Laura - Chapter 232


On Saturday morning Laura joined Ada for tennis, or a tennis lesson, as promised. Ada had a town house in Walnut Creek, where the weather and population density made Saturday morning tennis a more agreeable prospect, and Laura drove out to her place. She was agreeably surprised, trying hard to suppress her excitement, when Ada met her at the door wearing a white tennis outfit styled like the ones Venus Williams wore.

It was cut out at the sides in wide scoops, leaving her lower back completely bare, the top only a strap behind, like a sports bra would be if it were connected to the lower part of the dress over the stomach. But whereas Venus had a lean, supple, athletic body (Laura often slavered after it, watching her tennis matches on TV), Ada was a full-figured woman, voluptuously built, with full hips and large breasts, as tall as Laura, her legs long and shapely, and, Laura could now confirm, completely gorgeous.

Even more, Venus did not have puffy nipples. You could not wear any other bra under the tennis outfit, and one could always see the hard little nubs of Venus's nipples moving under the cloth. But Ada's nipples were large and puffy, swollen bulbs easily visible when limned by the cloth, and Laura was hard-pressed not to stare lustfully at them. She blushed visibly, but quickly and playfully put her tennis racket, still sheathed in its protective jacket, in front of her face.

"My god, a vision of tennis beauty," she laughed, turning it all into a joke, trying to ignore the insistent little pulse of fierce desire she felt throbbing deep inside her pussy.

Ada giggled self-consciously, doing a graceful pirouette. "Do you think it's too revealing? I told the girl at Macy's I was playing tennis for the first time, and she said they just came out with this. I think it looks better on Venus than it does on me, don't you?"

Suddenly, the grating nasal twang that so annoyed Laura began to appear in Ada's voice. Laura realized that it might surface when Ada was nervous, or anxious. Peeking out from behind her tennis racket, now that she felt her blush receding, Laura allowed her eyes to drift up and down Ada's body, half-afraid she might blush again.

"I think she could only hope to look as good as you do in it," she said, trying not to sound too solemn about it.

In fact, she thought Ada looked stunning and began to dread the thought of cavorting on a tennis court for a few hours with her, forced to watch her big, plump nipples under the tennis dress, or her spectacular long bare legs, or her delicious dark chocolate naked back.

"Oh, you're just being diplomatic," Ada scoffed, her black eyes twinkling as she clearly enjoyed the compliment. "I think I'm a little bit larger than Venus up here." She made an oblique gesture with the backs of her fingers at her breasts, which Laura had to concede were large, wonderful gourds indeed. "Sure it won't make the fellas on the tennis court all get whiplash?"

"Let 'em drool," Laura winked. "This is girls' day on the court. Women rule."

"Right on, sista!" Ada laughed, seeming suddenly very stiff and awkward, since the 'right on, sista' thing was not really her style at all, and she seemed very uncomfortable after having said it.

They drove in Ada's BMW (no Mercedes? Laura thought) to a local park where, miraculously, there was a free court. In her stark white, very revealing tennis outfit, Ada's dark chocolately skin seemed extra sleek and smooth and deep rich velvet, and Laura could not take her eyes off it. Plus, Ada was very beautifully formed, she realized, with an almost statuesque body that she cleverly concealed on a daily basis under her pants suits and other business wear.

It was hard enough for Laura to keep from leering at her large breasts, which did not jiggle or bounce but sort of swirled as she lunged for wayward tennis balls. They were very firm breasts, and the large bulbs of her nipples made them very conspicuous—and, for Laura, impossible to ignore. But ignoring Ada's ass was no longer possible, either.

It was not small, because Ada was not small, but it was perfectly proportioned to the rest of her beautiful, statuesque body, with thick swelling moons, jutting in an abrupt outward slope below her sacrum, a sculptured paragon of firm round flesh that made Laura quiver inwardly with desire when contemplating it. She had never seen it uncovered but knew it had to be a thing of marvelous beauty. I want to dig my fingers into her beautiful bottom, Laura realized. I want to kiss it and bite it and hear her squeal, even in that horrid, whiny, twangy voice of hers.

But Laura was nothing if not well-behaved and disciplined. For several hours she and Ada chased balls across the tennis courts. Laura showed her how to use the racket, touching her arms and wrists with trepidation, trying hard not to feel aroused at the feel of her smooth skin, also trying not to look at the exposed skin where the daring tennis garment was cut away at Ada's midriff and her back. Finally, they were exhausted, and tired also of the armies of young and older men who had accumulated to watch them through the wire fences.

"Well, we really gave them a show, at least," Ada said, wearily, as they climbed back into her car.

Both her tennis outfit and Laura's were soaked with sweat, which made the fabric cling more than ever to the curves of their bodies. Ada's large, protruding, puffy nipples were even more obvious now, making it almost impossible for Laura to look in her direction. When she did, she couldn't keep her eyes from falling to Ada's breasts. Your own boss! she cursed herself. Quit looking at her boobs! She doesn't have a clue how much you want her!

This was both the best and the worst of possible times to Laura, since she knew her alternatives were to be bold and possibly make a fatal mistake, or to control and discipline her desires and suffer in silence. The chances that anything good could happen were slim to none. With Randi it had been far different. Randi, though secretively, had planned to give in to Laura in advance. After showering, she had appeared in a flimsy red teddy, and had also got one for Laura. They had fallen on one another immediately and fucked in wild excitement for the rest of the afternoon.

It would not be that way with Ada, Laura knew. Not only was Ada her boss, which meant that even tennis couldn't break down a certain reserve that existed between them. Also, Ada was not an audacious flirt and coquette like Randi, who had obviously been practicing her wiles, on men of course, since she was a young teen, and had no difficulty shifting her skills to Laura. Ada was businesslike, sensible, sweet, and not at all devious. To Laura's thinking, Ada would have been incapable of planning an afternoon of sex the way Randi had.

She invited Laura in for lunch. "But I'm going to take a shower first. Look at me, I'm soaked."

She ran a thumb under the shoulder seam of her tennis outfit, which was indeed saturated with sweat. The cloth peeled up from her breast, and Laura caught herself trying to see under it, maybe to catch a glimpse of Ada's large, puffy nipple. But she quickly looked away.

"Me too," she said weakly.

"You can take one after me, if you want. Did you bring anything else to wear?"

Laura nodded. "I always leave a little emergency bag in my car. I'll get it."

"Here's the keys."

Ada smiled matter-of-factly, as if she always handed the keys of her house to a new friend, and then headed for the stairs. When Laura returned with her bag, she could faintly hear the sound of the shower upstairs. Then Ada's loud, nasal twang came drifting down the stairs.

"Laura? Laura! Are you back yet? Can you come up here and get me the soap? Please!"

Yikes, what a voice! Laura thought. She could peel the rubber off tires with that voice. But at the same time, she couldn't help feeling the blood rush to her face. Ada was asking her to bring the soap. She could hear the water. Ada was in the shower.

Slowly, she climbed the stairs. She followed the sound of the water to the bathroom, which was steamy and luxurious, with polished brass fixtures and faux-marble tile. Ada stuck her head around the fogged shower stall door.

"It's over there. On the shelf. I took the old one out this morning and forgot to replace it."

Laura fetched the soap, removed it from its box, and walked across to the stall. She handed the bar to Ada, whose eyes caught hers, holding them for a moment. Ada's eyes said to Laura: We both know something strange is happening here, don't we. Are we going to push ahead with it or stop right now?

Then she said, "Want to come in too? We can soap each other up. I don't know about you, but it's always hard to reach my back."

Laura blushed hotly. She shook her head and stammered.

"Well, look at you!" Ada said, in her worst, grating Texas twang, which almost made Laura cringe. "Didn't you ever shower with the girls before? Like in high school, or college? It's no big deal. Come on in." Ada paused, staring directly into Laura's eyes, almost daring her. "I'm waiting. I need you to soap my back."

Laura made a small smile, trying to make the hot blood recede from her face. Slowly, she unzipped her tennis dress, let it fall, then stepped out of her panties. Ada had already disappeared back into the shower stall, leaving the door ajar. Taking a deep breath, Laura opened it further and stepped inside. Oh god, it's actually going to happen! she thought.

Inside, Ada was all wet and glistening, but Laura didn't dare look down at her body, only at her face.

"Close the shower door, dummy. I don't want water all over the floor," Ada cracked in mock exasperation.

Obediently, Laura pulled it shut behind her.

"Turn around, I'll do you first," Ada said.

Oh god, I want you to 'do' me so much! Laura thought. Do me, Ada. Let me do you. She turned and faced the tiled wall, biting her lower lip as she felt Ada rubbing the wet soap against her back, then spreading the suds around with her fingers. For a long time neither one spoke, and the only sound was the shower water running.

"Laura, you have a beautiful back," Ada finally said, softly, still washing it. "In fact, you have a beautiful body. The fellas must go crazy when they see this body."

"Oh . . . I guess sometimes," Laura said, absently. Her mind was not focused on how attractive she might be to 'the fellas'. "Okay, let me do yours now. Fair is fair."

She turned and Ada handed her the soap. Then Ada turned to face the wall of the shower stall herself, presenting her wet, black, shiny back to Laura, who realized at this point that she could no longer help looking at Ada's naked body. She spread the soap across Ada's smooth dark skin, letting her eyes and fingers take it in slowly, a delicious, shapely back with delicate cambers and hollows and curves, every bit the equal of Deshona's back.

She lathered it until the streaks of white soap bubbles spread across the wet, black expanse of Ada's lovely back, teasing the sensitive undersides of Ada's shoulderblades with her thumbs, rubbing the curving small of her back, then her shoulders, giving her a skillful massage as well as a wash. She wanted desperately to kiss the gleaming nape of Ada's neck but didn't dare.

"Oh Laura . . . that feels good," Ada sighed. "You're good at this."

Laura said nothing. Her soapy hands finally, almost naturally, reached Ada's magnificent bottom, and she squatted in order to touch it more easily. She spread soap lather all over the firm, round, black moons, digging her fingertips a little more strongly into the resilient flesh. She heard a sharp, uncontrollable intake of air whistle past Ada's teeth.

The shower water washed off the lather almost as quickly as Laura put it there, and Ada's perfectly round, firm, wet, black buttocks were so wildly desirable to her that she couldn't stop herself from leaning forward slightly and pressing her lips to them. Ada immediately tensed up, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she seemed to coo and gasp in a tiny paroxysm of pleasure that embarrassed her.

"What are we doing here, Laura?" she asked, almost plaintively. Then, "I know I'm your boss . . . but you don't have to kiss my ass to get what you want."

"This is what I want," Laura breathed, now kissing the smooth, wet moons more aggressively.

"Oh!" Ada almost yelped in a tiny, faraway voice. "That feels so good."

Slowly, Laura stood up again. Pulling Ada gently by one wet, glistening shoulder, she turned her around to face her. Ada's eyes betrayed a sort of fear laced with pulsing sexual excitement.

"May I kiss you?" Laura asked.

Ada didn't move. She was momentarily paralyzed. Then she nodded slowly, two or three times. "I guess you can."

Ada had a big, sensual mouth, and Laura kissed it with great tenderness at first, realizing that Ada needed to be brought along slowly but desperately wanted this to continue. The shower water hammered on in the background, spraying their naked bodies and the tiled walls as their tongues coiled together. Both were completely drenched, and between kisses, Laura sucked and licked the water off Ada's wet shoulders, her neck, raising her hands to Ada's large breasts now, squeezing them gently, rubbing her thumbs across the big, protruding, puffy nipples.

She kissed and licked Ada's wet ear, sticking her tongue into it, breathing into it. "On the tennis court I couldn't keep my eyes off your nipples," she whispered.

"I . . . saw you looking," Ada panted.

Did you wear that dress hoping I would look at them? Laura wanted to ask. Instead, she lowered her mouth to one, cradling Ada's firm breast in her hand and letting her tongue explore it completely before she finally sucked Ada's huge, bulging black nipple into her mouth. Ada's whole body quivered, and she gave a tiny, sharp gasp as her nipple disappeared into Laura's mouth.

"Oh! Yes . . . oh Laura . . . oh that feels so good!"

Now Laura was in her element. Once she got her hands and her lips on Ada's naked body, she knew Ada would not be able to stop her until Laura brought her to a stunning orgasm, surely one of the best she had ever had. Laura could feel the soft, pulpy bulb of Ada's large, silky nipple becoming more erect inside her mouth as she swirled her tongue around it, pinched it with her lips, then sucked it hard, harder.

"Hhhhh! Hhhhh! Oh!" Ada panted, her eyes rolling up. "God, Laura, you're good at this! Oh my . . . oh god, it feels wonderful!"

Laura released the hard, rubbery, pointing nipple from her mouth but not from her fingers, pinching it lightly and squeezing Ada's breast too as she raised her mouth back up to Ada's. She gave Ada a scorching kiss, talking to her while kissing her.

"I love your beautiful big nipples," she murmured. "I want to kiss and suck the other one too."

Ada looked paralyzed, her eyes somehow frightened, possibly by the power of the sexual urges she was feeling. She was completely hypnotized by Laura, totally in Laura's power as Laura cradled her other wet, water-beaded breast in her hand and sucked Ada's other nipple into her mouth. Ada began to moan as Laura sucked her, moaning softly, at first so softly that her moans were drowned out by the relentless shower water, but then more urgently as Laura squeezed her firm breast rhythmically and sucked her bulbous, stiffening nipple harder.

"Oh! Oh!" she gasped, leaning back against the tiled wall of the shower stall, raising her hands to her own breasts and holding them for Laura. "Yes! Yes! Oh . . . Laura! Unhhhhh!"

For Laura it was a feast. Ada was a voluptuous, full-bodied woman, very much like Karen, Laura's first lover, and her wet, deliciously dark and shiny body aroused Laura's lust to a burning core of need. The fact that Ada was her boss completely disappeared in the storm of her desire, and she luxuriated in the feel of Ada's slippery skin under her fingers, of Ada's throbbing nipples in her mouth, of the rich contrast between her pale skin and Ada's deep chocolate skin, shiny with water.

She had not made love in the shower for ages, probably last with Karen, with whom she had fucked in every imaginable place. The thrill of Ada's wet, black, shiny body trembling and writhing under her lips and her caresses while the warm stream of the shower sprayed them both was shockingly intense. She had to be careful not to unleash the full strength of her lust on this sweet, marvelous woman, her own boss, who was now cooing and mewling and panting, out of control, consumed by sexual needs Laura had aroused in her.

Ada held her breasts in her hands while Laura slowly licked the beads of water off every inch of the large, firm globes, kissing the deep valley between them and running her tongue up the skin to Ada's throat, to her chin, then her lips, kissing her ravenously.

"I know something else I want to kiss," she whispered, staring in a deep, sultry way into Ada's half-frightened eyes.

Ada shook her head almost imperceptibly. "I can't. I've . . . never done that . . . you know, standing up."

"Oh, darling Ada," Laura smiled, kissing her again, dropping both hands to Ada's groin and letting the backs of her fingers brush Ada's wet, taut lower belly.

Ada shook her head, more vigorously this time. "I don't . . . you know—"

Now Laura knew why Ada was mildly frightened. "You will this time," she purred, slowly kissing her way back down Ada's marvelous wet body, pausing everywhere to lick her wet, shiny black skin, tongue-teasing her large, coal-black, swollen nipples, sliding lower, until she was kneeling on the tile floor, her lips brushing the flat skin of Ada's belly just above the water-bejeweled black thicket of Ada's muff.

Emitting a tiny, choked whimper than seemed to mean she was giving in, Ada moved her feet a little farther apart, as if planting them more securely for whatever lay ahead, parting her firm, water-glistening thighs. Laura was already licking and kissing the water droplets off them, caressing the firm muscles with her fingers. Ada, I know you don't usually come, and that's what you're worried about, she thought. You don't want to go through all this and then not be able to come. Maybe no guy has ever been able to make you come this way, by licking. Maybe no guy ever wanted to. Well, welcome to the New World.

Ada's crotch hair was bushy and dense, though sparkling everywhere with jewels of water droplets, and with her fingers Laura parted it to reveal the long swollen wet red gash of her pussy. It was a lovely fat pussy, a glistening blossom of juice, with thick black cuntlips and a clit almost as large as Randi's enormous nub, a whitish, distended grape a the top, peaking out from it's glossy wet hood, beckoning Laura's tongue. Oh Ada, I'm going to make you come so hard! she thought. Your pretty pussy is going explode.

She hadn't touched it with her tongue or her fingers yet, but already Ada was whimpering and quivering.

"Just put your hands on my shoulders, honey," Laura coached her, looking up.

She caught Ada's eyes, laced with panic and lust, above the jutting gourds of her beautiful, large, dripping breasts and bulbous nipples. Biting her lower lip, Ada placed a hand on each of Laura's wet shoulders, bracing for the ride. Laura smiled at her.

With her fingers she again spread aside the wet hair, exposing the inflamed crease of Ada's excited pussy, then slid the tip of her tongue into the warm, buttery pit.

"Ahhh!" Ada gasped, her thighs clenching, her body shuddering slightly as the first contact took place. "Oh . . . oh Laura!"

Parting Ada's cuntlips with her fingers, Laura slid her tongue deep into Ada's tangy, oozing slit, tasting the warm, gooey nectars that lubricated it so abundantly, then sliding the flat of her tongue slowly across Ada's large clit as she withdrew it. This technique nearly made Ada come unglued. Her fingernails bit into the naked, wet flesh of Laura's shoulders.

"Unnhhh! Oh god! Ungghh!"

Laura smiled up at her again, unable to keep her eyes off the pendulous gourds of Ada's jutting, glistening wet breasts. "Is it good?"

"Ohhhhh god!"

The shower water hammered into the tiles and their naked bodies relentlessly, beating against them, little pinpoints of water peppering them and somehow raising the excitement level to a high pitch. Laura pushed Ada's thighs a little more open with both hands, trying to make it easier for her mouth to reach Ada's pussy, and Ada quickly responded, parting them further, panting harshly now, her panting and moaning more audible over the steady, crashing water that sprayed them.

"Ohhhhh Laura . . . ohhhh Laura! Unhhh! Oh!"

"Ada," Laura purred, "you have such a beautiful pussy. I love your pussy so much." She licked and sucked the jet-black cuntlips, flicking Ada's swollen, engorged clit with the tip of her tongue, bringing tiny squeaks and uncontrollable squeals from Ada's throat. "Ummm, I want to lick and suck your beautiful pussy until you come unbelievably."

"Ungh! Oh . . . Laura! God, I—"

"Hold on to me, honey. Hold on to my shoulders. You won't fall."

By now Ada was swirling her hips forward and upward, pushing her wet pussy into Laura's mouth, her thighs flexing, her hands clawing Laura's shoulders, her head thrown back, her wet, jiggling breasts dancing and dripping in the shower rain. Laura was overcome by passion for her and slurped and sucked her flowing pussy hungrily, now daring to concentrate more closely on Ada's sensitive, magnificently big clit, knowing that Ada would pop very soon if she did.

She moved her fingers upward and pulled up on the glossy sheath that half-covered Ada's whitish, bulbous clitoris, exposing it more completely to her tongue, and then began licking it in a frenzy of passion, occasionally sucking it between her lips too, tongue-lashing it and sucking the hard little berry at the same time. Now Ada did become unglued.

At first, her delicious, voluptuous, wet body froze, as if in shock, and then shuddered and undulated violently. Her moaning, previously sensual and soft though audible over the shower water, became suddenly coarse and sharp, twisting into the loud nasal whine that so grated on Laura but now was obviously a helpless cry of near-ecstacy.

"Oh god, Laura, oh god . . . oh god I . . . I—"

"Just hold on, honey," Laura mumbled, her face buried in Ada's lovely, odorous, flowing crotch, her lips releasing Ada's throbbing clit only to reassure her. "You're going to come. Right now."

"Ungghh! Oh god, it feels so good! Ungghhh! Unh! Unh! Unh!"

"Hold onto my shoulders! Ada, hold on!"

"Unghhh! Oh god! Oh!"

Laura believed she knew Ada was coming before even Ada knew it, or realized it. She could feel Ada's large clit against her tongue, inside her mouth, swelling, growing harder, then becoming as hard as a small pebble for a moment, accompanied by an internal quaking deep inside Ada's belly that announced a fierce eruption. Ada's fingers bit into her wet shoulders, and her luscious body seemed to buckle in mid-air, falling back against the shower stall.

"AUUNNGGHHHHH! OHNNGGHH! OH LAURA! AUUNGGHHHHH!" she cried out, completely shattered by a surging, convulsive orgasm that shook her entire wet body violently.

In spite of her reassuring words, Laura was actually afraid that Ada might indeed fall, and she quickly rose to her feet, pinning the writhing girl against the tile, replacing her mouth in Ada's pussy with her hand, still rubbing Ada's throbbing clit and luxuriating in the feel of Ada's full wet body still squirming and straining against her as she held her up. It was so exciting with the shower water still beating furiously into their bodies and all around them, Ada's ecstatic cries echoing off the tile walls, her wet body flexing and quivering as the aftershocks of her orgasm shook her.

Laura wanted her to come again. In fact, the first one had been a challenge, but this one would be the purest pleasure. Ada was going slack, slumping against her and the wall, finding it difficult to remain standing after this onslaught. Laura kissed her slackened mouth, stabbing her tongue into it.

"I want you to come again," she panted, running one hand over both of Ada's magnificent wet breasts, lightly pinching her large puffy nipples. "I want to fuck you again."

Ada's eyes opened at this. She was no prude, but they had never shared such language. A small, ironic smile curved the edges of her very sensual mouth.

"Do you do this with all of your bosses?" she asked weakly, giving Laura a stunned look.

Laura dropped her mouth to Ada's breasts again, licking the rivulets of water from them, curling her tongue around one large black nipple.

"I never had a boss I wanted to fuck until now," she breathed.

"There you go with that word again."

"You didn't like it?"

Ada paused before answering, still regaining her senses after this devastating climax. "I think we better finish this up in the bed. I'm going to have a humongous water bill."

But Laura could be a sexual tornado when the situation moved her, and this was one of those. She wanted another shower orgasm, with the water crashing over them, both of them completely drenched and slick with water, their hair matted, their bodies slippery and shiny.

"I want to fuck you here, I want to make you come again."

Ada grinned, pulling Laura's face up to hers again with both hands. "If it's as easy as it was the first time, I guess you can go ahead. Shoot, I never did it that fast before. Just don't use that word."

"What, 'fuck'?" Laura asked, sassily. "Fuck fuck fuck. I'm going to fuck your beautiful pussy with my tongue. Fuck fuck fuck."

Ada broke into quick, happy laughter. "You are nasty. I love it."

Laura kissed her, squeezing her wet breasts harder. "I love your pussy."

"My pussy loves you," Ada said, dreamily. She stroked the soaked wet ropes of Laura's hair, which was plastered against Laura's head and cheeks and neck. "You look like a wet rat. A beautiful wet rat, though. I never was 'fucked' by a beautiful wet rat."

"Well, now here's a double first, because you're going to be fucked twice by one."

Again Laura knelt, brushing both of Ada's protruding, wet nipples with her lips on the way down. Ada gasped.

"Suck me again," she pleaded softly, her words now barely audible above the shower water. "Please. I love it when you suck me. My nipples."

Her shiny black eyes held Laura's, imploring her. How can I refuse? Laura thought. My darling Ada, I'll suck your nipples any time you ask.

She couldn't quite reach Ada's breasts while kneeling on the floor of the shower stall, so she rose again, cradling the beautiful black globes in her palms. She ran her thumbs over Ada's large, wet nipples, glistening and black, now becoming erect for the second time.

"Do you realize how beautiful these are?" she asked, smiling up at Ada. "I want to devour them."

Ada bit her lower lip. "Yes! Suck them hard, Laura. God, it makes me almost come when you do it!"

Laura was happy to oblige. Disregarding the water that continued to pour over them, she spent the next few minutes skillfully sucking Ada's thick, protruding, coal-black nipples, pinching them with her lips, drawing them deeply into her mouth, squeezing Ada's firm breasts with her fingers at the same time, sucking harder, until Ada was gasping and gurgling, almost unable to bear the pleasure.

Finally, she broke down.

"Laura . . . fuck me. Laura . . .fuck me," she gasped in a soft, imploring, frenzied growl, unable to stop the words from coming out of her mouth. "Oh please! Please, Laura!"

"Yes . . . yes," Laura purred, sliding lower, again parting Ada's thighs with her hands, gently encouraging her to place her feet farther apart.

But this time there was no patient, gentle love-making, or first-time caution. Ada desperately wanted to come, and Laura wanted to get her there quickly. She glanced up to see Ada squeezing and twisting her own wet, jutting breasts, pinching and twisting her own nipples, her head thrown back in a transport of hot sexual need. Smiling, Laura embraced Ada's entire pelvis with both arms and pressed her lips eagerly to Ada's runny pussy, licking it hungrily but then going straight for Ada's clitoris, since she knew how aroused Ada already was by this second try, and after she had sucked Ada's nipples so hard.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" Ada panted, swirling her hips, breathing even more rapidly as a quick orgasm approached.

Laura's arms were already tightly around Ada's frantically churning hips, and with opposite hands she cupped Ada's buns, digging her fingers into the spongy flesh, sucking Ada's clit relentlessly.

"AUUNNGGHHH!" Ada groaned again, so loudly this time that it was a nearly deafening cry of crushing rapture.

But this orgasm was even sharper than her first one and completely robbed her of breath after that. Her body quaked violently, and her ass rammed back against the tiles, squeezing Laura's hands between her buns and the wall, her hips grinding, and a soft, tortured whinnying sound of incredible pleasure suddenly coming out of her mouth. Not only was it more powerful, it was longer too. For several seconds Laura's mouth was glued to Ada's flooding pussy, her arms still clasped tightly around Ada's churning pelvis, while Ada groaned and whinnied through the last acute spasms of a shattering climax.

This time when it was over she would have slumped to the floor of the shower stall if Laura had not caught her, propping her up, holding her up, pinning her against the wall.

"Hold on, there, I've got you," she smiled, basking in the aftermath of having made Ada come so hard, twice, in such an exciting way here in the shower, with both of them drenched and gasping.

Ada shook her head, looking overwhelmed. "Can we go lay down on the bed now?" she asked in a weak voice. "I don't think I can take much more of this."

Laura reached over and turned off the shower water. "You aren't going to send me away when we get out of the shower, are you?" she asked furtively, a little afraid it might happen.

Ada suddenly beamed. She shook her head. "I'm going to dry you off. Then I'm going to return the favor. At least I'm going to try."

Laura smiled at her. "You won't have to try hard. I almost came when I was sucking your nipples."

"I'm not surprised," Ada made a playful frown. "My nipples have been driving the world crazy for years. And nobody ever sucked them that hard.."

Laura played the shy coquette. "Too hard?"

Ada kissed her mouth, a lingering, intimate kiss. "Laura, you didn't do anything too hard. You did it just right."

They got out and began drying one another off with big, expensive, fluffy bath towels.

"In fact," Ada continued, "I never had an experience quite like that. I mean, of course not with a girl. But the rest too."

"The rest?"

"You know. In the shower. All wet. Pretty hot and heavy. Nobody ever . . . did that to me before, down there."

"You mean licked your pussy?"

Ada shook her head solemnly. "Not like you did."

"I'm going to do it again. Get ready."

Ada put her hands on her hips and looked askance at Laura, looking wildly fetching with her large, jutting breasts and gleaming black puffy nipples on full display.

"I declare, you are horny little devil, aren't you. What makes you think I want it again?"

"You do." Laura's eyes danced with mischief. "Tell me you don't."

Instead of answering, Ada took her hand and drew her out of the bathroom, into the bedroom. She went to the bed and pulled down the spread, rolling it up neatly at the end of the bed. With her head she gestured for Laura to lie down on it.

Laura lay down and stretched out on her back, writhing a little, showing off her naked body, which she knew was pretty appealing, even for one who had never done it with a girl before. Ada's eyes roamed up and down her flesh. Laura stretched out her arms to her.

"Come and love me."

"I believe I will."

Ada lay down next to her and then rolled over on top of Laura, face to face. She smiled devilishly. "Use that word again, you nasty thing. Tell me what you want."

Laura smiled, a gentle, teasing smile. "Simple. I want you to fuck me. Fuck fuck fuck. Eat my pussy and rub it with your hand and make me come."

"You sure I'll do it right?"

"Ain't no wrong way, darlin'," Laura said.

Ada smiled and swished her magnificent large breasts in Laura's face, letting her soft, bulbous, coal-black nipples brush Laura's cheeks and lips.

"You want to suck my nipples first? Since it almost made you come before?"

Her voice—soft and seductive, not the whining, grating bullhorn she sometimes lapsed into—sounded almost like she was proud that Laura had nearly climaxed while sucking her large, swollen beauties. Laura eagerly nodded.

Ada held one large breast in her hand and guided the beautiful black bulb on the tip of it into Laura's waiting mouth. Laura swirled her tongue around it, stabbing the rubbery, protruding center, then sucked the areola completely into her mouth. She sucked it urgently, aggressively, and Ada began to pant and squirm.

"Gosh, I forgot that this was going to excite me again too," she confessed. "Think I'd better get on with it."

Laura released her wet nipple, coated with Laura's warm spittle, looking up with glazed eyes into Ada's face.

Fuck me, she mouthed, not speaking the words, and winked.

Okay, Ada mouthed back, not speaking either, but smiling.

She slid down between Laura's thighs and began very tenderly to kiss Laura just about everywhere, her inner thighs, her lower belly, her hips, then her pussy, parting the already gaping lips with one finger and licking the inner crease patiently, until Laura was climbing the walls. Ada had almost certainly never done this, but her whole personality was slow and methodical, painstaking, and she made love to Laura's pussy in the same way. Laura loved it, and she nearly died of the heavenly sensations, but what she needed right now was a quick, hammering, frantic fuck, since she was so close to bursting from the episode in the shower.

"Unh!" she panted, watching Ada's head bob between her spread thighs. "Unh! Oh!"

Ada smiled up at her, her own lips shiny with Laura's cunt juices. "Am I doing it right?"

Laura's eyes rolled up. "Do it harder," she gasped.

Ada nodded. She was nothing if not determined and ambitious, and she now evidently decided to make Laura come as quickly as possible. She pressed her wide, sensual mouth to Laura's streaming, throbbing pussy and tongued it deeply and radically, making Laura gasp and whimper. Laura nearly rose up off the bed, her hips shimmying as she felt a quick upwelling of the orgasm she had been anticipating. Oh god, it's here!

"Oh god, yes, Ada, that's perfect, ungghh!" she cried out.

Then her whole body swelled up and burst in a frightfully intense series of orgasmic spasms, the culmination of all the beautiful moments they had shared in the shower, when she had brought Ada to two thrilling climaxes. Now Laura came in sharp, shuddering jolts, keening and arching her body, her pelvis quivering as she felt Ada's lips still tenaciously glued to her wildly pulsing cunt.

"Unngghhhhh! Auungghhhh! Oh! Oh! Yes . . . auungghhhh!" she moaned, only now feeling the undulations weaken, and her thrashing body finally relax, falling back to the bed.

She was oblivious for a few seconds, just quivering and exulting in the aftershocks, and opened her eyes finally to see Ada smiling face to face with her, wiping the cunt-slime from her lips with a kleenex.

"You made a little wet," she said, almost bashfully. "You know, I kind of like the taste."

This tickled Laura, who giggled softly. "I'll bottle it for you."

"I hope you don't have to," Ada said, demurely. "I hope you'll visit like this instead."

"God, I've created a monster," Laura deadpanned. "All she wants to do is fuck me and eat my pussy."

Ada, still delighted, squirmed and looked aside, unable to avoid her embarrassment. "You know, I was raised in a very strict household. My father was a minister. I can't get used to . . . those words."

"Have you got your lips clean enough now so you can kiss me?" Laura said peremptorily, changing the subject. "You made me come so hard. I expect at least a kiss."

Ada put the kleenex aside. She lay next to Laura and they kissed romantically, a deep, soulful kiss.

"You know, I haven't had much sexual experience," Ada said, shyly. "Only two guys. Nobody else . . . until this. The first guy was a high school romance. We were going to get married. He joined the Army, and . . . you know. The other guy worked at the company, in Dallas. That was about three years ago. He was very possessive. He even hit me once, for no reason. Then he got fired, and I never saw him again."

A hollow, stricken emptiness, a hint of desolating loss, passed across Ada's eyes as she spoke. Laura had seen it before, though only briefly. She recalled seeing Ada gaze out the window of her office, as if lost.

Ada sighed and brought her chin up courageously. "I threw myself into my work. The rest is history. That's how I got here."

Laura ran a fingertip up and down Ada's jaw line, across her incredibly smooth cheek to her full lips, tracing their sensual curve.

"I can't believe with a goddess's body like yours that you didn't have all kinds of men chasing you," she murmured. "And this beautiful face."

Ada smiled calmly. "It isn't beautiful. Not like you. You look like that girl who used to model for Victoria's Secret. What's her name . . . Stephanie? Stephanie Seymour, that's it."

Laura smiled back. "Quit trying to change the subject. You've got a body anyone would die for. And your face is beautiful. Your skin is so soft."

Ada took Laura's hand and kissed her palm, staring straight into her eyes. "I'm glad you think so." She paused, thinking it over. "Men want to . . . you know, do me. Sorry, I can't say that word."

"You said it to me."

"That was different."

"So . . . they want to, but you don't let them."

"Um, I've been tempted a few times. It just didn't work out."

"What did you think about us? Did you think we were going to do it?"

Ada shook her head, embarrassed. "You know, you may not believe this, but I really thought we were just going to wash off each other's back. I really did think it was like high school gym class or something."

Laura teased her. "Didn't you wear that sexy tennis dress thinking I would be able to see your nipples?"

"Actually, I thought the guys on the tennis court would be looking, yes. But not you. It was when you started rubbing soap all over my fanny that I realized what was happening."

"Mmmmm, you're making me want to do it all over again," Laura purred, kissing her neck.

Ada pouted. "If we keep doing it, you're going to want to leave pretty soon. You'll get tired of me."

"I hardly think so."

"Do you have plans? Maybe you could stay the weekend."

Laura took this opportunity to roll Ada onto her back and begin kissing and caressing her more aggressively, squeezing her large breasts, pinching her thick, bulbous nipples. "My plans are to fuck you and fuck you," she breathed.

"Oh god, that word again," Ada sighed playfully. "It makes me so horny. I've never felt so horny as I feel with you."

"Even after two orgasms in the shower?" Laura teased her. "You're still horny?"

Ada bit her lower lip. "Isn't it awful?"

"I won't do it unless you beg me again. Like you did in there, in the shower. The word." She kissed and teased Ada's breasts, tantalizing her. "Come on. The word. 'Please, Laura, please . . .'" she coached.

Ada shook her head. "I can't. I'm ashamed I said it the first time."

Laura pulled herself up, releasing Ada's breasts, taking her hands off Ada's body. "Okay, I'm leaving. Where are my clothes?"

Ada placed one hand on her arm. "I love the way my skin looks against your skin," she said, out of the blue, softly. "Will you . . . fuck me again . . . Laura?"

Laura grinned at her and playfully pulled her down again into the sheets. She began to kiss and stroke Ada's body hungrily, as if the events in the shower had never happened, and this was the first time.

"By tomorrow night you're going to be sorry you asked," she murmured.

Ada scooped up her marvelous breasts in both hands, offering them to Laura. "Bet I won't."





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