A little," she said, almost inaudibly. Laura slid off the bed, still completely naked, and pushed Ada, now fully clothed, against the door. She kissed her face, her chin, her cheeks, her mouth. "I want you to promise me," she breathed. "Promise me, now. 'I will let this woman have my beautiful body.'" Ada giggled softly. "You're embarrassing me, Laura." "I mean it, now," Laura murmured, kissing her one last time, a deep, romantic kiss. "You are too beautiful to deprive the world of yourself. You are made for love, Ada. Let her love you." Ada smirked self-consciously. "I'll . . . try." "Promise?" Ada nodded bashfully. "Call me next time you come here?" she asked softly. Laura playfully nibbled the tip of her tongue. "I'm going to call you and steal you away from your girl friend for hours of hot fucking in the shower." Ada shivered. A deep, lasting tremor gripped her whole body, and her eyes rolled up briefly. When they rolled back down and she stopped quivering, she smiled. "It's a promise," she whispered. They kissed one last time, and then Ada slipped out of Laura's hotel room and waved back at Laura when she got to the elevator lobby. Laura was only peeking out the door, still being stark naked. When Ada disappeared into the elevator, Laura returned to the bed, feeling dreamy and sensual and satiated. It was only about nine-thirty. Suddenly she remembered Sara. Oh my god! She snatched up the phone, then put it slowly back down again, knowing that she had to get control of her mood first. You couldn't just call your lover after having spent a scorching evening in bed with a voluptuous love goddess like Ada. For a few minutes, she lay there letting her mind drift, especially letting it drift back to Sara, letting all the deep feelings she had for her reawaken, letting the few days here with Ada drift into the background. When she was finally in the right mood, she picked up the phone again. Unfortunately, she reached Sara's answering machine. "Leave a message after the beepo, Beepo." Of course, Laura giggled, Sara could not be expected to leave a straightforward, simple answering machine greeting. But it was troubling. She should be home. Tomorrow was a work day. Sara was almost always home at this hour. "Sara . . . it's Laura," Laura said, trying not to sound upset. "Pick up, if you're there." She waited a few seconds. "Pick up. Sara? I've got to talk to you. Sara . . . oh god, I miss you so much. I'm coming home tomorrow. I love you, Sara. Are you there? Please pick up." Nothing. Laura waited a few more seconds and then hung up, not wanting the tape to run out. Where could she be? She's always there at this hour. She knows I'm going to call. Maybe she's out tracking Dee Dee down? Oh god. Laura had a quick vision of a drunken or drugged-out Dee Dee suddenly pouring out the truth to Sara about her fucking with Laura. This made Laura almost physically sick. Quickly, she tried to put it out of her mind. Alternatively, she found herself thinking that Sara might be in bed with someone else, as she herself had been only moments earlier with Ada. In spite of her efforts to be fair, and to realize that she did not own Sara, that Sara had as much right as she, Laura, did to give in to her irresistible urges, Laura felt almost worse about this than she did about the prospect of Dee Dee spilling the beans. It was a long, long night, and she slept only a few hours before morning.
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