Laura - Chapter 222


Randi came into Laura's office unexpectedly. It was after lunch, and she looked distressed, sad, guilty, very tentative, unsure of how Laura would react. On the other hand, she looked ravishing, as usual, in a short beige knit skirt and a snugly-fitting orange silk blouse that showed off her jutting breasts. Her long shapely legs were marvelously exposed, and her braids swirled sexily around her shoulders.

But she was not happy. "Can I close the door?"

"Should you?" Laura asked, coldly. "Maybe someone will think something unusual is happening in here. Maybe someone will tell Rhonda."

"Oh Laura . . . please."

Laura softened. "Oh go ahead. Close it for a minute."

Laura couldn't help the way she felt either. Just the sight of Randi pinched her heart. She wanted her desperately, more than ever, it seemed, drinking in the sight of her beautiful face and long, lean, curvaceous body. They had fucked so heatedly, so many times. They had fought and scratched and bitten each other, and brought each other to repeated, wild, convulsive, incandescent orgasms. How could I not love her? How could she sleep with that cunt Rhonda?

As she turned back to Laura after closing the door, Randi's eyes were glistening. She came over to Laura's desk, looking contrite, apologetic.

"Can you forgive me for what happened?"

"What do you mean?" Laura didn't want to make it easy.

"You know, what I said. Last time."

Laura looked out the window, acting icy and aloof, the way she had seen Deshona behave in the early stages, though Deshona had done it for different reasons.

"Didn't you two hit if off?" she said, icily nasty.

She turned back to see one fat tear slide down Randi's smooth, black cheek. She wanted to kiss it, lick it.

Randi looked away, unwilling to meet Laura's hard gaze. "We . . . spent some time together. She's . . . very nice. Nicer than you might think."

"Do you want me to sit back while you tell me all the gory details?"

Randi looked back, catching Laura's eyes, frowning. "You don't need to be cruel. I came to apologize."

"For what? Taunting me?"

"No. For hurting you."

"Honey, if you are so crazy to have that cunt Rhonda Reardon praise your gorgeous little black pussy, then who am I to stand in the way."

"You don't even care?"

Now Laura gulped, in spite of herself. It was hard to lie about this. She did care. She was eaten up by hot jealousy. She hated Rhonda, and she despised Randi for using Rhonda on her. And a horrible gnawing pain came and went in her stomach at the thought of them fucking together.

Laura looked down at her desk, at her hands. "I care," she croaked softly.

Randi came around the desk. She put one hand on Laura's shoulder. "I love you, Laura."

Laura was out of her chair in a second. They grabbed each other and kissed ravenously, almost knocking over Laura's office chair in the process. Though they had had some very heated sex together in the past, Laura wondered if they had ever felt this hungry for each other. She devoured Randi's mouth, driving her tongue into it, digging her fingers into Randi's ass through her skirt.

"Oh god, I want you!" she gasped. "I never wanted you this much!"

"Oh Laura . . . I know! I feel it too. She never meant anything like this to me."

"Please shut up about her. Don't say anything."

Laura kissed her neck, smooth and black. She unbuttoned the back of the orange blouse.

"Careful, it cost me a lot," Randi panted. "Oh! Do you think anyone will come in?"

"I want you. I don't care."

"I know," Randi panted, kissing Laura's neck now, squeezing Laura's breasts through her clothing. "I know . . . god, I want you!"

Stooping, Laura got her hands under Randi's short skirt and pulled it up her thighs. She let one hand slide up between them, slipping two fingers under the elastic of Randi's panties. Randi's pussy was flooding with warm juice, and Laura's fingers slid right into it.

"Unh!" Randi gasped in shocked pleasure, a little more loudly than either would have preferred.

"Quiet," Laura cautioned. "Somebody will hear."

"Maybe we should just go to your place . . . or mine," Randi panted, biting her full lower lip as Laura continued to fuck her pussy with her fingers.

"I can't wait," Laura panted back to her, pulling her down onto the floor beside the desk.

"Oh god, Laura, we could get fired."

"Just bite your hand or something when you come," Laura said, pulling Randi's white lacy panties down her long, spectacular legs.

She threw them across the room to get them out of the way. Randi, though terrified, opened her thighs for Laura, revealing the inflamed, glistening magenta cleft of her open pussy, fringed with tight black curls, her sinuous black pussylips all puffy and wet with juice. Randi had one of the most beautiful pussies of all, and Laura was enraptured at the sight of this familiar, exquisitely lovely feast.

Nobody can eat this beautiful pussy like I can, darling, she thought, pressing her lips hungrily to Randi's hot, oozing quim. Apparently Randi felt that way too because as soon as Laura's lips touched her pussy, she began to toss and writhe on the floor, whimpering and churning her hips, swirling her pussy up into Laura's mouth.

"Oh god, Laura, yes!" she gasped, looking down her half-clothed body at Laura's face between her thighs. "Just like that! Oh shit, I'm going to come so fast if you do that!"

I'll bet Rhonda can't make you come fast, Laura thought, licking her lips, swallowing Randi's tangy cunt nectars, feeling them smear her lips and coat her tongue. Oh god, I love this girl! I love your sweet pussy, Randi. I don't care if we do get fired, I couldn't help myself, I've got to have you like this, right now! Come on, honey, come, I can make you come, come right now, she could never do this for you!

Half of her wanted to slow down, to savor this sweet, gorgeous pussy she had so often and so lovingly licked. The other half of her wanted to rape and ravish it, plunge her fist into it, make Randi scream in the grip of a shattering convulsion of blinding ecstasy. But she didn't have much choice in the matter, it turned out.

"Oh! Oh Laura!"

"Shhhhh! Quiet . . . try not to cry out."

"Oh god, I can't help it. It feels so good! Oh Laura . . . now I think . . . yes now! Ungghhhh!"

Randi came in a sharp spasm, her whole pelvis rising off the floor, jerking and pumping spastically as the jolts hit her. Laura didn't think Randi had moaned loudly enough to be heard, but on the other hand she wasn't sure. Following her first groan, she had dissolved into tiny, bitten-off squeaks and mewlings.

Laura's lips were coated with warm cunt juice, and she smiled as she looked up Randi's now-relaxing body to her face, seeing the expression of almost sublime pleasure that gripped the girl's beautiful features.

Randi's eyes came open, and she batted them and giggled at Laura, as if embarrassed to have come so quickly and so hard. They were both locked in a semi-hypnotic trance of sex and love and barely heard the quick rap on the door, which then opened a crack. Deshona Reed stuck her head around the edge of the door.

"Laura, are you there? I was just in town and I thought—"

She stopped. Randi, though her eyes were still glazed, could see Deshona, but Laura had to whip her head around. Oh god! she thought.

Deshona didn't even come all the way into the office. She looked down at them with horror and shock. Randi's skirt was hiked up, her panties on the other side of the office, her thighs spread, and Laura's face was in her crotch, Laura's lips glistening and wet, Randi's pussy red and gaping. Also, it was hard to conceal the fact that Randi had just had a powerful orgasm; she was still panting and stunned.

"Oh god," Laura said aloud, though softly.

Without another word, Deshona withdrew her head and closed the door. Randi sighed and giggled again, sitting up, even caressing Laura's cheek with one finger.

"Guess Miss Uppity got an eyeful this time, eh?" she said. "Thank god it wasn't anybody else."

"You mean Rhonda?" Laura asked, cuttingly.

Randi glowered at her. "No, I meant 'anybody else.' Why do you have to be so mean? After this? It was beautiful."

Laura couldn't suppress a small grin. "And dangerous. You better . . . you know," she gestured at Randi's scrumptious and naked lower body, her long, dark, shapely legs beckoning Laura's lust to awaken again.

Randi leaned closer to Laura, catching Laura's mouth with her own, slithering her tongue inside. She let her hand fall to Laura's hem, then slid it between Laura's thighs.

"You didn't get to come," she whispered. "I can make you come too."

"I know you can. You're almost doing it right now. But it's too dangerous. Somebody already came in. What if somebody else does?"

"Don't you want me to fuck you?" Randi pouted theatrically.

Laura smiled. "You don't know how much. Let's go somewhere for lunch."

Now Randi pouted genuinely. "I have a lunch meeting. Let's make it after work."

Laura wanted to ask if the meeting was with Rhonda, but she restrained herself. She leaned forward and kissed Randi back, a scorching, searing kiss.

"I love you too, Randi," Laura whispered against her moving lips. "My place after work."

"I can't wait."

Randi smiled, eyes glistening with tears of happiness now. Laura helped her by retrieving her panties from across the room and handing them to her. Randi pulled them on and rearranged her skirt, doing it slowly and elaborately in order to enjoy Laura's eyes on her amazing legs.

"I'll sit back down at my desk, and you go out as if we were just having a little meeting , okay?" Laura said. "Just in case anyone is curious."

"I didn't make too much noise, did I?" Randi asked, concerned.

"I don't know. I was too involved."

Randi tittered and looked scandalized. She put her hand on Laura's, communicating another 'I love you' with her eyes. Then, after Laura returned to her desk, she opened the door and left.

My, aren't we a happy little loving pair, Laura thought, with a trace of irony and not a little bitterness. Something must've happened with Rhonda. I wonder what it was. Randi was so soft, so sweet . . . so ingratiating, trying to make me forget. Trying to apologize. Even risking her job to give me her body.

But Laura couldn't spend a lot of time thinking about it because she got a call from Yvette. "Oh god, Laura, I need your help. I think I'm a little out of my depth here. I got assigned this project . . . and I don't know what to do!"

Her voice trailed up in semi-hysteria at the end of this sentence. Laura tried to calm her.

"Calm down. Calm down, honey. Okay? Now . . . tell me the details."

Yvette launched into a lengthy summary of a complex report she had been asked to do, by Rhonda or one of Rhonda's underlings. Laura listened patiently. It was true—they both knew it, in fact even Rhonda knew it—that Yvette had been promoted to a position where she actually was out of her depth. She had got to that point by making her body available to those who craved it, to Rhonda and others. But she was not unintelligent and merely lacked experience with the tools and methods she was being asked to use.

It was mean, however, to test her this way, and Laura didn't want to see the girl fail. "I'll be right there," she said quietly.

She went to Yvette's office. Remembering Randi, she left the door ajar so as not to arouse suspicion. This made her think of Deshona for the first time since Deshona had peeked in and discovered Laura and Randi in possibly the most intimate of positions. Laura's feelings were marvelously, intriguingly mixed. She felt very guilty for having been caught like that. She also felt a thrilling sense of triumph at having hurt Deshona, in return for the way Deshona had hurt her.

But she also knew it wasn't that simple. Why had Deshona popped in like that unless it was to make amends, to try to soothe Laura's feelings, maybe to try to get back together with her, to apologize? Deshona had got more than she bargained for. She had long thought of Randi as her major rival with Laura. In fact, they thought of each other that way. That was the reason Randi had gloated afterward. And Deshona had seen Laura with her face between Randi's beautiful thighs, her lips smeared with Randi's delicious cunt ooze.

Oh god, she'll never speak to me again! Laura realized. But right now, she had to help Yvette. It didn't help that Yvette also, as usual, looked ravishing, and that since Laura had got herself all steamed up with Randi, and got no release, she desperately wanted to touch Yvette's smooth black skin, her hair, her body.

She wore a violet angora sweater, cut low at the throat to show off her delicious smooth skin and perfect bones. She was much darker than Randi, and her long, flowing black hair was so unusual that Laura wanted to run her fingers through it, a feeling she often had, and had sometimes surrendered to. In fact, as they both knew, Yvette had everything it took to ring all of Laura's bells at once, and she never hesitated to flaunt every bit of it.

"You're looking at me like you have something in mind other than helping me with this report," Yvette smiled mischievously.

"I can't help it. You are too gorgeous."

Yvette frowned with worry. "It only got me here. I won't keep me here."

Laura sighed. I don't know about that, she thought. After losing Stevie, Rhonda won't be very quick to show you the door, darling. April is a delight, but she's not enough to hold the blonde vampire's interest for long. Too sweet. She needs someone like you, almost as devious as she is.

"Bring that stuff over here to the table where we can spread it out," she said.

For the next three hours, they struggled together with Yvette's project. Laura had done similar things many times in the past and showed Yvette how to organize it, parse it, package it, and present it. Yvette paid close attention and took notes.

Finally, when it was about complete, she looked across the table at Laura with veiled eyelids. "We haven't done it since that night at the party," she whispered.

Laura, already desperately horny from her encounter with Randi on the floor of her own office, swallowed uncomfortably. "I know." Her eyes held Yvette's. "God, it was exciting."

Yvette looked around, instinctively, since both knew no one else was in the office. "I know a place."

"A place?"

"A secret place. Not really a secret, but nobody uses it. It's a woman's lounge, up on the twelfth floor." She winked. "You can lock it."

Laura shook her head. "Just our luck somebody would walk in." She thought again ruefully of Deshona.

Yvette giggled. "We lock it, silly. Come on, I'll show you."

Half reluctantly, half quivering internally with urgent sexual need, Laura followed her to the elevator, letting her eyes linger on the hard high curve of Yvette's lovely ass under her skirt, an ass second in beauty only to her sister Chanitra's. Then her eyes fell to Yvette's long legs, just as long as Randi's, though Yvette wore lengthier skirts. These tall lovely girls, Laura marveled, with their shockingly beautiful legs. Both of them are a little taller than I. God, I adore them both and want them so bad!

Both she and Yvette, having fucked surreptitiously in various offices throughout the building for years, knew how to do this. They walked as if on their way to a meeting, carrying folders and day planners, gesturing as if discussing some deep business issue. One reason the lounge was apparently not used very much, Laura noticed as they walked through the warren of empty and dark cubicles, was that this part of the company had been recently reorganized, and many tasks formerly done on this floor had been transferred to Hong Kong. The floor was nearly vacant.

When they got to Yvette's secret place and shut the door behind them, they both dissolved into helpless laughter.

"We bad, girl," Yvette laughed, tears coming to her eyes.

She twisted the lock shut.

"Are you sure nobody will come in here, or knock? What if somebody has a key?" Laura asked, nervous.

"Don't you trust me?" Yvette smirked.

"Well, at least I know you didn't do it in here with the blonde bitch," Laura said. "She doesn't need to sneak around."

Yvette made a face. "You're such a sourpuss. You'd think all I do is run around screwing Rhonda just to make you jealous."

"No," Laura pursed her lips. "You do it for other reasons. It just has a byproduct of making me jealous."

Yvette came over to her, raising her long, slender black fingers to Laura's face, caressing her cheeks. "I think it's so sweet that you're jealous. Making you jealous really turns me on. It makes me all wet and horny, and I want to do it with you, hard and fast, like we used to do it."

"God, me too," Laura confessed. "I think you're so gorgeous."

"Thank you for helping me with my deliverable," Yvette said, suddenly sultry and seductive. "I'm going to give you something in return."

Laura, who was usually the sexual aggressor, as she had been that morning with Randi, was pleasantly surprised to find Yvette pulling her over to the drab and worn-looking sofa by the window, then pulling her down onto it and kissing Laura hungrily. Suddenly, she was on top of Laura, kissing her neck, unbuttoning her blouse, kissing down between Laura's breasts, between her bra cups.

"Oh shit, you had to wear one that fastens in the back," she said, exasperated.

"I can take it off, if you want," Laura smiled.

"I can take it off myself. I want these beautiful boobs in my mouth."

This really set Laura's blood, already surging, on fire. She helped Yvette loosen the blouse without removing it entirely, then waited while Yvette embraced her, unfastening her bra behind her, then pushing the loose cups up to get at Laura's naked breasts. She dropped her mouth to them immediately, pinching and sucking Laura's tingling nipples until Laura, already overheated from this morning, almost came from that alone.

"Unnhhh! You better do it . . . or I'll come before you do it," she panted to Yvette.

Yvette smiled and kissed her mouth, still pinching Laura's wet, erect nipples. "You wouldn't deprive me of my pleasure, would you? I want to lick you. You want me to lick you, don't you?"

"Oh god . . . Yvette, yes! Hurry. Oh god, I'm so horny for you."

"Mmmm, that makes two of us," Yvette purred, slipping down the sofa, pulling up Laura's skirt, skimming Laura's panties down and off her legs.

She did it all in one fluid motion, pushing apart Laura's thighs and pressing her mouth to Laura's flowing, throbbing pussy so quickly that Laura was overcome by an irresistible wave of sexual excitement. She knew she was so aroused that she would come in seconds.

"Oh! Oh!" she gasped, twisting uncontrollably.

"Don't come yet," Yvette complained softly. "I want to enjoy this."

"I . . . can't help it!" Laura gasped. "Oh honey! Oh honey!"

"Shhh . . . Laura! Somebody might hear you. Mmmm, I love your pussy. How does this feel?"

"Oh . . . Jesus! Ungghh! Auungghhhh!" Laura cried out, her body wrenched by fierce explosions of hot, quick coming. "Unngghiiieemmnnggeee!"

She came in more fierce shocks, alarming Yvette so much that she slid one hand up to Laura's mouth to muffle the loud moans. Laura thrashed and twisted under her on the sofa until the spasms began to wane, leaving her stunned and panting. She opened her eyes, feeling Yvette's mouth on hers. Yvette was beaming, kissing her passionately, even though Laura was still too shattered to kiss back.

"Wow, you really let it all out that time," Yvette beamed. "I love to make you come like that."

Laura smiled up at her wanly. "I love it when you do." She reached up and began to unbutton Yvette's sweater as Yvette leaned down to kiss her again. "I want to eat you alive."

Yvette pouted and posed as Laura got her sweater loose enough to get to her bra clasp. "I want to be naked in bed with you," she complained. "Not on some old dirty sofa in the office."

She was still leaning over Laura, and as her bra went loose, as Laura unclasped it, her small, beautiful breasts dangled in Laura's face. Laura guided one perfect dark globe into her mouth easily, sucking Yvette's thick, swelling nipple and pinching it between the roof of her mouth and her tongue. She heard a sharp intake of breath from the girl. Her mouth quickly moved to Yvette's other nipple, hungry, sucking hard, squeezing her firm breasts too, really wanting to devour her, as she had said.

"Oh Laura . . . oh yessss!" Yvette moaned, pushing her breasts into Laura's face. "God, nobody can do it the way you do it."

Music to my ears, Laura thought. You let them all fuck you, but I'm the only one who can really do it for you, right, darling? Oh, I love these beautiful springy breasts and thick black nipples. I am going to swallow them.

But Yvette was already very overheated. She began to pant semi-hysterically, and twist and tremble. "God . . . I think if you just touch my pussy, I'll come!" she gasped.

"Oh no . . . oh no," Laura said, releasing her nipple, trying to calm her down a little. "I want to lick the world's most beautiful pussy. You aren't going to deprive me of that."

Yvette, still very aroused, smiled disarmingly. "You might only get in a few licks," she grinned as they readjusted their bodies, with Yvette now on the bottom, on her back on the sofa, Laura on top but down between her long legs.

Together, they skimmed off Yvette's panties. Yvette truly had a beautiful pussy, a hall-of-fame pussy, with long wavy cuntlips, a perfectly shaped little glossy black tent at the top sheltering the round purplish berry of her largish clit. The interior was bright, hot pink, all glistening and runny with fresh juices, a succulent feast for Laura's hungry mouth.

"Mmmm, a few licks is better than no licks," she murmured, touching her lips to the puckering nether mouth, slipping her tongue inside.

Yvette seemed nearly to perish with ecstasy. She sighed, and her whole long delicious half-clothed black body undulated in one wave.


She was very close, Laura knew. Yvette had warned her, and Yvette's body now betrayed all the evidence of teetering on the very edge of a crushing climax. But I want to eat this beautiful pussy forever, Laura thought. I can never get enough of her, even now, after so many times. Slowly, she licked Yvette's creamy, gaping pussy from top to bottom, then back up, taking care not to touch Yvette's clit with her tongue, not wanting to trigger the inevitable explosion.

But this could only go on so long. Yvette was pumping now, pushing her pelvis up and grinding her pussy into Laura's mouth, her hips quivering spastically in the air as she tried to come, tried to make Laura do it harder, faster.

"Oh! Oh Laura! Yes! Oh god yes do it hard! Yes now! Oh now now . . . auunngghhh! Mmnngghheeee!" she squealed, quickly turning her head to the side to muffle her squeals against the back of the sofa.

Laura had rarely seen anything more beautiful in life than Yvette coming. Or Randi coming, as she had seen earlier that same day. It was so exhilarating and erotic that she knew why watching a beautiful girl come only made her want to fuck the girl more. To make it happen again, and again. She slid up to kiss the panting Yvette, brushing the long black hair out of her face, slithering her tongue between Yvette's sensual lips.

"I love fucking you," she breathed. "I want to be in a bed naked with you too. We have to find a way."

They both looked down at their clothes, half on, half off, disheveled and in total disarray, at risk of being shockingly wrinkled and soiled. Both realized at once that they couldn't linger any longer here. They sat up and began to refasten and rebutton.

"Seems like we're always in a hurry," Yvette said, while getting Laura to re-clasp her necklace, which had come loose in their sweet struggles.

"We are. I always want you so bad, I can't wait."

Yvette smiled, purely pleased and flattered. "Remember when you handcuffed me to the bed and tied up my boobs?" she said, looking down at them, though they were now safely back in her bra and inside her sweater.

"How could I forget that?"

"I want to do it again."

Laura felt the raging fire leap up again in her pussy. She wanted it too. "Soon," she promised. "You arrange to get away. Then let me know ahead of time."

"Oh, so you won't be off screwing some other little black ho? I know you, Laura. I see the way you look at some of those girls, including that cute one with the big ass that Rhonda took away from you before you could ruin her career."

She must mean April, Laura thought.

"And I know you were screwing Sholandra Mason. Rhonda told me. Plus, you know that pretty, stuck-up, 'I'm All That' girl with the braids that I see hanging around your office? I'll bet you my next month's paycheck you been licking her pussy just as hot as you licked mine. Am I right?"

She was taunting and teasing Laura, but only half-teasing. Laura couldn't stop the red from rising in her face. Oh shit, I wish you would cut it out! she thought.

"All lies," she said boldly.

"Like hell they are lies," Yvette smiled. "You just have a thing for the sisters. It's okay. I know we better. We better at fucking, we better at sucking, we better at making Laura come, we better at—"

She ran out of examples. Her invention failed her, but her eyes were still bright with humor and playful scorn.

"I get the point," Laura said.

"You should try doing it with Rhonda," Yvette said, unable to stop teasing. "It'd be fun seeing you two horny old white lesbians getting it on. She really isn't so bad, you know. Kind of hot, sometimes. She has a great body. On the other hand, since she ain't black, she probably wouldn't light your fire."

Laura felt a tear roll down her cheek. She knew it was a cheap manipulation, but it came anyway.

"Why are you being so mean?"

Yvette's beautiful face fell. "I'm sorry. I . . . think it's jealousy. Nothing in my life is like you, Laura."

They were on the point of unlocking the door and leaving the lounge. Laura kissed her. "Nothing for me is like you either," she said. "I wish you could believe that."

Yvette gave her a tight but affectionate smile. "I wish I could too." She kissed Laura back, warmly. "Let me leave first . . . so it don't look like we been fuckin' our happy brains out in here."

Laura nodded. She waited five minutes before making her way out through the deserted cubicle warren, back to the elevator, and back to her office. As well as feeling sexually satisfied—it had been very hot encounter with Yvette on the sofa—she felt a real sadness that Yvette was so jealous, that she had to share her with others, that Yvette was clearly on to her, too. She knew Laura couldn't resist Randi, or April, or Sholandra. It was all so complicated, and yet her heart raced with she thought back to what they had just done.

Her heart also raced when five o'clock came, and she remembered that she and Randi would be doing it again too. She could feel her heart beating faster as she drove home. Randi arrived only minutes later.

"Laura, I saw you on the freeway," she said, getting out of her car, showing off her legs for anyone who cared to look. "You just about mowed down two semi trucks. Girl, you were in a hurry.""

Laura reached out and took several long strands of Randi's braids in her hands, caressing them almost lustfully. "Look what I was racing to meet," she breathed in a sultry, invitational voice. "You know, if you think what we did in my office was hot, wait until I get you upstairs."

Randi gave her a ravishing, fuck-me smile. "I think you're trying to come on to me, lady. Is that right?"

"What if I say yes?"

"I think 'yes' is just the magic word I need to hear," Randi's eyes sparkled. "Let's get up there quick."

As usual, Laura was deathly afraid that they would run into either Kendra or Jane, but the coast was clear. Inside her apartment, they at least managed to get to Laura's bedroom before hurriedly undressing one another. Now they were alone and had nothing to fear, nothing to interrupt them, nothing to prevent a slow, lingering kiss, or a painstakingly tender caress.

This was what Yvette had so plaintively said she wanted earlier today in the locked lounge where she and Laura had fucked passionately on the sofa: to be alone together naked in a bed. And now here I am with Randi, Laura thought, who Yvette correctly picked as one of her main rivals. Oh god, I am such a little tramp, but I can't live without them. Any of them.

They undressed slowly, enjoying the sight of each other's body being gradually revealed. Laura couldn't keep her eyes off Randi's. That morning in her office, she had hungrily eaten Randi's gorgeous pussy, but she had not touched the rest of her body, and now, seeing Randi remove her bra just about paralyzed Laura with desire and fascination.

"How many times have we done this, do you think?" Randi asked, giving Laura a seductive smile, turning slightly so that her lovely young naked breasts swayed, her thick black nipples giving off a dark sheen.

"Not enough," Laura said, finally naked herself, pulling Randi down with her on the bed. "I never can get enough of you."

"I think you must be very horny after this morning," Randi murmured, kissing Laura's shoulder, then her neck. "You didn't get to come. Only me. Before that ugly little troll you like so much poked her head in the door."

Laura was on the verge of blushing since the memory of the hot fucking she had done with Yvette almost got the better of her. I did come, honey, only not with you. Please don't see me blushing. Oh, kiss me and fuck me and just don't even think about the others!

Randi was delighted to oblige, as if reading Laura's mind. Again Laura, usually the aggressor, was the love object as Randi pushed her onto her back and began to kiss her way systematically down Laura's body. She spent a long time on Laura's breasts, longer than anyone had spent in months, Laura thought, toying with Laura's soft coral nipples, and squeezing the small, perfect globes, until Laura could feel the warm, buttery nectars in her pussy almost running down her thighs.

"Ohhhh . . . Randi . . . you're so sweet, so good," she sighed, watching her wet, erect nipples disappear into Randi's sensual mouth, feeling Randi's tongue swirl around them and drive her into a sexual frenzy. "Oh god that feels good."

"Gon' feel even better, girl," Randi panted. "I'm going to make that pretty pussy of yours take off like a rocket."

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" Laura panted as Randi slipped lower.

It was heaven. All thoughts of her afternoon tryst with Yvette left her mind as Randi began to tongue-tease and finger her wet, aching pussy. She took Randi's braids in her hands, fondling them, letting them slither through her fingers, finding it mysteriously and wildly erotic, which Randi, smiling, realized.

"You like those braids, don't you, Laura," she purred, still licking Laura's wet pussy slowly, cleverly. "They turn you on, don't they. Sexy braids. You said that to me once. You dig them, don't you."

"Oh god, yes," Laura panted, reeling from the sweet, pulsing sensations in her pussy, drawing closer to the edge as Randi probed the warm, wet sleeve with two long fingers. "I love you . . . Randi. Ungghhh! Oh!"

"You love fucking, girl," Randi grinned. "You love me to suck your pussy like this. That's what you love. I don't blame you. I love it too."

Laura wasn't going to argue the point. Randi's intention was to bring her to the edge of a sharp, shattering orgasm, and she had done it. Laura was clawing the sheets, gyrating her pelvis, then grabbing and pulling her own tingling nipples as she felt herself draw closer to the final spasms. Oh god, let it be now! she thought. I love this beautiful girl, why won't she believe me?

Randi's fingers now were wet and greasy with Laura's cunt juices, and she easily slid the long middle one down between Laura's clenching buns, wiggling it up into Laura's ass almost before Laura knew what was coming. Her twisting body suddenly stiffened, as if an electric shock had gripped her. A sharp intake of breath whistled through her teeth.

"Ahhnnn! Oh!" She looked down at Randi's beautiful face between her thighs, catching Randi's glistening, happy, hungry eyes. "Oh yes . . . honey. Anngghhh!"

Smiling, Randi began to fuck Laura's ass with the finger, at the same time flicking Laura's erect, throbbing clit with her tongue. Laura began to feel the horrible, wonderful, raging, swelling bubble begin to expand inside her. Only a few days ago she had had Damon's long, stiff prick sliding in and out of her ass this way, and she marveled at how Randi's long, thin finger could feel equally thrilling as it probed and drilled her ass in a slow, sensual rhythm, while Randi lavished her final tongue-caresses on Laura's inflamed pussy.

Her body shook and trembled. Soft, helpless mewlings came from her throat, and her pelvis rocked, shaking spastically as Randi increased the tempo, knowing Laura's end was near.

"You're going to do it, Laura . . . you're going to come . . . right . . . now," she chanting softly, fucking Laura hard, hard, hard with her finger, sucking Laura's clit between her lips.

Laura nearly blacked out. The onslaught of her orgasm was fierce, a sharp, crushing blow that buckled her flexing naked body, then left her moaning and quivering, toes curling, in the grip of a horrific rapturous spasm.

"Auungghhhh! Ohngggg! Ungh! Oh! Oh yes yes yes! Ungghhhh!" she groaned, undulating and shuddering as wave after wave of killing pleasure swept through her flesh.

Sometimes the strength of an orgasm was out of all proportion to its immediate cause, she knew, and though Randi had fucked her well, and hard, she knew this was somehow a result of the whole day's events: the episode on the floor of her office, Deshona's accidental intrusion, her tryst with Yvette, and now her second round with Randi. Somehow all this had accumulated into the opportunity for a truly shattering orgasm, and this was it.

The strength of her climax even seemed to impress Randi. She gingerly removed her finger from Laura's asshole, wiping it on the edge of the sheet, and quickly embraced the still-quivering Laura, kissing her cheek tenderly, cooing to her.

"I never saw you come that hard," she whispered. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Laura blinked away the small residue of tears that the shocking climax had left clouding her eyes. "I hardly ever do come that hard," she admitted.

This made Randi's day. She beamed like a small child opening a Christmas present. "See, I am good for something."

Laura pulled her back down and embraced her aggressively. "You're good for everything."

They kissed deeply, a long, soulful kiss. Laura tried to communicate through the kiss, without saying it aloud, that Rhonda would never be able to supply this kind of moment. They whispered small, affectionate things to each other. Laura again played with Randi's fetching braids, curling them around her fingers.

"Sexy braids," she whispered.

"I came that hard when you did me with the rope," Randi whispered back. "Remember?"

"Darling, I could never forget that."

"Let's do it again. Right now."

Laura was both troubled and amused at the same time. Through some impulse that she herself barely understood, she had begun pulling back from the rougher sort of bondage play she had once indulged in. She had been genuinely disturbed (though sexually thrilled) by her last encounter with Earlene, and she had several times tried to convince Karen that they could have sex without including pain—unsuccessfully, she had to admit. But the more she tried to avoid it, the more some of them brought it up. Yvette, earlier today, had wanted to do it again, and now Randi. Laura wanted to discourage them, but she was not immune to the deep, dangerous excitement of the idea, and when they seemed to want it, she could feel a hot, relentless throbbing and itching deep inside her pussy that she recognized as consent, as agreement, as a hot hunger for it too.

"You sure you want to?" she asked softly, running one finger down Randi's silky cheek to her chin, her long beautiful black neck, her peerless throat, down, down to one luscious round breast, circling the big, bulbous, black nipple with her fingertip.

Randi smiled, deviously. "I've been a bad girl," she said, with an ambiguity that made Laura wonder if she was playacting or telling the truth. "Maybe you should punish me."

Without replying, Laura leaned down and pulled out the long white rope from under the bed, piling the coils on the sheet between them where they sat. Her throbbing eyes caught Randi's and held them. Randi looked half-terrified and also deep in a lust trance, her black eyes shiny and dilated.

Laura picked up the rope, made a round coil with it, and slipped the slack noose over Randi's naked breast, the one she had just touched. They had been so hot for quick fucking, both this morning and now, that Laura, who loved Randi's beautiful naked breasts, had not even touched them yet. I'm going to really enjoy this, she thought, alarmed at her own deviant longings, the depravity she was giving into.

Pulling the noose slowly tighter with both hands, watching it close around the lovely dark globe, seeing Randi's big nipple swell before her eyes, and glow with a bright sheen, she asked softly, "How have you been bad, little girl?"

"I . . . cheated," Randi said, her voice barely audible.

Laura realized that they were both inventing this as they went along. It was a dangerous moment, emotionally. How much could Randi afford to reveal? How much did Laura want her to reveal? Did they really want to do this?

"Oh?" Laura said, letting her voice rise in a schoolmarmy way, looping a coil around Randi's other breast. "And how did you cheat?"

Now Randi flirted bashfully, like a little girl, enjoying herself. "I . . . let somebody touch me. In a secret place."

"Mmmm. That was bad."

Laura hummed to herself and continued to wrap the coils of rope around Randi's beautiful breasts, enjoying the contrast of the white loops against the rich milk chocolate of Randi's smooth skin.

I fall in love . . . too easily,
I fall in love . . . too fast,
I fall in love too terribly hard,
For love to ever last . . .

she hummed, pulling the coils tighter, until the skin of each bulging breast grew taut and shiny. Both of Randi's plump black nipples now protruded, big bulbous plums, inviting Laura's mouth.

"And did you enjoy it when she touched you there?" Laura asked softly, almost absently.

"Who said it was a 'she'?" Randi asked, with a raised, devilish eyebrow.

In spite of the situation, Laura blushed hotly. She glowered at Randi and suddenly pulled the loops of rope around both of Randi's breasts tighter.

"Ouch! Unghh!" Randi grimaced, tears suddenly welling up in her eyes.

"It was a 'she,' wasn't it?" Laura asked, harshly.

Randi nodded. She looked down at her strangled breasts, so beautiful, so vulnerable. "You're hurting me."

Laura loosened the rope a little. After all, this was play. It was serious, but it was play too. She also didn't want to cut off the circulation, which would deaden the sensation for Randi.

Now, without speaking further, she slowly wound the rope around Randi's naked body, lifting and separating her trussed-up breasts, coiling it around her midriff tightly, so tightly that Randi gulped for air. Then she ran one strand of rope down through Randi's crotch on either side of her gorgeous, festering, swollen pussy, pulled them up behind and tied one of Randi's wrists to each thigh.

"God, Laura, it's making me so hot," Randi panted, breaking out of their game for a moment.

Looking directly into Randi's pulsing eyes, Laura raised her hands to the girl's throttled breasts and gently pinched both of Randi's large, swollen nipples. "How do you think I should punish you?" she asked, disregarding Randi's admission.

"I think you better spank me," Randi said. "I've been bad. I cheated on you."

"And I hate you for it," Laura confessed. "I hate you for letting her touch you there."

The wild, devious thrill she got from taunting Laura came back into Randi's eyes, the expression Laura had seen there before, when they had fought, once mildly, the other time savagely and seriously, although it had ended in scorching orgasmic eruptions.

"I let her do more than touch me," Randi said, gauging its effect on Laura.

Laura couldn't disguise the pain on her face, and that was exactly what Randi was looking for.

"I let her fuck me," Randi said in a low, even voice, her eyes never wavering from Laura's. "I let her fuck me nine times. I let her lick my pussy until I couldn't stand the pleasure, and I came and came, over and over. In her bed. She loved fucking me, and she loved my braids too, like you."

Randi tossed her head and swished them around her shoulders. Laura delivered a stinging slap to her cheek before she could go on.

"Ahhiiee!" Randi cried out, recoiling, her eyes again watering.

She fell to the mattress on her stomach, helped by a hard push from Laura. Since her wrists were tied to her sleek black thighs—what great foresight! Laura thought—her round ass was completely exposed. It was not, as Laura had reflected before, a world-class ass in the same tier as Chanitra's, Jane's, Yvette's, or some others, because it didn't have the high, hard, taut, round moons that Laura prized so highly. Instead, it was a gently swelling bottom that many would have found the absolute pinnacle of beauty, smooth and modestly curved, and as she smacked it for the first time with the flat of her palm, she realized that it was maybe better than she had thought.

"Ohnngg! Owwnncchh! Ungghh! Oh! Oh god! Ohnnggg!" Randi gasped as Laura began to spank her as hard as she could.

In the midst of it, for a bizarre reason, Laura began to feel guilty. How could she punish Randi for being unfaithful to her when she herself routinely cheated on every girlfriend with dozens of other girls? God, I'm far worse than she is, she thought, but paradoxically, this only made her want to spank Randi harder, and she struck the smooth, swelling moons with the flat of her palm very hard, at least ten times, making loud smacking noises that mingled with Randi's cries of pain.

Laura spanked her so hard that her own hand began to hurt too. Randi looked up at her, her cheeks streaked with tears, eyes still brimming. She was now moaning and blubbering, wincing from each hard blow Laura gave her. But at the same time, Laura knew that it was more erotic than painful for both of them. Instead of continuing to spank the girl's delicious, clenching buns, she thrust her whole hand down between Randi's thighs, sliding two fingers into the girl's warm, soupy quim, finding all the evidence she needed of Randi's arousal. She rubbed Randi's pussy roughly, fucking her, raping her, digging her fingers deep into the girl's squinchy, buttery channel.

"Ungghh!" Randi groaned. "Anngghh! Oh Laura . . . no! Unghhh . . . you're hurting me! Please!"

But the meaning of her cries seemed curiously to fall somewhere between 'No, please stop' and 'No, please don't ever stop'. Having spanked her lovely bottom viciously, Laura wanted to fuck her face to face, where she could mouth-maul Randi's delectable breasts, throttled, bulging, and strangled by the coils of rope. She turned Randi onto her back, then fished under the bed with one hand, willing to use whatever she came up with, so caught up in the wild urgency of the moment that she couldn't stop.

Now everything seemed to happen in at double or triple speed. They were both so gripped by the hot, throbbing sexual urgency that nothing in the world existed but this fierce hunger and need. Laura's hand found the huge double dildo, the gigantic 'dick' she had used on Charise, and Jane, and Deshona, and Trina, astonishing them all, and she drug it up onto the bed. In a second, before Randi even knew what was going to happen, Laura had one end of it in the girl's pussy and was pushing it in deeper.

"Ummnngghphhhmm!" Randi gulped and grunted in disbelief, looking down at the thick, rippling rubber stalk that protruded from her splayed, engorged pussy. "Oh god . . . Laura!"

In a split second Laura had the other end of it in her pussy too, pushing her groin forward, feeling the huge, fat, cunt-splitting shaft penetrate her. She flung herself forward onto Randi, jamming their groins together, grabbing Randi's throttled breasts in her hands, squeezing the hard, bulging balls sharply, kissing Randi's mouth feverishly, then dropping her own mouth quickly to Randi's bursting, popping nipples, pumping hard, sucking one black bulb into her mouth and biting it passionately.

"Annghiiieee!" Randi cried out in pain and wild sexual pleasure, writhing and struggling and pumping back. "Oh god . . . oh shit! Ungghmmnngghiieee!"

She was screaming before she even came, but then she started to come too, and her screams became gargled cries of wrenching pleasure mingled with squeals of shock and pain. Her body, still tightly trussed, arched, quivered, then undulated awkwardly as the spasms of a fierce orgasm gripped her. Laura continued to suck and bite her rope-encased breasts in a mad fit of passion, sucking Randi's nipples so hard that fresh whimpers of pain escaped Randi's throat.

Then Laura came too, a shocking, explosive climax that struck her like several artillery shells.

"Ungghh! Oh! Unngghiieee!" she wailed, clutching Randi convulsively as the huge tree sliding in and out of her pussy made her erupt in hot spasms. "Oh Jesus . . . ohhnnnn!"

She had forgotten how big the thing was, and how explosively it could make you come, especially when you were fucking another beautiful woman, and a woman you loved desperately, a love orgasm mingled together with a regular one borne of mere straight ahead fucking. It was like having two orgasms at once, and as she blinked her eyes open and gazed into Randi's—their faces only inches apart—she could see the same recognition in Randi's eyes. They were both dazed and thunderstruck by it.

But finally, after a minute of panting and regaining her senses, Randi moved her head and smiled sardonically. "You can take these damn painful ropes off me any time now," she said quietly, with a grin. "You nasty white lady pervert."

Smiling back, Laura reluctantly pulled herself up, feeling her skin peel away from Randi's where a thin film of their sweat had glued their naked bodies together. "You're the one who wanted to be punished," she reminded Randi softly.

"You sure know how to deliver," Randi shook her head in disbelief as Laura carefully untied and unwrapped the rope from her body.

She tenderly kissed and caressed the rope marks on Randi's delicious flesh. "I hate to hurt you."

"Like hell you do. You were getting a big charge out of it," Randi's eyes twinkled. "Even my Mama never spanked me that hard."

Laura gave her a playful, sexy pout. "You never were unfaithful to her."

"I never was to you either, really," Randi said. "Do you think Rhonda and I could ever do anything like that?" She pointed down to the spot on the sheet where they had just been so violently and exuberantly fucking.

But Laura didn't want to hear it, and shook her head, feeling her eyes water. Somehow in the afterglow of their hot sex, she felt all gushy and sentimental and freshly, hotly jealous inside. I can't bear it, she thought. Please don't even mention her name!

"I can't stand the thought of you with her," she confessed.

"I know. You told me." Randi smiled sympathetically. "Tell you what. I won't . . . you know, have anything to do with her any more. And you don't sleep with that little short Neegro dwarf you been fucking. How's that? A deal?"

It dawned on Laura, through the unruly flood of her sentimental feelings, that it was a pretty good bargain. The thought of never seeing or sleeping with Deshona again was too terrible to contemplate. But Deshona had taken up again with her ex-husband. And Deshona had barged in on Laura while she was eating Randi's pussy on the floor of her own office, just this morning, then stormed off in disgust. The chances they would ever get back together were very slim.

Laura sniffed and nodded. "A deal."

Having won, Randi positively beamed. Then she softened seductively, sliding over to Laura again, closer on the bed, cradling both of her naked breasts in her hands, offering them to Laura.

"You chewed these pretty hard," she murmured, eyelids heavy, "but they still need some more sucking, I believe. Maybe you can make it up to me now for hurting me that way."

"Maybe we can make it up to each other," Laura murmured back, embracing her and pulling her down again into the rumpled and sweaty sheets.




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