Laura - Chapter 217


While grocery shopping, as usual, Laura ran into Tiffany. This time she was working behind the counter in the bakery, though she was so small and short that she could barely see over the high glass counter, filled with fresh pies and cookies. Nevertheless, she flirted shamelessly with Laura, since no other customers were near at the moment.

"You pretty, you got a boyfriend?" she smirked at Laura. "Or do you like girls?"

"I like one," Laura said, darkly.

Tiffany’s dark eyes sparkled with mischief. "Do I know her?"

Laura nodded. "World champion booty," she whispered, leaning closer.

"Ooohh, I do know her," she beamed. "Come around here, I got to talk to you."

She beckoned Laura over to a corner where the glass case ended, then bent forward conspiratorially. Laura was thrilled, trying to control her sexual excitement. Tiffany had reverted to her original hair style, the bowl-cut with the longer strands around her ears, and she looked ravishing. No wonder I wanted her, Laura thought. Her eyes lingered on Tiffany’s smooth, black neck, which she had kissed so lecherously last time.

"You know how I told you I was going to think it over?" Tiffany sparkled. "Remember?"

Laura tried to think back. Since last being with Tiffany, she had slept with Brenda, Mavis, Randi, Tamara, Trina, Deshona, and twice with the divine Charise. She loved them all but sometimes had a little trouble recalling what she had talked about while with each one. Tiffany could see the fog in Laura’s eyes.

"You know. About my boyfriend and me. You know. The three of us." Tiffany looked around quickly to make sure no one was listening, or close enough to hear.

Suddenly for Laura the light bulb switched on. "Oh yes." She paused. "You asked him?"

Tiffany let go with a secretive smirk. "Sure did. He said, ‘When’s the party?’."

Laura felt an excited fluttering deep inside her pussy at these words. But she pressed forward. "Are you sure you thought it over?" she asked calmly. "I mean, remember what I said . . . about watching me and him?"

Tiffany shrugged. "I think I could handle it. After all, it won’t be just him. It’ll be me too."

This made the flutter grow into a hot, throbbing pulse. Laura swallowed. "That’s true," she croaked softly. "I guess . . . I’m willing if you two are."

"Your place? Friday night?"

Laura nodded slowly, still getting used to the idea. Heaven! Fucking Tiffany along with her boyfriend. And being fucked in return by them both. Heaven. I don’t know if I can wait until Friday night. Although she hadn’t met the boyfriend, she was very fond of Tiffany and couldn’t believe he would be a creep.

"Your neighbors go out on Friday night? I mean, we wouldn’t want to give them a show," Tiffany winked.

"We’ll just have to turn the music up loud," Laura smiled, trying to think of something else in order to stem the flow of warm vaginal juices that were threatening to wet her panties.

Tiffany beamed and gave Laura an alluring glance, laced with hot, erotic promise. "Shall we say seven?"

"Seven it is. See you then. You better tell that boyfriend . . . what’s his name—?"


"You better tell Damon to rest up. He probably never dealt with two little firecrackers like us at the same time."

Tiffany laughed. "I won’t let him touch me, how’s that. Until Friday. But don’t worry." She lowered her voice, again looking from side to side for eavesdroppers. "Once he bopped me six times in one night. He got a lot of wood in that long stick."

Laura was half in a daze as she carried her groceries to her car. She could still hardly believe the conversation. And she thought of almost nothing else between then and Friday, which was still two days off.

Fortunately, Yvette had managed to get free for a couple of hours on Thursday evening. She and Laura had tried to burn up the bed. Yvette was still close to Laura’s heart, and her long, svelte, black, naked body was still a miracle in Laura’s arms, an inspiration to sexual feats that left them both gasping and slack with exhaustion.

I needed that, Laura thought in the morning, just to get through this day until tonight.

Seven o’clock finally did arrive, however. Laura actually had butterflies. She had picked up a plate of hors d’oeuvres at the same Safeway where Tiffany worked, though Tiffany was not there. Probably home perfuming her pretty little black, juicy quim for a night of unbelievable joy, Laura thought, relishing the prospect herself.

When they arrived, Laura was pleasantly surprised to see that Damon was a personable, well-mannered, clean-cut, and very handsome young man. He was about twenty-two or twenty-three, she guessed, and not small like Tiffany but athletically built with broad, strong shoulders, a narrow waist, and well-muscled arms. In fact, there was no way to deny that he was a gorgeous hunk of young man. His eyes were intelligent and his glance sharp and curious.

"Pleased to meet you . . . Laura," he smiled, shaking her hand, appraising her rather boldly, as if there were no point in being excessively coy since they were all going to be naked together in a few minutes. "I guess you and Tiffany been . . . having a little fun together, eh? She told me a little about it."

Laura was amused. "What did she tell you?" she asked, giving him an alluring stare. He really was quite a good-looking guy, and she was warming to the occasion.

"One thing I told him," Tiffany interjected quickly, "was that you could teach him a thing or two about eating pussy."

All three laughed, Laura and Damon with embarrassment, Tiffany with sassy delight. Laura realized that all three of them were nervous. She had been in this situation before, and there never seemed to be an easy way to get the ball rolling. It was always a little awkward.

"Shall we have a drink, or start the lesson right away?" she asked playfully.

"A drink would be okay," Damon smiled. Again Laura saw him looking at her body, and she realized that he was growing happier by the second.

"Can you make me a strawberry daquiri, Laura?" Tiffany asked innocently.

"You’re only going to vomit it up, Tiffany," Damon smiled at her.

She made a face. Tiffany, having brought the three of them together, thought she was the center of attention and was enjoying it immensely. She was the center, of course, but Laura knew that Damon was also looking forward to this new woman, this stunning white lesbian his girl had been fooling around with, whose apartment they were in.

"I only have wine and vodka tonic," Laura said.

"Is that vodka thing what you made me when I was here before?" Tiffany asked.

Laura nodded.

"Okay, I’ll have one of those." She flirted ostentatiously with Laura. "Make it strong. It’ll get my courage up."

Laura smiled at Damon. "How about your ‘courage’?"

He grinned at her cockily. "It’s already up." He paused to let it sink in. "But I’ll have one too."

Laura made them each a drink. Damon and Tiffany admired the view from her windows. Laura looked at them, trying to imagine them fucking, when they were alone, without a spectator like her. They were a fresh, young, beautiful couple. Tiffany was tiny, of course, the smallest girl Laura had ever slept with, but perfectly proportioned. Damon was an inch or so taller than Laura, and buffed.

"Do you work out?" Laura asked him, making polite conversation.

"A little. Actually, I play soccer."

"Almost all the time," Tiffany drawled in exasperation, rolling her eyes upward.

Gosh, how are we going to begin this? Laura wondered. They made more small talk. After a few minutes, the vodka began to work its magic. Everybody grew warmer, looser. Tiffany squirmed in the easy chair where she sat, looking from Damon to Laura, back to Damon. Then Laura again.

"Let’s go in your bedroom, Laura," she finally said bluntly. "I’m too nervous just sitting here."

Laura smiled calmly. She nodded sideways at Damon. "Should we bring him along?"

Tiffany squinted devilishly. "He got something we might be able to find a use for."

Laura smiled very seductively at Damon. Wouldn’t you like to fuck me? her eyes said. Wouldn’t you like to fuck us both?

"Would you like to join us?" she asked softly.

Damon put down his drink on the coffee table and stood up. She and Tiffany could both see the hard hump of gristle in his crotch. Clearly, he was ready.

"I think I’d love that," he grinned.

They all went to Laura’s bedroom. There was clearly a strong sexual magnetism between Laura and Damon, but Laura, sensing that Tiffany would feel bad if she were not the focus, turned to her and took her in her arms. She felt, as always, a strong physical desire for Tiffany too, and kissed her with thorough, heated passion, a long open-mouthed kiss that had them both panting softly when it finished.

Laura almost forgot Damon was there, in fact. She loved Tiffany’s sensual mouth, and her smooth black skin, and she let her mouth slide down to the girl’s wonderful smooth neck, kissing it and unbuttoning Tiffany’s shirt at the same time. We’ll just give him a little performance, she thought, and show him how hot we can be together. God, I love your beautiful neck! It’s making me wet just kissing it.

Panting, Tiffany got her hands under Laura’s sweater, pushing it up, raising her fingers up to Laura’s bra clasp. "Maybe we should just get on the bed and get naked and let him watch," she whispered.

"Good idea," Laura smiled, reaching the last button, opening Tiffany’s shirt.

She and Tiffany, still half-clothed, lay down face to face on the bed. Laura peeled Tiffany’s shirt completely off, marveling again at the stark contrast between her bright white bra straps and cups with her deep black skin. Tiffany’s breasts, still inside her bra, were small, perfect balls, and Laura dropped her lips between them, kissing her cleavage.

"I love your body," she murmured.

"Mmmm, you gon’ get to have all of it," Tiffany purred, pulling Laura’s sweater up over her head.

Damon stood beside the bed, watching them. Two beautiful young women, one black, one white, getting naked and caressing one another in front of him had a predictable effect. When Tiffany and Laura got each other’s bra off and began squeezing and sucking each other’s breasts, he couldn’t contain himself any longer.

"Maybe all three of us could get into this?" he asked tentatively.

Laura and Tiffany slowly turned their heads to look up at him, smiling. Damon looked tense, ready to spring. Laura felt a rush of hot blood through her body as she realized the three of them were going to have a pretty good time immediately.

"What do you think?" she asked Tiffany, teasing him.

Tiffany grinned a very coquettish sexual come-on to her boyfriend. "Nobody stopping you," she said, eyes wide. "Why don’t you show us what you got?"

Damon was clearly not ashamed of his attributes. He grinned back at her and began to unzip his fly.

Laura’s encounters with black males in the past had been either terrific (Kendra’s friend Marshall) or traumatic (Yvette’s husband, Rina’s boyfriend and his buddies). She had been raped by some, fucked to ninth heaven by Marshall. She did not know quite what to expect from Damon, though from her relationship with Tiffany she presumed he would be fairly civilized.

He was well-equipped, too, she couldn’t help but notice as he peeled off his clothes. He stripped down his jockey shorts, and his large, rising cock fell out, a long, dark-chocolate pole, not thick like Marshall’s or Rob’s or Eric’s but just as long as theirs. She and Tiffany watched it rise, slowly twitching, pulsing, jumping until it was standing tall in front of his hard stomach. He grinned as she saw them looking at it.

"Probably the missing ingredient here, eh?" he smiled, quickly stripping off the rest of his clothes.

He had a hard, athletic, muscular body with strong arms, narrow hips, powerful legs. All that soccer, Laura thought. His skin was not as dark as Tiffany’s but not light either, glossy and smooth. Laura realized that if she liked men as well as these delicious girls, she would be going for his type more often than not. This is going to be great, she realized, feeling a hot tingle deep inside her pussy as she looked at his throbbing dark rod. She could almost feel it piercing her wet, tingling pussy already.

Laura slipped off her jeans and her panties, then helped Tiffany shed the rest of her clothes, unable to resist a few kisses and caresses of the girl’s spectacular round bottom. Tiffany sighed and shivered as Damon, now naked too, joined them on the bed. It was only fitting, since Tiffany had arranged this, that she be fucked by Laura and Damon first, and they all knew it, especially her.

"Laura and I had a couple of booty contests," she told her boyfriend. "Guess who won," she smirked playfully at Laura.

Damon reached out one hand and stroked Laura’s naked ass admiringly, cupping one pale moon in his hand and giving it a gentle but serious squeeze, which excited Laura very much. "She got a pretty nice one too, Tiffany," he said.

"But nothing like this one," Laura purred, worshipping Tiffany’s peerless ass, stroking and kissing it, gently prying open the firm, high, black moons.

I bet you’d like to drive that long hard rod up between these hard little buns, wouldn’t you, she thought, looking at his bobbing, pulsing cock, feeling the hot wet itch again deep in her pussy. I wouldn’t mind you pushing it into me either. Who goes first?

But she knew who went first. Tiffany stretched out between them, and Laura and Damon began to knead and kiss and suck her beautiful, tiny body everywhere. Quickly, they rolled her onto her back, taking turns kissing her, caressing her breasts, then dropping their mouths to them. This was, Laura realized, probably the first time Tiffany had felt both of her breasts being sucked at the same time, a thrilling sensation that Laura had experienced.

"Ohhhnnnn!" Tiffany sighed, squirming excitedly.

She had small but perfectly shaped breasts, and her shiny black nipples were the kind Laura adored, puffy and swollen. She sucked one hungrily, drawing most of Tiffany’s small breast into her mouth with it, pinching the thick, pulpy nipple against the roof of her mouth with her tongue, bringing tight little choked squeals of excitement from Tiffany’s constricted throat.

Damon, just flicking Tiffany’s other nipple with his tongue as he watched Laura nearly swallow hers, got the idea and followed Laura’s example. With both of her nipples being mouth-mauled at the same time, Tiffany began to whimper and writhe uncontrollably.

"Oh god, you guys, that feels so good . . . yes! Oh! Unhhhh! Oh yes oh yes! Do it like that! Ungghhh! Oh . . . you’re doing it so hard!"

"Does it hurt?" Laura asked, releasing Tiffany’s wet nipple and pinching it, twirling it in her fingers, looking into the girl’s glazed eyes.

"No . . . do it some more."

This Damon took for a clear signal to nearly swallow the poor, aroused girl’s breast, which was nearly all inside his mouth already. Laura had to pause to watch the way he hungrily devoured Tiffany’s precious little perfect ball of flesh, sucking the whole thing into his mouth, making her yelp anew with mixed pain and wild sexual excitement.

"Oh! Ayyiieee! Oh shit!"

"Sorry, baby," Damon gasped, releasing her wet, shiny breast, kissing her erect, pointing nipple almost apologetically.

Tiffany, her eyes streaked by red hot fuck-need, looked at both of them, imploring them to fuck her in the most total way. She had invited this, and now she wanted it to be complete, no half-measures, the whole thing. Laura, kissing her way down the girl’s delicious, undulating naked body, knew how she felt, and she was determined to deliver.

"I’m going to make her come," she panted to Damon, watching his big black cock throbbing and jumping in the air as he moved upward. "Let her suck you while I make her come."

Both Damon and Tiffany, through the hot, swirling fog of her fuck-need, looked at Laura a little oddly at this, and she suddenly remembered how Tiffany had said something to the effect that she ‘would never take that big old thing’ in her mouth. For some reason, this briefly exasperated Laura, who could see how gorgeous, full of wild strength and fuck-power this beautiful cock of Damon’s was, and as if to show Tiffany what she was missing, she slid up to it herself, guiding Damon’s cock between her lips, both of them poised just above Tiffany’s body.

"Oh god . . . you better not be doing that," Damon croaked, his coiled, muscular body tense and wound tight.

His big, gristly black pole was alive, jumping, hard as a pipe, not thick but long and rippling with engorged veins. Laura, propping herself up on one arm, held the fierce hard shaft of his twitching prick in the fingers of her free hand and sucked the shiny, bulging head sharply a few times. Damon’s body shook so hard that it rammed the bed against the wall.

"Auungghhh!" he groaned. "Oh shit!"

And thick, warm gobbets of creamy jism rocketed out of his prick, spewing into Laura’s mouth. In surprise at how quickly he came, she let it go, and his still-spurting cock slipped out of her mouth, shooting jets of cum in every direction, splattering Laura’s cheek and streaking Tiffany’s naked breasts.

"Unh! Unh!" he kept grunting softly, grabbing his shooting cock and squeezing the shaft as dollops of jism kept coming out.

Tiffany seemed as shocked as Laura and watched the rivers of cum splatter her naked skin until finally Damon’s heroic cock finished. He looked, half-proud, half-sheepish, at them both. Laura’s mouth was still open, dripping cum, and cum was smeared across her left cheek. Tiffany was drenched, her tiny, perfect breasts streaked with pearly wet rivulets in every direction. She also had a big gob of it on her chin, and one under her eye.

Laura had seen both Eric and Danny squirt prodigious gobs of cum in the past, but she knew neither of them had ever topped this guy. Right now, she had to quickly decide whether to swallow the small pool of it he had left in her mouth or insult him by spitting it out. With a devil-may-care grin at Tiffany, as if to encourage her to take some chances, she gulped it down.

A goofy grin spread over Damon’s handsome face. Tiffany frowned theatrically.

"Shit," she said in disgust. "Would you get this shit offa me?" She looked down at the rivers of shiny white jism on her breasts.

"Towels over there," Laura pointed, and Damon grabbed one.

He carefully wiped his cum from Tiffany’s face and breasts. "Baby, you could be swallowing that too, like she did," he gestured to Laura with his head. "Good for you, ain’t it, Laura. Makes you sexier than ever. Look at how sexy Laura is."

He looked at Laura with a hot, smoldering lust, even though his big, sperm-spouting fuck-engine was now limp and unthreatening. Tiffany glowered at him. Laura finished wiping the cum off her chin too with another towel.

"Maybe you better wait till you can do something about it," she sniffed at him. "Me and Laura gonna fuck our way to heaven now, and you can watch, chump. Come on, Laura . . . I believe you was interrupted."

She writhed her body seductively, watching Laura’s eyes on it. Damon’s too. It was a delectable body, small but perfectly proportioned. Damon had spurted his lust all over them both, but Laura’s was still at peak level, simmering, filling her with craving for this delicious girl’s body.

"Mmmm, I want your pussy," she purred to Tiffany, slipping down again between the girl’s silky, black, naked thighs, looking at the red, glimmering slit, wet as ever, succulent and ripe.

Tiffany held it open for her with the fingers of both hands, biting her lower lip as Laura began to tease the wet, shiny black lips with the tip of her tongue. "Pay attention," she gasped, glancing briefly up at Damon, who was taking in every detail.

"Mmmm, what a beautiful little pussy," Laura murmured, now slithering her tongue directly into the fiery center, all buttery with warm fuck juices. "I love your pussy. I love to lick your hot little pussy."

"Unh! Oh!" Tiffany gasped, twisting, trying to hold her hips steady.

In only seconds she had forgotten completely about Damon. Laura knew how to raise the temperature, slowly or fast. This time she struck a happy medium, making Tiffany want to come desperately but not letting her come, teasing her swollen clit now and then just to advance her to the next stage, then pulling her tongue back. She slid both hands under the girl’s marvelous hard little buns, squeezing them rhythmically as she began to suck the wet, glistening folds of her sweet young cunt even more passionately.

"Oh god yes now Laura . . . now!" Tiffany said under her breath.

"You ready?" Laura panted, her lips coated with warm, tangy pussy juice, her hunger for Tiffany’s body greater than ever. "I can make you come now? Are you ready?"

"Oh god yes! Yes!"

Her body was undulating instinctively, her hips gyrating, her whole pelvis quivering helplessly in the grip of frantic urges. Her face was torn by sharp need, her eyes bloodshot, imploring Laura, begging her. Oh god, honey, show him how hard you can come, okay? Laura thought, finally sliding two fingers up into Tiffany’s copiously flowing pussy, giving her the penetration she craved at the same time that she bent her tongue seriously to the girl’s purplish, distended clit.

Here we go . . . here we go. Give him a show now. Now!

"Unh! Unh! Oh . . . Jesus!" Tiffany cried out. "Auunngghhhhiiee!"

Her small body lifted itself into the air, shuddering and quaking, and she came in great wrenching shocks, churning and howling as the successive spasms gripped her. Laura forgot all about the neighbors, and even about Damon. Tiffany had never come so hard, at least not in Laura’s bed, and even holding onto the girl’s beautiful, tossing body was difficult.

"Anngghh! Oh . . . oh . . . unngghhiiee!" Tiffany wailed, coming a second time as Laura waggled the flat of her tongue rapidly against the girl’s clit, a technique taught her by Mavis, which always made Laura herself gag on a fierce jolt of coming.

Tiffany nearly did too, gasping and writhing as another fierce climax shook her. It took a while to dissipate. Finally, bleary-eyed, slack-mouthed, still stunned by the impact of these two really hard orgasms, she smiled dreamily at Laura, then looked up in vague alarm just as Laura felt the long, stiff rod of Damon’s cock sliding into her own pussy from behind.

"Unhhh!" she grunted softly, looking over her shoulder and feeling Damon’s hands on her hips as he planted his rock-hard tool deep in her body. "Ungghh! Ownnchh!"

Watching Laura bring Tiffany to two quick, shattering orgasms had certainly been enough to stiffen his cock again, and he wasted no time, beginning to fuck Laura hard while Tiffany recovered. Laura was shocked and overwhelmed by his onslaught.

First of all, she had not been fucked by a man for months. The last was Kendra’s friend Marshall, the guy with the biggest cock Laura—and apparently Kendra, a great connoisseur of cocks, too—had ever seen. Let alone felt ramming up into her pussy. But Marshall had been very experienced, and skilled, and while he had a gigantic tree trunk of a prick, he knew how to use it beautifully, fucking both Kendra and Laura into thrilling firestorms of coming without ever really hurting either one.

Damon, whose cock was big but not nearly in the Marshall class, fucked more like Danny and Eric in a hot, violent frenzy, plunging the long, rigid hard pipe of his cock deep into Laura’s pussy, piercing her with each thrust, drawing yelps of shock and pain from deep in her chest.

"Ungh! Aiyeee! Ouch! Unghh! Oh shit . . . ahngiiee! You’re hurting me!" she cried.

"You love it, Laura," Damon panted, jabbing his cock deep into her again, again.

"Ungh! Owwncchh! Shit! Unghh!"

Even though she was being pummeled and violently fucked, pushed down on her stomach on the mattress, her face still between Tiffany’s spread thighs, speared deeply by each thrust of his sharp, long prick, she could still half-think. And in the back of her mind, this partly reminded her of being raped by Gerald and Arthur, both of whom had hated her for sleeping with their women.

There was also, she knew, a terrible competitive spite felt by some men against a lesbian who might be able to give their girlfriends, they feared, more sexual pleasure than they could give her themselves. He had just watched Laura make Tiffany come harder than he had ever been able to do. In fact, Tiffany had come harder than even Laura had made her come in the past, a violent, wrenching, shattering climax. It couldn’t have made him happy.

Now he was punishing Laura for it, and Laura, who had come to a deep knowledge with Karen of the sexual excitement a little pain could bring, was enjoying it as much as she was suffering from it. Damon had already come once, splattering his copious jets of semen all over Laura’s face and Tiffany’s body, and so he now had stamina. He fucked her hard and showed no evidence of tiring or being close to another orgasm.

He speared her pussy relentlessly, jabbing his long cock deep into her body and making Laura whimper and shudder as hot arrows of pain shot through her flesh. But she was very aroused and had not come yet. Licking Tiffany’s pussy had aroused her wildly, and Tiffany’s orgasm had got her even hotter. She was on the verge of coming herself, writhing and whimpering under his pounding, ripping thrusts, gasping for breath, keening deep in her chest.

Damon knew she was going to come and flung his hard, driving body down on top of her back, ramming his piercing, long cock into her again, again.

"Ungh! Ohnngg! Please . . . ungghh!" Laura grunted softly, feeling an orgasm begin to swell up inside her throbbing body.

She felt his hot breath in her ear, and felt him slipping his hands under her body to clutch her naked breasts. He was kissing her neck and squeezing her breasts savagely, grunting and spearing her repeatedly. Through the hot fog that clouded her vision, Laura could see Tiffany watching them with a rapt, fascinated look, as if she could hardly believe this fairly athletic rape was happening right before her eyes.

But Damon’s fierce prick slamming into her filled her eyes with a shower of stars. His sharp, plunging cock soon obliterated everything but the experience of being violently, maniacally fucked, and Laura felt herself beginning to come in a huge burst of hot explosions.

"Ohhnnggghhiieee!" she cried out, feeling his cock stab her pussy to the very bottom. "Oh! Aunngghiiieee! Oh shit! Oh Jesus . . . please! Yes! Ungghhhh!"

She came in hot furies, writhing and twisting under him, feeling his cock grow even harder as he jammed it deep into her and began to come himself.

"Arrnngghh!" she heard him growl after a particularly vicious thrust.

And then she could feel the hot ribbons of cum squirting from his cock into the depths of her clasping, still-spasming pussy. Oh Jesus, I can’t remember when I was last fucked like this! she thought, even as she felt the acute spasms of her own climax beginning to wane. She could also feel the last, dying twitches of Damon’s cock inside her pussy as it spewed the final gobs of his second load into her.

All this, she realized as she finally lifted her dazed head from the sheets and squinted at Tiffany, had taken only about five minutes since Tiffany’s own orgasm. Tiffany smiled at her sheepishly.

"He really fuck hard sometimes, don’t he," she said softly.

Damon, still panting, slowly pulled his now-wilting prick out of Laura’s pussy. "She dug it, didn’t you, Laura?" he asked.

Laura looked back over her shoulder at him. What could she say? I always love being raped in my own bed by an angry lover?

"You were a little rough," she whispered, looking at the long, wet, ropey tube of his black cock, which had just ploughed her cunt so viciously.

"Right, Damon," Tiffany piped up. "No need to do her so hard like that. You never do me like that."

Laura realized that Tiffany sounded almost envious.

"Did once," he smiled at her. "You told me you’d leave if I ever did it again."

Tiffany gave them both a little-girl grin. "I remember that. Hurt, too. You gotta long dick. He gotta long one, don’t he, Laura."

Laura nodded. "Long."

The both admired Damon’s long penis. It was limp and lifeless now, but still very long. Laura felt like she could still feel the perforations it had made in the bottom of her pussy channel. On the other hand, she had come terrifically.

"He a dead duck now, though," Tiffany giggled softly. "Guess you and me will have to occupy ourselves for a while. Okay?"


They embraced and kissed sensually, stroking one another. Tiffany began to kiss and fondle Laura’s breasts, then sucked her nipples slowly, lingering over each one, coaxing it erect with her full, sensual lips.

"Did you like Damon fucking you?" she asked while she sucked Laura’s nipples. "Want both of us to fuck you? I mean, as soon as he gets it up again?"

"I thought we were both going to fuck you," Laura said. "I mean, Damon and me."

Tiffany looked up, coy and flirtatious. "Really? Sounds like fun."

We already would have done it, Laura thought, if he hadn’t busted his nut with just two sucks.

"Why don’t we help him get it up again?" Laura smiled.

Tiffany shook her head. "Told you I ain’t putting that thing in my mouth."

"Come on, what’ll it hurt? He already came twice. He isn’t going to pop in your mouth this time."

Tiffany recoiled, very reluctant.

"She don’t give head," Damon said, familiar with his girlfriend’s preferences.

"Come here and watch me," Laura coaxed her. "You won’t have to touch it. Just watch."

Still reluctant, looking coerced, Tiffany slid over to where Laura cradled Damon’s long, limp snake in both hands, looking down at it admiringly. It was indeed a beautiful prick, and she didn’t at all mind giving Tiffany this demonstration. It was, for one thing, very long, and she began by kissing it all along its length, from the shiny, bulbous head all the way down to the crotch hairs, peppering his limp tube with hot tiny kisses that made it begin to swell and grow almost immediately.

When it was half-erect, she began to swirl her tongue around the head of it, coating it with warm spittle and licking it in the most sensual way possible. Damon began to breathe harder. Unwilling to be left out, Tiffany extended one long, shapely black finger and ran it worshipfully up and down his long, swelling cock as it came back to life.

"Never really looked at it very close," she confessed softly. "Mostly just like to feel it pumping me."

"Gonna be pumping you again in a minute, baby," Damon grinned, panting even harder. "You ain’t had your turn yet."

Tiffany’s eyes twinkled happily. "You ain’t gon’ fuck me that hard, though, or I’m leaving," she said sassily. "Not as hard as you fucked poor Laura. I thought she was going to call the Fire Department just to rescue her."

"I didn’t give her the chance," Damon grinned. "Ain’t gon’ give you the chance either."

"I can see that," Tiffany said, her eyes growing wide as the monster began to rear and throb and jump out of Laura’s cradling palm as she licked and began to suck it.

Now it was nearly stiff, and Laura sucked and swirled her tongue around the ballooning black head of Damon’s cock more and more aggressively, making him gasp now and then from the acute sensations. She held the stiff shaft in both hands, and drooled warm spit on his cock, then dove on it eagerly, sucking him deep into her mouth, feeling his body tense and clench from the excitement.

His throbbing cock was all wet and black and shiny, jumping and twitching as she released it from her mouth, guiding it toward Tiffany. "Now you try it," she coaxed. "Just for a second. Just to feel what it’s like. You’ll probably like it."

Tiffany looked unsure. "Maybe I will."

"Come on, baby," Damon panted. "Just once. Like Laura did."

Laura could see how excited he was by the prospect. She wondered how many times he had tried to talk Tiffany into this. She had a divinely sensual mouth, beautifully full and curved lips, even teeth, a long pink tongue. Shoot, if I had a dick, the first thing I’d want to do is stick it in this lovely girl’s lovely mouth, Laura thought.

Tiffany took the hard glossy shaft gingerly between her thumb and forefinger and held it steady while she ran her long pink tongue all over the swollen head. Laura had assured her that he wouldn’t come in her mouth, but now she wondered if she were right as Damon gasped and almost shuddered, watching and feeling his girlfriend touch his erect cock with her mouth for the first time. But his excitement didn’t seem to put her off. After running her tongue all over the head of his cock, she opened her sensual lips and took it inside her mouth without hesitation.

"Unhhh!" he half-whimpered in shock and pleasure.

Her mouth stuffed with his hot, gristly meat, she smiled up at him. She released it long enough to speak. "You best not be dumping that load in this mouth, motherfucker," she said softly.

"Oh . . . baby!" he gasped. "Yeah . . . just like that."

Laura smiled as she watched Tiffany get more enthusiastic. Now she held his rigid cock in both hands, sucking him in a swirling, hungry motion, then running the fingers of one hand down the stiff shaft to his balls, which she caressed tenderly while she sucked him. Finally, teasing the swollen head of his cock with her sensual tongue, she smiled seductively up at him.

"Don’t you think you better stick this thing in me now and quit stalling? I think I’m ready to feel it somewhere else."

Damon smiled. "I will be happy to oblige," he drawled.

The next few minutes were both beautiful and powerfully erotic for Laura. She watched the two young lovers fucking romantically, slowly, tenderly, with deep affection. They fucked in the missionary position, with Tiffany on her back, her legs pulled way up so that her knees nearly pressed against her shoulders, exposing the glimmering wet seam of her festering pussy to Damon’s long, black piston, which he slid in and out of her with slow, patient skill.

Throughout it all they kissed slowly, passionately. It was so different from the way Damon had fucked her, Laura, earlier that she was almost envious. The affection between them was very visible, and for Laura at least, who loved Tiffany’s tiny, beautiful body, it was thrilling to see Damon caress and fuck her with such love and undisguised hunger. They seemed in no hurry to bring it to a finish, fucking slowly, rhythmically, whispering to each other, panting, kissing playfully.

After a while they seemed to remember that Laura was stretched out next to them on the bed, watching.

"Hey, Laura," Tiffany said, smiling half-mischievously. "I thought the whole point of this was for you guys to do me together. I’m getting tired of waiting."

"Want to join in, Laura?" Damon asked, smiling too.

"I hate to interrupt something so beautiful," Laura said, honestly. "You two are beautiful together."

"We gon’ be even more beautiful with you here," Tiffany said. "I want you and Damon to squeeze me between you and fuck me to pieces, okay?"

"Gosh, how can I refuse?"

In fact, Tiffany’s way of putting it sent Laura’s blood leaping through her body excitedly. She wanted nothing more than that. Damon pulled his wet, bobbing, very long cock out of Tiffany’s pussy, and she rolled onto her side, facing Laura, who immediately kissed her and began to fondle and stroke her small, perfect breasts.

Damon got behind her and slid his cock into her pussy from the rear, lifting her thigh with one hand to ease the entry. Still, Laura realized that he never pushed his long rod into her as far as he had pushed it into Laura earlier, when he had jabbed the hard spike as far as it would go into her poor, plundered pussy repeatedly. But Tiffany’s eyes rolled up nevertheless as the long, rigid penis slid up into her body.

"Unh!" she gasped, her face showing her deep pleasure. Her eyes blurred as she looked into Laura’s. "Suck my titties, Laura," she panted. "Suck ‘em hard. Oh god! Oh shit, it feels so good . . . do it now!"

Laura had no trouble filling the request. She loved these two exquisite little hard balls of flesh, and she sucked Tiffany’s shiny black nipples hungrily. Damon began fucking her again too, and Tiffany responded so rapidly that Laura knew this was not going to last much longer. Tiffany wasn’t one of those girls who took a long time to come. When she was excited, she went off quickly, like a firecracker, and with Laura devouring her breasts and Damon stabbing his long prick up into her pussy from behind, she went delirious with sexual need, writhing between them, moaning, whimpering, grinding her pelvis down on each upthrust of Damon’s cock.

"Unh! Yes! Unh! Oh . . . yes yes! Ungghhh! Oh . . . god, not so deep! Auungghh!"

"Sorry, baby," Damon panted over her shoulder.

But Laura, having experienced a fierce, jabbing fuck from him earlier, wondered if he were really sorry. His cock was long, and he wanted to bury it in this small girl’s delicious body. Laura wanted to see it going in and out of Tiffany’s pussy, and she slid down Tiffany’s body, kissing her smooth stomach, her palpitating belly. When she got to Tiffany’s pussy, it was splayed and crammed with the hard, gristly, black, wet meat of Damon’s plunging cock.

He jabbed it up into her, each thrust harder and deeper now, and Tiffany began whimpering from a mixture of pleasure and pain that Laura recognized, having been there herself only a few minutes earlier.

"Unggh! Owwnhhiee! Oh! Oh shit . . . not so deep! Ungghh!" she gasped.

Laura by sliding down Tiffany’s body had abandoned the girl’s jiggling breasts, which Damon now clutched in both hands, squeezing them sharply and pinching her nipples as he rammed his cock up into her more roughly. I wish he would put it in her ass, Laura thought as she stared at the fierce black piston spearing up into Tiffany’s pussy.

Laura had done that with others—Camille and Rob especially, Sholandra and Eric too—sucking the girl’s swollen, puckering, gaping red pussy while the man impaled the wildly aroused girl’s ass with his upthrusting cock. It always ended in a nuclear explosion of coming, and an especially shattering climax for the girl being fucked.

But she knew it was out of the question for Tiffany, at least this time. They had already made great strides in getting her to take Damon’s cock briefly into her mouth. Laura knew she couldn’t interrupt this moment with such a suggestion.

There didn’t seem to be any time left anyway. Tiffany was whooping and moaning and writhing, getting ready to blow. Damon too was groaning and grunting, fucking the poor girl more brutally by the second, probably because he had already come twice and was driving hard to deliver his third load of the evening. Right above the plunging shaft of his cock the swollen, purplish ball-bearing of Tiffany’s erect clit stood up like a little helmeted soldier, and Laura immediately attacked it with her tongue.

She used the fingers of both hands to spread the little sheltering hood away and pressed the flat of her tongue against Tiffany’s super-sensitive clit, licking it vigorously. This alone, coupled with the pounding she was already taking from her boyfriend’s cock, was nearly enough to send the groaning girl over the edge.

"Oh! Oh god . . . yes! Ohhnnnn! Oh I’m gonna . . . oh now! Oh yes! Unmgghh!" she panted, increasingly hysterical as the gathering force of her orgasm relentlessly approached.

Now Laura closed her lips over the little berry, sucking and tonguing it at the same time. Damon powered a ferocious upward jab of his cock into Tiffany’s quivering body, and a split second later she simply dissolved in uncontrollable spasms as a crushing orgasm engulfed her.

And Tiffany got her wish. Laura had never made her come this hard, and she knew from Tiffany’s own confession that Damon had never made her come as hard as Laura did. She got the orgasm of her life out of it, ‘fucked to pieces,’ as she had put it, and she lay between them, shuddering and twitching and mewling uncontrollably for almost a full minute as the killing spasms ripped through her flesh.

Meanwhile, Damon kept pumping her rapidly, even more fiercely as he neared his own finish, gasping and spearing her, making Tiffany wince and yelp even in the midst of her orgasm. Laura was somehow frozen in fascination, pulling back slightly and watching the two of them as Tiffany came extravagantly and Damon’s cock finally erupted inside her tight little cunt, spewing so much cum even this third time that it leaked back outside the clinging lips of Tiffany’s pussy as he pulled it out.

"Ohhnnnnn!" Tiffany moaned, still quivering as aftershocks hit her. "Oh shit . . . I never came that hard. Never."

Damon was still moaning softly too in the aftermath of a pretty violent climax of his own. He looked down at his wet, twitching, exhausted prick as if unable to believe the intense pleasure that was still pulsing through it.

"Me either," he panted.

"Shit . . . that almost hurt, it was so good," Tiffany blinked, finally beginning to surface from the fuck-storm she had barely survived.

Smiling, Laura got towels for both of them and helped mop up. Damon was another miracle, like Eric and Danny, not only capable of many repeat performances, but also apparently a bottomless fountain of what Kendra called ‘sploogie’. This time it had leaked all over Tiffany’s thighs and the sheets below.

"We made your bed a mess, Laura," Tiffany giggled. "Damon got a hose. I forgot to warn you."

"Hosed you, didn’t it, baby?" he grinned at her.

Tiffany gave him a mock pout. "Only trouble is, now me and Laura can’t eat each other’s pussy ‘cause it’s all full of your shit."

"We could take a bath," Laura said, getting a brainstorm. "We could clean each other out, and he could watch."

Tiffany’s eyes lit up. "Sounds like fun to me. I’d like to clean you out," she said, suggestively.

They bathed together with Damon watching, caressing and cleaning each other’s pussy lovingly. All wet and tangled together, they ended up fucking in the tub, fingering each other and kissing until both were groaning in the clutch of a magnificent, throbbing shared orgasm. This spectacle aroused the indefatigable Damon again for another try, and back in Laura’s bedroom he fucked them both for a long ten minutes, only coming, finally, after both girls had again climaxed.

By this time, all three were exhausted. Drooping but physically satiated, they dressed, and Laura, who had had such a good time—in spite of the near-rape by Damon—was almost reluctant to see them go. She kissed Tiffany searchingly, and Damon too, before walking them down to their car.

Again, in the lobby, she saw Jane lurking behind the ficus plant, as she had done a few days earlier when Laura had come home with Trina. Jane’s eyes were burning with jealousy and hatred, especially of Tiffany, who, Laura was relieved to see, didn’t even notice her. Laura hurried both Tiffany and Damon out of the foyer, into the night.

"I had a wonderful time," she murmured as they got into their car.

"Not any better than I did," Tiffany grinned. "When are we gonna do this again?"

"I guess we should give The Hose some time to recover," Laura joked.

"Tell you what, I won’t let him poke me for a week. That ought to make him hard enough for another party."

Damon only grinned and chuckled as they drove off. Laura, feeling happy and sexually satisfied, turned back to her apartment building, only realizing as she started walking that an ugly scene with Jane was almost inevitable.


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