Laura - Chapter 230
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Tamara did not show up at work again for three days. Laura stewed and fumed, knowing the girl was being aggressively and exhaustively screwed by the linebacker. Stewart. Is she lying there on her back thinking of me? she wondered. She said she loved me. On the other hand, she isn't very deep. Maybe for her: out of sight, out of mind. She's letting Stewart plough her pretty little love chute, and I'm the last thing on her mind. Laura tried not to think about it. Instead, she went over her evening with Tiffany in detail, reliving each exquisite moment. Only now did she allow herself to feel the shadow of guilt for having fucked Damon without Tiffany's knowledge, an event that she feared might have bad consequences if it were known. Tiffany was artless and exuberant and loved to fuck, but she might be less enthusiastic about it if she knew Laura had spent a thrilling sexual evening with her boyfriend. But Tiffany didn't seem suspicious. On the other hand, Laura had a visit from Kendra when she got home that evening, and Kendra was a volcano waiting to blow. She knocked on Laura's door about six-thirty, just as Laura was fixing something to eat. As usual, Kendra looked ravishing. Her hard, glossy, shapely body was well-displayed in a tight pale blue sheath dress that dipped low to show off her deep cleavage. Just passing her on the street, Laura knew, would have been enough to set Laura's blood simmering. But she knew from the fiery look in Kendra's eyes that they might have screwed for the last time. "Laura, Jane says she ran into Marshall here night before last. That true?" "How would I know?" "I think you know. I think you know a lot. I think you know you been crossing the line. You hear what I'm saying?" Laura wanted to calm her down, to be conciliatory. Anything to make it better, to make Kendra less angry, suspicious. "Maybe you should keep your voice down. Why don't you come in and have a drink. Tell me what's bothering you." Kendra glowered at her. "How can you stand there and say 'what's bothering you' with a straight face? You know what the fuck is bothering me, you little perverted dyke." "Kendra . . . please," Laura said, looking up and down the hallway. "Come in here. Please." Kendra stepped inside, and Laura closed the door. Even though Kendra was angry, apparently devoured by jealousy, Laura wanted her. Somehow the bristling energy and hot, nearly choleric fury of her anger made her wildly attractive and desirable to Laura. It made Kendra's muscular body tense and lithe and fiercely erotic, and Laura knew if they fucked now, it would be an almost deadly conflagration. She knew she couldn't hide her desire either, because her eyes caressed Kendra's bare, dark brown shoulders, her throat, the valley between her hard breasts, her shapely arms, her gleaming black calves. "And you can quit looking at me like that!" Kendra spat. "I'm so sorry I ever came down here and met you in the first place. You are a menace, Laura. You will fuck anything in sight, won't you. Or should I say, anything that's black. Male or female or child." Ouch! Laura thought. She's playing pretty rough. Her wince must have been visible because it only goaded Kendra into more. "Thought it was bad enough when you seduced my baby," she said, growling under her breath. "Now you got Marshall in your filthy perverted clutches too." Her eyes glowed red. Laura had never seen her so angry. The erotic tension between them was amazing and intense, now complicated by guilt and accusation, especially Laura's deep and obvious guilt at having done everything Kendra accused her of. "I ought to slap the shit out of you, you bitch," Kendra sneered. "You goddamned lily white candy ass lesbian sex fiend!" "Go ahead," Laura said. "If it'll make you feel better." Kendra gritted her teeth. Even hotter fire shot through her eyes, as if she hated to be tempted. Her hand flew up and smashed Laura across the cheek before either one of them quite knew what was happening. It was a sharply stinging slap, and Laura recoiled, tears springing to her eyes. Her face flared with hot pain. "Owwww!" she cried out, lifting her own hand to her cheek. Kendra's face had not softened. Her anger was not relieved. She shook her head. "You cunt. You . . . baby-fucker!" Her hand came up again toward Laura's face, almost instinctively. Laura managed to dodge it this time, but she did not count on Kendra's other hand, which flew into her other cheek, smashing her so hard that she fell and stumbled against the wall next to the door. Oh god . . . oh shit, she thought. She really wants to hurt me. Realizing that she had to defend herself, she lashed out with the back of one hand and caught Kendra across the mouth. One of her knuckles smashed into Kendra's lower lip, cutting it against her teeth, and a streak of blood quickly appeared, running down her lip to her chin. In disbelief, Kendra wiped it away with her finger and looked at the blood. "You cunt!" she snarled. "Ain't it enough that you tried to turn my baby into a lesbian?" She lunged at Laura, who ducked away, retreating into the living room. "And then you have to be fucking my man too? Ain't you got enough nigger slave girls to lick that white twat, Laura? You have to steal away everything else too? You decide to have a thing about big black cocks now?" She was slowly stalking Laura now, and Laura circled the big white sofa in front of the window, the same one on which she had disrobed and ravished so many lovely girls, including Jane, which Kendra was now accusing her of. Oh god, she's absolutely right! Laura realized. But it wasn't personal. She wanted to tell her that. "He helped," she croaked softly, backing away from Kendra. It was all she could say. "Ain't a brother in the world who'd turn down that pretty white pussy if you be waving it at him, Laura," Kendra said, with harrowing disgust. "Kendra, please, let's just talk this over." Laura could see the blood dripping again down Kendra's chin onto her dress, making ugly red splotches. Kendra saw her eyes and looked down too. "Oh shit . . . look what you've done to my dress, you bitch!" she snarled. "Goddamned dress cost me a hundred and twenty bucks." "You should take it off and soak it in cold water. Quick. I'll help you." Laura had approached her, trying to be conciliatory, thinking Kendra's anger had dissipated somewhat. But she was wrong. Her eyes fiery, Kendra grabbed Laura's arm and twisted it behind her back, hard, encircling Laura's throat with her other forearm at the same time. "Ouch! Ungghhh! Oh shit . . . Kendra, you're hurting me!" Laura cried out. Pain shot through her arm. She was terrified. Kendra was very strong, as Laura knew from having fucked with her, and luxuriated in the feel of her powerful body, muscular and hard from so much working out. This was a physically strong woman who could hurt you badly, if she wanted to. "You cunt!" Kendra growled into her ear. "I ought to break it. Look how you fucked up my dress! Fuck my baby, fuck my man, and fuck up my dress! You tramp! You fucking white fucking whore . . . you fucking lesbo racist pervert!" She twisted Laura's arm, half-choking her with her other arm at the same time. "Unngghh! Owww! Please . . . Kendra, please!" Laura gasped, whimpering, and yet fiercely aroused sexually at the same time. "You're really hurting me. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to do it! Please, let me go!" For a second, Kendra didn't move or respond. Laura wondered if she too were experiencing the electric sexual charge that was shooting through Laura's body. She couldn't help lowering her mouth so that her lips brushed Kendra's hard, sleek forearm, kissing Kendra's smooth black skin and hard arm muscle tentatively. Kendra's arm flexed, and her breath quickened. Again, she choked Laura and twisted Laura's other arm sharply. "Owwhnnggg!" Laura cried out. "Oh shit!" "You have to bring everything back to that, don't you!" Kendra spat. "It's all about fucking to you, ain't it!" By now tears were pouring down Laura's cheeks, real ones, not fake. "You're hurting me so bad. I can't help it . . . ." She turned her tear-stained face, looking over her shoulder at Kendra. Looking into Laura's welling eyes, Kendra suddenly released her hold on Laura's arm. With her other hand, she spun Laura's body around and grabbed her in a fierce embrace. Her blood-smeared mouth came down on Laura's, and they began kissing like crazed wild animals, more aggressively and demandingly than they had ever kissed. "I hate you . . . you bitch!" Kendra swore, still kissing Laura hungrily, digging her fingers sharply into Laura's back through her loose tee shirt, again causing Laura pain, but this time pain that further charged her sexual excitement. "You do not . . . you love me," Laura panted, kissing her back with equally ravenous passion. "Oh . . . why do you have this effect on me?" Kendra asked, kissing, half-biting, Laura's neck, raising both hands to Laura's breasts and squeezing them mercilessly through the tee shirt, so hard that Laura again gasped in pain. "Owwnnchhh! Ow that hurts!" "You cunt!" "You're hurting me! Please stop hurting me." Kendra, feverish now with clearly overpowering lust for Laura, but still enraged, glowered at her, red-eyed. She raised her hand and slapped Laura again, hard, across the cheek. "I'm gonna hurt you a lot more, you bitch!" Laura tried to grab her, mainly to prevent being struck again, and they wrestled, falling to the floor in front of the big sofa. At the same time, Laura could feel her own rage, as well as her sexual arousal, swelling inside her. Kendra had hurt her, and she felt a sharp urge to hurt Kendra back. They rolled and coiled together, struggling and twisting. Laura got hold of Kendra's red-gold hair and pulled, and Kendra somehow got one thigh between Laura's legs and began ramming the hard muscle up into Laura's crotch. Even though it hurt, the feeling sent Laura nearly over the edge into sexual mania. It reminded her—as she knew it also reminded Kendra—of the times Kendra had fucked her that way, the way she had first done it with Brandi Pearson. 'My thigh would be honored to go where Ms. Olympia's thigh has gone,' Kendra had said, and Laura had nearly perished in the throes of several crushing orgasms. She was close to one now from the very excitement of it all. "I want you. God, I want you to fuck me," she panted in a guttural, animalistic plea to Kendra. "Please!" "Oh Laura," Kendra's eyes rolled up. "You are one evil white bitch." "You want to."
Kendra reached down and pulled up Laura's tee shirt, pulling it over Laura's head as Laura raised her arms. Laura was wearing only the shirt and shorts, no bra, and Kendra scooped up her breasts in both hands. "You sure have some beauties," she said, shaking her head. "I wish I didn't want you back so much. You are such a little shit and a slut. You trying to ruin my life, girl." Laura let one hand caress Kendra's thigh, the one still wedged between her legs, the one Kendra had been grinding up into her pussy. It was a marvelous thigh, glossy and hard and shapely and black, coiled muscle, lithe power, tense and alive. While Kendra lowered her mouth to Laura's breasts and began to suck her nipples thirstily, Laura ran the zipper of the blue sheath dress down Kendra's back. With the dress now open, she had only a brief moment to unfasten the clasp of Kendra's bra before the sensations Kendra's mouth aroused in her throbbing nipples overcame her. "Unhhhh! Oh god! Oh god yes, you can do it harder," she panted, looking down at Kendra, who was squeezing and sucking her breasts more roughly by the second. "You bitch, I'm gonna fuck you so hard . . . you bitch," Kendra repeated over and over. "If you keep saying that . . . I'm going to think you mean it," Laura gasped. "Unhhh! Oh . . . oh!" Kendra pulled back momentarily. She merely glowered at Laura with her now-familiar mixture of urgent lust and barely controlled fury. She and Laura quickly removed the rest of their clothes hurriedly, then grabbed each other like two wrestlers, groping, squeezing, embracing, lying down again on the floor. It was as if they didn't trust themselves to speak but had to fuck quickly and heatedly, just to clear the air. Laura was on her back, with the more aggressive Kendra on top of her, now sucking and pinching Laura's wet, erect nipples so hard that Laura could barely keep from crying out. She ran her hands all over Kendra's firm, sleek body, arching her back, dying to feel the hard thigh between her legs again, exulting in the feeling of having funneled Kendra's shocking anger into this feverish, hungry lust. "Fuck me with it . . . fuck me with it . . . unnhhhh!" she chanted to Kendra, running her fingers up and down the hard, flexing muscle of Kendra's thigh, feeling the warm juice flood her hungry pussy. "Fuck me . . . hurry!" "You gonna get everything you ask for," Kendra panted, drawing her sleek, gleaming dark leg up between Laura's pale thighs. "Everything." Even though Laura's pussy was already a gaping hot-pink cauldron of burbling fuck-juice, Kendra used both thumbs to open her cuntlips even wider, exposing the slick wet inner flesh of Laura's vagina, all glistening and runny and swollen. Then she brought her thigh up into it quickly, embedding the long, sharp ridge of hard muscle along the top right in Laura's vulnerable slit. Laura nearly fainted from pleasure when she felt the smooth, sleek skin and hard strip of muscle press into her open cunt. "Anngghhh!" she groaned, eyes rolling up, back arching. "Oh god!" Both knew that it wouldn't be long from here to the finish since Laura was nearly delirious with hot, urgent passion and need. On top of that, Kendra really did mean to fuck her savagely, and she began doing it almost immediately. She gave Laura only a few seconds to enjoy the intimate contact of her thigh and Laura's splayed, runny cunt, and then she began moving her leg, ramming it up sharply into Laura's groin. "Ungh! Unghhh! Ohnnggg!" Laura groaned softly with each thrust, feeling the thick, hard, corded muscle of Kendra's thigh mash into her pussy, crushing her throbbing clit with each fierce blow. And in addition to thigh-raping her, Kendra took both of Laura's breasts in her hands and began to twist and pinch Laura's tender, damp, erect nipples viciously, watching Laura's face and enjoying every wince, every grimace, every cry of pain mixed with acute, nearly unbearable masochistic pleasure. To Laura it hurt like hell, but the added stimulation nearly drove her over the edge. She began churning her hips, pushing her aching pussy up into each crunching thrust of Kendra's hard thigh, grunting and moaning and twisting wildly under the fierce, punishing strokes, closer and closer to a killing climax. And Laura's wild fuck-mania seemed to arouse Kendra's lust and fury even more. She started whooping insanely, her face crazed with anger and torn with sexual need too, and she flung herself down onto Laura. With both hands she scooped up one of Laura's breasts and fed Laura's nipple into her mouth, digging her teeth into it so that Laura yelped hysterically. "Annghiiee! Owwnncchhh oh shit!" Laura gasped. A hot jolt of piercing sexual pleasure shot through her, reminiscent of the times Karen had bitten her nipples while fucking her senseless, times when she had erupted in excruciating orgasms that seemed to rip her poor, palpitating body into shreds of pulsing, throbbing flesh. She had done this too with Brandi, though Brandi would never have bitten her, but the grinding and pumping of Kendra's hard, muscular thigh into the wet trench of her flaming pussy reminded her body of the same kind of brutal fucking she had so gratefully received from Brandi on several occasions. Only five seconds of this had her screaming and coming in shattering, wrenching convulsions, her body jackknifing under Kendra's powerful sexual assault. "Unngghmmnnggiieeee!" Laura screamed, coming in hot, clenching spasms, hammering her elbows into the carpet, writhing and groaning and coming again. "Auungghhnnmmggiieeee! Oh god! Ungghh! Unghhh!" Kendra was still powerfully fucking her as if she had not even been coming, ramming her thigh up into Laura's aching, spasming pussy, bunching up Laura's breasts in both hands and mauling Laura's throbbing nipples with her mouth and teeth. A third, horribly deep and scalding, orgasm engulfed Laura, brought on by this continuing brutal attack, and she now nearly passed out in the grip of it, gasping and squeaking and gagging for breath as her body shuddered in excruciating rapture. Finally, Kendra slowed and stopped, releasing Laura's aching flesh, though Laura could still feel the imprint of her savage fingers where they had clutched her. She had not been raped like this in a while, and she sighed in disbelief as her senses began to return to normal, and she realized what had happened. She looked at Kendra, who was now sitting between Laura's slack, splayed legs, looking down at the shiny wet spot on her gleaming black thigh where Laura's copious cunt juices were smeared over her skin. "You got one wet pussy, girl," she said, in mock awe, to Laura, suddenly free of the spite and fury and fierce lust she had just expended on Laura's poor body. "There's towels in the bedroom," Laura said wearily, touching her nipples with one fingertip to see how sore they really were. "'There's towels in the bedroom,'" Kendra mimicked her, making a face. "'All us lesbian sex maniac child molesters keep towels in the bedroom to mop up after wet pussies. And big black spurting dicks.'" Laura winced. Clearly the anger wasn't gone. It had only been briefly in abeyance. Laura didn't know exactly why she herself could still feel this way, especially after three crushing orgasms—probably the usual hunger for Kendra's fantastic naked body—but she flung herself forward before she really knew what she was doing, almost tackling Kendra, though from a sitting position, bringing her down onto her back, with Laura on top this time. "You bitch, you raped me hard, you didn't have to rape me so hard," she panted, kissing Kendra everywhere and squeezing her amazing hard breasts roughly. Kendra frowned and struggled. "Let go, you let go of me, Laura, don't touch me! You ain't touching me . . . now let go, you pervert!" She writhed and wriggled, but Laura knew how strong Kendra was and knew that she could put up more resistance if she really had wanted to escape. She also knew that she herself would be wetter than the ocean after fucking someone as torridly as Kendra had just fucked her, and she slid her hand quickly down to Kendra's crotch, finding a wet, gooey mat of hair and warm, oozing cuntlips, slippery and gaping. You want it, darling, and are you ever going to get it, she thought . "Oh! Unhhh! What are you doing!" Kendra cried out, as if she didn't know exactly what Laura was doing. "Leave my pussy alone! Nobody who let Marshall fuck her is gon' touch my pussy!" For some reason, this response turned Laura into a blazing whirlwind of fiery passion and revenge. She flung herself forward onto Kendra's body, grabbing one hard round breast and digging her fingers into the spongy ball, sucking Kendra's black nipple deep into her mouth, then pinching it hard with her fingers as she sank her teeth into Kendra's wide areola. At almost the same instant, she formed her small hand into a fist and pushed it up into the warm, greasy channel of Kendra's swollen, puckered pussy, twisting it and driving it in deep. Kendra's body stiffened. A sharp, strangled little cawing sound got caught deep in her throat. She wanted to scream or cry out, but the shock of Laura's passion-assault half-paralyzed her. Laura was all over her in a fuck-frenzy, squeezing and sucking and biting her gorgeous breasts, ramming her hand up into Kendra's pussy, heatedly assaulting her in a way Kendra had never experienced from her before, fucking her just as hard and aggressively as she could. "Awwonngg! Unggh! Auunghh!" Kendra groaned, her sleek, muscular body writhing and arching in spite of her anger at Laura. "Let me . . . awwoonnggg! Let me go! Unghh! Oh . . . Laura, unghhh! Oh god, that hurt! Unghh! Awwonnnggg!" Laura usually felt a remarkable and paradoxical intimacy when she fist-fucked one of her lovers, or had it done to her, but this time it was a rapist mania that gripped her. Just as Kendra had raped her, she now raped Kendra back, plunging her fist deep into Kendra's tight pussy, and biting her nipples so hard that Kendra began to beat her own fists against Laura's head, finally screaming and twisting to get away. She writhed and squirmed, but Laura held on, knowing that Kendra was already so aroused that she couldn't stop herself from coming very soon. "Ohhngggg . . . oh god shit . . . you're gonna make me come!" Kendra wailed, beating Laura's head with her fists, but also pumping her plundered pussy up into the strokes of Laura's fist, groaning when it sank deep into her tight slit. "Ungghh! Owwnnhhh! Oh god! You bitch! You . . . fucking dyke! Unghhh!" "You're going to come!" Laura panted, fucking her harder, sucking one of her stiff, wet black nipples again, tearing it at passionately with her mouth. "God . . . yes!" Kendra gave in. "God, yes . . . I am! Oh Laura . . . oh oh!" "Now?" "Oh god, yes! Do it hard! Hard! Ungghhh!" During the next few seconds their striving, flexing, glistening, sweating bodies almost became one body in the surging, clawing, pumping violence of a sexual union they had certainly never shared until now. Laura bunched up one of Kendra's marvelous breasts in her hand, squeezing it so sharply that Kendra's nipple swelled up like an overripe, shiny black plum. Then Laura nearly swallowed it, ramming her hand deep into Kendra's pussy at the same, rubbing the edge of her wrist against Kendra's erect clit, feeling the very depths of Kendra's delicious, slippery body shudder as Kendra began to come. Even though for all Laura knew Jane might be home upstairs, listening to her mother getting brutally raped and ravished in Laura's apartment, there was no way Kendra could hold back her screams of ecstacy, any more than Laura had held back her own when Kendra's hard thigh had been crushing her pussy into shocking rapture. Kendra's body buckled and flexed and shook violently as the shockwaves struck her. "Auungghiiimmnngghiieeee!" she screamed, undulating, churning, groaning, coming again, hammering her elbows against the carpet as Laura continued to fuck her hard. Laura was not willing to settle for merely one orgasm, and she plunged her fist deep again into Kendra's pussy, grabbing her other bobbing, beautiful breast and nearly swallowing that nipple too. "Unhh! Unhhh!" she grunted softly, ramming her hand into Kendra's body, feeling Kendra erupt again in a second powerful climax that knocked the breath right out of her. Kendra lay twitching and whimpering, sucking air, trying to get her breath, her body still straining and quivering as the aftershocks of another orgasm passed through her beautiful, glowing flesh, her skin now glistening with a film of sweat that the struggle had brought on. She was very beautiful at that moment, her muscular body a masterpiece of curves and delicious hard flesh, her red-gold hair tangled and stuck in wet strands to her face, which was still locked in a sexual seizure. Finally, her whimpering subsided, and her eyelids fluttered open. Laura still had one hand embedded deep in Kendra's pussy, but she had stopped moving it. They faced each other as if in suspended animation. "You gon' leave that hand inside my pussy forever?" Kendra finally cracked, her voice still hoarse and debilitated by the experience, her eyes fogged but emerging from a sexual daze. "Sorry," Laura smiled, a tight little apologetic smile. The both watched intently as Laura carefully extracted her wet hand, Kendra grimacing and whimpering softly as it slid out of her pussy. "Damn . . . I never had anything that big in me before," she gasped, eyes wide, watching Laura towel off her hand and forearm. Laura wanted to say, 'Yes, you did. You had Marshall's thing in you, dozens of times. My arm isn't any bigger than that.' But she thought that bringing up Marshall at this moment would not be wise. "Mmmm, you came like gangbusters, darling," she purred to Kendra, stretching out next to her on the floor and trying to kiss her, though Kendra resisted, turning her face to the side. "Don't you kiss me, you rapist. I still hate you. I only came down here to tell you we're moving." Unable to kiss her mouth, Laura kissed everything else available: her cheek, her chin, her neck, her shoulders. "You said that before . . . and here you still are." "I mean it this time, though. We're moving. Saturday. The movers, they be coming. We outta here, Miss Lesbo Baby-Fucker and Black Dick Lover. We outta here." Laura felt a chill, then a hard, poisonous lump in the pit of her stomach. The thought of losing Kendra was bad enough. The thought of losing Jane was almost too much to bear. Even though Jane was half-crazy, unpredictable, and dangerous, Laura couldn't stand the thought of not fucking her again. God, I broke my own bed fucking that dear, crazy girl, she thought. It shows you how much I want her. "You can't be serious," she heard herself saying, seeing the hard glint of determination in Kendra's eyes, for once their genuine brown, not artificially enhanced by colored contacts. "I'm just about as serious as a mother can be," Kendra said, with an implacable finality. "You're gonna have to find some other woman's daughter to fuck now, Laura. And her man, too. Maybe another deaf old lady will move in again upstairs and you can be screwing Miss Black America until the cows come home and her black pussy falls off. It ain't gonna be Jane's or mine. Not any more." Laura could feel her eyes filling with tears. Part of her didn't want to give in to Kendra, to let Kendra see how this was hurting her. But the other part just wanted to wallow in it and let Kendra see the pain, feel the anguish. Laura couldn't speak. When she tried, only soft, throttled, choked sobs came out. Kendra smiled at her, friendly, as in the past. "Now take me in your bedroom, you nasty girl, and fuck me with that thing again. One last time. You know, the thing that goes in both holes." "You're kidding," Laura sniffled, wiping away tears with one hand. Kendra shook her head. "I wouldn't kid about a thing like that, girl. Before I met you, my life was cock, and after you it'll be completely cock again. But some of your girlie twisted stuff is pretty hot. My pussy is still throbbing from that rape you gave me a few minutes ago. Might as well let my little booty hole feel the same way. I just hope you never did nothing like that with my baby." "Oh, never," Laura said quickly. Then, to stop Kendra from talking any more, and especially from continuing to bring up Jane, Laura kissed her passionately, and this time Kendra responded. Laura kissed the wounded spot on Kendra's full lower lip, which had been bleeding earlier. "I'm sorry I made you bleed . . . and wrecked your dress. You look smashing in it." "About ten guys today wanted to fuck me. Or maybe twenty, I don't know. And you the one who's getting to do it instead. How can you be crying?" Laura had not realized she was still crying. She wasn't, actually, but the tears were still pouring down her cheeks. She took a couple of deep breaths to get control. "Come with me," she bounced to her feet, pulling Kendra up by the hand. They went to Laura's bedroom where for the next half hour all the violence of their spat was dissolved in a session of exuberant, athletic fucking. They used Laura's quadruple dildo and shared three more orgasms, six altogether, nearly breaking her bed again in the process from so much thrashing and pumping. Also, neither one tried to control her shrieks of ecstacy, Laura taking her clue from Kendra, who surely would have kept it down if Jane were upstairs. This, as Kendra had pointed out, was meant to be their twilight-of-the-gods final conflagration fuck, and they spared no effort to let it reach the pinnacle. They stopped only after both were too tired to go on. "I can tell you I ain't gonna miss this fuck-till-you-drop style, Missy," Kendra said to Laura, giving her a droll smile, as she gathered her clothes together from around Laura's apartment. "I told you long ago, Mr. Penis got to take a half hour rest between his little rocket launches. You, on the other hand, don't know when to quit." "You won't be able to stay away from me," Laura taunted. "You'll be back. Nobody makes you come like I just did." However, Laura remembered seeing Kendra being fucked by Marshall, and she knew that she was on shaky ground. Kendra dearly loved fucking with a man, no matter how much she had enjoyed it with Laura. Kendra cocked her head to one side, looking at Laura quizzically. She spoke softly. "I've broken up a few relationships in my time." Her eyes held Laura's. "I think I'll manage. If I hear you touched my kid again, I'll call the police." Now Laura's heart sank again. Here they could have such thrilling, exhausting sex together, and then Kendra could quickly turn all accusatory again, just like snapping her fingers. "I won't," Laura said, contritely, wondering how she could help it if she got the chance. Jane was irresistible chocolate candy. At the door, as Kendra was leaving, they both got a little sad, even Kendra. She caressed Laura's cheek with one long, tapering black finger. "I'll tell you one thing, Laura. You sure opened up my eyes." Then she grinned. "As well as a few other things. I don't regret what I did with you." "You'll be back," Laura said, trying to sound confident. "I'll be waiting. I'll keep the four-dick thingee waiting, just for you." Kendra shook her head, deadly serious. "Don't." Laura sucked it up and gnawed her lower lip. "I'll miss you." "You be careful whose man you fucking, girl. Some of them won't be as understanding as me. Especially the sisters." Then she left, leaving Laura standing in her doorway watching, and not looking back.
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