Laura - Chapter 228



The night with Tamara was exhausting and memorable for Laura, but having the girl fall in love with her caused some troublesome problems at work Together they had worn out Tamara's small twin bed in a night of enthusiastic fucking that came close to some of the most fatiguing sexual experiences Laura had survived in the past. Being in love made Tamara a hot partner, and of course Laura would never turn her back on an opportunity to enjoy the young girl to the fullest extent possible.

But at work, it was different. Tamara had known Laura was having a long-running affair with Randi, and another one with Deshona, though of course Deshona didn't work where they did and could be handled more easily. But Randi was there every day, and her presence threw Tamara into a blue funk of jealousy.

Also, Laura realized that all she needed was for Randi to get wind of her new relationship with Tamara. It was all too worrisome, and then something else happened, something she never could have predicted. Her boss got some bad medical news and retired abruptly, and a woman from the Dallas branch of the company was named as his replacement.

This woman, Ada Porter, was black, in her early thirties, and while not beautiful by any stretch, she was very attractive indeed. She was as tall as Laura but with a much fuller figure, which was hard, however, to get a sense of since she dressed in an odd, slightly flamboyant manner that Laura thought of (silently, of course) as very Texas. Ada wore pants suits about ninety percent of the time, accentuated by expensive, brightly colored scarves. It was possible to tell that she was very nicely shaped, under the bizarre pants suits, but you never really could be confident that you knew what the clothes were meant to conceal.

She had fairly large breasts, though, and a very well-shaped, proportional, out-jutting bottom of the kind that Laura absolutely relished, which could not be completely hidden even in her loose-fitting trousers. One day, for some unaccountable reason, she wore a skirt to work, and since they were in a meeting, around a table, with several others, Ada had to cross and uncross her legs several times. Laura discovered that they were very, very shapely long legs, to her great discomfort, because she had to make sure no one—especially Ada—saw her looking at them.

In sum then, even though Ada was attractive, Laura was relieved to find that she didn't feel any overwhelming desire to get her into bed. Since she was Laura's boss, it would be a very dicey proposition anyway, which to preserve her job and career Laura would have to avoid at all costs. She was happy to have her tangled and serious involvement with Deshona, Randi, now Tamara, as well as her delicious teenagers Charise, Mavis, and sometimes Jane. She didn't need to lust after Ada.

Nevertheless, she found herself dwelling often in her mind on the few things that did make Ada unattractive. The first thing was her voice, an odious, nasal, Texas twang that was almost unbearable in certain situations. You really had to hold your breath and count to ten to keep from wincing when you heard it. And of course Ada had no clue that she had a grotesquely unpleasant voice since she was essentially sweet-natured, even a little insecure about some things, and very eager to be liked.

At least she didn't "y'all" you to death like most Texans Laura had to deal with, and Laura was grateful. Ada also wore too much eye makeup at times, often the silvery eye shadow that Mavis's sister Brenda wore, or the porn star Midori, which somehow looked alluring on them. On Ada, it just looked meretricious and tacky. Sometimes she wore another color, violet, or pale green, to match her various expensive scarves. Laura was always pleased to see it since it made her desire Ada less.

After she had successfully erected these barriers against automatic desire, Laura was pained to find herself occasionally wondering why Ada was not married, or had no visible signs of a boyfriend. Of course, she had relocated from Dallas, so it would take time to develop new relationships. But Laura had no sense that Ada had left anyone of importance behind to make this job move. And twice, coming in unannounced, she had seen Ada staring wistfully out the window of her office, almost sad, looking lost and lonely, sunk in some kind of emotional pain, which had the effect of crumbling all Laura's barriers in a flash. Ada looked momentarily beautiful, and incredibly desirable, as she turned her glistening eyes to Laura and quickly put on a business face again.

Laura was thinking over all these things as she arrived home from work one evening, so abstracted that she didn't even notice Marshall, Kendra's current boyfriend, standing next to the door to the apartment building.

"I guess your neighbor isn't home," Marshall said to her, smiling.

"Marshall! I'm sorry. I didn't even notice you."

"Not very flattering," Marshall grinned.

"No . . . I mean, I was just thinking hard about something and—" she stammered.

"You don't need to apologize. I was just ringing Kendra's bell. She doesn't seem to be home, or her daughter either. I was in the neighborhood, just thought I'd peek in and say hello."

Suddenly, Laura saw a brief flirtatious glimmer sparkle in his eyes. After all, we fucked, she found herself thinking. We had a couple of really torrid fucks, as I remember. Kendra may have been there too, but his magnificent monster of a cock was up inside my little pussy, ripping and spurting. I always thought something might happen after that, but I guess we were both too afraid to lose, or to alienate, Kendra. Laura knew herself that as much as she had enjoyed the evening with Marshall and Kendra, it was deep down the thought of losing Jane that cut deep. She couldn't risk it.

"She'll probably be home in a while," she heard herself saying. "You could come up to my place and wait."

Uh oh, now the fat was in the fire, she thought. Laura knew that few men would turn down such an offer. She and Marshall shared a clear physical attraction. She looked at him directly, almost daring him to accept. This will sure make me forget about Ada, and Tamara, and all the rest, she thought. At least for a few hours.

"I guess I could do that," Marshall said quietly, smiling at her in an almost brotherly way, as if to say they both knew nothing would happen, and Kendra would be popping by in just a few minutes.


Laura collected her mail, and they both went up to her apartment. She made them each a drink, then showed Marshall the stunning view from her living room windows. Ever the gentleman, he was genial and relaxed, content to let things develop slowly, if indeed they were going to develop at all. Marshall was a lawyer, very bright and inquisitive, and so conversation with him was not at all difficult. Even though the possibility of sex, and pretty hot sex at that, was hovering over every word they exchanged, it didn't seem oppressively vulgar or inevitable. It just made their eye contact more exciting.

After about half an hour of chitchat, they both began to feel that something was going to have to happen soon, or not at all. Loosened by the liquor, Marshall felt relaxed enough to speak frankly.

"I kind of missed you, after that night," he confessed, smiling. "Somehow I thought we might . . . see each other again."

"Oh, I think you were plenty busy with Kendra, from what I've heard."

"Oh? What have you heard?" he grinned expectantly.

"Just about every time I saw her, she was heading for your place."

He nodded. "We have some good times together."

Laura grinned knowingly. "I'll bet."

They were seated together on Laura's big sofa—the one on which she had herself fucked more than a few delicious women—facing the windows. Marshall put his drink own on the coffee table in front of them, then placed his hand on Laura's bare knee.

"You and I are not exactly immune to good times either," he smiled at her.

Laura nodded. She leaned forward and put down her own glass beside his. They both leaned back into the sofa cushions at the same time, and Marshall was embracing and kissing her before she even knew what was happening. And Laura was kissing him back.

At first they were fairly tentative with each other, but when Marshall realized that, friendship with Kendra or not, Laura was not going to refuse his attentions, he grew more aggressive, kissing her neck, running his hands up and down her body, digging his fingers into her flesh through her business suit. In fact, Laura was surprised by his eager passion. Her hand grazed his groin as they were twisting together, and through his pants she could feel the monster already stiff and throbbing.

"What if Kendra comes home?" she panted into his shoulder as he groped for the buttons on her blouse.

"She lives upstairs, doesn't she? She doesn't have to know."

Laura gave him a bemused, kittenish grin. "No . . . she doesn't. You better go easy on me though, because they can hear everything upstairs."

He raised one eyebrow. "Everything? That must make it interesting."

"How do you think Kendra and I got to know one another?"

Now he had three buttons of Laura's blouse open and could get his lips on her throat, her upper chest, then, with the fourth popping free, down into her cleavage. Laura felt excited chills zip through her body.

"I think we ought to go in the bedroom," she whispered. "You're going to wreck my clothes."

Marshall chuckled softly. "I might wreck them if you don't get out of them quick," he acknowledged.

Laura gave him a very alluring look and began to loosen his necktie. Marshall was also dressed in an expensive suit, and so they walked to Laura's bedroom and very carefully removed most of their clothes. Laura left on her sexy bra and abbreviated lace panties in order to make the encounter more spicy. She knew how others responded to seeing her in her underwear. They were mostly other girls, of course, but male or female, they all got a temperature boost from viewing her nearly perfect body.

Marshall was a big man with a powerful, muscular body, dark and sleek, hard and lean. Laura, who always paid close attention to the variations in skin color of her delicious girlfriends, rarely noticed the skin tones of her male lovers. But now she realized that Marshall was much darker than Damon, with black glossy skin that gleamed over his hard muscles as he embraced her again by the side of her bed and ran his fingers under the elastic of her bikini panties, cupping both of Laura's smooth round moons in his hands while he kissed her.

He was completely naked now, and Laura could feel his gigantic, iron-hard cock pulsing against her belly, an exciting and threatening feeling at the same time. It was alive, it was fat and thick, it was very long, a powerful throbbing truncheon, and she could feel her pussy flooding with warm juice and the insides of her belly quivering with fear and anticipation in almost the same instant, as Marshall drove his strong tongue deep into her mouth.

He moved his hands slowly up her lower back to her bra clasp and skillfully unfastened it. Laura pulled briefly back and let him slip the bra off her shoulders. Marshall looked admiringly down at her naked breasts.

"Don't think I've ever seen a pair as fine as these," he murmured.

Laura, who had mauled Kendra's fantastic hard, round, naked breasts on numerous occasions with her hands and mouth, knew he was lying. Besides, Marshall had been fucking countless women with his huge, tireless cock for years, she suspected. And Laura knew from her own sexual experience that many of them had certainly had exquisite breasts.

"I think you're lying, but I accept the compliment," she smiled slyly at him, holding both small globes in her palms, offering them to him. "What do you want to do with them?"

Marshall replaced her hands with his own, cupping one perfect upswept breast in each hand, running his thumbs gently across her thick, swollen coral nipples. Without answering her, he then firmly pulled her down with him onto her bed. He began to kiss and suck her nipples at the same time that he pulled her panties down her thighs.

He did not suck her nipples as an experienced woman would—Karen, or Randi, or even her darling teenagers, Jane, Mavis, or even Kendra now—with keen, sharp passion and thinly veiled and controlled brutality. But Marshall was no klutzy and over-eager young stud like Eric or Danny, and he patiently made love to one of Laura's breasts at a time, holding it in both hands, licking and sucking her throbbing, sensitive nipple with skilled sensuality, until her whole body seemed to catch fire.

"You can . . . suck them harder," she panted, caressing his forehead, his hair, watching his lips enclose her breast and draw some of the firm flesh behind her nipple in too.


"Yes! Unhhhh! Oh yes!"

She slid her hand down his hard body to the throbbing, jumping pole, clasping it in her fingers and stroking it while Marshall began to raise the temperature a few notches. He now held her breasts in both hands, squeezing the firm balls in his fingers while he sucked Laura's erect, pulsing nipples more feverishly, making fresh warm nectars seem to fill her hot, burbling pussy.

In her hand his cock seemed more massive than ever. He certainly had the biggest one she had ever seen, but she had forgotten precisely how big it was. She remembered Kendra telling her that you could hold the erect shaft in both hands, one above the other, and there would still be another handful coming out at the top. And it really was that big, maybe bigger. It was thick too, and hard as steel, with rippling veins and a large, ballooning bulb on the top.

Unlike Kendra, Laura was much more devoted to pussy than cock, but she did not minimize the attractions of the latter, especially its fierce power and its wild, rearing stallion spirit. This thing wants to fuck me by itself, she realized, whether he wanted to or not. But she looked down at the way Marshall was devouring her breasts, which now were on fire, and knew that fortunately, he did too.

"Let me suck the hall of fame cock," she whispered to him as he lifted his head to kiss her again.

"How can I object?" he grinned. "But I must warn you . . . he hasn't had anything for about a week, and he's likely to—"

Laura's eyes lit up. "Mmmm, I hope so," she smiled. "I want to be the one to make him pop. Do you want to do it on my boobs or in my mouth?"

For the first time she saw the sexual tension etched clearly in his face. "Laura, I'd like to drown every inch of you in it."

She smiled at him flirtatiously and slid down to face the monster. Even though she was in the habit of thinking of Marshall's enormous weapon in this way, and it was monstrously large, she now realized that the huge throbbing shaft was really a beautiful thing too, in its way. It was pure power, and beautifully formed, a thick, shiny black torpedo helmeted at the top by a bulging, flaring, glossy bulb that she covered with warm saliva, then curled her tongue around.

A little tremor stiffened Marshall's body at this, and he groaned softly in pleasure.

"I don't want you to come too soon, now," Laura cautioned him as she began to lick the fiercely hard, jumping, twitching shaft carefully from top to bottom. "I want to enjoy every second of this."

"Laura . . ." Marshall gasped, wincing in acute pleasure as Laura's clever lips teased the ballooning head of his throbbing wet prick. "How did a lesbian learn to be so good at doing this?"

"Who said I was a lesbian?"

Laura held his huge pulsing stalk of flesh in her hands and peppered it with hot little suck-kisses.

"I saw you and Kendra going at it. Didn't look like you were making it up on the spot. Ohnnggg . . . Christ, that feels good!"

Laura began to suck his stiff, throbbing cock skillfully, taking it deep into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the wet, silky, massive head of it. "You don't call her a lesbian," she admonished him.

Marshall, still panting, managed to chuckle. "That's cause I've fucked her about a hundred times. I know she ain't no lesbo . . . except when you're around."

"Mmmm, you mean I have some kind of magic she can't resist?" she smiled up at him, mischievously.

"Unghh!" he grunted softly, grimacing again as the sensations she was causing pierced him deeply. "You got magic, all right."

"Now I don't want you to come yet," she warned him again. "I want to get every bit of pleasure I can out of this."

She held his rock-hard, saliva-wet prick in both hands, as Kendra had showed her, marveling again at how another four inches at least protruded from the top. It was indeed gigantic. It was warm and alive in her hands, pulsing and swelling, literally dying to spurt and spew.

Marshall was panting harder, grimacing more as she sucked and teased his enormous stiff cock. "I may not have any choice in the matter," he panted. "God, baby, you are good! Unhhh! Oh shit!"

"Not yet!" Laura said. "No, not yet!"

But she knew it was a losing struggle. He couldn't hold it back. His hips began thrusting vigorously upward in sharp fuck-motions, pushing his hard prick into her face, deeper into her mouth. Laura gave in and sucked him hungrily, with white-hot passion, squeezing the hard shaft of his cock at the same time, almost milking him, hearing Marshall's clotted whimpers deep in his throat as everything seemed to explode at once.

"Unnghharrrhhggghhhuummpphhhfff!" he growled, and immediately a huge warm gobbet of pearly cum shot from the head of his prick into Laura's mouth.

Hardly surprised, but thrilled by the force and suddenness of it, she giggled and gulped it, letting his jumping cock, which continued spurting, slip from her mouth. Another huge spurt landed on her cheek, and she grabbed his still-gushing prick and pushed it down against her naked breasts, swishing them against it as another two or three weighty dollops of jism flew out of his rocketing flesh spear.

"Auungghhhh!" Marshall groaned again, as a final two spurts flew from his twitching wet member.

Her breasts were now slimy and shiny with the rivulets of cum he had deposited there, but she grabbed his wet cock, also slimy with cum, and pressed it hard against the firm balls of her breasts, rubbing the still-leaking head against her tingling nipples. Marshall was gasping and whinnying softly in the aftermath of a fierce explosion, watching Laura smother his jerking prick in her cum-bathed breasts.

"Oh Jesus!" he finally gasped, looking devastated by sharp pleasure.

"That was a good one, wasn't it," Laura grinned, still holding his prick between her breasts, though it was now beginning to droop a little.

Marshall shook his head in disbelief. "Maybe you aren't a lesbian after all," he sighed.

"Told you."

Laura always had towels around in the bedroom, and she got up and dried the cum off her body with one. She had rarely seen so much jism come out of one prick. Maybe Danny's, which was nearly as large as Marshall's, but no others. With any other guy, she would fear there was not enough left for more fucking, but she knew Marshall was a prodigy in more ways than mere dick size. He also had stamina, as he had proven during his evening with Kendra and Laura both. Not many men could have taken them both on like that, and left them both thoroughly fucked and satisfied.

Laura viewed this prodigious spurting as just the warm-up, but she teased him anyway, rejoining him on the bed, stroking the long limp dong affectionately. "I hope you've got some more in there for a second try. I'm kind of wet from all that fun."

Marshall nuzzled her neck. "I know I'm not as good as Kendra or some other chick, but I could give your carpet a little munching, if you like."

"You like to eat pussy, Marshall?" Laura continued to tease him. "I thought you only like to pump it."

He drew himself up, acting mock-pompous. "I am a connoisseur of pussy, baby. Black, white, and yellow, I've eaten enough pussy to be world champ by now." He winked. "Men's champ. Don't think I'd survive a contest with you."

"Are you going to show me your technique?"

"It'd be my pleasure, Laura."

She lay back and spread her thighs, and Marshall began to lick and finger her swollen, wet pussy more skillfully than any other man had ever done. He began slowly, running his tongue up and down in her oozing, festering slit, tickling her clit at the top, making Laura gasp sharply, her pelvis quivering from a fresh shock of excitement.

"Oh!" she gasped.

"You like that?" Marshall chuckled. "Do I measure up to your lesbian girlfriends?"


Laura could answer him in no other way, her body seething with pleasure as he toyed with her aching pussy. She was already very aroused from sucking his huge cock and having it spurt wildly all over her. That had made her pussy jangle and throb and flood with juice, and now his mouth and his long forefinger, which he inserted deep up into her squinchy wet channel, made things even more desperate.

In only about two minutes, Laura was writhing and moaning and dying to feel the monster. "Is it hard yet?" she whimpered, looking down at him, knowing her face reflected the hot, frantic urgency she felt to be seriously fucked.

Marshall looked up and grinned, his lips smeared and glossy with Laura's cunt juices. "What do you think?"

"I need it, Marshall," she said under her breath, her eyes glazed in a hot, hungry delirium of sexual need. "I need it. Put it in me. I need to feel it."

"Don't you want me to make you come by eating you this way?" Marshall asked, now teasing her, drawing it out.

"I want to come with you inside me," Laura said, trembling. "Please . . . I need it."

He scooted up between her spread thighs so she could see the huge shaft of his erect black cock, standing up again in fierce splendor, bobbing, twitching, the bulbous head flaring and massive. It was a battering ram, a sight that briefly made Laura gulp in fear, as she knew many women must have done before her. But she wanted it, no matter how big it was. She desperately wanted it.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked him, piteously. "Please . . . hurry."

"Plenty of time, baby," he smiled. "I want to enjoy every minute of this too. You are one beautiful woman, Laura. You may be a lesbian, and you may not, but you definitely are stone beautiful, and I want to enjoy you."

Laura smiled. "If you don't put that thing in my pussy and fuck me hard immediately, I'm going to tell Kendra what we did."

Marshall grinned wryly and shook his head, giving in. "Wouldn't want that to happen. No siree."

With both hands—God, what an enormous dick! Laura thought—he guided the swollen head of his prick into the wet, glistening pink cleft of Laura's gaping cunt. She bit her lower lip and held her breath as the massive, steel-rigid pole slid up into her body. Instead of just filling up her cunt, she felt like it crammed her whole body, as if every interior cavity was full to the bursting point with hot, alive, rigid meat.

Nearly swooning from intense sexual excitement, Laura realized that Marshall's stiff cock was really no bigger, no fatter or longer, than her own 'dick,' the huge double dildo she used with various girlfriends, which was under her bed right now, as she lay on her back, mewling and panting and twisting, with Marshall's massive prick impaling her aching wet pussy. But it felt different. Marshall's prick was alive, a hot, twitching poker of rigid flesh, and Marshall was alive too, a powerful man filled with lust for her body.

He was also consummately skillful, and Laura began to moan softly as he slowly slid his massive cock in and out of her clinging, snug pussy, pushing it in only so far, just far enough, not far enough to hurt her, then pulling it out until the bulbous head was nearly clear of her clasping cuntlips before he slid it in deep again. He did this very slowly, not giving in to Laura's growing urgency, her gyrating hips, her desperate whimpers. Instead, he bent his head to her small, perfectly-shaped breasts and cleverly sucked her throbbing nipples while his long thick piston of a cock, well lubricated by her copious warm cunt juices, slid slowly in and out of her tight little trench.

"Oh god, Marshall . . . it feels so good!" she panted, caressing his hair as his mouth on her throbbing wet nipples grew more aggressive. "Suck harder . . . yes! Ungghhh! Oh!"

He did as she asked, sucking the firm flesh of her breast into his mouth too, and picking up the tempo, thrusting harder, deeper. It was only now that Laura began to feel the sheer massive power of his plunging prick as he stabbed it deeper into her body, sending hot arrows of sharp pain mingled with fierce glowing shocks of pleasure coursing through her writhing body. Oh shit! she thought, wildly excited and yet half-fearing each deep lunge.

"Ungghh! Oh! Oh god!" she gasped, wincing as the huge shaft sank deep into her aching pussy. "Ooowwnncchhh! Ahhnggg!"

Marshall stopped. His mouth released her wet breast, and he kissed her cheek tenderly. "Too hard?"

"Oh . . . no," Laura panted. "Do it again. Please." She looked up into his eyes. "Fuck me hard, Marshall. Please."

She began to gyrate and pump her own hips up into his enormous stalk, feeling the fat hard pole ride in and out of her greased labia, feeling the whole lower half of her body crammed to the bursting point with it. Marshall slowly began to inch the huge cunt-splitter in and out of her again, and in only seconds they were back to bucking and grunting and whimpering and wheezing helplessly as Marshall's long cock sank repeatedly deep into the bottom of Laura's clasping slit.

And still it was not enough. Laura knew she was going to come any second, but she wanted more. She wanted to feel it penetrate her as far as it could go, wanted to explode and die in a fury of unbearable coming.

"Here . . . put my legs up . . . like this," she panted, raising both legs until her calves were propped up on his gleaming shoulders.

Her feet waggled in the air above Marshall's ears, and he held her thighs with his hands, then speared her vulnerable pussy forcefully with his long, rock-hard cock, sending electrical jolts of white-hot pain throughout Laura's body.

"Anngghh! Oh god!"

"Ungh!" Marshall grunted, doing it again, stabbing his massive rod deep into her.

Now every thrust was deeper than before, and Laura began whinnying helplessly, frantically, as both of them hurtled toward a crushing finish. Marshall plunged his giant cock into her again and again, sharply, lunging up into her splayed, vulnerable pussy, making Laura cry out in a flash of pain and fierce pleasure.

"Anngghrrhhh! Ungghhmmpph! Ungghh! Ouch! Ohnnggg!"

"Oh baby . . . oh baby!" he groaned softly, spearing her pussy again, lifting her squirming ass up off the mattress, then holding her hips steady with both hands and spearing her one more time.

Now, totally impaled on and plundered by his enormous hard prick, Laura found herself wanting him to come, wondering if she could endure a another five seconds of hammering. And yet each ferocious lunge of his huge, rigid salami into her made her whinny and her clenching flesh shimmer with hot sparks of consuming sexual pleasure. She wanted it to stop and not to stop, all at the same time.

"Unghh! Auungghhh!" she groaned as Marshall leaned forward, dropping her legs back to the bed, clasping her whole writhing body against him now, mashing her naked breasts with his hard-muscled chest, ripping his cock up into her pussy in hot, quick jabs that let her know he was about to spurt.

"Oh baby . . . here it comes!" he panted harshly into her ear, ripping her savagely, burying his long, fat prick in her body again and again.

"Oh god . . . yes!"

Laura could feel her own orgasm gathering ahead of his, like a rabbit being chased by a fierce dog that is about to rip it to pieces. It was almost as if she had never come before. She clenched and stiffened in anticipation, then felt it break over her like a tidal wave of piercing, scorching ecstacy.

"Anngg . . . annggghh . . . auungghiiieeee!" she shrieked, feeling a volcanic explosion deep inside her body that streamed through her flesh and seized her muscles in a shuddering paroxysm of nearly unbearable rapture.

Marshall lunged into her one more time and then groaned almost as loudly as she had done, gripping Laura's body so tightly that for a moment she could not breathe. Deep inside her pussy his cock spouted geysers of hot cum, squirting and jerking as he continued to pump her sharply. The hard edge of his spurting cock scraped across Laura's throbbing clit with each plunge and brought on a second orgasm, just as his own was waning and his thrusts diminishing.

But he was still crushing her body against his, and Laura couldn't even moan or cry out. Instead, she shuddered powerfully in his grip, coming anyway, her body filled with throbbing fire, until Marshall came to his senses and released her. Immediately, her low moans filled the room as the subsiding shock waves of her climax continued to grip her flesh.

"Ohhhnnnnn! Oh god . . . oh god . . . ahhhnnnnnnn!" she sighed, twisting, still arching spasmodically and shuddering as it died away.

When Marshall finally pulled his deflating weapon out of her plundered furrow, she was still moaning softly, wincing to feel it leave her. "Oh!" she cried out softly, involuntarily.

"Sorry, baby . . . did I hurt you?" Marshall bent over her considerately.

Laura grinned wryly. He must have had lots of practice in asking this question, a one-man pussy-wrecking machine marauding through the female population with this menacing truncheon swinging between his thighs. You seem so nice, so civilized, Marshall. Such a gentleman. And yet stallions probably envy you.

And yet she knew she had loved every minute of being fucked by the monster. She made a face at him.

"I think I might have to give pussycat a rest for a few days after a reaming like that," she said, mopping up the warm, milky jism that came leaking back out of her still-aching slit.

Marshall leaned over and kissed her cheek again. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I get a little rough without realizing it. You really made me hungry, Laura. I haven't had a . . . you know, a moment like that in a while."

Laura scoffed. "Oh Marshall, you say that to all the girls, after you've poked a hole right through their backs with that long spear."

He looked at Laura's body as if he would like to have another shot at it. He extended one arm and stroked her naked ass with his fingers. "Maybe next time we can try the rear door," he said suggestively.

Laura could feel her asshole clenching involuntarily. Oh god. He can't be serious.

"Tell me seriously, Marshall. How many girls let you shove that redwood tree up their little booties?"

Marshall's face fell. "Not a single one," he said, glumly. "That's why I thought you—"

"You thought I might be the first sacrificial victim. Why," she teased, "because I have otherwise kinky tastes?"

Marshall shrugged, pulling on his shirt, reaching for his necktie. He at least realizes that he's hammered me hard enough for one evening, Laura thought, thankfully.

"I don't think digging girls is especially kinky," he said. Then he grinned broadly. "I like 'em too. We both like 'em. Nothing wrong with that."

Laura smiled and patted his limp but still massive dick tenderly with her fingers. "You take care of this amazing creature, and I'll think about it," she said, wondering why she said it at the same time.

No chance, she thought. If I want to commit suicide, I can think of a less painful way. On the other hand, another bout like the one we just completed wouldn't be so bad. You really know how to use that thing, my friend.

"What about Kendra?" she asked, bringing up an unpleasant fact.

They had both cheated on Kendra. On top of that, Laura herself had screamed and shrieked in total abandon when she came, completely disregarding the danger of being overheard. Marshall had also groaned loudly. If anyone were home upstairs, the fat was already in the fire.

Marshall, looking intently into the mirror above Laura's vanity table as he knotted his necktie, frowned. He looked clearly troubled. Then he gave a rueful smirk and shrugged again.

"She introduced us," he said. He winked at Laura. "Shit happens."

"It's going to be some pretty hot shit if she finds out," Laura said.

She had experienced a little of Kendra's anger—over Jane, over Charise—and knew it was no small-time ire. The woman could blow, she realized, depending on the circumstances. On the other hand, she sensed that if Kendra, or Jane, were home at the present time, they would have been banging on the floor, or worse, the door by now.

Maybe we escaped. Maybe we got away with it, she thought. Her pussy still tingled from the hot spearing Marshall had given it. She threw on a bathrobe and walked him to the door.

"Please be careful going out," she said. She wanted to add, I hope you don't run into her coming home. But she was superstitious enough to refrain.

Marshall wouldn't leave without a long, smoldering kiss. He got one hand under her robe, and Laura couldn't restrain herself from dropping her hand to his crotch, feeling the reborn monster throbbing and rising there again through his pants, a thick knot of alive gristle.

"I'll be giving you a call," he whispered.

"Get out of here quick," she whispered back. "We've already risked enough."

Marshall smiled, slipping out the door into the dim hallway. "Where's your sense of adventure, Laura?"

Laura felt chastened and guilty. "I know how I'd feel if I were her," she said, softly, then watched him walk down the hallway toward the elevators.

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