Laura - Chapter 215


A management retreat for selected employees was held for two days at the Sonoma Mission Inn, a famous and expensive nearby resort. Laura was obliged to attend and pleased to notice that Rhonda would not be there, nor Yvette. Each person had her or his own room, in the old section of the Inn, and Laura was the envy of those who did not get picked to go.

However, in the event it was all hard work. They might be at a spa and golf paradise, with heated swimming pools and a four star restaurant, but they spent most of both days doing group exercises focusing on mission statements and corporate objectives. The only thing to liven it up a bit for Laura was the unexpected presence of Tamara Taylor, who attended as part of a cross-functional work team.

More surprising, Tamara, who had been so hostile and censorious to Laura in the past, nearly accusing her of some horrible crime for staring at her, almost implying Laura wanted to rape her or worse, was very friendly and sweet. Also shockingly gorgeous, as Laura already knew. Since she had already been caught licking Tamara with her eyes (she couldn't deny it, to herself), Laura had to be doubly careful not to repeat the offense.

Fortunately, there were plenty of other people around during the day-long meetings to keep both of their minds on track. Laura used the meetings skillfully to drink in Tamara with her eyes whenever she was behind her, or off to one side, where it wouldn't be obvious.

She really was delicious, her hair long, soft, dark-honey colored, the kind of hair Laura knew many of her own girlfriends would kill for. Her skin was not dark but tawny, not even the deep golden hue of Camille, or the rich tan of Sholandra, but more like Vanessa's skin, a light mocha or café-au-lait tone, exquisitely smooth and glowing with health. Her eyes were dark brown, very alive, vivacious, sparkling and direct.

And Laura did not even dare to let her eyes linger on Tamara's body. Tamara was about as tall as Laura, but whereas Laura had a long, lean model's body, Tamara's was more classically formed, almost perfectly proportioned, with larger breasts than Laura's, a very slender waist, and fuller hips. Of course, she wore tailored business clothes that only allowed Laura to imagine what lay underneath them, but Laura couldn't help thinking about it.

Somebody gets to fuck that delicious creature, she thought, admiring Tamara's tiny waist from across the room, surreptitiously. But then Laura felt guilty for even using the 'f' word in her thoughts. Wanting to sleep with the beautiful Tamara had got her into trouble before for staring too blatantly at the girl. She had to be more careful.

As it turned out, after a group dinner in the Grill, the four-star restaurant, people lingered in the bar or the terrace, around the pool, and by nine o'clock Laura found herself sitting at a poolside table alone with Tamara. All the others had drifted off to bed.

Warm and relaxed after a few drinks, Laura was even able to give up the desire to sleep with this girl. She knew from Tamara's earlier hostility that there was no chance anyway, and so she luxuriated calmly in talking to her and looking at her loveliness. Tamara was now friendly and warm herself, betraying no sign of her earlier accusatory attitude to Laura, until just before they both stood up from the table to return to their rooms.

"By the way," she said softly, placing one hand on Laura's arm. "I want to apologize for that morning. When I . . . accused you of staring. I was out of line."

She paused, waiting for Laura to speak, looking directly, almost searchingly, into Laura's eyes. Laura didn't know what to say.

"Oh . . . it's okay. I get stared at a lot myself."

"I'll bet you do," Tamara smiled.

They walked together back from the pool toward the Inn. Soon they found themselves in the same corridor, and when Laura got to her door and started fishing for her key, they both realized at the same second that Tamara was doing it too, standing at the adjacent door.

"Gosh, our rooms are right next to each other," Tamara exclaimed. "Hope you don't snore."

No, Laura thought, I don't. I don't think so, anyway. But I might give off a little orgasmic squeak if I have a dream of you, sweetie.

She realized in the middle of this reverie that she was staring in an unmistakably sexual manner again at Tamara. She moved her head from side to side to shake herself out of it.

"If I do, just bang on the wall," she smiled.

"Okay. Nightie night."

Laura smiled again and watched the girl go into her room and close the door. She went into her own. The rooms were small but stylish, renovated from a more remote time to look quaint. They had fans instead of air conditioning, and canopied beds. Since this was the wine country, each room had a complimentary bottle of wine on the bedside table.

She changed into a fluffy pink bathrobe she had brought, wearing nothing underneath, figuring perhaps she would read for a while, then take a bath. She had not really noticed that there was a locked door between her room and Tamara's until she heard Tamara knocking on it from the other side.

"Laura . . ." her distant, muffled voice could be heard, raised but trying not to shout. Another knock.

Laura went over to the door. She looked down at the bolt. Obviously, the rooms could be used by people who were together and needed a larger space.

"Yes?" she said, leaning her face against the door, not wanting to raise her voice either.

"I'm not sleepy. Can I come over and talk?"


Each unlocked her side of the door, and Tamara came into Laura's room, leaving it open. She was wearing a thin white cotton nightgown and carrying her bottle of wine. Laura, ever aware, couldn't help noticing the swaying globes of Tamara's loose breasts moving under her gown.

"I thought we might have a glass of wine together," Tamara said. "Maybe it'll make me sleepy enough to go to sleep."

"Worth a try," Laura said.

Tamara sat in the small Queen Anne-style chair and Laura on the bed. They sipped wine and chatted.

"You're a lesbian, aren't you," Tamara said, without warning.

Laura almost choked on a sip of wine. "I . . . don't think of myself that way," she gasped, flushing, looking down at her feet, which poked out from under her bathrobe.

"I saw you and that beautiful girl with the braids. You know . . . looking at each other. I don't know if anybody else saw. But it was pretty obvious. Maybe most people wouldn't think it, though, since you're both so beautiful. Most people think they're bruisers, lady wrestlers and like that. Not gorgeous like some model, like you two."

Laura tried to smile, feeling her face was very tight, wishing desperately for the blushing to stop.

"I think Rhonda's one too," Tamara went on. "You know her? Rhonda Reardon? She's never come on to me, of course, but I think she'd like to. And she's definitely got something going with a couple of girls. I see her with them sometimes. They just have a look like they've been rubbing together, know what I mean? Sometimes you can just feel those things. Like you and that sister who wears the expensive business suits. Once in a while I see her going into your office, or you two going out to lunch. You're doing it with her too, aren't you?"

Laura was flabbergasted. She was so flummoxed that she could hardly speak and kept twisting the fingers of the hand that held her wine glass with her other fingers. "Why do you think so?"

Tamara laughed softly. "She looks at you like your shit doesn't stink, if you'll pardon the expression."

"Maybe she likes me."

"I guess she does."

Laura pursed her lips, feeling her anger grow. "Did you come over here so you could insult me?"

Tamara looked genuinely shocked. "It's not an insult. They're both completely beautiful, and so are you. Why shouldn't you guys sleep together if that's what you want?"

Laura smirked and nodded. "As long as you don't think I'm making a pass at you," she said, relieved to be able to be blunt.

Now Tamara's eyes registered a deep, knowing, scheming comprehension, as if she were getting into territory she had hoped to discover. Laura was surprised to see it, but it wasn't unwelcome. There was more to this visit than she first suspected, and it aroused her interest. Is this a game?

"What would it be like if you did?" Tamara asked, looking directly into Laura's eyes with her Baby Browns, her face open and inquisitive, very beautiful.

"If I made a pass at you?"

Tamara nodded, still not releasing Laura's eyes. She was very bold, Laura thought.

"First . . . a toast," Laura said, raising her glass. "To us . . . to knowing each other better." She veiled her eyes, letting them smoke with meaning.

Slowly, her eyes still locked to Laura's, Tamara raised her wine glass to her lips. They were full lips but not thick and sensual. Her face had traces of African ancestry, but her features betrayed the strong Caucasian component of her blood, also shown by her light tawny skin. She took a sip, and wine dribbled down her chin onto her nightgown, making big dark red splotches.

"Oh god . . . look what I've done!" she said, exasperated, wiping away the dribbles from her chin with the back of one hand. "I've ruined it! And it's my favorite!"

Laura got up from the bed, setting her own glass on the bedstand, taking Tamara's from her while Tamara examined the wine stains. "You have to soak it in cold water immediately. And salt would help. Maybe there's some salt around. Or we could go down to the restaurant and borrow a shaker."

"It's the only one I brought," Tamara sulked.

Laura took charge. "Go back to your room." She pulled her up out of the chair with one hand. "Take it off and soak it in your basin in cold water. I have a nightie that I'm not wearing. I'll bring it to you."

Tamara nodded. Halfway through the door connecting their two rooms, she looked back ambiguously at Laura. "Why don't you just throw the nightie through the open door onto the bed," she suggested. "You don't have to come in."

Laura blushed hotly again. "Of course," she said, feeling very embarrassed.

Did she think I was going to rape her? she wondered.

But when she opened her suitcase to get the nightie, she wondered if it were such a good idea after all. Packing in a hurry, she had thrown in a wispy, diaphanous, peach-colored thing, very skimpy and sexy, probably hoping in the back of her mind to see one of her darlings—Yvette, or Karen, or Sholandra, even April—at the retreat. She had given it no thought until now, but if Tamara saw this sexy little number, she would again think Laura was trying to seduce her. Which, on the other hand, before dribbling the wine down her chin, she had seemed to be inviting.

It was all too confusing for Laura, who was already tired after a day of meetings. Why doesn't she just take that precious little black (café-au-lait) pussy that she doesn't want Rhonda or I to have and pack herself off to bed naked, with both doors securely locked? Laura wondered.

Nevertheless, she walked over to the open connecting door and tossed the peach nightie through it onto Tamara's bed. Tamara was still in the bathroom soaking her stained nightgown. Laura again sat on the bed and sipped her wine. There was no TV in the rooms, and she would have given anything for one right now, to fill the silence.

Moments later, Tamara peeped through the door, craning her neck—a long, smooth, beautiful neck—around the door frame. "This is too sexy," she giggled nervously. "I'd feel embarrassed to come back in it."

Laura grinned sardonically. "I'll hand you your wine and you can drink the rest of it over there."

"Oh well . . . maybe it isn't so bad. If you promise not to look."

"No promises," Laura said, honestly.

Tamara came back into her room anyway. As Laura had already guessed, the girl's near-naked body was a paragon of perfection, the closest thing to perfect Laura had seen since Lorrie Barnes, ex-Playmate. Tamara would make a perfect Playmate herself with a body like that, Laura realized.

"You look great in it," Laura said, again honestly. "It's yours. I make you a gift of it. The fellas will be drooling all over their boots."

Tamara smiled demurely, the first time Laura had ever seen her uncomfortable. She wondered if this might be a bad idea after all. Tamara was half-naked, her large dark nipples clearly visible through the mesh of the sexy nightie, her marvelous light-brown thighs bare and smooth. Laura was still tightly-wound in her bathrobe.

"What about the girls?" Tamara asked pointedly.

"Some of them will too," Laura admitted. "I will."

"You're not wearing boots," Tamara said, glancing down at Laura's bare feet.

"I'm not wearing anything," Laura said softly. "Under this, I mean," she flirted back.

Tamara looked down at her own inadequately-concealed body. Her full young breasts swelled invitingly under the filmy nightie. She was still wearing her panties, actually a champagne-colored thong that went very well with the nightie. It was very alluring, and Laura tried not to look.

"I feel like I might as well be naked too," she said. "Gosh, this thing is great. Are you really going to let me have it?"

Laura nodded. "It'll give your boyfriend a woody for sure."

Tamara laughed. "You're kind of funny."

"Thank you."

"I feel very uncomfortable being almost naked. I think I'll just go back to my room and try to go to sleep."

Laura sighed inwardly. Tamara was wildly desirable but also very annoying in her half-flirtatious, half-judgmental way. I'm tired of playing Whose Got The Button with you, my dear, she thought. Either you want to spend the night in bed with me, or you don't.

"I understand," Laura said, unable to disguise the weariness in her voice. "You go ahead. See you in the morning."

Tamara lingered at the shared door. She seemed to be hoping Laura would call her back. But Laura wasn't going to give her the opportunity to be coerced. She smiled, tightly.


Tamara smiled and nodded. She went into her own room and closed the door. Laura listened for the bolt but didn't hear it. She didn't lock her side either. There was always a remote chance . . .

Gosh, she's so beautiful, Laura thought. I'm sorry she couldn't take the plunge. I think half of her wanted to.

Laura finished her wine and slipped into bed naked, having given her nightie to Tamara. She drifted into a half-sleep, then broke out of it when she heard Tamara rapping softly on the adjoining door.



"I can't sleep. Could you come over and rub my neck and my back to help me sleep?"

Laura smiled in the dark. "Sure. Give me a minute."

She got out of bed and slipped back into her robe. When she entered Tamara's room, the dim bedside lamp was on and Tamara was on her stomach in the bed, her chin on her hands on the pillow. The covers were pulled up over her ass. She had also pulled up the nightie above her shoulderblades, exposing a delicious naked back. She smiled up at Laura.

"My financé always does it for me when I can't sleep," she explained.

Laura sat on the edge of the bed and put her fingers on Tamara's beautiful smooth back. She was an excellent back rubber but had to control her urge to lean forward and kiss this marvelous expanse of naked, firm, warm flesh while she was also rubbing it.

"Your fiancé," she murmured. "What's his name?

"Stewart. He's a football player. He plays defensive backfield for the Bengals. Do you know football?"

"Not a bit. You have a beautiful back."

"That's what Stewart says."

Laura found herself remembering Deshona, whose back she had also rubbed like this, an act that had resulted in a sexual meltdown for them both. She tried not to compare, but Tamara's back, though lovely, was second only to Deshona's masterpiece. She also remembered how Deshona loved to be fucked in this position, and had described how her ex-husband had loved to fuck her that way, while rubbing her back. Did Tamara's 'fiancé' do the same thing to her?

"Mmmm, Laura, that feels good. You're good at this," Tamara murmured dreamily as Laura's fingers explored the smooth, satiny flesh.

Laura was aroused, there was no denying it. She wanted her now more than ever. She wondered if Tamara were becoming aroused too.

Laura had thrown her bathrobe on loosely, and the movement of her arms while rubbing Tamara's back loosened it further so that it gaped open in front. This gave her an idea. She always found the feel of another woman's naked breasts pushing into her own back very erotic.

Without interrupting her motion, she leaned forward, letting her naked breasts swoop across Tamara's skin, grazing it with her nipples, then pushing them even closer, feeling them squash against Tamara's flesh. Tamara did not seem to react. Laura leaned closer, so close that Tamara could feel her warm breath on her back and her neck, where Laura had pulled up her long hair.

"Oh Laura . . . should we be doing this?" she smiled, eyes closed. "It feels too good to believe."

"You like it?"

"Oh yes."

"Do you like this?" Laura kissed one shoulderblade, right in the smooth hollow under the tip of its wing.

"Yes," Tamara breathed.

Laura took her reply as an invitation to continue, and she did continue, caressing Tamara's naked back more aggressively now, kissing the smooth warm skin everywhere. She kissed the nape of her neck, then the backs of her shoulders, the shallow groove made by her spine, kissing all the way down to where the bedcovers concealed her bottom. Then she moved her lips slowly up again, now skimming her naked breasts again along Tamara's back.

"Oh . . . that feels so good," Tamara sighed.

This time Laura pressed her lips to the girl's ear, breathing into it and quickly invading it with her tongue, then pulling it back. Tamara shivered. Laura did it again.

Opening her eyes, Tamara turned her face up, rolling her body sideways at the same time, and Laura's mouth caught hers effortlessly. They were deep into a kiss before there could be any pulling back. Tamara rolled onto her side, and Laura embraced her easily, pressing their naked breasts together as they kissed.

The kiss lasted a long time, until Laura broke it off long enough to kiss Tamara's long neck, her ear again, her forehead, her neck again. "Will Stewart mind if I make love to his fiancée?" she murmured very softly.

Tamara skimmed the bathrobe off Laura's shoulders and began kissing Laura's neck too, pushing the sleeves down Laura's arms, rubbing their breasts together excitedly. "Who cares about him?" she whispered. "I didn't think I'd ever get you to do this."

Laura gave her a scorching kiss now, stabbing her tongue deep into Tamara's mouth. She dropped both hands to the girl's luscious, firm breasts, squeezing them urgently, pinching Tamara's large, soft nipples with her thumbs and forefingers until they sprang up hard.

"I've never done it with another girl before," Tamara confessed in a whisper.

Laura grinned. "Hardly news."

"What if I don't know what to do?"

"Do you come?"

Tamara nodded. "Sometimes it takes me forever."

"Mmmm, not tonight. You lie there, darling, and let Laura make your pretty little pussy jump for joy."

Tamara's eyes were luminous with happiness and sexual excitement. She was a totally different person now that Laura had got past her defenses, her pert coquettish insolence and her censorious attitude. Now she was pure and sweet and simple, a beautiful young girl dying to be ravished by her stunning lesbian co-worker. And Laura was fully up to the task.

Quickly, they slid the flimsy nightie off Tamara, and Laura slipped her arms out of the robe, tossing it off the bed onto the floor. Now they were both totally naked, and they coiled together, kissing passionately. Laura ran her hands all over the girl's magnificent body, admiring its perfect curves, tiny waist, full, springy breasts.

She cupped one in her palm and slid her mouth down to the large, deep-purplish nipple, which reminded her of Vanessa's purple nipples. Actually, Tamara's nipples were not really purple but deep reddish brown that looked purplish in the half-light, but like Vanessa's they took on a more purplish hue as Laura sucked them, drawing in more blood, which gave them a deep rosy-purple glow as they stiffened.

"Ohhhh!" Tamara sighed, watching Laura's lips tugging her nipples. "Oh . . . you do that good!"

Laura now held both beautiful breasts in her hands, squeezing the firm globes and sucking Tamara's erect, wet nipples hungrily, sucking them hard.

"These are very beautiful," she cooed. "Stewart is a lucky guy."

"He doesn't suck them like that," Tamara panted, smiling almost shyly, very aroused.

"Mmmm, do you like it?" Laura smiled, looking up.

Tamara's dark eyes were glazed, pulsing hotly. She nodded. "Do it some more."

"It's my pleasure."

After a couple of minutes of this, Tamara was twisting uncontrollably in the sheets. Laura raised her head and kissed the girl's mouth aggressively, romantically, their tongues coiling and dancing together. She loved the soft whimpering that came from deep in Tamara's chest as she surrendered to Laura's passionate caresses.

Laura was overcome by deep affection and lust. This poor beautiful girl wanted me to do this to her all along, she realized. She wasn't really hostile at all, just afraid. Frightened that I might be able to make her respond this way. Look how excited she is! And her body is so delicious. I'll bet her pussy is just spilling over with juice.

Laura kissed her way down Tamara's beautiful naked body, taking her time on the way, exploring every delectable detail. Again she let her lips linger over the girl's damp, purplish nipples, now rubbery and erect from sexual excitement, then dipped lower, exploring Tamara's deep navel with her tongue. Beautiful as she was, Tamara had probably never been as minutely worshipped as this, having every inch of her naked body kissed and stroked. It was a feast of warm, vibrant, glowing tan flesh, smooth and velvety, and Laura was in no hurry, kissing every bit of it slowly, sensually.

She finally slid down between the girl's yawning thighs and spread open Tamara's lovely wet pussy with her fingers, pulling open the dark, glossy inner lips to reveal the fiery, glistening cleft of her fresh young cunt. It was, like the rest of Tamara, exquisitely lovely, burbling with warm fuck juice, inflamed and magenta colored, very inviting and succulent.

"Oh . . . oh!" Tamara whimpered, writhing in anticipation. "Oh yes!"

"Oh baby . . . you have such a beautiful pussy," Laura murmured, slithering her tongue right into the center of it, feeling Tamara shudder as her body responded to the long-anticipated penetration.


Laura had licked a lot of lovely pussies, but the first time was always a delight and adventure to her. She loved immersing herself totally in the experience, inhaling Tamara's unique odors and tasting the tangy juices of her warm, flowing slit, drawing her tongue slowly across Tamara's bulging little clit to see how Tamara would react.

"Uhn!" she gasped. "Oh! Oh!"

The intense pleasure this brought her was easily apparent. Smiling, Laura slid both hands under the girl's smooth, round bottom, squeezing her buns and slipping her tongue back down into the gooey warm trench of Tamara's pussy itself, leaving her fantastically sensitive clit for later, for the final paroxysm, which, from Tamara's frantic squirming, Laura was convinced would be soon.

But she did not want it to end quickly. It was not only physically arousing to her to make love to the girl's beautiful pussy this way, slowly and skillfully bringing Tamara to the point of no return, but it was also a sweet triumph to have reduced her to such wild, uncontrollable need. She had shocked Laura to the quick weeks earlier by accusing her of blatant, sexual staring, and Laura had suffered acute shame and embarrassment ever since, whenever their eyes met.

But now Tamara, with Laura between her legs, sucking and licking her young pussy hungrily, was writhing, moaning semi-hysterically, grabbing and twisting her own luscious breasts, pulling her nipples, churning her hips. Laura wanted to extend this sweet torment as long as possible. Darling, you are going to come so hard, she thought. You'll be wishing I did this to you weeks ago.

"Oh! Oh god . . . Laura! Unhhh! Oh god, it feels so good . . . the way you do that! Oh yes . . . oh yes!"

But Laura realized that they were in a small, old resort with tiny rooms and thin walls, surrounded by fellow workers. Some would be asleep, some dozing, some reading. Many would hear Tamara's cries of ecstacy, if she kept this up. And Tamara was truly out of control, mewling and clawing her luscious, tawny thighs with her fingers, quivering on the verge of a big orgasm.

Momentarily, Laura stopped eating her pussy. She slid up Tamara's incredible undulating body, certain as she caressed it that she had never been in bed with anybody more beautiful, and kissed her cheek tenderly, whispering to her at the same time.

"Honey . . . they'll hear us," she whispered. She pulled a pillow over, turning Tamara's head gently with her hand so that she was facing it. "I'm going to make you come now."

"Oh god . . . yes!" Tamara panted, eyes glazed, her beautiful face contorted with desperation.

"When you feeling it coming, turn your face into this pillow. Just so they don't hear," she added gently.

God, this is worse than being at home, Laura reflected, pausing to enjoy Tamara's scrumptious breasts again on her way back down to the wet magenta rose. At least in my own bed I know it'll only be either Kendra or Jane listening, and they won't be shocked, at least. But here . . . it could be anybody.

She realized she could go easy on Tamara and just help her to a modest little climax to release the tension. But she knew neither of them could settle for that. For one thing, Tamara was already too overwrought. Laura had done her job well, and the girl was delirious from sexual need, squirming and whimpering in complete abandon. And Laura herself wanted to give her the most shattering orgasm possible.

This time she slid two fingers up into Tamara's tight, well-lubricated pussy, fucking her with them, thrilling Tamara, who began to whimper and gyrate her hips immediately. Laura also bent her lips to Tamara's pussy and began to suck her clit too, knowing that this combination would bring the girl to a flaming paradise in a matter of seconds.

"Oh! Ahhhhnnn! Oh shit . . . Laura yes Laura yes yes yes! Oh Laura yes! Ungghh!"

"The pillow, honey . . . the pillow!" Laura said, very aroused herself by Tamara's beautiful, clenching, undulating body.

"Oh god, yes!" Tamara turned her face into the pillow, grabbing for it spastically with one hand at the same time. "Unnmmgghhhuumphhhohnggpmmgphh!" she groaned, coming almost immediately, her cries half-smothered by the pillow, her body pumping and shuddering so hard that for a moment the bed bumped against the wall, striking more fear into Laura's heart.

Her orgasm was long and thorough, and Laura did not release Tamara's throbbing clit from her lips until the girl's incredibly lovely body finally went slack and sank down again into the rumpled sheets. Even then, Tamara was still moaning from the aftershocks. Laura counted four of them, successively weaker but still strong enough to shake Tamara's beautiful flesh, leaving her luscious naked breasts jiggling after each one.

"Ohhhnnnn!" she finally moaned, turning her head back from the pillow, gazing up at Laura, letting Laura hear the full measure of her bliss.

Her moans were soft enough to stay within the room but emphatic enough to tell Laura that it had been a killer. Her eyes said the same thing.

Laura's wet fingers were still inside Tamara's pussy. Slowly, she withdrew them, then slowly licked each one, her eyes still locked with Tamara's. Tamara watched, hypnotized, but then made a face.

"You don't have to do that."

"I like doing it."

Her fingers now clean, Laura lay down next to Tamara, feeling, as usual, a continuing, overwhelming lust for her, determined now that they had broken the ice to fuck her for the rest of the night. Tamara caressed Laura's cheek with one finger.

"I like you. I've never met anyone like you. Especially anyone who could, you know, make me come like that. That was the first time I really ever felt like I was going to heaven. Know what I mean?"

Laura nodded, wanting to go to heaven herself. Her body was very overwrought too from the experience of making love to Tamara.

"I don't think I can put my mouth on your pussy, though," Tamara said, matter-of-factly, unembarrassed. "I mean, I'm not really a lesbian like you. I just did this because it seemed like . . . oh, I don't know."

"Because you wanted to?" Laura prompted.

Tamara nodded. "And I knew somehow you would do it to me good. But I don't think I can—"

"Don't worry about it. Do you just want to lie here and watch me bring myself off?" Laura asked, a little sarcastically.

"Gee, that sounds exciting. Could I?"

Boy, this beautiful girl is kind of an airhead, isn't she? Laura thought. She glanced up and down Tamara's spectacular naked body, letting them linger on Tamara's swollen, damp, purplish nipples again.

"If you let me suck your nipples while I'm doing it, I will come very fast," Laura whispered, eyes heavy-lidded. "You have the most gorgeous breasts."

"You think so? Stewart slobbers all over them. But he never sucked them the way you were sucking them. So hard. God, it just made me all wet and gooey down there. No wonder I came so hard."

I might as well do it, Laura resigned herself. She's not going to help. Except by letting me have this wonderful body. At least it's better than masturbating alone.

With one hand, she held one of Tamara's firm breasts and began to lick the large, swelling nipple, still damp from her previous visit. "I love your nipples."

"They're so . . . funny-colored, don't you think? Ahhhhh! Oh my, that feels good!"

"Mmmm, I want to swallow it."

Laura sucked Tamara's big, rubbery nipple into her mouth and lowered her other hand to her crotch, slipping a finger into the wet warm groove between her cuntlips, where she had hoped to feel Tamara's tongue. Oh, I guess this won't be so bad, she thought, quickly becoming very aroused, feeling her breath quicken, her body begin to flutter all over with sexual excitement.

Holding Tamara's breast and pinching the thick wet nipple, she kissed Tamara's mouth, a kiss that began slowly but soon became hungry and passionate. "I wanted you to fuck me," she whispered against Tamara's even white teeth, perfect teeth.

"I . . . don't do it with girls," Tamara panted, eyes again swirling from erotic fascination.

"You could . . . touch it with me," Laura panted, swirling the tips of two fingers over her clit, feeling so close that she knew she would come in seconds.

"I . . . can't. I can't touch it."

"Try. Oh!" Laura gasped, biting her lower lip.

She felt Tamara's tentative hand brush her own, the one that was caressing her clit. Two of Tamara's fingers slipped past Laura's, sliding into the greasy warm folds of Laura's pussy.

"Ahnn! Oh yes!" Laura groaned softly. "Yes baby yes!"

"Are you going to come?"

"Do it fast," Laura coached. "Yes . . . do it fast, yes! Unghhhh! Oh god!"

Tamara began to move her fingers in and out of Laura's pussy. Laura stopped rubbing her clit with her own hand, hoping to encourage Tamara to take over, to make her come, to want to make her come. Slowly, rhythmically, she began to swirl her hips forward, pushing her oozing, throbbing cunt into Tamara's moving fingers, feeling Tamara move her hand more confidently, firmly, feeling the girl's fingers now graze her erect clit, then mash it harder as the tempo accelerated.

"Oh god . . . yes!" she panted. "Tamara, yes, oh god do it harder!"

"Are you going to come?" Tamara asked again, rubbing Laura's pussy harder, penetrating it deeper with her fingers.

Knowing she was only a split second away from a climax, Laura dropped her mouth to Tamara's other breast, holding it with her hand too, guiding Tamara's beautiful purplish nipple between her lips. She sucked it hard, sucking some firm breast flesh into her mouth too, and felt the powerful shocks begin deep inside her body.

A hot squirt of liquid fire suddenly leaped to life in her groin and poured through her body. Tamara's wet nipple slipped from her mouth as a sharp, uncontrollable groan of ecstacy escaped from her throat. Some part of her mind realized that she was making too much noise, more than Tamara had made, and she pushed her mouth into the valley between Tamara's luscious breasts as her orgasm grew more intense.

"Ummmnngghghhpphhhh!" she groaned, coming in a series of wrenching shocks. "Unnghhh! Oh! Ummmngghhpphhh!"

"Oh Laura . . . oh Laura," Tamara cooed, holding Laura's head between her breasts, still moving her fingers gently in and out of Laura's pussy until the worst of the shocks passed.

But even after her body went slack, Laura was still quivering from the aftershocks, which shook her at intervals. "Oh . . . god," she finally gasped, blinking, looking into Tamara's eyes. "Oh Tamara, thank you."

Tamara looked abashed, even embarrassed, as if remembering that she had said she didn't do it with girls. "You're welcome," she suddenly smiled. "It was good?"

"It was super. It was killer," Laura added, having heard Mavis say that.

Tamara's dark brown eyes sparkled. It was clear she had received some unexpected pleasure herself from helping Laura come. Or, Laura realized, it had just become clear to her that she was freshly aroused herself.

"God, when you sucked me like that, it made me all warm and gooey down there again," Tamara confessed. "And . . . I've never really seen another woman have a climax before. It was pretty exciting."

Laura smiled calmly. "For me, too. Did it make you hot again?"

Tamara nodded.

"Mmmm, let Laura make it better," she purred, stroking the girl's incredible smooth body, kissing her silky stomach, then her breasts again, then her mouth.

But Tamara gave her a tight little smile. "Oh no. I hate Sloppy Seconds. You know, guys can't come as fast the second time, and they really hammer your pussy sometimes. And it's so wet and—"

"You never come," Laura interjected.

Tamara grinned, startled. "How did you know?"

"A lucky guess. But I know somebody who can make you come. And I won't have to hammer you, either. Just some soft, sweet licking. How does that sound?"

She knew Tamara was so aroused that she couldn't refuse. Very gently, she brought Tamara to a second climax, and then a third, before they turned out the light to sleep for a while. In the darkness, Tamara whispered to her.

"Laura, this is the most marvelous sex I ever had in my life. I really enjoyed it."

"Mmmm," Laura hummed, kissing her in the dark. "There's lots more where that came from."


"Really. Now get some sleep, darling. We still have to get up and work tomorrow."

"If you sleep in this bed, we might . . . get tempted again."

"Do you want me to go back to my room?"

"Oh no. Please. No. Stay here."

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