Laura - Chapter 202


The next day was a Friday, and Randi, acting as if nothing had happened, dropped by Laura’s office about 3 in the afternoon. She was bewitching as ever in her gorgeous new sexy braids, and she knew it, knew Laura well enough to gauge their effect on her.

"Plans for this weekend?" she asked, provocatively.

Actually, Laura and Deshona, after their torrid ‘lunch’ wherein they nearly ate one another alive in Laura’s apartment, had planned to spend the weekend together, probably doing a repeat performance. This was a real dilemma for Laura. She was deeply, wretchedly in love with them both. How was she going to choose?

She knew she should spend the weekend with Deshona because their feelings for each other had grown very deep, and they were also sexually insatiable together. And if Deshona ever found out that Laura was screwing around again with Randi, it would be quickly over. Also, Randi had saddled Laura with huge feelings of rejection by falling so hard for Rob, and spending so much time in his bed.

She hated her, hated them both, and hated herself for having introduced them. How could she even want to sleep with Randi again, after this? But she did. Just seeing her made Laura’s heart race. She could feel her pussy moistening when Randi smiled. I’m such a sucker for her, she thought. God, she’s so beautiful!

"I . . . don’t know," Laura mumbled, losing her nerve.

There were any number of beautiful girls and women she could get to go to bed with her on the weekend, if they could manage to get away from their husbands, boyfriends, or mothers long enough. Why did she have to want Randi over all of them? Randi’s dark brown eyes flashed sex at Laura. You want to, they said. You know you want to.

"I’m house sitting for this gazillionaire down in Los Altos. Want to visit?"

"Is he another one of your boyfriends?" Laura asked, cuttingly.

"It’s actually an old maid. My mother knows her. I have to keep her dog company." She smiled invitingly at Laura. "There’s a tennis court. And a pool. You could stay over night."

"What happened to Rob?"

"He . . . has plans." Randi looked down. She clearly didn’t want to say any more about it.

"I guess maybe I could make it," Laura said.

"Good, I’ll get you the directions."

As agreed, Laura drove down to Los Altos late Saturday morning. The worst part was having to lie to Deshona, which made her feel rotten. She claimed a sudden business trip, which Deshona would understand. But Laura cringed as she drove past Burlingame on her way to Los Altos, irrationally fearing that Deshona would be driving by and glimpse her betrayal.

Oh god, I’m so awful! Laura thought. That lovely, delicious woman loves me. If she only knew! God, I hope she never finds out. And here I make fun of Rhonda in the back of my mind for the way Stevie treated her. I’m no better.

By the time she reached the house where Randi was staying, she was in a thoroughly bad mood, dour and filled with guilt and shame. But Randi met her at the door wearing a bikini. It was red, of course, and very stylish, wispy, almost non-existent, in fact, revealing most of her spectacular body, which Laura had craved it seemed forever.

She wasn’t deep black like Charise or Cecilia but instead a rich, creamy dark brown like expensive chocolate, her skin glossy and smooth, and Laura could not take her eyes off it as Randi took her around the house. It was a large, expensively-furnished house. Laura found it hard not to look instead at Randi’s near-naked body. Her legs, beautifully shaped, went on forever, the longest legs Laura had ever seen, even longer than Yvette’s. Laura had seen them many times. But I was too busy fucking her to see them like this, she thought.

"How does an old lady live all alone in this big house?" she asked Randi.

"Oh, she’s not so old. Late fifties, maybe. Not helpless. And she has servants."

"Where are they?"

Randi turned her head and looked Laura straight in the eye, smirking salaciously. "They’re away for the weekend. There’s nobody here but us."

And the dog. Laura got to meet the dog, a disgusting yip-yip Pomeranian named Billie. Randi didn’t like it either, and they soon exiled Billie to a part of the house where she wouldn’t bother them. Laura’s eyes lingered on Randi’s body, on the round outer circles of her breasts, which were only partially covered by the bikini top.

"You like my bikini," Randi said, not a question.

"You look pretty good in it."

Randi propped both forearms on Laura’s shoulders, bringing her face very close to Laura’s, her eyes questioning. "I’m glad you like it. We haven’t seen each other much lately."

Abruptly, Laura pulled back, letting Randi’s arms drop. This made her wonderful breasts jiggle under the bikini top, and Laura nearly came unglued, watching them. Randi’s nipples had visibly stiffened, and the hard bumps showed under the thin cloth. She looked shocked.

"Where’s Rob this weekend?" Laura asked spitefully, unable to control her jealousy.

Randi looked troubled, frowning. She turned away from Laura, whose eyes immediately fell to Randi’s splendid ass, only partially concealed by the triangular bikini bottom.

"He’s still . . . fucking his ex-wife," she said, reluctantly, almost inaudibly.

"Camille!" Laura pounced on this. "I don’t blame him. She’s stunning. Have you ever seen her? She’s got these hypnotic sort of Chinesey eyes, green eyes, and very large breasts. In fact, she’s got a spectacular body. She and I and Rob used to have threesomes together, did I ever tell you about that? God, that woman loves to fuck."

Laura hated herself for being such a shit, but she couldn’t stop. Randi turned to face her again. There were actually tears in her eyes, tears both of pain and rage. This made Laura feel sad and triumphant in the same instant.

Good, I made the bitch cry!

"Why are you so mean?" Randi gasped, beginning to feel her own anger surface. "You introduced us! You were there when we all did it together! You probably wanted to watch him fuck me, you fucking little pervert!"

Now it was Laura’s turn to feel wounded. She realized that in some sick, perverted way she had wanted to watch Rob fuck Randi. She had even wanted him to fuck her in the ass, the way he had fucked Camille with Laura’s assistance. This aroused a confused welter of feelings in her, both guilt, self-hatred, and erotic excitement. Looking at Randi’s near-naked body while they argued didn’t help anything.

"You didn’t have to like it so much," she heard herself saying, pathetically. "You didn’t have to . . . run off with him . . . and change your hairstyle, and everything! You’re just a little tramp. To him you’re just another exciting little black pussy he can cram his meat into."

Randi smirked. "You sound jealous. You may be a stone cold little lesbian pervert, but the sight of that big twitching cock really gets you going, don’t it, Miz Laura?"

"You cunt," Laura said with disgust.

"You love my cunt," Randi said, sarcastically. "That’s why you’re here. What happened to that snooty Neegro in the suit you were fawning over the other day in your office? You been smelling her nasty little black snatch, haven’t you, you fucking white nigger-loving lesbian whore!"

Laura struck her before she even knew her hand was rising. She slapped Randi hard across the cheek, a sharp, stinging slap. It made a loud noise.

Randi fell back a step, shocked by the pain and surprise. Tears sprang to her eyes again, and her beautiful face was contorted in disbelief. She lunged forward at Laura without a word and slapped Laura back viciously across the side of Laura’s jaw with enough force to snap Laura’s head back. Fury rose up in Laura, a horrible feeling of insult, betrayal, rejection, guilt, and throttled desire, and she hurled herself on Randi, scarcely realizing what she was doing until they both tumbled to the floor, on the expensive carpet.

They wrestled clumsily, swearing and gasping. Instinctively, they went for each other’s hair, clawing and ripping fistfuls of it. Laura, though enraged, was shrewd enough to grab the tops of Randi’s braids, knowing that the extensions at the bottoms might unravel and come loose. She pulled the braids hard, yanking them, crying out as Randi yanked fistfuls of her, Laura’s, hair.

"Owwncchh! Shit . . . you bitch! Oouch! God damn you fucking little black slut!"

"Ungghh! Oh god! Aiieeee! Let go . . . you cunt you piece of shit let me go!"

Though they were trying seriously to hurt one another—and succeeding—both realized that there was an element of sex in this too. They had fought before, though not so violently as this time, and they had ended up fucking in a heated frenzy. Randi was half-naked, more than half-naked, and Laura couldn’t help becoming aroused as she grasped her body, and felt her skin sliding under her hands.

With a quick move, she ripped Randi’s bikini bra away completely. But Randi too had got a hand on the collar of Laura’s shirt. She tore it violently away from Laura’s body. The sharp, tearing sound made them both look down. Laura’s shirt was shredded.

Now Randi began tearing aggressively at Laura’s bra too, but it was harder to get off. She pulled it, and her fingernails scratched Laura’s shoulders. Laura raised her hand and smacked it hard into the side of Randi’s face again. The palm of her hand glanced off Randi's nose, and blood began to trickle down her upper lip.

Randi froze. She raised a hand to her lip, looking at the blood. "Oh god! You horrible fucking dyke bitch!"

She was lying twisted, half on her back, with Laura kneeling and leaning over her, but without warning she made a fist and slugged Laura in the mouth hard. The blow was so forceful that she hurt her hand in the process, but her fist cracked into Laura’s face, and Laura recoiled in pain and shock.


Her mouth was on fire. She thought her teeth must be broken. And she tasted blood. Her lip had been crushed against her teeth and began to bleed. She realized in desperation that this was no mere sex fight. She was so stunned that she could not prevent Randi from now ripping off her bra with both hands.

Randi grabbed Laura’s naked breasts roughly in both hands and dragged Laura down to the floor with her. Laura landed on her back with a loud bump. Randi still held her breasts, squeezing them fiercely, pinching and twisting Laura’s nipples until she cried out.

"Owwww! Oh god please! Ouch . . . you’re hurting me, you cunt, you fucking little cunt! Stop it!"

"I’m gon’ do more than hurt you, dyke!" Randi snarled.

Randi was straddling her waist, her face grimacing in wild anger, her hands torturing Laura’s naked breasts. But the fight had not gone out of Laura either. She was able to get her hands on Randi’s breasts too, and she dug her fingers into them, and pinched Randi’s nipples so hard that Randi shrieked and released Laura’s breasts, grabbing for Laura’s hands.

This gave Laura the leverage to push up and roll the girl off her body. Quickly, she was on top of Randi now, tearing at her bikini bottom and slapping her face with her other hand, while Randi moaned in pain and struggled to get away. Laura tore the flimsy bikini bottom off Randi, but Randi grabbed one of her breasts and lunged upward with her head, feeding Laura’s breast into her mouth and biting Laura’s nipple savagely.

"Aiiieeeeee!" Laura screamed, grabbing Randi’s head and slamming it down to the floor.

Briefly stunned, Randi released Laura’s breast from her mouth, her eyes foggy as she tried to absorb the blow. Laura, realizing now that however angry they were at each other, sex had come back into the picture, rammed her thigh into Randi’s naked crotch, assaulting Randi’s breasts again with her mouth and fingers. She could feel the warm wetness of Randi’s pussy on the skin of her thigh and knew that the girl was just as fiercely aroused as she was herself.

"You cunt! Unghh! You cunt!" she grunted, ramming Randi’s pussy with her thigh, biting Randi’s delicious, swollen black nipples, caressing more than squeezing Randi’s delectable breasts with her hands.

"Ungghh!" Randi grunted. "Unhh . . . unhhh!"

She realized, and Laura suddenly did too, that Laura was fucking her instead of beating her up. The only choice she had was to surrender her body or try to turn things around by another upward lunge at Laura. Something inside drove her to the latter, and with a heroic effort, she flung herself up into Laura, knocking her backward.

"You little shit, you gon’ get it now!" she swore, diving on Laura’s prone body, her hands ripping at Laura’s shorts, which were harder to get off since they had a zipper and buttons.

But Laura, even though she was still fighting back, had now realized that they were ultimately going to fuck, and what she wanted more than anything at this instant was to fuck with Randi in a wild, shrieking, orgiastic fury. And so she quit squirming long enough for Randi to get her short loose, then even helped the girl tear them off her, wondering if Randi, in her hot rage, even noticed.

Now they were both naked. Oh shit, Laura thought, I’ve never been so sexually excited as this, have I? They rolled around together, clawing one another, pulling one another’s hair again, jamming their thighs into each other’s crotch, groaning and quivering. Laura realized that Randi was as aroused as she was because neither one had the strength to attack any more. Each girl was trembling from an excess of wild sexual desire, and their grunts and gasps were turning into hot panting and moaning.

Without really premeditating it, Laura slid down Randi’s body and pushed three fingers up into Randi’s buttery warm pussy, suddenly realizing she could rape the girl easily, fist her, fuck her hard. She quickly formed all her fingers into a wedge and shoved her hand up into Randi without hesitation.

"Ummgghppff!" Randi grunted in surprise, tears starting to her eyes again as she realized what had happened.

She looked down to see Laura’s arm protruding from her cunt. It was an electrifying moment for both of them. For a brief second they seemed paralyzed, unable to move or scarcely even breathe, their trembling bodies linked by shared anger, passion, frenzy, lust, and the shockingly intense intimacy Laura knew to be part of fist-fucking. Randi’s eyes, streaked with residual rage, fear, wild sexual arousal, caught Laura’s.

"Oh god!" she gasped.

Laura began to fist-fuck her, and Randi fell back to the floor, almost swooning. Laura, although still full of anger, loved her too, and she bent down to embrace her, still thrusting her whole hand in and out of Randi’s pussy, fucking her faster now, feeling Randi’s body respond in spite of herself. Then, sunk temporarily in a throbbing lust fog of her own, she felt Randi’s sharp fingernails rake along her naked back, digging into the flesh, drawing blood.

"Onngghh!" she cried out, wincing in pain.

"You perverted dyke!" Randi screamed up into her face. "All you want to do is fuck me!"

Abruptly, Laura pulled back from her planned embrace, full of pain and anger and love and hot lust all swirling together in her mind and body. And she began to fist-fuck Randi now very hard, plunging her hand into the girl’s tight, clenching pussy, hearing Randi groan and whimper.

"Aoowwnngg! Ungghh! Oh shit . . . Laura, no . . . unghhh! Awwonnggg! Oh shit! Ungghhh!"

"I . . ."


". . . love . . ."


". . . you . . ."


". . . you little shit!" Laura gasped, raping her, driving her hand into Randi’s pussy, again, and again, and again.

"Oh god Laura I’m going to come!" Randi suddenly gasped, apparently more shocked by this than anything that had happened so far.

Laura surrendered completely to the love and desire she felt for the girl. Even with drying blood on her upper lip, her braids askew and frayed from Laura’s fierce pulling, and even though she had ripped her nails into Laura’s back, Laura loved her, loved fucking her, as Randi knew, and was totally immersed now in bringing on a crushing orgasm. Randi’s gorgeous naked body arched, stiffened, then shuddered visibly.

"Awwoongggg!" she groaned, beginning to come at once, her breasts shaking and her smooth, flat stomach rising and falling as the savage shocks of a killer climax began to rip through her. "Aunngghhh! Oh shit . . . oh Laura awwonngggg! Unghhh! Oh! Oh god yes! Oh god yes! Unghhh!"

She came hard, writhing and moaning on the floor as Laura continued fist-fucking her as hard as she had ever done it to anyone. Finally, Randi went limp, and they both knew it was over. She had never come harder, at least not with Laura present.

Carefully, Laura extracted her wet hand from the girl’s plundered, slippery pussy. She barely had it out before Randi was all over her, embracing her, kissing her ravenously, a scorching, devouring kiss. She forced Laura onto her back, and they squirmed heatedly together, groping and sucking and kissing again wildly. Neither had ever been so animalistic with each other, and before Laura knew what was happening, she was being raped by Randi in the same way.

Randi’s mouth was on her breasts, sucking and biting her nipples, and Randi’s fingers were pushing into her pussy, all of them, in a wedge, until she suddenly felt Randi’s hand slip completely into it.

"Unhhh!" she gasped in shock. "Oh yes! Oh honey . . . yes!"

Randi fucked her hard, harder than Laura had been fucked by anyone for a long time, except when being tied up and sweetly tortured by Karen. She swarmed over Laura, driving her fist deep into Laura’s pussy, making Laura twist and yelp in pain. It was almost like they were fighting again, except that Randi was kissing her wildly and sucking her breasts and biting her nipples passionately at the same time that she raped Laura’s poor pussy roughly, piercing it with her fist, spearing Laura so hard that her ass rose up off the floor with each thrust of Randi’s arm.

Through the delirium of her fierce sexual excitement and pain, Laura realized that Randi was much angrier than she had realized and was inflicting a murderous rape on her, thoroughly enjoying the violence as much as the sex. She snarled down at Laura, ramming her fist into her, biting Laura’s nipples hard, grunting and raping her viciously, and it didn’t take long for Laura to begin coming in violent, galvanic shocks.

"Owwnggghh! Ungghh! Owwnncchhh oh shit! Ungghh! Owwngggg!" she groaned, feeling the shocks of a wrenching orgasm hit her hard.

Convulsed in hot pain and hotter orgasmic spasms, Laura arched her back, shimmying her pelvis and thrusting her hips up into Randi’s rapist fist, coming again in the wake of her first climax. The second one ripped the breath right out of her lungs, and she nearly swooned as Randi continued to fuck her hard. But, seeing Laura grow limp and nearly unconscious, Randi eased up, and she even kissed Laura’s cheek as the final sharp convulsions of her second orgasm died away.

"Oh god . . . I’m sorry, I’m sorry!" Randi whimpered, as Laura’s eyelids fluttered open.

But, ravished though she was, Laura smiled wanly. "You fuck a girl pretty hard, when you want to," she murmured hoarsely.

She held her breath and gnawed her lip as Randi extracted her hand from Laura’s punished pussy. She held it up so they could both see how wet and shiny it was. Laura felt her breath catch as she briefly relived the ferocious fucking Randi had given her. Mavis had fisted her, but Mavis’s hand was smaller than Randi’s.

"You did it to me," Randi pouted. She touched her nose tenderly. "Gave me a bloody nose, too. You bitch. You cunt you slut you dyke."

They both giggled, half-ashamed, hearing their insults come back. Randi was sitting up, and Laura still lying on her back. She pulled Randi down next to her, and they coiled together sensually, kissing, caressing, now making love instead of rape.

"That’s the first time we ever really raped each other," Laura cooed, slipping her tongue deep into Randi’s mouth.

"Mmmm, maybe we should do it more often," Randi purred. "Except for the bloody nose and bloody lip part."

"And bloody back," Laura reminded her. "You shredded my back with your nails."

She could still feel the pain. Randi rolled Laura onto her stomach to examine the damage. She began to kiss the wounds her fingernails had left in Laura’s beautiful, creamy back.

"I’m so sorry I did this . . . but you made me so mad," she murmured, arousing Laura all over again by kissing her back, then her ass, the running her tongue up and down in the crack between Laura’s buns. "Next time you make me that mad I’m going to stick my fist in this little hole . . . here."

"Unnhhh! Oh!" Laura gasped as Randi’s tongue slipped into her asshole. "God, honey, you’re getting me hot again. I guess raping me wasn’t enough."

Randi giggled softly, rolling Laura over and embracing her, rubbing their naked breasts together, kissing Laura searchingly. "You should know it could never be the same with a man as it is with you," she said.

Laura frowned. "Maybe you forget that I saw the look on your face when he was fucking you."

Randi smirked flirtatiously. "How does it compare with the look I get when you’re fucking me?"

"I think I have to check again," Laura said, dropping her mouth to Randi’s delectable naked breasts.

"You know, there are seven bedrooms in this house. And here we are fucking on the floor. Don’t you think we should fuck in all seven before the weekend is up?"

They helped each other to their feet. "I’m going to fuck you three times in each one," Laura said, reaching for her.

"You’ll have to catch me first," Randi winked.

And it did turn out to be an absolutely insatiable weekend for them both. Laura and Randi had gone through marathons of fucking together before, but this time they broke all records. Laura wondered if their brief estrangement over Rob had caused it. They couldn’t get enough of one another and fucked themselves ragged, using every bedroom repeatedly, as well as the swimming pool, and the living room floor again.

Finally, it was Sunday evening. The weekend was coming to an end. They were cleaning up, careful not to leave any traces of their orgiastic activities.

"God, girl, my pussy is so sore," Randi confessed. "No man ever pumped me as much as you fucked me this weekend."

Laura caressed her cheek. "Are you going back to him?" she asked pointedly.

Randi looked non-committal. "I don’t know. I never had a man like him. I mean, I’ve had guys with big cocks. That isn’t it. But he’s . . . oh, I don’t know, there’s just something about him."

"His brother has a bigger cock than he does," Laura said, wondering why she said it. Was she trying to test Randi?


Randi’s eyes got wide. Oh god, it is the cock! Laura thought. She just wants a big one. She just likes to feel that huge twitching thing spurting into her.

Laura made a face. "I won’t tell Rob you got all excited when I mentioned his brother’s big dick."

Randi gave her a petulant smile. "I still get hot when you look at me with those bedroom eyes. No matter how much you fucked me this weekend."

"Feel like one more for the road?" Laura asked, knowing they were both dragging but both wild with lust for each other.

"You’re going to make me take off these clothes again, after I finally got them on?" Randi asked.

"No," Laura said, approaching her. "This time I’m going to fuck you with your clothes on."

"Oooohh," Randi smiled. "It sounds so exciting. I don’t think I’ve ever been fucked with my clothes on."

"There’s a first time for everything," Laura said, pulling her down on the very expensive sofa.

"How can we be so hot after doing it so many times?" Randi whimpered as Laura gave her a searing kiss and plunged one hand down into her shorts.

"I guess that fight really heated us up," Laura panted, surprised herself that she so desperately wanted to fuck Randi again after eating her alive for the last two days.

But the girl was bewitching to her, as always. She tore at the buttons of Randi’s shirt. She bit her neck, and sucked her gleaming black shoulder.

"Maybe I should slap you again," Randi teased. "It makes you so hot."

"Me? You just about ripped my poor pussy open. And I can’t forgive you for shredding my back."

"Oh, poor Laura. How you gon’ explain it to that snooty Neegro bitch whose smelly little black pussy you been suckin’, darlin’?"

Laura bit her neck again, and Randi yelped and giggled. "Shut up, you bitch, or I’ll smack you again myself," Laura snarled softly.

"Ooohh, you get mad when I mention her, don’t you," Randi taunted her.

Conversation, even this seductive, flirtatious kind, Laura realized, was quickly driving them toward another battle. But she wanted to fuck Randi, not fight with her this time. She got her hand into Randi’s panties and discovered oozing warm nectars between her thighs.

"You’re so wet . . . you want me bad, don’t you?" she whispered hotly into Randi’s marvelous curved brown ear.

"Oh god . . . Laura!"

Speechless with renewed sexual hunger, Laura quickly slid down Randi’s quivering body. She pulled down Randi’s panties and pressed her mouth against the wet, fiery gash of the girl’s inflamed pussy. She used her thumbs to pull it open and stabbed her tongue deeply into the succulent slit. Randi whimpered and began churning her hips rhythmically.

Oh god, I love this beautiful girl! Laura thought, feeling her blood race, her heart pound. I love her, I can’t stand the thought of anyone else having her! Anyone! Oh god, I want you, Randi!

Neither one was interested in drawing it out. They had already fucked all weekend long and were both pleasingly shocked that they could still be so fuck-hungry. And Randi was quickly driven around the bend by Laura’s eager mouth and hands. She began to moan and pump, her frenzied fingers digging in Laura’s hair.

"Ohhnnnn! Unhh! Suck me . . . Laura! Yes! Yes! Unhhh!"

They had dressed casually for the drive home, and Randi wore no bra, Laura knew. She got one hand under her blouse and filled it with a wonderful round naked breast, squeezing rhythmically while her mouth literally gobbled Randi’s exquisite, flowing pussy. Randi came in under a minute.

"Anngghhh! Oh . . . oh god yes! Oh Laur—"

Her body convulsed in sharp waves, and she wriggled so hard that the sofa they were lying on began to bump across the floor. Randi groaned and shimmied her pelvis in mid-air as Laura sucked a thrilling, clenching orgasm out of her throbbing wet slit. Then she abruptly fell back into the sofa cushions, panting and wheezing, glassy-eyed, gazing in awe at Laura.

"I could never make you come that good," she finally gasped, shaking her head.

Laura pulled up Randi’s panties, which were dangling around her ankles, and helped cover up her private treasures once again. "You already did about fifteen times, yesterday and today."

Randi shook her head. "Oh, but not that good."

"Bet you can," Laura grinned.

But Randi did not want to make love to Laura when they both were clothed, and so they again undressed and lay down on the sofa. Clearly, they had unfinished business, especially after the fight, and now they fucked slowly and completely. They had earlier hopped insatiably from room to room, fucking and eating and sleeping and teasing and flirting and fucking again. It had been fun and exhausting.

But now they were glued together in a slow, agonizingly sexy romance of patient copulation, a touching intimacy that, Laura knew, was possible with only a few. They loved, they made love, they fucked heatedly, and it was not until another two hours passed that they finally dressed again and locked up the house, driving separately home.

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