Laura - Chapter 220


Laura had not seen Karen for months. Not only did she work in another part of the company, at another location, but their relationship had become so . . . depraved, Laura thought—there was no other word for it—that both of them seemed to tacitly agree to suspend it, for a while or for good, until they could somehow move it in a healthier direction. At least this was what Laura felt, since they had never discussed it.

Further, they always seemed to come together just when one or the other was suffering some disappointment over a sexual betrayal or jealousy that needed assuaging, and this frequently motivated them to drug their senses with ingeniously sadistic and masochistic sex. It was quite possible, Laura reflected, to forget your emotional pain when your flesh was burning and throbbing from sexual escapades that resulted in excruciating, intense orgasms as well as welts, rope burns, bruises, and teeth marks, ravaged nipples and aching orifices.

So she knew why her thoughts had turned to Karen at this juncture. Her night with April had been a wonderful delight, but when she got home the next day, she could not avoid thinking about Randi, Deshona, even the rejection she felt from Tamara. It was crushing, really. Wrenching. Her mind was assailed by fantasy images of Rhonda with her mouth pressed to Randi's pussy, of Randi writhing and moaning and coming hard, as Laura had made her come so many times.

Even though she had never met or seen Deshona's husband, she knew Deshona had let him fuck her again. She knew there was some long-time, deep connection between them that she could never share. She remembered how Deshona had loved being fucked from behind, having her peerless back caressed and kissed. Laura had fucked her that way with the double-dildo, but Deshona had said that her husband used to fuck her that way all the time, before their divorce. Laura couldn't get out of her mind the images she saw of them doing it.

All this made her frantic with jealous pain, and she went through the motions of daily life as if in a stunned trance. She had to attend a wedding of one of her friends at work that weekend, and at the wedding she ran into—of all people—Karen. They saw each other in the church, their eyes catching suddenly, electrically, and Laura could think of nothing else throughout the ceremony.

At the reception, which was held at a nearby country club, they quickly found one another. "Come over here," Laura said under her breath, pulling Karen into a small room next to the main one where the party was going on.

Karen was wearing a tight-fitting dress the color of fresh cream, which hugged every curve of her beautiful body and accentuated the smooth, rich black hue of her skin. She had lost weight and looked impossibly gorgeous to Laura, who found herself thinking the familiar 'Did I really sleep with this ravishing woman? Over and over?'. She couldn't take her eyes off Karen, and she knew they were telegraphing her desire very clearly.

"God, it feels like it's been ages," she said, when they were alone, or semi-alone, since the small room opened out with no door into the bigger one.

Karen smiled, her eyes pulsing, devouring Laura in the same way. "You look like you've been sick," she said, raising one affectionate finger to Laura's cheek. "You're pale, Laura. But you sure are a sight for sore eyes."

"And you lost weight," Laura said, using it as an excuse to again let her eyes roam hungrily all over Karen's delicious body.

"Ten pounds," Karen said, doing a proud little pirouette. "I was getting a little porky."

Laura's eyes dropped briefly to Karen's magnificent breasts. Karen was not thin and willowy, or small and compactly-built, like most of Laura's girls. She was a voluptuous, full-figured woman with jutting breasts and full hips, and it was true that even a small amount of weight could make her look heavy. But her breasts seemed undiminished by her weight loss. They pushed out spectacularly through the fabric of her tight dress.

"I see that everything is still in tip-top shape, though," Laura murmured in a sexy undertone.

A tiny, knowing smirk tugged one corner of Karen's wildly sensual mouth. "What are you doing after the party?"

"I don't know if I can wait until after the party," Laura whispered, looking down at Karen's deep, very seductive cleavage.

"I have to ditch my escort," Karen said, looking around nervously.


She shook her head. "Boss. He knows the groom. Actually," her dark eyes glinted mischievously, "he wants to be my boyfriend. I think he's hoping to score right after we leave here."

"How are you going to get rid of him?"

"I could get sick. I could drink one of those strawberry daquiris and then vomit it on him. He'll know I'm sick after that, girl."

They both broke up with laughter. But Laura knew Karen was serious. She knew it because both of them could barely keep their hands off each other, even though they were in public. Their eyes gave them away. They wanted to fuck so badly that almost anything that stood in their way would be swept aside.

"Are you sure you'll be able to bring it off?" Laura asked through her laughter.

Karen theatrically poked two fingers down her throat to indicate her technique. Then she made a vomit gesture, and a stricken face. It was quite convincing. "You still remember the way to my place?"

The wedding was in Piedmont, and since Karen lived in the Easy Bay, her place was closest.

"I could never forget it," Laura said, fixing Karen with her eyes, letting them smolder with her intentions.

Karen put a hand on Laura's wrist. "You better not look at me like that or I might just leave with you right now, without even making excuses."

Laura looked at her mouth, her sensual lips, wanting to kiss her desperately, savagely, wanting to tear her clothes off. She hadn't felt this sexually hungry for a while, this consumed by wild hunger. She sensed that Karen felt the same way.

"When should I leave?"

Karen looked at her watch. Laura was so hungry for her that she wanted to grab her arm and kiss her smooth, velvety black skin and suck her forearm muscle in a hot fit of lust. "Give me twenty minutes, just to make it look good," Karen said.

"He'll want to take you home, if you're sick."

Karen winked. "That's the point, right? You better park down the street and wait until you see me go in. Don't want him to think I faked it so I could be with you."

Laura was thrilled. "Do you want to be with me?"

"Girl . . . we're gonna have one hot party of our own," Karen said under her breath, with a devastating glance.

Suddenly, all of Laura's depression seemed to fly out the window. So what if Randi was allowing Rhonda to fuck her beautiful brains out. So what if Deshona was getting a major league plowing from her ex-husband. Laura's blood was pounding through her body, and her pussy oozed with warm juices as she watched Karen leaving the room in search of her 'escort'.

Oh god, she thought, feeling the pulse beat in her throat. Oh god, I've missed her! She felt her knees trembling and knew she could not make any more trivial conversation with anybody but had to get out of there fast, before her juices began trickling down her leg.

She went to her car and drove directly to Karen's apartment, parking as she had promised down the street and waiting. Instead of twenty minutes, she had to wait nearly an hour. During that time she relived many of the moments they had shared: stirring sexual encounters, both emotional and physical, including ingenious sexual tortures that both embarrassed and inflamed her to recall. She couldn't believe she had let anybody do some of those things to her, or that she had done them in return.

By the time Karen appeared, Laura was, she knew, overheated. She tried to act cool and collected as she watched Karen get out of the car, accompanied by a tall, well-dressed white male, who helped her to the front door of the building. Karen seemed very wobbly on her feet, befitting the performance she was giving of being ill. Laura was so far away that she could see little else. She realized that Karen was insisting to the man that she would be all right.

Laura waited until he got back into his car and left. Then she locked her own car and went to the front door of the apartment building. She didn't even have to ring. Karen had lurked inside the lobby, and without a word she opened the door for Laura to let her in.

"Come in, quick! I don't want him to see us."

"He won't," Laura reassured her. "He drove off."

"He wanted to come up. 'Just to make sure you're all right.'"

Laura let her eyes run up and down Karen's body again, very alluring in her tight, thin, cream-colored dress that contrasted so starkly with her smooth black skin. "I can see why. Did you vomit? I don't see any on your dress."

Karen looked guilty. "I threw up all over his suit. God, I'm such a bad girl," she giggled. She lowered her voice to a potent whisper. "Maybe you can punish me for being such a bad girl. Know what I mean?"

Laura knew exactly what she meant and could feel both of their blood temperatures shoot up at the thought. But she had been hoping that this time, as she had hoped in vain in the past, their sex could veer away from the violence and pain they had grown accustomed to with each other.

Karen's apartment was on the first floor, and as they walked down the corridor to it, Laura said, softly, "I know what you mean . . . but I was hoping we could, you know, go back to what we had in the beginning."

Karen turned to her before opening the door to her apartment, her eyes wide, glistening, throbbing with sexual heat and also the deep, resonant connection they shared from having been each other's first. "I've missed you, Laura," she whispered.

She opened the door and they went inside. Laura watched while Karen elaborately triple-locked her door. She lived on the ground floor in a slightly less safe neighborhood than Laura's, and she took no chances.

Finished, she turned to Laura. Without speaking, they embraced and kissed, very slowly, romantically, sensually, exploring one another's mouth with their tongues, slipping their hands under one another's coat to get their fingers that much closer to their warm flesh. Laura kissed Karen's smooth neck, then her black ear, nibbling her earlobe.

"I think we might go back to the beginning very easily," Karen breathed. "When neither of us had ever done this before."

"And I couldn't believe how much I wanted you when I saw you naked for the first time, by accident."

Karen raised a playful eyebrow. "It wasn't no accident, girl," she murmured.


They kissed again, growing more passionate this time, a searching, probing, hungrier kiss. They both shed their coats clumsily in the middle of kissing, never stopping, letting the coats fall at their feet, digging their fingers into each other's body now, through their clothes.

"Really," Karen panted as their lips came apart. "I know people like my body. I wanted to see if you did too."

Laura smiled coyly. "Want to see if I like it as much now as I did then?"

"I guess you do. You looked like you wanted to rip my dress off at the wedding. I knew we had to get out of there before everybody else realized how we were feeling."

They walked hand in hand to Karen's bedroom. Laura was overwhelmed by deep emotions as well as burning sexual desire for Karen. She never had loved Karen in quite the same way she loved Jonelle, or Trina, or Charise, or Randi, or Deshona. (The thought of Deshona and Randi sparked a fleeting hot ember of wild jealousy alive in the pit of her stomach.) God, it was even embarrassing to list so many in her mind. How can I love them all? she wondered.

But for Karen she always felt a deep, throbbing, warm, lasting intimacy and profound affection rooted in the fact that they had discovered girl-girl sex together. They had also pushed it to its farther limits and endured together scorching sexual experiences that forever linked them, physical memories that would never be surpassed. She knew Karen felt the same, and between them there was an unspoken trust and care that was very different from the wild, hungry, desperate love Laura often felt for other girls.

Also, their sexual hunger for one another had never diminished.

"These are some expensive clothes," Karen said, running a finger along the sleeve of Laura's dress. "I think we better take them off carefully before we get into the hot stuff." Her eyes laughed and danced with sexual promise.

They were indeed expensive. Laura had bought her dress at Sak's, for a small fortune, and she knew she looked as good as Stephanie Seymour had ever looked in anything. Under it she wore a shockingly sexy pale green thong that barely covered her pussy, now all swollen and damp from sexual excitement. Her skimpy bra matched the thong, but it was diaphanous, showing her large round coral nipples through the mesh.

Karen's dress was equally stylish and expensive, and as she slowly, seductively removed it, for Laura's enjoyment, her sexy underwear inflamed Laura's desire. It was black lace, the panties cut high on the hip, the bra dipping low between her magnificent, jutting breasts. The full globes seemed to spill out of the cups, and Laura realized that whatever weight Karen had shed, it had not come from these gorgeous, hard, upswept gourds of flesh.

Before Karen could remove the bra, Laura stepped closer and lowered her face into the deep valley between the full, round globes, planting a kiss between them, which took some doing since they were so large that she had to push her face down into the cleavage. She moved her lips up from the deep valley to Karen's smooth chest, her neck, her jaw, then attacked her mouth heatedly, stabbing her tongue deep into it.

Laura's bra unfastened in front between the cups, and while they were kissing Karen unclasped it. She peeled the fabric away and cupped Laura's small, perfect, naked breasts in her palms, squeezing them, then drawing her fingers out to Laura's swelling, puffy nipples, pinching them gently.

"Girl, I think I want to swallow these," she whispered. "Been a long time."

Reaching around with both hands, Laura also unclasped Karen's bra. She skimmed the thin straps off Karen's shoulders. They both wriggled out of the flimsy garments, letting them fall. Laura raised her hands to Karen's large breasts, caressing them, rubbing Karen's big, swelling black nipples with her fingertips.

"Who goes first?" she murmured.

Without speaking, Karen slid Laura's thong down her thighs, then slipped off her own bikini panties. She pulled Laura to the bed, yanking down the spread and blankets with one hand, exposing the broad expanse of sheet. Laura couldn't take her eyes off Karen's voluptuous naked body, the first woman's body she had ever made love to, still a thrilling one, curvaceous and smooth and black, very enticing.

Karen's breasts were large, jiggling and bobbling as they lay down together on the bed, and Laura was all over them in an instant, filling her hands with the springy, resilient globes, and licking Karen's large nipples hungrily, while Karen watched.

"I certainly have missed your approach," she purred softly to Laura as Laura devoured her puffy black nipples, now sucking them voraciously, taking each one deep into her mouth and pulling on it sharply with her lips, making Karen mewl excitedly. "Oh! Oh yes . . . oh yes, Laura! God, you really know how to do it!"

Laura got the idea, while devouring these smooth, delicious dark mounds of flesh, to exchange the clever tortures they usually employed for the exquisite torture of delay, which she had actually perfected with Karen but not used for a while. She would bring Karen repeatedly to the very brink of an orgasm but refuse to let her come for a long time, until the ultimate explosion was a true killer. But first she had to detour from their usual direction.

"Bite them!" Karen panted hoarsely, watching Laura's fingers dig into the springy flesh of her breasts, watching Laura suck her nipples hard and deep. "Please . . . oh please, Laura, bite them! I haven't felt it for so long."

"Mmmm," Laura purred, refusing, only the first of her refusals, but continuing to tease and sweetly torment Karen's erect, wet nipples until Karen's eyes were swimming in a delirium of sexual need. "I might. But first I'm going to make you beg, darling."

"Ohhhhh Laura!"

Karen was twisting and panting, and Laura began to kiss her naked body everywhere, exploring her delicious dark skin and smooth flesh, renewing her acquaintance with the body she had first touched this way, kissing Karen's smooth stomach, the bulging undersides of her heavy, large breasts, her scrumptious smooth black thighs, her hips, her waist, newly slim, her soft, palpitating belly, finally arriving at the blossoming wet gash of her beautiful, open-lipped pussy.

But before she could press her mouth to it, Karen pulled her up, kissing her urgently, digging her fingers into Laura's ass, raping her mouth. "Oh no you don't," she panted, squeezing Laura's breasts, dropping her mouth to them. "Two can play this game."

She began to devour Laura's naked body just as hungrily as Laura had devoured hers. Like many others, she had always loved and envied Laura's breasts, small, perfectly shaped, with swelling, puffy coral nipples, so tempting to the tongue. She sucked Laura's nipples passionately with her very sensual lips, laving them in warm spittle and lip-pinching them cleverly, until Laura was as aroused as she had made Karen. She was quivering, twisting, panting, feverish, holding Karen's head, pushing her aching breasts up into Karen's hungry mouth.

"Oh god, baby . . ." she gasped. "You're making me so excited. I want it so bad."

"I want you so bad. Lie back, I'm going to fuck you. It's been a long time since I got to fuck you, Laura."

Laura had no choice. Karen was very aggressive, rubbing her body against Laura so that Laura could feel the large globes of Karen's firm breasts pressing against her stomach, her belly, as Karen voraciously sucked her throbbing nipples. Karen had dropped down between Laura's thighs before Laura knew quite what was happening, and her mouth against Laura's wet, aching pussy brought a low groan of unbelievable pleasure involuntarily from deep in Laura's chest.

"Ohnnnnnggggg!" she moaned, arching her back, tossing her head, feeling Karen's tongue slip up deep into her pussy.

She knew she was going to come immediately. She was always a quick comer, and Karen was pouring it on full-steam, opening Laura's pussy with her fingers and licking and stabbing and slurping it ardently.

"Oh god . . . oh Karen, yes! Right there! Unghh! Unghh! Oh god, I'm going to come, honey!"

Karen chuckled softly, sliding two fingers into Laura's burbling pussy and attacking Laura's clit with her tongue mercilessly. "Good, you go right ahead. I want you to come," she murmured.

Overcome by an excess of passion, she pushed Laura's thighs up to expose her glistening pussy even more, sucking and tonguing it so heatedly that Laura was quickly overcome by shockwaves of coming.

"Oh! Oh!" Laura gasped.

Then the bed opened up and swallowed her. A fierce, quick orgasm wrenched her body, nearly knocking her out, squeezing the breath out of her as wave after wave of intense spasms shook her flesh. She writhed and arched again, shuddering and mewling in tiny, faraway squeals as the last electric charges made her wince, then collapse, panting and stunned, on the bed.

Karen, pleased with her work, slid up Laura's body, kissing it along the way, until she was face to face again with Laura. She smiled, a warm, friendly, deeply affectionate smile. "It's been a while since I got the pleasure of doing that," she said.

She propped herself up by placing her hands on either side of Laura's head, then dangled the marvelous, magnificent full dark globes of her breasts in Laura's face, brushing Laura's lips with her huge, silky, puffed-up nipples. Dazed and stunned as she was, still tingling and throbbing from an immense climax, Laura had no trouble in rising to the wildly desirable bait.

She chased Karen's nipples with her lips, finally catching one full, swaying breast in both hands and feeding Karen's large nipple into her mouth, pulling on it thirstily. Giving a throaty gurgle of excitement, Karen threw her head back and smiled, pushing her breast down into Laura's face. They rolled onto their sides, and Laura resumed devouring Karen's large breasts and gleaming nipples until Karen was whimpering softly.

"If you gon' make me beg, girl, you're getting mighty close," she whimpered to Laura, caressing her head as Laura sucked her hard and heatedly. "Bite them, Laura. Please."

"Mmmm, is that what you want?" Laura teased.

"Yes! Bite me. I love it when you bite me. I come so hard."

"Oh, I don't think we're going to have to worry about that," Laura smiled, with a lilt in her voice.

Laura wanted to. They had done it so often, and Laura knew how Karen reacted. Her wet, swollen, black nipples, pulpy and thick and erect in Laura's warm mouth, were wildly tempting, delicious, sensitive. She could feel Karen's body quiver when she sucked them. I will give in, I will do it, she thought. But only at the end.

For now she sucked and pinched them until Karen was truly frantic with need. Then she pushed her onto her back and slithered down her undulating, voluptuous, fleshy dark body to her crotch, kissing Karen's silky flesh every inch of the way. She knew that making Laura come had aroused Karen further, as it always did Laura, so that now she was even closer to coming than she had been before she had interrupted Laura the first time.

Her cunt was a soupy mess, flowing with juices, inflamed and blossoming, so wet that even her dense black bush glistened with droplets of fuck nectar. Laura wanted to devour it as Karen had just devoured hers, attacking and sucking and slurping it until Karen exploded in a hot fury of coming. But she knew Karen was so aroused that the slightest touch might send her over, and she wanted to prolong it as much as she could.

"Oh! Unhhhh! Oh Laura . . . oh please!" Karen panted, knowing Laura wanted her to beg.

But it was not the true, desperate, delirious begging that Laura wanted to hear. Not yet. Carefully, she brushed away the wet crotch hairs from Karen's swollen cuntlips, then spread them with her thumbs to reveal the glistening ruby interior of Karen's hungry pussy. I love this woman's pussy, she thought. The very first pussy I ever tasted. So tangy and hot and wet.

Carefully, she extended her tongue, slipping the tip of it between Karen's cuntlips, which she held open with her fingers, slowly burrowing her tongue into the center of Karen's pussy. Karen was so wet that her juices seemed to flow over Laura's tongue, raising her own sexual excitement another notch. Slowly, she fucked Karen's pussy with her tongue, hearing the girl moan and mewl, feeling Karen's pelvis quiver with fresh excitement.

"Ohhhnnnnn! Ohnnnn Laura . . . . anngghhh! Oh yes . . . oh yes! Oh god!"

She began churning her pelvis so rapidly, frantically, that Laura was afraid she was going to come. Quickly, she pulled back, withdrawing her tongue from Karen's pussy and kissing the warm smooth flesh of her inner thighs, even squeezing her round, hard buns to distract her, to draw the sensation away from her over-stimulated pussy. This worked, and Karen's frantic surging and churning lessened. Her breath slowed a little.

"Oh god . . . you bitch, make me come!" she gasped, her eyes bleary and glassy from sexual frustration as she glowered at Laura.

Laura smiled. "Darling . . . you will come so hard," she purred, again applying her tongue to the inflamed wet slit between Karen's clenching thighs.

This time she licked it around the edges, running her tongue up and down the glossy, wet, swollen black cuntlips, avoiding the shiny red interior, avoiding the hard purplish berry of Karen's distended clit at the top. This drove Karen wild, wilder than Laura had expected. She began clawing the flesh of her thighs with her fingers, whooping softly, then squeezing her own breasts, twisting her nipples in a delirious frenzy.

It was very erotic for Laura to see Karen twisting and writhing so desperately, yearning to come, more out of control than Laura had seen her in a long time. She knew the girl would come at the slightest opportunity. Karen was overwrought, frantic, wild with need.

Laura knew she could not withhold it much longer. She slipped two fingers into the juicy cauldron of Karen's pussy, twisting them, feeling Karen's churning body respond immediately.

"Just push that little fist in me," Karen panted, biting her lower lip, knowing Laura was about to deliver on her promise. "Do it, Laura! Your fist! Please . . . please do it! Fuck me, Laura! Fuck me, please! Oh!"

Laura realized that to fist-fuck Karen, as Karen begged her to do, was not exactly the kind of horrible torture they had used on each other in the past. There was something stirring, and exquisitely intimate, about it that no other sexual practice could equal, and she found herself wanting to do it as much as Karen wanted it. Quickly, she formed all her fingers and her thumb into a wedge and slipped her whole hand up into Karen's wet pussy, so oily with Karen's own natural lubricants that the forced entry barely took a second.

"Ungghhh!" Karen groaned as Laura's hand slid into her pussy up to the wrist.

From here on it was a rocky ride. Karen was on the verge of coming hard, and Laura knew it.

"Oh god!" Karen whimpered, eyes rolling up, her lovely body arching, her full, large breasts jiggling as she twisted uncontrollably.

Laura wanted them badly. With her hand still inside Karen's pussy, she leaned forward and with her free hand guided one luscious, bulbous black nipple into her mouth, sucking it hard. At the same moment, she began to ram her fist up into Karen's cunt, twisting it, rubbing the hard edge of her wrist bone along Karen's erect clit. Then she grabbed the thick bud of Karen's nipple with her teeth, sinking them into the taut, erect areola at the same time, feeling Karen's writhing body suddenly flex in a sharp spasm.

And then Karen began to come in volcanic explosions, groaning and whinnying as the fierce shocks pummeled her beautiful, shuddering body.

"Auungghhhh! Anngghiiieee! Oh Laura . . . oh god oh god yes! Ungghhhh! Auungghiiieee!" she wailed, tossing and twisting as Laura continued to fuck her hard with her fist.

Knowing they had done far worse in the past, Laura did not give up but continued to fuck Karen hard, releasing her nipple, grabbing her other breast, sinking her teeth into that nipple too while raping Karen savagely again with her hand, twisting it inside of Karen's tight pussy to let her feel the knuckles. After a brief dip following the sharp spasms of her orgasm, Karen's body began to undulate under Laura's heated assault again, and when Laura resumed fist-raping her pussy, and biting her other nipple, she came again, howling from intense pleasure.

After this, Laura felt a little guilty, having seen the grimaces of ecstacy mingled with pain on Karen's face. She knew Karen had come hard, twice, and that she had wanted to be fucked roughly, bitten, fisted. But somehow she wondered if she had gone too far as she saw how slowly Karen seemed to come back from the rape. Karen winced and moaned as Laura very carefully withdrew her hand from the girl's pussy.

"Ohnngg!" she groaned softly, her face screwed up in discomfort, a fainter version of her earlier grimace.

"Oh god, I didn't hurt you, did I?" Laura bent over, whispering in concern, kissing Karen's smooth black cheek.

Her hand was still shiny and wet with Karen's warm cunt juices. Karen looked down at it, smiling wryly.

"Wipe off that wet hand before you touch me," she said hoarsely, smiling slowly, clearly still shattered by her double climax.

Laura held it up for them both to inspect. "It's your own bodily fluids," she said. "I think you even came some more onto my hand, you were getting so excited."

"I don't doubt it for a minute," Karen said, looking completely destroyed and also very satisfied by the experience. "You may not believe this, but nobody has ever fucked me as hard as you do. For a while I was going with a cop, remember? He liked to handcuff me to the bed and rape me. Only trouble was, he was really a pussycat deep down. Afraid he was going to hurt me. He also got over-excited. He'd rip it into me a few times, and girl it was all over."

Laura wiped her hand off on the edge of the sheet and lay down face to face with Karen, embracing and kissing her tenderly. "I'm glad you like to be fucked by me," she purred. "But I was hoping we could . . . you know, do it a little more gently this time."

But Karen was still reminiscing. "The only time you fucked me better than this was when you clamped my boobs, put those bad-ass clips on my nipples, and whipped my pussy," she murmured into Laura's ear, heating them both up again in an instant.

Laura had been fucked the same way by Karen and knew well how it felt, both harrowing, painful, and unbelievably pleasurable sexually. She hated to admit it to herself, but they had probably been her most intense sexual experiences too. But part of her was afraid of the intensity.

She had loaned the clamp, which Karen had loaned her, to Earlene, realizing only now that she had probably done it in hopes of avoiding temptation when she and Karen next got together. Because their sex really was scorching, a wildly exciting mix of passion, tenderness, and the most thrilling perversion. Karen in particular had a deep masochistic streak, loving to be whipped and bitten and tied up hard by Laura, allowing only Laura to hurt her in these perverted ways that resulted in such horrific climaxes for her.

Laura in turn caught fire from the perverted sexual excitement Karen received from pain and enthusiastically allowed Karen to return the favor. Together they had created a depraved way of fucking that was so compelling and wildly exciting that they could not stop it. Even now, after they had both come—Karen had come twice—they could feel their blood growing hotter as Karen recalled their most extreme moment.

"You know," Laura said, fondling and caressing Karen's large, jutting, beautiful naked breasts, "I think we can still enjoy each other without that . . . rough stuff."

"Mmmmm, but I want the rough stuff," Karen whispered. "When you do it to me, I just die of coming. I won't let anyone else touch me like that. But you, you Laura . . ."

"I just made you come good without tying you up," Laura said.

Karen smiled, devilishly. She leaned over the side of the bed and pulled a long coil of rope out from under it, positioning the coils between them. With her fingers she caressed one coil sensually, as if she were trying to arouse it, the rope, her eyes reflecting her sexual excitement.

"If you tie up my boobs and bite me again, I might set a new record for wild orgasms," she half-smiled.

"You already have the record," Laura said dryly.

"I want to set a new one," Karen pouted, coiling some of the rope around one of her naked breasts.

"You're bad, girl," Laura smiled.

Her dark eyes teasing Laura hotly, Karen looped another coil of rope around her breast, pulling the two coils tighter, so that her large, bulbous, glossy black nipple flared and swelled, the thick center protruding beautifully, temptingly. Laura wanted to suck it again.

"I can see the look in your eyes, Laura," Karen murmured softly, looking up from under her heavy, sexually-drooping eyelids. "You want to do it. I know you do. You want to tie them up and suck them and bite them and make me come like I'm dying. You do."

Laura nodded. "But I'm not going to."

Karen half-smirked. "What if I beg you?"

Laura could not take her eyes off Karen's body. It was very hard to resist this temptation. But somebody had to resist. She shook her head.

Karen half-smiled, a secretive, sinister kind of smile. While Laura watched, paralyzed by lust and fascination, she proceeded to tie up her own naked breasts in much the same way they had done it together in the past. Carefully, she looped coils of rope around each firm, jutting globe, three loops around each one, pulling them tight, but not tight enough to cut off the sensation, as she and Laura had learned to do.

She looked at Laura, again from under her eyelids, licking her sensual lips. "It would be easier if you would help now," she murmured softly. "I can't reach behind me very well."

She held out the two ends of the rope to Laura, tempting her. Laura was torn. If she gave in, it would end up like before. Sick perversions, pain. Incredible orgasms for both of them, she was sure. If she resisted, she would either have to cause a scene by leaving, or to watch Karen continue. And Karen would continue. She would end up making herself come in front of Laura.

Smiling ruefully, Laura reached out and took the strands of rope. Karen beamed.

"I knew you'd see it my way," she said softly, her eyes flashing dangerously. "You love to fuck me."

"I don't love to hurt you."

"Yes you do. You know how it makes me come."

All true, Laura thought, swallowing. She could feel her own pussy flowing and burbling with fresh warm juice, a clear indication that she was wildly aroused again herself. She had not done this for a while but was surprised to find how she remembered every detail.

Karen had already ensnared her own luscious breasts in coils of rope, so Laura crisscrossed the remaining strands over her lovely, glossy black body, separating her breasts, even running one strand of rope down between her thighs, carefully working it into the wet, open groove of Karen's pussy, then up behind her, over her shoulder, under the knot between her strangled breasts. Laura remembered how Randi loved this, how just a few sharp yanks of the rope were enough to make her simply burst in hot strings of orgasms. That fucking witch Rhonda won't do this for you, honey, she thought, maliciously.

She couldn't recall if she and Karen had ever done it precisely this way, but by the time she had completed the trussing, Karen was moaning softly and shaking. She was on her side. Laura had tied her wrists and ankles together behind her, and Karen was completely, deliciously vulnerable, her swollen breasts bursting from the tight coils of rope, her bulbous nipples protruding, shiny, the centers pointing, erect, tempting Laura's mouth.

Oh, I do want to fuck her and rape her! she realized, feeling wild sexual excitement course through her body. Karen was cooing and mewling, her eyes glazed with mild fear and urgent need.

Laura bent close to her face, kissing her, teasing her, tweaking her swollen nipples with her fingers. "The gag," she whispered menacingly. "Where is the gag? You're going to need gagging, darling."

"Closet," Karen panted, nodding in that direction. "Behind the door. In the box."

Laura hopped off the bed and retrieved the gag, a yellow ball gag with a black strap.

She returned to the bed with it and snapped it into place quickly, watching Karen's sexual excitement grow as the yellow ball filled her mouth. She resumed whimpering, looking up at Laura with wide, imploring eyes, knowing that if Laura had given in, she could now expect the violent fucking she craved. Laura gave her a deeply sinister smile and rubbed her hands roughly, aggressively all over Karen's luscious naked body, squeezing her throttled breasts hard, digging her fingers into the hard flesh and watching the taut skin shine.

It was then that she got a sudden idea. Karen's tightly-trussed breasts were so hard and elongated from the stranglehold of the coils of rope around them that they stuck out more than ever from her body. Her nipples were also swollen and protruding, the stiff, thick centers jutting up like bullets from the black cones of her erect areolas. The irresistible notion came to Laura that she could insert one huge nipple right into her dripping, oozing pussy, and fuck herself with Karen's breast.

"Oh honey," she purred, panting pretty fast herself by now, "you're going to fuck me first. Before you can have your wonderful climax, you have to give me one. This way."

It was awkward, but by lifting one leg over Karen's hog-tied body she could guide one of Karen's firm, almost conical breasts into her crotch, using one hand. Karen quickly realized what Laura was going to do and began squirming and whinnying excitedly too, watching as Laura guided her swollen, bursting black nipple up into the open, wet, inflamed groove of her cunt.

Both of them were nearly paralyzed by the acute sensations as Karen's swollen nipple touched the glistening wet inner flesh of Laura's gaping pussy.

"Unhhh!" Laura gasped. "Oh god!"

For a second she nearly lost her balance. The feelings were intense and electrifying.

"Mnngghhoowwmm!" Karen groaned into the ball gag, flexing and twisting, watching Laura begin to move her thick black nipple up and down in Laura's long, puckering pink slit.

As for Laura, she was already so aroused again by the spectacle of Karen tying up her own breasts, and by taking over for her afterward and tying the rest of her delectable body up tightly, that she was on the verge of coming almost from the first touch of Karen's nipple to her sensitive pussy. When she drew the hard, rubbery center nub of Karen's nipple across her throbbing clit for the first time, she nearly came unglued.

"Annghhh!" she groaned, biting her lower lip, feeling her body quiver as fresh impulses of sexual electricity shot through her body. "Oh . . . oh Karen . . . oh yes! Unhhh!"

On top of the physical thrill of it, both girls were mesmerized by the stirring aesthetic contrast of Karen's dark breast and shiny, jet-black nipple, wet with Laura's copious cunt juices, sliding against the creamy skin of Laura's thighs, her bronze-gold crotch hair, and the glistening pink folds of her beautiful pussy. The beauty of their bodies touching in this most intimate way aroused them both even more, and Laura, being the only one who could really move effectively, began gyrating more rapidly, forcefully, pushing her pussy down into Karen's breast, raking her clit with Karen's erect nipple, until she suddenly felt her groin muscles flex involuntarily and knew it was here.

"Oh god . . . now!" she cried out, feeling the wave of hot coming hit her. "Auungghiiieee! Ohnngghh! Unnngghhh!"

The force of her climax was so strong that her knee, on which she was propped up, collapsed under her, and she fell to the bed facing Karen, still throbbing and moaning as the shocks of her orgasm wracked her body. Karen watched. Laura came, now reaching down to her pussy and rubbing it frantically with her fingers, twisting and panting, until it was over.

Bleary-eyed, she looked at Karen's face, disfigured by the gag bulging out of her mouth, and at her breast, still soaked with the juice she had left on it, the thick nipple wet and glimmering and oily-looking.

"Oh honey," she said, licking it hungrily, "you made me come so hard with your beautiful boob. Your boob just fucked my pussy into heaven."

With hardly a pause, she scooped up the hard, wet gourd of flesh and fed Karen's nipple into her mouth, sucking it passionately, making Karen groan and writhe, struggling against the rope that bound her glossy body. Both of them knew this conflagration was about to erupt into a firestorm.

Laura grabbed the end of the rope with her other hand—the one not holding and squeezing Karen's hard, bulging breast—and began to pull it up as she sucked and gently bit Karen's bulbous nipples. This made the strand bite into Karen's splayed pussy and sharply increased the tension on the coils binding her breasts, making her whinny and clench in a fit of pain and pleasure that only aroused them both further. Laura began to bite her nipples harder, sinking her teeth into one distended bulb, hearing Karen's gurgle of pain deep in her chest.

Now they were thrashing around wildly on Karen's bed, crumpling the sheets up under their struggling bodies, gasping and panting almost hysterically. Laura fleetingly wondered if they had ever had such wild sex, but she realized they had; they had just not done this for a while. She released Karen's breast from her hand, but not from her mouth, slipping the hand down to Karen's groin again, feeling an overwhelming desire to fist fuck her again at this penultimate moment.

"Ummngghhhpphh!" Karen groaned into the yellow ball in her mouth, her eyes delirious in a hot frenzy of nearly unbearable lust.

Since she could only breathe through her nose, her breath intakes were loud and rapid, adding to the air of intense desperation that enveloped them both. Laura again formed her fingers into a small wedge and slid her whole fist up into Karen's soupy warm pussy, feeling her hand slide in easily as the passage was so well-lubricated. Karen gave a brief groan, her tormented eyes catching Laura's. She nodded vigorously, grunting in a nearly animalistic need at the same time, as if telling Laura that she wanted it, wanted it all.

For Karen's pussy to accommodate Laura's fist, the strand of rope had to be pushed aside, and now it rubbed against the side of Laura's wrist as she pulled it tighter, yanking it now, mainly to squeeze and torment Karen's throttled breasts further as she continued to suck and bite them. She released the one nipple she had been tormenting, the one she had fucked her own pussy with, and turned to the other one, beginning to twist her fist inside Karen's tight, wet channel, and to plunge it in deeper.

"Ummggnnngghh!" Karen groaned, throwing her head back, her body arching in its tight bonds, reacting to Laura's love assault.

She began breathing even more rapidly, and a low, hysterical wail began to emanate from deep in her throat, her flesh trembling as Laura began to fuck and bite her harder, bringing her to the pinnacle she craved. Even though it was hard for her to move since she was so tightly trussed with rope, she made instinctive attempts to thrust her pelvis forward into Laura's plunging fist, whimpering each time it sank deep into her pussy, whinnying even more piteously as Laura's teeth sank into her bulbous nipple.

Then, with only the slightest warning—a twitch, a gargled, muffled cry of excruciating anticipation—she began to come in great, shattering convulsions.

"Aauuggmmnnpghh!" she groaned loudly into the ball gag, twitching and writhing violently as a torrent of wrenching spasms gripped her body.

Laura eased up as the shockwaves seemed to subside, but before Karen could completely relax and recover, she turned up the intensity level again, twisting her fist inside Karen's body slowly, then faster, and returning to the first nipple she had bitten, licking and sucking it passionately. She also began to pull up on the rope again, and the combination of these activities soon had Karen on the verge of another orgasm in under a minute.

Her sexual excitement seemed to transmit itself through her skin and the atmosphere to Laura too, who realized that she was again very close to a climax herself, a sort of sympathetic orgasm, resulting from the fierce fucking she was giving Karen. She knew she could come too, with very little aid, and managed to open her thighs and press her throbbing, gaping pussy down onto one of Karen's kneecaps, grinding her pelvis down, feeling Karen's knobby bone bite into the wet inner flesh of her flooding cunt.

"Unhhgg! Ungghhh!" she grunted, gagging deliriously on her own consuming sexual excitement, fucking Karen harder, then devouring her juicy wet black nipple again, biting it in a frenzied fit of passion, jamming her aching cunt into Karen's hard knee bone.

And Karen, hurtling toward another cataclysmic orgasm of her own, realized what Laura was doing. Though she could not move much, being tightly tied, she jabbed her knee upward as Laura pushed her cunt down into it, and together the two of them dissolved into a shrieking pile of writhing flesh as their climaxes arrived at nearly the same second. Karen's orgasm was even more violent than her first one, nearly making her pass out, and she lay moaning and twitching under Laura as Laura herself shuddered and groaned in fit of intense ecstacy, her pussy still glued to Karen's hard kneecap.

Finally, the spasms faded enough for both of them to move again, their bodies slowly returning to normal after the hot, wrenching blast of these pleasurable convulsions. Silently, Laura set about untying Karen's body, carefully peeling the rope away and tenderly caressing and kissing the crinkled rope indentations in the skin under her pendulous breasts.

"Oh baby . . . I hurt you," she cooed, kissing Karen's bulging black nipples, which she had ravaged so hungrily.

Karen sighed finally, as Laura removed the ball gag from her mouth. "God, girl . . . you did!" she gasped. She smiled, an intimate smile that resonated with all the love-torture they had performed on one another over the past few years. "It was heaven. There's nothing like Laura to make your body stand up and just quiver with pain."

Laura brushed one big, beautiful, black nipple, actually wanting to suck it again. "Do they hurt? I can never get enough of your incredible nipples."

"You could say they hurt," Karen said, with a menacing stare, leavened by a knowing grin. "You could say that. You just about bit them off."

Laura felt ashamed. She had given in to her worst instincts, exactly what she had hope they would be able to avoid. But the fucking had been more wildly exciting than any they had indulged in for a while. There seemed to be no way they could completely avoid encounters like this one. Together they were combustible.

Now, having raped and ravished one another, they could yield to the love impulse, which always seemed to enfold them at this stage. From the beginning, they had finished their encounters with a painstakingly slow and sensual fucking, murmuring and kissing and tenderly stroking one another into a sweet, shared, mutual orgasm that seemed to put the seal of deep affection on the more outrageous sexual violence they may have committed earlier. Now was no different.

Laura lay face to face with Karen, kissing her tenderly, stroking her cheek, smiling. "I like this part the best," she whispered. "When I get to love you."

Karen smiled back. "I like this part the best. And the other part too. We wouldn't feel this way about each other if we hadn't hurt each other first."

"You're so . . . honest," Laura said, reproving her. "Maybe we could."

Karen shook her head. "You know we couldn't."

Laura wondered. They made slow, sensual love, fucking with a very great and patient skill, bringing each other to peaks of pleasure that were completely unlike the fierce paroxysms of their earlier, more violent climaxes. And when it was finally over, they kissed at Karen's door, not daring to spend the night, knowing that neither one would be able to walk by morning if they did.

Laura drove home, humming, thinking, feeling the aching, distant throbbing in her pussy that reminded her of what they had done.

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