Laura - Chapter 249



Laura was sleeping with Shontay in Shontay's bed but dreaming of Dawn. It was a real dream, and guilt or chagrin would have to wait until later. In the dream, Laura was on her back, and Dawn was on top of her. Both were naked. Laura could feel Dawn's very firm breasts and the thick soft bulbs of her nipples moving against her own skin. Dawn slithered her long tongue deep into Laura's mouth. Laura almost came in her sleep, and then slid abruptly into consciousness.

She was face to face with Shontay, who was still in a deep sleep, breathing evenly, looking pure and lovely. When awake, Shontay's face had an habitually cold and arrogant cast, which she had now partially softened due to her fondness for Laura, when they were together. But in sleep she looked as angelic as a child. Her hair, usually pulled back severely, came down for fucking with Laura, and now it was tangled and drooping across her face in stray locks, making her look very sensual and fetching.

They had fucked at first in an insatiable frenzy, spurred on by the memory of Shontay masturbating while Laura listened on the telephone from Tucson. Then they had settled into a more relaxed rhythm, though by midnight both were so exhausted they could barely move. Laura understood why Shontay was zonked. On the other hand, she wondered how she could possibly be so oversexed as to have dreams of fucking with Dawn after what she and Shontay had done before falling asleep.

Over Shontay's thin, light brown shoulder she could see the clock on her vanity table. It was six-ten a.m. She had to go to work—so did Shontay, for that matter—and had had no intention of spending the night. Now she would have to drive home, shower, change, and rush to make it on time.

She kissed Shontay's cheek. "Good morning, sunshine," she whispered. "I've got to go home and change for work."

Shontay smiled drowsily, stretching, slowly coming awake. In fact, she could not stop smiling as she gazed into Laura's eyes.

"Did we really do what I think we did last night?" she asked softly.

Laura nodded, kissing her mouth. "I guess it was worth waiting for, right?"

Shontay frowned slightly. "Are you sure I satisfy you? I mean, I can tell you must've had a lot of . . . other girls. It makes me a little . . . jealous . . . and also a little insecure."

Laura gulped. How could she just get up and leave with Shontay feeling like that? Instead, she embraced her, kissed her, rubbed her whole body against Shontay's long, skinny body in a way that made them both remember the previous night in acute detail.

"Darling, you do more than satisfy me," she purred. "You make me shimmer and glow. When I'm away from you, I just dream of the way your lips feel on my pussy."

"Really?" Shontay's high forehead knitted up.

"Really." She brushed the hair away from Shontay's smooth cheek, touched by the girl's innocence. "Do you think of me?"

"All the time. I think mostly of when we did it the first time. I was so scared. You wouldn't believe how scared I was. I give a good imitation of courage, but I'm really scared shitless most of the time."

Laura squeezed her tightly and nibbled her earlobe. "Welcome to the club," she breathed softly into Shontay's ear. "You know . . . I have to go home and change, but I can't seem to make myself let this beautiful body go."

"You mean this skinny, bony, gangly body?"

Now Laura was kissing her the way she had kissed her last night. "I mean this long . . . beautiful . . . slender body," she murmured, kissing Shontay's upper chest and collarbones and throat, now kneading the girl's charming teacup breasts with her fingers. "I think I suddenly need another one before we stop."

"Oh god, me too! Unhhhhh! Oh . . . Laura . . . yes, I think we have just a little time. Do that again. Please!"

While kissing her throat and her delectably straight collarbones, and fondling her small breasts, Laura had dropped one hand between their bodies and lightly pinched Shontay's small clit, very gently, only enough to give her a happy twinge, but apparently enough to make her blood leap.

Sometimes in the morning, awakening after a night of exhausting sex, Laura felt a surprisingly fresh and insistent flash of lust. Both of them seemed to feel it at this instant, and they kissed hungrily, panting and whimpering.

"Touch me . . . touch me too," Laura panted to Shontay.

Shontay dropped her hand. "Like this?"

"Yes! Oh . . . yes! Unhhh!"

Shontay's pale brown eyes were wide and shiny, locked with Laura's, throbbing. "Oh!" she gasped. Her eyes rolled up.

"Yes . . . yes darling yes oh . . . god yes!"

For the next several seconds they kissed with extra sensuality, intermingling their tongues and their moist breath, their naked breasts brushing and their fingers moving rapidly below, their lower bodies beginning to pitch and roll in unison. The moment approached. They were tightly synchronized, looking into each other's eyes, moaning softly.

"Come with me, baby," Laura panted. "I'm going to . . ."

"Oh Laura . . . oh Laura yes . . . oh Laura! Unhhh! Oh . . . Laura! Oh!"

Shontay's eyes rolled up again, and she began to come. Laura was conscious for only the split second it took her to see this, and then she began to come too, an exquisite, hard, piercing ecstasy that felt almost painful in its intensity, the final one in a long string of orgasms that had started the night before. Her body clenched so hard that it was almost like a charley-horse, and recovering from it left her dazed and speechless.

She could tell by gazing at Shontay's face that Shontay's orgasm had been equally sharp. After the grimace of near-pain faded from her features, Shontay was still stunned and numb.

"Excuse me," she half-coughed, clearing her throat, after a minute or so had elapsed. "That really . . . sort of got to me. It almost hurt, it was so hard."

"Tell me about it," Laura whispered in acknowledgement, tightening her embrace. "For a minute I was paralyzed." She laughed softly and kissed Shontay's gleaming wide forehead, now shiny with a thin film of sweat. "I guess you don't have to worry any more about satisfying me."

Shontay glowed with half-embarrassed pride.

Now that they had patched up things and improved Shontay's confidence, Laura felt more relaxed about hurrying home to dress for work. Coming into her building, she actually ran into Mr. Gibson, Shontay's father, coming down to the lobby to get his morning paper. They exchanged morning pleasantries, but Laura could not ignore the look in his eyes. He clearly thought it very odd, and a little scandalous, that she would be coming in at seven o'clock in the morning, still dressed in yesterday's work clothes, looking a little frazzled and worn. Laura remembered how she and Cecilia had nearly raised the roof with their cries and fierce, ecstatic shrieks only a few nights ago; she still had no idea whether the Gibsons had been home to overhear them.

This thought made her blush pretty deeply. Oh, forget it, she told herself. It's none of his business what I do. I'm just a little sleepy and dreamy and tingling all over, she smiled. After a night (and a brief awakening) full of thrilling sex. And with your own daughter, too, Mr. Respectable Gibson. Did you know she likes to suck my pretty pussy? Wouldn't that put frost on your balls?

At work she got a call from Rhonda's secretary asking her to drop off some important papers at Rhonda's house after five. Rhonda was flying in from New York and needed them before morning. Only Laura could deliver them since they were part of a project for which she was responsible, which was quite confidential.

One of Laura's few sexual encounters with the witch Rhonda (they had been pretty good, she had grudgingly to admit) had been in Rhonda's apartment, but success and a rising salary had induced Rhonda to buy a house in St. Francis Wood. It was there one evening, at a party, that Laura had fucked secretively—and serially—with both Chanitra and Yvette, and so when she pulled up to the house and saw Yvette's car parked in front, it wasn't exactly déjà vu she felt but a curious amalgam of resignation, dismay, jealousy, and warm pleasure in the memory of the last time she had encountered Yvette here.

Clutching the papers under arm, she marched resolutely to the front door, determined not to be threatened by this obvious intimacy into which she was intruding. Her feelings might be hurt, she might be jealous, but Yvette had fucked several people in the company, all of them male except Rhonda, as far as Laura knew, to get where she was, and you couldn't be jealous of that. Maybe a little contemptuous, but not jealous.

Rhonda answered the door herself after about four rings, and Laura was relieved, wondering how she would have acted if Yvette had opened it instead, thus flaunting a crushingly intimate casualness, as if she and Rhonda were somehow sharing the house, which would have really shocked Laura. Some of this emotional turmoil must have been showing on Laura's face because Rhonda looked at her as if she might be ill.

"Hi, Laura. Are you all right? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine."

Laura handed the folders to her. She could see a sign of recognition passing through Rhonda's eyes, as if it were dawning on her why Laura might be brusque, clipped, even curt—or even a little hurt. They had both been sleeping off and on with Yvette for years and knew her special charms.

"Why don't you come in and have drink? Yvette just stopped by. She got here about three minutes before you did. I just got in from the airport myself. I could use a drink to unwind."

Laura didn't jump at the invitation. Her relationship with Rhonda had always been bristly and uncomfortable, full of suspicion, and sexual jealousy, mingled often with an undeniable sexual attraction they both tried to rise above. Yvette had been only the third woman Laura had slept with, long ago now, but the special feelings Laura had for her were hard to ignore. She didn't know how she had got over finding out that Yvette had been sleeping with Rhonda when she first discovered it, but she had somehow come to terms with it, partially by stealing Rhonda's other girls, especially Stevie.

Rhonda, as she watched Laura trying to make up her mind, seemed to know exactly what Laura was thinking.

"You're letting the flies in," she snapped, opening the door wider, presumably to let more in.

Laura smiled and nodded. She stepped inside, and Rhonda shut the door quickly behind her.

The house was expensively furnished, something Laura had barely noticed on her first visit, the party. Then she had been too eager to get Chanitra upstairs. Afterward, and after fucking Yvette there too, she had been in a rush to leave. But this time she couldn't help being impressed by the décor, which was tasteful, even a little flamboyant, and luxurious.

Yvette's long body was draped across a peach-colored sofa, her legs stretched out, her shoes on the floor. She was still wearing a business suit, but not one of the loose, baggy ones that Shontay wore, even though Yvette's body was similar: long, thin, but not quite so tall or skinny. Her suit was black, and she wore a white silk blouse that contrasted starkly with her beautiful black skin. Against the peach fabric of the sofa, she looked like a vision, something posed by a photographer for an elegant magazine. Even though Laura always wanted her physically, whenever she saw her, at this instant Yvette looked more like a work of art than a sex object.

"Hi Laura," she smiled, perfectly relaxed and at ease.

Laura gave her a tight smile. "Hi, darlin'."

Rhonda had disappeared into an adjacent room, but Laura would have said it anyway.

Yvette patted the sofa cushion next to her legs, swinging them down now, sitting up straight. "Sit here. I've missed you."

"You sound like you mean it," Laura said, softly this time, so that Rhonda would not hear.

"I do mean it." She raised one graceful hand and caressed Laura's hair. "You're always so gorgeous. You look good enough to eat." She winked. Then she raised her voice, shouting toward the kitchen. "Rhonda, do you need any help?"

"Of course not," Rhonda said calmly, walking through the door with a tray of cheese and crackers. "Yvette and I were going to have martinis," she said to Laura. "How about you?"

Laura smiled. "Someone once told me never to drink a martini unless I was within walking distance of my bed."

Yvette shot a meaningful glance at Rhonda, who pretended to ignore it. "Rhonda's got three or four beds. She won't mind if you crash and burn. Will you, Rhon."

Rhonda looked weary. Laura almost sympathized with her, realizing that she had just got off a transcontinental flight. And yet, before Laura showed up at least, she had been planning to fuck Yvette. I don't feel sorry for you, cunt, Laura thought. Yvette, she knew, was very sweet and hot in bed. You'll just have to wait until I finish my drink. Serves you right for inviting me in.

"I am looking forward to a long night of sleep in my own bed," Rhonda said, smiling wanly. "Whoever sleeps in the other ones doesn't concern me."

Yvette could not resist the opportunity. Looking devilishly at Laura, she said, "What if it's me and Laura?"

A cold glint came into Rhonda's eyes. "That's not funny."

Abruptly, Yvette stood up, whether to cover her own embarrassment or Rhonda's, Laura could not tell. "I'm going to make the martinis," she announced. "You two try to find something nice to say to each other in my absence, okay?"

Rhonda looked up, wanting to rise herself. "Do you know where the vermouth is?"

"I'll find it."

Laura did not like being alone with Rhonda, and she began to sense that Rhonda felt the same way. Even though they had rubbed their naked flesh together and clutched one another while whimpering and shuddering through sweet orgasms, they also competed hotly for certain women, and the bad feelings surrounding the incident with Stevie had never really disappeared. On the other hand, that had happened months ago too, so maybe things had calmed down enough for them to return to mild civility, at least.

After a very uncomfortable silence, Rhonda turned from looking out the window. "I hired that woman, Reed, what was her first name? To do that project I was telling you about."

Unaccountably, Laura blushed. She looked down at her hands, spreading them flatly over her knees, smoothing her skirt down self-consciously, trying to make the blushing stop.

"Deshona? Deshona Reed?"

"Yes . . . her. Actually, I hired her firm. I don't know whether she'll actually be involved herself."

Laura smiled sweetly at her. But you hope so, don't you, you shameless dyke. She's completely gorgeous, and as cold as a stalactite. You're like me, you want to chip through that ice. You want to get to that hot, pulsating, wet center, don't you.

"I'm sure they'll do a very good job," Laura said.

"Yes." Rhonda got a strange, lost look in her eyes, a passing vulnerability that Laura had only glimpsed one or two times before. For all their hostility, Rhonda occasionally seemed to want to be friends. "Frankly, I don't know how you could resist her. I mean, making a pass at her. She's so . . . elegant, and so—"


Rhonda smiled, clearly feeling conspiratorial now. She nodded. "More than reserved. I feel like she hates me. Or maybe she just hates whites . . . or hates everybody. She seems to have a little chip on her shoulder."

Laura could not resist this opportunity, even though part of her hated herself for succumbing to it. "That's funny, I got along with her just fine."

Now Rhonda looked at her curiously. She had asked Laura before if Laura and Deshona had ended up in bed, though Rhonda had not put it so bluntly. Now she was asking again, though in the same veiled, indirect way. Let her wonder, Laura thought.

Rhonda looked into Laura's eyes for several seconds without speaking, though her expression soon became blank and abstracted, as if she were being slowly overwhelmed by weariness. But then, when it seemed that she was no longer focusing at all, she spoke softly, her eyes still fastened to Laura's.

"I don't mind if you do need to use one of the beds," she said, now looking down. "You know, if you can't drive home. You're too valuable to us . . . to the company, I mean, to let you get in an accident."

"Why . . . thank you, Rhonda," Laura said, meaning it. Not knowing exactly why, she was genuinely touched.

Yvette returned with the martinis in time to hear this offer. If anything, her mood seemed to have become even more provocative. She knew she was very desirable to both of these women, that whatever other sources of rancor there might be between them, each was fiercely jealous of the other's sexual moments with Yvette, and she was determined to exploit her chance to toy with them.

While bending down with the tray of glasses for Rhonda to take one, she purposely pushed her delectable ass up and in the direction of Laura's gaze. Even though it was covered by the skirt of her business suit, Laura could detect the thrilling round contours of flesh under the fabric and felt a little twinge in her pussy. At the same instant, Yvette was letting Rhonda peek down the gaping front of her silk blouse, and making very sensual pout with her lips.

When Rhonda took her martini, Yvette promptly turned and did the same thing to Laura, this time letting Rhonda's eyes linger on her ass, and even licking her lips to make them glisten for Laura.

"Rhon, I think we should show Laura your new toy," she said, out of the blue, finally sitting down between them with her own martini. "What do you think?" she smiled sweetly, expectantly, at Rhonda, while raising her glass. "Well . . . here's to us." She winked at Laura. "I'm in the mood for a party."

Laura swallowed nervously, raising her glass too, glancing at Rhonda, who looked equally uncomfortable. They clinked their glasses, all three of them, and sipped.

Yvette would not let it rest. "I could model it for you both," she said, smiling at them. "What do you think, Rhon? I know where it is."

"Yvette . . . you're being a little outrageous," Rhonda said calmly. "Maybe you should cool it. I'm too tired for a party."

Yvette gave her a kittenish grin and crossed her legs. Laura found her so desirable at this instant that she knew Rhonda too was suffering the same feeling.

"I'll bet you're not," Yvette whispered. "I'll bet I could get you in the mood for a party." Ignoring Laura, she let her eyes resonate with Rhonda's, exercising some sort of hypnotic power she had over her, a power Laura understood. "Let's show Laura your toy."

"I . . . don't think Laura's interested," Rhonda said wearily, making an effort of the will to detach her gaze from Yvette's.

"You are, aren't you, Laura?" She put her martini down on the expensive glass coffee table and stood up. "That does it . . . I'm going to get it."

Rhonda looked like she wanted to jump up and physically restrain her, but Yvette was out of the room before she could move. Laura smiled skittishly at her, radiating sympathy. It would have been very awkward anyway, and Rhonda would have probably had to tackle Yvette to stop her.

"She is a handful," Rhonda said, half-exasperated, not realizing the innuendo until the words were out of her mouth. Then she looked embarrassed.

"She is indeed," Laura said, warming to Rhonda in spite of herself. She wanted to change the subject. "Tell me about your trip."

Rhonda relaxed and looked conspiratorial again. "We had a review of second quarter results with Wall Street. It went well." Her face suddenly became almost beatific as she lowered her voice. "I spent a couple of nights with Stevie. She was there, modeling."

"How nice for you. How is she?"

Now Rhonda shot Laura a cold, threatening look. "Fine. Why do you want to know?"

Laura shrugged, genuinely sorry to have aroused Rhonda's jealousy. "No reason."

There was a long, uncomfortable silence, which was broken by Yvette's return. She was now wearing a large, fluffy, white bathrobe, probably one of Rhonda's, Laura surmised. Her long, black, 'good' hair spilled over the collar and down the back, and her very dark skin contrasted with the plush white fabric of the robe made her look more ravishing than ever. Her eyes also danced with sexual adventurousness, which seemed to flood the room with electric promise and danger.

Rhonda, miffed, started to get up. "Yvette . . . this is ridiculous."

"Oh no . . . it's fun," Yvette laughed. "Okay, ready? Here's the big unveiling."

Laura had rarely seen Rhonda so anxious and confused. Angry, yes; furious and jealous, of course. But right now she looked like she could die of mortification. Yvette stepped back in a playful flourish and parted the skirts of the robe with both hands. Out from between the skirts popped the thick, ridged shaft of a large strap-on dildo. It bobbed a little, up and down, as Yvette giggled softly.

Laura's eyes widened. Rhonda appeared almost to choke, even though, Laura reflected, she must have known what Yvette planned to do.

Yvette looked expectantly at Rhonda, then at Laura. "I'll bet neither of you knew I had a white cock, did you."

Rhonda's lips grew pinched and tight. Laura smiled, feeling a definite—and exciting—sexual tension in the air, feeling it ratchet up a notch or two.

"It's not really 'white,'" she said. "It's really sort of pinkish or coral colored."

Yvette ran her slim, tapered black fingers up and down the pronounced ridges that occurred about every inch along the stalk. "It's what they always call 'flesh-colored,'" she smirked. "Your flesh. Mine is a different color."

She loosened the sash of the bathrobe and pulled it open farther, apparently so they could see what she meant. The shaft jutted up out of her crotch. The straps of the harness crossed the sides of her thighs up near her hips. Her smooth skin was deliciously dark behind the bobbing shaft.

Laura could now feel a recognizable tingling in her body, especially in her groin, and a growing warmth spreading through her. She glanced over at Rhonda, wondering if she were feeling it too.

Suddenly Rhonda looked over at her too, and their eyes locked. A hot, thick, pulsing sexual current passed between them. It seemed to dawn simultaneously on both of them, as it had clearly dawned on Yvette earlier, that they were alone, that they had all slept together, that nothing stood in the way of the three of them doing whatever they wanted to do.

Yvette saw what was passing between Laura and Rhonda.

"Come on, you two. I want you to be friends. Let's stop all the nasty shit, okay? Who wants to be the first one to get a taste of my white cock?" She walked toward them, all six eyes on the bobbing member. "Laura . . ." her voice rose in a lilting, teasing, seductive manner. "You've never felt him. Rhonda's felt him a few times, but you've never felt him." She reached out and caressed Laura's cheek with two fingers, holding the shaft of the strap-on dildo in her other hand. "What do you say? Want to be fucked by Yvette's big white cock?"

"Yvette, you're a disgusting little tramp," Rhonda said under her breath.

Without taking her eyes from Laura's, Yvette said, "Or maybe you could hold Rhonda down on her expensive Persian carpet while I rape her with it."

Laura smiled and glanced over at Rhonda, who was visibly aroused by what she was witnessing: Yvette standing half-naked in front of Laura, waving the strap-on dildo in Laura's face, tantalizing her with sexual invitations.

"I don't think we have to rape her," Laura murmured, her eyes appealing to Rhonda, also offering sexual delights. "Do we . . . Rhonda?"

Rhonda visibly loosened. She stood up slowly from her chair and came over to them, putting one hand on Yvette's shoulder, the other on Laura's.

"I always knew you were the devil," she said softly, teasingly, to Yvette, then turned her eyes to Laura. "Now I know the devil has a sister."

Laura now set her martini glass on the lamp table and rose from her chair too. As if to welcome Rhonda to the fold, and to seal it in such a way that Rhonda would not be able to back down now, she leaned forward and kissed her, starting sensually, but quickly heating the kiss up into a scorching fire, while Yvette watched.

Laura and Rhonda had not even touched for a year or more, and the few times they had slept together had been marked more by an urgent, competitive sort of lust that was unable to transcend their deep jealousy and mistrust. And so it was a surprise to Laura to find Rhonda's mouth sweet, receptive, hungry and very responsive, and to find her own feelings leaping up excitedly as this hot kiss grew even hotter. Yvette, who had labored skillfully to bring this moment about, grew a little jealous herself as she watched them devouring one another.

"Okay . . . okay," she sighed with impatience. "Let's not get carried away."

Rhonda and Laura stopped kissing and looked at her.

"Who wants to be first?" Yvette smiled, saucily.

Laura glanced at Rhonda, who got her message quickly. Together they turned to Yvette and began to strip the bathrobe off her, also hastily beginning to disrobe themselves at the same time.

"Hey . . . wait a minute," Yvette giggled. "I'm the one with the dick. Did you forget?"

"Not a bit, darling," Laura panted, as the robe dropped at Yvette's feet, revealing all of her stunning, black, naked body.

Rhonda was already pulling Yvette down onto the sofa where they had been sitting, slipping now out of her own skirt, unfastening her bra. "I think we both want you at the same time," she panted to Yvette.

For a few seconds it was a wildly exciting jumble of half-clothed bodies as the garments flew in every direction, and Laura was sharply aroused by Rhonda's nakedness, and her pale, creamy skin against Yvette's smooth, dark, gleaming flesh. Rhonda, she now remembered, had a gorgeous body, with full round breasts and large brownish nipples, skin with the faint, warm blush of a peach blossom, and she stared transfixed with lust as Rhonda lowered one full breast into Yvette's mouth. Yvette was on her back, facing up, and she opened her mouth eagerly to receive it.

Hurriedly, Laura shed the rest of her own clothes. She was so wet already that it was a very easy matter to simply straddle Yvette's hips, while Yvette was thirstily sucking and slurping Rhonda's nipple, and with one hand guide the large dildo up into her pussy. She threw her head back and bit her lower lip, feeling the thick, ridged shaft ride up into her body as she lowered herself slowly on it.

"Unhhhhh!" she half-groaned.

Yvette and Rhonda, who had been sunk in the hypnotic sexual rhythm of their own activity, only now became aware of Laura, facing them, riding slowly up and down on the dildo that jutted up from Yvette's groin. Rhonda turned her face and half-grinned, a silly, charming, pleasure-besotted grin, as Yvette continued to suck her breast aggressively, squeezing the white globe with her slim black fingers. Yvette began to churn her hips slightly, up-fucking into Laura's pussy.

"Oh!" Laura gasped, an involuntary sputter that surprised her.

She had never felt anything like it. The strap-on dildo had thick, convex ridges up and down the length of it, and the sensations it inspired as it slid in and out of her were intense and acutely pleasurable. God, this is wonderful! she thought, resting her hands on Rhonda's naked back, rocking up and down on the thick stalk.

For several minutes they continued in this way, since there was no danger of anybody coming very quickly, and they could surrender completely to the slow, sensual rhythms their bodies made. Yvette released Rhonda's nipple and found her other dangling breast, guiding it to her mouth with both hands. She sucked the second nipple just as vigorously and passionately as she had sucked the first, and Rhonda began to respond more strongly, biting her lower lip, throwing back her head, moaning softly.

"Ahhnnnnn! Oh . . . oh yes, oh yes baby oh yes!" she gasped, now pushing her breast into Yvette's face, trying to cram the whole thing into her mouth.

Yvette's hands strayed down to Laura's thighs, caressing them, then grasping Laura's hips. She began to up-fuck more rapidly, forcefully, pushing the dildo up into Laura's pussy.

"Unhh!" Laura grunted softly. "Unhh!"

She had fallen into a slow trance of happy, rhythmic, relentless fucking, moving up and down on the dildo, caressing Rhonda's naked back, feeling the warm resilience of Rhonda's smooth flesh under her fingertips, her head thrown back too. She felt connected to Yvette also through the shaft that slid in and out of her increasingly hot and gooey wet pussy. Looking down, she saw Rhonda slide one hand back, around Laura's thigh, and into Yvette's crotch from behind Laura. Yvette groaned, and a sudden sharp twitch shook her body.

"Angghhh!" she gasped as Rhonda's wet, swollen nipple spilled from her mouth.

Though half-delirious from her own sexual trance, in some remote corner of her brain Laura realized that the strap-on was anchored on Yvette's pubic bone, slightly above her pussy, so that her pussy itself was still exposed and vulnerable to Rhonda's hand. Rhonda had slid some fingers into the greasy folds and was gently rubbing Yvette's pussy now, causing an expression of almost unbelievable bliss to pass across Yvette's lovely face.

"Ungghh! Oh god . . . yes!" Yvette suddenly groaned, beginning to churn her hips more rapidly, more urgently.

This made the dildo drive even more sharply up into Laura's cunt, and she could feel her whole body shimmer with sexual excitement each time it pierced her, each time she heard Yvette whimper and felt her thrust upward. Yvette had sucked Rhonda's first nipple back into her mouth again, and now she was lightly biting it, and also barely able to keep it in her mouth, since now she was being driven more and more to the edge by the rising tempo of their fucking.

Finally, she was panting so rapidly, churning and up-fucking so wildly, that she could no longer hold onto it. Rhonda gracefully maneuvered her body so that she could lower her pussy onto Yvette's mouth instead, and this brought her face to face with Laura, who was by now sunk in a frenzied delirium of lust, hurtling toward a climax she knew was only seconds away. She felt Rhonda's wet, erect nipples brushing against hers as they undulated vertically on top of Yvette, both of them actually being fucked by her now, Laura by the dildo, Rhonda by Yvette's mouth hungrily, aggressively eating her pussy.

Almost instinctively—though each usually thought she hated the other—Laura and Rhonda embraced, their mouths coming together ravenously, their naked breasts mashing together totally. It was a kiss that Laura thought was going to unravel her now forever, a hot, probing, steaming kiss that might have gone on much longer if they had both not been overwhelmed by intense sexual sensations that made it hard to continue. In the middle of the kiss Rhonda was forced to break it off as Yvette's mouth on her pussy made her squeal and cry out.

"Ahhnngghiieee! Oh honey . . . oh god!" she gasped, quivering and slumping forward against Laura, her mouth sliding away from Laura's mouth and against her cheek.

Laura herself was still hovering on the very edge of a thrilling climax, but she held Rhonda until she recovered from this brief spasm. Now, slumped forward, Rhonda suddenly discovered Laura's breasts and took one of Laura's nipples into her mouth, sucking it heatedly, also slipping her hands again around behind Laura's ass and sliding her fingers again into Yvette's pussy.

"Ouungghhh!" Yvette gasped, her hips leaping, her groin driving the dildo deep up into Laura's throbbing pussy.

Oh shit, I'm going to come! Laura realized at that instant.

They were all going to come. They had driven each other to the highest pitch of sexual desperation by now, and a hot whirlwind of driving need enveloped their mingled bodies. Laura could hear the creaking and squeaking of Rhonda's leather sofa under them as they slid and writhed and rocked together, panting furiously, whimpering frantically, bringing one another to the pinnacle.

Rhonda was the first one to be struck by a sharp, upwelling orgasm. She gave a stark shudder and pitched forward into Laura's arms, almost shrieking with joy as a jolting climax shook her.

"Ungghhmmnniinnghiiieeeee!" she wailed, burrowing her face in Laura's neck, and clinging desperately to Laura for support, as the spasms wracked her beautiful body. "Ungghhh! Oh! Oh yes! Unngghiiieeee!"

Then Yvette and Laura, as if triggered by Rhonda's climax, erupted at almost the same second. Holding Rhonda's slumping, quivering naked body, Laura felt like a hot geyser suddenly rose up inside her own body, from the strap-on dildo impaling her pussy all the way up to the roots of her hair, flooding her with honeyfire. At the same instant she could feel Yvette's body beneath them, flexing and surging up off the sofa, and hear her garbled cries.

"Aayynniigghiieee . . . oh god ungghhhh . . . auunghhhhh!" Yvette groaned, flipping and straining, her strong young body jerking up wildly, piercing Laura's cunt with the dildo, crying out as she came in wrenching shocks.

Laura was only a micro-second behind her.

"Oh! Oh!" she gasped, feeling the hot lava pour through her throbbing veins. "Auungghhhh! God . . . yesssss! Ungghhaauunngghhh!"

Mewling and groaning, she slumped forward against Rhonda's quivering body, feeling Yvette undulating and trembling under them, all three naked bodies linked by a shimmering, glowing sexual warmth that seemed to flow through their flesh, uniting them for one thrilling second in a circuit of throbbing bliss. But the force of Rhonda's and Laura's orgasms also weakened their balance, and they were leaning precariously together, panting, even softly whimpering, until they realized that they might slip and fall awkwardly to the sofa or even the floor.

Rhonda, recovering first, gently raised her hands to hold Laura, who was still twitching uncontrollably, and sighing in the aftermath of her climax.

"Here, honey . . . just ease down . . . like that . . . right," she purred, lowering Laura to the sofa beside Yvette.

Laura smiled up at her, beginning to regain her senses. She saw Rhonda now slip off and stand beside the sofa, which, though large, really had only enough room for two bodies. Yvette blinked and looked up at Rhonda.

"I think we need more room," she suggested softly.

Rhonda cocked her head to one side, amused, her full, firm breasts thrusting out. She looked statuesque and voluptuous to Laura, who had forgotten how beautiful Rhonda's body was. At the same time, Laura was pressed tightly against Yvette's long, silky black body, since there was barely enough room for both of them on the sofa. Her cheek was pressed against Yvette's bare shoulder, and she nuzzled it sensually with her nose, inhaling the wonderful fragrance of Yvette's young flesh. Laura was in ninth heaven.

"Laura looks like she's having a good time," Rhonda said, acidly, but with enough humor to sound a little wry, too.

"Let's go in your bedroom," Yvette said softly, kittenish, seductive. "Like we usually do."

This was a detail Laura didn't need, since it fanned awake her latent feelings of jealousy, allowing her to imagine the hot times Yvette and Rhonda had already had in Rhonda's bedroom, fucking one another silly with the strap-on dildo. The hint of a smile played around the edges of Rhonda's mouth. Laura smiled warmly, invitingly, at her. I'll bet you'd like me to fuck you with that thing, you bitch, she smiled sweetly at Rhonda. I can make you squeal in a way Yvette never dares to do.

Rhonda seemed to get the message, for she momentarily seemed to flush pink, and looked away. Yvette struggled to sit up, propping herself on her elbows. This movement made her small, delicious breasts jiggle, and Laura saw Rhonda's eyes on them. This isn't over, she realized. This has barely begun.

Yvette made a funny face as she looked at the large, wet dildo that shot up out of her crotch. Now that they had gone through the exciting whirlwind of their shared orgasms, it looked pretty odd and grotesque, glistening, still hard and erect, ready for more.

"You know, my husband's is bigger than this one, but even he can't keep it hard that long. I think this one is horny for you, Rhonda," she said, slowly stroking the shaft with her long black fingers. "He wants you. He got a taste of Laura, and now he wants you."

Now Rhonda flushed even pinker. With an abrupt toss of her head, she indicated that they should follow her. Then she turned and started walking away, with both Laura's and Yvette's eyes on her body. Laura couldn't take her eyes off Rhonda's smooth, well-shaped ass. When she reached the stairway, Rhonda looked back over her shoulder at them.


Yvette sat further up, swinging her legs off the sofa. "Help me take this thing off," she whispered. "I feel so silly with it bouncing and bobbing like this every time I move."

"You might want to use it when you get upstairs," Laura said, helping her slip out of the straps of the harness.

Yvette shot her a smoking hot look. "You might want to use it, too," she said in a low, meaningful voice.

Half-startled, Laura realized that she was right. She had never used one before, and never been tempted, but right now, so close to Yvette that their naked skin brushed and she could imbibe the sweet smells of Yvette's still-aroused pussy, and see the light glancing off her gleaming, soft black nipples, a strong part of her wanted to grab the strap-on and slip it on and throw Yvette down on the sofa and rape her wildly. It took her a second to remember that Rhonda was upstairs expecting them.

Yvette saw what she was thinking. "The white goddess is awaiting us," she winked. "I think you better do what you want to do up there." They stood and walked toward the stairs, Laura barely able to take her eyes off Yvette's long naked body. "Anyway," Yvette added, "don't know if I can wait to be the chocolate filling."

"I thought I was the white goddess," Laura teased as they climbed the stairs.

Yvette shot her a devastatingly lecherous glance. "Laura, you are white heat itself," she said under her breath, careful not to let Rhonda, wherever she might be, overhear. She leaned closer. "I want you to fuck my little black pussy to heaven with this thing." She waved the still-damp dildo in Laura's face.

Laura could feel the pulse in her throat suddenly begin to hammer as she heard this. Yvette, who naturally knew where Rhonda's bedroom was, led her there. They found Rhonda, having already pulled down the bedcovers, lying back against the pillows like a sultry Venus awaiting their arrival.

"Took you long enough," she grinned, caressing her own magnificent, jutting breasts.

Laura found herself remembering how everyone—Yvette, Sholandra, April, even Kim—kept saying that Rhonda had a beautiful body. She did have one. Even though Laura's taste ran to darker shades, she couldn't ignore a hot itch of lust deep in her cunt as she looked at Rhonda stretched out naked across the sheets.

Yvette, who clearly made love with Rhonda frequently and was thus much more comfortable in this situation, quickly crawled onto the bed with her, stretching out her long silky body next to Rhonda's, caressing Rhonda's hip with one graceful hand. They kissed, knowing that Laura was watching them intently, putting on a show for her, starting slowly but soon entwining their tongues and letting their hands roam.

Laura stood beside the bed, still awkwardly holding the strap-on in one hand. She wanted them both and yet had no idea how to interject herself into the situation. Yvette and Rhonda seemed totally preoccupied by what they were doing, as if she were not even there, and yet she knew they were doing it, especially the more dramatic moaning and squirming, for her benefit. Finally, Rhonda, facing Laura over Yvette's shapely black shoulder, smiled seductively, a smile Laura had rarely seen from her.

"I think you'd better put that thing on and get over here, Laura, or else give it to someone who can use it," she murmured, eyes veiled now with hot sexual invitations.

Shy and nervous, Laura did the first thing that came into her mind and held it out to Rhonda. "I've . . . never done it," she said, haltingly. "Why don't you . . . go ahead."

Uncoiling herself from Yvette's embrace, and smiling again like a sex kitten—which flummoxed Laura completely since she was more used to Rhonda's clipped, brusque, business-like smiles—Rhonda reached across Yvette's body for the strap-on, never letting her eyes leave Laura's. She took it and slipped effortlessly into the harness, adjusting the bobbing dildo and running her fingertip up and down the convex ridges along its shaft. Again she looked at Laura, but her hand was caressing Yvette's hip at the same time, then her ass, her thighs, gently rolling her onto her back.

"Come on, angel, let's show Laura how to really have a good time," she purred to Yvette, spreading Yvette's thighs and crawling between them.

Laura felt like she was watching a pornographic movie. By now her blood was hammering through her body, and her pussy was even wetter than it had been while Yvette was fucking her earlier. This was the first time tonight she had seen Yvette's pussy, one of the most beautiful she had ever known, and the sight of the long, sinuous red gash, with its wavy black lips parted and swollen, sent an added spurt of lust through her.

Yvette made matters worse—or better—by dropping both hands to her crotch and rubbing her wet slit sensually with her long, tapering fingers, pulling her glistening wet cunt lips open, slipping the tip of one finger into the wet, shiny, magenta flesh of her pussy, sucking her full lower lip, letting her throbbing eyes linger on Laura's, then on Rhonda's as Rhonda guided the dildo with one hand toward the splayed and runny furrow.

"Rhonda . . . I want you to fuck me, I want you to fuck me deep," she said in a hushed, panting voice, her tone overly dramatic but still authentic, her words meant both to incite Rhonda, and to inflame Laura further. "Please."

A glance at Rhonda's face showed Laura that Rhonda was as aroused as she herself was, and would be happy to oblige. Laura was also half-troubled as well as half-startled to see a surprising look of deep love shining in Rhonda's eyes as she looked down at Yvette's beautiful naked body. My god, the witch really does care for this girl, she realized. She has feelings. She yearns . . . she craves . . . she adores.

Of course, Laura knew from her history with Rhonda and Stevie that Rhonda had feelings, but she had rarely been forced to confront them directly. Now, Rhonda was about to fuck Yvette before her, Laura's, very eyes, and Laura could not avoid seeing the strong feeling they had for one another. It made her deeply jealous, on the one hand, but fiercely horny too. She wanted them both, she wanted to be a part of this intimate union, and as Rhonda slid the dildo deep into Yvette's pussy, Laura found herself—without knowing how she got there—climbing across the mattress toward them.

"Ungghhhhh!" Yvette gasped as the large, ridged stalk pushed into her cunt.

Hovering over her, Rhonda put both hands on Yvette's breasts, looking into her eyes. "Is that too deep?"

Yvette shook her head, though Laura could see water in her eyes. She began to undulate her body in a slow, sensual fuck-motion under Rhonda, who remained relatively motionless, making the dildo slid in and out of her pussy on her own. Her hands cradled Rhonda's beautiful, dangling breasts, and she pinched Rhonda's thick brown nipples excitedly.

"Fuck me soft . . . and then fuck me hard," she whispered, beginning to grind her hips a little faster. "Fuck me gentle . . . and then fuck me deep. Ohhnnnn! Unghhh! Yes! Yes!"

Turning her head to see Laura only inches away, Rhonda smiled to welcome her and tilted her face slightly to let Laura's mouth approach hers. They kissed ravenously, and now Rhonda began to move her hips, pushing the dildo into Yvette while she tangled tongues with Laura. Yvette began to pant more rapidly and buck with her hips too.

"Mmnngggeee!" she whimpered. "Unnmmgghheee . . . oh! Unghhh!"

Oh god, we're going to hurt each other! Laura thought as she could feel the sexual frenzy palpably increasing. She could not keep her hands off Rhonda's smooth, resilient flesh, forcing her tongue deep into Rhonda's mouth, caressing and kneading the warm flesh of her back, groping with her other hand for one of her breasts, even dueling briefly with Yvette's hand, which fell back to Yvette's side as she began to be overwhelmed by the increasingly vigorous fucking Rhonda was giving her.

Laura filled her hand with Rhonda's large, round breast, digging her fingers hungrily into the springy ball of flesh, scissoring Rhonda's large nipple with her fingers, feeling a trembling spasm in Rhonda's tongue as Rhonda felt the hot pinch.

"Ahnnngggg . . . Laura," she gasped, her eyes flashing with raging sexual fevers, raising her hands from Yvette's breasts to grab Laura's, now thrusting sharply into Yvette's pussy while still kissing Laura heatedly, wetly, aggressively.

Laura cradled Rhonda's breast in her palm and lowered her lips to it, running her tongue all over Rhonda's wide areola, licking and flicking the center of her nipple teasingly. She wanted to tease her further, since she could hear the sharp intake of air whistling past Rhonda's teeth each time her tongue swiped the upthrusting bud of Rhonda's excited nipple, but lust got the better of her. She sucked it deep into her mouth, squeezing Rhonda's breast sharply at the same time.

Rhonda nearly came unglued. One of her hands came up from Yvette's body to clutch Laura behind the head, pulling Laura's face into her breast, whimpering wildly.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes! Oh Laura . . . yes!"

Meanwhile, Yvette was squirming and moaning feverishly under them. Laura, though her mouth was stuffed with Rhonda's wet, throbbing nipple, could see over the edge of the large firm globe of Rhonda's breast the thick wet shaft of the dildo protruding from Yvette's beautiful, crammed pussy. Her black, glossy, wet cunt lips clung to the rod as it slid out of her, and she gave a hot shrill cry of ecstatic joy each time it plunged back into her. Rhonda, excited by Laura's mouth on her breasts, was thrusting more roughly now, and Yvette was writhing out of control.

Yvette's eyelids fluttered as she looked up at them. "Oh . . . unghhh!" she groaned as Rhonda delivered an especially hard thrust. "Ungghh! Oh . . . Laura . . . fuck me too . . . I want both of you to fuck me!" she panted, barely able to get the words out as Rhonda now leaned forward and began to fuck her even harder.

Laura slumped to the mattress beside Yvette, kissing her, running her hands over Yvette's writhing body, squeezed her small, gorgeous breasts, kissing them, now sucking Yvette's swollen black nipples with the same passion she had been applying to Rhonda's.

"Laura . . ." Rhonda panted, her full breasts swirling now as she planted her hands on the mattress on either side of Yvette's head and began to swoop her pelvis forward, pushing the dildo deeper and deeper into Yvette's body. "There's . . . oil . . . in the drawer . . ." she panted, indicated the small bedstand.

Yvette twisted and moaned, her eyes delirious from wild sex need, imploring Laura. "Fuck me, Laura . . . in the ass . . . hurry!"

Laura realized that she had better hurry, indeed. Yvette was about to pop. She was writhing and whimpering helplessly, her body undulating in rhythm with Rhonda's thrusts. Quickly, Laura rolled half-way over across the bed and grabbed the bottle of oil out of the drawer. God, the bitch is just as kinky as I am, she reflected, with her little bottle of baby oil at the ready.

Laura had done this before and knew exactly how to hurry. She had the cap of the bottle snapped up in a second and oil smeared on two fingers. Rhonda had rolled onto her side, maneuvering Yvette with her, so that now Yvette's marvelous ass was presented to Laura. Only Yvette's own sister Chanitra had a more beautiful ass, and Laura wanted to marvel at it, stroke it, kiss it, squeeze it, but Yvette was much too far along for her to tarry.

Sliding forward, pushing her naked breasts into Yvette's long, sinuous back, she slid the two wet fingers between the girl's hard buns, up into her asscrack, and quickly found the little opening of her rectum, sliding them up into it with very little trouble.

"Anngghh!" Yvette groaned, wincing, her body stiffening momentarily.

Now they had her between them. Even though the tempo of their fucking now seemed to accelerate, Laura's consciousness of it somehow paradoxically dropped into slow motion, so that she could relish and savor each micro-second of this delicious experience. Fucking Yvette was thrilling under any circumstances, but Laura wondered if she had ever felt such an intense sexual rush as she felt at this moment with the girl's long, smooth, black body writhing and squirming, pinned between her own body and Rhonda's, her moans rising and keening as she approached a crushing climax.

"Slow down, Laura," Rhonda gasped to Laura. "I don't want her to come yet. This is too delicious. I want it to last."

"Yes," Laura nodded, feeling the same way, wanting it to go on forever, if possible.

Together they relaxed the pace, beginning to kiss and caress Yvette's naked body more slowly and sensually. Laura slipped her free hand under Yvette's arm and clasped Yvette's small breast with it, while Rhonda, still fucking Yvette slowly with the strap-on, lowered her mouth to Yvette's other breast and began sucking her thick, shiny black nipple lovingly. Laura kissed the nape of her neck, burrowing her face through the black veil of her hair, then kissing the backs of her shoulders, squeezing her breast, pinching her thick nipple, and probing gently but insistently in her ass with the lower hand.

Yvette was so aroused by all of this that there was almost no way to keep her from coming before long. She writhed and quivered and whimpered between them, frantically pumping her pussy up into Rhonda's thrusts, then, on the back swing, pushing her ass down into Laura's probing fingers, mewling softly and grimacing as the sexual sensations grew too intense to bear.

"Ohhhnnnn god . . . oh god . . . I'm going to come so hard," she panted, inciting both Rhonda and Laura to fuck her harder and faster through her own frantic pumping motions. "Oh god . . . I love having you both fuck me . . . oh shit yes! Unghhhhh! Yes . . . harder . . . harder . . . oh yes I . . . oh yes harder I . . . I'm going to come so hard! Auungghh!"

And now Rhonda seemed to be getting even more aroused too because she stopped sucking Yvette's nipples and almost crushed Yvette's body against hers, jabbing the dildo deep into her pussy now, pumping her harder than ever, her fingers biting into Yvette's back.

"Unhhh! Oh yes . . . honey . . . angel . . . unhhhh!" Rhonda gasped, panting hard, kissing Yvette's mouth frantically and reaching down with one hand between them to make sure the dildo did not slip.

"Anngghhh!" Yvette cried out as it went in deep. "Angghhh . . . oh yes! Yes!"

Laura too was swept up in the searing frenzy, and she began to fuck Yvette's beautiful ass sharply too with her fingers, probing her deeply there too, until Yvette was being roughly pierced and penetrated from both sides, whinnying and squirming, gasping, moaning continuously now. Unable to help herself, Laura took a big chunk of the silky flesh that ran between Yvette's shoulder and her neck into her mouth, biting it gently but passionately, fucking her and loving her so intensely that Yvette seemed to feel it shoot through her body, and she began to come almost instantly.

"Ahhhn . . . ahhhnn . . . ahhnnAAUUUNNGGGHHHH!" she suddenly cried out, a fierce cry of ecstasy that filled Rhonda's bedroom, even with all the bouncing and thrusting and gasping that was already going on. "AUUNNGGHIIEEEEE!" she wailed again, squealing this time as another throttling spasm shook her body. "Oh! Oh!"

Pinned, half-crushed, between Rhonda's and Laura's naked bodies, Yvette's body quivered sharply as jolt after jolt of a debilitating orgasm wracked her. She came in great shrieking torrents, coming more intensely than Laura ever remembered seeing her come, trembling and moaning, stretching, stiffening, gagging, and coming again, her body a mass of twitches and long undulations which seemed to last interminably. It was also a very long climax, during which Rhonda and Laura stopped moving, stopped plundering her delicious body, and instead merely held her and cooed softly to her until she began to wind down.

"Oh god . . . oh shit," Yvette finally gasped, slumping, her body finally relaxing from the fierce trembling she had been undergoing. "Don't move! Ohhhhh . . . don't . . . please don't move! Not yet. Wait."

Feeling her relax, knowing the storm was past, both Laura and Rhonda had given small signs that they were going to uncouple from her, but Yvette beseeched them to stop, and for almost a full minute the three of them clung together, Yvette lovingly squeezed in the middle, all three pulsing with warm waves of bliss. Finally, Yvette kissed Rhonda while she reached behind her with one arm to caress Laura's hair and cheek. Slowly, they peeled their bodies apart.

Having kissed Rhonda, Yvette rolled over to face Laura and kissed her. Rhonda, slipping awkwardly out of the strap-on harness, seemed to move away, but Yvette again corralled her as she had done with Laura, reaching behind with one long arm.

"Come here, you." She pulled Rhonda close, so that she herself was again pinned between their two naked bodies, only this time facing Laura.

"I want you to fuck me again," she murmured, flirting with them both. "I never had such an intense experience as that."

Laura could hardly resist the invitation. Though Yvette had climaxed with extraordinary noise and energy, neither Laura or Rhonda had come since their earlier tryst in the livingroom. Both were clearly still enchanted by her lovely naked body and her alluring manner. But Rhonda, still weary from her flight, seemed unable to continue for the moment. She patted Yvette affectionately on the thigh.

"You and Laura play and cuddle for a minute," she said, rolling off the bed. "I'm going to take a pill so I can keep up with both of you."

As soon as she disappeared from the room, Yvette reached over and picked up the strap-on. "Your turn, Laura," she said, flirtatiously. She slid up to Laura seductively, kissing her neck, cupping her breasts, scissoring Laura's nipples with her fingers. "Don't you want to fuck me? She's gone, quick, do it. We've both used it . . . now it's your turn. Come on," she smiled, rolling invitingly onto her back and parting her thighs again, revealing the hot, wet, red slit that Rhonda had just been pumping with the oddly grotesque thing Yvette was offering to Laura.

"I . . . don't know," Laura said, nervously, wiping her greasy fingers on the edge of the sheet.

"Come on," Yvette purred. "I want you to fuck me. You have to hurry, before she gets back."

Laura shrugged. In fact, she was not as reluctant as she tried to imply. She still wanted Yvette desperately, and Yvette knew it.

"How do I get this thing on?"

"Simple. Here . . . lift your foot."

Laura had not noticed until now that the harness was made of thick, stretchable latex which expanded easily to grip her hips. She slipped into it very easily. Two thin straps made a gap around her pussy and then ran up her asscrack, anchoring the thing in place. It bobbed and jumped as she looked down at it.

Yvette looked up at her expectantly. "Well?" she smiled. "Fuck me, you beast," she purred. "Fuck me deep and hot."

With an embarrassed smirk, Laura leaned forward, guiding the large, thick stalk into Yvette's soupy, inflamed cunt, pushing, sliding it in, still holding it with her fingers and watching Yvette's eyes roll up as the thing penetrated her.

"Oh god . . . yes!" she gasped.

This incredible woman is as much of a fuck-slut as I am, Laura found herself thinking, watching Yvette almost immediately sink into a feverish rhythm of fucking, now that Laura had pushed the cock as far as it would go into her body. But Laura—now that she and Yvette were alone, even if only temporarily—wanted all of her, wanted to devour her completely, giving in to a fullness of lust that she had had to keep somewhat in check while fucking with Rhonda present earlier. In reality, she wanted to consume Yvette utterly, and this brief opportunity was her chance.

Placing both hands on Yvette's lightly swirling breasts, she lowered her mouth to them hungrily, moving her hips to slide the dildo in and out of Yvette's pussy, and sucking her swollen, black, gleaming nipples heatedly, which aroused Yvette more than ever. She twisted and moaned, her sleek flesh shiny as ebony as she writhed under Laura's steaming caresses and voracious mouth, gently gyrating her pelvis up into Laura's thrusts, then beginning to buck more aggressively.

"Unghh! Oh god yes . . . Laura! Ungghh! Yes . . . do it harder! God, I love it when you fuck me. Bite it . . . yes . . . bite it, please! Aiieeee! Oh! Oh!"

Both of them were so sunk in this hot frenzy of fucking that they really were oblivious to anything else, even forgetting completely about Rhonda and her possible return. To Laura it was a novel way of fucking, though she had used dildos before. This device allowed her really to ram Yvette, thrusting forward with her hips, sinking the stalk deep into Yvette's pussy, hearing her yelp and feeling her quiver with intense sexual excitement.

It was such an hot and absorbing experience that neither of them noticed Rhonda until Laura felt something entering her own pussy from behind. Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw Rhonda crouched there, holding the end of another dildo. Rhonda grinned at her.

"You two don't get to have all the fun," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief and smoking with sex at the same instant.

She twisted the dildo in Laura's pussy, and Laura threw her head back slightly, gasping with pleasure. "Ohnnnnngggg . . . yes!" she panted.

Yvette hardly knew or cared what was happening between Laura and Rhonda. She was cranking up for another explosion, squirming and straining under Laura, whimpering and mewling.

"Yes Laura . . . yes! Aungghh! Ungghh! Oh . . . shit that thing goes in deep! Aunngghh! Yes! God . . . bite the other one, ungghhh! Yes!"

By now, with Rhonda fucking her from behind, Laura was joining Yvette, panting and groaning as Rhonda began to plunge the dildo faster in and out of her flaming pussy.

"Ohhnngggg! Ungh!" Laura grunted softly, her head swiveling to watch, though she was not able to see much more than the expression on Rhonda's face, almost grim but very sensual at the same time, as if she were focusing all her attention on bringing Laura to the peak of pleasure. "Ungghh . . . yes . . . yes Rhonda!" Laura gasped, returning to her own happy task, ripping the cock that now sprung out of her groin into Yvette's delicious, supple body.

Since Yvette had already come twice in fairly quick succession, she was more interested right now in the joys of being vigorously ravished by Laura than in bursting her bubble too soon, but Laura didn't have that luxury. She was so excited by this plunging, straining, surging, hot mass of flesh that the three of them had become that she was about to spill over in ragged, thrashing convulsions of uncontrollable coming herself. Rhonda was now leaning forward over her back, still shoving the dildo up into Laura's cunt and twisting it rapidly at the same time, but also grabbing Laura's dangling breasts from behind, squeezing them passionately, kissing Laura's naked back in a frenzy and pushing her own firm breasts into it.

Laura realized that she was going to come long before Yvette did. Already she could feel the tightening tentacles of a huge orgasm crawling through her flesh.

"Unhh!" she groaned as Rhonda raped her pussy from behind. "Anngghhh! Ouungghhh!"

At the same time, the sight of Yvette's lovely face contorted by a sexual pleasure so extreme that it made pain seem like a mild alternative stirred Laura's desire to a higher pitch. She pressed her body down into Yvette's writhing flesh, fucking her hard, trying to bring her off—or at least bring her closer—before she herself dissolved in ecstasy. But each time she drew her hips back to deliver another thrust, she could feel Rhonda push the dildo deep into her own pussy, and in only a few seconds she simply spilled over with hot, jolting orgasmic spasms, slumping forward and groaning as a thrilling climax wrenched her.

"Auunngghummpphhggggg!" she gasped, her face sliding against Yvette's shiny black shoulder, her breasts mashing into Yvette's. "Ohnnggg! Auunngghhhh!"

Her whole body filled with surging, boiling, thick, pulsing liquid fire. She could feel Rhonda slumped forward on top of her too, as she was slumped forward onto Yvette, and then Yvette began to come too, her voice flowing out of her throat like the long peal of a horn while her body sank into convulsive jerks and twitches as another orgasm crushed her. Laura and Yvette were glued tightly together, whimpering and still trembling as wave after wave of coming rolled through them both, with Rhonda still clinging to Laura's back, still pushing the dildo into Laura's pussy, until several excruciating seconds elapsed, and Laura and Yvette began to descend from the height of their sweet ordeal.

Whether or not Rhonda was half-paralyzed by the intensity of the event Laura didn't know, but she herself was squeezed between their two bodies, and she knew Yvette, who had Laura and Rhonda piled on top of her, must be suffering too. After a few seconds, Laura rolled to the side, not moving rapidly enough to shed Rhonda from her back, but just gracefully enough to keep their hot bodies welded together though now on their sides.

Yvette blinked, returning reluctantly from paradise. "I think maybe they could kill me now and I wouldn't be unhappy," she croaked hoarsely, crinkling her nose in a very fetching smile, aiming it both at Laura and Rhonda. "Except I'd miss my little girl."

Laura could not even speak. She had not yet regained her breath, and her body felt like four or five people had been fucking it, not just Rhonda and a solitary dildo. She winced as she felt Rhonda now slowly remove it.

"Nobody's going to kill you, Yvette," she heard Rhonda say, behind her. Rhonda's voice was soft, indulgent, full of warm emotion and relaxed friendliness that Laura was not accustomed to hearing in it. "We need you too much for moments like this. Don't we, Laura."

Laura smiled and fought to make her own voice work again. It had always been hard to agree with Rhonda about anything, and now she could not deny that she was being drawn into an intimacy and a sort of camaraderie that scared her. How can I be her friend? she wondered. How can I share these feelings with her?

She kissed Yvette on her crinkled nose, then lazily turned her body over to face Rhonda. It was an awkward turn since she had forgotten the strap-on dildo, which was still embedded in Yvette's body but quickly slid out and bobbed, wet and obscene and comical, between them. They all looked down at it and giggled.

When Laura looked up, her eyes stopped on Rhonda's naked breasts. They were very beautiful, pear-shaped but large and firm, with soft, wide, brownish nipples that begged to be sucked. Rhonda's thick nipples seemed to spring tiny bumps of sexual excitement as she felt Laura's eyes licking them. Even though Laura had had a horrific climax, she could feel the sap rising again as she looked at these creamy, shapely globes.

"I think," she said softly to Rhonda, her eyelids drooping sensually, "that Yvette and I have been paying far too little attention to our very beautiful hostess . . . and her very beautiful body."

Laura was surprised to hear the sultriness in her own voice. She was a little surprised at the words that came out of her mouth, too. How can I be saying this? she wondered. I hate her. Don't I hate her?

But right now she felt very little hatred for Rhonda, only growing, swelling, even throbbing desire. She could feel Yvette stirring behind her, sitting up too, and saw Rhonda's eyes catch hers over Laura's shoulder.

"I think Laura's right," Yvette breathed. "I think it's your turn to be at the bottom of the pile, Rhon."

At this, Rhonda blushed a deep red, something that made Laura want to squeal aloud with happiness. The hot red flush spread from her face down her neck to her upper chest, and she tittered uncomfortably, since both Laura and Yvette were devouring her naked body with their eyes. Laura was thrilled to see someone blush as deeply as she herself continually did at the most embarrassing moments, and her lust was fanned by it too. Rhonda seemed actually human, and not only that, but demure and wildly sexy at the same instant, as if the cold, blonde bitch Laura knew had suddenly dissolved into this alluring, sexy creature with the tiny, tongue-tempting bumps on her swelling nipples.

Rhonda pursed her lips almost bashfully, aware that her face and shoulders were as red as a boiled lobster. "I . . . I don't know what to say," she stammered.

"Mmmmm, you don't have to say anything," Laura purred, reaching out one hand, curving her fingers gracefully around one deliciously firm breast.

Yvette moved around Laura and reached out to touch Rhonda too, and together the two of them pulled her down between them on the sheet. Her hot blush began to recede as they kissed and stroked her, running their hands down and across her body, fondling her breasts aggressively, slithering their tongues into her ears, taking turns kissing her mouth. Rhonda began to pant and squirm.

"God . . . I've never made love with two people before," she gasped. "Until now."

Laura smiled, letting her tongue dance and coil with Rhonda's. This was a lie, of course. Long ago she and Rhonda had spent a scorching evening with Sholandra during which all three had even fucked one another in the ass with a dildo, Rhonda's first time. She had been a ravishing anal virgin. Laura remembered that it had been a martini-drenched evening too. Rhonda was partial to martinis. She apparently had forgotten this event (how could she? Laura wondered), or else she was determined to maintain, with Yvette, her image as a relative sexual innocent, who would not think of indulging in such promiscuity.

"We're not 'making love,' darling. We're going to fuck you senseless," Laura whispered hotly into her ear.

Rhonda giggled girlishly, obviously so happy to be the center of attention. "Oh god . . . I can't wait."

"Mmmm, I can't either," Yvette breathed, sliding her long, svelte, black body over almost on top of Rhonda's, then kissing her way down Rhonda's chest to her naked breasts while Laura was still kissing Rhonda's mouth.

Laura let one hand trail down Rhonda's body below Yvette's head, down to her silky, golden crotch hair, which she twirled in her fingers, enjoying the feel of the fluffy soft filaments before dropping her fingers lower, sliding them into the warm, greasy folds of Rhonda's pussy, making Rhonda's tongue flutter just a little faster and her breath quicken.

"Unhhhh! Oh . . . Laura," she sighed, biting her lower lip as she felt Laura's fingers invade her wet pussy.

Laura glanced down to see Yvette holding one of Rhonda's large naked breasts in both hands, her slim, very black fingers laced around the creamy melon, Rhonda's swollen nipple protruding between them, looking like a ripe, soft brown berry all peppered with tiny bumps. As she watched, Yvette extended her long tongue and began to run the tip of it slowly around Rhonda's aerola, leaving a shiny trail of warm spittle, then taking the stiff center nub of Rhonda's nipple playfully between her teeth and waggling her head, as if in a sweet, tender threat.

"Ohhhhh!" Rhonda sighed louder, twisting excitedly, now watching Yvette's hands and mouth on her breast too.

Still holding the center of Rhonda's delectable nipple between her teeth, Yvette smiled suggestively up at Laura. She let Rhonda's nipple go from her teeth, purring softly. "Laura, I think you better do the other one before it gets jealous," she murmured, indicating Rhonda's other breast with her smoldering eyes.

Laura needed no further encouragement. She wanted to get her mouth on one of those swollen, silky nipples anyway, and wanted to feel those raised bumps against her own tongue. Slipping down, she clasped Rhonda's other breast in both hands, caressing it and squeezing at the same time, feeling Rhonda's body begin to yearn and tremble now under her and Yvette's caresses. She made a circle with her thumbs and forefingers, trapping Rhonda's big, protruding nipple in the center of it, and lowered her mouth to it.

"Oh! Unhhhhh!" Rhonda threw her head back, overcome by sweet sexual feelings as Laura sucked her nipple into her mouth, and Yvette did the same thing with the other one at the same instant.

Now both of them were sucking Rhonda's nipples and kneading her firm, round breasts at the same time, and this had the effect of ratcheting up the lust level several notches in all three. Both Yvette and Laura began slowly, teasing Rhonda's nipples with their tongues and lips, then their teeth, until they began to stiffen and point, shiny, wet, and erect. Through all this, Rhonda whimpered and sucked air excitedly past her teeth. Her fingers scrabbled in Laura's hair and Yvette's as she struggled to control her accelerating sexual tension.

Then Laura and Yvette, their sensual rhythms synchronized, began to suck and mouth-maul Rhonda's delicious breasts more heatedly. Their fingers sank into the springy mounds, and they sucked her nipples deep into their mouths, sucking hard, sucking hot, and Rhonda's moans grew more violent and uncontrollable.

"Oh god . . . unhhhh! Oh god . . . you guys . . . oh god that feels so good! Annggghhh . . . oh yes . . . more . . . yes, like that . . . I like it hard like that, yes! Ungghhh! Oh shit . . . Laura, not so hard! Ouch!"

"Sorry," Laura smiled, but she could see in Rhonda's bloodshot eyes that she did not really want Laura to stop.

"That's . . . okay," Rhonda gasped, her head falling back as a sharp moan escaped from her throat. "Oh god . . . go ahead. God, it feels good! It feels so good to have both of you doing it."

"Well, Yvette's going to have to take over for me," Laura panted, sliding down and balancing herself on her knees between Rhonda's golden blonde thighs. "Because I'm going to fuck your beautiful pink pussy into paradise right now."

A brief realization of how odd this was passed through Laura's mind. She and Rhonda had been rivals for years, only reluctantly sharing certain girls, experiencing a sharp and lasting mutual hatred and mistrust over the Stevie Archer incident. As Laura had understood earlier that evening (before we all took our clothes off, she smiled inwardly), this deep wound had not healed. And yet here they were, naked in bed with Yvette, one of the very girls she and Rhonda had warred over in the past, and Laura was getting ready to slide Rhonda's own strap-on dildo into Rhonda's beautiful body and fuck her, as she had promised, senseless. And Rhonda's eyes were staring directly into hers, hot, pulsing, liquid with sexual promise, her face acknowledging everything that Laura was now feeling, as if she too knew how odd it was and could not wait for it to continue.

Almost imperceptibly, Laura saw her nod, saw the appeal in her eyes.

"Yes . . . Laura," Rhonda sighed, almost inaudibly. "Yes."

Yvette had, following Laura's suggestion, taken over for Laura and was now sucking and squeezing both of Rhonda's luscious breasts. The sensations made it impossible for Rhonda to keep her head up, to keep looking at Laura. She let it fall back again to the mattress, and Laura looked down, guiding the fat stalk of the dildo into the gaping, wet, bright pink crease of Rhonda's open pussy, moving forward with her hips smoothly but forcefully and not stopping until the whole thing was sunk in Rhonda's body.

"Unhhhhhh!" Rhonda moaned, quivering, her hands now fluttering over Yvette's long, jet-black hair, her back arching slightly as she pushed her breasts up into Yvette's face. "Oh . . . yes, Laura . . . ungghhhh!"

Now Laura began to fuck her. Though she had used dildos before, and in fact used them frequently, especially the monster she and a few of her other girl friends had become enamored with lately, she had never had quite this feeling when using them. It was more like being a man, she guessed, with this thing actually attached to your body. Somehow it made fucking a whole new sensation—partially enhanced by having both hands free to grab other parts of Rhonda's wonderful smooth body—and watching Rhonda writhe, hearing her gasp and whimper as the long shaft plunged slowly in and out of her tight, clinging pussy, aroused Laura in fresh, exciting ways she had never anticipated.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Rhonda panted, quickly becoming more aroused than Laura had seen her this evening. "Oh yes . . . ohhhhhhh . . . yes, do it fast, Laura! Please!"

"Mmmm, you like that?" Laura purred. "You like having Laura fuck your pretty blonde pussy?"

"Oh yes!"

Yvette had pulled back now, letting Laura lean forward over Rhonda, watching them fuck, seeming to draw a great pleasure from the scene, smiling and lazily rubbing her own pussy gently. And it was true, Laura realized, that there was more sexual interest here than usual since she and Rhonda were a curious mixture of friend and enemy, jealous rivals and yet partners—conspirators, even—in lechery. The emotional content of their sexual union at this moment was very complex, and they stared deeply into one another's eyes as Laura slowly churned her hips, moving the shaft in and out of Rhonda's tight cunt very slowly, making each feathery sensation count.

"Is it good?" Laura whispered to her, hanging over her, dangling her small breasts over Rhonda's, dying to feel her own nipples brushing the taut, wet, erect buds that Yvette's mouth had turned Rhonda's own nipples into.

"Oh god . . . yes!"

"I want to kiss you."

"Yes . . . please."

Slowly, Laura lowered her body, now brushing her nipples against the damp, hard pebbles of Rhonda's, now slithering her tongue between Rhonda's parting teeth. It was a very wet kiss, slow, simmering, smoldering, with Laura still slowly grinding her hips and her pelvis throughout, pushing the shaft into Rhonda's pussy, pulling it out very slowly, pushing it in deep again. In fact, to the astonishment of all three, it was turning into a very romantic fuck, full of throbbing emotion and minutely pleasurable physical sensations. Since they were really not embracing heatedly, Laura let her hardening nipples dance and skim across Rhonda's as they kissed, and the sensations were so sweet that both were soon panting and kissing more hungrily.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes," Rhonda panted. "Oh . . . I think . . . oh Laura god yes you can do it harder . . . ungghh! Yes . . . like that! Unghhhh!"

Laura was getting carried away by the thrill of the moment, too. She now had grabbed Rhonda with both hands, clutching the smooth muscles that ran between Rhonda's shoulders and her neck, which gave her enough leverage to plunge the dildo into Rhonda's pussy even deeper. As the harness was very sturdy, and she felt no hints of slippage, she rammed it home harder and harder now, making Rhonda groan and grimace with intense pleasure.

"Ungghhh . . . . ungghhh!" Rhonda groaned, whinnying softly deep in her throat between thrusts as Laura picked up the pace.

"Oh . . . Rhonda . . . I love fucking you . . . I love it!" Laura gasped incoherently, almost shocked to hear the words coming out of her own mouth.

Rhonda's red-glazed eyes caught Laura's. "I love it too!" she gasped. "Oh god . . . Laura, I'm going to . . . yes! You can do it harder! Do it really hard! Unghhh! Ungghhh! Ungghhh! Like that . . . yes! Ungghhh!"

Laura knew that if she had not already come a couple of times herself, she would be coming again this very instant. The bed was shaking, and the two of them were squirming and thrusting wildly together, panting and whimpering semi-hysterically, totally oblivious to Yvette, who remained next to them but could do nothing but watch. But clearly Rhonda was the closest, and after about five seconds of fierce, slam-fucking by Laura, she began to come.

"Oh god . . . Jesus oh yes . . . Laura! Auunngghmmnnggiiieeee!" she cried out, her piercing shrieks filling the bedroom, great shocking wails of excruciating ecstasy. "Unnnnnmmgghieee! Oh . . . oh yes! Oh yes! Ungghhhhiieeeee!"

Laura could only hold on. Rhonda's lovely body flipped and undulated under her as the repeated waves of a killing orgasm wracked her. She was very beautiful as she came, even Laura had to admit, clinging to Rhonda, kissing her cheek, her shoulder, feeling Rhonda's large breasts pressed tightly to her own, feeling the breath go rapidly in and out of her shuddering body as each new spasm hit her.

After a long succession of wrenching spasms, Rhonda began to quiver and twitch with aftershocks, now recovering enough to smile in shocking suspended animation at both Laura and Yvette as she mewled and trembled through each one.

"Unnnnn," she half-groaned, eyes rolling up again as another aftershock struck her.

"Shit, Laura," Yvette, still sitting next to them on the mattress, said under her breath. "We're going to have to invite you over here more often. I never make her come like that." She reached out and drew an invisible line down Laura's arm from the shoulder to the elbow with one long, slender black finger. "Girl, I told you you were white heat itself."

Laura was still a little stunned herself from the shocking force of Rhonda's orgasm. Did I do that?

"Maybe she can give you lessons," Rhonda finally croaked to Yvette, beginning to emerge from her sexual trance.

Yvette smiled coquettishly at both of them. "She already done gave me lessons, Miss Rhonda. They didn't take, I guess." She looked into Laura's eyes, apparently recognizing the pent-up sexual tension reflected there. "Looks like I might give it another try, though." She made a cute face at Rhonda, who was now propping herself up on her elbows, looking thoroughly blasted and thunderstruck. "Just practice, of course."

Laura was suddenly, after her vigorous fuck-pounding of Rhonda, very pliant and submissive as Yvette helped her off with the strap-on harness.

"I was taught by the master, you know," Yvette whispered in her ear, though not bothering to conceal it from Rhonda. "Or should I say the 'mistress'? She never would let you go without eating your pussy first . . . and I won't either."

Pushing Laura down onto her back, Yvette proceeded to bring her to a thrilling, convulsive orgasm in about two minutes by skillfully and lovingly licking Laura's pussy, while this time Rhonda watched. When Laura had finally recovered, they lounged in Rhonda's bed for another half hour.

"We should go," Laura said. "You probably need some sleep."

"Don't you have to pick up your daughter?" Rhonda asked Yvette.

Yvette tossed her long black hair in a coltish, very fetching gesture. Her small, lovely breasts bobbled and swayed, catching the attention of both Laura and Rhonda. Oh god, it isn't for nothing that both of us love this enchanting woman, Laura realized.

"The way you two looking at me," Yvette teased, "I think I best be calling my mother-in-law to see if she can keep her another few hours." She stretched out slowly, giving them both a chance to admire her long, sleek, black body, which she knew they craved desperately. "I think I could really use one of those like Laura just did to you," she batted her long lashes at Rhonda.

Rhonda gave her back a hugely salacious grin, unlike any expression Laura had ever seen before on her face. "Maybe Laura can give me a little coaching." She turned her eyes to Laura, who was already beginning to feel a fresh influx of sexual heat in her pussy, even after her climax.

Laura smiled back at her, realizing that things were now, more than likely, forever changed between them. "It would be my pleasure," she said, softly.






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