Laura - Chapter 216
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Laura was thrilled at how things had worked out. Tamara seemed content with three orgasms, but Laura, ever hungry, wanted more of her, a sexual drive borne of the fear that Tamara, like many others, would be slightly appalled, when the sun came up, by the exciting depravity she had shown the night before. And so Laura woke her twice for more fucking, which Tamara gave herself over to eagerly. She even mustered up the courage to help Laura to a climax a few more times, though never with her mouth. By morning, they were both dragging, having spent most of the night shuddering and moaning in each other's arms. But Tamara sweetly suggested that they breakfast separately so as not to draw attention, and just in case their intimacy was too apparent. Laura agreed and realized throughout the ensuing day how wise it had been to do that since she had trouble not devouring Tamara with her eyes all day long. When she arrived back at her apartment, she was already devising ways they could have a repeat performance, but the red light on her phone was blinking, and the message was from, of all people, Trina, whom she had not seen for months. Of course Laura's heart melted every time she heard Trina's voice. "How you doin', hon'?" Trina asked. "Feel like I ain't seen you for a year or so." "Feels longer to me. I'm okay. How about you?" "Well . . ." Trina paused, either trying to find the right words or trying to heighten Laura's anticipation. "Bill bought us all a house. I'm living out here in Concord now." Laura smiled. A house. Bill Grantham, Trina's new husband, had really delivered and was giving her what she had longed for, a stable, middle-class environment for herself and her daughter. Laura could hear the pride and satisfaction in Trina's voice. "I'm so happy for you," she said. "But it's so far. I feel like you're far away now." "Not so far," Trina scoffed. "Anyway, Bill is out of town working for a week. I don't know if I ever told you, but he drives heavy equipment, cranes and stuff, for a living, and he has to go to these jobs sometimes and stay there for a while." Laura felt her heart flutter. She sensed that this was leading up to something. "And how's Shawna?" she asked softly, just to keep things rolling. "Oh, she's great. Misses you too. Asks about you now and then. She's staying with her new grandma for a couple of days, since this is a school vacation." Now Laura's whole body tingled. It wasn't only sex, either, or the anticipation of it, but also a warm glow of happy love tinged with sadness that she always felt just at the sound of Trina's voice. She tried not to seem overtly coarse or horny but couldn't ignore the possibilities. "Does this mean I could come out and see your new house?" Silence. Then Trina cleared her throat. "I was thinking maybe I ought to come there. I'd love you to see the house. But if you come here—" "The neighbors," Laura interjected. "Of course. I forgot. They would see my car parked outside." She lowered her voice. "They might even hear us squealing." Trina giggled uncontrollably. "I ain't squealed like that for months," she confessed. Laura didn't have the heart to tell her that in this apartment they would have to keep the squeals under control too. She also had neighbors, and they weren't only wondering what she was up to; they already knew. She changed the sheets and put fresh towels in the bathroom, as well as leaving a few on the chair by the bed. No telling how messy it might get. She had never tried anything kinky with Trina. For one thing, on nearly every occasion Shawna had been asleep in the adjacent room, and they had tried not to wake her. Once she had awakened and caught them in a naked embrace, panting and moaning. Trina had plausibly explained that they were 'loving' each other, and Shawna had found this acceptable. But they had never gone beyond straight-out (though girl-girl) fucking. Last time, however, Laura had found Trina's g-spot, having been determined to give her an experience her new husband wouldn't be able to duplicate. She knew she would not be able to keep from trying it again. Trina had come so hard, and so long, Laura knew she could hardly have forgotten it. Laura had a brief twinge of guilt as she realized she would have to make some excuses in advance. She still spent most of every weekend with Deshona in her spectacular house, secluded in the woods and fucking each other into delirious ecstacies. Also, she and Randi had patched things up and were hungrily fucking one another again too, at every opportunity. Both Deshona and Randi were also instinctively jealous. They were not only suspicious of each other, they also believed deep down that Laura was betraying them with every other attractive girl. And since any honest person might see it that way, Laura felt doubly guilty. She had spent a joyous night in Tamara's bed at the retreat, and that seemed to show that Deshona and Randi were right to be suspicious. Nevertheless, she begged off with both of them, knowing that she and Trina were not likely to slake their common lust in only one night. And when Trina finally arrived, Laura knew it was true. Trina had never looked so desirable to her. As Laura had ruefully understood before, marriage had been good to Trina, giving her a confident glow and a healthy outlook. She seemed to have lost about five pounds, and her figure was more stunning than ever, her full breasts jutting through her pale pink sweater, and her legs well-muscled and sleek and bare. Having tried various hair styles in the past, she had returned to bangs, with her hair cut short around her ears. Laura always found bangs devastating, and coupled with Trina's spectacular body, it was a combination potent enough to make her knees quiver. Trina walked slowly down the hall from the elevator toward Laura, who was waiting in the open doorway. Her large breasts, always very firm, swayed slightly instead of jiggling. Her sensual mouth was curved in an amused, provocative way as she watched Laura's eyes on her legs and her body. She stopped, facing Laura. "You gon' invite me in or eat me alive with your eyes so everybody who lives here know what we plannin' to do?" Laura smiled, and Trina nearly spilled over with laughter. Laura took her arm and pulled her into the apartment. They were kissing before Laura could even get the door shut. "Let me close it, okay?" she gasped, feeling Trina's lips on her neck. "Better close it tight," Trina murmured. "We gonna make a hell of a ruckus in here, if I know us." Laura threw the bolt and turned back, pushed against the door as Trina devoured her mouth. She got her own hands under the pink sweater, running them all over Trina's smooth skin and resilient flesh. "I want you . . . I want you," she panted. "Want you, too, hon'," Trina gasped. "Been a long time." Laura took her hand, romantically, caressing it, lifting it to her lips, gazing hotly in Trina's eyes. "How can I live without you?" she asked softly. "You are so beautiful." Trina 'blushed,' twinkling. "You always saying that. You just want my body." "And what a body," Laura smiled, pulling her toward the bedroom. "I do want it, every inch of it. Every secret part." "I don't have no secrets from you . . . any more," Trina grinned. Laura shut the bedroom door. "Why'd you do that?" "To keep you from escaping," Laura leered comically at her. "I'm going to have my way with you." Trina grinned again, beginning to unbutton her sweater. "I ain't goin' nowhere. Nowhere at all. I've been dreaming of this." "Let me help, darling. I love to undress you." "You and someone else," Trina cracked. Laura was hotly jealous of Bill Grantham, Trina's husband, whom she had never actually met. In her affairs with other married women—Shavon, Yvette, Cecilia, Brenda—she didn't recall ever having felt this red anger, though she had felt it about boyfriends. Rina's, Charise's, Randi's. But Trina's allusion to her husband liking to remove her clothing, as Laura was now doing, filled Laura with hatred of him. She kissed Trina's smooth, gleaming black shoulder, the delicious shallow beneath her clavicle, the wonderful curve of her flawless throat. Trina was very black, her body very voluptuous, such a striking contrast to Tamara, whom Laura had been devouring only recently. Doing it with Tamara had been exciting, but there was no comparison with Trina, with whom Laura had shared a deeply emotional relationship for a long time, one also mixed with the deep feelings left over from Laura's earlier relationship with Trina's dead twin Rina. I hate you, Bill, for getting to do this all the time, Laura thought. I want her, I had her first, I can satisfy her in ways you can only dream of. But Laura was also deeply sensible and knew that Bill Grantham had given Trina things she, Laura, could never supply. In fact, the reason Trina was so vibrant and confident and emotionally healthy was directly traceable to her marriage. Laura couldn't deny it. But she still comes to me to get properly laid, Bill, Laura laughed inwardly. She dropped her lips into the inviting cleavage between Trina's jutting breasts, feeling Trina shiver excitedly and her own blood begin to sizzle. She felt Trina's fingers slip under the collar of her shirt, caressing her neck, pulling her head up so that she could mash her mouth against Laura's, her tongue snaking inside in a searching frenzy. Together they settled onto the bed, still undressing each other, but much more frantically now. Trina got Laura's blouse off, and Laura nearly had Trina's sweater completely unbuttoned. They both hungrily kissed every bit of naked flesh they could find, having been deprived of one another for months. "Hon', you always have the greatest underwear I ever saw," Trina smiled, unclasping Laura's sexy black bra between the cups. "I'd give you some of it," Laura panted softly, unclasping Trina's bra behind her back, then running the fingers of both hands all over the girl's perfectly smooth naked back. "But I think these are too big to fit in my bras." She moved both hands around to the front of Trina's body, cupping her marvelous full round breasts in her palms, brushing Trina's huge, puffy black nipples with her thumbs. Trina held Laura's breasts too, guiding Laura's nipples into hers. They both watched as their nipples came together, luxuriating in the feel of it, then snaking their tongues together slowly, sensually, wildly horny for each other but willing to tease and play this way for a while. Trina pulled her lovely face back only inches, her eyes glazed, her bangs fringing her beautiful forehead and making Laura want to rape her with violent love. She looked deep into Laura's eyes. Laura wondered if anyone ever looked deeper into her than Trina. "I want you and me to come together," she whispered softly. "Not you first, me second . . . or the other way around. Together." Laura nodded slowly. "Fuck me with your pussy," she whispered back. "Is it wet?" A fetching half-grin crossed Trina's face. "It never gets so wet as it does when I'm with you." "Really?" Now Trina nodded. "That make you happy?" "Yes." She held both of Trina's naked breasts in her hands. "I dream of these nipples," she said, lowering her mouth to one swollen, bulbous dark plum, sucking it between her lips. "I dream of sucking them." It was true. She rarely dreamed of her girlfriends, usually, she guessed, because she was so busy fucking them as often as she could. But she did have occasional dreams of Trina, and in them she was feasting on these beautiful, large, puffy nipples, sucking them to her heart's content. It aroused Trina too, since she loved having the big, swelling, puffy beauties sucked hard, and apparently Bill wouldn't suck them as hard as Laura did. "Oh god, hon', you gonna make me come too quick," she panted to Laura, holding Laura's head in both of her hands as Laura moved her mouth from one wet, erect nipple to the other and back again, teasing them with her teeth, making Trina squirm and gasp. "Don't I get to taste yours too?" she whimpered softly, pulling Laura down face to face with her on the mattress, filling her own hands with Laura's smaller breasts. Now she sucked Laura's aching nipples tenderly, starting slowly, worshipfully, laving them with her tongue, tugging them with her sensual lips, until Laura was mewling softly, wanting to feel it harder, wanting Trina to devour them. "Oh harder . . . oh harder!" she whimpered. "Please, Trina." "Hon', you gonna come too fast too," Trina murmured, pulling back. Both were still dressed from the waist down. They had been too eager to suck each other's nipples to get undressed all the way. Now together they removed Trina's skirt and Laura's pants, then their panties, until they were finally both completely naked. Just the sight of Trina's totally naked glossy black voluptuous body was nearly enough to make Laura climax without further aid. "God, you are so beautiful. How could I live so long without you," she sighed, running her hands all over Trina's wonderful, resilient flesh. Trina kissed her, also running her hands all over Laura's body. "You pretty beautiful yourself, hon'. Think we better do it before we both explode. I been dreaming of this moment. I love the feel of your smooth body against mine." "I know how we can do this," Laura murmured, rolling to the side of the bed momentarily and retrieving the huge double dildo from under it. Trina's eyes widened comically as Laura dangled the thing between them. "Now I seen everything," she cracked. "Even the Lord didn't make them that big." "It's my dick," Laura said, reprising her joke with Charise. "I'll bet you didn't know I had a dick." "You got that one right. Laura, you amaze me." Laura demonstrated how it was two-ended. "One for you, and one for me." Trina's eyes lit up. "I think I'm gonna enjoy this, hon'. I'm about ready to pop as it is." "Me too," Laura confessed as they got into position, sitting and facing one another. "I want to fuck you and kiss you at the same time, like a man does." "You mean like my man does?" Trina teased her gently, kissing Laura tenderly, sensually, as Laura maneuvered both ends of the huge double dildo between them. "You don't have to compete with him, you know. You the other special person in my life." Laura smiled. She pushed one end of the dildo against Trina's blossoming cuntlips, well-oiled and puckered to receive it. Trina's eyes rolled up. "Unhh!" she panted softly. Laura kissed her neck, her ear, still pushing. Slowly the huge, ridged tube slid into Trina's pussy. She gasped and threw back her head. "Shit . . . that thing's big, hon'!" she gasped. "Ohhhnnnn!" "Bigger than his?" Laura smiled. "God, yes! Unghhh!" "Now let me get my end in. Unghh! Oh! God, I forgot how big it is," Laura gasped too, feeling the monster slide into her own pussy. In a few seconds they were both impaled on the gigantic tube, breathing hard, kissing, their breasts swishing together as their excited bodies quivered and shook. Their tongues coiled together. Their hands gripped each other, fingers digging into aching flesh. "Oh Trina . . . Trina, it's been so long!" Laura half-moaned. "Come with me, hon'. Come with me," Trina panted, her face contorted by fierce sexual excitement. They had begun moving their hips slowly, feeling the huge, thick snake inch in and out of their bodies. Laura dropped one hand between them to grip the monster and hold it steady. Both she and Trina quickly went out of control, churning their pelvises, groaning, clutching each other, fucking more rapidly. Sitting face to face was too awkward, and they soon lost their balance and fell over together on their sides, still face to face, now pumping frantically, whimpering, moaning. In the back of her mind, Laura knew they were making the kind of noise that would arouse curiosity upstairs, but she and Trina were so deliriously fuck-hungry for each other that nothing could stop them now. Laura felt the huge pole stab up into her pussy when Trina jabbed her hips forward in a sharp thrust. Then she heard Trina's ecstatic groans when Laura's hips returned the thrust, sending the other end of the dildo deep into Trina's body. Lying together face to face, they kissed savagely, a scorching, continuous kiss, panting, fucking, whimpering, eyes locked, fucking each other as passionately as they ever had. It didn't take long for them to reach the destination. "Oh! Oh god!" Laura gasped, feeling the overpowering spasms start deep inside her pussy. At the same time, through the hot, swirling fog of her own lust she could detect the seizure of deep rapture spreading across Trina's lovely face. She felt Trina's luscious body give a deep shudder. "Auungghh!" Trina groaned. "Oh . . . now, oh Laura . . . now! Auungghhh!" "I love you, Trina! Ownnghghiieeee!" Laura squealed helplessly, suddenly inundated by a violent uprush of hot coming. "Auungghhh!" Trina came, also violently, throwing her head back, her body wracked by jolts of sharp pleasure. Laura's hand still gripped the middle of the dildo between them, and both of them rode it hard, pushing their cunts down on the huge rod that crammed their bodies, forcing their throbbing clits into the hard rubber, writhing and moaning as fresh spasms of bliss shook their flesh. Trina's head moved up again, and she buried her face in Laura's neck, whimpering and quivering as the aftershocks raked her. "Love you too, Laura," she panted hoarsely. "Love you too. Oh god . . . you know how to get to me." They clung to each other now for about a minute, regaining their breath and their senses after an overwhelming shared orgasm. Laura let go of the dildo and stroked Trina's magnificent body with both hands, kissing her face and her neck and shoulders. But they were both still impaled on it, and the slightest movement made them both aware of the wild fucking they had just experienced. And, Laura reflected ruefully, the wild cries they had both emitted. No one within fifty yards could have failed to hear them whooping with ecstacy. And yet she didn't care. Her whole being was suffused with love for Trina, and only temporary exhaustion kept her from swarming all over the girl's delicious naked body again with sharp hunger. Finally, Trina winced playfully and made a face at Laura. "I think I'm gonna get one of these myself, just to play with when I'm alone," she said. Both of them held their breath as Laura pulled both wet ends of the monster out of their bodies. They looked at it in awe. The thick tube still glistened with their vaginal juices. Laura had already fucked Charise and Deshona with it, plus a few others, but she wondered if the orgasms could possibly have been as intense as this one. "You wouldn't do it without me, would you?" she pouted to Trina. Solemnly, Trina drew an invisible line down Laura's cheek with one long, sinuous black finger. "Hon', the way you fuck, ain't going to be enough left of me to do it with anybody else, let alone by myself." "I'll take that as a compliment," Laura said, kissing her on the nose. "I'm not even half-finished with you. You are sleeping over, right?" Trina grinned. "I don't know about the sleeping part." For the next hour or so, Laura poured it on hot and heavy. She quickly regained her strength, and the depth of her lust for Trina knew no bounds. This time she drew a couple of pillows closer to use in muffling their cries, but she did not try to control her ardor. She made love to Trina in a hot whirlwind of passion, bringing her to one shuddering, incapacitating climax after another, find her g-spot and sucking her clit and biting her big, swollen, puffy nipples, until Trina was almost paralyzed by a sweet, prolonged torment of intense sexual rapture. Stunned, she blinked and smiled at Laura, propping herself up on her wobbly elbows, squinting. "You worse than I remembered. Trying to kill me." "Worse?" Laura pouted again. "You know what I mean," Trina grinned. "I know you don't like hearing about my man, but I'm gonna tell you one thing. He never done me more than twice in a row. You, you ain't satisfied with ten times. I'm plum wore out, girl." "I'll give you a little rest." But Trina was not entirely out of gas and begged to return the favor, making love to Laura in her own tender but relentless way, kissing Laura's pussy until Laura was blooming in a glorious, long, throbbing orgasm, just a huge, pulsating, bursting hot star of love for Trina. They ate and went to a movie together. Laura felt half-ashamed of being so hungry for Trina that all she wanted to do was fuck her continuously. They sat in the dark and held hands, sitting far away from the rest of the people in the theater but not daring to demonstrate any more obvious affection. When they returned to Laura's apartment, Jane was lurking in the lobby, as if waiting for them. Of course Trina did not know who Jane was, but Laura saw her immediately, in the shadows behind the tall ficus plant near the row of mailboxes in the foyer wall. Her cold, hostile eyes drilled into them both, but especially Trina, looking her slowly up and down. But Jane said nothing. "Come on," Laura said brusquely, taking Trina's arm and steering her quickly to the elevator. Once Jane had tried to get on the elevator with Laura and someone, but this time she apparently stayed where she was. "Who was that?" Trina asked. "My neighbor's daughter," Laura said, trying to brush it off. "She looked like she hated my guts. You two ain't been—?" "No, we 'ain't been'," Laura said, shaking her head in the effort to be extra-convincing. "She's . . . a little unbalanced. She makes things up." "Oh." Laura enfolded Trina in her arms. She kissed her and breathed in her ear, and Trina shivered and giggled like a small girl. "In the movie I kept thinking of how much I wanted to lick your pussy," Laura whispered, following the words again with her tongue. "You have a very beautiful pussy. Are you ready for round two?" Trina shivered again, grinning like an excited child. "You know . . . I think I am?" "Mmmm, the great thing about going to the movies is that when we come back, I get to undress you all over again," Laura purred, beginning to remove Trina's clothes as they slowly made their way back to the bedroom. Trina gave her a coquettish grin. "You a sex fiend, that's all," she teased. What Laura had said was true. A few hours away from the bed was all it took to light their fires anew, and hotter than ever. This time they performed a sixty-nine that had Laura's bed shaking and squeaking in minutes. They came together in a firestorm of wrenching sexual spasms, then dissolved in laughter, kissing and embracing as the tension exploded in sexual release and deep affection. Trina did spend the night, and as she had predicted, neither of them got much sleep. By morning, even Laura was tired. They slept, dozed, fucked, slept, and fucked all Sunday. Laura got an extended opportunity to worship Trina's exquisite black pussy since they had never spent so long together before, having always been pressured either by Shawna's presence or Trina's commitment to her new husband. Laura even found herself on the verge of initiating Trina into some of the kinkier delights, before backing off in fear of rejection. Trina had a gorgeous, large, very firm ass, with big round moons, high and jutting, perfectly proportioned to the rest of her body. Her ass was big by some standards, bigger than Yvette's, or Randi's, but not bigger than Karen's or April's, just a lovely, hard, round feast of beautiful black flesh, marvelously suited to her voluptuous, statuesque body. Laura at one point found herself making love ecstatically to Trina's bottom, kissing the smooth, firm buns, running her tongue up and down the deep crack between them, wondering how Trina would react to a loving invasion. Although she had not hesitated to bring other lovers along with her into this exciting new territory, she had always been disinclined to shock Trina by even intimating that she might want it. Lesbian sex itself was already a far reach for Trina, and ass-fucking might just be a further stretch she couldn't accommodate. And this time, as soon as she felt Laura's tongue approaching her tight little black rosebud, Trina groaned softly, an almost convincing imitation of true sexual excitement, and effortlessly shifted her body, turning her ass away from Laura, to stop it. Laura's eyes quickly caught hers and saw the message there, even though Trina's black eyes were pulsing with genuine sexual arousal, belying her apparent fear of Laura's invading tongue. The message: love my pussy, stay away from my asshole. Laura understood and immediately began to tongue Trina's clit until Trina came in under a minute, a wrenching, jolting, killer climax that was perhaps the most violent she had had during her whole visit. Half-destroyed by it, she grinned wanly at Laura, who was now holding her and kissing her with desperate love. "See now . . . wasn't that good?" she asked Laura. "Nobody treats my pussy like you do, girl." It would have been even better if I had been fucking you in the ass at the same time, Laura told her with her eyes. But she didn't dare say it out loud. What she had with Trina was too deep, though infrequent, to endanger by suggesting things Trina feared. "I love your pussy," Laura said. "I love you, and I love your pussy." "But you love my pussy more," Trina winked. Laura shrugged playfully. "I love it, I can't deny it." She reached under the bed. "Want to do it again with my dick? Before you have to leave?" Trina's eyes widened. As she had earlier, she reached out one long, sinuous black finger and stroked the ridged surface of the huge double dildo. Very slowly, as if mesmerized, she said, grinning, "I don't believe I can refuse."
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