Laura - Chapter 227


Cecilia, whom Laura had not seen for months, dropped by Laura's new office, looking cherubic and supremely happy, obviously pregnant—in fact, gigantically pregnant—under a brightly-colored smock, beaming with her usual good spirits.

"Look at you in your new office and everything, sitting back there behind a big desk like a bigshot, Laura Bigshot," she laughed. "I'm afraid of you, girl. I heard you were promoted, but I had no idea you were this important."

Oh god, everyone's pregnant! Laura thought, uncharitably. First Jonelle. Then Charise (probably). Now Cecilia, who was the definite champ with a belly as big as a mid-sized watermelon. The whole damn world is pregnant! Laura cried out inwardly. All my darlings!

Still, she couldn't resist the ravishing Cecilia, with whom she had experienced some of her most stirring sexual moments, including several nuclear meltdowns involving the warm, sweet milk from Cecilia's very black and very shapely breasts. The mere memory of it was enough to make a hot little pulse flare alive deep inside Laura's pussy. And the sight of Cecilia pregnant was more than a hint that a repeat performance might lie not too far in their future.

She realized that Cecilia was thinking the same thing. She stepped inside and shut the door of Laura's office behind her. Laura got up from her desk and went over to her, nervously opening the door again. Even since Tamara had told her that she had surmised Laura was fucking both Randi and Deshona, just from having observed her with them in the office, Laura had been very skittish about appearances. She had made one mistake, with Randi, when Deshona had burst in on them, but since then she had been extra careful.

"Appearances," she whispered to Cecilia. "Can't be too careful."

Cecilia found this very droll. She looked down at her huge belly. "Excuse me. You think people are going to think we're having sex in here when I'm lugging this around?"

Laura shrugged and grinned weakly. "I guess not."

"Laura, just because you have an office now, I don't want you turning into a cold, ubiquitous blonde bitch like that Reardon vice president person."

Cecilia deliberately closed the door again. Laura could hardly suppress her laughter.

"'Ubiquitous'?" she asked. "What have you been reading?"

Cecilia cracked a very wide grin. "I said it right, didn't I? I got that out of a crossword puzzle. It's a great word, isn't it?"

"You mean Rhonda? You think I'm getting to be like her?"

Now Cecilia got affectionate, caressing Laura's cheek with the fingers of one hand and looking girlish and sexy, even though gigantically pregnant. "I don't think she could ever be as good as you," she cooed. "In fact, I wish we could have sex. Being preggy makes me kinda horny. I been wearing Ron out."

"Lucky Ron."

"I just came to give you a quick peak at what you'll be getting soon," Cecilia whispered, conspiratorially, looking back and forth, even though they were alone in Laura's office, and the blinds on the window were shut.

Without further ado, she lifted her expectant-mother's smock over her bra and quickly unsnapped the bra cups in the middle, pulling them apart and exposing her very large, swollen, deeply black breasts to Laura. Her pitch-black nipples were bulbous and gleaming like ripe dark plums, and Laura could feel a jolt of hot lust for Cecilia's body shoot through her.

"They're so big," she said, unable to take her eyes off the swollen globes.

"They're a little sore, too. So you can't touch."

But though she wouldn't allow Laura to touch them, she rubbed one of her huge, bulbous nipples with one fingertip. By now, Laura was mesmerized and throbbing with desire. During their last time together, months ago, they had fist-fucked each other and literally soaked Laura's apartment in breast milk in an orgy (an 'orghee,' as Jane would have called it) of unbelievably hot fucking.

"How soon?" Laura asked in a parched, weird voice, obviously overcome by desire for Cecilia.

Cecilia flirted, enjoying teasing Laura. She slowly refastened her bra and let down her smock. "Next week or the week after."

"Won't you still be hurting?"

"I mean the baby, silly. The baby has to come out first. All you think of is yourself, Laura. You just want to know how soon you can get one of these big black titties in your mouth and feel that warm milk pouring down your throat. Right?"

Laura nodded, half-ashamed to be so selfish. She had not ever had orgasms like those produced by Cecilia's milk. Once she had even come while Cecilia was squirting it directly into her pussy.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

Cecilia winked. "You don't have to be sorry. I'm looking forward to it as much as you are. But I think it's still a couple of months off." She smiled, in full coquette mode now. "But I wanted you to have something to think of while you're waiting."

"Thanks so much. Can I kiss you?"

Cecilia looked around theatrically again, as if they were being watched. "If you don't touch the merchandise."

They shared a long, romantic kiss, with Laura bending forward over Cecilia's enormous belly. "I'm going to have dreams of you squirting me with milk every night now," Laura whispered.

"Good," Cecilia grinned. "That's the way I planned it. Now . . . wish me luck. I'll be a Mommy twice."

Laura wished her good luck and opened the door. She almost found it hard to believe that she had a long-term, not to mention a slightly kinky, sexual relationship with somebody's Mommy. On the way out the door that evening, she noticed the impossibly gorgeous Tamara struggling with a few boxes on her desk, and looking exasperated.

"Anything I can help you with?"

Tamara looked up and smiled. Her big brown eyes were pools you could easily fall into, if you let yourself. Laura knew many men had drowned in them by now.

"It's these darn boxes. I really have to take them home. Tomorrow I'm responsible for getting them to the convention, but my car broke down this morning."

"I could help you take them home," Laura offered, uncertain how her offer would be taken.

She and Tamara had spent a delicious night of fucking in Tamara's bed at the Sonoma Mission Inn, about three weeks ago. After that, however, Tamara had begged her to pretend 'it never happened'. Helping her with the boxes might seem like another advance to Tamara; she was always so suspicious, and even afraid of her own desires, Laura now knew.

"Oh, would you?"

Tamara positively sparkled. She was overjoyed at this offer, and from the artless, genuinely friendly way she accepted it, an observer might have thought they were strangers meeting for the first time. I had my tongue in this girl's exquisite pussy, Laura thought. And she acts like this is the first time we've met.

Up to now, she had barely trusted herself to really look at Tamara, since she didn't want to seem to be leering or appraising her lecherously. Tamara was almost excruciatingly beautiful, and today, even though it was not yet spring, she was wearing a bright, flowery spring dress which adhered almost magically to her every curve and contour. Since her body was nearly perfectly formed, she was really a splendid sight, and Laura had to be careful not to let her eyes linger too long on anything.

"Come on, you carry one and I'll carry one," she said, ruggedly, hoisting one heavy box with both hands after re-positioning her briefcase onto its strap and hanging it from one shoulder.

"Okay," Tamara said. "Sure you don't mind?"

Laura passed up the opportunity to make a smart-ass comment. Mind? I could sit here and look into those dark brown pools of yours for just about ever, my love. Fall in and drown, like James, or Mitchell, or whatever his name is, the linebacker. Lucky stiff. Ho ho. Laura couldn't suppress a little smile at her own joke. Tamara just took it for straightforward friendliness.

"I don't mind," Laura said evenly. "Follow me."

They walked slowly, each carrying a fairly heavy box, to the parking lot and loaded the boxes into the trunk of Laura's Camaro. Then Laura opened the passenger side door for Tamara, unable to keep her eyes off Tamara's superlative legs as she got in. The feather-light skirt of the flowery dress fell away from Tamara's amazing, perfect calves, smooth and light brown and bare, making Laura experience a tiny, hot, happy spasm in her cunt. I tried to forget how physically beautiful this girl is, she realized, knowing that Tamara was a bundle of trouble.

If Tamara saw Laura looking at her legs, she didn't mention it. Instead, they chatted as Laura drove, completely friendly, and yet with no spoken or silent acknowledgement on Tamara's side that they had shared a bed, made love heatedly for hours, moaning and coming repeatedly. As for Laura, she was afraid to allude to it either, partly because she had promised that her 'lips were sealed,' partly because you never knew if Tamara might suddenly decide to bring it up.

When they got to Tamara's apartment, Laura helped carry one of the boxes up to it. Tamara lived on the second floor of a small apartment building in the Russian Hill neighborhood. Her apartment was airy and well-lighted, fresh and well-decorated, with leather furniture and bright curtains.

"Nice place," Laura said.

Now that they were alone together in Tamara's apartment and had put down the boxes—their only reason for being there together—Laura was feeling very awkward. She thinks I want to fuck her again, and that's the only reason I offered to help, she thought, looking at the way the dress clung to Tamara's perfectly shaped body. And boy, is she right. I can't help it.

"Thanks," Tamara said, keeping up the fresh ingenue act. "We try to keep it open and uncluttered and bright like this."

'We'? Laura knew that the linebacker didn't live here. For one thing, there were no traces of a man. For another, wasn't he in Chicago, or Boston, or Pittsburgh, or somewhere like that? Who did she mean by 'we'? Then she noticed a picture on the mantel, a young, slender black girl in a white leotard with a single long braid coming straight out of the center of her hair at the top of her forehead: the most bizarre hairdo Laura had ever seen. But the girl was oddly beautiful too, in a very eccentric way. Maybe this was 'we'.

"It's my roommate Shayla," Tamara said, seeing Laura looking at the picture. "She's a dancer."

"I can see."

"Actually, she's in New York this minute. She's trying to break into the Dance Theatre of Harlem. They're having auditions. I think she has a good chance. One reason we keep it so spare around here is that she dances. Here, I mean. Practices, you know."

Laura nodded. "She's very pretty. You two must have the boys beating down the door."

This made Tamara nervous. Perhaps it reminded her too closely of what she and Laura had done. There was a long, uncomfortable pause while Laura wondered if Tamara were going to offer her a Coke, or a glass of wine, or if she just preferred Laura to leave and to quit bringing up these unpleasant memories of their wildly exciting night together. Laura just looked at her, not making it easy.

"So . . ." Laura finally said. "How's Kirk, or George, or whatever his name is? The linebacker."


"Right . . . him."

Laura smiled, musing to herself, remembering how she had asked if Stewart would mind having Laura make love to his fiancée, and how Tamara had responded, 'Who cares what he thinks, I thought I'd never get you to do this.' It was a wonderful memory because Laura had taken it for an invitation to fuck the beautiful girl from here to Thursday, which she had promptly done.

"Oh, he's fine," Tamara said brightly, looking out the window, then down at her fidgeting fingers.

"I'll bet he liked that nightie."

Tamara smiled and would have blushed had she not had her ravishing coffee-and-cream skin. "I'm afraid it got a little . . . ripped. It's ruined."

Now Laura, unaccountably, blushed herself. "Don't worry about it," she said quickly. "It was a present . . . to you both."

"It gave him a woody, like you said," Tamara tittered girlishly. "Wow, did it ever."

I hope you enjoyed it, dear. Laura smiled at her primly. "Some things never change," she murmured softly. "Where is Stewart these days?"

"He's in Pittsburgh. It's like his job, you know."

Laura nodded. Stewart and Shayla, the roommate, were both out of town. I guess that leaves just you and me, her eyes said to Tamara. Here. Alone. Together.

"Thanks for helping with the boxes," Tamara said, a signal for Laura to leave.

"Oh . . . no trouble. Would you like to go out and . . . have dinner or something?"

Laura hated putting herself in a position to be rejected, especially by this ravishing, fresh young girl with the perfect face and body, and the most confusing, contradictory attitude. But she couldn't help it. One night with Tamara would never be enough. And there was again no one to know. Laura had to risk it.

Tamara shook her head. "I'm just having yoghurt and wheat germ. Got to watch my weight. Stewart doesn't like fat girls."

Laura appraised Tamara's stunning figure. "I don't think you need to worry about that."

Tamara smiled sweetly. Laura wanted to kiss her. She wanted their relationship to be different, not this cat and mouse, but a full, throbbing, feeling connection. She wanted to break through these weird defenses that Tamara threw up.

"I had a dream about you," she lied, remembering that she had used this lie before with other girls, a shameful ruse and cheap, sinister manipulation.


Tamara was all ears. She was pretty self-involved, Laura realized, and eager to hear what Laura had dreamed, although at the same time Laura detected a vague fear behind her eagerness, as if the dream were going to be about a raging bonfire of girl-girl fucking.

Laura nodded slowly. "I was kissing you." She paused, looking into the deep brown pools, drowning in them already. "That's all. Just that. It was wonderful. I really loved it."

Tamara's large brown eyes grew briefly glassy as she fell under the spell of Laura's voice, Laura's words, and the pleasure of being the center of someone's dream, someone beautiful like she was. But then the romantic fog cleared out, and her eyes became sharply focused again.

"I don't think we should do that, though," she said in a small voice, turning away. "I was hoping we might forget that happened."

Now Laura was looking at her dark honey-gold hair as Tamara looked out the window. Again she marveled at Tamara's tiny waist, while trying to figure out a way around these objections.

"I'm afraid I haven't had any luck forgetting," Laura confessed softly. "It was a very special night for me."

Tamara looked back over her shoulder skeptically. "You must've had other nights like that. Several, I bet."

Her eyes sparkled flirtatiously. Laura could never tell from one moment to the next whether Tamara was flirting or rejecting her. Of course, she resigned herself, it had been that way from the start. Never a dull moment.

She shook her head. Why not? What was another lie? "Not really. I'm sure you know you're a very special girl. Very beautiful."

Tamara loved being told she was beautiful. She turned back to Laura. "Thank you. But sometimes . . . it's a pain."

"Everybody wants you?"

Tamara nodded, very serious. She seemed to have forgotten for the moment that Laura was also beautiful, that everyone must want Laura too. Laura smiled at her warmly, unthreateningly.

"I know how it feels," she said softly. "I'll go."

She turned to leave, but Tamara caught her elbow. "Please don't."

Laura turned back. Tamara was suddenly very pliant, receptive, her eyes throbbing, her smile ambiguous but not hostile. Laura lifted one forefinger and ran it tenderly over the girl's full lips, touching them sensually and skillfully, her eyes never leaving Tamara's.

"This is what I dreamed," she whispered.

God, I'm a shit, she thought, still gazing intensely into Tamara's deep, swirling brown eyes. I'll do anything to get her again, won't I.

"I thought you said we were kissing," Tamara whispered back.

"We were. Like this."

Laura brought her lips close enough to brush Tamara's, still looking deeply into her eyes. She brushed their lips together sensually, then pushed hers forward, moving her mouth slowly into the curves of Tamara's. They kissed without touching, just letting their mouths press and curve together and communicate the deep, throbbing emotions and sexual stirrings they were both feeling.

It seemed like a long time before either opened her mouth, but then they both slowly did it at once, and their kiss became more complex, more emotionally moving, wetter and warmer. Laura was very reluctant to invade Tamara's mouth with her tongue, feeling that it was too aggressive for the still-skittish and indecisive girl. Instead, she touched Tamara's brilliantly white teeth with the tip of her tongue, then slipped it up under Tamara's upper lip, running it back and forth in the warm crease.

This excited Tamara, who quickly, in response, slipped her own tongue fully into Laura's mouth. Laura met it eagerly with her own tongue, and they both began to breathe a little harder as their kiss became more intimate. Still the only parts of their bodies touching were their mouths.

Laura remedied this by caressing Tamara's face with her fingertips, touching her with infinite tenderness to reassure her and draw her further out. Soon they stopped kissing, if only to catch their breath. But Laura moved her lips to Tamara's smooth cheek, brushing the long dark-honey hair away from her beautiful neck.

"May I kiss your beautiful neck?" she whispered, doing it anyway, without permission.

Tamara allowed it, still breathing audibly, clearly excited, and very accustomed to being worshipped. Laura lips rose to her ear. She kissed the lobe, then flicked her tongue into the curvy brown whorl, breathing hot breath into it behind her tongue. This had the desired effect, and Tamara erupted in shivers.

"Oooohhhh!" she gasped.

Laura embraced her while she was shivering. Now they kissed ravenously, Tamara returning everything equally, her arms around Laura, her mouth aggressive, her fingers digging into Laura's flesh through her blouse. As they devoured each other, Laura's hands dropped to Tamara's ass, squeezing the firm, resilient cheeks through the thin summery dress. Oh god, I want this girl, I want to rape her! she realized.

"Oh . . . Laura!" Tamara gasped as their mouths finally came apart, and she buried her face in Laura's neck. "We shouldn't do this. It's as bad as last time."

"Or as good," Laura purred, stroking her back with one hand, through her dress, while with the other she continued to clutch one delectable round buttock. "I think we should just go ahead and do whatever we want," she whispered. "No one will ever know but us."

Tamara twisted her head to signify 'no,' her face still pressed to Laura's neck, where it felt very good to Laura, refusing to look up. "I promised myself I wouldn't let this happen again," she said, her voice barely audible.

Now Laura let her hand, the one on Tamara's splendid ass, relax and fall away. Tamara needed further convincing and was not going to be simply swept off her feet. Laura slipped two fingers under Tamara's chin and raised her face up, kissing her again, slowly, then heatedly.

"No one will ever know," she repeated softly, cradling the girl's beautiful face in both hands. "There's no one to know. Just us."

"I'll know," Tamara whimpered.

"Are you afraid you'll confess it to someone?" Laura asked, after another searching kiss.

Tamara shook her head. "I'll just . . . feel guilty."

Laura smiled, now kissing her neck again, a gorgeous long creamy brown neck. "I can help you get over that," she murmured. Again she breathed into Tamara's ear. "I want to make you come."

"Oh . . . Laura," Tamara gasped, her deep brown eyes showing a mix of terror and surrender all intermingled together.

"You want to come, don't you?" Laura coaxed her. "Remember when you came in my arms? In the bed at the hotel? When you came all those times? Wasn't it good?"

"Oh god . . . yes! I never came like that before." She furrowed her brow slightly, her eyes worried. "Or since, either."

It was a confession of sorts, Laura realized. No matter how fiercely Stewart may have fucked her after getting his woody—seeing Tamara in the flimsy nightie Laura had given her would give a blob of protoplasm a woody, Laura reflected—he was not able to duplicate the sublime sexual experience Laura had given her. It was a mixed blessing, of course, since Tamara was deathly afraid it meant she now couldn't enjoy sex with men as much as with women, since she was generalizing her feelings into a fixed law of nature in her mind. Laura knew this was nonsense, and she was eager to help Tamara learn it too.

Again she kissed the girl, punctuating each comment with a slow, simmering, passionately inventive tongue-kiss. "Why don't we go into your bedroom?"

"I can't," Tamara shook her head, whispering.

Laura kissed her again. "Yes . . . you can. Just pretend you're showing it to me."

Tamara grinned, as if she had been out-maneuvered. Without replying, she took Laura's hand and drew her past the small kitchen, down a short dark hallway, and into the rear bedroom. Laura was surprised to see a twin bed and a white wrought iron vanity table, and little else.

Laura smiled, looking down at the narrow bed. Small, but it will do, she thought. "Turn around," she murmured, turning Tamara by gentle hand pressure on her shoulder.

Tamara turned, and Laura slowly unzipped the back of her flowery, summery dress, watching the smooth, café-au-lait skin of Tamara's wonderful back come into view, crossed by the white strap of her bra. Laura bent forward and kissed the nape of her neck, holding up the thick flag of her dark-honey-gold hair with one hand. Then she let her lips trail down over the girl's delicious back, kissing the warm, smooth skin everywhere while she peeled open the dress until it began to slide off Tamara's shoulders.

She caught the limp dress before it slipped totally off and fell to the floor. "Don't want to muss this up," she murmured. "This beautiful dress. You look so stunning in it."

Carefully, she drew it down Tamara's body until Tamara could step out of it. Laura laid the dress across the back of the chair by the vanity table. Tamara kicked off her shoes and turned to Laura, now wearing only her bra and panties. A sexy little smirk curled the corners of her mouth since she knew what a desirable sight she presented. You want to fuck me just like all the others, her self-satisfied little smile said. You bet I do, darling, Laura smiled back at her. I want to eat you alive. I can't help myself.

She raised her arms, putting her hands behind her to begin unfastening her own silk blouse.

"Want me to help?" Tamara asked softly, her large brown eyes now throbbing with sex and excited anticipation.

Laura nodded. She turned and let Tamara unbutton the blouse. This was all new to them. They had not undressed one another before since Tamara had already been in bed, undressed, when Laura came to her room, at her invitation, and Laura had been naked under her bathrobe. In seconds they had been pressing their hot, naked flesh together. But this time they had to go through the slow process of removing each piece of clothing, especially since both were still dressed in their best expensive work clothes.

On the other hand, this made it even more exciting for them both. Tamara undid Laura's blouse slowly, leaning forward and brushing her lips against Laura's naked back too. Laura tried not to become over-aroused, but Tamara had taken so little initiative during their relationship so far that this tenderness threatened to make Laura's lust boil over. She actually quivered as Tamara's lips explored the nape her neck and the creases below her shoulderblades, feeling the warm nectars flow freely in her tingling pussy.

"Ohhhh . . . it feels so good," she breathed, reaching back and holding her long hair up with one hand to give Tamara more access.

As the blouse, now completely unfastened, began to slide down her arms, she turned, slipping it off and placing it with Tamara's dress. Quickly, she unzipped her skirt too and stepped out of it, then kicked off her shoes. Well, there's no mistaking what we're going to do now, she thought as they embraced and kissed again, a slow simmering kiss that became wet and passionate very quickly.

Since they had their arms around each other, their fingers caressing and seeking bare flesh eagerly, they easily found each other's bra clasp and unfastened it. They skimmed the thin straps off each other's shoulders, becoming increasingly hungry for each other as they ran their lips up and down each other's neck and upper chest and cheeks, kissing hungrily.

"Laura . . . it's so good with you," Tamara panted softly.

Laura stepped briefly back so that they could extricate themselves from the loose fabric and loops of their limp bras. They flung them aside and slowly came together again, first watching their naked breasts press together, their nipples touching, then almost devouring one another in the most voracious kiss yet. In the middle of it, Laura gently coaxed Tamara down onto the small bed. She filled her hands with the girl's springy naked breasts, tweaking Tamara's soft, bulbous, deep-rosy-purple nipples with her fingers.

"I want to eat you alive," she breathed, giving voice to her earlier silent thought, kissing Tamara's lovely neck again, her bare shoulders, her collarbone, her smooth chest, cradling one perfect breast in her palm and running her tongue all over one of Tamara's beautiful large nipples.

"Oh! Oh Laura!"

"Can I suck you? I want to suck your beautiful dark nipples."


Laura drew the thick, soft bulb into her mouth, laving it with warm saliva and swirling her tongue over it, then sucking harder, until Tamara began to whimper excitedly. Trying to control her fervent sexual hunger for this beautiful girl, Laura sucked Tamara's other nipple in the same way, more ravenously by the second, feeling Tamara's hands searching for her, Laura's, breasts, finding them, squeezing them, as Laura kept sucking.

"Me too," Tamara panted softly, her voice soft and halting. "Let me suck you too."

Laura smiled up at her. She now had Tamara on her back, so it was an easy matter so shift her body upward so that her small, perfectly-shaped breasts dangled above Tamara's mouth. She swished them playfully in Tamara's face, trying to relax her, loosen her up, make her see that this was serious but delightful too, that they could now enjoy it to the fullest without anyone to overhear or discover them.

Tamara filled her hands with Laura's breasts and guided one of Laura's nipples into her mouth, sucking it tentatively, then more heatedly, making a hot squirt of happy sexual fire flash through Laura's body. Tamara had never gone so far during their first time together, having allowed herself only to rub Laura's pussy with her fingers, after Laura's gentle encouragement, never daring any other caresses. Now, feeling Laura's body respond, knowing how Laura was enjoying this, she sucked and squeezed Laura's dangling breasts very passionately.

Laura planted a palm on each side of Tamara's head and threw her own head back, pushing her breasts down into Tamara's face, feeling the insides of her pussy melt and run with warm nectars as Tamara sucked her nipples thirstily. She moaned softly, exulting in the hot, throbbing pleasure of this moment.

"Ohhhnnnn honey . . . oh honey yessss!" she gasped, biting her lower lip as Tamara's unrelenting lips tugged and pinched and sucked hard at her sensitive nipples.

She slid back down to kiss her, and now they were a groping, searching, writhing pair, coiling together, panting urgently, verging on a sexual delirium that was far hotter than what they had experienced before with one another. Laura got her hands under Tamara's thin panties and quickly pulled them down the girl's scissoring legs, trying not to tear them but feeling desperately hungry to fuck her. Oh, I want her, I want her, she's so beautiful!

She got her own panties off too, in a swift, graceful movement, kicking them free of the bed, and they were both finally, completely, naked. Tamara was wildly aroused, panting and mewling softly as Laura's mouth returned to her magnificent deep rosy-purple nipples, now deeper purple than ever with engorged blood as Laura again sucked them and gently dug her teeth into the stippled, wet areolas.

"Oh! Oh god!" Tamara whimpered. "Oh god, that feels so good!"

"Oh honey . . . I want to kiss your pussy with my pussy," Laura panted to her, pinching Tamara's wet nipples and gazing deep into her throbbing big brown eyes.

Tamara's beautiful young face was contorted by a sexual hunger Laura had never seen there before, but this made her look puzzled. "Can we do that?"

"Oh yes. Just lie back and do what I say."

Obediently, Tamara leaned back on her elbows, while Laura maneuvered their legs into place, slipping one of hers under Tamara's and one of Tamara's under hers. She looked down into their groins and saw how Tamara's pussy was puckered and open, her labia thicker, meatier, more protuberant than she had ever noticed before, like an inflamed love chute, open and ready for an invasion. From this perspective, she was unable to see the fiery red insides, but she knew that in seconds her own runny slit would be pressed fervently against this puckered, protruding, fleshy chute, and an ectsacy Tamara had never dreamed of would be engulfing them both.

She looked up, into Tamara's eyes. She wanted to see the expression on Tamara's face when their two hot, wet cunts first touched.

"Now, do what I do, honey," she murmured, holding Tamara's eyes with hers in a hypnotic gaze, coruscating and seething with sexual hunger. "Hold your pussy open like this, with your fingers."

Laura had done this with many of her lovers and learned to love the shock of pleasure that usually seized each girl's face when she felt the hot, squirmy, slippery sensation of her naked cunt flesh pressing into Laura's. Depending on how aroused you were, the thrill of the initial contact was almost enough to make you come by itself. Carefully, she inched her pelvis forward until she felt her wet labia brush Tamara's. At that point, she pushed in harder, watching Tamara nearly swoon from hot, pleasurable sensations flowing through her body as her warm, wet vagina pressed against Laura's.

"Oh! Unhhh!" she gasped, her eyes rolling up. "Oh god, Laura!"

"Yes!" Laura pushed her pussy even harder into Tamara's and began to gyrate her hips in a slow, sensual fuck-motion. "Oh honey . . . hold on," she gasped to the nearly swooning, enraptured girl. "Hold on . . . let me fuck you."

"Oh! Oh . . . god . . . I feel it coming!" Tamara said, her lovely face grimacing as the hints of an inevitable orgasm began to reach her. "Oh Laura . . . it's almost . . . here!"

"I know, honey, I know. Unghhh! Oh! Unhhhh! Pump back with me . . . like that, yes. Oh yes. Unghhh!"

"Unhhhh! Unhhhh!" Tamara panted, grunting softly as she too swirled her pelvis, pushing her cunt up into Laura's in a natural fucking rhythm, biting her lower lip and gazing deep into Laura's eyes with a stronger emotion than Laura had ever seen there before.

One of the things Laura loved about pussy-to-pussy fucking was the opportunity it gave her to hold the eyes of her lover, to look into her eyes, to enjoy the intense feelings passing over her face, while they both swirled their hips relentlessly, going for the final bell. They did this for a long time, moving rhythmically and deliberately on Tamara's small bed, feeling the wet, hot flesh of their melded cunts sliding and mashing together, until both of them were reduced to quivering masses of urgent, uncontrollable sex need.

"Oh god, Laura . . . it's almost here!" Tamara gasped again, throwing her head back and pumping her pussy harder into Laura's, her whole delicious light brown body beginning to shiver in helpless convulsions as her orgasm approached, her large dark-purplish nipples swirling as her young, firm breasts jiggled.

Laura, knowing it could not be prolonged any further, reached down with one hand to guide her engorged, erect clit into Tamara's, which was equally swollen and rubbery. Making an upside down V with her middle and forefinger, she held her clit between the fingers and rubbed it methodically, then more roughly, against the bulging little berry of Tamara's clit. Something like a galvanic shock went through both of their bodies in the same instant, as their clits touched.

Tamara's body sagged, then stiffened, clutched by a sudden spasm, and a remote, desperate whimper came from deep in her chest. Her eyelids fluttered, and an intense expression of paralytic, almost unbearable rapture began to spread across her face.

"Oh Laur—" she gasped. "Oh . . . oh Laura oh shit oh . . . auunngghhhhh! Annghhiieeee! Ummnngghhh! Oh Jesus Jesus unngghhh!"

The sight of the beautiful Tamara coming, along with the hot sexual jolts that Tamara's pussy pressed against her own sent through her body, brought Laura to the brink only a few seconds later. Inside her pussy, tightly pressed against Tamara's, she felt a scalding, blooming cloud of throbbing pleasure that expanded until it filled her entire writhing body. She fell back to the mattress, still thrusting and grinding with her hips but overcome by an immense wave of sharp, almost paralyzing ecstasy.

"Ohhhhh! Ohhhh!" she sighed, feeling it sweep over her body and then grip it in two, three, four fierce shocks of piercing orgasmic rapture. "Auunngghhhh! Ungghh! Oh god honey yes yes! Ungghhhh!"

The tornado force of this shared climax seemed to knock both of them nearly unconscious, and they lay back, still glued groin to groin, but half-destroyed, panting and mewling, unable to move. Laura knew Tamara could still feel what she herself was feeling, thrilling waves of aftershocks, as well as tingling prickly arrows of acutely pleasurable sensation everywhere the flesh of her pussy met Laura's. Neither of them wanted it to end, and neither moved for several minutes, until they both recovered their breath.

Then Laura struggled back up onto her elbows, smiling across at Tamara, who still seemed to be in shock from the experience, so much more powerful than their earlier tryst at the Inn. Slowly, a similar smile spread over Tamara's lovely face, followed by an embarrassed grin. She shook her head, disbelieving.

"And here I thought the first time was exciting," she said, softly.

Laura leaned forward, disengaging their groins in the process of swarming all over Tamara, kissing her warmly, passionately, not having any intention of stopping here, possessed by the urge to continue ravishing the gorgeous naked creature.

"The first time, it was hard enough just to get you into the bed at all," she whispered, nuzzling Tamara's ear and dropping her hand to the girl's pussy, which was still flowing, still inflamed.

"Ohhnn!" Tamara moaned, biting her lower lip again as Laura's skillful hand aroused new feelings in her body. "I forgot you like seconds. And thirds."

Laura was already mouth-mauling her perfect breasts for the second time, now giving each large, swelling, deep rosy-purplish nipple the teasing teeth treatment, bringing tight little gasps and squeaks from Tamara's throat.

"Ohhh . . . I love it when you do that," she gasped.

"Mmmm, you like this?" Laura murmured, taking one plum-colored nipple between her teeth, tugging the hard areola, at the same time flicking the protruding center nub with the tip of her tongue, flicking it hard and fast.

"Uhhh . . . uhhh!" Tamara panted wildly. "Oh god, yes!"

It was only about two minutes since she had climaxed, but Tamara was clearly ready for more, undulating, moaning softly, her delectable body a feast for Laura's pleasure. This time it was not reciprocal since Laura intended to ravish Tamara herself, imbibe, ingest, and consume her, unleashing all the wild passion she had not been able to exercise the first time, when they had been surrounded by coworkers in other hotel rooms.

She had also been a little afraid to show Tamara the full extent of her desire, but now she sensed that Tamara, for all her coquettish reluctance, really wanted it and had surrendered to Laura completely. So for the next four or five minutes, Laura gave the beautiful girl a fucking unlike any, she was sure, Tamara had ever had, even from old Stewart when he got his fierce woody.

From sucking and gently biting her nipples, Laura quickly turned to kissing the rest of her naked body, descending inevitably to the ripe honey pit between her thighs. By this time, Tamara was again squirming and moaning uncontrollably, her lovely young naked body a masterpiece of perfect flesh, long and lean and rich creamy light brown, the glistening, hot-pink cleft of her open pussy succulent and fresh, beckoning Laura's mouth.

"Oh honey, you have such a beautiful pussy," Laura purred, enchanted by the fleshy dark lips of Tamara's love chute, which were a little larger and thicker than most, parting to reveal the juicy slit that was aching to receive her tongue.

Laura wasted no time entering it.

"Ahhh!" Tamara gasped, her body arching and shuddering briefly at the intense moment of penetration, as she felt Laura's tongue slip up into her open pussy. "Oh! Oh Laura, oh yes!"

"Mmmm, and there's an excited little clit here just waiting for me to suck it until it pops."

"Yes . . . yes! Ungghhh! Oh . . . oh Laura ungghhh! Right there! Yes!"

Laura, after years of experience with a variety of girls, really knew how to eat pussy, and she lavished on Tamara over the next few minutes an extravagant skill that soon had the girl whooping and twisting in a frenzy of need. Tamara, Laura remembered, thought of herself as a slow comer, but even though she had come once already, Laura had some difficulty not letting her come too quickly the second time. She tossed and writhed, pleading with Laura, bucking her hips, grabbing her wonderful, springy young breasts and twisting them, pulling her own nipples so that the purplish plums were extended almost two inches above the rolling globes.

"Oh . . . yes, oh yes Laura do it . . . do it harder please . . . oh please oh it feels so good! I'm going to come again . . . oh Laura . . . oh right there! Yes! Right there! Ungghhh! Oh! Oh!"

Laura knew it was mean to string it out this way, but she was richly enjoying Tamara's sweet torment, remembering when Tamara had made her feel so guilty for staring, or when Tamara had asked her to 'forget it ever happened.' You won't be able to forget this one, sweetie. She slid two fingers up into the slippery, tight, well-lubricated channel and began fucking her with them, determined to find the trigger that would allow the whimpering, undulating girl to have the wildest orgasms she had ever experienced.

"You are going to come hard, honey," she panted to Tamara, bringing her closer, closer to the edge. "So hard."

"Unh! Ungh! Oh yes! Unghh!"

When Laura had prolonged it as much as she dared—though not nearly as long as she had strung out Kendra a few nights before—she cranked up the heat and the pace, knowing Tamara was about to self-destruct in a crushing onslaught of hot, jolting, endless coming. She slid her free hand under the girl's smooth, jouncing asscheeks and squeezed them sharply, feeling the firm round flesh give only slightly beneath her fingers. She lashed the distended little bead of Tamara's erect clit with her tongue, slapping it, stabbing it, pressing the flat of her tongue hard against it, at the same time jabbing her fingers more deeply into the streaming tight wet sleeve of Tamara's clinging pussy, hearing Tamara yelp and groan, feeling her delicious young body quake with the first tremors of a powerful orgasm.

"AUUNNGGHHHH!" Tamara suddenly cried out, a sharp, deafening cry of ecstasy that Laura feared could be heard two blocks away, louder than any cry she had ever made before. "Unngghhhhnnnmmggnniieeee! Ohnngghh! Oh yes! Ungghhh!"

She came in sharp, wrenching shocks, her body flipping and surging off the bed, her legs scissoring, her pelvis churning in wild, spastic gyrations. Laura was thrilled by the power of this climax and could only hold on for dear life during its first, shattering seconds. Tamara's body arched and quivered in a violent frenzy of spasms, then sank back temporarily to the shaking bed as Laura began to probe her flooding pussy with her two fingers, seeking the key that would unlock the treasure.

For a few seconds Tamara mewled and panted, gasping for breath, still reeling in a hot delirium of sweet sensation that swept over her quivering flesh following her tumultuous climax. Laura, who briefly glanced up at her beautiful face, could see that she was still in shock from it. And as she looked at Tamara, she realized that her fingers had found the sensitive spot, deep in the girl's pussy, because Tamara's face was suddenly seized by an expression of startling, piercing shock.

Oh honey, hold on, you're going to come like a lightning bolt now! Laura thought, feeling the earthquake begin deep inside Tamara's body.

"Aiighhhiieee!" Tamara screamed, suddenly realizing that a horrific orgasm, sharper even than the last one, was about to devour her quivering flesh. "Unhh! Oh . . . oh god oh god! Unngghhhiiiieeee!"

After that the breath was torn from her throat by a wave of convulsions. Over the next few minutes she had three more successively wrenching orgasms, each one brought to life by Laura's rubbing fingers, buried deep in her cunt, and Laura's skillful lips and tongue on her throbbing, jangling clit, sending her over the edge so many times that by the end she was weeping and swooning in an unbearably intense firestorm of killing pleasure. And these climaxes, unlike the first, were not violent, thrashing ones. Instead, her body seemed to stiffen, then shudder through long, rolling assaults of hot bliss, then relax, then stiffen again and resume the whole sequence, her face transfixed by a sublime trance of burning rapture.

Laura had made many lovely girls come this way, but she had never seen any of them come harder than Tamara did. The girl's cheeks were wet from involuntary tears by the time it was finished, and Laura had slithered up to embrace her and coax her back to reality from such an agonizingly intense sexual journey.

"I hope you can forgive me for making you come so hard," she whispered into Tamara's lovely whorled brown ear.

Tamara blinked. She wearily wiped away the tears from one cheek with a long forefinger. She looked very solemnly into Laura's eyes.

"I love you," she said, quietly, simply. "I just love you, that's all." Her big, baby brown eyes gazed deep into Laura's, tempting Laura to fall in love back.

This was an interesting moment for Laura. She was the one who usually fell in love too easily. I fall in love too fast, she thought to herself, hearing the song, the melody that went with the words. Too terribly hard . . . for love to ever last.

You just love the way I fuck you, she wanted to say. So much better than Stewart does. But she couldn't say it to Tamara, who was being very honest and serious. And yet Laura, who always fell in love too easily, and who was definitely infatuated by the beautiful Tamara and her lovely light brown perfect body and her cute coquettish ways, was not in love with her. What do you do now? she asked herself.

Lie, of course. "I love you too," she murmured, very genuinely.

It wasn't hard. Tamara was beautiful, and fucking her was an intensely beautiful experience. No denying that. Laura even sympathized with her a little bit for being so shallow. In fact, she knew that wasn't it because she was in love with others who were a little shallow. Randi, for example. But there was some essential ingredient missing with Tamara. Not in the sexual department, though.

Now that she had fallen in love with Laura, her reluctance to press her mouth to Laura's pussy seemed to have vanished. After they cooed and cuddled and loved each other for several minutes, she slid down Laura's body, and following only about two minutes of licking Laura's pussy, she brought Laura to a deliciously long and intense orgasm with her mouth. It was so good that Laura, as she lay recovering from it, wondered if maybe she didn't love the beautiful Tamara after all.

"I want to kiss you, but I still have all your . . . you know, juices on my mouth," she confessed shyly to Laura.

Laura smiled drowsily, turning her head. "Honey, if you don't kiss me anyway, I'm going to . . . tell Stewart you just gave me the wildest orgasm I ever had."

This embarrassed Tamara, who looked down. "I hope you don't ever meet him."

Laura pulled her down and kissed her searchingly, emotionally. "This is between you and me. Nobody else."

"Did I make you come good?"

"The best. Couldn't you tell?"

Tamara nodded. "I'm not lying." The baby browns again, throbbing, deep pools. "I love you. I can't help it. I love you, Laura."

Laura grinned at her and kissed her again. "Good," she murmured back. "Then I won't feel guilty staying here all night for an orgy."

"Oh god, more?" Tamara laughed, suddenly realizing that there was no reason to stop. "I don't know if I can take any more, after that."

"What do you say we try anyway?"

Again Tamara was embarrassed, but then she glanced up, growing bolder. "Maybe we could do that . . . you know, what we did first, again."

"Are you sure it won't make you come too hard?" Laura teased.

"Oh gosh, I hope so," Tamara grinned back, giving Laura a fresh, seductive smile.




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