Laura - Chapter 229


Tamara peeked around the half-closed door of Laura's office. "I have to talk to you."

Laura looked up from her desk. "Is it private?" she asked, in a very soft voice, delighted to see the girl.

Tamara looked back over her shoulder, then looked at Laura again. "A little."

"Why don't we have lunch?"

Tamara brightened up immediately, suddenly fetching and radiant. She was wearing another summery, flowery dress, not the same one Laura had removed so lovingly a few evenings ago, before taking the bewitching young thing to paradise several times. But this one was similarly thin and clinging, revealing Tamara's splendid body. God, she's gorgeous, Laura thought.

"That would be super," Tamara glowed.

Laura winked affectionately at her, feeling a very piquant stirring deep inside her own pussy just from letting her eyes feast on this wonderful girl's face and body. After their first sexual encounter, at the Sonoma Mission Inn, Tamara had been skittish and shy, beseeching Laura to forget it ever happened, full of guilt and fear. But now, after their second one, she had fallen in love with Laura, and she seemed to be everywhere, gazing at Laura raptly, smiling either with fervent adoration or a slight hint of sexual promise, all of which flattered Laura extremely and made her very uneasy at the same time.

"I have this big presentation this morning, but it should be over by noon," Laura said. "Why don't you meet me right here and we'll go together."

"That Randi won't be there, will she?" Tamara asked, a definite trace of spite and sharp jealousy appearing in her voice.

She was very jealous of Randi. This was amusing, in a way, since Laura's relationship with Randi was undergoing considerable strain at present due to Randi's deplorable little 'affairette' with Rhonda, which Laura could hardly bear to think about. She and Randi had not slept together for weeks, and whatever speaking they did at the office was loaded with undercurrents of snide accusation.

"You mean at the meeting?" Laura asked, feigning total ignorance. "I . . . don't know. But she won't be at lunch."

Tamara pursed her lips, prim and a little smug. "I should hope not."

"See you then? About noon?"

Tamara lapsed back into adoration. Her large baby browns shone with love for Laura. "I can't wait."

But the meeting, which Laura had been trying not to think about for days, did not turn out well for her. It was the final presentation of the project she and Deshona had been working on for months, the one that had brought them together in the first place. They had worked and fucked and fought and separated and worked and reunited and fucked again, repeatedly. For months they had been lovers, deeply in love, immersed in wild weekends of orgiastic sex at Deshona's expensive, secluded house in the hills. And then Deshona had reunited with her ex-husband. It was all so painful and confusing that Laura frequently wished it had never happened.

On her way out the door to the meeting, she got a quick call from Marshall.

"I just wanted you to know that I ran into Kendra's daughter briefly when I was leaving last night," he said. "What's her name?"


"Yes. She recognized me, I know she did. Didn't say anything, though. Just stared. No way for her to know I was up there with you, though. Guess we don't have to worry."

"She may not tell Kendra," Laura said.

At the same time, she was thinking: Jane will put two and two together. She's not stupid. And she's always sure I'm sleeping with someone else, not her. Even Marshall. Will she tell her mother?

But Laura didn't have time to think about it. The meeting was well-attended. Rhonda was there, and Randi too, among many others. They sat far apart, but Laura noticed that Randi made a point of flirting with Rhonda from a distance, also making sure that Laura saw it. Obviously, the little tart was still deep into her project of making Laura jealous. It was doubly hard on Laura at this moment since she was standing, with Deshona, up in front of everybody, looking at the audience, seeing everything, drawing all the right conclusions. And Randi was, as usual, breathtakingly gorgeous, crossing and uncrossing her spectacular long legs, swishing her braids sexily around her shoulders, which made it hurt even more.

Deshona did the presentation, with Laura's assistance. She was now out of her ankle cast, but she still moved around on crutches, which made Laura's help even more necessary. They were coldly and crisply professional, and Laura believed that Randi alone among the audience members knew that she and Deshona had gone farther together than anyone might dare to think.

In fact, doing the presentation with her, though their minds were severely focused on the business issues, made Laura hornier than ever for her. Well-dressed and expensively accoutered, Deshona displayed all the attributes that had attracted Laura in the first place, especially her remote, frosty, aloof attitude that had seemed so challenging. Looking into her eyes, past the frost, Laura thought, I know what a slut you are. I know how to make you whimper and moan. I know how to find your g-spot and make you come unbelievably. And you know I know it.

But Deshona was hard and taut with professionalism and gave no sign that she understood what Laura's eyes were saying. The presentation was a success. Deshona was showered with compliments. When the meeting ended, Laura pulled her aside.

"Can we have dinner tonight? God, I miss you so much."

Now her eye message changed from 'I know what a slut you are' to 'Take pity on me and let me make love to you, I can't stand it without you'. Deshona, who was no slouch, clearly had received both messages. She looked deeply into Laura's eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm meeting my husband for dinner."

Her gaze was unwavering. She betrayed no weakness, no shared emotion, no signal that she acknowledged what she and Laura had experienced together in the past few months.

"What happened to 'ex' husband?" Laura asked, weakly, though Deshona had said this before.

"I'm sorry," Deshona smiled curtly. "Ex-husband. Just a slip."

Laura felt devastated and tried not to show it. "Well, if you ever get up here . . . and want to have dinner . . . just, you know, call me. Heh heh."

She felt like shit. At least you could smile at me, Deshona. I love you. You know I love you. You even said you love me too. Laura began to feel hot tears welling up in the bottoms of her eyes, and she quickly blinked them away.

Deshona packed up her slides and left without a further word, hobbling out on her crutches, not looking back. Laura felt a horrible emptiness in her stomach and realized that she was crying silently anyway, even though she had tried to stop. She went to the restroom to wash her face and ran into Randi. She was lifting her wet face from the basin to look for a towel when she saw in the mirror that Randi was standing behind her.

"The Ice Queen break your poor little heart, Laura?" she asked, her words mean-spirited but her manner contradictorily soft and sympathetic.

"Oh . . . no," Laura shook her head. "My heart is fine."

Randi didn't reply, but their eyes held one another in the mirror until another women entered the restroom and forced them to break their gaze. Outside, Randi leaned close and whispered.

"You're better off without her. You're better off with that little airhead Tammy. You know, that redbone with the curvy body and the big brown eyes you've been fucking. She's got a wild body, at least. Ain't no dwarf."

Randi's eyes flashed with spite. God, she's worse than Jane, Laura suddenly thought. Jealous of everybody.

"So . . .how's Rhonda?" Laura asked, maliciously.

Randi smiled, pouncing on another chance to give pain. "She's good at what she does."

"Next thing you know, you'll be getting a promotion. Like Yvette Farmer got."

Randi smirked. "Maybe."

This conversation seemed to depress Laura even more than the dreadful scene with Deshona, and when she got back to her office, she found a sticky yellow Post-It note stuck to the screen of her computer: Had to go. No lunch. Stewart back in town. XXOO. T.

Tamara—'Tammy'? Laura thought, recalling Randi's dig; where'd she get that? Tammy?—had drawn a little smiley face by the 'T.'. Maybe she is a Tammy.

Great. How does it feel to be rejected by everybody? she wondered. Like this, I guess. She sat down behind her desk. Two-thirds of the day still stretched ahead of her, and she had already been spurned by two ex-lovers, and forsaken by a third. What next?

It was a bleak, hollow, empty feeling, made no better by a brief meeting in the afternoon with her boss Ada, who for some reason looked shockingly desirable to Laura all of a sudden. Ada had gone to the hair dresser, apparently, and sported a stylish hairdo with her hair swept up and to the side, exposing her long, smooth, black neck, both back and front. Laura's eyes lingered on Ada's bare neck during the meeting. She wanted to kiss it desperately, a desperation made even more acute by her feelings of rejection.

In the parking lot of the Safeway, where she stopped to pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner, she ran into Tiffany, who was just getting off work. Laura had not seen her for weeks since Tiffany's shift had been switched. But she had gone to bed with Tiffany's boyfriend Damon, she recalled. He had poked her with his long, pencil-thin dick into the screaming meemies, and she had not even felt guilty about it until now, coming face to face with Tiffany, who looked as sassy and fetching as ever.

"Got enough chicken there for two?" she asked Laura boldly. "I just got off." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Could use a little booty rubbing, you know? We don't need Damon to have fun."

What a godsend, Laura thought. "No," she winked. "We don't." She lowered her voice too, leaning close. "I don't know whether I'd rather eat you or the chicken."

Tiffany laughed. "Better be me. I could really go for it right about now. You inviting me over?"

"I am. You coming?"

"Can I leave my car here?"

"Sure can."

They both got into Laura's car, and she drove to her place. Inside, Laura was all over Tiffany before the girl could even set down her purse. Whether it was the rejection and gloom she had already experienced today, or the wildly desirable young girl herself, it didn't matter. Laura buried her face in Tiffany's smooth black neck, under the crisp white collar of her uniform shirt, and grabbed both hard buns of the Hall of Fame booty, squeezing them and kissing her ravenously.

"Hey . . . that tickles!" Tiffany squealed, squirming way.

"I've got to have the world's most beautiful ass," Laura panted, making a half-crazed, lust-struck face, leering at Tiffany over-dramatically.

"You one horny lady, Laura," Tiffany giggled, fending her off. "Ain't you been getting laid enough? I thought you had lots of other girlfriends all giving you their pussy every old night. Here you are clawing on me like I'm fresh meat. Away! Down girl!"

She nearly dissolved in laugher. Laura too. "But it is the world's most beautiful ass," Laura said.

Tiffany was very proud of her attributes and was happy to acknowledge the truth of this. "Beat the hell out of yours in the Booty Contest, if I remember," she said.

"Hands down," Laura admitted.

"Did you say, 'Pants down'?"

Laura smiled and grabbed her. "Come in the bedroom with me and let me kiss the champ. All over, I want to kiss it all over."

Tiffany was a tiny little thing, but she did indeed have an exceptionally beautiful ass, right up there in the 'incredible' category with Chanitra and Jane. It was high and round and hard and out-jutting, an incomparable masterpiece of two firm black moons, perfectly spherical and mouthwatering, with a delectable dimple in the flesh just above each peerless cheek. She grabbed at it with one hand again as they reached her bedroom, but Tiffany swatted her hand away.

"Watch it! Who said you could touch it?" she mock-frowned. "First thing you know, you'll be wanting to stick your tongue up it again, like before. Can't have none of that."

Laura grabbed her hand and pulled her close. Tiffany was so small that she nearly disappeared in your embrace when you hugged her, Laura thought. She kissed her smooth forehead, then her eyes, then her mouth, slithering her tongue inside.

"You came harder and longer than you ever did before," she reminded Tiffany. "You told me that."

"You're right," Tiffany admitted softly. "You gon' make me come like that again?"

Laura shrugged noncommittally. "Depends. I might have to stick this in there again." She waggled her tongue between her teeth.

"Oooohhhh, you a pervert if there ever was one."

"You have an ass that was made to be fucked, darling," Laura murmured, kissing her neck again, caressing her rump through her pants again.

"You as bad as Damon," Tiffany pouted. "He want to fuck my booty too, especially after you gave him the idea."

Laura didn't know whether she wanted to talk about Damon, so she changed the subject by beginning to unbutton Tiffany's white shirt, kissing each smooth inch of dark black skin that came slowly into view.

"Who wouldn't," Laura said, preoccupied.

"Have you ever let a guy fuck you there? I mean, I know you like girls and all. But I saw you with Damon. I don't think he was the first dude who ever poked you, right?"

"Right. I have a few boyfriends."

Tiffany smiled. "See. You just a sex fiend, Laura. You trying to make me into one too."

Laura nodded. "I'm going to tie you to the bed and fuck you senseless," she said, but with a kidding tone of voice, not wanting Tiffany to take her seriously.

Unless Tiffany wanted to, of course. Tiffany looked intrigued but went on.

"Well . . . did you?"

Laura nodded slowly. By now she had Tiffany's shirt off. The stark white straps of her bra against her smooth, deeply black skin was enchanting to Laura, and as sexually arousing as ever. Tiffany looked down at Laura's hands on her body.

"I can't get over it," she confessed to Laura. "Every time we do it, I get such a charge out of seeing your white hands on my black skin. I just think we look so cool together like this. When I get to be a store manager or something like that, and I have a lot of money, I'm going to get a house with a room full of mirrors. And then Laura and I are going to fuck all day in that room and just watch our bodies sliding together, white and black, all mingled together. Don't you think it's just so . . . beautiful?"

"Oh god, yes, I do," Laura said, meaning it to the bottom of her heart, kissing Tiffany with deep emotion and lust. "I love your skin. It's so smooth."

She unfastened Tiffany's bra while they were kissing. Then she ran her lips down the girl's neck to her shoulder, her clavicle, her smooth upper chest. Tiffany kept talking.

"So tell me how it was. You know, getting fucked in your booty. Did it hurt?"

Even though she was trying hard not to remember it at this moment, Laura couldn't chase away the recollection of being speared in the ass by Damon, Tiffany's boyfriend, only recently. It had hurt. His cock was not thick or fat, but it was very long, and when he had driven it deep into her ass, especially the last few times before he came, she had felt like a red-hot poker was piercing her. On the other hand, she had immediately climaxed too in an excruciating and intense orgasm.

"It hurts a little . . . sometimes. Especially at first."

Her lips had now reached Tiffany's lovely little breasts, and she held them in her hands and licked the girl's thick, puffy, gleaming black nipples. To look at Tiffany in her crisp white uniform shirt, you would never think she had these exquisite, pear-shaped small black doves underneath, but though small they were among the most beautiful Laura had ever seen. She sucked one nipple deep into her mouth, and Tiffany began to moan, her sexual arousal interrupting her inquisition of Laura.

"Ohhhnnn! Oh Laura . . . you do that so good!" Her fingers scrabbled at the collar and lapel of Laura's blouse. "You better get this off quick. You know how fast I can come if I get excited. And you exciting me a whole bunch! Get naked, Laura, so I can feel you."

Together they hurriedly stripped off Laura's clothes and Tiffany's trousers. She kicked off her shoes. Laura unclasped her own bra and tossed it aside, brushing and shimmying her own naked breasts against Tiffany's, one of which was still damp from her saliva. They embraced again and kissed, now slipping their hands under each other's panties, clasping each other's ass, Laura feeling her heart and blood soar as she finally dug her fingers into the springy miracle of Tiffany's round naked buns.

"You gonna tie me to the bed now?" Tiffany asked, giving Laura a coquette's smile.

Laura raised her eyebrows sardonically. "Do I have to do that to keep you from getting away?"

"I ain't going anywhere," Tiffany beamed. "Sounds like fun, though. You know, rough. Rough and hot and a little mean. I like that. You take me. Just take it, you know? Just grab me by the hair and tie me up and really take it." Her eyes went glassy for a brief second while she was saying it. "Just take it. Unh! Wow!"

Laura briefly wondered if Tiffany were actually inviting her to rape her, to rape her and ass-fuck her, more roughly than before, no tongues this time. Both of them were wildly aroused by what she had just said.

"Maybe I will," Laura said, reluctantly, still feeling her way forward with the girl.

"Go ahead," Tiffany's eyes glistened excitedly. "Do it. Take it."

Laura bit the inside of her lower lip, gnawing a raw spot into it, contemplating the invitation. "Okay," she said.

Stooping, she pulled the long coils of white nylon rope out from under her bed. Tiffany's eyes widened as she glanced down at the rope.

"God, you really are kinky, aren't you Laura," she said, in awe. "You ain't gonna hurt me, are you?"

"I adore you. I would never hurt you." She quickly slipped a strand of rope around Tiffany's wrists, pulling them together in the noose. "I'm going to take it. Isn't that what you want me to do?"

Tiffany nodded slowly. "Take it," she repeated.

"Over here," Laura coached, drawing her toward the bed. "Now, lie down on your back, hands up, like this."

Quickly, she tied Tiffany's wrists together, then tied the rope to one side of the bed frame. Having her arms stretched above her head and tied together at the wrists pulled her small breasts up and made them more desirable than ever to Laura. Her tiny but beautiful body was stretched out naked on Laura's bed, her thighs yawning slightly open to reveal the shadowy pinkish glimmer of her pussy.

"You gonna do more than that, ain't you?" Tiffany teased her. "That's only my hands."

"You want more?"

"I ain't gon' let you take it, unless you really take it!" Tiffany glowered at her, trying to goad Laura into going further. "Now, take it."

Pursing her lips in determination, Laura grabbed Tiffany's ankles and turned her over onto her stomach. At first she had been very tempted to proceed by tying up Tiffany's wonderful little breasts, but she realized they were really too small for that. And she knew what she wanted.

"Hey . . . cut it out, turn me back over," Tiffany complained. "When I say take it, I mean take the pussy. Not nothing else. You hear me, Laura?"

But Laura was already tying one ankle to the left end of the bed. Tiffany started kicking wildly with her other, free, leg.

"You let me go! You let me go, you crazy sex maniac woman! Laura . . . I'm warning you, let me go."

Even though she was kicking, Tiffany was small, and Laura had no trouble catching the other leg. It was beautifully formed, sleek and shapely, very black. She had been so absorbed in the rest of Tiffany's small, beautiful body that she had rarely noticed her legs, which were also lovely. After a minor struggle, she succeeded in tying that ankle to the right end of the bed. Tiffany was still squirming and writhing, and her naked body was now more desirable than ever, her legs spread-eagled, her incredible ass high and round, cheeks clenching as she wriggled.

"I'm gonna scream!" she hollered at Laura. "I mean it!"

Laura realized that she probably did mean it. In one fluid motion, she retrieved the red ball gag from the top drawer of her dresser and straddled Tiffany's waist with her thighs, slipping the ball into the girl's mouth before she knew what was happening, then fastening the small harness.

"Ummgggphhh!" Tiffany grunted into the fat red ball in her mouth, her eyes filled with fury.

Laura bent over, kissing her ear, her neck, caressing her smooth naked back with one hand. "Didn't you want me to take it?" she murmured.

But now Tiffany shook her head. She moaned in anguish into the gag, her eyes desperately pleading with Laura to stop. It was one of the most sexually exciting moments Laura had ever experienced. She kissed Tiffany's back between the shoulderblades, sliding her hands under the girl's body and clutching her small breasts, squeezing them and twisting Tiffany's plump, erect nipples as she kissed more and more of her back.

"I'm going to take it," she murmured. ". . . I'm going to take it . . . yes, take it."

"Ummgggphhh!" grunted furiously again, twisting wildly.

In only moments, Laura's mouth had arrived at Tiffany's slender waist, after kissing most of her smooth, supple back. She moved her hands from the girl's delicious little hard breasts down to her phenomenally round and springy buns. Again she caressed them with her fingertips, feeling awe at the perfection of this beautiful ass, then kissed each round ball and watched them clench instinctively as soft, muffled whimpers rose up from Tiffany's throat to be blocked by the red ball stuffed into her mouth.

Now Laura parted the firm cheeks with her fingers and began to explore the dark, deep crease between them with her tongue, which brought louder whoops and throttled moans from Tiffany, who wiggled her hips, trying to escape from the intense sensations. The thick, pungent, heady odor of Tiffany's aroused pussy floated up to Laura's nose, and she looked down at the inflamed wet blossom, below these magnificent black moons, all runny and gaping and ripe, ready to be 'taken,' as Tiffany had hoped.

I am going to take it, Laura told herself. I'm just going to take this first. She had been enchanted by Tiffany's petite, curvaceous body from the start, but this time, with the girl tied up and struggling and whimpering, she found it even more wildly desirable than before. She pressed the tip of her thumb against Tiffany's tight little asshole, trying to loosen it up for the eventual penetration, and Tiffany instantly went wild, thrashing and screaming into the gag, as if she were being murdered.

"Ohhhhh . . . baby . . . honey," Laura cooed to her, massaging her firm round asscheeks lovingly, passionately, kissing them, nipping the hard springy flesh with her teeth. "It's going to feel sooooo good. You are going to come so hard . . . so many times. Just relax, let me take it. Let me take it, you wanted me to take it."

Tiffany shook her head vigorously, her eyes streaked with horror, her muffled screams more hysterical than ever. Laura realized that nothing could be as bad as Tiffany thought this was going to be, and she bent her mouth to the girl's deep asscrack and pulled open Tiffany's cheeks further with her fingers so that she could get her tongue down into the little wrinkled rosebud at the bottom. She had done this to Tiffany before, tongue-fucked her asshole, and fingerfucked her pussy at the same time, and Tiffany had exploded in fierce repeated orgasms. But this time Laura was only going to start here. The girl had a very short fuse, and so Laura carefully opened the little hole with her fingers, pulling it open, and then inserted her tongue gingerly, poking it in and out, until she felt Tiffany's body begin to undulate instead of thrash around, and heard her hysterical shrieks modulate into low, long moans.

"Ummmnnggphh!" Tiffany moaned, first holding her ass steady while Laura slowly tongue-fucked it, then beginning to swirl it in a gentle rotation back and up into Laura's face.

She's beginning to like it, Laura realized. I just have to be careful she doesn't come before I want her to.

Quickly her mind darted to her collection of sex toys under the bed. She knew the huge double dildo she used with Charise and Jane and Deshona was too large for this deliciously shaped little ass and would definitely cause Tiffany more pain than Laura wanted her to feel. Then she remembered the regular-sized one, another fairly normal toy she and Karen had used in the old days, before they graduated to the really rough stuff.

Perfect! Still stroking Tiffany's writhing body with one hand, she quickly fished with the other under her bed. Since she had not used it for a long time, it was hard to find, having been pushed to the back. She even had to leave the bed for a brief few seconds, spoiling the mood, jumping down to find it, then climbing back on. As long as she had already interrupted the flow, she reached for the bedstand drawer and took out her small bottle of baby oil too.

Now she was ready, and Tiffany seemed to sense it. She looked back over her shoulder, fear in her eyes all mingled with the intense sexual fire she was feeling. She watched as Laura poured the clear, slippery baby oil over two fingers. Again she began to shake her head and moan, but her eyes made it clear she knew nothing would stop Laura now.

Laura, wanting to get them back to the previous stage, bent her face down and kissed and bit Tiffany's superlative black moons again, arousing her further, dipping her tongue between the firm buns, tickling the little wrinkled entry portal that she planned to invade momentarily.

"Unnnnnmmgggg! Unnmmnnnggg!" Tiffany groaned into the gag, clenching her ass, swirling it, pumping it, clearly wildly aroused.

During all this time, Laura had not even touched Tiffany's puffy, swollen, glistening pussy, but the girl was frantically aroused anyway. Now that Laura had got her back to her fever pitch of need, she managed to slip the tip of one baby-oiled finger into Tiffany's asshole. She slid it in an inch or two, feeling Tiffany's flesh stiffen. Then she moved it in and out, fucking Tiffany with it, loosening her asshole, which would have to take so much more in only seconds.

"Ummgnghhiiee!" Tiffany wailed, again looking desperately back over her shoulder, her body writhing and quivering.

Ignoring her, Laura slipped her other finger in with the first. By now Tiffany's tight asshole was well-greased and it opened fairly easily to accommodate the extra finger. Laura fucked her with the fingers more and more rapidly, and Tiffany turned her head, pushing her face into the sheet, mewling in a low, guttural sound.

Laura grabbed the double dildo. Hold on honey, she thought. You are going for a wild ride. I know how fast you usually come . . . like me. This is going to ring your chimes hard, darling.

Laura worked quickly because she knew Tiffany, especially in this overwrought state, would come fast, and she, Laura, wanted to climax too, at the same moment. Removing her greasy fingers from the girl's asshole, she poured a little extra oil onto one end of the dildo, putting the small bottle beside them on a towel. Then she quickly fed the other end of it up into her own pussy, so wet already that something three times as big would have slid in easily.

As it was, she was so accustomed to the other huge dildo by now—not to mention Marshall's prodigious monster, or even Damon's long pencil dick—that this one felt puny and insignificant. Nevertheless, what was about to happen would make up for it. Without pause, she pulled Tiffany's hard buttocks apart again and slid the oiled end of the dildo into the girl's puckered, round asshole, only moments before opened by her fingers. She pushed it in fast, and Tiffany's lovely little naked body shuddered as the thick prong, about twice as thick as Laura's two fingers, penetrated her.

"Ummffgghhpphhh!" she grunted into the red ball, water appearing in her eyes as she glowered back over her shoulder again at Laura.

Laura had only a brief moment to linger on the sexually stirring sight of Tiffany's beautiful round smooth ass with the dildo protruding from it, the other end completely embedded in her own aching pussy, the two of them linked by this long, flexible sausage that would soon cause a shattering mutual explosion. Reaching down with one hand, she grabbed the part of it that linked Tiffany's asshole and her own cunt, and then she began to rock her hips forward and back, pushing it into them, letting it slide out again, pushing it deep again.

Tiffany, almost in spite of herself, began to moan and swirl her hips too, her body inescapably melting into Laura's rhythm, a slow, sensual fucking rhythm, which started slowly but very quickly accelerated. With her other hand, Laura managed to reach below the dildo and get two fingers into Tiffany's pussy, a warm, wet, soupy mess of juice and pubic hair and warm, slippery flesh.

"Unhh!" she gasped, pumping it into them both more vigorously, gyrating her hips, feeling the dildo slide up deeply into her own pulsating furrow, pushing it deeper into Tiffany's ass. "Unggh! Anngghhh! Oh shit . . . oh god, Tiffany!"

"Unnnnnmmgggg!" Tiffany groaned, pumping back, shuddering, squirming under Laura.

Now Laura's fingers plunged in and out of Tiffany's flooding pussy too, and she fell forward onto the girl's smooth, silky back, kissing her shoulders passionately and fucking her fiercely, feeling the dildo stab up into her own body and knowing that a sharp orgasm was only seconds away. She wanted it to last, but she knew there was no way it could go longer than a few more seconds. Both of them were panting and moaning almost hysterically, and the bed was again shaking and creaking, reminding Laura of the time she and Jane had broken it while fucking just the same way, with equal intensity.

She wanted every bit of Tiffany's delicious young body, wanted to devour and consume her and rape her and love her all at once. Lying on top of the girl's supple, writhing body this way, with her naked breasts pressed into Tiffany's back, she realized that she had to worry less about the dildo popping out, and so she released it with her hand and brought the hand up under Tiffany's body to one of her breasts, squeezing it excitedly and thrusting even more rapidly with her pelvis as she could feel both of them getting closer, almost ready to come.

"Unh! Unh! Unh!" Laura grunted softly. "Oh . . . I love to fuck you, darling. Unh! You are so unh! unh! beautiful! Ungghh!"

Tiffany simply howled into the ball gag, her howls completely muffled and strangled by the ball in her mouth, her face grimacing as the first shock waves of a killing orgasm struck her. Her body stiffened under Laura, a clear sign that she was going to come, and then exploded into wild spasms.

"Mmnngghiieeee!" she wailed, coming in fierce, repeated explosions, definitely a more powerful orgasm than she had ever had in Laura's bed before.

Laura, doubly aroused by Tiffany's sharp climax, began to come too, feeling a swelling hot bubble of incredibly intense pleasure burst inside her pussy, as if punctured by the jabbing dildo, filling her squirming body with honeyfire.

"Auungghhh! Ohnn! Oh . . . darling . . . oh! Yes! Ungghhh!" she gasped, mashing her sensitive nipples into the smooth skin of Tiffany's back, feeling the second wave of her orgasm wrench her.

And as usual, Laura could not stop there. She was so consumed by hot, urgent lust for Tiffany's small, lovely body that she continued fucking her, even though Tiffany was obviously sluggish and drugged from the after-effects of a killer orgasm herself. But the long, thick, hard tube sliding in and out of their pussies, aided by Laura's insistent gyrations, soon had them locked into a second fucking rhythm, slower, more relentless than the first.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes," Laura panted, unbelievably horny and lust-crazed, whispering in Tiffany's ear. "I'm going to fuck you again. Again. Unghh! Yes! Unghh!"

"Mmmngguugghh!" Tiffany groaned, wincing, looking back over her shoulder.

But the smooth undulations of her body told Laura that she was not objecting this time, that she too was caught up in the incredible sexual intensity of it and careening herself, as Laura was, toward another crushing orgasm. Laura's fingers, slippery with warm juices, slid down to Tiffany's nubby clit, rubbing it rapidly, in a fast swirling motion, as she pumped with her hips, forcing the thick dildo deep into both their bodies, fucking Tiffany roughly and massaging her clit wildly, until in another few seconds both were locked in the throes of a second climax, a wrenching, jolting turmoil that shook them both to the core.

This time neither girl could even scream. Instead, they collapsed together into a throbbing, flexing mass of flesh and muscle, whimpering and gasping and mewling, totally devastated by the shattering force of their orgasms. Laura still lay slumped on top of Tiffany's back, but she could hear the girl's chuffing, labored breathing and somehow shook herself back to reality enough to get her hands on the small belt buckle that fastened the harness of the gag. She loosened it, and the ball slipped out of Tiffany's mouth.

Tiffany gulped for air, still moaning and shuddering in the aftermath of a horrific climax.

"Ohhnnn!" she moaned, wincing again as Laura carefully pulled the long, hard snake out of her tight asshole. "Oh . . . shit!" She glowered at Laura over her shoulder.

Laura pulled it out of her pussy too and held it up so that Tiffany could see it. The double dildo was still shiny from its coating of cunt juices and baby oil. Tiffany scrutinized it as if she had never seen one before, this device of sweet torture which had just given her two assfuck orgasms in a row. She looked totally destroyed by the experience, wan and stunned, but she couldn't take her eyes off the dangling hard rubber toy.

"Laura . . . I think I'm sorry I ever axed you to that Whitney Houston concert," she said, her voice raspy and faint.

Laura put the dildo down on the towel next to the bottle of baby oil. She carefully untied Tiffany, first her feet, then her hands.

"You told me to 'take' it."

Tiffany swallowed, chastened, raped, reamed, overwhelmed by it. But a thin smile began to spread across her face.

"I meant take the pussy. You know I meant that."

"I'm going to take the pussy next. I can never get enough of you."

"See what I mean? That's why I said what I said about the concert. You fuck me too much, Laura. Damon don't fuck me half as much as you do."

"Are you sorry you came over here?"

Tiffany pondered it, then shook her head. "Cause now I'm gonna take it from you. The same way."

Laura gnawed her lower lip, giving Tiffany a shy, ingenue look. "You mean in the ass?"

Slowly, determinedly, Tiffany nodded. "You bet. Gimme those wrists."

Smiling, Laura extended her arms, offering her wrists to Tiffany, giving her a hot, smoldering, fuck-me look. Tiffany grabbed the rope, but she was new to this and needed some coaching.

"First loop it around . . . that's right," Laura directed her. "Then pull them together. Not too tight. You don't want to hurt me, do you?"

"You hurt me," Tiffany glowered at her again.

Laura leaned close and kissed her, passionately, her hands now tied together but not restrained from reaching forward and caressing Tiffany's small, naked breasts.

"You never came as hard as that before. Admit it."

Tiffany nodded, dark eyes pulsing and hot. "Never."

"Now . . . are you going to take it from me? Rough? Are you going to fuck me in the ass?"

Now Tiffany nodded more deliberately, squinting a little. "I sure am."

She pulled Laura's tied-together wrists up above Laura's head, jerking them up more roughly than Laura had expected, and tied them to the same head post that Laura had tied hers to.

"You turn over on your stomach," she commanded, half snarling it.

Laura was enjoying the role of victim. "Why don't you fuck me on my back? Then we can look at each other while you do it."

Tiffany grinned, very pleased with the idea. She wanted to watch the pain on Laura's face. Saying nothing, she began to loop the rope around one of Laura's ankles.

In another two minutes, she had Laura's legs spread-eagled, tied to each corner of the bottom part of the bed. Laura, in addition to the excitement of being tied up by Tiffany, got to enjoy watching the girl's tiny, beautiful naked body through it all, watching her small breasts bob and bounce, her sleek thighs flex. When Tiffany was finished, she knelt between Laura's splayed thighs to admire her handiwork.

"I think you better put a pillow under my ass to raise it up a little," Laura suggested.

"You full of good ideas," Tiffany said, eyes twinkling, shiny with sexual arousal and menace.

She grabbed a free pillow, and Laura lifted her pelvis so that Tiffany could scoot the pillow under her ass. Now the wet, open, inflamed seam of Laura's pussy was totally vulnerable, and being tied up had made the juices flow again. Her cunt was throbbing, and when Tiffany pulled her taut little buns apart to reveal her asshole, she felt it quiver and tingle too. Oh god, she's going to do it! Laura thought. Whoever thought this sweet young thing would want to rape my ass?

"Now you gonna get a little of your own medicine, girl," Tiffany said, taking the still-moist dildo from the towel. She examined it closely. "What end of this goes in you, and what end goes in me?"

"Maybe you'd better wash it off, if you're upset about that," Laura suggested.

"Good idea." Tiffany hopped off the bed.

"Hurry back."

This made Tiffany turn at the door, the big, long double dildo still dangling from one hand, and squint-smile back at Laura. Her naked black body was wildly desirable to Laura, who enjoyed the feeling of wanting to fuck Tiffany desperately and yet being restrained by the ropes.

"Why . . . you eager to get it in the booty? You want me to take it?"

Laura bit her lower lip. "I want you to take it," she said, looking deep into Tiffany's eyes. "Take it," she echoed again, softly.

Tiffany looked absolutely hypnotized by sex, electrified by this electric moment. Again she smiled and went off to wash the dildo. She returned a few seconds later, drying it with hand towel. Sitting lotus-style between Laura's spread thighs, she contemplated her next move.

"I ain't ever done this before," she explained, looking a little nervous. "So I have to figure it out as I go along."

Laura was almost trembling, she was so sexually excited. "Put your finger in my ass, like I did with you," she murmured, eyelids heavy, breath coming quickly. "Just oil it up and stick it in . . . slowly."

Tiffany made a face. She glanced down at Laura's ass. "I don't think I'm gon' do that."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll just take your pussy instead."

She smiled, suddenly very young, reminding Laura very much of Charise, or Mavis. She was only about four years older than they anyway.

"Can't I just stick this thing in it, without sticking my finger in it?" she asked Laura, who was wildly aroused but had a hard time suppressing her laughter at this question.

"Tiffany, it you don't take it soon, I'm going to scream. Do it. Just get it in me."

Tiffany raised one eyebrow. "Something tells me you liking this too much," she grinned.

Now Laura changed her tactic. She gave Tiffany a smoking, smoldering look. "Fuck me," she whispered. "Fuck me in the ass. Please."

These words had the desired effect. Tiffany's eyes widened, and she took the small bottle and began to oil one end of the long double dildo. The consequence of this was that the fingers of her right hand became coated with oil, and when she slid them into Laura's asscrack, they were slippery. One found its way into Laura's asshole easily, as if Tiffany didn't know it was even there until she felt the tight aperture enclose it.

"Unhhh!" Laura gasped, eyes watering briefly. "Oh yes! Now fuck it . . . that's right . . . open it up."

Tiffany's eyes widened again. "It's really tight."

She did as Laura asked, preparing her for the larger entrant, fucking Laura slowly, methodically with her finger, until Laura was so knotted up with lust that she feared she might come before Tiffany inserted the dildo.

"Do it now!" she panted. "The other! Now . . . do it now!"

Moving mechanically, as if in slow motion, totally mesmerized by the event, Tiffany removed her finger and inserted the head of the oiled dildo into the puckered hole between Laura's smooth, creamy buns. Only about an inch would go in.

"Twist it! Ohhhh yessss! Ungghh!" Laura coached her.

Twisting and pushing it, Tiffany watched as more and more of it slid into Laura's ass, until a good six inches of it had disappeared.

"Oh god!" Laura gasped.

"It hurt?"

Laura shook her head. It did hurt a little, but she knew from experience that the pain would pass very quickly into a fierce, intense erotic sensation like no other. She couldn't take her eyes off Tiffany's delicious naked black body, which made the sensation of being fucked by the lovely, tiny girl even more intense.

Tiffany was now carefully inserting the other end of the dildo into her own pussy, watching her fingers intently, watching the thick cream-colored hard tube slide up between her glossy black cuntlips, slick with fuck-nectars. Her eyes rolled up, and she threw her head back, which made her small breasts jiggle and thrust forward.

Her eyes briefly went out of focus, but then she regained control.

"Want me to put in that gag?" she asked, panting. "You gonna make a lot of noise?"

"I don't know," Laura gasped. "Maybe you better."

But Tiffany was already pushing forward with her hips, and the thick snake was sliding in and out of their bodies, pushing deeper into Laura's ass, stuffing Tiffany's tight little pussy, her glossy wet black cuntlips clinging to it like a mouth. Eyes glazed and pulsing, she looked at Laura, fucking her rhythmically, fucking herself at the same time, leaning forward to get more leverage from her flexing thighs, pushing and pumping, which made her small breasts swoop out and jiggle over Laura's body. Laura wanted to grab them in the worst way and pulled instinctively at the ropes binding her wrists.

In just seconds they were into a rocking, fluid fucking motion, both of them completely caught up in the electrical/sexual current that linked their two quivering bodies through the flexible rubber snake, and Laura realized that the gag was only an afterthought now. They would never pause to get it. She would have to control her cries, if that were possible.

And she doubted she could do it. Tiffany was 'taking' it the way she had promised, leaning over Laura and ramming the dildo into her with each strong hip thrust, gagging softly and throwing her head back as it dildo also penetrated her pussy deeply.

"Ungghh!" Laura gasped as the hard shaft ripped into her ass. "Oh! Owwnncchh! Oh shit!"

"Angghh! Anngghh! Rnngghh!" Tiffany growled and grunted, leaning far forward over Laura, dangling her breasts in Laura's face as she jammed her pelvis down, driving the long rubberized rod deep into both their bodies.

Laura chased the girl's shiny black nipples with her lips, hoping to catch one. Tiffany, though sunk in a grinding, panting trance of steamy, sultry sex, nevertheless enjoyed teasing Laura, swaying her breasts over Laura's lips, letting her hard, jutting black nipples graze Laura's eager lips. She planted a hand on the mattress on each side of Laura's head and swirled her pelvis rapidly, fucking them both into a frenzy of crazed need.

"Unnngghh! Oh! Oh yes! Oh god . . . I'm going to come, baby!" Laura gasped.

Still pumping and panting, teasing Laura with her firm little naked breasts, Tiffany smiled down at her. "Not any sooner than I am," she panted. "Here . . . I'll help you."

She thrust one hand down into their nearly-mated groins, both impaled on the fantastic, moving, flexible rubber stalk, and rubbed Laura's wet, swollen, throbbing clit with two fingers, rubbing it hard and fucking Laura's ass, and her own pussy, even harder and faster now with the double dildo, jamming her groin into Laura's again and again, whooping and surging and suddenly falling forward to bury Laura's face in her bobbing breasts.

They both began to come at nearly the same instant.

"Unnghhmmnngghauunngghhh!" Laura cried out as a hot spear of ecstacy seemed to pierce her entire thrashing body at once.

Fortunately, her mouth was pressed against Tiffany's chest, between her breasts, and only a tortured, half-smothered moan escaped into the room. A hot gusher of liquid fire seemed to travel from her ravished asshole to her throbbing pussy and then up through the rest of her spasming body, completely overwhelming her, leaving her gasping and whimpering into Tiffany's small breasts while Tiffany herself lay on top of her, writhing and moaning as each new shock of her orgasm wrenched her.

"Unnhhhh . . . ohhnnnnnn! Ohnnnnn! Oh Jesus . . . oh Laura ahhhnnnnn!" she moaned, her undulations finally slowing as the most intense socks passed.

Laura was still throbbing and quivering, and smiling in sublime sexual fulfillment, with Tiffany's small, beautiful body slumped on top of her, Tiffany's still-heavy breathing chuffing past her ear, Tiffany's lovely breasts and gleaming black nipples brushing her cheeks, her forehead. In a million years she had never dreamed that she would end up tied to the bed and ass-raped by this sweet, artless girl. She didn't want this moment to end, and when Tiffany stirred, finally, and began to pull her body up, Laura, whose wrists were tied and who could not grab her, begged her instead.

"No," she whimpered. "Baby . . . stay, please. Don't move. Let me feel you. God, it felt so good. Leave it in for a minute, okay. Leave it in both of us, let me feel you. I just love this feeling so much."

Tiffany had been stunned by the experience herself, and it showed on her face. She smiled warmly and settled her body back down onto Laura's, kissing Laura, moving down so that they were face to face.

"It was pretty good, wasn't it," she whispered. "I didn't think something that evil could be this good."

"Not evil," Laura smiled. "Not with you."

"You know," Tiffany said, making a funny face, "it's getting hard for me to like doing it with Damon as much as I like doing it with you."

As usual, Laura was both pleased and discomfited by this admission. She wanted as much of the darling Tiffany as she could get, and yet the more Tiffany wanted to be with her, the more scheduling difficulties it could cause for Laura, who unfortunately had an abundance of other girlfriends. There was also the problem of Damon. Tiffany did not know that he and Laura had fucked alone, without her, and that he would probably want to again. In fact, both of you fucked me in the ass, Laura thought. I don't know another couple who can say that.

She half-winced at the irony of it, then quickly tried to put it out of her mind. Finally, Tiffany did pull away, and gently extracted the double dildo from her body and Laura's. She untied Laura's ankles and wrists, and Laura stowed the rope back under her bed.

"What else you got hiding under there?" Tiffany smiled. "Chains and a whip?"

"Chains . . . now there's an idea," Laura gave her a droll smile, letting the 'whip' reference pass without comment.

She pulled Tiffany back down onto the bed. "No more sick stuff. I want your pretty pussy, before you leave. I want to lick it and suck it and tickle it and slurp it."

Tiffany giggled. "You are the funniest lady I ever met. Talking about my pussy that way. I'll give you about another hour to stop."

They coiled together sensually, and for the next twenty minutes they enjoyed each other's body as completely as they could, making love in a slow, painstaking rhythm that contrasted starkly with the groaning, pumping frenzy of moments ago. When they came, it was a shared vibration, a deep quaking shock of mutual spasms, not wrenching jolts but implosions of spreading, glowing bliss that bled through their joined, quivering bodies.

Dreamily, they disentangled their bodies, unable to stop kissing, pulling apart reluctantly. "I'm so glad you were just getting off work when I happened by," Laura purred into Tiffany's neck. "This really made my day."

"All this fucking made me hungry, though," Tiffany confessed. "Maybe we can have a go at that chicken. It must be the rope or something. Or that long noodle of yours. Wow, I'm hungry."

Laura was hungry too. They ate, and Laura drove Tiffany back to the Safeway to get her car. Tiffany wouldn't let herself be kissed by Laura in public, especially right outside where she worked, but she squeezed Laura's knee affectionately.

"My first time in the . . . you know where," she said, eyes sparkling. "Boy, that really blew the roof off. You gon' do that to me again?"

Laura lowered her voice and her eyelids, giving the girl a sultry, alluring look. "Only if you promise to return the favor. I wish I could kiss you. I wish I could kiss your pussy again."

"Careful," Tiffany giggled, fishing her keys out of her purse and opening the door to hop out of Laura's car. "You gonna have us both back in the ropes again, before you know it."

"Oh, I hope so, Tiffany." Laura winked. "Call me?"

"I will," Tiffany smiled. "You spoiled me. Can't live without it now."

Laura watched her, unable to leave, as she got into her car and drove away.

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