Laura - Chapter 231
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Laura and Ada worked late one night on a report that was due, and it was nearly seven before they were finished, weary and hungry. Ada was a pleasure to work with, considerate and methodical, with no trace of The Voice, the loud, annoying twang, while they were alone. She spoke softly, and smiled often. She was actually quite lovely, and Laura found herself more and more physically stimulated by her. And this made her more nervous than ever, because wanting to sleep with your boss was a perilous impulse. Worse, Ada seemed to like Laura and began revealing more about herself. She had committed herself to this career and so had indeed, as Laura had suspected, not left any permanent romantic relationship behind in Dallas upon taking this new job. She seemed, also, a little wistful about it, but resigned. They went out for a quick meal afterward, and she got even more friendly with Laura. "So, tell me, why isn't a beautiful young woman like you married, or otherwise tied up, Laura?" she smiled across the table. For some reason, Laura had to suppress a grin. She could hear Groucho Marx in the back of her mind, saying 'Tied up? Why, I was tied up by a darling supermarket clerk just the other day, my dear.' But she quickly put that out of her thoughts, embarrassed to be remembering such kinky wonders in the presence of this sweet, very attractive woman. "I guess I'm like you. Buried in work. No time to think of romance." Ada sighed in agreement. "What'll become of us. Old maids driving our Mercedes. What do you do for fun?" You keep walking right into these, dear Ada, Laura thought, staring deeply into her large black eyes, letting her own eyes caress the phenomenally smooth dark brown skin of Ada's cheek. For fun I try my darnedest to get beautiful women like you to let me fuck them. I would so love to slide my tongue up into your lovely wet pussy. Can you read what I'm saying with my eyes? I wish you could. And maybe Ada did. She seemed briefly uncomfortable and looked away from Laura's riveting stare. "I play a little tennis. Go to a movie. You know." "I've never played tennis. Maybe you could teach me." "Gosh, that would be fun," Laura brightened up. An opportunity. She remembered playing tennis with Randi and how they had completely devoured one another after a few sweaty matches. "I'd love to." She could feel the familiar little tingle deep inside her pussy that always started when she flirted, even unobtrusively, as she was now doing. It was flirting without the object of the flirtation even knowing about it. Laura's heart and pussy fluttered with excitement at the same time. And the danger seemed to spice it up even more. Wanting to fuck your own boss! Laura thought, almost blushing right there. I really am a tramp and slut after all. Kendra's right. They parted after making plans to play tennis that weekend, and Laura hummed to herself all the way home in the car. At home she was already in her nightgown, minutes away from going to bed, when the downstairs lobby bell rang. She was a little tired and not looking forward to a visit, but the inescapable notion came over her that it could be one of the scrumptious teenagers, either Charise or Mavis, who called her at odd times since they could not always elude their mothers easily. Tired or not, Laura knew she would not turn down a chance to lie naked together with either one. But it was Deshona Reed's strangely slurred, distorted voice that came up through the speaker system. "Laura . . . you said if I ever needed to drop by, I could. Can you let me in?" "Of course." Laura buzzed open the lobby door for her. She looked at the clock. It was ten-thirty. What's she doing here at ten-thirty? Unannounced. This is very strange. Laura opened her door and looked down the hall toward the elevators, where Deshona emerged about a minute later. She was beautifully and expensively dressed, as usual. This time she wore a fur coat, a silver fox, very classy, and under it a pale mint evening dress that scooped low to reveal her considerable cleavage. As if to emphasize the beauty of her throat, her perfect clavicles, her smooth dark brown chest, and the deep valley between her large breasts—so big, as Laura often thought, for such a petite woman—Deshona wore a genuine pearl necklace, with pearl earrings to match. She actually looked stunning, but one look in her eyes told Laura that she was as drunk as a skunk. Deshona could hardly even stand up straight. "'Smatter, you never seen anybody drunk before?" she asked, her voice again slurred, too loud. She also stumbled on the carpet as Laura quickly grabbed her elbow and pulled her inside. "What happened to you?" Deshona gave her a daffy smile and giggled. "Tee martoonis and a bubble dourbon. Remember that? I had a fight with that fucking Charles, right in the middle of the fucking Carnelian Fucking Room." The look on her face was formidably wrathful, and Laura was glad she hadn't been there to experience her anger with 'Charles'. Deshona's small body became stiff again with anger just at the memory of it. She glowered at Laura. "Who's Charles?" Laura asked innocently. "Husband. Excuse me, ex-husband." Deshona smirked with a comical, inebriated cleverness. "I realize that upsets you." "Oh . . . no," Laura said, airily, aping Deshona's usual aloofness, acting as if she could care less about any of it. "Come over here and take off your coat. I'll make a pot of coffee." Deshona lurched after her, and Laura helped her out of her fur coat. "You just want me for my body, don't you," she slurred. "Just like him. You don't want my mind, just my body. You just like these big boobs, and my pretty little black pussy. You're trying to take my clothes off and—" "No, I'm not. I'm just trying to sober you up. Now come in here and sit down while I make some coffee." Deshona lurched forward and flung both arms around Laura's neck, almost sliding down Laura's body to the floor before Laura grabbed her. Even though she was clumsy drunk, the feel of her body against Laura's sent a hot current of sexual desire shooting through Laura's flesh. "Look at you in your little flannel old lady's nightie with a ruffled collar," Deshona giggled. "Always thought you wore those sexy little teddies like I see you in. Don't want no coffee, Laura. Take me in the bedroom and fuck my brains out. That's what Charles always says. Says he wants to take me home and fuck my brains out." "Is that why you had a fight?" Deshona pouted theatrically. "That . . . and some other reasons. He's a prick. Kiss me. I love you. I always loved you. He's a stinking prick and a shit." "Where did you get these marvelous pearls? They just make me want to kiss your neck," Laura murmured, kissing it. "Ooohhh, see? You do want to fuck my brains out. Come on, let's go do it. My pussy is hungry for some hot lesbian screwing." Deshona grabbed her hand and jerked Laura behind her, heading in her graceless, lurching way for Laura's bedroom. Laura, though she had to lurch too to keep up with Deshona, didn't resist. God, I do want her bad, even if she's drunk, she thought. It's been a while, and I do love her so much. All the pain of sharing Deshona with 'Charles' came rushing back into her mind and heart, as well as the pain of being separated from her. Deshona was obviously hot for it right now. Did it make sense to refuse her, even if she was a little tipsy? In Laura's bedroom both of them managed enough equilibrium to remove Deshona's jewelry, Laura carefully taking off the necklace while Deshona took care, still woozy but focusing closely, of the earrings. Laura put them on her dresser together so they could find them in the morning, for she suspected a hot night in bed was about to ensue. While she had her back to Deshona, Deshona unzipped and slithered out of her evening dress, letting it fall around her ankles. She was wearing devastatingly sexy black lace underwear, panties cut high on the thigh, bra cups dipping low under her firm round breasts. Laura was agog. Had she forgotten how beautiful this woman was? But at the same time she was troubled by the question whether Deshona had worn this underwear for 'Charles' and now was teasing Laura with it as her fall-back position. Laura knew the answer. Deshona lay down and stretched out on Laura's bed, holding out her hand as an invitation. "Come on, Laura. Get out of that granny nightgown. I'm hot and horny for you, honey. I want you to fuck me . . . five times . . . no, six." Laura could see her own hands trembling as she lifted the flannel nightgown over her head. She was consumed by sexual excitement, hungry for Deshona, hungry for her body and everything else, disappointed that Deshona was a little drunk but otherwise pulsing with hot desire for her. But by the time she stretched out next to her, Deshona had passed out. Her eyes were closed, her breathing even. In the split second it had taken Laura to disrobe and lie down, the liquor had overwhelmed Deshona and dropped her into a deep stupor. She was breathing gently, and so not dead, but completely submerged in a deep, drunken sleep. Laura kissed her shoulder, and she did not stir or give any recognition of the touch. Laura ran a gentle, caressing finger along the curve of her bra, letting it descend into the deep, alluring valley between her very round breasts, which amazingly did not slacken out even when she lay on her back. Still Deshona did not stir. "You sure are a little bitch to tempt me like this," Laura whispered, smiling. "If I did it to you six times now, you wouldn't even know it." On the other hand, she thought, maybe I could bring her out of it with a little coaxing. But then, resigned, she decided to let her sleep. Deshona was very lovely, lying there like that, completely passed out, in her sexy black lace underwear. She was, in her sleep, almost too pure to touch. Laura could only love and desire her, which she did in silence, finally pulling a loose blanket over her before getting up to shut off the lights. In the morning, she awoke and showered, humming to herself. My heart should be well-schooled,Cause I've been fooled in the past, But still I fall in love too easily, I fall in love too fast. Deshona was still asleep, having during the night rolled over onto her side and curled up in a fetal position. Laura was sitting alone at her small kitchen table a half an hour later, reading the paper, when Deshona appeared. She had found a shortie terrycloth robe in Laura's closet, one that reached only halfway down the thighs. The sash was loosely tied, and the lapels gaped open since her breasts were larger than Laura's. But Laura could clearly see that the sexy black lace bra was gone. Deshona looked frowsy and hungover but deliciously sexy. "I feel like warmed-over shit," she croaked, standing beside Laura. When Laura turned her head, she was staring almost directly into the big round balls of Deshona's wonderful breasts, only half-concealed by the flimsy terrycloth robe. "Sit down, I'll make you some scrambled eggs." Not moving, Deshona grinned down knowingly at her. "Tell me. Did you take advantage of me last night? When I was drunk? Did you have your way with me?" Laura deadpanned her. "Why should you care, if you don't remember it?" "My body is a temple," Deshona said, her voice heavily laced with irony. "Didn't they teach you that as a kid? I like to know who's worshipping in there." Instead of answering, Laura playfully moved her head forward a few inches so that her lips came to rest between Deshona's firm, half-naked breasts, pressing against the warm, flat skin between them. She kissed it sensually and with her fingers slipped loose the sash of the small bathrobe. It fell open, and she swept the thin lapels aside, filling her hands with the round, springy globes, feeling the thick, protruding bullets of Deshona's nipples against her palms. "Do you have a headache?" she inquired, softly. Deshona nodded. "Chinese gong style. Are you going to fuck me anyway?" "I think I might." "Mmmm, I was hoping you'd say that." She bent to kiss Laura's mouth, while Laura still held her naked breasts in both hands. It was a long, warm, exploratory kiss. They had not kissed in weeks, and the aching in Laura's heart was so intense that it almost hurt physically. She stood up and took Deshona in her arms, and they began kissing more heatedly. Laura still wore her own bathrobe, and Deshona's shortie one was nearly off by now. Laura ran her hands all over Deshona's smooth, warm flesh. "You don't know how hard it was to keep my hands off you last night," she panted, kissing the smooth dark skin of her neck, taking one of Deshona's small ears entirely into her mouth and slithering her tongue into it. Deshona shivered and giggled wildly. "Oh shit!" she dissolved in shivers. "You're going to make me come before we even do it!" She undid the sash of Laura's robe and slipped her hands underneath it, caressing Laura's back and her ass, squeezing Laura's buns. "You have a pretty nice ass for a white girl." "Flattery will get you everywhere." Deshona raised her hands up Laura's body to her breasts, lightly pinching Laura's nipples. "I guess the scrambled eggs'll have to wait. I'm feeling kind of runny down there . . . ready for some action." "How's your headache?" Laura asked, pulling her toward the bedroom. "I think feeling your naked body against mine is going to make it go away. Oh Laura . . . how could we stay apart so long?" It wasn't me, Laura wanted to remind her, but by then they were too involved and excited, falling on the bed and devouring each other hungrily. Again they kissed, slowly, romantically, then more passionately. They had been in love, and now they explored being in love again. He could never do for you what I can do, Laura thought, digging her fingers into Deshona's marvelous small body, driving her tongue deep into Deshona's open, receptive mouth. In truth, though, she didn't know if she was right. After all, Deshona, even after the hot affair she and Laura had had for many weeks, had gone back to her ex-husband. Their relationship still seemed to be rocky, but Laura couldn't take any comfort from that. She tried to put it out of her mind as she stroked and kissed Deshona's smooth, dark brown body feverishly, wanting to consume her and ravish her. She held Deshona's large, round breasts in her hands, finally having the opportunity to enjoy them again, running her mouth and fingers all over them. Deshona had told her that no man, including Charles, had ever made love to her breasts the way Laura did, and as usual she surrendered them to Laura eagerly, arching her back, quivering, mewling softly as Laura's tongue toyed with her jutting nipples. "Oh! Oh . . . god! Oh Laura . . . I've missed this! Yes! Suck it, please! Oh yes! Unhhhh! Bite it. Bite it like you did last time." Laura grinned up at her, holding one stippled, dark-molasses colored areola between her teeth. "You mean like this?" she said, without letting it go. Biting her lower lip, her black eyes swimming in hot lust, Deshona nodded. But the round balls of Deshona's breasts were so hard and her spreading areolas so flat against the taut surface of flesh that it was difficult even to suck the whole thing into your mouth, though Laura managed. Teasingly, she sank her teeth into the soft, sensitive corona surrounding the upthrusting nub of Deshona's nipple, making Deshona gasp. "Oh!" "Does it hurt?" "Oh! No . . . do it harder! Unhhh!" "I want to do the other one too. I love your hard, rubbery nipples." "Do the other one. Yes! Unhhh!" For the next minute, Laura moved her mouth from one wet, erect, pointing nipple to the other, back and forth, sucking, gently biting, pinching them, until Deshona was almost delirious from sexual arousal. Laura, still holding her damp breasts, slid up to kiss her mouth again. "You like that," she whispered, sultry and seductive, still tweaking Deshona's aroused nipples with her fingers. Deshona's eyes rolled up briefly, and her body shuddered sharply. "I think that was a pre-orgasm," she panted. "Oh god, Laura, nobody ever did this to me but you. I never can come this fast. Please. Don't make me wait." They lay face to face, each with her hand in the other's groin, kissing, their breasts touching, their fingers moving in a gentle, deliberate rhythm. Laura wanted to lick her exquisitely beautiful pussy, but there would be time for that. Right now, she wanted to gaze into Deshona's eyes while they fucked, wanted to do it face to face, wanted to enjoy the seizures of bliss when they were reflected in Deshona's contorted features. "Gosh, honey, I don't think I've ever felt you as wet as this," Laura whispered to her as she felt the warm juices from Deshona's overly aroused pussy flow over her fingers. She could also smell the ripe, thick, musky odors rising to her eager nose from this over-heated passion flower, and it aroused her to a thrilling degree. But Deshona was always remarkably, prodigiously wet when they did this, and even ejaculated from time to time, following an especially intense orgasm. Deshona smiled quickly, even through her half-entranced sexual delirium. "I think my hangover is making me extra horny," she panted, eyes rolling up again as Laura's finger touched a sensitive nerve. "Ahhnnn!" Laura was not exactly under-aroused herself. The feeling of Deshona's delicious naked body undulating against hers, and Deshona's fingers inside her own flooding pussy, had her wound to a tight pitch. Somehow, as often happened, looking deep into Deshona's eyes while they fucked also had the effect of raising Laura's sexual temperature a few more notches. "I love you," she whispered to Deshona, not having said it to her for a long time. For weeks. "I love you, Deshona." "Oh god, I love you, Laura! I'm going to come! Oh god! Ahhnnn! Yes!" "Oh, not yet!" Laura breathed. "I don't want you to come yet. I want it to last." "I don't know if I can help it," Deshona panted, now gyrating her hips more frantically, pushing her wet pussy hard into Laura's hand. "Put your finger into my ass. Like you did last time. Unhhh! Oh god . . . it's so good with you!" "You told me never to do that again," Laura whispered, still gazing deep in her eyes, whenever they rolled down in a brief respite from her sexual transports. Deshona's eyes, stunned and pulsing from urgent sexual needs, narrowed momentarily. "You better do it. God, please do it, Laura! I've never been so horny." Laura kissed her smooth cheek, her neck, her ear, slipping her tongue into it again at the risk of making Deshona come before she got all that she wanted. "How can I refuse you?" she whispered rhetorically. Deshona shivered sharply as Laura's tongue invaded her ear, and this brought her hand in Laura's crotch jerking up, jabbing her fingers deeper into Laura's pussy and simultaneously rubbing the bone of one finger against Laura's swollen clit. Laura just about went over the deep end. "Unhhh!" she gasped. "Oh!" "Do it quick, Laura, I'm going to come!" "Me too!" "Do it!" Deshona's crotch was already so wet and warm, buttery and slippery, that it was no trouble for Laura to slip her forefinger out of the girl's snug slit and slide it up between her buns, where with a little push it popped easily into her asshole. Laura immediately drove it up deep into her ass. Deshona's eyes rolled up again. "Ohhnngg! Yes!" Now they were both almost coming already, just teetering dangerously on the edge of a ferocious shared explosion. They were pumping, gyrating, kissing, whimpering and panting in a fierce, urgent heat, hurtling closer and closer to the ultimate spasm. Laura managed to get her thumb into Deshona's squirmy, greasy pussy where her finger had been, so that now she was gripping the girl rather like she were holding a bowling ball, with a finger up Deshona's ass and a thumb in her cunt. This allowed her to push and pull hard with her hand, fucking Deshona in a quick burst of rapid, plunging motions. It was enough to tip Deshona over the edge, and she began to come in torrents, flexing and groaning as a fierce, throttling orgasm suddenly gripped her writhing body. "Ummmnnghhiiieeee!" she cried out, clutching Laura's naked back with her free hand, her nails digging spastically into Laura's flesh. "Ungghh! Oh! Aunnghhhhhh! Onngghmmmnnggiieeeee! Oh shit! Oh! Unngghhhiieee!" Her stiff jerking and wild seizures as she was coming made her hand dig and pump in Laura's pussy, bringing Laura off at nearly the same instant. "Oh god . . . baby . . . baby!" Laura gasped. "Oh god, I love you, Deshona! Unghh! Oh yes! Unngghhh! Auunngghhhiiieee!" They clung together, coming in repeated, shattering implosions of scalding pleasure, their eyes catching in fleeting glimpses as both were transported by the hot paroxysms of their orgasms. The expression of overwhelming rapture on Deshona's face was the sight Laura had been craving, and she managed during her own climax to let her eyes linger on it, drinking in each sharp grimace of intense pleasure. Both took a long time to surface from the tumult of this heated explosion. Finally, the hot sexual fog began to lift, and they began to stir, untangling their bodies slowly. "Ohhhhhh!" Deshona shuddered, as Laura started to remove her forefinger from the girl's very tight asshole. "Oh god . . . I'm coming again! Laura, wait!" Smiling, Laura held her while she quivered silently in the grip of a sharp aftershock, which seemed to last a good half minute. Finally, she relaxed, shaking her head and smiling at Laura in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I've never come so hard before, I think. Even with you." "Hold on, now. There." Laura extracted her finger and wiped it on a towel. "Even with me?" She couldn't help pressing the issue. Deshona nodded. "Nobody ever made me come as hard or as fast as you do. Or as often, either." "Not even Charles?" Laura asked, slyly. "Certainly not him. That prick." "Mmmm," Laura nuzzled her neck lovingly, squeezing her hard round breasts again with both hands. "I love to hear that. I'd love to make you come again too, but I've got to get to work." Deshona pouted. "I forgot it's a workday. God, my head is beginning to throb again." She frowned and raised her fingers to her brow. Laura was actually very reluctant to get up and get dressed. She wanted more, as always. She loved fucking with Deshona, and the orgasms they had just shared were more intense than ever. Deshona clearly felt the same way since she began caressing Laura again, kissing her, fondling her naked breasts, trying to coax Laura to stay. "Maybe only fucking will make the hangover go away," Laura whispered to her, caressing her peerless back while Deshona's lips began to toy with her aching nipples. "I think the hangover is making me hornier than ever, like I said. I can't believe it. I never came that hard. Those aftershocks were amazing. And I still want you to do me again. I want to spend the day with you, right here." Laura looked glum. "I've got work that has to get done. But I can spare another hour." Deshona smiled ambiguously. "You might have to spend a little longer. I don't have any way to get home. I took a cab here last night, after my fight with Charles." Laura shrugged. "I'm glad you didn't drive. You were in pretty bad shape." "I must've been if you didn't even try to take advantage of me when I was drunk." "I like it better when you give it back as well as take it." Now Deshona's mouth on Laura's breasts became more aggressive, insistent. She sucked one of Laura's nipples into it deep. Her teeth gently ringed Laura's areola, threatening, making Laura's breath quicken. "I think I'm going to give it back right now," Deshona breathed, looking up at Laura from beneath her long eyelashes. "I think we're both going to give it back. Again," Laura said, pulling her up and kissing her mouth almost savagely. Both were amazed by the heat they still felt for one another. The intensity of their earlier orgasms had been shocking, but it had done nothing to slake their passion. They had spent long hours in bed together earlier in their relationship, and the intimate knowledge they had gained of each other's body paid off for them in the skill they used on each other. Deshona might be a little hungover, but it didn't keep her from rolling Laura onto her back and swarming over her like a whirlwind of lust. She kissed and stroked Laura's naked body feverishly, sucking her nipples and french-kissing her navel, caressing Laura's belly and her thighs, pushing them apart, revealing the hot, oozing crease between them. "Oh, I have missed this beautiful pussy, beautiful Laura's beautiful pussy," she purred, parting the wet, swollen vulva with her fingertips and running the tip of her tongue up and down both sides. Laura was in ninth heaven, holding the sides of Deshona's head with both hands as Deshona lovingly licked and tongue-fucked her aching slit. She didn't know whether heaven could ever be as good as this. Deshona loved her, Deshona was making love to her pussy with exquisite skill and a passion that grew by the second. The only thing she wanted in addition was the chance to do the same thing back to Deshona. "Oh god . . . I want you too!" she gasped, pulling Deshona up by the arms, kissing her ravenously. "I want to sixty-nine you. I need your beautiful pussy too." A happy smile spread quickly across Deshona's face. "Sounds like that might lead to more pleasure than either one of us can bear," she said in a smoky voice. "I'm willing to risk it if you are." "My little clit is already singing to you and your tongue, Laura," Deshona breathed. "It's singing 'Lick me . . . suck me!' Can you hear it? Top or bottom?" Laura smiled back, flirting. "I'm already on the bottom." With a sly, promising grin, Deshona slowly turned her body around, straddling Laura's head with her silky black thighs. She lowered her lovely pussy, gaping and sculptured like the dark curling folds of a beautiful shell with a wet coral-pink interior, to Laura's waiting lips, bringing her own mouth down again to Laura's hot, festering pussy at the same time. They began slowly, even though both were already overheated, in spite of their recent climaxes. But their love affair had endured a few traumas of late: Deshona's discovery of Laura with Randi, her apparent stabs at a reconciliation with her ex-husband, which had wounded Laura deeply. This, in contrast to their earlier frantic fucking, was a slow, expressive process they used to heal the injuries they had inflicted on one another. The feel of Deshona's large, round breasts pushing into her belly, punctuated by the hard pebbly nubs of her nipples poking into the smooth skin, aroused Laura almost as much at first as the painstaking skill of the tip of Deshona's tongue as it explored every corner of her pulsing wet cunt. She ran her fingertips along Deshona's gorgeous smooth back, suddenly groaning as Deshona's tongue took a teasing, preliminary stab at her clit, which was already throbbing and swollen again. "Anngghh!" she gasped, stiffening and squirming with intense pleasure. "Mmmm, you like that?" Deshona asked. "You want more?" "Ohhhnnnn!" Laura moaned. "I want everything! I want to eat you alive!" Deshona, grinning ear to ear, looked back over her shoulder at Laura, whose eyes fluttered open long enough to catch her grin. "Just my pussy will be fine, girl. You go right ahead and have your fill of it, hear?" Laura smiled back at her. She moved her hands forward, cupping Deshona's delectable naked buns in her hands and pushing down, bringing the girl's flowing, inflamed cleft down into her lips. At the same time, she slithered her tongue up into the sopping-wet trench, and Deshona herself went wild, groaning and quivering as Laura had been doing seconds ago. "Oh god . . . oh god, yes, Laura! Oh god! Unhhhh!" she panted, her breath whistling as she sucked it past her clenched teeth. From this point on, it was hard for them both to restrain their overheated ardor. They had been mainly working with their mouths and their hands on one another, but now the rising heat made them move the rest of their bodies together, which only heightened their excitement as they felt their flesh rubbing. Laura explored the delicious, wet, glistening red seam of Deshona's beautiful pussy excitedly with her tongue, pulling apart the glossy black labia and slithering her whole tongue in deep, pinching and squeezing the girl's perfect, hard little asscheeks and slipping her fingers threateningly into the crack between them, feeling Deshona's small, silky body shudder in response, hearing her nearly uncontrollable moaning. Both of them were again flooding with thick, aromatic, warm juices, writhing and sliding together, their fingers digging into each other's ass, their mouths searching, sucking, probing, pulling, their tongues stabbing and flicking. Deshona was always abundantly wet and slippery, but now the sexual heat and excitement had Laura flowing and oozing strongly too, and Deshona coated her forefinger with Laura's cunt juices and easily slid it up into Laura's ass, as Laura had earlier done to her. "Unghhh!" Laura grunted softly, tears springing to her eyes. "Oh . . . yes! Unghhhh!" She realized that this coupled with the fantastic sensations of Deshona's mouth on her sensitive pussy was going to make her come like an exploding rocket in only a few more seconds. She could already feel the incredible pressure swelling within her body, within her raging blood. The two of them seemed to be moving and undulating together as one body, their flesh infinitely sensitive to the slightest pressure, their cunts throbbing in response to the most intimate kisses and penetrations. The pungent, ripe, musky odors of Deshona's buttery pussy mingled in Laura's nose and nearly made her come just from the smell. Her head whirled with them, and she sucked them eagerly into her nostrils, wanting more, wanting to drown in them, feeling her already sizzling blood approach the volcanic eruption point. Being on the bottom, she got a full view of Deshona's delectable naked bottom swirling above her face as she sucked and tongued the girl's dripping, inflamed slit, and she couldn't keep her fingers from caressing the gorgeous round moons, so exquisitely paired and formed, clenching excitedly as Deshona too approached an orgasm. The puckered, wrinkled orifice of Deshona's pretty little anus, which Laura had earlier invaded with her finger as Deshona was now doing to her own, winked at her from the deep crease between Deshona's marvelous smooth buttocks, and Laura could not resist. Deshona's asshole was still partially greased from the earlier invasion, and her warm cunt juices seemed to be flowing everywhere, coating Laura's tongue and lips, so that it was an easy matter to pass her finger through them, lubricating it again, on its way into the dark valley. "Oh! Ummgghh!" Deshona gasped, suddenly freezing, then undulating more urgently as she felt Laura's long forefinger re-enter her backtrack and slide up into her ass. "Ohhnn . . . god Laura, yes!" And now it was a frantic race for the finish line. They were locked together in an upside down embrace, and their bodies began quaking, rocking, pumping, shuddering, as they both brought each other up simultaneously to a crushing climax. Laura drove her finger into Deshona's ass, feeling Deshona's finger twist and probe her own, and she sucked the girl's clit between her lips, and more of Deshona's warm, dripping pussy, sucking her cuntlips into her mouth too. Deshona went wild, writhing and whinnying crazily on top of Laura, returning the favor by devouring Laura's throbbing, jangling clit almost as violently, sucking part of Laura's pussy into her mouth too. The terrible and wonderful thing about sixty-nine, Laura recalled in little flashes of recognition through the wild, swirling, hot sexual turmoil they were both locked in at the moment, was that you and your partner were both about to lose it at any second and go hurtling into the vortex of a killing orgasm, and yet you had to keep helping the other get there too, preferably at the same instant. In this case, though, it seemed not to matter since both were wound so tight, and groping and sucking and penetrating each other so urgently, that they seemed to ignite in the same second. One second they were still gasping and mewling and feverishly fucking each other, and the next second they were both squealing uncontrollably in the throes of sharp, repeated, fiercely intense jolts and shocks and spasms of a sensation almost too severe to be called pleasure. "Mmnngghiieeee!" Laura erupted, her mouth falling open to emit her sharp squeals, but her tongue still feverishly stroking Deshona's clit. Deshona groaned suddenly, and then her body rumbled and jerked, and equally uncontrollable squeals came from her throat. "Anngghh! Ohnngg! Unh! Ummnngghiieee!" she squealed, her body now undulating wildly and flexing on top of Laura, who could feel the hard big bullets of Deshona's nipples almost scraping across the smooth skin of her stomach. Even though their moaning and squealing momentarily occupied their mouths, each girl still had her finger up the other's ass, and in the middle of their orgasms they began to fuck each other more rapidly. Neither seemed to be able to get enough of the fierce, jolting orgasms they were experiencing, and they devoured and fucked each other frantically, wanting more, more, until a second spasm suddenly wrenched them in tandem. Without warning this time, Deshona came again, whinnying deep in her chest as an unmercifully intense climax shattered her writhing body. She spewed too, her pussy gushing suddenly onto Laura's lips and tongue just as Laura herself was wrenched again by a second killer orgasm, which seemed to center all sensation on Deshona's forefinger, which was embedded deep in her throbbing asshole. The warm pussy juices that drenched her face somehow had the effect of making her come even harder, so that she was still reeling from a crushing ecstasy when the panting Deshona climbed off her body and collapsed beside her, rolling onto her back. "Ahhhhh!" Deshona sighed, so loudly that it was almost a moan. "Oh god! Oh god, Laura, fucking with you is like nothing else in life." Still stunned herself, panting, her blood still pounding, Laura could feel her asshole clenching in the aftershocks of her orgasm, even though Deshona's finger was now no longer inside it. She grinned as Deshona looked at the shiny cunt juices that still streaked her chin and lips and cheeks. "Oh god, I did it again!" Deshona cried, her face contorting in anguish. Quickly, she grabbed a corner of the sheet and wiped off Laura's face. Laura reached up and took her hand, the one holding the sheet. She gazed deeply into Deshona's black eyes. "I wish you could come all over my whole body," she said, solemnly. "I mean it." Deshona was momentarily paralyzed by this frank admission, drinking it in. Then she grinned wryly. "I know you would, you pervert. That's why I have to protect you from yourself. Yeuuchhh! Pussy juice in the face! It makes me want to puke." "Not me," Laura said, caressing her cheek. "It makes me want to lick the pussy it came from all over again." "We've done enough pussy-licking for one day, girl. At least you put my hangover in the shade for sure. I feel like a million bucks." She leaned over and kissed Laura, a deeply affectionate kiss, the kind of kiss that had frequently convinced Laura of her deep and abiding love. Then, days later, Deshona would seem as frosty as she once had been and inform Laura that she was seeing her ex-husband. The emotional turmoil was harrowing, but the kiss was sweet and very sincere, and Laura had to put aside her doubts once again, at least for the moment. "Come on, I'll take you home. But I can't stay. I have to get back to work. You may be a principal in your business, but I'm just a lowly director and they could fire me in a minute." In the car on the way down to Burlingame, on their way to the house in the woods where Laura and Deshona had nearly burned up the bed during many weekends of incredibly hot fucking, Deshona popped the question. "Why don't you quit and come to work for me?" Laura gulped. The thought of such a thing had never occurred to her. And it also made her very uncomfortable, for obvious reasons. She adored Deshona but didn't trust her. The business with the ex-husband just lacerated Laura's emotions. And secretly, she knew she could never give up her desire for some of her other girlfriends. Plus, working directly for Deshona would make her very vulnerable, more than she could bear. "I'll . . . think about it," she said, but they both knew it was impossible. She turned her face to Deshona and winked. "We'd be in bed instead of at work half the time." "Or all the time," Deshona beamed back. "You are making my pussy wet again, girl. What is it about you?" But in the driveway of Deshona's house was parked a snazzy black Corvette. Uh oh, the husband, Laura thought, glumly. Deshona knew what she was thinking. "Will you be safe?" Laura asked, taking both of Deshona's hands in hers. "I love you. He won't hit your or anything, will he?" Deshona shook her head. "He doesn't know a thing about us." "I want to kiss you." Laura could feel her eyes tearing up. "Better not." Deshona was now clipped, restrained, not quite the Ice Queen that Randi loved to sneer about, but certainly a very cool customer, impressively in control after their morning of deliciously hot fucking. She got out of the car without letting Laura catch her eyes. Almost nonchalantly, she spoke to Laura over her shoulder as she headed for the door. "Call me at the office." "Sure . . . okay," Laura said, half-audibly, before turning the car around and driving off.
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