Laura - Chapter 219


Laura had a bad day.

It took three days before she could get her bed repaired and cost one hundred bucks for two guys to come over and readjust the frame. Laura lurked in the kitchen while they were fixing it to avoid having to answer questions, or meet their glances.

That night she was leafing through a recent catalogue that had arrived in the mail from Victoria's Secret and was alarmed to find only one picture of Stephanie Seymour, tucked in near the end, clearly out of place and lifted from some earlier period. Instead, all the girls looked much younger, twenty-one and twenty-two. Even the sole picture of Stephanie had her looking a little long in the tooth by comparison.

Oh god, Laura thought, we're getting old! Stephanie and me both. Over the hill. She looked at the girls in the pictures, all of them attractive in their sexy undies, but not to her. The only 'black' one was Tyra Banks, who had a voluptuous figure and startling green eyes but didn't really appeal much to Laura. Why, she didn't know. Not dark enough? Too chubby, too zaftig? I like Naomi Campbell better, she thought. That damn lucky little Alison actually slept with her.

It was unsettling to think that both she and Stephanie Seymour, who had not yet hit thirty, were now history. Nobody would come up to her anymore and say she looked like the famous model. The model was no longer famous.

How depressing. At work the next morning, bright and early, Tamara Taylor came into Laura's office and shut the door behind her.

"Can we talk?" she asked, voice hushed, her manner surreptitious.

On the other hand, she looked, as usual, stunning. It had been barely more than a week since they had spent the night together in Tamara's bed at the Sonoma Mission Inn. Yet Laura was struck anew by the girl's fresh, startling beauty, her perfectly-shaped body, emphasized today by a peach-hued business suit, the skirt short enough to show off her shapely legs, the throat dipping low enough to show off her the flawless milk-and-coffee skin of her upper chest. Tamara also had a fresh, glowing, beautiful face, and a kind of wholesome, healthy look that everyone responded to, male and female.

Laura, who often felt a surprising, unexpected awe when looking freshly at one of her past bed partners, felt it again. I really slept with this gorgeous creature! she thought. I made her pant. I can't believe it. I had my tongue in her sweet young pussy.

"Of course," Laura smiled.

"Look," Tamara said nervously, twisting her fingers, looking down at them instead of at Laura. "About what happened . . . up there at that meeting. When we . . . you know. Could we just forget that ever happened?"

She looked up at Laura, her large brown eyes wide and faux innocent, full of quivering vulnerability meant to tug Laura's heart. Laura tried to remain calm. She had been wondering when, and how, they might initiate a repeat performance. Tamara was stunning. Laura also was used to girls feeling ashamed after having slept with her; they all now feared they were 'lesbians,' that horrible curse.

"I don't think I could ever forget it, Tamara," Laura said softly, looking deeply into her eyes.

Tamara grimaced, clearly vexed by this. She had apparently expected Laura to agree. "I don't mean that," she said softly, looking over her shoulder, as if someone were right behind her listening. "I can't really forget it either. I just mean . . . it was a sort of accident, you know? Good but . . . maybe we should just pretend it didn't happen."

Laura smiled and didn't answer. I'd like to do it to you again, just to prove what an accident it was, she thought, a little threateningly. I made you come. Over and over. How can you say it was an 'accident'?

"How's Stewart. The linebacker," Laura said, coldly changing the subject, but not really. She knew Tamara was deathly afraid her linebacker boyfriend would find out she had fucked with Laura, which was clearly impossible.

Tamara smiled curtly. "He's fine. He's in Pittsburgh. It's football season."

Laura knew little about football and had forgotten what season it was. "My lips are sealed," she said serenely, but with a longing in her eyes that she hoped Tamara would recognize.

He never has to know, darling, her eyes said to Tamara. We can do it again and again. He never has to know. Nobody else will know either. Call me if you change your mind. She smiled with pinched politeness at Tamara, then rose from behind her desk and went to the door, opening it, clearly nudging her to leave.

"It didn't happen?" Tamara asked anxiously at the door.

She smelled wonderfully, some very faint but expensive perfume that Laura found wildly erotic. And being this close to her aroused Laura's desire again, as well as her memory of holding the girl's naked body in her arms, feeling her shudder in the grip of a sharp orgasm. How can I say it didn't happen? she wondered.

"I didn't say that," she whispered. "I said my lips are sealed."

Tamara's face relaxed, overcome by gratitude. "Thank you, Laura." She wanted to add something but didn't trust herself. "I—"

"You better not say it," Laura patted her hand. "I know what you mean."

Tamara smiled, relieved. Laura watched her walk away, feeling sad and still hungry for her, all these emotions and drives mingled together in a confusing welter.

As if this were not enough to start her day onto a downward slide, just before lunch Randi also appeared in Laura's office. She was breathtakingly lovely in a red knit dress that showed off her spectacular figure. Randi loved red. Her underwear, Laura knew, was often red. She was a gorgeous show-off, and she tossed her head provocatively, knowing how much Laura desired her, swishing her long, bewitching braids around her beautiful neck and shoulders.

"Laura, you've been ignoring me again," Randi smiled, her eyes showing a sinister glint that Laura had seen only rarely before, especially during their catfight. "You too busy with that stuck-up Neegro from Decision Resources you been bopping from here to Tuesday. What do you see in her, anyway? She's short and ugly."

"Randi, please keep your voice down."

Laura found herself looking around nervously, the same way she had seen Tamara doing this morning. Randi, of course, enjoyed her discomfort. Last time they had been alone together in Laura's office, they had almost got out of control. They had immediately run to Randi's place, where Randi had fist-fucked Laura into a horrific orgasm, and Laura had found her g-spot, making her erupt in fiery strings of shattering climaxes.

And after that you want to come in here and taunt me? Laura wondered. But she knew how hostile Randi was to Laura's relationship with Deshona. Deshona felt the same way about Randi. Somehow, they each were almost able to smell one another's presence, or what they both meant to Laura, and neither hesitated to use it against her.

"Excuse me." Randi made a face. "Maybe it's your little teenager instead. Cradle-robber."

To stop her, and also because she was wildly fetching and Laura loved her desperately, Laura tried to shut her up.

"Why don't we have dinner tonight?" she said, very open and friendly, looking deep into Randi's eyes to signify that the invitation was for far more than dinner.

She instantly saw in Randi's eyes that she had walked right into a trap. Randi grew playful, flirtatious, drawing an invisible circle with one long, black finger on Laura's desk top.

"Actually . . ." she paused for effect. "I'm having dinner with old Rhonda tonight. Remember old Rhonda?"

Laura felt like an icicle had been jammed right down the center of her body, from head to toe, freezing her on the spot. Rhonda had been dying to screw Randi since she had first seen her. Laura didn't believe, however, that Rhonda knew she, Laura, and Randi had had a torrid affair going for a year.

"I know Rhonda," Laura said evenly, taking measured breaths to control her pain and hostility.

"She's so sweet," Randi poured it on, sickeningly. She lowered her voice to an exaggerated whisper. "Even though she's just a nasty old dyke like you. She been wanting a taste of this hot little pussy for months."

"I'll bet," Laura said dryly.

"Well . . . I've got to be running along," Randi said brightly, rubbing it in, enjoying Laura's obvious discomfort. "Just wanted you to know I'm not sitting around waiting for you to call. I'll tell old Rhonda you said hello, okay?"

In spite of her deep distress and jealousy, Laura smiled wanly. She always got a kick out of the way Randi referred to 'old Rhonda.' The fucking witch! she thought. The fucking witch Rhonda is going to take my darling Randi to bed. Oh god.

Almost insanely jealous, she tried desperately to think of some way to get Randi to change her mind before she left her office. But she realized that the damage had probably already been done. The business with Rob had driven a wedge between them, and Laura's affairs with Deshona and Mavis, though she had done her best to keep them a secret, had been obvious enough to Randi.

A deep pain of loss began to seep through Laura as she watched Randi walk away from her, this beautiful girl she loved. But I love the other ones too! she realized. How could I love only her?

Now her day was all but destroyed. She closed her office door and sat, stunned and hurt, behind her desk, staring out into space. Little memories of Randi and Tamara flitted through her brain, visions of their naked bodies, of their faces, seized up and stricken by fierce, beautiful orgasms she, Laura, had caused. In the middle of these painful reveries, her phone rang.

She picked it up. "Laura Robbins."

"Laura, it's Deshona."

As soon as she heard her voice, Laura felt a terrible chagrin. She had been so eager to steal Randi back from Rhonda, before Rhonda could get her hooks into the girl, that she had forgotten she had a dinner date set already with Deshona. Sitting alone at her desk, she blushed hotly and had to take a deep breath just to regain her composure.

"Hi," she finally said, breathily, trying to sound sexy, somehow feeling this would divert any possible suspicion that she had forgotten.

"You sound . . . funny. Are you all right? Is there somebody there? Can you talk?"

"I'm fine. I was just thinking of you. Where are we going to meet. Rubicon? Remember when we had dinner there a couple of weeks ago? I could call for reservations."

"I . . . have something to tell you."

Now it was not Laura who sounded odd. Deshona was distant, remote, tentative. Nobody sounded like that unless it was bad news.


"I'm going to have to cancel. I hope . . . you can understand."

"Understand what? Are you sick? You'll never believe this," Laura whispered, lowering her voice to a whisper, trying hard to divert Deshona from whatever this bad news was going to be. "I was just dreaming of your—"

"Laura . . . don't," Deshona cut her off. "I'm sorry. I'd rather not tell you, but I have to be honest."

Oh god, Laura thought.

"I'm having dinner with . . . my ex-husband."

Briefly, Laura actually felt faint as blood drained from her face and her brain. She felt paralyzed by shock.

"What happened to the blonde?" she heard herself saying.

"They . . . split up. I don't know why."

"Why are you telling me this? I love you. Why are you telling me this? Why didn't you just say you're sick or something?"

"Look, Laura, let's not play around with each other. I love you, too. You know that."

"I don't know that."

"A few weeks ago, you couldn't see me. You wouldn't tell me why. The flu or something. I think there was another reason. I didn't ask. We . . . don't have to tell each other everything."

"Then why did you tell me this?"

"I felt like I had to be honest with you."

Laura didn't realize she was crying until she saw tears drip onto the phone receiver. She hoped Deshona didn't know it. "Thanks," she croaked into it, her voice weak, devastated.

She hung up. The phone rang again. She didn't answer it. Her cell phone in her purse rang next. She ignored it too. Her pager vibrated. She took it off and turned it off.

It was only lunch time. Still half the day to get through. She couldn't eat. There was a hollow, grinding emptiness in the pit of her stomach, but she knew she would vomit if she put anything into it. Outside it was raining, so she didn't feel like taking a walk.

Instead, she worked through lunch, trying to evade her feelings by focusing on projects. There continued to be a gnawing pain in her gut, a physical pain to reflect all the blows she had taken this day, and by five o'clock she felt like a zombie, stunned, saddened, and aching as she walked, almost dazed and stricken, out of the building to go home.

She didn't even notice April until she actually brushed against her as they were both going through the swinging doors onto the sidewalk.

"Hey, watch who you brushing against, lady," April said to her, feigning irritation, her dark eyes sparkling, revealing the deep, sad memories of their past relationship.

Laura smiled, shocked back to awareness of where she was. "April!"

She had not seen April for months, except for one fleeting, awkward moment at Rhonda's party for Yvette, just as Laura had been leaving. Rhonda had ripped her away from Laura immediately after the Stevie-Archer-videotape episode, accusing Laura of sleeping with April too, vowing revenge, and, Laura knew, secretly coveting April herself. April now worked on another floor, and Laura almost never saw her.

Seeing her now was a delight. Very pretty in a bright yellow sweater that contrasted beautifully with her smooth black skin, she looked fresh and innocent and sweet, the way she had first looked to Laura, a simple, unpretentious girl, not a flirt, but quiet and sensible. At the same time, she was blunt and intolerant of nonsense, and she had given Laura the brush-off more than once.

It was still raining a little, and Laura offered a place under her umbrella to April, since April didn't appear to have one. "Long time no see," she said, remembering uncomfortably that she had said that at Rhonda's party too, before trying to coax April over to her apartment.

Oh god, she just thinks I want to fuck her, Laura thought.

April smiled, faintly exasperated, remembering it too. "Right."

"Where are you headed?"

"BART station."

Laura pondered it. This was the best she had felt all day, seeing April, but she had misgivings about being the kind of person who would try to seduce April again just to get over the dejection she felt. It wasn't fair to April, and Laura had a suspicion that she had not been very fair to April all along.

"I could give you a ride home," she said. "I don't have anything to do. We could talk."

April grinned with only one side of her mouth. "Talk about what?"

"Whatever you want. I need company."

"What's the matter? Life been shitting on poor Laura?"

Laura shot her a hard glance. April held a grudge, apparently. Laura made a wry, slightly hurt face, playing on April's sympathy.

"What if I promise not to . . . you know, make advances?" she said.

They had almost reached the end of the block, where Laura would have to veer off to go to her car, and April would continue ahead. They stopped. April looked at Laura, her eyes wary but engaged, reflecting the emotional (and physical) bond they had once shared.

"Okay," she said simply.

But by the time they were halfway across the Bay Bridge, they still hadn't spoken of anything but trivial, work-related matters.

"How do you like working for Rhonda?" Laura asked, trying to stick to the straight and narrow but also wanting to know if April were sleeping with the witch.

"Ms. Reardon? She's okay. I don't work for her, really. She got me a job working for Dale Kearney, who reports to her. I work for Dale."

"Did she ever ask you . . . about us?" Laura asked, very tentative.

April shook her head, all innocence, as if to ask, by her gesture: Us? What could you possibly mean by that?

"How you getting along with that good-looking woman you was always locked up in your office with?" April asked, referring to Deshona Reed.

At the time that Rhonda had forcibly removed April from Laura's sphere of influence, Laura and Deshona had not yet become lovers, but April had always been keenly interested nevertheless. She had told Laura once that Deshona was looking at her with interest, and Laura had been unable to disguise her own excitement at the information.

Now, however, Laura was unable to hide the pain that suddenly flooded her eyes. "She . . . we—"

"Ain't making it, eh?" April said, knowingly, helping her out.

Laura shook her head. When they got to April's apartment, to which Laura knew the way easily, she was too depressed, reluctant to give April any more reason to resent her, to push further. She idled the car in front of the apartment house.

"Well, here we are," she said, with false brightness. "It was sure great to see you."

"Don't you want to come in?" April asked. "I got left over spaghetti I made last night. Not great, but free." She smiled for the first time.

Laura smiled gratefully back. "What about your boyfriend?"

April frowned, then shrugged. Now Laura could see the hidden pain in her eyes.

"Oh, he don't come around any more. He saw Ms. Reardon kissing me one night. Right here, we were sitting right here, like us, in her car. He said that was it. Haven't seen him again."

April looked very glum over this. Laura was half in shock. Ms. Reardon? Kissing you? In public?

Oh god, Rhonda did get her! she realized, trying hard not to let April see her distress. Rhonda fucked this lovely girl just to get back at me for Stevie. She knew I'd find out eventually!

She swallowed dryly, looking straight ahead through the windshield, not daring to look at April. "Excuse me . . . I didn't know you and . . . Ms. Reardon . . . were having an affair."

April, how can you fuck with somebody and still call her Ms. Reardon? she wanted to ask. That witch! I'd like to kill her! Then Laura realized that Rhonda was taking Randi to dinner this very night, and would end up . . .

Oh god, I can't think about it, she thought. It's too painful. She looked deeply into April's eyes. Tell me you hated it, she wanted to beg. Tell me you only gave in to get back at me.

Instead, April giggled, softly, nervously. "It ain't exactly that," she murmured. "Not an affair. Only once in a while. Look . . . it makes me nervous talking about it out here like this. Are you coming inside or not?"

Laura nodded. "You want me to?"

"Yes." She looked darkly, ambiguously at Laura.


Inside, neither of them were any less uncomfortable. April didn't drink, so there was no real way to relax.

"I'm really too upset to eat," Laura confessed.

April's face grew very open and understanding. "Want to tell me about it?"

Tell you about all the other women I'm fucking? Laura thought. Or was fucking? Now somebody else is fucking them, not me. Do you want me to get maudlin? I don't think so.

She shook her head. April raised one hand to Laura's face, touching her cheek gently with two fingers. It was such a touching gesture that Laura didn't even know how to respond. She reached up and caressed April's hand.

"You looking pretty sad," April said.

"I'm sad that we have to be so . . . nervous and shy with each other," Laura said, truthfully. "I'm sorry that . . . Ms. Reardon ever came into your life."

"She ain't so bad."

It occurred to Laura that everyone always said that about Rhonda. Barbara, Sholandra, Yvette, Stevie. They were always saying how she wasn't so bad.

"It bothers you that I went to bed with her, don't it," April said.

Laura nodded, looking down at the floor, embarrassed to be admitting it. After all, she herself was hardly pining away in chaste seclusion in April's absence. I'm a tramp, she thought. Far worse than Rhonda.

April took her hand while she was thinking these thoughts and drew her over to the small loveseat that stood in for a sofa in her cramped one-room apartment. She made Laura sit down. She put her hand on Laura's knee, which was covered by Laura's skirt.

"Let me tell you something. Ms. Reardon is real nice. She treats me like a princess or something, when she's with me. Like here. Or at her house. But she ain't like you, Laura. You're different."

"Tell me more," Laura said, drinking it in, happy for the first time that day.

"You're . . . I don't know," April waved her hand in the air, groping for words. "When I did it with you, it was like the most special thing that ever happened in my life. Really. So in a way, it just made it possible for me to do it with her because I knew nothing could ever be as good as it was with you. She really wanted me bad. It was kind of embarrassing, actually. For her, I mean. I mean, she wasn't embarrassed, but I was for her. Do you see what I mean?"

"It's hard to turn your back on somebody who wants you bad," Laura agreed.

April grinned. "She pretty good-looking too, you know. She ain't you, but she ain't half bad either."

"I'm sick with jealousy," Laura confessed, feeling sexually excited too, however, at the same time, since she knew she and April would probably end up in bed now, and soon too. "I'm also shocked that she would kiss you out in public that way."

"I tried to stop her. I told you, she really wanted me bad." April looked down at her lap and 'blushed'. "Like you did."

"Like I still do," Laura whispered.

April said nothing. Her big dark eyes gazed deep into Laura's.

Laura reached over and patted one of her hands. "I'm sorry about your boyfriend. Does that mean no doctor's wife now?"

"Oh, he was kind of a pain anyway," April said wearily. "Sometimes I miss him, though."

Laura leaned across and kissed her cheek, dark and very smooth. "I promised I wouldn't make advances," she murmured. "It's hard to keep my promise."

April's eyes twinkled. "You don't have to keep it. Shoot, I didn't invite you over here to play patty-cake."

"Can I kiss you?"

"You better."

April looked at her dreamily as their lips came together. It was a long, slow, teasing, sensual kiss, with their tongues meeting outside their mouths and dancing together for a long time, until their desire grew so hot that they had to kiss harder, tongues stabbing inside now.

"Oh April, I've missed you," Laura breathed, sliding both hands under April's sweater, running them all over the girl's warm back.

"You want me to rub your back, like we did before?" April asked, alluding to their first time, which had taken place right here, like this.

"Not if you gave Rhonda a back rub," Laura said., pouting.

April shook her head. "Never had the chance. She all over me like white on rice. She like my big nipples, too, just like you do. Only she don't suck them as hard as you do."

"Do I suck them too hard?"

April shook her head, half-smiling. "I dig it the way you do it."

"Want me to do it now?"

April nodded slowly. "I think I'm gonna turn the lights down and double-lock the door," she murmured, eyes swirling with hot sex.

"Good idea."

Laura's eyes were glued to her as she moved through her small apartment, turning off lamps, throwing the deadbolt lock. Finally, April stood by her small bed, gesturing to it with her head as if to say to Laura, Why aren't you here already? I'm waiting.

Laura smiled and went over to the bed, about twelve steps from the loveseat. She watched as April pulled the yellow sweater up over her head and tossed it aside. At the same time, Laura unbuttoned her silk blouse and slipped it off. Her eyes were locked with April's, throbbing, pulsing.

They both removed their skirts, without breaking their hot, throbbing gaze. Now they wore only their underwear. Still standing, Laura embraced April and kissed her, running her hands all over April's gleaming black skin, slipping them under the elastic of her panties to clutch the large round moons of her delectable bottom. April's hands also ran all over Laura's body.

"I don't think I'm gonna take too long this time," she breathed into Laura's ear.

"Me either," Laura panted. "God, I want you bad." Just like Rhonda, she thought. We both want you bad, you sweetheart.

Laura's fingers, reluctant to leave April's firm, smooth buns, nevertheless rose to her bra clasp and undid it. She began to removed the limp bra, but April stopped her.

"You too," she whispered. "I like to feel them together, you know?"

She removed Laura's bra too, and they looked down, swishing their naked breasts together, their breath accelerating as they watched and felt their swollen, excited nipples brush. Laura brought her hands up and cradled both of April's small breasts in her palms, marveling again at the way her huge areolas, black as tar, spread across at least half of each firm ball. The centers were thick, too, and springy, already erect.

"I think we better lie down," Laura murmured.

April nodded, and they stretched out together, face to face, on the twin bed, kissing again, luxuriating in the feel of their two naked bodies rubbing and sliding together. Laura wondered if there were anything sweeter than this moment, before the urgent churning and moaning started, when she and her partner just caressed each other's warm, smooth, naked body, all yearning and expectation and melting love and desire. She knew April felt the same way, and they prolonged it as long as possible.

Finally, Laura kissed lower, kissing April's round shoulders, her neck, her smooth black upper chest, then descending to her breasts. Lovingly, she licked the huge black circles of April's wide areolas until tiny bumps began to appear. Then she teased the springy centers, almost a half-inch long, with the tip of her tongue, holding one breast in both hands and squeezing, lashing the center stub even harder with her tongue as it began to swell and stand up further. Until now she had not sucked either nipple into her mouth. Both were shiny and wet with warm spittle, and April, looking down, was breathing very hard.

Now Laura began to suck one nipple into her mouth, pulling it in deep but still unable to get her lips entirely around the huge areola.

"Unhhhh!" April panted, biting her lower lip, tossing her head back.

Laura, knowing from what April had just said that she liked it hard, began gently but quickly began sucking more aggressively, lip-pinching April's huge nipple, then pressing it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, even letting the girl feel an exciting but tentative hint of her teeth on the edges. All this drove April wild. She began to whimper and writhe uncontrollably.

"Unh! Oh!" she gasped. "Oh . . . Laura! Oh yes!"

Laura released her wet, wrinkled, erect nipple briefly, rolling it between her thumb and forefinger as she gazed up into April's glassy eyes. "Too hard? Am I sucking it too hard?"

"Oh no! Please! Do it just like that! Unhhh!"

Having the green light released Laura from the restraint she had been practicing so far. She wanted to devour April's delicious young breasts and huge black nipples, and now she bunched the hard balls of flesh up in her hands and mouth-mauled them passionately. She sucked April's other nipple in the same way, squeezing both small breasts at the same time, until April was a complete wreck, moaning and twisting, arching her body in the instinctive rhythm of fucking.

Her bloodshot eyes beseeched Laura, her face torn by terrible need. "Oh Laura . . . oh, god yes, I need it . . . please! You making me so hot! I need it . . . please!"

Laura needed it too. Sucking April's breasts aroused her just as wildly, but April was first, and she quickly slid down between the girl's yawning thighs, stroking them with her hands, looking into the wet, glistening, ruby red, puckering feast of April's small, open pussy. A fleeting moment of jealousy gripped her as she imagined that horrible witch Rhonda staring with equal rapture into this delectable pussy, getting ready to tongue April into a fierce explosion of bliss, but she quickly chased the thought from her mind and began to caress the oozing little honey-pot with her tongue, making April actually cry out in shock and happiness.

"Oh! Oh god yes! Unghghhhh! Oh shit, Laura, yes yes! God, I love it!"

Though Laura had always managed to make April come faster than April expected to, April was not a quick comer along the lines of Laura herself, or Tiffany, for example, who could go off like a short-fused firecracker if she got excited enough. It took April a little longer. But Laura had aroused her so completely by aggressively sucking her nipples, probably harder than she ever had before, that April was both wetter and hotter than ever, ripe for a sharp climax, churning and twisting and pumping her pelvis in a way Laura had never seen before.

Oh baby, you're going to come quick! Laura realized. Quicker than you ever have. Just hold on, I'm going to make you come, you're going to come now. That fucking blonde witch Rhonda never made you come like this. I'm going to find your little secret g-spot and make you come five times before you even stop.

"Unhhhh! Unhhhh!" April gasped, almost rising up off the bed in her frenzied need.

"Yes . . . baby . . . now," Laura said.

The warm, tangy juices were flowing from April's wet pussy, and Laura was slurping them eagerly, sliding her tongue deep into the fiery little pit, running it up along the hard berry of April's clit, lashing it, stabbing it.

"Oh!" April cried out. Her body seized up, stiffening, as if impaled on a jolt of sexual electricity so sharp that she could only clench and hold. "Auungghhhh!"

She suddenly came, her body dissolving into undulations as fierce sexual shocks wrenched her.

"Ungghhh! Aunngghhh! Oh! Ungghh . . . oh! Oh yes! Unghhh!"

In the middle of this very intense orgasm, her reddened eyes briefly fluttered open, catching Laura's, reflecting the unbelievable nature of this hammering climax that held her in its grip, more acutely intense than either of them had expected. Then her eyes closed again as her body surged and shuddered through another dying wave of coming. When it was over, she blinked, slumping back to the mattress, gasping, panting heavily.

April had never had such a powerful, debilitating orgasm with Laura, not even when Laura had fucked her in the ass with the long double dildo, fucking her own pussy at the same time, as they had done in Laura's apartment the day before Rhonda had whisked April away, in retaliation for the Stevie Archer incident. April seemed stunned, and it took her a few minutes to resurface. All Laura could think of was that the girl had been ripe for a big one, and the excitement of getting back together with Laura had made her come in purple furies.

Laura, lying next to her, caressing her body tenderly, whispered. "You came hard, honey."

April's eyes rolled up. "That's the understatement of the year. Even you never made me come that hard before."

"It's very exciting . . . being back together," Laura admitted.

April smiled, understanding immediately, very in tune with Laura. "I think I want to make you come just as hard," she purred, rolling onto her side and gently pushing Laura onto her back. "Think I can do it, too."

Having had two expert teachers, April had grown to be very good at this, and she also approached it with a certain amount of relish. And, as she said, she wanted to make Laura come just as hard. She had obviously warmed to the idea of girl-girl love, and now she fondled and sucked Laura's breasts with a skill and intensity equal to what Laura had given hers earlier, raising Laura's sexual temperature to the sizzling point very fast.

Then, instead of sliding down, April slid up Laura's body to her face, kissing her, whispering to her, fucking Laura's mouth sensually with her long pink tongue. Laura was delighted by this, having spent most of her energies coaxing April along in the past, trying to overcome her reluctance. To feel her this warmly embrace the possibilities was a total joy.

"How'd you like me to fuck your pretty pink pussy with this long tongue?" April purred sexily.

Laura felt her pussy actually throb and pulse wildly at these words. "I think I would die of pleasure," she whispered back. "Why don't you give it a try."

April's eyes sparkled as she smiled. "I believe I will."

She slipped down between Laura's thighs, and the next two minutes were the purest bliss for Laura as April lovingly tongue-caressed her inflamed pussy until she was groaning and tossing in the grip of a fierce, jolting orgasm. It was more than a sweet physical release for Laura since she had been so depressed before running into April. This orgasm and everything that had led up to it was a renewal, a hot, throbbing union with April that erased their estrangement, partly brought on by Rhonda.

Still tingling in the afterglow, she drew April up to her face and kissed her over and over again, showering her with gratitude. "You don't know how happy you've made me today," she said, truthfully.

"You were feeling pretty down," April smiled warmly. "I could tell it. You got dumped on a little, I guess. I had a boyfriend once, before this last one, who used to say 'Some days you the windshield, some days you the bug'."

"I thought you hated me too," Laura confessed. "After that . . . business with Rhonda, when she tore you away from me. Did she know we . . . did this? I mean, I think she suspected. Did she ever ask you?"

April looked down, embarrassed.

"You can tell me. Don't be afraid."

"She did ask me. I lied. I said no. Acted real hurt, you know? Like, how could she think something like that about me." She broke into a grin. "Boy, I thought she was going to rape me right there in her office, it made her so excited. That was the night we first did it. She took me to her house for dinner, after work."

"Don't tell me any more," Laura said, turning her face away, burning with hot jealousy.

"I'm sorry." April caressed her cheek with two fingers. "I didn't mean to bring it up. Sorry."

"It's okay."

Tears were in Laura's eyes when she turned her face back to April. This upset them both. I can't be crying just because that fucking evil bitch and witch Rhonda fucked this sweet girl I like so much, Laura thought. April looked troubled.

She kissed Laura's cheek and whispered against it. "You don't have to cry. I told you, it ain't ever like this with her."

"Don't lie to make me feel better," Laura sniffed and pouted.

I've been to bed with Rhonda myself, she thought. I know she can be tender, and skillful, and passionate. I know she has a beautiful body. I know she's smart, even loving. Oh god, I even know she's probably in bed with Randi right now!

April decided to change the subject. "Well, since it's Friday I guess you can stay over tonight, right?" she smiled.

Laura wiped away her temporary tears and looked down at the twin bed, small, sheets already rumpled from a lot of squirming. "It's a pretty small bed."

"It seemed to work for what we needed it for," April said, showing a wit that she usually concealed.

Laughing, Laura wrestled her down onto her back again, hovering over her, swishing her naked breasts lightly against April's, giving her hints of the riotous night of sex that lay ahead of them.

"I am going to stay all night," she laughed, kissing April hungrily. "And you are not going to get a minute of sleep, my dear."

"You didn't happen to bring that long thingee with you, in your purse?" April asked, eyes dancing. "You know, that one you used to do me in the—?"

She pointed to her ass, a bigger ass than many, but a paragon to Laura. April's eyes twinkled. Laura almost blushed. She wants it again! she realized excitedly. Laura was half-embarrassed over having forced herself on April that way, and half thrilled by the idea of them doing it again. Clearly, April wanted to. Of course, she had had a terrifically intense orgasm while doing it, so that made it easier to understand.

"I usually don't bring it to the office," Laura said, poker-faced. "What if it fell out of my purse when I was reaching for my phone?"

April shrugged. "Guess I'll have to wait until next time."

Laura purred, kissing her neck, stroking her naked body. "I'm so glad there will be a next time," she murmured from her throat. "I was afraid we'd never do this again."

"Mmmm, I think we gonna do it again right now," April smiled dreamily.

As Laura had predicted, they had a long night, dozing, sleeping, waking, fucking, then going through the same sequence again, finally sleeping until noon, exhausted and tangled together in April's small bed. Each time, Laura tried to find April's g-spot, and each time she failed. She had never failed before, since being taught how to do it by Kim, and this disappointed her.

"Maybe I don't have one," April said, sensibly.

"Everybody has one," Laura said, keeping the faith. She winked. "It just gives us something to shoot for."

"I'm willing if you are," April beamed.

Laura drove home singing for the first time in weeks.




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