Laura - Chapter 248



On the phone, Shontay was distant, haughty, querulous, cold by turns, everything Laura had found her to be before their warming—their thrilling, sensitive, and multi-orgasmic nights together in bed in her parents' apartment.

"You said you would call!" she whined at Laura.

"I . . . couldn't," Laura said, truthfully. "I was too tired. The damn dinner went on forever. I'm sorry. I was thinking of you." Liar.

Shontay punished her a few more minutes before softening. Laura had called her at home right after rushing from Ada's room over to her own to change. Her body was still tingling from fucking with Ada only moments earlier. She felt guiltier than ever about lying to Shontay, but there was no choice.

"You'll never guess what I did," Shontay said, softly. "Last night. I was thinking of you at that conference . . . and I did . . . you know, what we did together. The first time. You know . . . by myself. But I was thinking of you. It was the best ever, that way. I miss you, Laura."

Laura was touched, and troubled, at the same time. "I miss you too, darling," she whispered.

"Call me tonight? I could do it while I'm talking to you on the phone. I'll bet that would be fun."

"I promise."

It wasn't easy, but that night she had told Ada she had a mild headache and needed a quick nap. She went to her room, promising to meet Ada in about an hour, and called Shontay, who was eagerly awaiting her call. Then, in one of the most exciting phone conversations Laura had experienced in recent years, Shontay brought herself to two orgasms while Laura listened and murmured to her.

She also begged to know that Laura was doing it too, at the same time. Wanting to save herself for Ada later, Laura had complied by moaning and faking it, pretending to come when Shontay's voice on the other end was out of control, gasping and squeaking a little, then sighing, feeling mortified and massively guilty for this deception. Why couldn't I just go ahead and do it? she had wondered.

She knew why later in the evening, when she and Ada finally got together in her room. The minister's daughter had become increasingly, to Laura's pleasant surprise, a hellion in the sack. Whether it was because they were relatively isolated here in Tucson, away from anybody who actually knew them (aside from a few acquaintances Ada had with people from her new company), or because Laura had finally broken through the barriers Ada hid behind by almost forcing her to have hotter sex than she could have imagined, Ada had become both an ardent and an exhausting lover. Still exhibiting her coy, demure, innocent ways on the surface, she nevertheless persuaded Laura to fuck with her until the wee hours, until both could hardly lift a finger.

By the time the conference came to an end, and they parted in a bittersweet moment, Laura was feeling that a week without sex wouldn't be entirely undesirable. She was almost weak with fatigue. She had a pleasantly warm and sexy feeling throughout her body as she contemplated her few nights of delicious fucking with Ada, and then realized that she was heading back directly into Shontay's bed. But these plans were complicated immediately by a message from Cecilia when she returned home.

"Hey, girl . . . I think I've got a surprise for you," Cecilia's voice said, breathless, low, and husky, on Laura's voice mail. "Ron is in Chicago for a few days, and these udders of mine are just aching to be milked." She giggled, then turned more suggestive. "I know you been just sitting there twiddling your thumbs, waiting for me to be ready, right? Well, guess what. Get out the towels. Call me, Laura."

This message, welcome as it was, almost sent Laura into a panic. When had it been sent? She had been distracted and missed the date on the top of the message. If it were sent two or three days ago, Cecilia's husband would already be back. She had to repeat the message to discover that it was only sent last night.

Worse, she wanted to call Cecilia right away, but what about Shontay? In her usual artless way, Laura had let Shontay in on all the details of her trip, so that Shontay knew to the minute when she would be returning from Tucson. And sure enough, the voice mail right behind Cecilia's was from Shontay, begging her to call the instant she got in.

It was a delicate quandary for Laura, who had been feeling sexually played out for a while on the flight back, but who could now feel the fires stirring again at the suggestiveness in Cecilia's flirtatious voice, and also at the thought of Shontay masturbating while thinking of her, in her absence. She hardly knew what to do.

After thinking it over, she concluded that putting off Shontay for another day was easier than risking the return of Cecilia's husband before she and Cecilia could have their reunion. She called Shontay at work and feigned a scratchy throat, saying she was afraid she might have contracted strep since there had been a person in Tucson who had it. It was quite contagious, and she was going to the doctor in the morning. She didn't want to risk giving it to Shontay.

Then she immediately called Cecilia, who was also still at work—it was three p.m.—and set up a date for that night. Cecilia had a very accommodating mother-in-law who would watch the baby, and her other child, for her. She would be there by seven at the latest.

Only after hanging up the phone did Laura realize how dangerous this was. Shontay's parents, who had returned from their vacation in Mazatlan, lived right upstairs. Now that Shontay and Laura were sexually intimate, Shontay might feel relaxed enough to drop by, just to see how she was doing, even though she knew they couldn't have sex if Laura had strep throat. Or she might even send her mother down here with some chicken soup or something, Laura thought with dismay. While Cecilia and I are lying here gasping and soaked in her milk. Oh god, this is too scary! It's even worse than when Kendra and Jane lived up there! How do I get myself into these things?

Still, the thought of what was about to happen when Cecilia arrived was enough to make her risk almost anything. She had a few hours, and so she carefully covered her mattress pad with thick towels, as she had not done in over a year, and then put the sheet back on over them. This took almost all of her towels, and luckily she had about an hour to run out to Target and buy a few more. She realized that they could probably have coped without them, but the activity kept her busy, kept her from lingering on the excited throbbing in her pussy that resulted from her keen anticipation of Cecilia's visit.

At six o'clock she had a glass of wine to calm herself. She actually had butterflies. Gosh, I feel like a little girl going to her birthday party, she realized. She and I haven't been naked together in about a year now. I wonder if she feels the same way.

She was gratified to discover that Cecilia did. "God, girl, I'm so excited I'm about to wet my pants," Cecilia beamed, black eyes twinkling with promise, as she popped inside Laura's apartment, with Laura holding the door open.

Laura carefully closed the door behind her and casually fastened all the locks. "You mean pee them or wet them?" she asked, grinning.

"I mean wet them," Cecilia smirked back. "You got that all locked up now so nobody be busting in on us?"

"Come into my arms, darling," Laura smiled, stretching them out to her. "Long time no hug."

Cecilia came forward, into Laura's arms, and they embraced and kissed slowly, very slowly and romantically, as befitted their lengthy off-and-on relationship and the hiatus forced on them by Cecilia's recent pregnancy. Cecilia was in no hurry, and Laura was surprised to find that she wasn't either. In fact, she was content to rediscover this marvelous woman's enchanting beauty by kissing and caressing every inch of her smooth black face and neck.

Cecilia was as black as midnight, as black as Dawn or Charise. When you were as black as the three of them, you could not get any blacker, and Laura, had long found their deeply black and phenomenally smooth skin an intense aphrodisiac, sometimes wondering if it put them off, if it bothered them to think that pressing her lips to their skin set off a throbbing siren in her pussy. Part of her was embarrassed to admit it, but another part felt compelled to confess it to them, and she had found all three very pleased to be so desirable, especially for a feature they certainly could not change.

Cecilia knew how Laura loved the hue of her skin, and she both enjoyed Laura's slavish worship and enjoyed teasing Laura about it.

"You been sleeping with too many of those redbones, Laura," she laughed, holding still to let Laura kiss every last exposed portion of her skin. "They don't have this beautiful black skin that turns you into a fool, right? Too yellow and pale and sickly looking, aren't they, those stuck-up yella girls. You need me to get really hot, right?"

"I'm burning up," Laura murmured against her smooth cheek, then nipped her earlobe. "You light my fires . . . all of them."

"Mmmm," Cecilia purred, "I'm glad yours finally got going since mine been going ever since we talked on the phone, girl. Come on, take me in that bedroom. You got plenty of towels?"

Laura smirked, wildly excited, pleased with herself, feeling a hot little pulsing deep inside her pussy. "I ran out and bought extra."

Cecilia was already unbuttoning the back of her blouse as Laura followed her into the bedroom. She was clearly a little heavier than the last time they had done this, fleshier, more pillowy with mother's fat that she had not shed. After her first child, she had 'jazzercized' her body into a hard, glossy masterpiece of female flesh that had made Laura nearly whimper with lust each time she saw it naked. This time it was soon after the birth of the second baby, perhaps no more than three months, and so she had not had time to melt the fat away.

This caused Laura to wonder if she should not be extra gentle, if maybe she should limit her caresses to licking Cecilia's lovely pussy—not that they were ever very violent anyway, though they had fisted once.

"Here, let me help with that," she said, taking two quick steps and brushing Cecilia's fingers away from the buttons, undoing the rest of them herself.

Cecilia smiled back over her shoulder. "You just want more of that fine black skin that makes your little pink pussy quiver."

"I just want all of you," Laura murmured, pulling the blouse open, pressing her cheek against the sleek warm flesh of Cecilia's back above her bra.

"You've probably noticed how there's a little more of me than last time," Cecilia said, eyes twinkling. She turned around, showing Laura her large breasts, encased in an architecturally fascinating bra, designed to hold these mammoth mammaries. "More of these, too. They're bigger than last time."

"Mmmm, more to kiss."

Cecilia's eyes grew veiled and murky. She pouted. "That all you gonna do?"

All this cat-and-mouse was driving Laura to the edge. She could feel her whole body aching, pulsing, yearning to swarm over Cecilia. Even Cecilia's fresh, faintly musky scent seemed magically erotic.

"First I'm going to do this," Laura whispered, bending her head and planting a kiss on the tight cleavage between Cecilia's breasts. After kissing it, she slithered her tongue into the tight crack.

"Ooohhh! That feels good!"

"Then I'm going to do this," Laura continued in a seductive whisper, slipping her own loose jersey up over her hair, shaking the hair free, tossing it aside, then unfastening her own bra.

Cecilia's eyes were glued to Laura's body, watching the bra fall limp, watching Laura let it slide off her arms and fling it in the same direction that she had flung the jersey. Then her eyes fastened on Laura's naked breasts.

"I always wanted ones like yours," she said softly, seriously. "I never told you that. So small and perfect and pretty. Look how they tilt up like that. Can I touch?"

Laura shook her head, smirking playfully. "Not yet. Take it off first."

Cecilia self-consciously chewed on her full lower lip. "I think I better take it all off first or the rest is going to be so soaked I won't be able to wear it home. And not from milk, either."

Laura realized she herself was trembling. She wanted to rape Cecilia, she realized. Rape her. Devour and consume her. Here I have to be gentle with her since she just delivered her kid. She must be sore. Maybe the incision is still tender. I can't really give in to this, but I want to rape her. She is so beautiful.

Together, they both unzipped their pants and slid them down, then their panties. Cecilia, Laura now remembered, always wore completely white underwear, and the contrast with her 'blue' black skin, as Cecilia herself sometimes referred to it, was acutely arresting. Laura, watching the stark white panties come down across the girl's sleek, black velvet thighs, was already clutched in the grip of a throbbing sexual need for her.

When Cecilia reached behind her back to unfasten the large white bra, Laura actually held her breath, knowing that in seconds the girl would be completely naked, completely hers. The bra fell away, and Cecilia's large, swollen breasts jiggled as she slipped it off and threw it on top of Laura's.

Laura had never seen them this large, though they were not misshapen or grotesque, as very large breasts often could be. Instead, they were more gourd-shaped than round as before, massive oblong melons that reminded Laura of Cecilia's friend Bernice, who naturally had these large, gourd-shaped breasts. The difference was that Bernice's nipples, though large, were conventionally shaped, with wide, flat areolas and nubby centers, whereas Cecilia's—like Ada's, which Laura had been thirstily slurping and sucking for the past two days—were thick, bulbous, swelling puffies, plump, gleaming black plums, the centers protruding about half an inch from the swollen tents of their surrounding areolas, each one pushing up more than an inch off the surface of Cecilia's breasts. Her nipples were also, if possible, even darker than the rest of her breasts, with a bright magical black sheen that made Laura's tongue salivate.

Cecilia saw her looking, and it was her turn to be coy and flirtatious. "But I know you like these humongous udders of mine," she said, tossing her head playfully and grimacing as if she would have to put up with them. "You and Ron . . . boob-happy. He treats these . . ." She lifted her hands to her breasts, cupping them, squeezing them only slightly from the round, bulging bottoms, the skin of her breasts around her fingertips growing taut and shiny. ". . . like they ought to be in Fort Knox or something." She flirted with Laura. "You looking at them the same way."

"At least Ron and I have one thing in common," Laura swallowed, barely able to speak from a fierce uprush of lust that caught in her throat.

Cecilia was solemn and serious again. She moved closer to Laura, eyes hot. "Can I touch now?"

"What do you think?" Laura breathed.

They both looked down at Cecilia's slender, very black fingers spread over Laura's pale, naked breasts, squeezing them gently.

"You know," Cecilia whispered, "I think it turns me on almost as much as it turns you on. We are gorgeous together, girl. I think we better lay down on that bed before we both just die of the beauty of it."

"I want a kiss first . . . with us standing like this. Touch my nipples with yours and kiss me."

Cecilia smiled. She dropped her hands and moved her large breasts toward Laura's. The big, soft plums of her bulbous nipples brushed Laura's, and Laura moved forward too, pressing hers into Cecilia's. They watched as their naked breasts pushed together, their nipples joined, and then raised their faces to one another and kissed again in a slow, painstaking, exploratory way, until it became too intense for them to keep standing.

"I think we've got to do it, girl," Cecilia panted. "I can't wait any more."

"I can't either."

They were both completely naked now, and they stretched out facing one another on Laura's bed, still unable to keep kissing, as if they were making up for all the kissing they had missed while Cecilia was pregnant. Laura let her hands run all over the girl's smooth black body, enjoying the pillowy layer of body fat that had not been there last time, digging her fingertips into it with relish.

"Oooohhh . . . you like this porky little body, don't you," Cecilia giggled softly. "You digging my mama fat? You better enjoy it, 'cause it's coming off soon."

"I love everything about your body," Laura murmured, now kissing Cecilia's flesh in every place that had been previously covered up by clothing. She buried her face in the deep, warm valley between Cecilia's breasts, no longer the tight little crease she had tried to invade earlier with her tongue when the cups of Cecilia's bra had held her gourds tightly together.

"Mmmm, but I know what you want," Cecilia grinned, forcing Laura onto her back and straddling her waist.

Oh god, I'm going to die of pure bliss, Laura thought, looking up into Cecilia's burning black eyes. Cecilia's breasts looked massive from this perspective, with Laura on her back, looking up. They were so obviously swollen with milk, the nipples thick and bulging, gleaming, that she looked like one of those exaggerated fertility goddess statues from the ancient past, opulent and tumid and read to burst with sweet nectars.

She put a flat hand on the mattress on each side of Laura's head and slowly lowered the dangling globes, brushing Laura's face with them, letting her soft nipples graze Laura's lips.

Laura looked up into her eyes. "Am I going to hurt them . . . if I suck?" she asked, foolishly, she realized a second later.

But Cecilia, also caught up in the hypnotic sexual spell of the moment, shook her head solemnly. "There's a baby boy who does a lot more damage to them than you ever can," she whispered to Laura.

Laura raised her hands to Cecilia's huge breasts for the first time, feeling how heavy they were as they dangled in her face.

"I feel like I'm stealing," she said.

Cecilia's eyes rolled up briefly. She was panting seriously by now, very aroused.

"You aren't stealing . . . you're helping out," she panted, now sucking on her lower lip, sweeping her heavy breasts more rapidly across Laura's face. "I got more than he can possibly drink."

"And it's mine?"

"It's yours. Take it, girl . . . please."

Laura was not about to refuse. Her own pussy was burbling and bubbling like a volcanic crater, her whole body throbbing and trembling, her hands shaking slightly as she guided one bulbous black nipple toward her lips. She actually remembered how she had felt the first time she had done this, and now was no different. The instant she drew Cecilia's huge nipple into her mouth, her whole body seemed suffused by a warm glow of pleasure that began as a tiny kernel of heat deep inside her pussy and then spread in billowing waves through the rest of her flesh.

Not wanting it ever to be over, Laura did not suck right away but instead ran her tongue all over Cecilia's bulging nipple, stroking it, tasting the sweet warm fluid that oozed from the nubbin the center, feeling responsive flutterings and palpitations taking place deep in her belly as the milk droplets bathed her tongue. Instinctively, she reached forward with one hand, sliding it between her abdomen and Cecilia's crotch, feeling the warm runny furrow of Cecilia's pussy with her fingers, sliding two of them inside and scissoring Cecilia's clit between them.

"Oh!" Cecilia gasped, throwing her head back.

Suddenly, Laura was overcome by fear. She stopped moving her fingers, and Cecilia's wet, glistening nipple slipped out of her mouth.

"Did I do it too hard? Oh honey, I don't want to hurt you! Is it sore?"

Cecilia looked down at her, eyes now glazed and reddened. She shook her head. "You as bad as Ron. Just do it gentle. Not too rough." She leaned down again, pushing her nipple back against Laura's lips. "Suck it, girl. Drink it."

"Oh yes."

Cecilia's shiny black nipple, all wet with Laura's warm saliva, also now was leaking small yellowish-white droplets from the thick center nub. Just seeing this seemed to inflame Laura further. She knew that both she and Cecilia were hyper-aroused, that the fact that they were both so horny had been precisely what had alarmed her moments ago, her fear that in her frantic, urgent lust she had somehow hurt this precious woman who had just undergone the agony childbirth only weeks ago. This time she could not stop herself from sucking harder as she took the bulging, silky, wet black bulb back into her mouth.

Her mouth flooded instantly with warm, sweet milk.

"Ohhnnnnn!" Cecilia moaned. "Yes . . . that's it. Oh!"

She reached up with one hand to hold her breast, and Laura continued sucking and swallowing greedily, feeling the wave begin, feeling the honeyfire spread throughout her body, feeling the hot throbbing kernel in the pit of her belly grow and swell and feel like it would soon burst. A sweet sexual delirium swept through her body, and she began undulating under Cecilia without really knowing it, moaning incoherently, her eyes rolling up as the warm fluid slid down her throat.

As if to make sure Cecilia's engorged breast did not slip from her mouth, she removed her hand from Cecilia's pussy and drew it back up to her face, filling it with Cecilia's other breast, the one she had not yet tasted, sliding her mouth over to the swollen, popping, gleaming black nipple and guiding it between her lips. Cecilia now released her breast and planted her hand again beside Laura's head, throwing her own head back and pushing her body down into Laura's face, groaning softly, almost gutturally, as Laura began to draw the sweet, warm milk from her other swollen globe.

Almost imperceptibly, since she was already straddling Laura's waist, she began to move her groin slowly back and forth on Laura's stomach, more to rock her breasts up and down into Laura's face than anything else. Laura, though completely consumed in a heated sexual swoon of her own, her throat glutted with sweet milk that was beginning to make her blood seethe and surge, could feel Ceclila's wetness, her warm gooey cunt flesh, as well as the wet bristly fur of her pussy hair, sliding over her stomach muscles, reminding her of the way she had done it with Dawn.

But what they were doing together had no design or plan and merely grew out of their mutual need and hunger. Laura now held both of Cecilia's heavy, dangling breasts in her hands, feeling the warm rivulets of milk run down her cheeks and her chin, seeing Cecilia's smooth, shiny black skin streaked with it, her nipples wet and glimmering. She knew she herself was going to come any second now. The pressure inside her body was growing, swelling, expanding like a balloon getting ready to pop, and she moaned and twisted, sucking first one spurting nipple, then the other, gorging on Cecilia's milk, unable to get enough, feeling her pussy swell and throb, and wildly enjoying the increasing urgency of Cecilia's sopping wet pussy sliding up and down on her stomach.

"Ohhnnnnn . . . Laura! Unhhh! God yes! God yes! Unhhh!" Cecilia panted, throwing her head back again, pushing her heavy breasts down into Laura's face.

Her thighs now hugged Laura's waist, and she bore down more with her pelvis into Laura's flesh, rubbing her pussy harder against it, and gasping. Laura knew she was about to come too.

"Oh god, I love it!" Laura gasped, looking up deliriously at Cecilia, past her huge and beautiful milk-streaked breasts to her face, contorted in a sexual transport of fierce dimensions as she drove closer and closer to a thrilling climax. "Oh god . . . I love it, let me drink you . . . let me . . . oh god unhhh! Oh honey . . . I think I—"

"Ahhnnnn! Ungghh!" Cecilia groaned softly, her body beginning to quiver, a clear sign that she was going to come too. "Oh yes . . . Laura . . . me too, oh yes! Suck hard yes hard harder . . . unhhhh! Oh shit!"

Again Laura returned to the first breast she had sucked, pulling the wet, bulging nipple into her mouth and nearly dying of bliss as she felt the milk just spurt out of it into her throat, gulping and swallowing and suddenly writhing and groaning as she felt the explosion beginning. Familiar with these orgasms from her other trysts with Cecilia, this time she merely relaxed and let it consume her from within, a swelling, burgeoning fiery cloud of throbbing bliss, like a nuclear meltdown. For a few seconds she actually did swoon, paralyzed by sweet, pulsing rapture, her whole body quivering and jerking spastically as an electrifying flood of seething lava flowed through her veins. She was unable even to moan, and her voice was reduced to tiny, helpless squeaks.

But then the first shocking jolts receded and her breath returned.

"Auunngghhhhh!" she cried out, as Cecilia's wet, leaking nipple slipped from her mouth. "Oh god . . . oh god Cecilia! Ungghhhh!"

She quickly guided Cecilia's other nipple back into her mouth, fastening on it and sucking, feeling the warm sweet milk again pour into her mouth just as Cecilia herself began to come.

"Ungghh! Oh . . . fuck! Ouunggghhh! Laur—"

She seemed to collapse for a second on top of Laura's supine body, nearly smothering Laura under the massive pillowy gourd of her breast, but then her thighs locked around Laura's waist and she began pumping frantically, pulling her body back up enough to get leverage into the mattress with her knees.

"Auungghhnnngghiieieee!" she cried out, pumping and coming in wild, uncontrollable spasms, shuddering, finally pitching forward again onto Laura as a fresh succession of hot, jolting orgasmic waves shook her body.

Laura, meanwhile, was not really finished coming herself. Her orgasm had never really stopped, just receded into a trough from which it quickly ascended again as she felt Cecilia shuddering and groaning on top of her, and now she began to swell and bloom again in another hot, throbbing cloud of bliss, squeaking, shaking, stiffening, then undulating in shockwaves as a fresh influx of glowing, radiating ecstasy burned every inch of her tingling body. Cecilia was still coming too, sliding slowly down a long diminuendo from the first ferocious shock that had struck her, whimpering into Laura's ear, still slumped on top of her, their flesh glued together by the sticky, warm overflow of her breast milk, and also by the potent sexual magnetism that had brought them together.

Neither one of them moved for almost two minutes while the spasms died slowly away, and their rapid breathing returned to normal. Cecilia was the first to break the silence.

"You know, Laura," she said, a little hoarse and raspy, her mouth so close to Laura's ear that Laura could feel her warm breath, "I thought that new little boy of mine could really latch on and suck, but he don't have nothing on you." She giggled softly, still not moving, just purring into Laura's ear. "You are one thirsty little white girl."

Only now resurfacing from her swoon, Laura smiled drowsily, feeling her body still glow with a profound sexual happiness that she knew was somehow the result of having swallowed milk directly from Cecilia's body. This is the way a baby feels, she realized: happy and content, though maybe their little orgasms aren't as intense.

"Mmmm, I could lie here forever," she whispered back to Cecilia. "You make me come like nobody else ever does. It's like . . . just melting. Not exploding, just melting in a hot, pulsating blob of endless pleasure."

Cecilia slowly peeled her sticky skin away from Laura's, sitting up and leaning back, still straddling Laura's stomach, her great black gourd-shaped breasts gleaming. She looked down at Laura's stomach, and Laura's eyes followed hers. It was shiny with the juices from Cecilia's pussy.

"Can't say I ever had one exactly like that either," Cecilia said, her eyes wide with mock astonishment. "It just sort of happened. One second I felt your tummy against my pussy . . . the next second I felt like I was getting there, you know?"

Laura nodded, grinning happily at her. "I know." She ran her finger through Cecilia's pussy juices and then through the smearing of milk that stuck to her breasts. "I think I've got some of you all over me still."

"We are a mess, girl, if that's what you mean. Where are those towels?"

"Most of them are under the sheet. The rest are over there."

They dried off slowly, drying each other off, kissing each other's skin when it was dry again, enjoying this intimacy which had been so long coming.

"I missed you," Laura whispered, truthfully, kissing Cecilia's marvelous naked black back. "Not just the milk. You."

Cecilia turned and kissed Laura's shoulder, cradling one of Laura's small, perfect breasts in her hand and lowering her mouth to it. "I missed you too, Laura. Ron's a lot of fun in bed, but he doesn't really seem to care if I get off or not. I mean, I do. I do get off. A lot. But it's kind of just something that happens while he's on his way to the big one. He doesn't really notice, I think, if I don't make it. With you, it's different. You really want me to get there."

Laura felt embarrassed. "I didn't just now," she confessed. "I was too busy swallowing and coming myself. If you hadn't started rubbing against my stomach, you might still be waiting."

Cecilia laughed happily. "Boy, are you wrong. I almost had one when we were just kissing. Really. The last part was just icing on the cake."

By now she was licking and gently sucking Laura's nipple so thoroughly and insistently that Laura was beginning to feel renewed juicing and throbbing in her pussy.

"I'm going to want you again, if you don't watch out," she breathed, stroking Cecilia's marvelous silky body.

"You know, we can't do the fist thing, like we did before," Cecilia looked up, her black eyes wide and shiny with fresh sensuality. "Too soon. My pussy's still a little tender from the incision."

Laura gave her a sly grin. "I could lick it. I love to lick it."

Cecilia dragged Laura down on the bed and embraced her roughly, kissing her throat and her neck, growling playfully. "I'm horny, girl. You can't imagine how horny. I want to be fucked. Ron won't fuck me yet. He's afraid he'll tear something." She made a reflective face. "Actually, I am too. He's got one of those really big ones, know what I mean. Sometimes it hurts even when I'm not recovering, like now."

"I can be careful."

But Cecilia wasn't satisfied. She frowned quizzically.

"I was thinking maybe you could do me up the back way, you know? I mean, I never let him do that, even though he always wants to. It's that big cock of his. God, it's huge. I can't imagine how it would feel to have that huge thing up your booty." She grinned at Laura. "But you . . . I'll bet you have some kinky little toy that ain't so big as that, right? Something you use when you doing those yella girls that scream so loud it wakes the neighbors. Right?"

Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

Laura found herself quickly in her mind going over their wrenching climaxes of a few minutes ago, trying to recall how loudly each of them had groaned. Usually she was very careful, but in her eagerness to see Cecilia, and feeling the elemental magic of their sexual connection, she had somehow not taken any precautions against excessive noise. She had not even warned or reminded Cecilia. They had both cried out pretty wildly, and Laura was now deathly afraid the Gibsons, if they were home, might have overheard it.

Worse, now that she was entangled in a sexual relationship with their daughter Shontay—even though they knew nothing about that—she feared they might drop a causal comment to Shontay about the loud sexual exploits of their downstairs neighbor, and the fat would be in the fire. Laura realized that her previous worries about exactly the same thing had been groundless, but now she had given them a fresh life.

On the other hand, she could not ignore what Cecilia had said. Cecilia wanted to be fucked, and she wanted it in the ass. Few women were ever this straightforward and honest with Laura, and Laura certainly want to oblige. She could not ignore the prickly, hot, itchy pulsing that had sprung up in her groin at the very thought. On top of that, Cecilia had resumed sucking her nipple, sucking it harder and more hungrily than before, which was heating up Laura's blood again to the raging point.

"Have you ever done that?" she inquired softly.

Cecilia shook her head, grinning like a small child with a secret. "Finger only." She made a moue. "You don't remember? It was you. Laura, you probably be doing so many nasty things with your other hoes you don't even remember diddling my beautiful black booty."

"I was just testing you," Laura said, pulling her face up and kissing her.

"Yeah, right."

Cecilia's eyes twinkled. She was very beautiful at this moment, and Laura remembered how, when they had first met, she herself would sit for hours over lunch gazing at this gorgeous face, wanting to ravish Cecilia's sensual lips, wanting to run her own lips across the wondrous silky sheen of her deeply black cheek. Some evenings she had even gone home and masturbated while dreaming of the girl.

She had never really allowed herself to fall in love with Cecilia as completely as she had fallen for others since from the start Cecilia had been married, happily, it seemed, and planning for children. She seemed to be one of those rare women who loved her husband and kids but saw nothing wrong with an occasional dalliance in Laura's bed. She was good-natured, and never jealous of Laura's other girlfriends, though she was not above teasing Laura mercilessly about them.

Laura playfully wrestled Cecilia onto her back, hovering over her now as Cecilia had been doing earlier to her, dangling her small breasts in Cecilia's face.

"I would love to make you whimper and scream," she murmured. "I would love to fuck you in a way you won't let your husband fuck you."

"You getting me pretty hot, Laura," Cecilia confessed, beaming.

Laura had been turning over in her mind an episode once with Brandi, the muscle queen, who had sat in a chair once in a hotel room and, holding Laura's hips in both strong hands, had rubbed Laura's wet pussy back and forth over her hard thigh muscle until Laura had nearly died of coming. It was not the act that captured her imagination so much as the position. If she took the place Brandi had taken, with Cecilia facing her, she could hold the toy between them while Cecilia rode it, and get a face full of these marvelous milk gourds at the same time.

But there was no chair in her bedroom other than a small, flimsy one that wouldn't work. Her mind raced. The sofa!

Quickly, she fished with one hand under her bed, first locating and rejecting the huge double dildo, then finally finding the smaller, more 'normal-sized' one that she had used long ago before discovering the huge one. She pulled it out, dangling it in front of Cecilia's face.

Cecilia's eyes grew wide. "Ooohhh, I never been screwed by a white cock before."

"It's really a little more pinkish than white," Laura observed.

"Looks like we could both get some fun out of this one," Cecilia said, running her slender black finger from the top to the bottom, pausing to touch the ballooning cock head on each end.

"That's the point, my love. Now help me get some of these towels out from under the sheet so we can take them with us."

"Where we going?"

"Into the living room. The sofa."

Cecilia's eyes grew even wider. Without another word, she helped Laura take up the sheet. Both of them grabbed about four towels and took them along into the living room. Laura had also snatched up one of her small bottles of baby oil, and Cecilia herself carried the double dildo.

The drapes were open, so Laura pulled them shut.

"Leave them open just a little," Cecilia said. "Just to let a little light in, not so anybody can see."

Smiling slyly, Laura left the drapes open about six inches. "Is that the exhibitionist in you coming out?"

Cecilia ignored her, looking down at the sofa. "Laura, this is one expensive piece of furniture. You sure you want to be spilling milk all over it?"

"That's why we brought the towels, silly."

"You better get more than a few towels, girl. These boobs are gushers when they get going. You hardly got 'em working in there."

"Maybe a whole sheet?"

Laura returned to the bedroom and brought back the sheet they had already taken half-off the bed. She and Cecilia carefully covered Laura's white sofa with it. Laura could barely take her eyes off the bobbing, swaying, bulging balloons of Cecilia's large breasts, marveling at how big they were and yet not misshapen or grotesquely engorged, just smooth and spherical and . . . full; there was no other word for it. Full. The tickle inside her pussy flared up again.

"I see you looking, girl," Cecilia said, softly. "You still thirsty?"

"I could never get enough, not if we did it for a week."

She sat down on the sofa, holding her arms out to Cecilia, who climbed on top of her thighs, facing her, brushing her breasts in Laura's face.

"Remind me to save enough to squirt in your pussy once, before I leave. I have never forgot how you came when I did that."

"Me either," Laura panted, feeling suddenly very aroused, her face now buried between the two massive mounds of delicious flesh. "Now hold still while I get this ready."

Cecilia leaned back a little, watching while Laura spread shiny baby oil all over one end of the dildo. "You look like you've done that before."

Laura made a face at her. She set the bottle on the lamp table. She lowered the greased dildo between them.

"Up a little," she coached softly, sliding it under Cecilia's groin and past the inflamed cleft of her pussy, which Laura could clearly see, glimmering dark pink and wet among the coal-black tufts of Cecilia's pubic patch. "Now . . . careful . . . go easy, yes, like that . . ."

"Hhhhh!" Cecilia gasped, her eyes watering briefly as Laura, using her fingers, found her asshole and introduced the tip of the dildo into it. "Ooohhhh, that feels funny!"

"Just slide down slowly on it . . . that's it . . ."

Laura was looking into Cecilia's eyes, looking to see the expression on her face as it penetrated her, and she saw a grimace reflecting a weird, intense mixture of pleasure and pain spread over her features. Cecilia gulped a few desperate breaths.

"Oh shit . . . that feels . . . wonderful," she gasped, her eyelids fluttering, her head lolling back.

This motion thrust her full, swollen breasts more forcefully into Laura's face, and Laura could not help kissing them eagerly, raising her free hand to them, pinching one of Cecilia's huge, bulging nipples between her thumb and her forefinger, which quickly sent a spurt of warm milk into her face.

"Ohhhh!" she dissolved into giggling, feeling it trickle down her chin and cheek.

Cecilia had partially regained her senses and looked down. "You better get on this train before it leaves the station, girl," she panted. "Otherwise . . . you gonna be left behind." She clenched her teeth, moving her body up and down on the dildo in her ass. "This feels better than I ever thought it would be. I don't know how long I can last."

Laura realized that Cecilia was telling the truth. She was moving and undulating with tense urgency, and the look in her eyes showed her in the grip of a fiercely intense sexual delirium. Oh god, it always happens too fast! Laura thought, quickly reaching down with one hand and carefully guiding the other end of the dildo up into her own squinchy, throbbing pussy, gulping for self-control as she felt it ride up into her.

"Unhh!" she gasped.

Now they were both linked by the long hard tube, and the connection seemed to allow a sharp influx of even more intense sexual feeling to flow between them, as if these were real cocks fusing them together in this rhythmic rocking. Laura's hands came up to Cecilia's large, overripe breasts, cradling them, guiding one into her mouth, sucking it with preliminary tenderness but feeling the warm sweet milk flow into her mouth copiously anyway.

"Ohhnnnnn!" Cecilia moaned, her eyes rolling up, her body beginning to rock a little faster on the dildo that now slid up deep into her ass. "Ohhhh . . . Laura . . . I love it when you fuck me," she panted in a soft, guttural whisper.

She had her hands on the tops of Laura shoulders, holding them to steady herself as she rocked back and forth, up and down, on the dildo, but now she grabbed Laura's head and pulled it forward into her breast.

"Yes! Yes!"

Quickly things began to get out of hand. Warm milk poured into Laura's mouth faster than she could gulp it down, and it trickled down her chin and her cheeks. She too felt the dildo spiking up into her own pussy, a part of the shaft sliding over her clit each time Cecilia pitched her pelvis forward, which sent shivers of excitement through her body to mingle with the insistent throbbing pulse of the happy, swelling urgency she felt as Cecilia's milk coursed down her throat.

Now they were bucking and churning together, and Laura felt a hint that the dildo was slipping. She reached down with one hand to grab it, moving her mouth over to Cecilia's other bobbing breast at the same time, guiding Cecilia's bursting black nipple between her lips with her free hand.

"Drink it, honey . . . suck it, honey!" Cecilia panted, maybe more uncontrollable than Laura had ever seen her, gasping and almost bouncing up and down on Laura's thighs as she drove the dildo deeper into her ass, and also up into Laura's pussy with each thrust. "Ohnnn! Oucchhh! Oh shit . . . that goes in deep! Ungghh! Oh yes! Suck, Laura . . . suck! Suck harder! Anngghhhh!"

"Oh god . . . baby . . . yes!" Laura gasped, now drenched in warm milk, feeling it run down her face and spill onto the rest of her body, feeling it running between her breasts and Cecilia's, a sticky fluid that glued them together even tighter. "Oh yes . . . ungghhhh!"

The dildo pierced her sharply as Cecilia lunged forward. For a second Cecilia's plump, flowing nipple slipped out of her mouth, but Laura was feverishly hungry for it, and she quickly guided Cecilia's breast back to her mouth. The bulbous black nipple was streaked with rivulets of milk, wet and glistening, and Laura devoured it, drawing it deeply into her mouth, sucking it even harder than before. She heard a tiny, clotted mewling from deep in Cecilia's throat.


Oh yes . . . she's going to come! Laura realized. I can feel it!

In fact, she could feel distant convulsions beginning to reverberate through Cecilia's wonderful, soft, springy flesh as the girl bounced and strained and panted on top of her, pushing her squirting breasts into Laura's face, keening and whimpering now as the storm engulfed her, grinding her ass down on the dildo that impaled her.

Laura could feel it piercing her own body too, stabbing up more sharply into her with each frantic lunge Cecilia made in her frenzy as she approached an intense orgasm. They were pumping so furiously now that the sofa was rocking on its small legs, and scrunching up the throw-rug under it, moving across the floor, back from the window. Laura knew in the back of her mind that they were making more noise than she should risk, but they were yoked so tightly in a fierce sexual struggle that neither could prevent it.

She was now absolutely drenched in warm milk, which seemed to spurt from Cecilia's breasts at the merest touch. Laura held them in both hands—which was not easy, considering the way Cecilia was violently jumping up and down in her lap—and squeezed each bulging gourd, pinching Cecilia's thick wet nipples the way she had seen Cecilia do so that long streams of milk squirted into her face, spattering her cheeks and her forehead, dripping down her chin to her neck, wetting her shoulders and then running down to her breasts. She could now feel the warm streams trickling down her stomach to her crotch.

O shit, I'm going to come so hard! Laura suddenly realized.

But she had scarcely had this thought when Cecilia groaned and slipped to the side, pulling Laura over with her, pumping and whinnying softly, then more hysterically, as a fierce, rupturing climax suddenly shattered her.

"AUUNGGHHHH!" she cried out, coming hard, still flexing and straining and pumping, her body askew across Laura, who now felt her own bubble burst too, not the swelling, radiant mushroom cloud she was used to feeling with Cecilia, but this time a piercing, stabbing squirt of hot ecstasy.

"Unmnngghiiee!" she squealed, unable to stop herself.

She felt her whole body suddenly wrenched by a debilitating convulsion. And Cecilia did not stop coming.

"AUUNGGHHHH!" she cried out again, still pumping maniacally, awkwardly sprawled across Laura, her shoulder wedged into the corner of the sofa, which still rumbled and rocked as they kept pumping each other vigorously. "Ohhnnnn god . . . oh god Laura . . . . ungghhhh! Auungghhhhh!"

"Mmmgghiiiieeee!" Laura squealed again, pierced by another sharp arrow of excruciating pleasure.

Cecilia's wild pumping not only drove the dildo up into her own ass but also stabbed the other end deeply up into Laura's pussy, and Laura's orgasm reflected this thrusting, skewering motion as she simply dissolved in hot sexual shivers, moaning and clinging to Cecilia, still chasing Cecilia's wet, popping, glimmering black nipples with her lips, insanely trying to suck more milk into her mouth even as both of them were crushed and crippled by overpowering orgasmic seizures.

Laura knew she had not had such a violent, loud, or crushing fuck-match and orgasm since the time she and Jane had together broken her bed, and she lay panting and tingling, half pinned to the sofa by Cecilia on top of her. Cecilia was panting too, and softly moaning. They were both sticky and clammy with milk all over their bodies, but neither made an effort to move. The moment, Laura realized, was too powerful, and she knew that, like her, Cecilia did not want it to end.

Her apartment was deathly silent now that they had ceased moaning and whooping, and Laura felt acutely the contrast between what had just occurred and this funereal calm. Oh god, we made enough noise to wake the whole building, she thought. Not only the Gibsons. God, we screamed, we groaned, we both came so hard!

She could still taste the milk from Cecilia's breasts on her tongue, and feel it slowly coagulating on her skin. She could feel it gluing her skin and Cecilia's together as they finally moved to escape this awkward position, with Cecilia slumped forward and half across Laura's partially supine body, their groins still linked by the rubbery tube of the double dildo.

"Hold on a minute . . . I'll get it out," Cecilia gasped, trying to right herself, pushing her palms into the sofa cushions and lifting her torso, her skin slowly peeling away from Laura's, pleasantly stuck to it by the gummy drying milk.

But Laura clutched her, embracing her, not letting her sit up completely but pulling her over face to face, then kissing her mouth warmly.

"Don't you dare touch it," she murmured. "I don't want this ever to end. You really fucked me, girl. You nearly drowned me in milk."

Cecilia smiled and bit Laura's lower lip sexily. She still seemed dazed and flummoxed by the impact of the sexual cataclysm they had just shared, her eyes murky and her mouth slack.

"Got to keep up my reputation . . . better than those fat-ass yella girls you been spending your time with," she said, still a little breathless.

"You're better than anybody," Laura said to her, meaning it completely.

Cecilia grimaced playfully. "You may not want this to end, but this thing up my booty is beginning to feel a little funny now that we're finished."

Laura smiled and relented. Together they carefully extracted the wonderful thing from their bodies. Cecilia looked at it with distaste as Laura put it on a rumpled towel at the other end of the sofa. The dildo was still glistening with a shiny coating of oil and cunt juices. She made a nasty face.

"That thing is a miracle, Laura," she said, deadpan. "Guess I'll have to get me one for when Ron's out of town."

Laura pulled her back down on top of her, luxuriating in the feel of their breasts pushing together again, running her tongue inside Cecilia's mouth in a happy, ardent kiss.

"You could just come over here and use mine," she purred.

Cecilia smirked. "Can I bring my two little boys with me? What they gonna do, watch Sesame Street while you and me be in there moaning and fucking like two sick cats?"

Laura pouted. "We did make a little too much noise. You know, I have these new neighbors. Not the same as the other ones. These . . . well, I don't know if they're worse, but I don't want to find out."

Cecilia's eyes twinkled, since it was Laura's problem, not hers. "I'll tell 'em you were pulling one of my teeth for me, if we see them," she said.

"Right," Laura raised one eyebrow.

She couldn't take her eyes off the drying milk streaks on Cecilia's deeply black skin. They made interesting swirls, parabolas, and whorls of a grayish sheen that smeared her magnificent breasts, her smooth chest above them, her gleaming shoulders where milk had run off Laura's body onto hers, even her lovely stomach and abdomen, where Laura could now detect a spidery filigree of stretch marks that had not been there after the birth of her first child.

"Don't you be looking at my tummy, Laura," Cecilia snapped, abruptly turning her body to partially conceal it from Laura's eyes. "It's all wrecked now. Good thing I still got these."

She winked and raised both hands to her heavy breasts, turning her palms out and pressing her knuckles against the sides, pushing the ripe globes together, making them swell and jiggle in a way that reduced Laura to another hot shiver of fresh lust.

"Ooohhh, it don't take much to get you interested again, I can see," Cecilia teased.

"But this sheet is a little wet," Laura said. "I think we have to move."

Cecilia climbed off her, grabbing one of the fresh towels they had brought in from the bedroom, starting to wipe the drying residue off her body. But Laura snatched the towel away.

"I want to lick it off you," she whispered, letting one finger trace some of the patterns on Cecilia's body.

"You are one horny little white girl, Laura," Cecilia breathed. She smiled. "I can't believe how lucky I was to meet you."

Laura hopped up. "Help me put a fresh sheet on the bed."

Cecilia frowned, looking at the sofa and the scrunched-up throw rug underneath it. The sofa was two or three feet further back from the window than it had been when they started, and turned at an angle.

"How'd that happen?" she asked Laura.

"You did it," Laura taunted her, grinning. "You were on top. Jumping up and down on me, you nasty thing."

Cecilia shook her head in mock dismay. "Guess you ain't the only horny one here."

They grabbed the few towels they had not yet used and returned to the bedroom, where Laura took two bathrobes out of the closet and tossed one to Cecilia.

"Here, cover up that gorgeous body. It's hard for me to keep my mind on business when I get to look at it."

Cecilia smiled as she slipped into the bathrobe, watching Laura do the same. "What business do you have right now but me anyway?"

"Oh . . . making the bed. Pouring us each a glass of wine." Laura leaned close so that her mouth was just inches from Cecilia's sleek black neck. "Sucking the dried milk off your beautiful body," she whispered, as sultry as possible.

"There's plenty left to suck at the source," Cecilia flirted.

They put another sheet on the bed, with towels under it again. Laura poured each of them a glass of wine, and for a while they were able to keep their hands off one another by chatting idly about work and the strains of motherhood, about which Laura knew nothing. But Cecilia was an expert.

These quiet, relaxed moments were very sweet to Laura. Unlike many of her girlfriends, Cecilia was not possessive or jealous but very good-natured and sensible, still completely ravishing, even after the birth of her two children, but not phony in the least, not full of herself, like some others. They had been doing this on and off for a long time, and they both knew that what they got from it was something nothing or no one else could replace. They actually talked, sitting across from one another in Laura's living room, where they had just fucked so riotously a little earlier, for close to half an hour before the wine and their sexual attraction began to heat them up again.

Laura's bathrobe was too small for Cecilia's large breasts, which pushed out against it, revealing more deep black satin cleavage every time she shifted her body. The skirts of the robe climbed higher on her glossy hard thighs too. Laura found herself staring again, and Cecilia, amused, made it worse by leaning forward, so that her large, heavy breasts swooped out against the terrycloth, and by scissoring her legs, so that they gleamed and flexed, making Laura's throat catch.

"You know, Laura," Cecilia said, eyes veiled, voice smoky and low now, "when you look at me like that, I can feel the flow starting up all over again. I usually only feel it with the baby . . . but with you I feel it too." She glanced meaningfully down at her crotch. "Down there, too."

Laura rose out of her chair and came over to her, kneeling, easily slipping her hands under the loose bathrobe, running them lightly over Cecilia's warm, smooth body.

"I haven't got to kiss 'down there' yet," she murmured, parting the fabric of the robe.

"Girl, if you kiss me down there it's all over. We better get back to that bed, where the towels are. I feel a geyser coming on."

They almost flew together to the bedroom, shedding the bathrobes on the way. This time they coiled together naked, kissing hungrily but slowly, willing to take their time now that they had released their initial passion.

"Are you going to squirt it all over me?" Laura purred to her sensually. "Are you going to squirt it in my pussy?"

Cecilia smiled noncommittally. "Are you going to lick me down there?"

Laura nodded.

"Then girl, I'm gonna give you a milk bath you won't forget."

"Mmmm . . . me first."

Cecilia had been on top both times so far, and it was now Laura's turn. She allowed herself to feast on Cecilia's wonderful naked body inch by inch, letting her lips linger on the smooth shallows beneath her collarbones, kissing and nuzzling her sexily under her chin, kissing her arms, the velvety sides of her torso under them, deviating momentarily into the deep valley between her large, swollen breasts, then sliding down her stomach, down to her belly, which was now a little wrinkly and creased by childbirth trauma, no longer the incredibly smooth and midnight-black paragon it had once been but still an endearing flaw that made her love Cecilia more than ever.

Cecilia's thighs parted to let her slide down further, and soon she was facing the wet, open, glistening magenta furrow of Cecilia's lovely, oozing pussy, one she had not licked in over a year. Miraculously, Laura thought, it showed no signs of having recently passed something as large as a baby but was the same wavy-lipped, parabolic masterpiece she had remembered, and she immediately extended her tongue and slithered it right between the thin, black, glossy inner lips, pushing it deep into the interior.

"Unhhhhh!" Cecilia gasped, looking down her body at Laura. "Oh . . . yes!"

Laura remembered long ago that Cecilia had told her that Ron never did this. Though their married sex life seemed—if Cecilia's testimony were any indication—to be healthy and exuberant, it evidently did not include the worshipful devotion to ardent cunnilingus that Laura was able to bring to her relationship with Cecilia. As far as Laura knew, unless Cecilia had diddled around now and then with her friend Bernice, she herself was the only one who had ever tasted this marvelous wet blossom.

And that thought made her more ardent than ever. It was not just a pleasure but a rare opportunity, and she meant to give it every last ounce of her considerable skill. Slowly, she made love to Cecilia's festering, runny red slit, exploring the folds and crevices with the tip of her tongue, spreading the filaments of shiny black hair away with her thumbs, with her lips teasing the little pinkish seed of Cecilia's clit, which only partially protruded from under it's hood.

Cecilia moaned and twisted, her large, swollen breasts rolling and swirling. Her fingers slid into Laura's hair, clutching Laura's scalp frenetically, trying to pull Laura's face even harder into her streaming cunt. This Laura took as a sign to back off a little, to slow the pace. She wanted Cecilia to explode, but she also relished the chance to bring her along slowly to a point at which she would be utterly helpless in the grip of her sexual need.

Is it a power thing I have? Laura wondered, unable to pursue the thought since she was so aroused already by the pungent odors of Cecilia's sweet pussy, and by Cecilia's wild churning and feverish moaning.

"Oh . . . god, Laura . . . you know how to do that good!" Cecilia panted, biting her lip and looking down into Laura's eyes, which held hers as she continued to suck and lick Cecilia's pussy passionately. "Unhhhh! Unhhhh! I'm going to come if you keep that up, girl," she half-giggled, before her head dropped back suddenly to the mattress. "Ohhhh!"

"Oh, you're not going to come yet," Laura whispered, taking pains to prolong the sweet agony. "You're just going to want to come."

"Unhhhhh! Oh yes . . . I do! Anngghhh! Oh . . . yes, like that . . . right there! Oh, more, Laura! Unhhhh! Right there . . . yes!"

Again Laura purposely slowed down, caressing Cecilia's marvelous silky black inner thighs with her fingertips, kissing her red, swollen pussy but not tonguing or sucking it, letting her eyes drift up the surging, undulating ebony flesh of the girl's body to her contorted, beautiful, sexually-anguished face. Cecilia was now touching her own breasts, gently cupping and squeezing them, almost unconsciously, swirling her fingers over the gourd-shaped mounds, which jiggled and rolled as she twisted her body.

After a few seconds, Laura began to crank up the heat again. She kissed Cecilia's inner thighs, which she had been stroking lovingly with her fingers, and worked her mouth back to Cecilia's inflamed pussy, knowing the girl could feel her approach, knowing how the anticipation felt.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes! Please . . . Laura, please!" Cecilia whimpering, bucking her hips even more suggestively.

And now Cecilia began to dig her own fingers more roughly into the spongy round flesh of her breasts, and to pull her large, bulging nipples. She looked down at Laura, catching Laura's eyes, her face framed by the large mounds of her breasts.

"Put two fingers in it . . . Laura, I like it . . . yes . . . ohngghhhh like that! Ungghh! Oh god yes!"

Her head fell back, but now she began pinching her nipples in the special way Laura had seen—and also imitated—bunching them up into little pointed cones in her fingertips, then squeezing, and suddenly geysers of milk began to spurt up from them, leaping almost a foot into the air. Each time she pinched, another stream of milk squirted up from each breast, and the milk then fell back onto her heaving, writhing body.

"Ohhhnnnnn . . . ohhnnnnn!" Cecilia moaned, squirming and pumping her pussy up into Laura's mouth, pinching and twisting her nipples.

Inevitably Laura's hands slid up the girl's wet body, her fingers coated with warm milk as they reached Cecilia's large, spouting breasts. Her fingers mingled with Cecilia's, pinching and milking Cecilia's nipples too, and she now unleashed her final love-assault on Cecilia's flowing pussy, lashing her clit with her tongue, sucking it, devouring the hot, runny pit in a voracious attack that brought rising, keening, hysterical whimpering from deep in Cecilia's throat.

"Anngghyymnnggeee . . . anngghyymnnggeee!" she half-wailed, now beginning to quiver, then clench, her body totally out of control, bucking and surging under Laura.

Oh, you're going to come now, honey. It's almost here, Laura thought, half-crazed by passion herself, wildly aroused by Cecilia's sexual mania and the feel of Cecilia's warm milk bathing her hands and fingers, sticking to the bottoms of her arms, which were stretched up across the girl's wet stomach.

"Oh god yes Laura yesssss!" she gasped. "Oh . . . oh!"

Laura could feel her body trembling and knew that Cecilia was already coming. The real explosion was a few microseconds away, but she could not resist the temptation to slide up Cecilia's undulating, wet body. By now Cecilia's own hands had fallen away from her wet breasts and were twitching and scrabbling at the sides of her body as she began to come. Her black nipples were still oozing droplets of warm, sweet milk, and Laura took over, dropping her hand to Cecilia's pussy and fucking her rapidly with two fingers just as a shattering climax struck her.

"AUUNGGHHIIEEENNGGHHIIEEE!" Cecilia cried out, her body clenching and rising almost completely off the bed. "Auujngghhhhhh!"

The bed shimmied as she dropped back to the mattress, shaking it violently. Laura's mouth and her other hand were all over Cecilia's wet breasts as Cecilia came, sucking her nipples, pinching them, so that some milk poured down Laura's throat while milk from Cecilia's other nipple shot high into the air again, descending on them both, then squirted directly into Laura's face as she guided that nipple toward her open mouth. They had shared some pretty messy, wet fucks in the past, but this was beginning to transcend them all. The warm, sweet milk from Cecilia's body covered them both, and Laura gulped as much of it as she could, feeling it have the usual effect as her body began to implode, and she could feel hot lightning storms starting to throb deep inside her cunt.

"Oh Jesus!" she gasped, rolling onto her side facing Cecilia, who was recovering from the first wave of her own orgasm and rolled over on her side too, eyelids fluttering, toes curling.

Unable to stop herself, Laura now buried her whole face in Cecilia's wet breasts, grabbing them with both hands now that Cecilia's climax had faded, sucking first one plump, spurting nipple, then the other, feeling herself seethe and swell with impending ecstasy, whooping and whimpering maniacally as warm milk trickled down her chin and gushed into her mouth.


"Oh god . . . honey . . . I'm going to come!" she gasped to Cecilia. "Fuck me with it . . . please! Do it in my pussy like you said! Quick! Please! Quick!"

Cecilia revived herself from her own stupefying orgasm enough to slip down Laura's body, where she pushed Laura's thighs apart and with both hands guided one of her wet, milk-streaked breasts into Laura's crotch. Her bulging nipple pushed directly into the oozing, gaping crease between Laura's pussy lips, and Laura nearly fainted as she felt the radiating cloud of a stupendous nuclear meltdown begin to envelop and enclose her.

From this point on she could do nothing but moan and twitch and writhe as Cecilia rubbed her nipple up and down in the groove of her flooding cunt, then pulled it back about an inch and began to squirt warm milk into Laura's aching slit.

"Unnhhhhhh! Unnnhhhhh!" Laura groaned, feeling her whole body begin to throb in one giant, fiercely intense spasm that left her quivering and breathless. "Oh god! Unhhhhhhh!"

"Ohhh honey . . . go for it . . . do it," Cecilia panted.

"Unngghhh! Oh yes! Oh god yes!"

And then she came in a long, harrowing series of huge, swelling, bursting, hot bubbles of paralyzing rapture. Cecilia's warm milk streamed into her cunt, and as Laura began to come Cecilia pushed her nipple back into the wet, runny, raw flesh of Laura's pussy and rubbed Laura's clit with it, making Laura's orgasm more intense than ever, until the breath nearly left her body entirely and she merely vibrated in unison with the universe for an impossibly long time until the last, fluttery spasm of bliss finally died away.

Rarely did she lose track of time—only with Cecilia, really, in the grip of these other-worldly orgasms—but Laura had no idea whether this one had lasted thirty seconds or three minutes. Cecilia was still scrunched up between her thighs, looking at Laura's pussy and her own breast, her nipple still only inches away from Laura's clit. She slowly raised her head until her eyes caught Laura's. A slow, happy smile began to spread across her lovely face.

"I think I said this before," she murmured softly, dreamily, her eyes locked in an intimate tango with Laura's. "We're gonna have to do this in the bathtub from now on." She glanced down at the wet sheets and made a comical face. "This bed is soaked. What a mess."

"I wouldn't trade it for anything," Laura smiled back. "You make me come like nobody else."

"It's just this milk and my blue black skin that makes you come like that, Laura," Cecilia purred, getting to her knees and moving up, again dangling her heavy breasts, all streaked and sticky with drying milk, in Laura's face. "Here, you want a last drink before I put them away?"

Oh god, another orgasm . . . Laura though, her eyes rolling up in ecstasy as she opened her mouth and felt Cecilia's soft, bulbous nipple descend into it. The wet sheets suddenly meant nothing as both of them dissolved a few minutes later into a final, blossoming, swelling, expanding mushroom cloud of shared coming, both of them coming together in a scalding, throbbing seizure of bliss that seemed to last longer than all the others combined. And this time, Laura knew, it was a good ten minutes before they peeled themselves apart.

"I remember this from the last time," she whispered, kissing Cecilia's marvelous, silky cheek. "We nearly killed each other with these orgasms."

"I know," Cecilia said. She moved to the edge of the bed, looking around for her clothes. "And I got a little boy who needs this more than you do. I can't afford to be killing myself in bed with a gorgeous white girl who has kinky tastes." She winked. "Know what I mean?"

Laura smiled, nodding reluctantly. She watched Cecilia retrieve her scattered clothes and dress, not moving until the clamminess of the sheets began to get to her.

"I think I'm going to have to let this dry out," she said, wearily.

Cecilia shot her a meaningful glance, her eyes glittering with mischief. "You better get that smell out or one of those yella girls is going to know what you been doing."

Laura smirked. "Let 'em wonder."

She kissed Cecilia at the door. It was a wonderful, tender, lingering moment.

"Had a nice time, Miss Laura. Hope I didn't run up your laundry bill too high."

Laura pushed her against the still-closed door. "You ravishing creature. I could rape you again right here." She kissed Cecilia ravenously.

"I do believe you could," Cecilia giggled, charmed and flattered by this attack. "It's great to have a beautiful girl who loves me as much as my husband does and will fuck me too, when I ask her," she said softly.

Laura pecked her on the nose and opened the door for her. "Just make sure you keep asking."

"You gonna want me when the milk is gone?"

Laura let the fire show in her eyes. "I think you know the answer to that."




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