Laura - Chapter 223
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Laura's boss called her into his office and reluctantly said she was going to have to spend a week in Dallas to troubleshoot some things that were going wrong at a branch there. In fact, Laura had done similar work there in the past and was the right person for the job. Trying not to wet herself with glee, Laura could only think: Dallas . . . Jonelle, Dallas . . . Jonelle! It had been seven months since Laura had last seen her. Jonelle had accompanied her new husband to a convention in Oakland, and she and Laura had spent a hour and a half, while he was detained in a dinner meeting, trying to burn up Laura's bed. Their time together had been sexually rich and emotionally draining, full of shattering orgasms and deep love followed by deeper sorrow, a reunion almost too intense even to remember because in retrospect it caused too much pain. Would Jonelle even want to see her? Since she had moved to Dallas and got married, they had been together only three times. Each time, Jonelle had seemed skittish and reluctant, ashamed of herself for cheating on her husband, guilty for wanting to do it with Laura, embarrassed at these 'unnatural' urges, which Laura brought out in her. Laura realized that the rest of Jonelle's life—in spite of the fact that she was unusually, exquisitely beautiful—was normal enough, with work, kid, husband, house, neighborhood. Happy domesticity, exactly what she had wanted. When Laura showed up, however, Jonelle wanted to surrender to hours of outrageous and twisted lesbian fucking, vigorous, athletic fucking, deep, throbbing, emotional fucking, giving in to a kind of joyful depravity that no one else in her life even suspected her of. It was, after all, for this reason, using the impetus of her hot, sudden jealousy of Yvette, whom she had discovered Laura with long ago, that she had moved to Dallas. She had wanted, without total success, to escape from the temptation, as well as from Laura's incorrigible promiscuity. Laura realized, however, that she had to guard her own feelings with care. Other girlfriends, realizing the depth of their feelings for Laura and the intensity of the sex they had shared with her, frequently went into a blue funk over their fears that they were now lesbians for sure. Jonelle, to solve the problem, had actually moved away. When Laura found her in Dallas, the first time, she had not been able to resist Laura's attentions, nor could she on the few other times they had seen each other since. But Laura knew that Jonelle was not happy about feeling this way. She might love fucking with Laura, but a big part of her hated herself for it. Still, when she got to Dallas, she sat on the edge of her hotel room bed, took a few deep breaths to make her heart stop racing, and picked up the phone. "Jonelle?" "Laura? Is that you?" Laura's heart leapt up again, hammering against her ribcage. Jonelle sounded cheerful and friendly, not her usual skittish, careful, secretive self. Since moving to Dallas and getting married, Laura understood, Jonelle had a lot to lose, and she was more careful and tentative than ever. But for some reason, not this time. "Yes . . . I'm here. They sent me here for a couple of days. I just arrived." "How lucky." Jonelle sounded almost relieved. "My husband and Eric just left for a camping trip this afternoon." Now Laura understood Jonelle's relaxed manner, her unguarded happiness at receiving Laura's call. "Does that mean . . . you . . . could see me?" There was a long pause, during which Laura felt her stomach curdling with fear. Maybe Jonelle didn't want to see her. Maybe she— "You should come here," Jonelle said, straightforwardly. "I'm tired of your old hotel rooms. Nobody here but me. And the dogs, which we can put out in the backyard." Laura almost collapsed from relief. "Oh god, really? Can I see you?" Jonelle giggled softly. "You can see as much of me as you want. You want to see my toes? You want to see my wrinkled up elbows? You can see them all." She gave Laura directions to her house, in a Dallas suburb, and Laura quickly rented a car. Nevertheless, it was an hour before she got there. She was not good at finding unknown locations in strange cities, and it was nearly dusk when she arrived, making it even harder for her. Jonelle, it turned out, lived in a fairly upscale neighborhood. Her house was large, apparently expensive, and Laura realized that she had done very well for herself and her son in this marriage. She met Laura at the door, smiling warmly, wearing a kind of loose smock and ski pants. "Come inside here so I can kiss you," she whispered. "We can't have the neighbors seeing, can we." Thrilled, Laura entered the house, and Jonelle quickly locked it up tight behind her. Then she turned to Laura, taking her coat, leading her into the living room. Two small cocker spaniels followed them everywhere, wagging their tails and whimpering happily to have company. Laura wondered how she could have forgotten just how exquisitely beautiful this woman actually was. Jonelle was a couple of years older now than she had been when Laura first saw her, and if anything she had become more beautiful. Her face had a chiseled perfection, and on top of her smooth black swan's neck it was a breathtaking sight. Today she had her hair piled up on top of her head, and it made her look even more like some rare Nigerian princess, slender and dark and luminously lovely. She never liked being over-praised for her beauty, as if it were something to be embarrassed about, and now that she saw Laura staring again, she shook her head. "What are you looking at, girl?" Laura tried not to get sentimental. All her incredible, deep love for Jonelle had come flooding back into her at once, filling her with hot, aching, need and sharp longing, the kinds of feelings she had felt for Jonelle long ago but learned to hide from herself. And as she looked at Jonelle, she could see the corresponding feelings beginning to flood Jonelle too. Laura felt a big tear well up in each eye. "I forgot how beautiful you are." Jonelle sniffed and wiped away a quick tear herself. "That makes two of us. You look better than ever." "Can I kiss you?" Jonelle glanced around the living room playfully, as if to see if anyone were there to watch them. She spied the two dogs. "Better let me put these two in the backyard. No telling what we might get into." Oh god! Laura thought. Her heart fluttered from wild excitement. She tried to be calm. I never wanted anyone more than Jonelle. When she returned from putting out the dogs, Laura noticed something vaguely different about her. True, she was not so painfully thin as at first, but after moving to Dallas and meeting her husband, she had put on ten pounds or so, growing actual small breasts instead of the mere swellings that had been there when Laura first had made love to her. Now she looked even a little fleshier, and her loose smock made her look a little oddly shaped. Jonelle saw her looking. "I didn't want to tell you over the phone." "Tell me what?" Jonelle beamed. "I'm about four and a half months pregnant. Can't you tell?" She did a delicate little pirouette, letting the full hem of her smock billow out, then fall back, revealing the small bump in her stomach below her ribs. "Oh god, you are!" Now Jonelle looked pensive, shy, tentative. "I was afraid you wouldn't want to come if you knew." Laura couldn't stand it any longer. She stepped closer and took Jonelle's exquisitely beautiful face in both hands. She kissed her thoroughly, slowly, letting all the longing of their separation flow between them, letting Jonelle feel her love, which Laura felt nothing could ever stop. Both were panting softly when their mouths came apart. "Laura, you're making me hot. You know you aren't supposed to get pregnant ladies hot. You never can tell what might happen." "I am so eager to find out," Laura purred, lowering her eyelids. "God, I have missed you! I just want to hold you." Jonelle flirted. "I hope you want to do more than that. I mean, they ain't coming home until Sunday night. This is only Friday." Laura smiled. "Aren't we terrible? All we want to do is—" Jonelle raised one long tapering finger to her lips. "Don't say it. That word don't get said in this house. This is a fine upstanding house with no profanity. You and I are just going to—" "Do some loving," Laura interrupted her, holding Jonelle's dark eyes with her own. "That's right," Jonelle smiled. "That's a good word for it." "Some hot loving." Laura pulled her down on a nearby, huge, white sofa. "You sure you want to do all that hot stuff with somebody who's got a big belly?" Jonelle asked. Laura ran her hand down the smock, feeling the hard swelling there. "It doesn't feel so big to me. At least, not yet. But if it were as big as a watermelon, I still want you. Don't you know how much I want you?" Jonelle shook her head playfully. "No. I forgot." Laura began to kiss her long, smooth neck, a regal neck, a princess's neck, the most beautiful neck she had ever kissed. She kissed Jonelle's sculptured throat. "Does this thing unzip in back?" she asked, trying to remove the smock. "I want to take it off and kiss every part of you." "Here, I'll help you." Jonelle unfastened the smock and lifted it over her head. She wore only a thin white cotton bra under it, her wonderful smooth skin looking very dark against the cloth. "Should we go in your bedroom?" Laura suggested. Jonelle shook her head. "Bad enough I'm doing this. I'd never be able to live with myself if I . . . you know, did it with you in the same bed where I sleep with him." Laura understood but felt a hot rush of jealousy nonetheless. "I'd hate to get any stains on your sofa. It looks expensive." "It is. I'll go get some sheets and towels." Even though Laura had known they were going to 'do it' before this, she couldn't control the fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach, or the hot, insistent aching she suddenly felt in her pussy, already ripe and wet. Jonelle seemed to feel the same and returned carrying sheets, towels, a box of kleenex, and wearing a huge, delighted, anticipatory grin on her beautiful face. "Now we can just spread out wherever we want to and no one will ever know but us," she grinned. Together, she and Laura spread one sheet over the sofa and the other one on the floor next to it. Fucking on the floor! Laura thought, almost unable to control her excitement. She had done it before, with Vanessa, with Randi, with Yvette, and every time it filled her with wild thrills. Looking at Jonelle in her white bra filled her with extra desire. Again she pulled Jonelle down on the sofa, now safely covered. "I got a head start on you," Jonelle said. "You have to take off something too. Otherwise, it isn't fair." "I know," Laura laughed. "Here, I'll help." Together, they undressed each other, until they were both naked. Laura wanted to look at Jonelle's belly, but her eyes were captivated by her lovely small breasts, which were now even larger than they were when she had seen them last. She placed her hands over them, squeezing them with her palms, feeling Jonelle's large puffy nipples as soft as rose petals against her skin. "They're bigger . . . bigger than I ever saw them," she said, kissing Jonelle romantically. Jonelle giggled softly. "They were this big when I had Eric. Then they got small again, when I lost weight. You like my big titties?" "I love them. Are they tender? Would it hurt if I . . . you know?" Jonelle smiled and kissed Laura heatedly. "Let me tell you something. I am so horny, I'm about ready to explode. My husband . . . you know, he won't do it to me any more. Afraid he's going to hurt the baby or something. Or maybe he's afraid he's going to hurt me." She raised one eyebrow. "He do have a pretty big tool, if you know what I mean." Laura thought of Damon, and worse, of Marshall. She had no idea how big Jonelle's husband's 'tool' was, but if it were anything like those, maybe he was right to try practicing abstinence during this delicate period. Oh honey, she thought, I am going to fuck you so well, so tenderly and slowly and carefully, you are going to come so hard. God, I am so glad to see you, and feel you like this! "I can't get over the feel of you in my arms," she murmured to Jonelle, nuzzling her ear, kissing her naked body hungrily. "I want to swallow you and eat you alive. You're so smooth and warm and wonderful." "You just go ahead and eat as much as you want, Laura," Jonelle smiled at her, panting more now, twisting as Laura dropped her mouth to the black, bursting plums of her large nipples. At one time there had been hardly anything but nipples to Jonelle's breasts, but even then they were big, swelling bulbs, and Laura had devoured them eagerly. Now there was firm flesh under them, and Laura gently sucked it into her mouth too, bunching up one of Jonelle's small breasts between the fingers of each hand and lavishing devout, passionate attention on the bulging black bud at the top, lip-pinching it, tonguing it, then sucking softly, harder, even harder. Jonelle began to whimper and stroke Laura's head, her fingers digging through Laura's hair to her scalp. Laura, fearing to hurt her, released her wet, stiff nipple, flicking it with her tongue, looking up into Jonelle's eyes, which swirled with frantic lust. "Am I hurting you? Are they sore?" Jonelle shook her head vigorously. "Go ahead," she panted. "Do it. Do it harder. Oh god, Laura, it's so good!" "Mmmm, I love your big titties," Laura purred, echoing Jonelle's words. "I want to suck and suck them." "Oh! Ahhnnnnn!" Jonelle gasped, twisting, her hips churning involuntarily. "Oh Laura . . . I need to be fucked. I need it so bad!" Moving to her other breast, licking and sucking her other nipple, Laura teased her. "You're not supposed to say that word." "Oh! Please, Laura!" Laura, unable to resist teasing her further, slid up to kiss her shockingly beautiful face, contorted and grimacing in the urgency of her need. She kissed her everywhere—jaw, cheeks, eyelids, lips, nose, ears—murmuring, whispering to her. "Do you want me to lick your beautiful pussy?" "Yes!" "Do you want me to fuck your beautiful pussy with my hand too?" "Yes!" "Do you want me to fuck you until you have a whole bunch of orgasms?" "Oh god, yes, Laura! Yes! Ungghhh! Hurry . . . please!" Laura had made love to the exquisitely beautiful Jonelle many times, but she had never seen her so desperate for release, writhing and pleading, her face crawling with need, her eyes blazing with need. Oh, I love this woman! she thought, sliding down Jonelle's smooth, black, supple body, pausing at the small basketball that now protruded just above her hip bones. Carefully, she stroked and kissed the taut swelling, lingering for a brief moment at Jonelle's navel, which formerly was a deep 'innie' but was now shallow enough for the tip of Laura's tongue to reach the root of it. Jonelle whinnied softly as Laura tongue-fucked her navel, whimpering and gasping almost hysterically. "Oh! Oh!" she gasped, pinching her own nipples between her fingers and her palms, something Laura had never seen her do. Although she had slept with women who had children, and even fucked Cecilia soon after, when the milk flowed in warm, sweet rivers and they both nearly died from a surfeit of impossibly beautiful orgasms, Laura had never actually fucked a woman who was pregnant at the time. She was hypnotized by Jonelle's smooth, supple body and this hard, bulging protuberance, the skin stretched taut and glossy over it, and she kissed Jonelle's belly lovingly, as if it contained her own child, not Jonelle's and her husband's. Jonelle, frightfully aroused, watched Laura's loving caresses, half-smiling in the grip of an erotic trance, enjoying the way Laura enjoyed her body, her newly distorted, burgeoning body. Laura caught her eye, and they both smiled happily. After all, their own love pre-dated Jonelle's relationship with her husband, and the deep feelings they shared could never be erased. "If you don't do me fast, I'm gonna kill you, Laura," Jonelle whispered, her dark eyes throbbing, pulsing. "Please. Please . . . now." Laura smiled at her again and kissed her way down the small basketball to the curly fringes of dense black pubic hair that edged the top of Jonelle's groin, slipping lower, until she came face to face with the gorgeous, blossoming wet flower. Few women had a pussy more perfect than Jonelle's. Some—Yvette's, Jane's—were its equal, but nobody had a more beautiful cunt, a lovely glistening ruby-red gash enclosed by long, dark, glossy lips, with a perfectly-shaped clit at the top that was about the side of a large pea. Looking at it, Laura realized for the first time that maybe part of its startling beauty was the fact that Jonelle's cuntlips were slightly larger than normal, just enough to give them a faintly exaggerated presence as they either enclosed or revealed the juicy red interior. Laura gazed at it with deep love, and began to lick Jonelle's pussy slowly and expertly, which quickly aroused Jonelle to the breaking point. She groaned and bucked her hips frantically. "Oh! Oh yes! Oh yes Laura yes! Ungghh!" Oh god, she's going to come too fast! Laura thought, desperately wanting to prolong it, to enjoy the sight of Jonelle's splendid, sleek, writhing body, her little round belly swirling in the air as she pumped her groin up into Laura's face, trying eagerly to come. But there was no way Laura could stop it. She knew it and slid two fingers up into the warm, greasy sleeve, knowing Jonelle would spill over in a matter of seconds. It hardly even took her that long. Looking up, as she stabbed her tongue deep into the inflamed interior of Jonelle's pussy, then drug it back out along the hard little nubbin of Jonelle's clit, Laura saw her eyes streaked by red-hot sexual delirium, saw her face grimace in a fierce shock, saw her thin, svelte body clench in a sharp convulsion. And then she stiffened, gripped by a fierce spasm, and dissolved into long, slow undulations, cawing softly deep in her throat as the beginnings of one of her epic climaxes struck her. Laura had never known anyone who came the way Jonelle frequently did, clutched by a rapture so deep, so profound and devastating, that it seemed like a near-death experience. The first time she had seen it, she had been frightened, but since then she had just marveled at the power of it, and secretly envied Jonelle this incredible ecstacy she was able to reach. It was also soundless, or nearly so. Jonelle didn't shriek or scream in uncontrollable pleasure. Instead, she quivered and twitched, her beautiful face overspread by the most sublime expression of bliss Laura had ever seen, her body completely possessed by convulsions and spasms of acutely intense pleasure as she swooned and came, it seemed, forever. Soft little mewling sighs began to emerge from the raw, choked cawing that had been coming from her throat as she began to surface from her trance into a more normal flow of rapturous undulations. "Ohhnnnnn! Oh . . . ungghh! Oh Laura . . . anngghhhh!" she gasped, twisting, gasping for breath, her small breasts shaking as she shuddered through another succession of wrenching spasms. Laura had done very little after Jonelle began to come, though she left her fingers inside Jonelle's pussy, as if to give her something to push against. She had just watched, paralyzed by wonder. She realized suddenly that they were both free. They were both free to fuck and come together repeatedly, loudly, exuberantly, thrillingly. No one could hear them. Laura was far from her other lovers and entanglements, and Jonelle was temporarily free of her family responsibilities as wife and mother. She had once told Laura that she never had these kinds of orgasms with anyone else, but now she was free to indulge herself in most acute pleasure she was capable of, and when she finally blinked at Laura and smiled in acknowledgement that it was waning, Laura knew that Jonelle had recognized it too. She slid her fingers gently out of Jonelle's pussy and crawled up to embrace and kiss her. "Shit, I ain't come like that since the last time I saw you," Jonelle half-croaked, gasping for breath, her eyes twinkling. "You're only saying that to flatter me," Laura batted her eyes. "I'd give a fortune to come like that." "One time you made me come almost that hard six times in a row," Jonelle recalled. "Think you could do that again?" Laura nuzzled her neck. "I think I could give it a try. You're the one who has to survive them." Now Jonelle had revived enough to take charge herself, and she coiled her sinuous body around Laura, kissing her passionately and rolling her over so that they both, clinging together, tumbled off the sofa onto the floor next to it, where they had already spread a sheet. Giggling and tickling, they again ended up with Jonelle momentarily on the bottom, and Laura leaned over her face, dangling her breasts over Jonelle's mouth, letting her chase Laura's nipples with her lips. "Oh god, I'm so glad to be with you," Laura said, suddenly gasping with intense pleasure as Jonelle caught one breast in both hands and fed Laura's nipple into her warm, wet mouth. "Unhhhh!" "Mmmm," Jonelle smacked her sensual lips, tonguing and sucking Laura's nipple hungrily, and looking up to see the effect it had on Laura. "I never get to do something this good. I know you be doing it all the time to other girls, but I never get to suck on these beautiful titties of yours except once in a blue moon. You like that?" "Oh! Unhhh! Yes . . . oh yes, do it hard! Ungghhh! Oh god, honey, it feels so good!" Jonelle went after Laura's other breast in the same way, devouring it passionately, squeezing the firm globe with her fingers. Then she pulled Laura down next to her, which was a good thing since the strength in Laura's arms was giving out due to the wild sexual feelings coursing through her body. Jonelle dropped a hand between Laura's thighs and discovered the melting, oozing cauldron of juice that awaited her. "Ooohhh, you got a little wet honey pot going down here, girl," she murmured, smiling. "You ready for Mama's tongue to lap up the flow?" Laura almost blushed. Jonelle, who had once been so shy and reserved, was now a horny, lusty little tramp when they were together. She nodded, enchanted by the physical beauty of the girl, the woman, the girl/woman, a wife and mother, and Laura's hot, exquisite, beautiful lover. Laura was wildly in love. "I'm ready," she whispered, her eyes locked with Jonelle's, letting all her hunger show. "I'm so ready. It's going to be quick." Jonelle made a mock frown. "Guess we have to save the long stuff for later." She shrugged. "Right now we gonna send up the rocket." She slid quickly down between Laura's yawning thighs and began to lick Laura's pussy lovingly. As always, the depth of Laura's emotions, her deep feelings for Jonelle, intermingled with her hot, urgent lust to make the experience even more moving than usual. While she wanted to prolong it, to enjoy it in even the smallest detail as Jonelle very skillfully tongued her aching pussy, she could not control the violent uprush of her climax, which was on her in under fifteen seconds. "Oh! Oh!" she whimpered, writhing and quivering. "Oh! Oh . . . Jonelle!" "Honey, you're going to pop, aren't you," Jonelle said, looking up at Laura, who was only a quick second or two away from coming. "Oh yes!" "Mmmm, I love to make you pop." She pressed the flat of her tongue against Laura's clit and rubbed it back and forth vigorously. Laura simply spilled over in a gushing release, arching and groaning as a sharp, wrenching spasm shook her body. "Auungghhhhh! Oh . . . ohhhhh! Aunngghhhhh! Oh god yes oh Jonelle! Unngghhiieee!" The second and third spasms seemed even sharper to her, making her whinny and shudder in the clutch of a helpless bliss that lasted for a long time before it began to wane and let her body fall back to the floor. The warm throbbing continued for another minute or two, while Jonelle stretched out beside her on the sheet, kissing her tenderly. Laura turned her head and smiled dreamily at Jonelle. "I think I could give up everything for you," she confessed, feeling it was true as she said it and only realizing what she would have to give up as she heard the words coming out of her mouth. Without changing her expression, Jonelle said, "I couldn't." Laura smiled. "I know." Then Jonelle's face suddenly glowed with pleasure. "I sure wish we could do this more often, though. I hope you don't think I'm bad, but I ain't had nearly enough of it yet." "I love you." "I love you too, Laura. I dream of you and I . . . doing this, you know, and putting our coozies together like we used to do." Laura trembled all over involuntarily at the thought, a warm, excited trembling which she saw Jonelle observing with pleasure. "You want to do that?" Slowly, Jonelle nodded. "I might have another one of those blackouts, though," she warned softly. "It makes me come right down to the bottom of my whole body." "Me too," Laura said, knowing that in her wildest dreams she could probably never come as deeply as Jonelle. "Can we do it now?" Jonelle gave her a beatific grin. She sat up and scooted her body forward, parting her thighs, watching Laura's eyes on her hard little round belly. "You don't think I'm ugly . . . with this?" she asked, wide-eyed, touching the small basketball. "I think you are so beautiful," Laura said truthfully. "I think you are an angel I was lucky enough to discover." She leaned close, tenderly patting the belly, and nuzzling Jonelle's long swan's neck. "And I discovered you before he did, remember." Jonelle beamed again. "I know. That's when I learned to do this." Sitting face to face, they kissed in a lingering, lengthy way, caressing each other's breasts with their hands, both enjoying the anticipation. In a few seconds, their wet cunts would be pressed together, and all tender kissing and caressing would give way to grinding, pumping fuck mania. Still kissing, each dropped one hand to the other's groin and began gently massaging her pussy, opening it, getting the fresh juices flowing again. "Are you ready?" Laura breathed into Jonelle's marvelously whorled black ear. "Yes. I can feel you are," Jonelle giggled softly. "Are you ready for our pussies to fuck each other?" "Oh Laura." They maneuvered their legs so that they could bring their crotches very close. Then both reached down again to spread their cuntlips, exposing the wet hot inner meat of their pussies. Then they inched forward until the wet flesh of each girl's cunt pressed into the other's. "Oh!" Jonelle sighed in a small, enraptured voice. Laura said nothing but gnawed her lower lip as she pushed her hips even harder forward, wanting to feel the full effect of her wet cunt glued to Jonelle's hot, buttery slit. The sensation was so sweetly intense that it was nearly enough to make her faint. They both leaned back for leverage, balancing on their elbows, their groins completely mated, their legs scissoring across each other's hips. Laura was careful to keep her top leg to the side of Jonelle's protruding belly. For both of them this truly was love-fucking, a piercingly intimate way of fucking that they had done together from the start, and that nothing had replaced or transcended. They felt completely linked and joined this way, slowly gyrating their pelvises, feeling the slipperiness of their wet, inflamed cuntlips sliding together, feeling their engorged, swollen clits brush randomly, sending fresh, intense thrills through both of them at the same time. Their eyes were locked, they were totally absorbed in one another, rhythmically undulating, their lower bodies dancing together in a slow crescendo that now began to accelerate as they both grew more aroused. Just looking at Jonelle's beautiful face, watching the emotions and the sexual pleasure and urgency all mixed together on it, was both moving and erotic to Laura. She let her eyes trail down Jonelle's slender, supple body. When Laura had first met her and slept with her, she had been rail-thin, almost painfully thin, with no breasts and visible bones, her ribcage and clavicles very apparent. Now, a happy wife and mother, she was still slender but a little fleshier than before, and her small breasts jiggled seductively as she and Laura slowly gyrated their wet pussies together. Laura's eyes came to rest on the small, hard basketball of Jonelle's belly, and she smiled as they continued slowly, deliberately to fuck. She briefly wondered if too many deep, convulsive orgasms—especially the traumatic, shattering, heart-stopping trance-like climaxes that Jonelle frequently had—would endanger the growing tissues inside her womb, or expel the baby prematurely. But she knew there was no way they could stop. Both of them were now totally consumed by their need for each other, and by the acutely pleasurable sensations that flowed between the hot, wet flesh of their two mated cunts, rubbing and sliding together. Occasionally, they would have to reach down and open their pussy lips again, or guide their clits into direct contact, and this aroused them both even more, until they were pumping and whimpering semi-hysterically, hurtling toward an explosive finish. In this position, it was almost impossible to embrace, though both of them yearned to completely merge their churning, surging bodies together, to dig their hands into each other's hot flesh. Instead, they gazed into each other's swirling, throbbing eyes, grinding their hips, gasping and gyrating more wildly by the second. "Yes . . . oh yes oh baby yes . . . yes honey . . . oh honey!" Laura whimpered, letting Jonelle feel all her powerful love, letting it stream out of her eyes into Jonelle's. Jonelle had her full lower lip caught between her teeth and was biting it, her eyelids sagging, as she pushed her pelvis forward into Laura's thrusts. "Unmmggh!" she groaned softly. "Oh Laura . . . I think—" "Yes!" "I think it's here!" "Yes! Unghhh!" Laura grunted, digging her elbows into the floor and rubbing her wet pussy rapidly against Jonelle's oozing slit. And then she began to come, before Jonelle, almost before she even knew it. Her striving, flexing body filled with sweet jolts of honeyfire, an influx of ecstacy so fast and so thorough that she could only fall back groaning as it possessed her. "Aunngghiiieee!" she cried out, tossing her head, her pussy exploding in fierce shocks of violent pleasure. "Ohnngghhh! Unngghhnnghiieee! Oh Jonelle . . . ohhhh!" Jonelle was right behind her, coming too, also in violent shocks, but as often happened, she could make no noise but a few tiny squeaks of half-delirious joy as a supreme, throttling orgasm spread throughout her whole shuddering body. When Jonelle came, it looked like she was in a terminal convulsion, and through the hot, swirling fog of her own bliss Laura could glimpse the seizure of terrible rapture that passed over Jonelle's beautiful face. Laura's own orgasm began to wane, dissipating into soft, feathery quivers that caressed every still-tingling nerve of her body, as she watched Jonelle's svelte, naked body begin to shudder helplessly in the grip of deep, intense spasms. Tight little squeals began to escape from her throat as the pleasure seemed to grow even more intense, making her grimace, her eyes tightly shut, her whole body shaking, her small breasts jiggling and her toes curling as she came in endless waves. "Ohhhhhh!" she finally sighed, sucking in breath, her body now breaking out of its stiff, quivering suspension into sharper, more frequent undulations. "Oh god . . . oh god Laura . . . oh god! Ohhhhnnnnnn!" Jonelle now went into phase two of her orgasm, swooning and cooing helplessly as another wave of intense sexual pleasure filled her throbbing body, and Laura, now more or less recovered from her own, realized that this presented an opportunity. Jonelle was reeling in the grip of this very intense climax, and Laura knew that she could use it as a starting point for another long string of orgasms if she could only find Jonelle's g-spot and trigger them. She carefully separated their two messy crotches, their pubic hair all tangled and wet from their copious effusions, and sat up, then leaned forward, hovering over Jonelle's shaking body, kissing her cheek and insinuating two fingers up into Jonelle's sopping wet quim. Jonelle, locked in the deep trance of her orgasm, barely seemed to notice. "Mmmm, honey, I'm gong to fuck you so good," Laura murmured to her, beginning to move her hand so that her fingers could probe the front wall of Jonelle's slippery wet vagina, where she knew she could find the secret nerve. "Unghh! Oh!" Jonelle moaned, suddenly coming alive again as Laura began to probe her pussy. Her eyes, reddened and glazed and pulsing with sexual fire, fluttered open, catching Laura's. "Oh . . . Laura! Unhhhh!" Laura knew this was just a pause, that the fierce, throbbing pulse of Jonelle's orgasm had temporarily dipped, allowing her to surface. Laura kissed her shoulders, her long smooth neck, her breasts, still fucking Jonelle with her two fingers but massaging the front side of Jonelle's inner pussy with her fingertips, searching, searching. It didn't take her long. She had found it before and knew it was there. Suddenly, Jonelle's slackening body twitched, then stiffened again. Laura knew she had hit the mark. "Auungghhhh!" Jonelle cried out sharply, the loudest sound she had made that night. Her lovely, slender black body rose right off the floor into Laura, shuddering and twitching, and she began to come again, this time in quick, violent spasms that soon gave way to long waves of excruciating physical pleasure. She gasped and groaned, tossing her head from side to side, arching her back, her pelvis quivering in mid-air, her taut little round belly swirling and shiny. Laura, still fucking her, hoping for more, was still very careful not to touch the hard little basketball with her forearm. She dropped her mouth to Jonelle's lovely little breasts, licking and sucking the big black nipples while she continued to probe and massage the interior of Jonelle's cunt until a third orgasm overtook her. In the split second before she came again, her eyes, streaked with shock, surprise, and ineffable pleasure, caught Laura's, communicating the full depth of their intimacy and all the physical and emotional power of this moment. Then, the floodgates opened again, and she came in a wrenching, groaning release, throwing her head back, grimacing and moaning in an fresh agony of pleasure. "Auunngghhh! Ungghnnmmnngghiieee!" she finally screamed, expressing the full power of her pleasure for the first time. Laura could suddenly hear the muffled sound of the dogs beginning to bark out in the backyard, where Jonelle had put them. Laura's earlier ecstatic cries had not aroused them, but they recognized Jonelle's voice. Oh god, they think I'm killing her, Laura thought. And I am. Killing her with love and lust. Oh baby, baby, I know you can come one more time. Even though Jonelle was still locked in a delirious spell of intense, enthralling physical rapture, her eyes tightly shut, her body shaking helplessly, Laura turned up the heat, fucking her now a little more roughly than before. Still she was careful not to touch the pregnant belly, but otherwise she swarmed over Jonelle's supine, writhing body, devouring her, probing her, sweetly raping her. And Jonelle, still sagging and gasping from her last debilitating orgasm only seconds ago, was suddenly overcome by the one Laura had been aiming for, which seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks. This time she nearly did pass out from the fury of it. Her body went slack under Laura, and she emitted faint, gargled yelps of astonished pleasure before falling silent into a quivering suspension, her face contorted by something very close to intense pain that, Laura recognized, was actually a profound, stirring sexual earthquake of the flesh. Then her body began to shudder and undulate, and a guttural cry of incredible release streamed from her throat. "Mnnngggiiaahhiieeee!" Jonelle wailed, coming in sharp, wrenching shocks that again lifted her body off the floor. This last climax was devastating, but it didn't last as long as the earlier ones. Shattered and destroyed by it, she blinked and smiled wanly at Laura as it passed through her, leaving her limp and a little sweaty and completely blasted away by the experience. Laura lay beside her, caressing her, cooing softly to her, gingerly stroking her distended belly now with tender fingers. It was a long time before either spoke. The dogs were still barking sporadically in the backyard. "God, I haven't come like that since that night in your apartment," Jonelle finally said, still a little breathless from the sweet ordeal. "That was almost a year ago." Laura gave her a tight little smile. She wanted to point out that Jonelle's husband, whatever his virtues, could not achieve this, which Jonelle had just admitted. But she had to restrain the impulse to say it. "I hope you don't mind," she said. "I wanted to . . . you know, really give you the works. Not hold back. When you were coming . . . I knew I could make you come even more." Jonelle grinned, embarrassed, and looked down. "You always know how to do that." She looked up at Laura, her eyes now full of gratitude. "I really needed that. Thank you." Laura kissed her tenderly, a kiss throbbing with romantic emotion from both sides. "I believe your dogs think I was killing you. Maybe you should let them know you're still alive." Jonelle moved slowly, gracefully but wearily, as she stood up. "I wonder if I am. Felt like you killed me with all that hot fucking there for a minute." Laura playfully raised a finger to her lips in caution. "You said the word." Jonelle pursed her lips. "Maybe we can suspend that rule while you're here. I mean, what you did to me is more than making love. I ought to know." Laura could not take her eyes off Jonelle's willowy, black, completely naked, gorgeous body as she walked out of the room. Jonelle returned with bathrobes for them both, then went to the back of the house to reassure the dogs. When she rejoined Laura, they went to the kitchen and cooked together, made hungry by their bout of feverish lust. "I don't know whether we can do this all night," Jonelle confessed sheepishly. "I think you wore me out." "Are you kicking me out?" Laura asked, with a daring grin. "The person who made you come like that?" "How could I?" Jonelle smiled, glowing, stupefyingly beautiful to Laura. "Let's take a nap. Want to take a nap with me?" "I can think of nothing better." Even though she permitted herself the 'f' word, Jonelle still would not violate the sanctity of the bedroom with Laura, and they cuddled up together on the huge sofa, pulling up the sheet to cover them. It was big enough to be comfortable, and they dozed and slept naked, pressed together. It was the purest bliss Laura recalled having experienced in months, and she was deliriously happy. They awoke about midnight and made themselves a snack, then returned to the sofa for a return engagement, but their fucking quickly became so hot that they moved again to the floor, where Jonelle in turn tried to wear out Laura, as Laura had earlier worn her out. This exhausted them both so much that they again slept until mid-morning. Awakening, they realized that they still had the rest of the day and all night to enjoy each other, even though they already fucked more than most people did in a couple of weeks. "We have to slow down," Jonelle twinkled. "My husband gonna come home and find me dragging. He'll wonder what I been doing." "He won't have a clue," Laura winked. "He doesn't know what a little fuck-slut you are when I'm around." Now Jonelle 'blushed'. "You bring it all out in me, Laura," she beamed. "I'm so bad." They had a tickling fight that ended up in a lengthy, virtuoso sixty-nine which, without speaking their intentions, they intuitively tried to prolong until each one was almost dying to come. By this time, each one had climaxed so much that further orgasms were harder and harder to summon, but they arrived at this one so gradually that it wound up being stupendous for both of them, leaving them weak awe and exhaustion. Even though it was early evening, Laura didn't know how they could top that one. Instinctively, they both lowered the temperature for a while, watching a movie, feeding the dogs, cooking together again. Laura had never spent two nights in succession with Jonelle, and the easy intimacy they enjoyed thrilled and saddened her at the same time. This was the kind of life Jonelle lived with her husband and her kid, something she had only consented to share momentarily with Laura. Jonelle seemed to feel some of the same emotions, though from an entirely different perspective, and this sense that they would soon lose this special moment seemed to drive them toward a wildly hot and athletic night of renewed fucking on the sheet spread over the living room floor. This time it was love-fucking supreme, a seemingly endless and repeated ritual of orgasms and groans and whimpers of desperate need and exultant desire. They climaxed together in shattering, fiery collisions, repeatedly, and finally even Laura found herself pulling back, afraid she would harm Jonelle, the way Jonelle's husband was apparently afraid he would. By this time it hardly mattered since they had both consumed one another until neither had energy to continue. "It seems to me we've been here before," Laura said to her wearily, barely able to move. Jonelle was solemn. They had begun dressing, and they both knew it was over for now. Laura had to leave in order to let Jonelle prepare, both emotionally and physically, for the return of her family. Jonelle looked directly into Laura's eyes, her expression limpid and radiant with love. "I don't regret a minute of it," she said calmly. "But I am awfully tired. I hate to admit it, but maybe once a year is enough." Laura caressed her smooth black cheek with one finger. She no longer needed proof that the velvet black skin was an aphrodisiac to her, but she was still alarmed at how her tired blood leapt up again at this tender touch. "It's not enough for me," she whispered.
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