Laura - Chapter 247



Laura drifted awake in the morning to the sweet, faintly erotic odors of Shontay's naked flesh pressed against her cheek. It happened to be one of the girl's exquisite, teacup breasts, so round and firm, the nipple so soft and delectable that she could not keep from taking it into her mouth. Shontay stirred and moaned, coming awake. She watched Laura languorously sucking her nipple.

"I never slept with anybody before," she said quietly, stroking the hair away from Laura's forehead. "Like this, I mean." Laura looked at her quizzically, holding Shontay's wet, caramel-colored nipple in her lips. "I always made them go home. Oh, that feels good."

"Mmmm, are you going to make me go home?"

Shontay's eyes sparkled with happiness. "You only did it to me about four or five times last night. Don't you ever get tired?"

"Not of 'doing it' to you. Do you get tired?"

Shontay shook her head, and they were quickly into another round, making love as if the world outside them no longer existed. At work, Laura was relieved that their duties and responsibilities were entirely separate, and that there was no opportunity for them to meet and betray their sudden intimacy. For the next week, while Shontay's parents were still away, they met each evening for dinner in one or the other apartment, and spent the rest of the night in delicious fucking.

But all this time Laura was still mooning around about Dawn, and fending off fantastically hot invitations from both Randi and Shavon, who could not understand why she wanted to be alone for the whole week, though Randi, ever suspicious, began to suspect something. Laura put her off with a variety of excuses.

Then she and Shontay had a tender parting on the night before Shontay's parents were due to return. It happened that Laura was scheduled for a conference in Tucson the next day, and they would be apart for the first time in a week.

"Tucson?" Shontay whined.

"Are you going to miss me?"

A big tear was already forming at the bottom of one of Shontay's pale brown eyes. But she sniffled, then wiped it away, all the cold reserve returning to her face.

"Of course not," she said, glaring at Laura. "Why should I miss you?"

"Because nobody can make you come the way I can?" Laura teased.

"Maybe I'll find somebody," Shontay said, with a toss of the head. "Some guys like tall skinny girls."

"Some women like them too," Laura said. "Me, for one."

Now Shontay became pliant, fawn-like. "Will you miss me?"

"I'll call you every night."

Why am I saying these things? Laura wondered. She adored Shontay, but she knew she didn't feel the kind of desperate, burning, scorching, searing lust for her that she felt for Dawn. Still, together they had brought Shontay along to a new place, a sexual oasis where she could enjoy a sweet and blissfully intense pleasure that was only possible with Laura. It was hard not to be touched by it, even moved, and Laura gave in without a fight.

"Here's my number," Shontay said, scribbling on the back of her business card. "Don't call me at work. Too dangerous. In fact, we should probably just keep pretending we don't know each other."

What a good idea! Laura thought. Why couldn't I have done that with Randi? Yvette? All the others?

She had actually grown quite fond of Shontay during this week, somehow warmed by Shontay's carefully-masked vulnerability, and her fresh sense of wonder at the sex they shared. No longer was she the cold, calculating, remote bitch Laura had initially thought her to be, the careerist, the haughty tall girl who looked down both physically and socially on everyone. She was instead a delightful young girl who was having several orgasms each day because Laura was wildly infatuated with her as a bed partner.

On the flight to Tucson, Laura even felt pangs of separation from her and was very troubled. Her life was complicated enough, she thought, and screwing her neighbors' daughter could only make it worse. For example, could she and Shontay make love in her, Laura's, apartment when Shontay's parents might be home upstairs? It had been bad enough trying to muffle every stray groan and gasp before with her visitors; what would it be like if Shontay were about to scream in ecstasy? (And Laura had learned how to make her scream, and also whinny uncontrollably.)

To force herself not to think about Shontay, she thought about Dawn instead, but that was almost as troublesome and painful, for she couldn't keep herself from imagining Dawn naked in bed with Robert. He was not a bad looking guy, and Dawn was of course gorgeous, in Laura's book, so the two of them naked and fucking would be a fascinating spectacle for anyone to witness, she thought. And horribly painful for me, she realized, trying to shake the daydream out of her brain. I love her, and he's fucking her. Not me. Oh god.

As an antidote, she tried to recall the details of her and Dawn fucking—us, together, no Robert. She began to remember how she had fucked Dawn with her fist and pulled her hair when she came, and how Dawn had suffered an almost lethal orgasm, one of the most intense Laura had ever witnessed, and surely deeper than she herself had ever experienced. She suddenly realized that these were not reveries to indulge in while flying. Her body became so aroused that she had to carefully make her way to the lavatory and clean up a little.

The conference was being held at a resort in Tucson, and there was a kickoff, keynote speech and dinner that very evening. Thrown in among strangers at a banquet where one was supposed to be eagerly networking, Laura was shy and quiet, waiting for a chance to leave graciously. She was chatting about boring professional issues with some well-meaning colleagues when she heard, about fifty feet away from her, The Voice.

A grating, nasal, Texas twang that she would recognize anywhere.

Laura's head whipped around. Ada's face was obscured by the heads of the several people she was entertaining with this characteristically dissonant foghorn voice of hers, but Laura craned her neck and spotted her.

"Excuse me," she said softly, politely excusing herself from her own group and moving toward Ada's.

Not wanting to startle her, Laura moved in a wide circle so that she could come up behind Ada, and when Ada's group dissolved, she tapped her on the shoulder. Curious, Ada looked around. Suddenly, her face looked stricken, then quickly faded into a smile.

"Oh god, I thought I was seeing a ghost!" she said, falling back dramatically, as if to take all of Laura in with one glance. "Look at you. What are you doing here?"

"Same thing you are, I guess," Laura grinned. "Conferencing . . . networking . . . being charming to a bunch of strangers. I think you're better at it than I am."

Ada leaned close and whispered. "Not really. I am a complete faker, but I've had lots of practice."

Laura was extremely sensitive to moments like this, and her senses sucked in Ada's presence, her faint perfume, the smooth sheen of her black cheek, the curve of her full lips, the scent of her breath, the beckoning contour of her wonderful throat, the shine of her eyes, the smell of her hair, the white gleam of her teeth, the pink, glistening tip of her tongue as she spoke. It was like falling into a trance, she realized, and she had to shake herself out of it.

"You look . . . terrific," she breathed, pulling back a little, trying to regain her sanity.

"You do too," Ada said, looking her up and down. "Stephanie Seymour ain't got nothin' on you, girl. Except she probably has a little more money."

They were both trying to ignore the real issue between them, which was why Ada had left San Francisco so precipitously. They both knew why, Laura thought, but neither one wanted to acknowledge it.

"Can we sit at the same dinner table?" Laura asked, letting her eyes roam furtively—so Ada would not see it—over Ada's body, which was disappointingly clothed in a tailored mint green suit that looked stunning against her black skin but completely boxed in all the delicious curves Laura knew where really there.

Ada's smooth brow furrowed. "Do you think we should? I mean, conferences are to meet new people . . . get new ideas, you know?"

"You mean not dwell on the past?" Laura cracked, with a mordant smile.

"Anway, I think they already have place cards," Ada said, jumping right over Laura's allusion. "You know, just to make sure we don't sit together."

"They don't know we're . . . friends," Laura said, with a meaningful look. "You work for a different company now."

Ada looked down momentarily at her feet, embarrassed. "Laura—"

"I love your hair."

Ada had it swept up again in a swirl behind her head, revealing her smooth dark brown neck that Laura wanted to kiss and suck hungrily. Laura could not help recalling their last time together when, in throes of some pretty athletic fucking, more vigorous and perverted than she had ever before allowed herself to become with Ada, they had shaken free the pins that held Ada's hair back in this swirl and it had fallen in a tousled cloud around her face, making her look wanton and half-ravished, inciting Laura to ravish her totally. She could see from the glint in Ada's black eyes that Ada remembered it too.

"Thank you," she said calmly, refusing to give Laura the satisfaction of acknowledging it.

The undercurrent of electricity that always flowed between them, ever since their first time in the shower after their first tennis game together, now became almost palpable. In fact, their hot, throbbing eyes were locked so tightly that something in the back of Laura's mind told her to look away, just to break the current, since they could be drawing attention.

"You're welcome," she breathed, half-audibly. "Aren't we polite?"

Ada looked nervous and apologetic. In a hushed voice, she said, "Laura, I think I owe you an apology."

Laura shook her head. "All that's behind us," she said, evenly, not letting Ada's gaze escape hers. "You owe me a drink, after this banquet is over. That's all.

"I . . . well, I, I don't really drink much," Ada stammered.

"Iced tea will be okay. Or lemonade. How about a coke? Are you trying to avoid me?"

Ada suddenly looked paralyzed, her eyes deeply sad and lost, her face betraying her pain. She shook her head without speaking. Laura reached out and took one of her hands, which was cold. She put her other hand on it too, holding Ada's hand between them, caressing it furtively, rubbing it, warming it up.

"You're cold."

Again, Ada shook her head. "Coke," she croaked softly. "Afterward?"

She removed her hand slowly from Laura's clinging grasp, her eyes never leaving Laura's.

"Yes," Laura nodded, her own eyes full of love and unconcealed desire. Yes, Ada. You don't have to let me into your bed, Ada. Just a coke . . . and a little talk. Please.

"Meet you by the door." Laura winked. "I've got my eye on you, and you're easy to find in this sea of white faces. Don't try to skip out on me."

Ada laughed in spite of herself and covered her mouth. "I won't . . . this time."

There were twenty or more round banquet tables, and Laura was seated at the opposite side of the room from Ada, but, true to her word, she kept an eye out, and after an interminable evening of tedious speeches and routine dinner courses, they met by the door as everyone was leaving. They all look as relieved as I feel, Laura thought, as she watched the other conference attendees file by her.

"I suppose you know where we can get a coke," Ada said as she sidled up next to Laura.

"All resorts have a bar, at least one bar," Laura said, smiling. "I think I could use something a little stronger than a coke, for sure."

As they wandered in search of the bar, Ada couldn't suppress a delighted little giggle. "One of the men at my table tried to make a date with me," she said.

"A date?"

"You know . . . for tonight. Some hanky-panky, I think he had in mind. He was wearing a wedding ring, can you believe it?"

Laura smirked. "His wife back in Kansas City will never know. Was he cute?"

Ada frowned. "He was . . . kind of. I've never dated a white man."

Laura smiled at her, bristling, and raised one eyebrow. You let me eat your pussy, Ada, her eyes said. And more. I'm white. I fucked you silly. You know that. What could he do to duplicate what we've done together?

But Laura could feel a trace of bitterness, and competitive anxiety, creeping into her thoughts, and she was uneasy lest it creep also into her tone of voice. Luckily, they found the bar just then.

"You're my date tonight," Laura said, steering her toward a small table in the semi-darkness. "I'm buying. You can even have champagne, if you want it."

"I'm just going to have a quick coke and go to bed," Ada said, matter-of-factly, very coolly skirting any innuendoes. "I'm tired. That speech really put me to sleep."

Laura took this as a gentle warning that there would be no 'hanky-panky' between the two of them either. But she had earlier, when she had tapped Ada on the shoulder, seen in Ada's eyes a wild flicker of sexual excitement that Ada had quickly masked. What we did together isn't easy to forget, Laura realized.

Further, she had come to think that the real reason Ada had quit her job and moved back to Texas had more to do with Ada's chagrin over the role she herself had played in their last sexual encounter than anything Laura had done. It wasn't the wild, orgiastic g-spot orgasms Laura had caused in her, or the way she had come while Laura was sucking her nipple that frightened her so much as the way she had enthusiastically fucked Laura at the end with the double dildo.

Laura had been on her back, with Ada on top, and Ada had fucked her fiercely, aggressively, and lustfully until both of them had exploded in killing orgasms. It was exactly what Laura had wanted, and she still tingled when remembering it, but to Ada somehow it encapsulated all her earlier fears and anxieties and guilt about having this hot lesbian affair with Laura into one perverted, wicked, and thrilling act, with her on top, actually doing the raping, actually enjoying it, instead of being a passive recipient of Laura's passion.

That, for a sexually inexperienced and straitlaced minister's daughter, was about the last straw, and rather than face it, or Laura, she simply folded her hand and went home. It was speculation, but Laura could not help feeling it was true.

A cocktail waitress finally showed up. Several other people from the dinner had drifted into the bar, and it was becoming crowded. Laura ordered champagne for both of them. Ada put a hand on hers.

"Just coke for me."

Laura glowered at her.

"Oh well . . . maybe I will have a glass of champagne. We can celebrate seeing each other again."

The cocktail waitress left, and Laura leaned close, whispering.

"It doesn't mean anything." Her eyes burned into Ada's. "We're just old friends."

Ada appeared to be hurt by this. "Is that all?" she whispered back.

Laura realized that she herself was very close to risking everything. Involuntary tears came to her eyes. She shook her head.

"It's not all."

Now neither one of them could speak for several minutes. Not only did they not know what to say, but also their feelings were so confused and intense that neither trusted herself to open her mouth. Unspoken between them lay the hot, glowing kernel of their common desire and sexual attraction, the intimate connection they had shared before. We made each other pant, Laura thought, in a phrase that came to her often as a way of capturing this feeling.

Laura had sucked back her tears before they spilled. Ada looked extremely uncomfortable. The champagne finally arrived. Laura raised her glass.

"To you, Ada. I hope you are very happy in your new job . . . and life."

Ada clinked glasses with her. "I think of you every day," she said in a hushed voice, raising the glass to her full, sensual lips.

This was hard on Laura, who found she would have preferred to hear that Ada was now engaged to be married to a rich executive, or busily fucking a new army of male admirers—even though that was preposterous in a repressed preacher's daughter like her—in order to forget Laura forever. Instead, it meant Ada had not forgotten, and so how could either one of them get through this evening?

"I think of you too," Laura lied.

Of course, lately she had been thinking of Ada a lot, so that made her feel less guilty for saying so. But she was also desperately in love with Dawn, still thickly involved with Randi, and now, having spent a week happily fucking with Shontay, encumbered by yet another emotional and physical entanglement. It was hard to pretend that she had been lovesick over Ada for months.

Conversation dragged like a dull dinner party, even worse than the dinner they had just attended, desultory and reeking of avoidance. Finally, the champagne glasses were empty. Somehow, Laura thought, neither one of them seemed to feel any better. She knew she would not be able to persuade Ada to have another, so they paid and got to their feet. Then a slight wooziness overcame them both.

"Ooohhh . . . I haven't felt this dizzy since Mama put brandy in the brownies," Ada said, weaving, her voice beginning to rise into hints of the horrible twang.

"Just hold onto my arm, if you want to," Laura said, weaving a little herself. "We can help each other."

Ada's eyes caught hers. The bar was semi-dark, but neither one mistook the heat, mixed with deep longing, that passed between them. Ada grabbed Laura's elbow.

"Good idea," she said, dropping her voice again. "At least until we take a few steps and get our bearings. Now you can see why I don't drink. Goes right to my head."

Out in the corridor, Laura whispered, "I'm just trying to get you drunk so I can take advantage of you. Just like that guy who tried to get you on a 'date'."

It was a bold thing to say, but the champagne had made her feel a little reckless. She also knew that Ada was probably not going to risk any more than she already had, so it would be up to Laura to push things. Ada said nothing. Laura knew she had heard her, but she was not responding.

The rooms in this resort were scattered throughout the grounds in small duplexes and fourplexes, and in the dark it was not so easy to remember the location of yours, Laura realized.

"I'm one thirty-seven," Ada said, rummaging in her coat pocket for her key as they walked. "I think it's over there by the pool. I remember seeing the pool around the corner."

"I'll walk there with you," Laura said, calmly.

"You don't have to. I'm a big girl. The wooziness is gone now."

"What if I want to?"

Ada looked out in the distance, beyond Laura's gaze, unwilling to meet it. "If you want to, of course . . ." Her voice trailed off noncommittally.

When they got to Ada's room, she turned to Laura in front of the door. It was a very uncomfortable moment, and neither spoke. We don't know what to say, Laura thought. It was very dark there, with only the glimmer of a light obscured by a thick crawling vine. The light on Ada's dark, gleaming face, in fact, was enchanting, soft, highlighting her strong African features, her considerable beauty. Laura smiled, extending her arm, brushing the glowing skin of Ada's black cheek with the tips of three fingers, unable to stop this caress.

"You are so gorgeous," she murmured. "Let me kiss you once."

Ada almost jumped, then frowned quizzically. "Right here? Have you lost your senses, girl?"

Laura looked around. "It's dark. No one will see."

Ada pursed her lips. "It's over, Laura. Let's not make it worse."

"It isn't over."

"Yes it is."

"Let me come in and kiss you. Then I'll leave."

For a moment Ada didn't speak. Her eyes glistened, black and large and expressive. "If you come in, I won't want you to leave."

Just what I wanted to hear, Laura thought, feeling her heart flutter now. She knew things were sliding slowly in her direction. Rather than trust herself to push any harder, she remained silent, letting Ada take the next step. Ada seemed reluctant to move too. She shifted on her feet, fretting.

"Okay . . . I'll leave." Laura turned slowly to walk away. "Bye. Nice seeing you. Love your green suit." She looked back over her shoulder. "And your hair."

For a moment, Ada seemed content to watch her leave. Then, with an audible sigh, she spoke.

"'I'd love to kiss yuh, but I just washed my hay-ahh,'" Ada said softly, quoting Bette Davis, a quote Laura had made to her their very last time together. She giggled softly, almost girlishly.

Laura, grinning, turned around. She was now about five steps away from Ada, whose eyes were throbbing with significance. Ada now whispered so softly that Laura could barely hear her.

"If you want to come inside, I could dry it off," she whispered.

Laura came closer. "It doesn't look very wet to me," she murmured. "Maybe you need to take a shower and really get it wet."

Ada closed her eyes and held them shut a few seconds before opening them again. Laura wondered if she were praying. God, let it happen. Or, God, don't let it happen. Which one was it? Or was she cursing herself for having yielded to this . . . what, sin? Or ecstasy?

Ada took a deep breath, and her eyes opened. Without a word, she turned and unlocked the door to her room with her key card. They both slipped inside, and she fastened the safety lock. Laura felt her pulse leap. She had not felt it outside, but now that they were in Ada's quiet, dark room, with the door locked, alone together, she could feel a very great turbulence inside her own body. She wondered if Ada was now feeling it too.

They could barely see one another though they were close enough almost to smell the champagne on each other's breath. A weak light from outside came in through the window. Ada went over to it and pulled the drapes completely shut before switching on a bedside lamp. She turned to Laura.

Laura smiled warmly. Ada was charmingly demure for a big, beautiful, voluptuous woman whom many people would die to sleep with. She was shy, even bashful at times, and having gone this far, she had not a clue how to go the rest of the way. Laura went over to her and took her hand. She slowly, never taking her eyes from Ada's, raised it to her lips.

"You have the most beautiful hands," she murmured, kissing the back of Ada's hand sensually, then turning it and kissing the palm too. "Earlier, when I was holding your cold hand, I wanted to do this. Do you know that?" She turned Ada's hand back over and kissed the smooth black top of it more passionately now. "It's not cold any more."

Ada shook her head. Her eyes showed both mild fear and growing sexual excitement.

"May I kiss you?" Laura asked softly.

Ada nodded. "I've . . . been wishing you would. All night." She smiled, shyly.

It's like a first date, Laura realized as they brought their faces closer together. Like we never kissed before. That's why we're both so nervous.

Her lips pressed against Ada's sensual mouth, curving slowly into Ada's full lips, and she could feel Ada actually quivering as they slowly embraced. They kissed chastely at first, no tongues. Laura did not want to rush things. Anyway, she richly enjoyed this calm reacquaintance, this slow, expressive kiss, unencumbered by fierce sexual heat, informed instead by an emotional exchange that she knew would prepare the way for a coming physical reunion.

They pulled gently apart before the kiss could dissolve into an urgent, more passionate moment. "I think we should take a shower together," Laura suggested, whispering it into Ada's lovely, gleaming black ear, following the words with her tongue.

"Ahhnnnn!" Ada shivered sharply, pulling back slightly out of Laura's arms, suddenly looking sweet, vulnerable, and ravishingly sexy to Laura, even in her boxy green suit.

Laura kissed her cheek, then her broad, high forehead, then her eyelids. "What do you think?"

Ada looked to the side, as if too embarrassed to say it. "I can hardly take a shower any more without remembering it," she confessed.

"Me either," Laura breathed.

She quickly began to unbutton her own jacket and unzip her skirt, moving toward the small bathroom at the same time. She flung the jacket on the bed. Ada stood in the same place, as if paralyzed, watching Laura in fascination.

Reaching the corner she would have to turn to get into the bathroom, Laura paused. Giving Ada a sexy smirk, she removed her blouse and flung it back onto the bed too. She let her skirt fall at her feet and kicked it away. I feel like a stripper, she thought, enjoying Ada's eyes on her body. I like it. Come in here and fuck me in the shower, Ada, darling, her eyes dared.

Before disappearing around the corner, she turned her back, looking sexily over her shoulder at Ada, and slowly unfastened her bra clasp. Cleverly, she held the limp bra against her body, winking at Ada, who still stared, seeming rooted to the spot, her wide, sensual mouth half-open in awe.

"I'm waiting," Laura winked, now slipping around the corner and into the bathroom, where she quickly turned on the shower, slipping out of her panties and placing them and her bra on the sink top.

She is such a marvelous little prude, she thought, waiting for Ada. How long will it take her? Is she still standing there, trying to make up her mind?

When the water got hot, and steam began to swirl around the small bathroom, she pulled the shower curtain open at the end and stepped into the tub. This was different than before since it was a tub, not a shower stall, but Laura knew they could manage. Where is she? Ada . . . get your beautiful self and your beautiful body in here!

Just when she began to suspect that Ada had chickened out, she sensed her presence on the other side of the shower curtain. The shower noise made it nearly impossible to hear anything else, and the steam was billowing and surging everywhere, but somehow Laura knew Ada was there. Then she saw her silhouette moving. She turned just in time to see Ada pulling the shower curtain open in the rear, as she herself had done.

Ada's long, bare, black arm came around the corner, followed by her wonderful black naked body. She smiled shyly at Laura, pulling the shower curtain closed.

"Here I am." Her black, throbbing eyes held Laura's. "Did you miss me?"

Oh god, Laura thought.

More than you know,
More than you know,
Girl of my heart,
I love you so . . .

Lately I find,
You're on my mind,
More than you know . . .

This song had come to her once before, just after Ada had gone back to Texas, after she had sent Laura a voice mail apology. Laura scarcely knew where she had heard it, but it had drifted into her mind at the time, a song of longing and tenderness, and it drifted back into her mind now, reflecting a deep yearning for Ada.

"Oh god, yes," she said honestly to Ada.

Ada made a sarcastic face. "Then let me have some of that hot water, girl, before I freeze to death back here."

Laura held out her arms. "Come and share."

Ada came forward. Laura turned to give her half of the water, and they embraced again, naked and wet this time, and quickly succumbed to a really intense sexual kiss, which quickly became a ravenous mouth-rape on both sides. The feel of Ada's naked body against her own, after all this time, made Laura nearly melt both with happiness and lust, and she ran her hands all over Ada's wet back, then dropped them to Ada's large but very shapely ass, digging her fingertips into the firm, spongy round flesh.

Ada kissed her neck and her ear, wiggling her upper body back and forth to enjoy the way their wet breasts slid together and their excited nipples touched. There was no sound but the steady crash of the shower water against their bodies and the tub and shower curtain. But soon Laura began to hear the sounds of their breathing too, since they were growing very aroused.

"I want you," she panted to Ada, sucking the water off her glistening black shoulder, sucking her neck, raising her hands to Ada's large, full breasts and squeezing them.

"Oh god . . . Laura . . . I've dreamed of this every night!" Ada gasped, again pressing her mouth to Laura's and giving her a scorching kiss.

"Me too," Laura panted. "I've dreamed of sucking your big beautiful nipples. May I? May I suck your big nipples?"

Ada, her black eyes streaked with a hot red fire of sexual need, nodded. "You can do anything you want."

Ada was a full-figured woman, and her breasts were large and shapely, fantastically firm, capped by huge, coal-black, puffy, protruding nipples, so desirable to Laura that she actually had to restrain herself from sucking them too hard, so hungry for them was she. And right now Ada's breasts were beaded with silvery water droplets, magnificent, jutting gourds of delectable flesh, the nipples swollen and bulbous, glimmering, beckoning Laura's mouth.

Cradling one in her palm, she lowered her lips to it. There is no need to rush any of this, she told herself. She let you in here, and you can fuck her all night. She wants it as much as you do. So, go slowly . . . enjoy . . . let her enjoy it . . . you never know how soon it might happen again.

Laura ran her tongue all around the puffy black areola of Ada's bulbous nipple, watching the tiny, stippled bumps of erotic excitement surface in it, flicking the nubby center with the tip of her tongue.

"Ahhh!" Ada gasped sharply, and Laura recalled how sensitive her breasts were, much more sensitive than usual.

Unable to hold off, she sucked the whole silky wet bulb into her mouth, pulling it in past her teeth, and pinching it against the roof of her mouth with her tongue, wanting to swallow it, wanting to hear Ada squeal.

"Oh! Oh god, Laura . . . yes! Ungghh!" Ada gasped, her knees briefly weakening.

Suddenly, Laura remembered where they were. She remembered the loud, grating, carrying quality of Ada's voice when she was aroused, or coming. She released Ada's nipple from her mouth momentarily, looking up at her contorted face.

"I guess we better watch the noise," she said, half a question. "Is there anybody in the room next to this one?"

Ada shook her head, but her eyes displayed a half-reluctance to reveal the truth, as if that would mean that nothing stood in the way of a shocking orgy. "A woman in my new company . . . she isn't arriving until tomorrow."

Oh god, darling, you mean I can fuck you and make you scream? Laura thought, exulting. She could see from the expression in Ada's eyes that it was exactly what she meant.

Laura smiled, and Ada half-smiled back. She didn't mind being wildly ravished by Laura, but there was still a part of her that found it scandalous and sinful. She reached down and patted and stroked the wet mop of Laura's hair, which by now was plastered in soaked ropes against her neck and shoulders.

"My little wet white rat," she murmured dreamily. "I remember this."

But this small hotel bathroom could not match the large, sybaritic shower stall in Ada's former townhouse. It was even more cramped. There was little room to maneuver. Laura reached up and touched Ada's hand on her wet hair. She took it and drew Ada down to the floor of the tub with her.

"Come down here with me. I remember everything. I want you like this, all wet and excited, with the shower water beating down on us." She kissed Ada, a fierce, hot, searing kiss, as they sat, legs entangled, facing one another on the floor of the tub, with the shower water pouring down on both of their heads. "I want to fuck you. I want to eat your beautiful pussy."

Ada gasped and giggled. "At least I haven't had to hear that disgusting word for a while," she grinned.

"You were dying to hear me say it to you," Laura said, again ravenously sucking the water off her glistening black skin, so beautifully wet and glossy and smooth. She got her hand between Ada's thighs. "Lie back and let me fuck you."

Ada did as asked, hypnotized by Laura's hungry desire and her own need. This was very different from the first time they had done it in the shower, which had been their first time ever, and had come as a complete surprise to Ada. Much had passed between them since then, and their relationship now throbbed with a bittersweet current, a realization that their feelings were too intense, or too complicated, to share on a regular basis.

Ada's eyes searched Laura's. "Let's get out and do it on the bed," she said. "It's too cramped in here."

Laura shook her head. "I want you this way . . . with the water . . . and everything. I want you, Ada. I can't wait."

Ada's eyes rolled up, and she yielded, submissively. She spread her thighs so that Laura could slip down between them more easily. Laura was still busily, thirstily licking the water off Ada's body as she slid lower. She paused briefly at Ada's navel to suck up a whole deep pool of it. Then she slid lower and rubbed her nose in the glistening, water-beaded triangle of Ada's black muff, beginning to smell, despite the steam, the thick, rich, erotic odors of Ada's pussy, which she knew must be oozing and throbbing like her own was by now.

Crouched between Ada's spread thighs, the smooth, dark flesh glimmering with water beads, she finally was able to press her mouth to the inflamed, open, deeply pink seam of Ada's large, meaty cunt. Not a pretty little gaping chute like Shontay's, which Laura had been slurping in delirious happiness during the past week, or a long, sinuous, thrillingly sculptured work of art like Charise's young pussy, Ada's was a large, fat, maw of hot love, all raw and glistening with juice, the black inner lips thick and swollen and shiny, the insides flaming and bright and wet.

Laura, unable to restrain herself, devoured it hungrily. And immediately they both begin to feel an influx of fresh sexual excitement that reminded them of their first time. The water hammered on Laura's back, and sprayed into Ada's face, and she groaned as Laura's tongue found her big clit, and Laura's fingers slid into her squinchy, flowing trench. Ada's pussy was not a snack or a pretty little morsel to her but a wonderful feast, an abundance of wet flesh to be lovingly sucked and licked and tasted and love-raped, and Laura devoted herself passionately to the task. Both she and Ada writhed and squirmed in the bottom of the tub, drenched and soaked in the water, gurgling and gulping and gasping to one another as their mutual sexual urgency grew greater.

Oh, I'm going to make her squeal and die of it this time, Laura thought wildly. She is going to come so hard. Oh, Ada . . . let me make you come so hard.

"Ohhhh!" Ada moaned. "Ahhnnnnn . . . ohhhhhh oh Laura unhhhh! Oh god . . . oh that feels so good! Yes . . . oh god yes! Right there! Like that! Unhhh! Oh god, girl, I've missed you."

Laura looked up at her momentarily but didn't speak. She smiled. God, this woman has a beautiful body, she thought, looking at all the dark, wet curves of Ada's wonderful flesh, her large, slightly rolling breasts, her thick, glimmering black nipples, then returning her attentions to the bright pink cauldron of the girl's streaming pussy.

"I've missed you too, darling" she panted. "I love this wonderful big clit of yours."

"Ungghhh! Oh . . . oh sweet Jesus! Ungghhh!"

"Oh, you like that, don't you," Laura purred, her voice barely audible above the crashing sound of the water. "Do you think you can come for Laura? Do you think you can come if I lick and suck your pretty clit like this?"

With her thumbs she pulled upward the shiny black sheath that half-concealed Ada's large bulb of a clit, almost as large as Randi's, a whitish, grape-sized bud, exposing it completely now to her lips and tongue. She placed the flat of her tongue against it and waggled her head vigorously from side to side, mashing it and wiggling her tongue across it passionately.

"Unhhhh! Unhhhh!" Ada gasped, wriggling as much as possible in the small, cramped tub, now gyrating her hips and pushing her pussy up into Laura's mouth.

Removing her fingers from Ada's pussy, knowing Ada was going to come any second, Laura ran her hands up to the girl's wet, jiggling breasts, filling her hands with them, and sucking Ada's entire big clit into her mouth at the same time. Laura had done this before, all of it, and Ada knew what was coming.

The hot shower water peppered their bodies, beating down relentlessly on their hungry, aching flesh as they struggled together toward the finish line. Their hot gasps and moans now rose above the sound of the shower. Looking up at Ada's face, since it was always a thrilling sight for Laura to see a beautiful woman completely overcome by an almost unbearable rapture, she saw Ada grimacing and biting her lower lip, then crying out as the sensations Laura was causing in her sensitive clit by sucking it grew too intense for her.

"Aoowwuungghhhh!" Ada groaned, now arching her back, her wet, quivering body rising momentarily off the floor of the tub, all beaded with water and streaming with fresh rivulets as the shower water struck her flesh.

Laura's hands held her full, wet breasts, and Laura's fingers found her large nipples, twisting and pinching them as she turned the heat up a notch, sucking Ada's clit harder and jabbing it with her tongue inside her mouth, determined to bring her off quickly now. She felt Ada's hands on her head, Ada's fingers clawing in the wet strings of her hair, holding her head, pushing her cunt up into Laura's mouth. She heard her groaning, felt her quivering and surging, felt her nipples growing hard as small pebbles in her fingers.

"Unhhh! Unhhh! Oh god Laura . . . unnnnhhhh! Oh god yes . . . it's—"

"Yes, Ada, yes. Do it. Come in my mouth, come all over me, come, do it, now!" Laura encouraged her.

"Oh god!


"Oh god!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"AANNGGHIIIIEEEMMNNNGGIIIEEEE! AUUNGHGHH! UNGGHHH! OHHHNNGGGG GOD! ANNGGHIIEEEE!" Ada suddenly erupted in deafening screams as a crushing orgasm shook her wet body.

Violent spasms shook her flesh as waves of wrenching bliss passed through her. And Laura suddenly realized, while Ada was coming, that there was opportunity here to do more than merely watch the spectacle of Ada having an immense climax. She herself was on the verge of coming too, and the sight of Ada's delicious, wet, quivering black body in the throes of intense orgasmic spasms aroused her even more. She had her face in the girl's open, flowing wet blossom of a pussy and knew that it would take only a slight, and quick, maneuver to press her own pussy against this fragrant, runny flower.

In a flash, she was on her knees and sliding forward, hooking one leg under one of Ada's, sliding forward even more, until she was pushing the gaping, hot, soupy mouth of her own pussy against Ada's wide-open gash, rubbing them aggressively together. Even though Ada's face was torn in a agony of sweet, fiercely intense coming, her eyes fluttered open momentarily at this. She looked into Laura's with shock, as if a fresh paralyzing jolt of electricity had shot through her body.

"Unghhh! Oh Laura . . ."

"Yes, honey . . . yes!" Laura gasped, rubbing their wet, inflamed cunts together vigorously. "Unhhh! Unhhh!"

The feel of their greasy, aching, slippery, raw pussy lips sliding together, a kiss more profound than any she had yet experienced with Ada, sent them both into a delirium of sexual mania, and Ada too began churning her hips again, rubbing her pussy up into Laura's, mewling and shaking as a fresh onslaught of coming began to build toward a breaking point in her body.

"Oh god . . . Laura!"

"Yes! Ungghhh! Oh baby . . . come with me!" Laura panted, leaning forward into each grinding movement of her pelvis, feeling the raw, wet flesh of her pussy glued to Ada's splayed furrow, feeling their clits brush and mash together as the wild rhythm of fucking swept them up into a surging, groaning finish.

Still the hot shower water beat down on them, on Laura's back, which partially blocked it from Ada's face, though the spray still spattered her as Laura moved, pumping and gyrating, bringing them both up to a second explosive climax. Laura's hair was plastered to her neck and shoulders, and now Ada's too was soaked, matted, glistening with silvery water drops caught in the damp black netting of her destroyed coiffure.

To Laura she had never looked so beautiful. Ada was totally out of control, totally consumed by feverish and urgent sexual needs, drenched, soaked, shiny and voluptuous, her full, large breasts swirling and jiggling as Laura fucked her, rubbing their pussies together frantically, her large, bulbous black nipples glistening. Even though she knew her own orgasm was only a split second away, Laura wanted it to go on forever.

"Oh Ada!" she cried out, reaching forward with one hand to caress Ada's wet, black cheek, when suddenly she felt a rocket launcher seem to go off deep inside her body. "Oh . . . come with me! Please!"

Ada's eyes fluttered open again and she seemed to recognize Laura's appeal. Then she whooped softly, her eyes rolled up, and Laura realized they were both going to come in the same instant. Oh god, yes! she thought in a frenzy, knowing nothing could prevent it now. The huge firestorm of her own climax rose up and engulfed her at that very instant.

"Auungghhh! Unghhhhh! Oh . . . Ada! Auungghiiinngghiieeee!" she cried out, feeling her body crumpled in mid-motion by the force of a throttling orgasm.

Ada's cries cut across her own. "Ungghhh! Laura . . . Laur—" she groaned, her cries interrupted by a fresh, jolting shock as another orgasm suddenly wracked her. "Ungghh! Oh! Anngghiimmnnggeeeee!"

The force of Laura's orgasm threw her forward onto Ada's wet, shuddering body, and they lay pressed together like that, throbbing and cooing and gurgling and gasping, until the final spasms disappeared, which to Laura seemed to take, blissfully, forever. Don't let it stop, she found herself thinking, feeling every wet inch of Ada's delectable flesh glued to her own, hearing Ada's soft, chuffing breath in her ear, which was next to Ada's mouth. The sound was even louder to her than the crash of the shower water, which continued, relentless, as they lay slumped together happily throbbing on the floor of the tub.

Finally, she felt Ada stir under her. "Don't move . . ." she pleaded softly. "Don't let it stop. Don't let it ever stop."

Ada was patient, but after another minute, she kissed Laura's cheek and said, "I feel the same way you do, but I'm getting a little cramped down here. And that water is beginning to get a little lukewarm, don't you think?"

Reluctantly, Laura slowly peeled her body off of Ada's and smiled at her, nodding. "I didn't notice because of all the heat we were making ourselves."

Ada smiled wryly, sitting up, stretching her arms. "Wonder we didn't drown in here," she smiled back.

Laura reached behind her and turned off the faucet. Suddenly, the bathroom was amazingly quiet, with wisps of steam still in the air, but slowing their swirling dance. She and Ada were still sitting face to face on the bottom of the tub, wet, pleasantly tingling in the aftermath of a thrilling sexual moment.

"I don't know how we do it, but we almost always manage to nearly make my heart stop when we make love in the shower," Laura confessed softly to Ada.

Ada's wry grin turned briefly rueful. "Is that what you call it?" she teased. "Making love? I think two billygoats don't go at it any hotter than we do, girl." She smiled and stroked the wet ropes of Laura's hair again. "My little white rat."

"That's 'wet' rat," Laura said, smiling.

"Wet, white, what's the difference. I adore every little wet, white inch of you. Let's get out of this tub. I'm starting to get cold. We can get under the covers and cuddle."

"Not until I dry you off with the towel and kiss every inch of this beautiful body," Laura whispered, finally standing and helping Ada up.

A few minutes later, dry—though their hair was still damp—and cuddling happily under the blankets, Laura kissed her dreamily.

"It's so terrific to run into you like this," she murmured. "I . . . didn't know if I'd ever see you again."

Ada looked evasive. They had left only the bathroom light on, to make things dimmer, and yet in the half-light Laura could see Ada's expressive black eyes cloud over with pain.

"Don't make me talk about it," she whispered, imploring Laura silently with her eyes.

Somehow this emotional response stoked Laura's lust for her again. She didn't understand it, but she wondered if Ada's fear of the deep sensuality they inspired in one another didn't, for some reason, offer her a challenge. When Ada pulled back from the spirited sex they shared, it only fanned Laura's flame. Do I just want to rub her face in it? Laura wondered. What a disgusting motive. What a horrible person I must be to want to fuck her and fuck her, when she's half-scandalized that we're here together in the first place.

And she is really, basically, so sweet. So . . . I don't know, lost. She kissed Ada's full, wide mouth tenderly.

"I wouldn't think of making you talk about it," she replied softly.

They did not speak for a while, and then Ada's head stirred on the pillow they were sharing. She looked deep into Laura's eyes and murmured in a small, distant voice.

"You know, that's the first time I . . . had a . . . you know, climax . . . since the last time we did it. I think maybe saving up is as good for sex as it is for money."

She grinned.

"Did you save up any more for me?"

Ada shook her head. "Oh, no. You're the one who likes to keep doing it and doing it, like a . . . starved cat or something. Not me."

"Oh. You don't want to do it again?" Laura feigned a devastating pout. "Okay. You want to just go to sleep? Can I sleep here in your room? I love cuddling with you like this. You're so warm . . . and smooth."

She ran one hand down Ada's naked back to her substantial but nicely-shaped bottom. During the past week she had been doing this repeatedly with Shontay, and one of Shontay's hard, round little buttocks would fit nicely into Laura's hand, but Ada's were, she thought, almost twice as big, and it was impossible to get such a tight grip on one. Nevertheless, she dipped her hand under Ada's smooth, warm bun to the bottom, where the bulge was most conspicuous, then cupped and squeezed it there, filling her hand with firm, spongy ass flesh.

"Mmmm, that feels kind of good," Ada breathed against her cheek. "Do you know everything it takes to make me feel good? And to make me get . . . wet . . . like I'm getting now . . . all over again?"


"I believe it. I never would have dreamed of what you did to me in the shower."

"I made love to you, that's all."

"You pushed your little—"


Ada nodded, turned her head away bashfully. "Into mine." For a moment she stopped speaking. "I think I wouldn't mind if we . . . did that again, some time." She turned her face back to Laura with a marvelous, deeply embarrassed grin.

"Made you come hard, didn't it," Laura teased, now squeezing her other large round buttock.

"You always make me come hard, Laura," Ada whispered, kissing Laura's mouth, a lingering, sweet, meaningful kiss.

While they were kissing, Laura managed to move the hand that was cupping and squeezing Ada's ass cheek over a little so that her forefinger could slip into the moist rift between Ada's full buns. She thought she detected a mild clenching in Ada's body as she did it, but if so, Ada quickly relaxed again, though her mouth on Laura's became more ardent, more searching. Encouraged, Laura moved her finger deeper, until the tip of it brushed the small, wrinkled aperture of Ada's rectum, which was so sensitive that now Ada did jump a little.

"Wha . . . what are you doing?" she gasped. Her forehead furrowed up sharply.

Laura pulled the tip of her finger back. "Oh . . . just wanting to make you come hard again," she said.

"Well, that's a funny way to do it."

"You want me to stop?"

Now Ada looked trapped. She didn't know whether to say yes or no. "It did feel . . . kind of good. But kind of funny too. It's nasty." She broke into a grin. "I don't know why I wouldn't expect it of you. You're so nasty."

Laura stretched luxuriously, rubbing her naked body against Ada's, trying to tempt Ada into yielding further. "I won't do it if you don't want me to."

"Good. I don't."

Laura let it pass for a while. While Ada was briefly in the bathroom, though, she did retrieve the small bottle of baby oil from her purse and set it unobtrusively on the shelf below the bedside lamp on her side of the bed, out of sight. Just in case, she thought. She might . . . decide it's okay. Probably not, but maybe.

As time passed, their caresses got a little more urgent and heated. Enough time had elapsed since their little shower orgy that they were beginning to feel in the mood for more.

"Mmmm," Laura purred, burying her face between Ada's large, magnificent breasts, "it's good to be dry and warm in a bed with a naked Ada. Your boobs are so big and beautiful."

Ada had not taken even a mildly aggressive sexual role yet, which, Laura reasoned, was entirely consistent with her interpretation of Ada's motives for running back home, after her daring affair with Laura in San Francisco. She can't keep her body from responding to me, Laura thought, but she can't get out of her mind that time when she was on top either, and fucking me like a mad rapist. It was the last straw for her, and she still can't face it.

"You know," Ada confessed softly, "the two guys I did have relationships with both loved my boobs, just like you do. Maybe they're all right after all."

"After all?"

"Too big, I think. I wish had had small, pretty ones like yours."

"Oh, Ada." She moved her face rapidly back and forth in Ada's deep cleavage, kissing the bulging sides of the firm, pendulous balls of flesh. "I would die to have breasts like these."

"Guess we want what each other's got, eh?" Ada laughed in a sexy, throaty giggle that made Laura hornier than ever for her at this instant.

"Mmmm, I want you to fuck me," Laura said, boldly, knowing it would strike right to the heart of Ada's fears.

Ada made a face. "There you go with The Word."

Laura slithered up now, cupping and squeezing Ada's large breasts in her hands, twisting and pinching her plump, soft nipples, kissing Ada's mouth feverishly.

"I don't care about The Word . . . I care about The Deed. I want you to fuck me in my ass with your finger. I think it'll make me come in about ten seconds."

Ada grinned, as if unable to believe her ears. "You're kidding."

Laura shook her head, solemnly. "Are your nails long? Here, let me see."

She took Ada's hand and examined her fingernails, which were short, evenly and neatly trimmed.

"Perfect," Laura said. She reached for the bottle of baby oil. "Just spread a little of this on . . . this finger. Then fuck me in the ass with it and smother my face in these wonderful boobs. You can rub my pussy a little with your wrist at the same time. I promise you I'll come in only a few seconds." Laura was gripped by a sharp, surprising tremor, which left her giggling softly. "See, it's true. Even thinking about it makes me feeling like I'm going to come."

Ada shook her head, disbelieving. "Laura, you are a caution. You planned this."

She looked accusingly at Laura, nodding to the small bottle of baby oil in Laura's hand.

Laura remembered, for some reason, Kim, who had picked her up in the Dallas airport, long ago now. Kim had leaned close, in the airport lounge, surrounded by people, and whispered to Laura, "Don't you want to fuck me?" And it had been all over for Laura at that second. She did the same thing to Ada, hoping it would work.

She leaned closer, becoming irresistibly sexy, twisting in such a way as to show off more of her ass to Ada. "What's the matter, don't you like my pretty little ass?" she asked coyly. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

Ada tried to shrink back from Laura, her face paralyzed in an apparent mixture of fascination and revulsion, but Laura simply moved closer again, kissing her neck, her bare, gleaming shoulder, pushing her naked breasts against Ada's.

"I love it when you fuck me," she breathed. "Remember the last time you fucked me? God . . . I nearly died. I've dreamed of you fucking me ever since, Ada. I need it. Please . . . please do it . . . I'm all hot for you . . . I'm dying to feel you all over me . . . doing me . . . loving me . . . fucking me . . . oh Ada."

Ada giggled nervously, finally letting one hand run over Laura's body, down to her hip, then over the top and down her ass. She squeezed one of Laura's ass cheeks gently, tentatively. Laura's mouth caught hers, and this time their kiss quickly became a flaming scorcher, a hotter kiss than any they had shared this evening, full of undisguised, feverish hunger. Even Ada could not conceal her lust.

"See," Laura panted as they broke it off. "You want to."

Slowly, solemnly, Ada nodded. "I . . . do," she croaked softly. "I . . . adore you, Laura."

Laura held up the small plastic bottle. Her only fear now was that she was already so aroused that she might come before she could really enjoy it to its fullest. As Ada hesitantly took the bottle, Laura rolled onto her back, spreading her thighs, looking up into Ada's eyes, pliant and yielding, awed by both the tenderness and the anticipation of this thrilling moment.

Ada, still looking painfully embarrassed, flipped open the top of the bottle and spread the baby oil over her middle finger. A little of the oil dripped onto the sheet, and she panicked.

"Oops! I dropped some . . . euuuuhhh! God, look out, I'll get it up."

"It's okay," Laura reassured her, brushing the oil into the sheet quickly with the palm of her hand.

She also took the bottle from Ada and placed it on the bedstand. Then she looked up expectantly.

Ada hesitated. "I've never done this before."

Laura made a funny face at her. "Making an omlette is harder, darlin'. Here, like this."

She took Ada's hand, shiny lubricated finger and all, and drew it down between her splayed thighs.

"Lean closer honey . . . that's it," she said, guiding Ada's hand to the proper position. "Now . . . just hold your finger straight and don't flinch, okay?"

If I have to do the preliminary work for her . . . okay, Laura thought. She'll get into it soon enough. She pulled Ada's hand forward, feeling her rigid forefinger slide into the crack of her ass. Her pussy was burbling and frothing so much that she knew the first hint of anal penetration might be enough to ignite her. Only now did she realize that her body was quivering with excitement.

She sucked in a gulp of air as Ada's fingertip first touched her asshole, then gritted her teeth and pulled it forward, feeling an inch of finger slip inside.

"Unhhh! Oh yes . . . ohhh yessss!" she hissed, eyes rolling up briefly. "Yes . . . just push it in further . . . yes! Unhhh! Oh yes, Ada!"

With a curious frown that seemed to reflect her own physical excitement as well as her barely controlled revulsion at being caught in the middle of this frantically arousing event, Ada slowly pushed her entire finger into Laura's ass. Laura's eyes watered, and she bit her lower lip. She reached up and encircled Ada's neck with her arm, drawing her down closer, feeling Ada's swaying, pendulous breasts press against hers.

When Ada's face was very close to hers, Laura let her eyes burn. "Ada . . . fuck me," she panted. "Push those beautiful big boobs in my face and fuck me . . . fuck me hard . . . quick. Please!"

"Oh, Laura . . ."

"Do it!" Laura commanded, beginning to rock her hips and push her ass into Ada's finger. "Oh Ada . . . do it, I'm so close!"

This, and perhaps the look of anguished need on Laura's face, was all it seemed to take. Ada began to move her hand. Her finger was long and hard, and Laura could feel it slide deeper into her body. She also now felt the heel of Ada's hand pushing into her swollen cunt lips. The intensity of the sensations nearly made her swoon.

"Unnhhhh! Ohhhh! Yes . . . oh Ada!"

Now Ada had a little difficulty getting the leverage she needed to really do the job right, and she shifted her body slightly, straddling Laura's thigh, bringing her swaying breasts up to Laura's face, beginning to pant softly herself and clearly getting into the mood even more. Oh good! Laura thought deliriously, she's going to fuck me now, she can't help it, she wants to!

The large, firm globes of Ada's dark, smooth breasts brushed everywhere against Laura's face, and she raised her hands to them, churning her hips, whimpering, pinching Ada's huge nipples, kissing the wonderful round balls of flesh everywhere, feeling the fires in her groin flare to a hotter flame. Oh god, I know it's not going to last, but it's so good!

"Ohhhhh . . . so good . . . so good!" she moaned. "Oh yes oh fuck me, Ada, it's so good. Do it deeper . . . ungghhh! Yes! Unghhhh!"

Now Ada's finger was really probing deeply into her ass, and Ada's hand rubbing against Laura's cunt quickly aroused her to a fever pitch. Although Laura was nearly delirious in the grip of her own need, she realized that Ada was getting swept up in the sexual rhythm too, mewling softly, rubbing her body against Laura's, gasping as Laura's mouth found one of her nipples. Mostly aware of the intense sensations in her own ass and pussy, Laura nevertheless felt the wet, slippery, warm, greasy contact of Ada's gaping cunt as it pushed against her bare thigh.

The other way to tell for certain that Ada was losing control too was the rising metallic twang of her moaning. It began to fill the room, and Laura was glad there was no one in the adjoining room as she heard their two voices intermingling in soft, then more urgent pleas, and deep, keening whines. Surprisingly enough, as much as she cringed to hear Ada's unpleasantly grating, very loud voice rising in a crescendo of sexual excitement, it also thrilled her at this moment. It signified that Ada was holding nothing back, that she was completely immersed in this panting, groping, churning mania that gripped them both. And now Ada was actively rubbing her wet, warm pussy back and forth on Laura's rigid thigh muscle, piercing Laura's ass with her finger, and vigorously rubbing Laura's pussy with the heel of her hand.

Again, Laura felt briefly as if she were going to swoon. Ada's large, bulging wet nipple slipped from her mouth, and she arched her back, quivering, pumping. Oh . . . oh yes . . . here it comes! she thought, wildly.

She had known it wouldn't take long, and it didn't. Ada's breasts still swirled and swayed into her face as Ada too moved with more abandon, quickly reaching the point of no return too. She fucked Laura's ass with her finger in fierce, rapid, stabbing jabs, now giving into the frenzy of her own scorching passion, pushing her breasts into Laura's face, panting frantically.

"Oh! Ungghhh! Oh Laura . . . suck them, please . . . oh god yes . . . suck hard yes! Ungghhh!"

"Oh yes, Ada . . . honey . . . Ada yes yes! Oh yes it's here it's here!"

She tried to guide one of Ada's bouncing breasts toward her mouth in order to suck Ada's beautiful, glimmering wet nipple, but the explosion shook them both before she could manage it. In mid-motion, a ferocious jolt of hot coming rose up inside of her body, completely stunning her and flattening her against the sheet. For a second, she could not even breathe. And during that brief second, she felt Ada's body, now lying almost completely on top of her, clench and shudder.

"Awwonnggggg!" Ada groaned, then dissolved into a series of spasms, whimpering into Laura's neck as she came. "Unnhhh . . . annghhhh! Ohnnn!"

Laura's breath quickly returned to her along with a second ferocious jolt, and she gave in gloriously to the orgasm that seemed to roll through her body like a fiery locomotive.

"Unnngghhmmiieeee! Ohhhnggggg . . . Ada! Auungghiiieee!" she cried out, still pushing her flaming ass into Ada's hand, feeling the finger burrowing in deep, coming in sharp spasms, and exulting in the feel of Ada's warm pussy juices flowing all over her thigh, and the feel of Ada's body shuddering in a sharp ecstasy too.

Even after the spasms died away, they remained glued together, Ada's finger still buried deep in Laura's ass, her own thighs clamping Laura's, her wet, raw pussy stuck to the skin of Laura's thigh, her face buried in Laura's neck. In their excitement, they had flung and kicked the upper sheet and all the blankets off the bed or to the end of it, where they were rumpled and tangled, and now that the heat began to dissipate from their bodies, they both could feel the chill creeping into the air.

Ada was the first to move, very slowly. "Hold on, girl . . . it's coming out," she whispered to Laura as she gingerly extracted her finger, peeling her body off Laura's.

Laura wanted to grab her and hug her hard and kiss her passionately, but she knew better, and Ada was holding up the finger in mid-air, scrutinizing it, as if she could not believe what her finger had wrought, or imagine, on the other hand, how she was ever going to disinfect it enough to satisfy her that it was truly clean.

Laura smiled at her, gratefully, wanting Ada to feel her gratitude. "The magic finger," she murmured.

"The moving finger," Ada smiled back, still half-chagrined over what she had done.

Laura knew it would take her a while to get used to it. "The Moving Finger writes," she said. "And, having writ, moves on."

"I heard that in school once." Ada smiled ruefully. "Right now I'm going to move it right into the bathroom and wash it off. Hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind if you'll come back and cuddle with me again," Laura purred.

"Promise you'll keep your hands to yourself?"

"No," Laura shook her head.

Ada said nothing until she was rounding the corner into the bathroom. "I'll be right back. Don't move."

Laura didn't. She didn't want to move. Her asshole still throbbed sweetly, and her pussy ached pleasantly in memory of the convulsions that had just passed through it. She wanted it to go on forever. But, as things often happened, while she was thus pleasantly dreaming and tingling, listening to Ada wash her hands in the bathroom, she thought: Oh shit, I didn't call Shontay!

I promised her I would call her every night. What time is it? She glanced at the small clock radio beside the bed. The red digital numbers read 11:30. Too late. Not only was it too late to call, but dragging herself out of bed and putting on her clothes just to go make a phone call would arouse justifiable suspicions in Ada.

Laura wondered if Shontay had really expected her to call. I can explain it away, she thought quickly. I was tired . . . the dinner went on a long time. All true. Shontay, I was exuberantly fucking in the shower with my old boss. The thought made Laura giggle, and she smiled at Ada as Ada now returned from the bathroom with a clean finger.

"You're looking pleased as punch," Ada smiled back, getting under the covers with her again.

"You would too if you just had a hellacious orgasm caused by your favorite ex-boss," Laura grinned.

"Don't tell me you do this with the other ones too," Ada deadpanned.

They lay lazily intertwined together and slept. It was the only time Laura had ever slept in the same bed with Ada, and she found that in addition to her occasionally repellent voice, Ada had a pronounced and vigorous snore that filled the small room with a snorting, fluting grand opera of adenoidal melody. It was so startlingly funny and touching to watch this lovely woman, this voluptuous love goddess who didn't know her own beauty or strong physical appeal, lying in peaceful repose and filling the air with impossibly vulgar noises.

Instead of repelling Laura, it had the opposite effect. She was touched by Ada's pure innocence, and her loveliness, especially the way she was sunk in total oblivion, pristine, almost angelic, a gorgeous black angel, but cawing and gurgling obscenely. Ada slept, and snored, and Laura soon grew used to it and drifted off too, pressing her cheek against Ada's bare, warm shoulder.

In the morning, she awoke with her breasts pressed to Ada's back, feeling alarmingly horny for someone who had satisfied her urges fully last night on this woman's beautiful flesh. It's never enough, is it? she marveled, kissing the smooth dark skin, letting her hand slip under Ada's arm and reach around to grasp one large, firm breast. She scissored the huge, soft nipple gently between two fingers.

Ada came slowly awake. She yawned and looked down at Laura's white hand cupping her dark breast.

"I love the way your skin looks against mine," she said drowsily. "But I think you're oversexed, Laura." Smiling to take the edge off the accusation, she twisted around to face Laura, then reached out and took Laura's hand and put it back where it had been before, on her naked breast. "I'll give you about three years to stop it."

Laura leaned forward and kissed the deep cleavage between Ada's magnificent, out-thrusting breasts, rubbing her thumbs lightly over the large, bulbous, puffy nipples she had really not had her fill of last night. Ada probably did not realize that these wonderful big puffers of hers were rare, and wildly desirable.

"I want you," Laura murmured.


Laura nodded. "I want to suck your big puffy nipples."

Ada smirked, playing the seasoned temptress now. "I thought you'd never get around to it."

"Mmmm, I wish we could stay in bed all day and not even go to any of those boring conference meetings," Laura purred, burying her face again between the large globes and moving it back and forth, wanting to drown in these beauties.

"It's only seven-thirty," Ada yawned again. "The keynote speech doesn't start until nine. I think we can afford a few minutes."

"I don't want to take a few minutes," Laura sighed, cradling both firm chocolate balls in her palms and beginning to flick Ada's huge, swollen nipples with the tip of her tongue. "I want to take forever."

Ada's face reflected the acute pleasure that had suddenly flooded her body. "If you do that, you can keep doing it forever, as far as I'm concerned," she gasped, her breath coming faster.

"Oh, you like that, eh?" Laura teased. "You like me to lick your nipples."

"I like everything you do to me, Laura," Ada said, in a voice that started out solemn but then began to curdle and keen upward into her trademark twang as Laura's flicking tongue became even more active and peppery on one of her thick, gleaming black bulbs. "Ohnnnn!"

"I want to suck."


Laura had known only a few women—she herself was one of them—who could actually come just from having their nipples sucked. She had discovered from the first that Ada's were extraordinarily sensitive, and the last time they were together Ada had climaxed, surprising them both, when Laura was sucking one. With this in mind, Laura moved slowly, partly to allow herself to enjoy every microsecond of this, and partly to prevent Ada from coming too quickly, spoiling it for both of them.

She held one of Ada's large breasts in both hands and ran her tongue all around the edge of Ada's bulging nipple, licking the black satin areola, narrowing the circle with the tip of her tongue until it reached the springy center nub. Glancing up, she saw that Ada was watching, with a frown of anticipation on her face, watching Laura's tongue curl around her protruding nipple, watching, then gasping, as Laura guided the whole large bulb between her lips and began to suck it.

"Unhhh! Oh . . . oh Jesus . . . oh yes Laura!" she gasped.

But Laura sucked it gently, not hard, not wanting to move too fast. She caressed the soft, plump bud with her tongue inside her mouth, then let it slip out, all wet with her saliva, glistening and pointed, so she could pinch it gently in her fingers while sliding her mouth over to the other one. Ada rolled over almost onto her back to give Laura better access, and Laura scooped up her other breast, again teasing and tormenting Ada's huge, soft nipple with her tongue, amazed at how it stood up a good inch off the firm round surface of her breast.

She stabbed it with her tongue, still rolling the other one between her thumb and forefinger, pinching it harder every few seconds, watching Ada's eyes roll up.

"I love your big puffy nipples," she purred to Ada. "I want to swallow them . . . I want to drive you crazy."

"Unhhhh!" Ada panted, tossing her head, her body quivering. "You're doing it, Laura! Oh!"

Laura knew Ada was going to come. She could see it in her eyes but didn't want to mention it in advance, to spoil it, to make it seem necessary, therefore harder to achieve. She knew it was going to flow naturally from what they were doing, and she sucked Ada's second nipple into her mouth, knowing that she had the power to bring Ada along until they reached the point of no return.

"Unhh! Unhhh!" Ada moaned, twisting.

Laura knew it wouldn't be long, either. By now she was straddling Ada's waist, holding both of Ada's large breasts in her hands and moving her mouth from one wet nipple to the other. Both of Ada's nipples were now as hard, pointed, and erect as they could be, and Ada was becoming more uncontrollable, writhing and whimpering, her eyes glazed by sexual fires, beseeching Laura as she moaned and twisted.

Laura began to suck them harder. It was partly strategy and partly wild sexual hunger, and she began to let Ada's nipple slide out of her mouth, catching it with her teeth, threatening a sexy bite, clamping a little, then sucking it hard again before turning to the other one and repeating this. Ada yelped and began to hammer her elbows on the mattress, whooping and gyrating her hips in frantic, futile fuck-motions.

"Oh god . . . oh god Laura ungghhh! Oh . . . please!"

"Oh baby . . . you're going to come."

"Oh yes! Ungghhh! Yes . . . like that!"

"Like this?"

"Auunggghh! Oh yes. Unghh! Unghh!"

Laura was tempted to reach one hand down into the soupy cauldron of Ada's pussy, but she wanted Ada to come this way, without any other help. Feeling it was close, she sucked one fat, hard nipple deep into her mouth and began drawing sharply on it, throat-sucking it, pinching it against the roof of her mouth with her tongue, turning her head back and forth, sucking it harder than she had yet sucked either one.

Ada began to groan, but then her groan stopped in mid-air, strangled by a gargled sob deep in her chest. She stiffened briefly, twitched, and began to come in a huge eruption.

"Auunnngghmnngggiieieee!" she cried, wincing and shuddering, her body lifting itself off the bed and quivering before falling back into sharp convulsions. "Ungghhmmnggiieee! Oh Laur—"

"Yes, yes honey, do it, go for it," Laura smiled, releasing her wet, shiny, wrinkled nipple and quickly sucking the other one into her mouth, giving it the same treatment.

"Oh! Ohnnnnn!" Ada cried, her voice now ascending, winding up, piercing the air like a siren, making Laura fear that the conference attendees, gathering in the meeting rooms a hundred yards away, would overhear this fiercely exciting orgy they were having.

"Are you going to come again?"

Ada's eyes were red-streaked, watering, stricken, shocked in disbelief. "Yes!"

This time Laura dropped her hand to the gooey crack of Ada's large, meaty pussy, all warm and runny with more nectars than she had ever felt there. Having her breasts sucked made Ada's pussy flow and throb, and she immediately began churning her hips, forcing her slippery cunt up into Laura's hand. She was rising to another orgasm, and this time it took only seconds.

"Auungghhh!" she groaned, her voice pealing into the room like an air horn. "OH GOD! AUUNNGHHH!"

This orgasm seemed every bit as powerful as the first but totally different since she did not strain or shudder but instead lay twitching and moaning under Laura as it spread throughout her body, leaving her stunned and paralyzed in the grip of intense sexual waves that surged and receded until it was over. Laura's fingers were bathed in sweet, warm cunt slime, but she left them where they were, not moving any part of her body while she let Ada ride out the full force of this second orgasm, kissing her rolling breasts, smiling up at her, feeling her own heart bloom as she watched the seizure of complete and utter rapture that contorted Ada's beautiful face.

After several minutes, Ada blinked at her, still stunned by the impact. "You . . . rapist," she said, hoarsely, grinning.

"I am not," Laura demurred. "I just sucked your nipples. Looks like they're both orgasm nipples. You went up like a grenade."

Ada raised her fingers to her damp, black nipples, which were only now losing their erect, pointed form, softening again. She brushed them wonderingly.

"Nobody but you could ever do that," she said, shaking her head. She paused, looking at Laura meaningfully. "Now you know why I had to leave."

Laura did know, but she denied it. "No, I don't. You like me to do that."

Ada nodded. "Too much."

She pulled Laura down on top of her, and they kissed warmly. For the next half hour they made love with perhaps more emotional, as opposed to physical, intensity than they had ever done, and when they finally had to stop, Laura felt that paradoxically their relationship had been raised to a new level. The issues surrounding Ada's departure, and her fear of giving in to their mutual passion, seem to have been transcended by an unspoken understanding.

"Can we always be friends?" Laura asked, sticking her tongue in Ada's ear.

"We're more than friends," Ada said, sounding as if she were almost reluctant to admit it. "Much more."

"Can I come and visit you in Dallas? I have to come there once in a while anyway, you know, on business."

By now they were both almost dressed. Laura was hurrying so that should could drop back by her own room and wash up and change into something fresh, while Ada was ready for the meeting. They stood by the door of Ada's room, unwilling to leave it after the events of last night and this morning. God, I can even smell the sex in here, Laura thought. The maids will have lots to gossip about.

Ada grinned and kissed her. "You better not wait until then," she whispered. "You little white rat. What about tonight?"

"My room this time?" Laura smirked happily. "I mean, let's keep the housekeeping maids guessing, okay?"

Ada shook her head in chagrin. "I only hope I can wait until tonight."








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