Laura - Chapter 233
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Her weekend with Ada left Laura with mixed feelings. Ada was not like Deshona, who turned, seemingly in a flash, from an iceberg into a red-hot sexual flame and fuck-slut extraordinaire. Ada was a warm, deliberate, methodical person who went with Laura through some kind of slow sexual awakening, thrilled to discover such intense pleasures existed at all, and wildly grateful to Laura for having introduced her to them. For her part, Laura felt an onrush of sexual rapacity that she had to try hard to control, not wanting to overwhelm Ada with a shocking and overpowering sexual hunger. By Sunday afternoon, however, she had made Ada come thirteen or fourteen times, and Ada was stunned by admiration, gratitude, and a sexual fulfillment she had never known existed. She was touchingly affectionate, kissing Laura frequently, calling her by endearing names. And this made Laura more uncomfortable than pleased, because Ada was her boss. She was not the only person who reported to Ada, and it was very hard to mask their affection, and the deep sexual attraction they now felt, at work. What about favoritism? Others would see Ada looking at her in a way that, Laura knew, meant only one thing: when can we fuck again? She knew that look, having shared it, even at work, with Randi, Yvette, Karen, Sholandra, several others. But none of them was or had been her boss. Worse, Laura was still involved with some of these other girls, about whom Ada knew nothing. Even though she had not seen Tamara for a couple of weeks—why was that? she wondered—she still saw Randi frequently, though their affair had lapsed and become painfully uncomfortable since Randi had taken up with, first, Rob, then the despicable witch Rhonda. Laura still flirted hotly with Yvette, and waited eagerly for her to get free of her husband long enough for them to get naked together. She even caught herself looking longingly from time to time at Sholandra, who had deserted both her and Rhonda, it seemed, for Danny and/or Eric (Laura was too pained by it to even speculate). Now and then, she saw April, who was apparently resigned to waiting for Laura to need her, which Laura each time thought she did. I have to call her, she thought. Darling girl. Imagine that fucking witch Rhonda daring to kiss her in public, letting her boyfriend see them kissing! She arrived home on Sunday afternoon, just in time to see the moving van full of Kendra's furniture getting ready to drive off. Kendra and Jane were driving off too, and they waved to Laura, Kendra with a belligerent frown, Jane with a plaintive, almost painful stare, heart-wrenching to Laura, who cared for them both, and had shared some piercingly intense sexual moments with each. She didn't want to believe it was over. In spite of the gentle, happy ache she felt from recalling each detail of her weekend with Ada, this departure of Kendra and Jane sank her into a deep depression. Kendra had made good on her word. They were gone. Laura sat on her large white sofa in front of the window, looking out at the fog rolling in, thinking of Ada, then of Kendra and the last time they had fucked, violently, and Jane, who had the distinction of being the only person Laura had ever been screwing when the bed broke. No more. No more half-crazy, jealous Jane. No more hard-bodied Kendra, with her red-gold hair and colored contact lenses. No more stories about Mr. Penis. No more eavesdropping from upstairs. Who would move in next? And how would Laura keep them from hearing what went on in her own apartment? The phone rang. It was Mavis, whom Laura had not seen for weeks. "What happened to you, did you get another pimple?" she teased Mavis. "I miss you bad, darling." It was remarkable how her heart, and in fact her whole body, could fill with instant love and sexual hunger for Mavis, while she had just been dreamily remembering Ada's wonderful voluptuous naked body and groans of helpless rapture. You are a slut, Laura, she told herself. Big news. "In fact, I did. I got one on my butt. But it's almost gone. Look, I got a chance to get over there. Tomorrow, in fact. My mama ain't gonna be home tomorrow night until eight. I could come right over after school.. Problem is, I don't want to go home first cause then I'll get trapped, know what I mean?" "What are you going to tell her?" "I'll think of something." Laura realized that she could not take off early from work, even though Mavis was coming over. "Where are you now?" "I'm down at the 7-Eleven. She don't know I'm calling you. Of course." "If you tell me where it is, I'll drive over there and give you a key. Then tomorrow you can come over here when you get off school and just wait for me to get home." Now Mavis could tease back. "How you know I ain't gonna steal everything you got and run away to Mexico or something?" "Because I've got something I know you want more than all my stuff," Laura whispered suggestively into the phone. Mavis laughed at the other end. "Want it bad, too," she confessed. "I been missing you, Laura." She gave Laura the directions to the 7-Eleven, and Laura drove to it to give her the key. Mavis, looking small and young in a Giants jacket and a baseball cap, stood by the car, flirting with her. Even on the phone, Laura had wanted her, craved her, longed for her, but looking into Mavis's devastating eyes made her pulse and throb, as it always did. From the very first moment I saw her in Walgreen's I've felt that way, she thought. Mavis had deeply sexual, knowing, experienced, fuck-me eyes, even though she was only sixteen, and Laura wondered how everyone who looked into them didn't fall to their deaths, having a multitude of happy orgasms on the way. "You gorgeous creature, I want you right now," she whispered to Mavis, handing her the keys, two of them, one for the downstairs door, the other for her apartment door. I think this is some sort of crime, probably, she reflected as Mavis took the keys and listened to the explanation on how to use them. If the cops were watching me, I could be arrested, I'll bet. Seducing this darling girl. Whereas in fact, she seduced me. Mavis was repeating the effort right now, giving Laura her most smoldering gaze, since she knew what effect it would have. She knew Laura could not resist her. "You can just wait till tomorrow night, Laura," her eyes twinkled. "Now don't be getting all in a lather." Laura could hardly break away, but finally she did, driving slowly off and waving back at Mavis. She had never given her keys to anybody before, even a responsible adult, let alone a teenager, and one that she was energetically fucking at every opportunity. Oh god, I could spend years in prison! she realized. She tried not to think about it as she drove home, or during work the next day either. Instead, at work there was the exciting titillation and anxiety of trying to acknowledge Ada's meaningful smiles and ignore them at the same time. Yes, we have to pretend nothing has changed, though we panted and groaned together and came gloriously, didn't we, darling? she smiled back. Careful, let's not let anybody know! But by the end of the day, Laura's thoughts had turned from Ada to Mavis, and it was hard to concentrate. She's waiting for me there. With those eyes! And that lovely lean smooth black body! Ada, however, came by her office just as she was leaving. "I thought maybe we could have dinner." She gave Laura an alluring smile. "Maybe play a little tennis." Tennis had become for them a euphemism for fucking. Laura blushed, hotly. "I . . . can't this evening," she stammered. "My . . . mother is . . . waiting for me, over at my place. I have to help her with some papers." Ada shrugged, philosophically. She was very smart, and Laura wondered what she was really thinking. Did she, for example, think that Laura had simply stepped into her shower and turned them both into in lesbians in the space of a few seconds? Or did she more reasonably think that Laura had done plenty of this kind of thing before, with other women? Did she think Laura was not entangled, just because she herself was not? "Maybe later in the week," Ada said gracefully. There was no one around, and Laura pulled her inside briefly, half-closing the door discreetly. "Look, I'd love to 'play tennis' with you," she smiled. "My apartment, after work, tomorrow night. Actually, I can't get enough 'tennis' with you." Ada smiled back and opened the door quickly. She wasn't about to lose her job over any lesbian rumors, Laura realized. "I can't either," she whispered, eyes glistening with happiness. "It's a date." Because of this encounter, Laura was a little later getting home than she had planned. But she knew that Mavis would be okay. Probably watching TV, or snacking from the refrigerator. Coming in the door to her apartment, though, Laura was surprised by soft, but urgent, moaning, Mavis's moaning, which she recognized easily, having provoked it herself on so many occasions. Is she masturbating, while she's waiting for me? Laura wondered. All her submerged prurience seemed to surface at this thought, and she quietly let herself in, hoping to see Mavis rubbing herself, if that was the case. Stealthily, she crept around the opposite corner of the big sofa from where Mavis was moaning and was startled to see—not on the sofa itself, but on the floor—Mavis supine, her thighs spread, with a naked white man crouching between them, sliding his thick, wet cock in and out of her lovely little black pussy. Laura had to gulp back her cry of dismay and shock, raising a clenched fist to her mouth, then stooping to hide behind the arm of the sofa. "Unh! Unhhggg! Oh! Oh . . . you doing it so hard! Unh! Please . . . not so hard!" Mavis gasped. "Sorry, baby," the man panted. Laura did not need to worry about being discovered. The two were so heatedly involved in their sexual embrace that she could have burglarized the place without fear of being caught. And as she listened and watched, her horror diminished a little as she realized that the man was Eric. Quickly, she put two and two together in her mind. He might have come by to see me, and she let him in. Of course, that's what happened. But Mavis had never even fucked with a man before, Laura knew. Only her sister Brenda, and then Laura. God, think of having Eric's huge monster in you as your very first one! she thought. Poor baby. On the other hand, she had half my arm up in there. And Brenda's too. I guess he isn't any bigger than those. And Mavis seemed to be enjoying it. "Unh! Oh! Oh yes!" she panted, as Eric began to hammer her more aggressively, lifting her pretty little ass up off the carpet with each lunge. Laura couldn't take her eyes off Eric's thick, vigorous, long pole as he plunged it in and out of Mavis's sleek, lean body, fascinated by the sight of her glossy black cuntlips clinging to his rock-hard wet ivory shaft as he pulled it out of her, then alarmed by Mavis's tight, semi-hysterical whimpering as he drove it deep into her body again. God, he's really fucking her hard! Laura realized, though she understood why. Mavis was wildly desirable. But I wish he'd go a little easy on her, Laura though selfishly. I want her too. I want to lick that lovely pussy he's pumping so hard. But she herself had been fucked by Eric and knew his style. He was no skillful Romeo with subtle moves and patient caresses. He was a young brute, an artless and enthusiastic rapist with little extraordinary sexual talent but plenty of stamina and strength, enough to fuck you into the next county and back without tiring. And, Laura knew, that frequently made up for his lack of subtlety. Mavis's arms had been on the floor next to her body when Laura had first peeped around the end of the sofa and seen the two of them gyrating together, but now she raised her hands and caressed Eric's naked back with her long, slender black fingers while he rammed her even harder, bringing both of them closer to the finish. "Ouugghnnn! Ungghh! Oh! Ungghh!" she groaned with each thrust. Eric was spearing her sharply by now, giving her a taste of hard male rapist fucking that was, Laura knew, unlike anything she had ever experienced in bed with Brenda or Laura. Also, Laura wondered why, at this rate, Eric had not come even yet, since in her experience he could barely keep the jism inside of him, at least the first time. Maybe Sholandra is milking that massive rod of his every night, she thought, so he's a little less quick on the trigger. But, almost as if he had read her mind, Eric began to come within seconds. "Ummmrrummgghpphgghh!" he groaned, piercing poor Mavis's pussy one last, ferocious time with his huge cock, then slumping forward onto her as it spewed. Mavis gave a few tortured yelps, then collapsed, letting his cock spurt into her, turning her head to the side and wincing as his hot, jerking prick expelled its treasure. She didn't even seem close to having an orgasm herself. No wonder, after all that vicious pounding, Laura thought. Suddenly, Laura realized that the magic spell was now speedily dispersing, and they would soon know she was squatting there watching them. Before they regained their senses, she deftly arose and veered around behind the sofa. That way, it would look like she had just come in, and though she had caught them fucking, she had not seen much. She even scuffed one heel against the floor to make a noise, so they would look up. Eric had a sappy grin on his face. Laura couldn't keep her eyes from sliding down to look at the enormous stalk of his hard prick still sunk deep in Mavis's wet pussy. Mavis was upside down in relation to Laura, but she smiled up sheepishly too. "Well . . . looks like you guys must have met without my help," Laura said, dryly. "What are you doing here, Eric? Besides raping my friend, I mean." She waited patiently while they extricated themselves from this embarrassing position. Eric's cock was still stiff, though beginning to wilt, and glistening with pussy juices as he slid it back out of Mavis's pussy. Mavis made a face as thick, creamy gobbets of his cum began flowing back out of her slit. "Oh shit, my carpet!" Laura said, going quickly to the linen closet for a hand towel, which she tossed to Mavis. "Sorry, Laura," Mavis said, looking mournful as she mopped it up. Eric, bold as ever, just grinned at her. "I came by just to visit," he said to Laura. "She was downstairs fiddling with the key. I helped her get the door open. We came up here and—" "You don't have to go on," Laura raised her eyebrow. "I can see the rest. Do you realize that she's underage?" Eric looked at her, and Laura knew he was going to say 'Do you?', so she quickly cut him off. "Never mind." She reached out a hand and helped Mavis to her feet, unable to keep her eyes from roaming all over the girl's delicious naked black body, which she had been dreaming of now for hours, anticipating a moment that turned out to be very different from this one. Mavis smiled at her deviously, at once the shiest and the most seductive smile she had ever given Laura, one that said: You caught me, but I know you still want to fuck me. "Mavis . . . go in the bathroom and wash out that pussy," Laura said, under her breath. Mavis smirked. "I'll do my best." "She never had a man before," Laura snapped at Eric when Mavis had disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door. "And you had to give her one of your savage rape specials." "Oh, she did too. She didn't bleed or anything. She liked it. She wanted me to do it." This was too many things for Laura to sort out in short order. Mavis probably did want it. She was nothing if not sexually adventurous. Whether she had liked it or not, however, Laura couldn't say. She herself had been hammered and pumped by Eric too, and 'like' wasn't really a word she would have used to describe it. "Won't Sholandra get jealous?" Laura insinuated, changing the subject forcibly. "She won't if you don't tell her," Eric grinned. "Can I stay for the party?" "What makes you think we were going to have a party?" "Oh, you guys are getting together just to sew a quilt, eh?" he cracked, showing more wit than Laura had heard from him in the past. He had been in 'parties' with her before that included Camille, Rob's wife, and Sholandra herself, to whom Laura had introduced him and his friend Danny. Eric knew from close observation how Laura loved to fuck these beautiful girls. Mavis was no different, only younger. "We certainly didn't intend to invite any dick heads," she said, eyes flickering with amusement. She didn't exactly want him there, having looked forward to having Mavis all to herself. But now that he was there, she could see the possibilities. Eric looked down at his cock, which was now limp but still long, thick, and ropey. It was, Laura realized, nearly as big as Marshall's. She knew it wouldn't be long before the thing began twitching and rising again. "Can't have the dick without the head," he said. "I'm a little angry at you for squirting nasty cum into that girl's beautiful little pussy before I got to lick it," she whispered to him. Eric smiled. "Maybe you wish I was pumping it into yours instead." Laura raised one eyebrow. Mavis opened the bathroom door, still lovely and naked and deeply black—black enough to make Laura seethe with fresh desire—and walked across the room to them. Laura feared that both she and Eric were looking at Mavis's slender, wonderful body like evil lust maniacs, which she knew she was doing at this instant. At least he's already had her, but I'm so hungry for this girl, she realized. "Eric has agreed to be a good boy and just watch while you and I do it in on the bed," she said to Mavis. "What do you think?" Mavis gave her a pixie smile. "Good thing. He do it pretty hard." She frowned playfully. "Pounded my little pussy like hell." Laura took her hand and pulled her toward the bedroom. Over her shoulder, she glanced at Eric, then smiled at Mavis. "Come on, darling, let's give this beast a lesson in how to make a woman come," she teased. Mavis giggled. "Okay. We know how to do that, don't we." She looked at Laura with her burning, devastatingly sexual eyes as they entered Laura's bedroom. "I ain't had one since I saw you last, either. I really need it." Now Laura did wish they were alone. She took off her clothes quickly and lay down face-to-face on the bed with Mavis, but Eric entered the room behind them and sat, as she had more or less commanded him to do, on the easy chair by the dresser, watching. She knew she and Mavis together presented a beautiful sight, steamy and erotic as well (for some reason, men always loved watching lesbians do it), but she had missed the girl and somehow felt their intimacy damaged by this voyeurism. "Just pretend he isn't there," she whispered to Mavis. "God, I've missed you." Mavis's eyes burned with love for Laura. She may have, in a passing whim, let Eric nearly fuck her lovely young pussy to a pulp on the floor next to Laura's sofa, but when it came to True Love, her heart beat passionately for Laura only. Now she looked at Laura like a small child would, which made Laura feel guiltier than ever. "You ain't mad at me for letting him screw me like that?" she asked, tentatively. Laura pursed her lips a little. "I am mad. But I forgive you." "He didn't even ax me or anything. He just did it." Laura looked at her, stroking her lovely bare black shoulders with her fingertips. "Then how did you get naked?" Mavis barely blinked. "He ripped my clothes off." "Gosh, it must've been exciting," Laura purred, kissing her, holding Mavis's exquisite face in both hands. "Mmmm, I wish I could have ripped them off." Mavis kissed her back, then breathed in Laura's ear. "You done it before. And you gon' do it again. But now . . . I'm already naked." "I know," Laura smiled, running her hands all over the girl's young, lean body, so smooth and pristine. "Did you clean your pussy out good so I won't get his icky cum all over my tongue." Mavis beamed and laughed softly. "You making me hot, Laura. I cleaned it clean as clean can get, as my Mama says." "Oh, I love you!" Laura surprised herself by crying out, embracing Mavis tightly and kissing her ravenously. Mavis kissed back, caressing Laura too, her back, her ass, then raising her hands to Laura's breasts. "Love you too. Love these. I kept thinking about these." She raised her gaze to Laura's, looking up seductively with her deep-sex killer hot eyes from under her heavy eyelids. "Thought about sucking them . . . like you suck mine. Hard." A sharp tremor gripped Laura's body, an involuntary shudder of excitement. "You did?" Mavis nodded slowly. "Want me to do it?" Laura nodded. "I'll suck yours hard if you suck mine hard." Mavis bit her lower lip thoughtfully. "Then we both gonna come like crazy." Laura smiled. "I know. Here, twist around like this so you can dangle your beautiful little boobs in my face. That way we can do it at the same time." With Laura on the bottom, they turned their bodies until each could kiss and caress the other's breasts at the same time. Laura had done this only a few times with other lovers and wondered each time why she didn't do it more. The erotic stimulation was amazing. Mavis had meant what she said, and she began squeezing the firm creamy globes of Laura's breasts and sucking her nipples almost immediately. Laura was in ninth heaven, but even this intense pleasure was not enough to keep her from cupping one of Mavis's little black doves in both hands and guiding the jutting black rivet of Mavis's nipple into her own mouth. "Unhhhh!" Mavis gasped, momentarily releasing Laura's wet nipple from her lips. "Oh yes!" Laura swirled her tongue around the small, swollen black tent of Mavis's areola from which the rubbery center rivet of her thick nipple protruded, pinching it lightly with her teeth, just to give the girl an exciting extra sensation. Then she felt liquid fire squirt through her own cunt as Mavis did the same thing to her nipple, sucking it hard and lightly biting it at the same time. "Oh!" Laura cried. "Oh god . . . Mavis, yes! Ungghhh!" For another minute or so they toyed with one another, until their breasts were throbbing, their nipples hard and pulsing with fire, the rest of their bodies undulating helplessly in primitive, urgent rhythms. Unable to control her own wild craving for Mavis's delicious young body, Laura succeeded in rolling the girl onto her back, then swarmed over her, kissing her everywhere, not only her breasts but every other part of her, descending, wanting her pussy in the worst way. But Mavis, in spite of being overwhelmed by Laura's desire, pulled her up for a moment. "Do me . . . the old way," she panted, eyes delirious with sexual need. "You know . . . with your fist. You promised. Last time you wouldn't let us. You promised we would this time." Laura realized that she was right. Feeling guilty for fucking Mavis, who was so young, and perverted for fist-fucking her, even though Mavis had done it long before and repeatedly with her sister Brenda, Laura had dissuaded her last time, making passionate love to her in more conventional ways, trying to persuade Mavis that fisting was a twisted practice, that they could satisfy each other without it. But she had also, in passing, said they would do it next time, more to placate Mavis at the moment than anything else. Mavis had remembered. Her hot, scintillating eyes implored Laura. "Oh, darling," Laura gave in with a sigh. It wasn't as if she didn't want to do it. Fisting Mavis to an orgasm was a shocking thrill, and Laura could feel her own lust level ratchet up a few notches just at the idea of it. She could also hear Eric breathing heavily behind them and glanced over to see him watching them avidly, his magnificent member again erect and jumping as he stroked it carefully. She knew he wanted to see it. She turned back and began kissing Mavis's naked body in a bold, sensual way that quickly sent Mavis the message that she was going to get what she wanted. "Are you wet for me, honey?" Laura purred, kissing her round, gleaming shoulders, the delicious spooned shallows under her clavicles, sucking her small breasts again, kissing the flat smooth expanse between them, which was very wide since Mavis had such small breasts. "Are you wet for my fist?" Mavis nodded solemnly, her sexy eyes burning into Laura's brain. "Pretty wet," she breathed. Laura slid between her thighs, kissing her flat, smooth, very black belly, rubbing her nose in Mavis's pubic muff, feeling the black wiry hairs tickle her nostrils and sucking in deeply the thickly aromatic odors floating up from Mavis's aroused pussy. It was not one of those long, slender, wavy slits, those exquisitely sinuous black-lipped cunts that Laura so worshipped in some of her girlfriends, but a smaller, puckered black rose, like a hungry mouth, fiery pink and runny inside, with a tiny clit almost completely hidden by a smooth little fold of black skin at the top. Laura began by kissing and licking it carefully, not wanting to deny either of them the killing orgasm she knew Mavis would be having in a few minutes. After all, though she had not climaxed, Mavis had already been fucked by Eric, and though it had been fierce, quick, and clumsy, she could not have helped being somehow aroused by it. Then she and Laura had made love to one another's breasts for minutes. Laura reasoned that the girl had to be very close. It wouldn't take much to tip her over the edge. "Ohhhnnnn! Ohhhh . . . Laura!" Mavis gasped, her hips shaking as Laura's tongue slipped into her pussy for the first time. "Oh honey, I've missed this," Laura murmured, licking the wet flower very carefully, running the tip of her tongue up and down Mavis's cuntlips, then even slowly nudging her half-exposed clit with it, bringing sharp gasps from Mavis, whose body clenched alarmingly, as if she were about to come. "Oh, don't come yet!" Laura said softly, pulling her tongue back. Mavis quivered, mewling softly, and then her body relaxed slightly. "Can't help it, Laura. You better get it in me. I'm about to die. Ohnnn!" Laura slid two fingers into the oozing warm crease of Mavis's pussy and began sliding them in and out, kissing her sleek smooth dark inner thighs, including a third finger, still keeping up the slow, sensual rhythm, then introducing a fourth, until her fingers made a wedge, now joined by her thumb, which she forced gently further and deeper into Mavis's yielding pussy with each soft thrust. "Unh! Unh!" Mavis panted softly, looking down wide-eyed, watching as Laura's entire hand finally slid into her cunt. Her shiny wet labia were splayed and stretched by Laura's wrist, and her eyes rolled up. Laura had forgotten how tight Mavis's young pussy was, but it pressed against her hand on all sides, snug and firm inside, very slippery with warm juices. She knew this wasn't especially painful, but it was a shocking, very intense feeling, and Mavis's startling, stirringly sexual eyes as they caught Laura's reflected the intensity of the sensations. "Oh shit," she said, half under her breath. She looked down at Laura's forearm protruding from her stuffed pussy. "Ohhhhh . . . do it hard, Laura." At this point, both of them had lost any awareness of Eric, sitting here watching them, clutching his throbbing, gigantic, erect cock, fascinated by their every move. They had done this before and had a deeply intimate bond that had grown up around the act of fist-fucking, and their eyes were locked together, throbbing and swirling in a fiercely exciting dance of hot sex, as Laura twisted her hand and formed a fist inside Mavis, each move making Mavis panting hard, her eyes reflecting a sexual stimulation almost too intense to bear. "God . . . Laura . . . I love it when you do this to me," Mavis panted, almost out of control now. "Never was this good with Brenda." "Oh, I love you, Mavis," Laura panted too, almost overcome with sexual excitement herself. "I'm gonna come," Mavis announced, her dark, dangerous eyes glazing over briefly, as if an internal revelation were occurring. "I'm gonna . . . come. Right now." "Oh baby." Mavis clenched her teeth. She pushed her pelvis up into Laura's hand, still embedded deep in her pussy, grunting softly and quivering. Her small breasts shook, her gleaming black nipples stiff and pointing. Laura, wanting to touch every part of her sleek, lean, naked body, wanting to devour and consume and fuck her desperately, reached out with her free hand and covered one of Mavis's small, swirling breasts, squeezing it, fucking Mavis now with her fist, first gently, then more roughly as Mavis's body jerked and surged under the approaching onslaught of her climax. Now Mavis threw her head back, arching her back, pushing up her hips, stretching her lovely body and looking more desirable than ever. "Oh god . . . Laura, fuck it hard!" she gasped, a sharp plea. Laura never held anything back from her, which was why Mavis loved doing it with her, and this time was no different. She leaned forward over Mavis's thrashing body, pushing her fist deep into the girl's tight cunt, plunging it in even deeper, pulling it up to the edge, the inflamed black-lipped mouth of Mavis's crammed pussy, then plunging it deep again. At the same time, she knew she had to have this small, beautiful breast in her mouth when Mavis came, and she scooped it up with her hand and sucked Mavis's hard nipple into her mouth, still ramming her fist into Mavis so roughly that Mavis groaned in a kind of demented sexual agony just a split second before she came. "Unh! Anngghh! Oh!" Mavis froze. It's here! Laura thought, sucking the hard little berry of Mavis's nipple, twisting her fist inside Mavis's cunt, ramming her wrist bone against the tiny bead of Mavis's clit. Come, honey! Come hard! "Auuhgghnnnnnn! Mnnhggghhiieeeee! Ohnngg! Ungh! Oh god!" Laura didn't know if she had ever seen Mavis come so hard. It was so startling and gratifying that she almost burst out laughing in a sympathetic shriek, but she knew it would shock Mavis and detract from the excruciating pleasure she was feeling. Instead, Laura merely held on for the ride, letting Mavis buck and flip and ride her forearm. Mavis pushed her pussy down into it as each crushing spasm of her orgasm gripped her body, groaning and shuddering, her lovely young face torn by a terrible grimace of ecstacy. Laura kept sucking her hard little nipple and fist-fucking her in long, slow strokes until she felt Mavis's straining body ease up, and heard her desperate groans turn into softer, relieved whimpering. Her undulations subsided, and her breath grew more normal. With bleary, reddened eyes, she gazed down at Laura, who still had Mavis's wet, hard little nipple in her mouth. Laura smiled up at her, seeing the effect this crushing orgasm had had on Mavis by the blasted expression in her devastatingly sexy eyes. Slowly, exaggerating it, she released Mavis's nipple from her mouth, giving it a sensual swipe with her tongue as it cleared her lips. "Sounds like you had a good one," she murmured. "Oh Laura." "Hold your breath. I'm going to slide my hand back out of your beautiful pussy." "Unhhh! Oh Laura!" Mavis's eyes were melting with love. Laura's heart was also melting with it. Both of them had forgotten that Eric was even there, but he made his presence known by suddenly lying down beside them on the bed, which dipped under his weight. "Hey guys," he said, in his calmest, friendliest voice. "Did you forget I was here?" Mavis and Laura looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Why, I believe we did, young stud," Laura said satirically, glancing around at him. But it was hard to keep her eyes from floating down to his groin, where a truly enormous stalk of throbbing red flesh stood up twitching and pulsing, the head of his cock ballooning and glossy. Mavis was looking at it too. "I never saw anybody come like that," Eric said, in awe, looking at Mavis, letting his eyes roam up and down her delicious, lean, black naked body. Mavis was looking at his erect cock. She smiled at him. "You can try again, if you want," she said softly. Eric perked up. "Really?" Mavis nodded slowly. Laura found herself getting an idea. "Get behind her, Eric," she coached him. "We'll fuck her together." Mavis's jaw dropped open as she looked at Laura. She had invited it, but did she really want it? "Honey, we'll make you come again . . . even harder than the first time," Laura reassured her. Mavis grinned. "You'll have to work pretty hard to do that," she said. She was enjoying being the center of attention, her lovely young body the focus of Eric's and Laura's caresses. Now Eric was behind her, his arms encircling her body from the rear, his hands clasping her small, lovely, naked breasts, twisting and pinching her hard little black nipples while he kissed her back and shoulders. And Mavis was spreading her thighs again to let his cock through them, and Laura was pulling the gigantic shaft through the gap, squeezing it with her fingers, then lowering her mouth to it and swirling her tongue around the expanding head. Eric grimaced and gasped. "God, you'd better watch it!" he warned. "Oh, Eric, you already had a squirt. You aren't going to come again this fast, are you?" Laura smiled. "Let me suck him." He shook his head. "I want to make her come," he panted. "We already know you can't do that," Laura cracked. "You need my help." Eric nodded, giving in. "Then help me. Help me make her come." "Mmmm, I would be delighted." She guided the swollen, purplish head of his enormous erect prick up into the gaping, wet, black-lipped, pink slit she had just been raping with her fist, watching the look on Mavis's face as Eric drove it all the way up into her.
"Unhhh!" Mavis's eyes rolled up. Eric simply buried his mammoth cock in her body so that Laura could see little but a half-inch of the pale shaft protruding from her stretched pussylips and impaled furrow, followed by the taut sack of his balls. "You don't have to stab her to death with it, Eric," Laura complained. "She knows you've got a big one. Just slide it in and out, okay? Don't be so violent." "Okay," Eric puffed, clearly overcome by the sensation of Mavis's very tight young cunt pinching his thick rod. "God, she's tight." Laura smiled sarcastically. "She's right here. You can talk to her. She understands English." He smiled sheepishly. "Okay." From behind he nuzzled Mavis's marvelous black ear with his nose and his lips. "Mavis, you have a very tight pussy. It really feels great." Mavis smiled dreamily, undulating her delicious lean body, pushing her tight little cunt down on his rearing stalk. "Mmmm, Eric, I like the feel of you up in me like that. It goes so deep." Laura knew how it felt, and that it felt good, even incredibly good, but she couldn't help becoming a little jealous at hearing Mavis coo and purr at Eric this way. To channel her natural jealousy away from anger, she began kissing Mavis's wonderful smooth body, kissing her very black, silky abdomen, so taut and flat between the delicate cambers of her ribcage, then her navel, a delicious 'innie,' then her flat belly, drawing closer to Eric's thick shaft, which was sliding up into Mavis's pussy, then pulling out again, a huge ten or eleven incher, a marauding fuck machine that she had tangled with herself a few times. For the moment, a slow, sensual rhythm enveloped the three of them as Laura kissed and caressed her way down to Mavis's sweet, sixteen-year-old pussy, which was already occupied, as stretched and crammed by Eric's massive truncheon as it had earlier been by Laura's forearm. But she knew this slow, simmering, sensual build-up could not last and would soon accelerate into a more desperate, urgent tempo. Already Mavis was squirming and whimpering, becoming even more desirable to Laura and Eric as her sleek, writhing body responded to their passion. Mavis loved sex, and this was exciting new territory for her. She moaned and writhed as Eric began plunging his hard, punishing cock up into her more deeply, more roughly. He was becoming more excited too, and Laura realized there was little she could do now to control his 'mad rapist' frenzy. And of course, she too was becoming overwhelmed with lust for Mavis's lovely young body. She could see the swollen little berry of Mavis's clit peak out from it's tiny hood each time Eric jammed his rock-hard piston up into her splayed, engorged pussy, cramming it so tight that Mavis's glossy black vulva stretched, and the little hood receded. The little berry then disappeared for a second when he pulled his wet prick out again, then reappeared when he slammed it back up into Mavis. "Ungh!" Mavis gasped, wincing as it began to stab deeper into her. "Unghh! Awwongggg! Unh! Oh!" Laura pressed her lips to Mavis's little clit, feeling the hard ridge of Eric's stiff cock thrusting in and out of Mavis's tight pussy just below her chin. He was fucking her harder and harder now, grunting and groaning himself at the same time, his own groans tangling with Mavis's whimpers and quick yelps of pain as his long, fierce cock stabbed deep into her young pussy. Laura realized that no matter how roughly Mavis might have been fist-fucked by her sister Brenda or by Laura, neither one of them had jabbed their hand as deeply into her cunt as Eric was thrusting his hard cock. "Oh god! Oh god!" Mavis cried out, squirming wildly between them, churning her hips more rapidly too, pushing her clit into Laura's mouth. Laura realized that Mavis was going to come again, within seconds. Eric too. He was slamming and pumping Mavis furiously, his hands nearly pulping her small breasts as he squeezed them, his cock nearly lifting her young body off the bed with each powerful lunge. Laura sucked the girl's clit hungrily, digging her fingers into the sleek muscles of Mavis's thighs, tongue-stroking her clit between sucks, trying to make her come fast. Little did she know how fast. Both Mavis and Eric suddenly came without warning. An abrupt, pulverizing bolt of lightning seemed to strike them both at the same instant, and tiny, semi-hysterical squeals of unbearable sexual pleasure leaked out of Mavis's constricted throat, while gruff moans that made it sound like he was being garroted came from deep in Eric's chest. Mavis went into convulsions, coming in successive shockwaves, and Eric's cock exploded with jism inside of her tight pussy, forcing Laura to release Mavis's clit from her lips as she could actually feel the rhythmic, muscular jerking of his cock as it spurted. She was also reluctant to add to the intensity of Mavis's shattering orgasm by sucking the girl's throbbing clit any harder. "Ahhhnngggg! Ohnnnggg! Oh . . . shit! Ungghhmmnnngghh!" Mavis groaned, stunned even by the aftermath of a violent climax, her lovely young body stretching and flexing, looking to Laura—the only one who had not climaxed so far—more wildly desirable than ever. Laura slid up to kiss her, freeing her small breasts from the iron clutch of Eric's hands and caressing them herself, purring in Mavis's ear. It was a slightly bizarre moment because both Mavis and Eric were nearly destroyed by their orgasms, but Laura was still tense and panting with need, wanting desperately to be fucked herself, to come, to have Mavis fuck her, fist-fuck her, or Eric pierce her throbbing, flowing pussy with his huge hammering fuck machine. At the same time, she luxuriated in the sexual release they had both experienced, their smells, their agonized groans, their straining flesh. Mavis blinked at her after a while, her dark, fascinating eyes glazed from the impact of raptures she had not imagined. "You both fucked me," she said, disbelieving. "Both of you." Then a small grin began to curve the corners of her sensual mouth. It was interrupted by a sharp grimace as Eric pulled his huge, slackening member out of the tight sleeve of her pussy. As before, pearly rivulets of his cum leaked out behind it. Mavis made a face as Laura reached for a towel and handed it to her. "If I were you, I'd high tail it back to the bathroom and wash out that pussy clean as clean can be all over again," Laura advised. She thought with a pang of Charise, another of her darlings, who might be pregnant. God, I wonder what's happening with her! If only she would call! Laura didn't want Mavis ending up in the same boat. Maybe I should make sure she knows how to douche properly, wash it all out. Mavis squinted and nodded at her, then hopped off the bed and made for the bathroom. Eric lay back, grinning, on the bed, satisfied and satiated, having fucked Mavis twice in the space of the half hour Laura had been home. "I wish I could come like you women do," he confessed to Laura. "You guys seem to come with your whole body. Like, she really shook from the inside out when she came." "That must have been a first for you, Eric," Laura said tartly. "You usually never wait for anybody else to come." Eric grinned, eyes flashing. "That's not true. You came when Danny and I fucked you at the same time." Oh god, I sure did! Laura remembered. So hard I thought I was going to die. She looked down respectfully at his huge, now-limp member, recalling how hard and fierce it had been only moments ago, rearing up into Mavis's pretty, engorged, tight little black pussy. Only Laura had not had an orgasm. No wonder I feel this way, she thought. Smiling sensually, she slid over beside him and cradled the slack monster in her palm, stroking it with the fingers of her other hand. She could feel it pulsing, resting, gathering strength for another assault. "You know . . . I've got something tighter than even Mavis's pretty little coozy," she murmured, looking up at him from under her heavy eyelids. Eric grinned and nodded. "I know." And their eyes locking together seemed to send a signal to the stirring fuck machine. His enormous cock began to swell and thump again under her fingers, enticed by the offer. "Maybe if I kiss him, he'll pay my tight little place a visit," she whispered. "I think that might work," Eric panted, his voice growing tighter, more excited now. Laura ran the tip of her tongue all the way down his rising prick to his balls and toyed with them for several seconds before ascending again, giving his thick, almost-hard shaft hot little suck-kisses on the way up. It was marvelous to her how the thing came back to life. The first time was no shock to Laura since she knew from experience that Eric could barely keep from coming without help when he saw a desirable girl, or someone blew accidentally on his stiff cock. But he had fucked Mavis again only a few minutes ago, and shot a second load into her that was just as copious as the first. Now his cock was standing again, almost at full strength, a rigid, reddened pole of throbbing, twitching flesh, capped by a large flaring bulb that Laura carefully licked and then sucked into her warm, wet mouth. She knew that at least two orgasms would make it harder for him to come too fast, and so she enjoyed herself, sucking his magnificent member with ingenious skill. She was still doing it when Mavis returned from the bathroom. "Hey, what's going on here?" she said, playfully. "Laura, you don't like screwing dudes. What you doing, putting that ugly old thing in your mouth." Laura reached up and took her hand, pulling Mavis down onto the bed with them. "It's payback time, honey," she winked at her. "You and Eric had your fun. Now you guys get to return the favor." "Mmmmm, that sounds like fun," Mavis grinned. "Who get to go first?" Laura considered it, still sucking and stroking Eric's mammoth stalk, now wet and shiny with her saliva. "I was sort of thinking you could do it together, you know?" she suggested softly. Now Mavis leaned closer, kissing Laura's body and rubbing her naked flesh against Laura. "I love the way our skins look when they slide together," she said, admiring her black fingers on Laura's pale shoulder. "How can we both do you when you only got one pussy, Laura? You mean like you did me? Want me to lick you while he fuck you?" With a meaningful glance, Laura took Mavis's hand, balled it up into a fist, then brought it to her lips and kissed it, gazing into Mavis's enchanting eyes with an invitation. Mavis giggled softly, nervously. "Oh . . . I get it." "You get part of it," Laura corrected her. She glanced up at Eric and quickly saw that he got all of it. Laura shivered as she realized what she had offered. God, I haven't really been fucked hard for a long time, she thought. Do I really want to do this? But Eric, who obviously had a great memory, was already reaching for the bedstand drawer where she kept the baby oil bottle. In seconds he had slathered his jumping, swollen cock with the shiny oil, while Mavis watched in awe and fascination. "What is he doing?" she asked, frowning. "Ain't you already wet enough for that big dong of his?" Laura smiled tightly, looking with fear at the huge, throbbing battering ram. "I'm afraid not," she said, biting her lower lip. She turned her back to him and stared deep into Mavis's incredible, burning, smoking-sex eyes as she felt Eric pulling her buns apart, running his finger up and down in her crack, looking for her back entrance. Mavis looked at what he was doing, then back at Laura, as if unable to believe it. "You ain't gon' let him do that," she said, in a hushed voice, disbelieving it. Laura gave her a half-smile. "Watch carefully, darling. It only hurts for a little while," she added. "Shit," Mavis scoffed. "You crazy, Laura. His is big. You see how big that is? Brothers have them that big, I heard. Didn't know white dudes had 'em too." But by now Laura had lost all concentration on whatever Mavis was saying. Eric had found her backtrack easily enough with his fingertip and was pulling it open for the huge, swollen head of his cock. Laura's eyes watered as she felt the spongy knob on top of the hard stalk pushing against her anus, seeking entry. "Unh!" she gasped. "Oh!" "Laura . . . you crazy," Mavis repeated, shaking her head, watching Eric guide his cock with one hand between Laura's buns, pushing slowly, relentlessly. Laura clenched her teeth as she felt the huge, rock-hard stalk sliding up into her ass. The water in her eyes spilled over and ran down her cheeks. It felt like a baseball bat was being shoved into her. She had forgotten how gigantic it was, how it made your whole body feel like it was just a painfully tight sleeve for this enormous, flexing, throbbing prick. Her body was paralyzed by white-hot pain for several seconds. "Ungghhh!" she grunted helplessly, shaking, sucking in gulps of breath desperately, hoping for the pain to pass. "Oh, Laura!" Mavis shook her head, grimacing in concern as she saw the painful effects of this penetration crawling over Laura's face. "Oh shit . . . you're pretty tight too!" she heard Eric pant over her shoulder as he held her hips steady with both strong hands and pushed his rigid cock as far as it would go into her ass. Now she was completely impaled and skewered on it, her small asshole crammed to the splitting point. Eric began slowly to fuck her ass, but the initial pain had not receded yet, and Laura panicked. "Oh! No . . . no no! Please, not yet!" she whimpered. "Please!" Eric relented. He paused, even caressing her shoulders with as much tenderness as he was capable of, kissing the nape of her neck. "Sorry." Slowly, Laura could feel the white-hot pain begin to modulate into the weird, fierce sexual tornado of sensations that she remembered. She knew now that a fearsome sexual explosion awaited her, and that it was only a minute or so away. Opening her glazed eyes, she beseeched Mavis with them. "Your hand, honey," she panted, almost unable to speak so overcome was she by frantic sexual needs, feeling Eric's pillar of steel embedded deep in her ass. "Your fist. Come on, honey. Fuck me with your fist. I want you too. Both of you." "Oh, Laura!" Mavis seemed stricken by horror and pity at the sight of Laura impaled on Eric's massive shaft. She seemed reluctant to add to Laura's pain, or to participate in this torture in any way. And yet she loved Laura and could not refuse her request. "Hurry!" "Are you sure?" Mavis asked in a tiny voice, clenching and unclenching the fist, the one Laura wanted to feel inside her pussy, a beautiful small black fist she had felt there before. "Yes! Hurry!" With a baleful look, Mavis slid closer and dropped her hand between Laura's thighs. Laura parted them, aided by Eric, who held one of Laura's thighs up with his hand since Laura was lying on her side. This exposed the festering, juicy trench of Laura's wet, glistening, magenta-colored pussy, and Mavis slipped the wedge made by her fingers into it quickly, as if she didn't want to prolong Laura's agony. "Yes!" Laura grunted softly. "Ungghh! Yes! Awwonnnnngggg!" Mavis's whole hand slipped inside Laura's cunt, up to the wrist. Laura was now penetrated front and back, and almost unable to bear the intensity of the sensations that filled her quivering body. "Oh god . . . oh god!" she panted, gnawing her lower lip as she felt Eric beginning again to move his cock up and down in her tight back channel, and simultaneously feeling Mavis bring her fingers together into a fist inside her pussy, feeling Mavis's knuckles rotating against the inner walls of her engorged slit. And now they began to fuck her in earnest, Mavis joining in the rhythm in spite of her initial reluctance, being swept up in the hypnotic sexual whirlwind of the moment, gently pumping her fist into Laura's throbbing pussy, then increasing the force of her thrusts, until Laura was nearly overwhelmed by the surging, plunging invaders of her body. Writhing and gasping and mewling from a nearly unendurable mixture of intense pleasure and weird, indescribable pain, she undulated between them, as if trying to escape and to heighten the intensity in the same instant. Her eyes caught Mavis's eyes, the girl's pulsing, throbbing, scintillatingly sexual eyes, just as Eric nearly lifted Laura's whole body off the bed with a deep, stabbing lunge of his huge cock deep up into her flaming ass. "Anngghiiieee!" Laura shrieked, completely destroyed by the piercing jolt, looking back over her shoulder in a sudden flash of anger mixed with excruciating sexual pleasure. "Oh!" She suddenly knew that the worst was yet to come. Eric was only now getting into his hungry, jabbing, rapist mode, and the following thrusts would rip her apart. He had already come twice and would not be quick to pop this time. And Mavis was now twisting her fist and ramming it vigorously into Laura's pussy. Laura wondered if she had ever been fucked harder by two people, even Eric and Danny. "Oh god . . . honey . . . suck my boobs, suck my nipples!" she panted to Mavis. "Suck them hard . . . hard! Bite them, please! Oh darling Mavis . . . please!" With a weird, half-hypnotized, strangely sexual grin that seemed to indicate she was totally absorbed in the deeply animalistic and perverted undercurrents of this three-way sexual collision, Mavis leaned forward and with her free hand guided one of Laura's small, perfect breasts toward her mouth. With both hands, Laura held Mavis's head, watching her aching nipple disappear between the girl's incredibly sensual lips, seeing stars suddenly again and feeling a stab of lightning completely paralyze her body as Eric's monstrous hard cock drilled up into her ass. "Ouungghhhh!" she groaned, going temporarily limp, pierced to the very depths of her shuddering body by his mammoth flesh spike. But Mavis's mouth and fist quickly brought her back to life. Mavis sucked Laura's throbbing nipple more aggressively than she ever had before. Laura, whose hands had fallen away from Mavis's head under the piercing impact of Eric's pile-driving cock, now grabbed her again, pushing her breast maniacally into Mavis's face, grunting and growling in a horrible fit of burning lust. "Suck it . . . bite it!" she panted. "Yes! Ungghhh! Oh yes! Aunngghhh!" She felt Mavis's teeth sink into her areola, which made her whole writhing body stream with flaming rivers of excruciating pleasure. At the same moment, Mavis's fist reared into Laura's aching, plundered pussy, her wrist bone raking and mashing Laura's swollen, jangling clit, and Laura nearly fainted in a paroxysm of sensation so acute that she knew a horrific orgasm was traveling to meet her like a huge, unavoidable locomotive bearing down on her at a blinding speed. "Unghgh! Anngghh! Ohnnngg! Ungh! Oh shit! Auungghhh!" she groaned, twisting and panting between their surging bodies, feeling Mavis squeeze and suck her breast so hard that she nearly squealed in pain. She couldn't believe that even through all this, in one walled-off section of her tortured brain she realized that the guys who had repaired her bed after she and Jane had broken it had done a great job, because right now it was taking as much punishment as she was, rocking and creaking and shaking and rumbling as Eric and Mavis fucked her with maniacal energy. Mavis, having nearly swallowed one of Laura's breasts, now turned to the other one, mauling it with her fingers and her mouth and giving Laura just what she had begged for, sinking her teeth into Laura's areola and making her whimper in pain. And now the peak was near, and they knew it. They began pumping and squeezing and sucking and raping Laura without mercy, feeling her writhing body stiffen and shake in the preliminary convulsions that came just before her orgasm. And then it was there, a crushing, wrenching blow that made her black out briefly as it engulfed her straining flesh. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks. All the breath seemed to leave her body, replaced by liquid fire being pumped up through her ass and pussy into the rest of her throbbing body. "AAAUUNNNOOWWNNGGGGGG! ANGGHHH! UNNGGGMMHHIIEEEE!" she cried out, when the breath finally re-entered her lungs. This was followed by a loud, uncontrollable whinnying and braying as she felt unbelievably intense spasms rip her shuddering body, and also felt Eric's hammering prick continuing to stab up into her pulsing ass, and Mavis's plunging hand ram up into her cunt. Neither had stopped fucking her simply because she was coming. Eric especially was hurtling toward an orgasm of his own, his third, and he grabbed her hips and drove her ass down on his up-thrusting cock repeatedly, driving and drilling it deeper into her body than it had ever been up to now. "Ohhhnnnn . . . deep! So deep!" Laura moaned, weeping, drenched now in her own sweat, feeling the tears pour down her cheeks. "Please come! Ohhhh . . . please come! It's so deep! Owwnnngghhhhh! Ungghhhhh! Oh! Please!" She got her wish, but not before he jabbed his swelling, surging spike up into her four or five more times, causing her to howl and scream in piteous wails, making so much pathetic noise that Mavis grew alarmed and stopped moving her fist up and down. With one final, piercing lunge, Eric growled and came, and in response, over which she had no control, Laura could feel her own body coming again too, feel her toes curling and a deep rumbling spasm clench deep in her womb as a fresh orgasm wracked her. "Unghhhhhh! Aungghhhh! Oh!" she cried, feeling his prick finally begin to deflate and watching through eyes blurred by her own tears as Mavis carefully withdrew her hand from Laura's plundered, aching pussy. Her second orgasm was only slightly milder than her first, and her whole body continued to throb and pulse even after they had withdrawn from her. Mavis was kissing her face and stroking it with her fingertips, overcome by concern, while Eric had rolled away, still sighing and groaning in the aftermath of his own excruciating climax. Laura lay shattered and panting between them, trying to regain her senses. She could feel the thick, warm rivulets of Eric's jism leaking back out of her flaming asshole. "God, Laura, I ain't ever seen anybody get it that hard," Mavis shook her head. "You all right?" Laura blinked at her through her own tears, and smiled. "You haven't seen anybody get it except you, me, and Brenda," she teased, in a half-croak. Mavis smiled sheepishly. "I ain't ever gon' let anyone do that to me." "Good idea," Laura smiled ruefully. "It's an acquired taste." "You liked it?" Laura shrugged. "I guess 'like' isn't the right word." Wide-eyed, Mavis shook her head more emphatically. "Unh uh, not this little black girl. Not now, not ever." Even though nearly destroyed by Eric's marauding fuck-monster, Laura felt a deep distress at not having been allowed her moments alone with Mavis, which she had been looking forward to all day. It had been thrilling, but she was in love with Mavis and wanted the darling girl to herself, to kiss her and fuck her alone. She felt cheated. "Oh god, it's quarter to eight," she said, glancing at the bedside clock. Mavis's wild, swirling, burning, sexual eyes showed quick panic. "Oh shit." "I can drive her home," Eric said, predictably, pulling on his trousers. Laura shook her head. "No, you can't. You are not to see her again, understand? She's underage. You can both get in trouble." He was only half-dressed, but Laura was already pushing him out of the bedroom and toward the front door. "What about you?" Eric grinned. "Hey, you left my shoes in there. Can I at least have my shoes?" Mavis, smiling and still buck-naked, showed up holding his shoes. She handed them to him, flirting, and Laura could see Eric's eyes sweep up and down her delectable naked black body. He was getting ideas again. Laura knew why. Mavis looked good enough to devour. It stabbed Laura to the quick to see her flirtatious manner with Eric. But after all, he just fucked her twice, Laura thought. I guess she has to have some feelings for him. The lug. Laura could feel her own ravaged asshole throbbing as a result of Eric's vigorous visit. "I'll drop her off," she said crisply, watching impatiently as Eric put on his shoes. "Go get dressed, Mavis. Hurry." She opened the door to let Eric out. "Call next time before you come over," she said softly to him. "I don't mind. Just call. And stay away from her." "She's beautiful." "I know. Stay away from her. She's mine." "You can't fuck her," Eric grinned nastily, eyes twinkling. "Wanna bet?" Laura shut the door in his face. She went to the bedroom and embraced Mavis, who was almost dressed, though she had to gather her clothes from various parts of Laura's apartment. Now it was ten minutes to eight. Laura hugged her desperately, kissing her smooth black neck and throat. "I wanted us to be alone together," she murmured, letting Mavis feel her need. "This wasn't good enough for me." Mavis was soft, understanding. Her eyes swam with deep love for Laura as she turned her face up. "I'm sorry . . . about him. Just got carried away. I wanted to do it with you too." "We better get you home," Laura said, grabbing her purse with her driver's license in it. "Oh Mavis . . . try to get away soon! I hate not seeing you." Mavis winked playfully, seductively at her. "You miss my little black kitty?" "Oh god yes. Now come on. We don't want you to get in trouble with your mother."
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