Laura - Chapter 221
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In the parking lot outside the Safeway, where she had stopped to pick up something quick for dinner and to flirt with Tiffany in the bakery, Laura ran into Damon. He was standing by her car. "Hi. Saw you going in," he smiled. "Thought I'd say hello." Damon looked at Laura's body like one who had experienced it in the raw and wanted to do so again, a look that somehow made Laura smile and feel all quivery inside. Her encounter with Tiffany and Damon together had been an exciting one for all three, she knew. "Well then . . . hello," she said, flirting a little with him too. "Nice car," he said, indicating Laura's white Camaro. "Did you come by to pick up Tiffany?" Laura asked, brightly, as if superficially curious. "I brought her something she forgot. She don't get off until nine." Damon was very good looking. Laura had known he was good looking, but last time, with Tiffany present, even though they were all three fucking like crazy, she had not let herself dwell in her mind on how good looking he really was. This guy fucked me, she realized. He wants to fuck me again. "I got some time to kill," Damon grinned. "Want to go have a drink?" Laura touched her wrist to her forehead wearily. "You know, Damon, I just got off work, and I'm pretty tired. I was just going to go home and . . . you know, eat." Damon shrugged. "Okay." "You could come over for a drink, I guess," she said, tentatively. His eyes lit up. "I remember the way." "Okay," Laura said, softly, suddenly filled with misgivings. You know, she thought, this wouldn't only be Damon cheating on Tiffany. It would be me cheating on her too. Both of us. Together. I know I'm a horny little slut, but that's pretty despicable. And she's stuck at work, while we're in my apartment . . . But she said nothing to Damon, except, "See you there." She realized when she got into her car that her pussy was warm and damp, pulsing faintly with a tiny, growing happiness and expectation. Oh, I don't think I can stop myself! she thought. Tiffany, I hope you never find out. And if you do, I hope you can forgive me. I hope I never have to live without being able to touch your wild little naked body again. Inside her apartment, Laura went to the kitchen. "I'm having a vodka tonic," she said. "What's for you?" "That'll be fine." As she made the drinks, Laura grinned wryly, remembering Eric, how when offered a drink he always declined, saying he didn't want to 'dull the edge,' meaning, she gathered, make it difficult to get an erection. Damon didn't seem to be worried about that. And yet, he was every bit the gentleman. He didn't throw himself on her and try to rip off her clothes or anything. He smiled and made polite conversation. He also, she noticed, didn't drink much of his drink, only sipped it, while Laura had hers down in only a few minutes, feeling the need of a jolt at the end of the day. She also, since Karen, had gone several days with no sex, since her major girlfriends of the moment, Randi and Deshona, were otherwise occupied, causing her great emotional pain and burning jealousy, while both Mavis and Charise were watched like a hawk by their mothers and couldn't get away to Laura's place very often. There was always Jane, upstairs, and her mother Kendra too. But Jane, though unbelievably hot, was half-crazy, and Kendra was usually scurrying off to a rendezvous with Mister Penis. So Laura had sulked and stewed for days, avoiding Randi at work, not answering the phone at home in case it was Deshona trying to make amends. Deshona had even left her messages on her voice mail, both at home and at work, which Laura had deleted without listening to them. The bitch, Laura thought. How arrogant of her to say she 'just had to tell' me. I hope he fucked her so hard he made her bleed. Laura hated herself for thinking this way and being this way. And so Damon was really a welcome change to this confused, emotional welter of thoughts and feelings she had been going through. He was cheerful and direct, very handsome, and clearly had plans. He joined her in the kitchen while she made herself a second drink, leaving his on the end table in the living room. When she turned around, he was right behind her. Gently but firmly, he took the drink from her hand and set it on the counter top. "I don't want you to get too drunk," he said, looking directly into her eyes. "Why not?" Laura smiled petulantly. "I might have to be a little drunk to betray Tiffany." Damon smiled cockily. "It ain't that," he said calmly. "She don't ever have to know." "Don't you feel guilty? At least a little?" Damon shook his head, raising one hand to caress Laura's cheek. "You swallowed my cum," he said softly, still looking at her intently, his dark eyes throbbing with the promise of what she was going to get. "No girl ever swallowed my cum." Oh god, Laura thought. He's in love. But deep inside her pussy she felt a crazy pulsing. She was going to get a love-screwing from this very handsome young man. Most of her found that a very agreeable prospect. Only a part of her was troubled, the part that wanted to protect her relationship with Tiffany, which would never be the same now. She smiled. "I was trying to show Tiffany how to like it," she said. Damon shook his head. "I saw the look on your face." I wonder what look I had on my face, Laura thought as he bent forward to kiss her. She responded with slow, willing sensuality, not over-eager but just enough to let him know that they were heading in the same direction. They kissed very romantically, for a long time, in Laura's kitchen. The fatal kitchen, she thought, where she had kissed others, and where she had even fucked one or two lovely girls, against the refrigerator. Damon grew bolder, unfastening the buttons on Laura's silk blouse with his fingers as he kissed her smooth, creamy neck, then the flat smooth skin of her upper chest as he pulled her blouse open. Laura usually wore very sexy underwear since she had a lot of it, and she never knew what might happen. It was an indulgence. She loved watching the eyes of the other person—usually a ravishing black girl, of course, but this time a handsome, muscular black man—as her lacy bra and daringly-cut panties came into view. Damon had not got to the panties yet, but he was dazzled by her bra: black lacy filigree, dipping low, wildly sexy. His eyes grew wider. He let his lips fall to the crevice between her smooth, creamy breasts, a crevice made somewhat deeper than normal by the architecture of the bra itself. He kissed the valley between Laura's breasts. "You got some beautiful underwear, Laura," he whispered, raising his lips again to hers and kissing her more insistently now. "I'm glad you like it," she panted softly. "Mind if I take it off?" "I . . . guess I don't mind," she half-smiled. After all, she thought, I swallowed your cum. How could I mind anything after that? He reached both hands behind her and carefully, expertly unclasped her bra, removing it also carefully, sliding the thin straps down her arms, folding the bra and setting it next to Laura's glass on the countertop. He looked at her naked breasts and shook his head, as if in awe. Laura knew it couldn't be because they were big, since they weren't. "These are the most beautiful titties I ever saw," he said, cupping Laura's breasts in his hands. "Not big giant melons . . . just perfect little titties . . . perfect. I love these soft nipples." They weren't going to be soft for long, Laura realized, feeling him brushing his fingers over the sensitive buds, feeling them tingle. "I'm glad you like them," she whispered. "Why don't we go in . . . to another room where we can relax more?" A mischievous grin passed over Damon's handsome face. "You want to swallow my cum again?" Laura realized that the idea wasn't totally repulsive to her. She had done it once. In the heat of the moment, it was a natural thing to do. It was just thinking about it in advance that got to you. "I might consider it," she grinned at him, taking him by the hand. She glanced down at the magnificent hard lump in his crotch, under his pants. "Can you walk?" Damon looked down and chuckled. "Might be hard." "Looks like it is hard." This tickled him further. "You're right. It is. Ready to fire." For some reason, this response made Laura's blood leap up and race excitedly through her body. She knew she was just as aroused as he was. Again a fleeting thought came to her, something she had understood briefly in past encounters like this, where she had been alone with someone for the first time, after previously having group sex with the person. Camille, for example. It was almost as if they had never fucked before since they had shared it with another. But they were exploring one another, alone, for the first time. Damon was hobbling because of his fierce hard-on, and Laura felt sorry for him. Instead of heading directly for the bedroom, she stopped in the living room, by an easy chair. Gently, she pushed him down in the chair and knelt to unzip his fly. "Ooohhh, I think you are a goddess from heaven," he cooed to her, watching her pull down his pants, his shorts, watching his long, thin, black cock spring up like about ten inches of hard, glossy black pipe, ridged and veined and jumping. "Put those pretty white titties around my dick, Laura," Damon said, panting softly now too, like Laura was. "You aren't going to come all over them, are you?" she teased him. She remembered when Eric had erupted prematurely all over her naked breasts, and how exciting it had been, as Bernice had warned her. As she leaned forward between Damon's yawning thighs and enfolded his long, throbbing dark sausage between her small, perfect breasts, admiring the contrast between his dark, glossy pole and her peerless, peach-hued skin, she let her mind stray quickly to Bernice, whom she had not seen for months. Bernice with her large, hard, gourd-like breasts and jet-black nipples, such a natural, artless girl, so exuberant and relaxed about sex. Laura missed her. Maybe I should give her a call, she thought. Although Damon's stiff cock was not as long as Marshall's—that incredible, hall-of-fame prodigy—nor nearly as thick, it was still one of the longest she had ever seen, or felt. She held it between her breasts, pushing the firm little globes around it, rubbing it with them, and she realized that she could reach the head of his cock with her mouth at the same time. She began swirling her tongue around the bulging corona at the top of his rigid prick, bathing it in warm spittle and lashing it until she thought Damon might come before she had even sucked it into her mouth. Damon seemed to think so too. He gasped, his body tense and clenching as he tried to keep his hands on the arms of the chair and not grab Laura's head, forcing her mouth down on his twitching wet cock. "Shit . . . Laura, you doing that just right," he panted, gyrating his hips rhythmically to push his stiff cock up and down between her breasts. "Oh . . . damn that's good! Suck it, baby, suck it." "You want me to suck it?" Laura smiled up at him, taking the iron-hard stalk in her hand, swishing her tongue over the sensitive, ballooning head of his hard dick. "Damn right I do!" Damon gasped, grimacing with intense pleasure, watching her every move. She could tell from the anguished, contorted look of his face that he was about to come. He had a muscular, powerful body, and his thighs were clenching hard, his arms shaking. Laura was getting pretty excited too. She could feel her pussy oozing and throbbing, and the feel of his hot, hard meat between her fingers aroused her terrifically. God, I want him to fuck me! she realized. If I suck him off right now, I'll have to wait. She wanted to and didn't want to, but Damon was clearly at the breaking point. It only made sense to give in. Slowly, enjoying the pleasurable torment it caused him, she lowered her sensual mouth to the flaring head of his penis and opened her lips just enough to let it slip inside. "Anngghhh! Oh shit!" he groaned, upthrusting instinctively, pushing his hard cock deeper into her mouth. She sucked it eagerly but didn't have the chance to pull on it more than two or three times before Damon gave a loud groan, and thick, spurting jets of his warm jism filled Laura's mouth. "Auuggggnnhhhh!" he growled, crying out louder than many of her girl friends did when they came, his cock slipping from Laura's mouth as his climax caught her by surprise. Still jerking and spurting, it spewed cum all over Laura's naked breasts. Instinctively, Damon reached for his spurting cock with one hand, rubbing the head of it forcefully into her nipples and squeezing the last creamy drops of semen from it, rubbing them into her skin, which was wet and slimy and glistening with his cum. Gasping, he leaned back, gazing at her, his face blasted by the acute pleasure of this moment, watching her mouth, which still held the cum he had squirted into it. After all, I did it once, Laura thought. She smiled at him and swallowed it quickly. A look of incredible wonder passed over his face as he watched her do it. Laura knew Tiffany had never even touched his cock with her mouth, while she herself had now swallowed his jism twice. And this time, he had spewed a lot of it, too. She had not remembered him coming this much the first time, though maybe he had. There seemed to be, in addition to the gobbets she had swallowed, rivers of it streaking her naked breasts. "Wow . . . I hope you have some left for my pussy," Laura purred, kissing his long, wilting member as it began to fall, cradling it in her palms and eyeing it worshipfully. "This guy really let it fly that time." Damon grinned, proud of himself. "All over the walls," he said. "You did that. You made him come that way . . . so huge. Shit, I thought that stuff was gonna tear my cock off while it was coming out, there was so much of it." Laura pouted playfully. She realized that he was still wearing his shirt and she her skirt and panties. "Any left for number two?" "Shit, baby, there's another gallon in there waiting to come out." He took her hand. "Let's go in your bedroom and get started." "What do you call what we just did?" she teased him as they both finished undressing while heading down Laura's short hallway to her bedroom. "That was warm-ups, you know? That was getting in the mood." "Are you going to be upset if I stop by the bathroom to rinse out my mouth? And wipe this lovely stuff off my boobs?" "Shit no. I want to kiss that mouth again, and I ain't touching it while you got that shit in it. Go ahead," he grinned at her, caressing her beautiful naked ass with one hand as she popped briefly into the bathroom. She rejoined him in her bedroom, where he had already stripped the bed to only the bottom sheet. His cock was still hanging long and ropey between his thighs, but the mere sight of him standing there beside the large, empty bed, which was stripped for action, made hot prickly sparks spray through Laura's excited pussy. She realized they were going to have a pretty athletic workout here. This guy was young and strong, and he liked to fuck hard. She pulled him down with her on the mattress, facing him, kissing him, running one hand down to the long, thin, limp sausage in his groin, feeling it pulse and swell in her fingers. "Are you going to be a little less rough on me this time?" she cooed to him, kissing him very sensually. "You know, you really hurt me with this long pole of yours last time. I saw you fucking Tiffany, and you were very gentle. You never hurt her that way." "I think I was a little pissed at you for fucking her," he confessed. "Know what I mean? My chick? Being fucked by some beautiful white girl? It sort of got me steamed and pissed, you know?" "I know." She did know. She could hardly bear the thought of Randi being fucked by Rhonda. Or Deshona by her ex-husband. She knew how furious it made you. "Plus . . . you really made her come hard," Damon said honestly. "I don't think she ever came that hard when I was doing her. That made me double jealous." Meanwhile, Damon's prick was coming back to life quickly. It grew and swelled and throbbed in her hand, a living, pulsing thing, very long, but thin, not a fat salami like some she had felt. No wonder it feels like a spear when he stabs me with it, she thought. "Ummm, I'm going to make you come really hard too," she murmured into his ear, following her words with her tongue. "I think he's almost ready to fuck me." She squeezed his stiffening cock, and Damon's eyes lit up. "You bet he is. He's hungry for that pink pussy. I never had a white girl before you, you know. I think he likes it." They both looked down at the long black spear, now standing, pointing, jumping. Oh god, Laura thought. It's so long! But she wanted badly to feel it inside of her. This time she was determined to watch his long black prick entering her pussy and sliding in deep. She had been fucked and raped by black men before—Gerald, Arthur, Marshall—but with the first two it had been violent and mean, and with Marshall, Kendra had been there too, complicating matters, so that Laura never got to enjoy the pure thrill that came from this initial penetration. Now, lying on her back with her thighs spread as Damon—strong, powerfully-built, his muscles compact and gleaming, his lean, athletic young man's body poised for a hot love-assault on her, his long stiff cock bobbing and twitching—knelt between them, she bit her lower lip and watched him lodge the bulbous head of his black cock in the oozing wet pink groove of her open cunt. "Unhhhh!" she gasped as he slowly pushed the long rod into her. He pushed so slowly that she knew it wouldn't hurt even if he went deep, but he stopped when more than an inch of his cock was still protruding from her pussy. Still, Laura felt completely impaled by it, not crammed as with some thick monster cocks, like Marshall's, or Eric's, but skewered by a long thin needle. But it felt wonderful. She smiled up at him. "God, that feels good." "You like that? You had a black cock in you before me, Laura?" Laura had to think fast. She didn't want to make him mad again. She also didn't want to bruise his ego. He was sweet, and he was getting a large kick out of this whole incident. "Never," she lied. "You're the first. Gosh, it's hard too, even the second time." "You make it hard, baby," he murmured, bending down now, face to face, kissing her sensually, slowly, running his hands all over her naked breasts as he began to move his cock slowly in and out of her. "You are definitely one gorgeous woman. Too bad you'd rather spend your time with girls. Maybe I can change that. Maybe nobody ever fucked you the way a real man can fuck you." Oh, I don't know about that, Laura thought, but very quickly it became academic. Damon began fucking her harder and faster, and Laura gave herself over to it enthusiastically, squirming and pumping back and writhing under his hard young body, squealing as he began to drill the spear deeper into her pussy with each thrust. The next minute or so was wildly exciting for both of them. This time there was no third person—even darling Tiffany, Laura thought—to distract them. They fucked in a frothing frenzy, Laura coiling her legs around Damon's thrusting hips and groaning, arching her back, moaning as he slammed his long, spiky cock deep into her body, bringing her closer to an orgasm with each fierce thrust. When, in the middle of all this thrashing and squirming sex, he dropped his mouth to her breasts, flicking her nipples with his tongue but not sucking them, Laura held his head in both hands, pulling his mouth down to one of her nipples. "Suck it!" she panted, whimpering as his cock stabbed deep into her pussy. "Ungghh! Suck it . . . please! Yes, like that! Do it hard! Ungghhhh!" She usually liked most being fucked by long, slow strokes, brought slowly up to an unbearable level of tension before she came. But Damon favored the short, rabbit-jabbing style, holding her squirming hips in his hands and spearing her pussy rapidly with his long prick, until Laura was tossing under him in an absolute frenzy of excitement as well as pain, for now he was piercing her flaming pussy to the depths with each forward jab. "Ungh! Ungh! Oh owcchhh oh oh Jesus unghh! Yes . . . oh god, do it harder! Yes . . .suck it harder! Fuck me, Damon! Fuck me hard! Anngghhh! Oh!" She had not had wild, even savage, pumping, frenzied sex with a man like this for a long time, and it brought out the animal in her. She realized she was raking his back with her nails as he ripped his hard cock up into her again and again, growling and choking as he began to come himself, spurting hot strings of fresh jism up into her clenching channel. Suddenly, Laura began coming too. The feel of hot cum squirting into her always made her come fast. Great shocking jolts struck her writhing body, still impaled on the long, plunging stalk of Damon's cock. "Mmmnnggghiiieeee!" she cried out, struggling under him, stiffening, feeling the shockwaves of honey fire course through her body all the way down to her curling toes. "Unngghiiiieeee! Oh! Oh god . . . oh god! Mmmnngghiiieeee!" Now Damon let up, stopped stabbing his quickly-slackening cock into her aching pussy, slumping forward onto her, panting and groaning softly as the intensity of his pleasure began to dissipate. It took Laura a lot longer as she lay with him on top of her, feeling her pussy tingle and clench around his shrinking meat, feeling his hard chest mashing into her throbbing breasts, smiling in the aftermath of such a scintillating fuck. Gosh, this guy is pretty good, she realized. No wonder Tiffany likes him. I wonder if he fucks that poor little darling this hard. After all, she's a tiny little thing. She smiled at him, and they kissed emotionally. "Wow, you are a tiger," she purred to him, stroking his naked, muscular back. Damon grinned as they both mopped up. "You ain't so bad yourself." He winked. "For a lesbian. Think you might be able to hold your own in the regular world too." Laura bowed playfully to him with the upper half of her body, watching his eyes on her swaying breasts. "Why, thank you, sir." He reached out and cradled one of her small, exquisitely-shaped breasts in his palm. "You really like having your titties sucked that hard?" "It makes me come fast." "Hard too, it seems." Laura nodded. "Real hard." She reached down and stroked his limp prick with her fingers. "Speaking of hard . . . is he finished? Or is there more?" Damon chuckled. "You know, a man ain't like you horny lesbians. He's got to rest a little in between, you know? Now if Tiffany was here, you two could go at it while you're waiting." "Oh, I don't mind waiting," Laura said, looking at the clock. "I do," he said, turning Laura onto her side and stroking her ass. "Remember when you wanted me to put it in Tiffany's ass? And she got so upset?" Laura nodded. She could see from the way he was looking at hers that he wanted to put it in her ass. "Mine isn't as beautiful as hers," she said. "Ain't many chicks that have a booty like Tiffany's," he admitted. "Yours is a pretty good second." Now he grew more interested. He began to caress Laura's ass with both hands, squeezing her buns and running his fingers up and down between the crack. This aroused Laura wildly, and she realized her cunt was lubricating again rapidly, oozing and burbling with fresh fuck juice. She wondered if she could stand having that long spear in her ass, but she knew she would be unable to refuse. Oh god, she thought, I'm really getting more than I bargained for here. The question came quickly. "How about you and I trying that?" To tantalize her, he rubbed the long limp tube of his cock up into the crack between her buns, holding them apart. Laura shivered from excitement, and gasped softly, biting her lower lip. "Oh, you like that, don't you," Damon murmured. "I like that too. Feel him, he's starting to get jiggy again." And Laura could feel the long thing growing, as if it had a life of its own. All thoughts of Tiffany seemed to vanish. It was only her and this strong, vigorous, handsome young man in her bed, fucking her every way he could think of, and Laura couldn't resist it, or pull away from it. Yes, she thought, do everything to me. I want you to. I want you to do everything to me. "I want you to do everything to me," she whispered softly into his ear. "Even that?" he grinned. "Yes." While he watched, she rolled over and reached across to the bedside table, opening the drawer and taking out the small bottle of baby oil. Damon's eyes lit up. "Get one of those towels over on the chair," she directed him, and she noticed that his very long prick was beginning to stand up again as he quickly retrieved the towel. "Here, put it under us like this," she said, spreading the towel on the sheet. "It gets a little messy." "You've done this before," he said. "Right?" "Oh . . . a couple of times." Damon broke into another grin. "Maybe you ain't no lesbian after all, Laura. You just like to fuck, don't you." She smiled at him pertly, tilting her head. "Don't you?" "I sure do when you're the one who's taking it," he said, frankly. "You are one hot girl, on top of being the bomb in the looks department." "Why, thank you," Laura grinned demurely. She glanced down at his throbbing, twitching pole, which now stood straight out from his body, jumping and hungry again. "You think it'll fit?" "Why don't we find out?" Laura lay face down on the sheet, her hips placed over the towel, looking back over her shoulder alluringly at him. Damon's eyes were on her naked ass. He looked like he couldn't believe his good fortune. "Have you ever done this before?" Laura asked him in her sultriest voice, moving her ass in a smooth rhythm back and forth just to see its effect on him. He shook his head slowly, almost in awe of the chance she was providing him. "Then you have to be very careful not to hurt me," she said softly, handing him the small bottle of baby oil. "You have a very long cock." Damon nodded as they both looked at the bobbing, jerking dark shaft, glossy, rippling with engorged veins. "You have to get me ready first . . . with one or two fingers. Here, use this. Get my little asshole ready for that monster." This tickled Damon, and he giggled softly, taking the bottle and uncapping it. "Ain't no monster," he said. "It's my enforcer. He's the boss." Laura believed it. Her heart almost stopped when she realized that this long twitching rod was going to be buried in her ass in a few minutes. She uptilted her bottom to him and clenched her teeth as he slipped one lubricated fingers between her cheeks. It went fairly easily into her rectum, and Damon slowly probed her, opening her gently. Soon he had two fingers in her ass, rotating them, heating Laura up quickly. Unlike some others she had felt up there, his was a thin though very long prick. She knew that two fingers was going to just about do it. "Unh!" she panted. "Oh . . . why don't you try it now. I think I can take it. Just go slow, okay?" "Laura, I wouldn't dream of going fast. We are both going to enjoy this to the max." He removed his fingers, and, looking over her shoulder again, Laura watched him spread the oil all over his jumping prick until it was glistening and dark and shiny. Once during this ritual, he caught her eye and smiled. Laura smiled back nervously at him. She knew the man got nothing but pure, intense pleasure out of this, while she would have to endure some pain too. Finally, he was ready. Laura put her cheek on her hands and closed her eyes, tilting her rump up even further to him as he pried apart her cheeks with his thumbs, seeking the hole he had just widened with his fingers. She felt the long tube nudge the small, open, greased ring, then slide into her. Slowly Damon inched about a third of his stiff cock into her ass. "Oh!" Laura heard herself gasping, though the sensation was not sharply painful. She realized that tears were leaking from the corners of her tightly shut eyes. "Is it hurting you?" Damon asked softly. "No. Go ahead. Unhhhh!" Now he slowly pushed the rest of it into her. Or most of it, anyway. Laura couldn't tell if the whole thing was inside her or not, but her body felt completely skewered and speared on the long, thin, fiercely hard pole. "Oh god!" she gasped, panting rapidly, almost hysterically, then getting control of herself. Damon too seemed paralyzed momentarily by the acute pleasure of feeling his long stiff prick squeezed by Laura's tight asshole. He didn't move, hovering behind her, his hands on her hips, his breath quick and rough. Then he drew his cock out a few inches, and Laura held her breath as she felt it slide in again, even deeper. "Unhh!" "Oh Laura . . . Christ that's tight!" he gasped. "Oh! Oh . . . do it, Damon. Go ahead. Fuck me. Fuck my ass." Damon moaned deep in his chest, beginning to stroke her slowly, pulling out a few inches, pushing back in until Laura's back passage loosened a little, the piston of his cock lubricated by the baby oil, so that soon he was fucking her more quickly, and deeper too. Laura felt the familiar intermingling of pain and exquisitely sharp pleasure flow through her body as the initial discomfort disappeared. She slid one hand down her body to her crotch, slipping it under her thigh and finding her swollen clit with her fingers, rubbing it frantically. Not only did this distract her from the pain she felt when he plunged too deep, it also brought her closer and closer to the peak, the horribly intense explosion she knew awaited her at the end. She swirled her two fingers over her clit in a frenzied motion, biting her lower lip, now whimpering and groaning as Damon, wildly excited himself, picked up the tempo. "Ungh! Oh! Anngghhh! Owwncchh . . . oh shit!" she cried out, her body stiffening as he plunged his long prick deep into her ass. "Oh baby . . . oh sorry, does it hurt!" Damon panted, concerned but not slackening the pace. "No," Laura half-grunted, impaled by another deep drilling thrust. "Ungghhh! No . . . just do it, fuck me . . . fuck me hard! Yes! Ungghhh! Yes!" Why do I put myself through this? she wondered. But she knew the answer. As they struggled and writhed together, they brought each other closer and closer to a fierce physical explosion that was one of the most supreme, obliterating experiences she had ever had. And Damon was going to have it for the first time. He now fucked her very hard, drilling his hard long cock deep into her ass, driving Laura into a near-delirium of physical pain and almost unbearable pleasure with each penetrating thrust. Oh god, let it be soon! she begged. Make him come! Please make him come! "Oh Laura . . . I—" he gasped, and she knew he was going to explode. "Yes . . . yes!" He fell forward onto her back, still arching over her uptilted rump and burying his cock again in her ass, reaching under her body with both hands to grip her breasts. He squeezed them fiercely, sinking his fingers into the firm balls of flesh, and ripped his cock into her ass three more times, hard, savagely. "Ungh! Ohnngg! Ounghhiee!" Laura grunted, wincing with each deep plunge. Then she felt his body shudder. He groaned, and thick jets of cum spurted into her asshole, jumping out of his prick as he speared her with it one more time. Now he collapsed in a heap on top of her back, chuffing and panting violently in her ear, completely overcome by the experience. But now that he had climaxed and wasn't pounding and piercing her so roughly, Laura felt herself coming almost immediately. He had barely stopped thrusting when the hot, clenching spasms of a violent orgasm shook her body, throttling her and taking the breath right out of her lungs. With his heavy body on top of her, all she could do was quiver and clench and come gloriously, until finally a few moans of pleasure began to escape from her throat. "Ohhnnggggg! Ohnnngggg . . . ahhngggg! Oh Jesus ohhhhh! Oh yes! Oh god!" she groaned, gasping as the aftershocks hit her. She was still coming as Damon came back to life and began to pull his long, softening cock out of her ass. Two or three late jolts hit her, making her tremble and whimper as the last of a ferocious climax played itself out. Wincing and moaning, she looked up at him, over her shoulder, glimpsing his long, wet, dangling cock, which had caused such pleasure and damage. She smiled wanly at him. "Did you like it?" Damon grinned, looking down too at his long, ropey dick, still glistening with the coating of baby oil and leaking droplets of creamy jism from the bulbous head. "I don't think I ever had a better one," he said. "You the bomb, Laura." Laura smiled and rolled over, now beginning to feel her asshole throbbing in the aftermath of the excitement. She could also feel his cum oozing back out of it. "I don't know about that. Feels like you bombed my poor ass to kingdom come. Get me a towel?" she smiled. He got one from the chair and took it to her. "Was I too rough?" "You were perfect. It can't be helped. It's a kind of arousing experience. One tends to get out of control." "You're telling me. I don't think Tiffany would be able to handle it." "She might. If you were gentle with her. She certainly has a dynamite bottom." She and Damon lay down side by side, sweetly kissing and caressing, as if to make up for the violence of the exciting ass-rape they had just gone through. "I'd be happy to do that again for you some time, if you ever get the urge," Damon kidded her. "Nobody has to know but us. You are one exciting chick, Laura. Sorry I didn't meet you earlier." "Oh now . . . don't say that. Tiffany is plenty exciting." He smiled. "I guess you know what you're talking about, right? I saw you two going at it." "What are you going to do tonight? I mean, if she wants to do it?" "Oh, I'll be fine in about an hour or so," Damon smiled cheerfully. "The boss is good for five or six throws on a normal night." I'll bet he is, Laura thought, marveling at the serious reaming he had just given her, his third time in about an hour. His cock had still been rigid and tireless, and his semen had spurted out as strongly the third time as the first. Since it was about time for Tiffany to be getting off work, they dressed, and Laura kissed him goodbye at the door, a slow, lingering kiss, full of the resonance of what they had done. Her ass still throbbed a little to reinforce the memory. "You remember," Damon whispered. "Any time, now. Just give me a call." "I feel guilty about Tiffany," Laura confessed. "Don't worry about. She ain't going to know. It's between us." Laura smiled ruefully. "If you say so." "Trust me." He grinned at her cockily. "I had a very nice time." Laura couldn't help breaking into a genuine smile. "I did too." |
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