Laura - Chapter 201


Laura was in her new office with Deshona, who had come up to the city for a change to work on their project. They had half-closed the door since the sexual magnetism between them was so great that they didn’t want to be seen or heard by anyone, even though they tried not to flirt or say anything revealing. But only a half-wit would have missed the undercurrent of lust that flowed between them.

Deshona kept gazing, as if lovestruck, deep into Laura’s eyes, instead of looking at the documents they had spread out on the table next to Laura’s desk. Laura found it slightly embarrassing, and wildly pleasing at the same time, because, she guessed, of the sharp contrast between Deshona’s severe aloofness in the past and this almost adolescent devotion she now displayed. Gosh, before we slept together and sort of ‘fell in love,’ Laura thought, she would have cut me to the quick with those cold black eyes. Now, she looks like she wants me to rape her.

"Can we go somewhere for lunch?" Deshona asked softly, touching Laura’s hand.

"I know some good restaurants," Laura said, nervously.

"No, silly. Somewhere. Somewhere with a bed." She smiled demurely, ‘blushing’ herself.

Laura blushed for real, as always. "We could go to my---"

She was interrupted in mid-sentence by, of all people, April, who stuck her head in the door. April’s face was very attractive, and Laura had made her pant and given her terrific orgasms many times. The sight of her poking her head in the door was shocking and exciting, especially after what had happened between them, both good and bad.

"Laura, can I talk to you for a moment?" April asked.

Laura glanced at Deshona, who looked down. She got up from her chair. "Of course. Will you excuse me just a minute, Ms. Reed?"

Deshona nodded. Laura left the office, drawing April down the hall. April would never be thought of as gorgeous, but she was physically attractive, especially to Laura, who had tasted the huge, coal-black nipples under her sweater, and kneaded and kissed that scrumptious, swelling ass under her modest skirt. She had missed April.

"I missed you," she confessed in a whisper.

They had last spoken the night Laura had fucked April in her ass for the first time, Jane had confronted them in the foyer, and April had hopped out of Laura’s car in Oakland in a surly, jealous huff. Then, Laura had come to work to find April transferred by Rhonda. They had not spoken since.

April ignored Laura’s soft confession, as well as the plea in Laura’s eyes. I want you, Laura’s eyes said. I still want you. But April had been the one to point out—something even Laura missed—that Deshona had looked at her ‘as if she was interested,’ even before anything had developed. Now, finding the two of them head-to-head in Laura’s office, with the door half-shut, she couldn’t conceal her suspicion. Her eyes were hard, distant.

"I need you to sign this form," she said. "It’s for my transfer. You were my former supervisor, and they have to get your signature."

Laura wanted to prolong this. She didn’t hurry to sign the form. I’m such a terrible slut! she thought, knowing Rhonda, and probably April, would agree with her. I’m going to take Deshona home for lunch, and eat her for lunch too, and here I am dying to get into April’s pants again. No wonder she’s disgusted with me.

"You know, I had a dream about you, April," she said, shamelessly.

"Just can it, Laura. You didn’t have no dream."

Laura recoiled, almost physically. "I love it when you’re mad at me. You’re so . . . passionate. Maybe you’d like to . . . hit me, or scratch me, or something."

Laura’s pulse was racing. She could see from April’s eyes that April’s was too. "Sign the goddamn paper, okay?" April snapped.

Laura took it and signed it, making no attempt to disguise her disappointment. "April, I’m sorry about what happened. Nothing between us was . . . fake, though. It was real."

April smiled curtly. "It may have been real. Now it’s over."

She turned and walked away, without so much as a smile. Laura, feeling more sluttish than ever, caressed the girl’s swaying bottom lustfully with her eyes. It is a little big, she thought, recalling what Yvette and Randi and Jane had said about April’s enchanting butt. She forced herself not to recall the excitement of screwing April in her ass.

Instead, she took a deep breath and went back to her office, where Deshona was trying to appear oblivious to it all. She sat down, but the tension was palpable. Deshona had to be wondering if this was just a routine employee conversation, or if April was an ex or current lover of Laura’s. And Laura knew from experience that it was very hard to hide those signals from a shrewd, and interested, observer.

Both of them, being professionals, subordinated these feelings entirely and plunged with doubled energy into the work at hand. At noon, Laura looked up.

"Lunch," she said. "I’ll drive. I know a good place."

Deshona nodded and said nothing. She had already been as bold, Laura felt, as she intended to be when, earlier in the day, she had mentioned a place with a bed. She and Laura were leaving her office when Laura, feeling a horrible and wonderful excitement flare up in the pit of her stomach, then spread through her entire body, saw Randi smiling at her from a mutual friend’s cubicle. Oh god, she thought. Oh shit.

And Randi’s hair was again in braids, which Laura hadn’t seen her wearing for months. They were long braids, longer than her hair, hanging marvelously around her shoulders and her neck and down her back. Extensions, Laura thought, cattily. The bitch. I love her desperately.

And Randi was stunning, so stunning and glowing with vivacity and sex that Laura almost found herself fumbling for words and excuses and awkward niceties as she tried to walk an even line between her new love Deshona and her earlier, shockingly sexy one, Randi. Worse, Randi was a bold, flirtatious girl under any circumstances, and catching Laura in this uncomfortable position just brought out her talents.

"Laura . . . how good to see you!" she beamed, tossing a multitude of thin, sexy braids back over her shoulder with a coltish tilt of her head.

She grabbed Laura’s hands and looked briefly, appraisingly, at Deshona. Laura was temporarily speechless, and fighting to keep from blushing a deep purple, though pink was already showing. She realized that she was moving her mouth without anything coming out.

This helpless confusion only amused Randi, spurring her into more aggression. "Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?" she asked, with a salacious twist that she and Laura immediately grasped, and that Laura desperately hoped eluded Deshona.

Laura made her face into a grim warning. "This is Deshona Reed from Decision Analysis down in Burlingame," she said pointedly to Randi. "Deshona, Randi Foster." Then to Randi: "Deshona and I are working together on the Gorham Project."

She squinted in controlled hostility at Randi, as if to say: Back off, darling. This is all business, and you better not fuck around in it. But she could see in Randi’s eyes—God, I know her so well! she thought—that Randi knew in an instant that Laura and Deshona Reed were fucking. She knows me too, Laura thought.

They stared each other down for a moment. Then Laura, trying to change the subject, said, "I haven’t seen you in braids for a long time. They’re so beautiful on you."

"They are," Deshona agreed. "I’ve tried, but they never look like that on me. I’m too short, I guess."

Randi, of course, was tall, long-legged, and stood a full-head over the petite Deshona Reed, slightly less over Laura. She tossed her braids again coltishly. Laura wanted to rape her. How can I be feeling this way with Deshona standing right here? she wondered.

"Rob wanted me to do it," Randi said, a subtle taunt. "He saw a picture of me in braids and insisted that I go back to them."

Laura felt the dagger. She even felt it twist. But in a way, it was accompanied by mild relief. Her jealousy was dour and intense, but on the surface she realized that Deshona was much less likely to be suspicious of Randi if she thought Randi had a boyfriend. Rob. Laura’s ex-boyfriend. Oh god, he’s fucking her, and they’ve fallen in love! Laura thought. I wish I could kill him!

Laura gave her a tight smile and began moving. "We’re meeting some people for lunch," she said to Randi. "Got to run. Nice to see you."

"Oh Laura . . ." Randi’s eyes glinted ambiguously, and she glanced at Deshona one last time, now letting her own jealousy show briefly. "Do give me a call."

Laura hurried Deshona out of the building and to the parking garage, realizing again how complicated her life had become with all these current and former lovers milling about in her company. And then, there was Rhonda, whom she didn’t relish the thought of seeing again.

Deshona said nothing while Laura drove to her apartment. When Laura parked, Deshona looked up at the building. "Is this where we’re having lunch?"

"It’s the only place I know with a bed," Laura said softly.

A slow smile crept over Deshona’s lovely face. Her teeth were perfectly even and white, and her mouth was a paragon of sensuality. You know, Laura thought, this is a face that could make you forget Randi.

They went upstairs. Inside Laura’s apartment, she detected a reserve in Deshona that hadn’t shown up until now. It’s April, and Randi, Laura thought.

They kissed, but Deshona wasn’t passionate. She turned her head aside, letting Laura’s lips brush her smooth cheek.

"I guess I feel a little like the new girl on the block," she said softly.

"I wish you wouldn’t say that," Laura whispered. "I’ve been dying for this moment."

She kissed Deshona’s warm, smooth neck. Deshona giggled and pulled away. "Ooohhh, that tickles," she laughed.

Laura began to unbutton Deshona’s business suit jacket. With a nervous smirk on her face, Deshona watched, then slipped out of it when it was finally open. Now Laura began to unbutton the front of her silk blouse.

"You have something other than lunch in mind," she said to Laura.

Laura looked up. She let her eyes flame with sexual hunger. "No, I have lunch in mind."

"I think your friend Randi knew we were going somewhere to do this," Deshona said, as if daring Laura to deny it.

Rather than answer, Laura ignored her and kissed her neck again, and her ear. She dug her fingers into Deshona’s back through her blouse. "I want you."

A small, helpless sigh escaped Deshona’s lips, completely involuntary. "I want you too."

"I love you." Laura kissed her ravenously, squeezing Deshona’s hard round breasts through her blouse and bra.

"I . . . love you too," Deshona said, more vulnerable than Laura had seen her, such a contrast to the hard-edged, cutting exterior she had so often thrown up before to people, including Laura. "There. I . . . said it."

"The ‘L’ word?"

"Yes." Deshona smiled. "Did I say it right?"

Laura drew her down the hall to the bedroom. Inside, she unbuttoned the rest of Deshona’s silk blouse, carefully draping it over the back of a chair. Now Deshona seemed to awaken too from her trance. She helped Laura off with her blouse.

Both knew they actually wanted to be tearing off each other’s clothes. The sexual tension had been building all morning, while they were working. Laura’s fingers trembled as she undid the clasp of Deshona’s beautiful white lace bra. She kissed the girl’s incredible naked back, remembering how thrilled she had been to discover how perfect it was last time, the first time they had made love.

"God, your back is so gorgeous," she murmured, kissing it everywhere as Deshona’s bra straps slid down her arms. "I just want to touch it and kiss it everywhere."

Deshona turned slowly, smiling. Her bra slid from her wrists and dropped between them. "You mean you don’t want what’s in front?" she asked softly.

Laura kissed her, again ravenously. "I want every inch of you."

Quickly, they shed the rest of their clothes. They kissed again, totally naked now, still standing, their breasts mashing together, their hands roaming.

"It’s good to be wanted," Deshona confessed softly. "Wanted so much. I never thought I’d say this to another woman, but I want you too. I want your body."

Laura smiled and pulled back the bedcovers. She drew Deshona down on the sheets. "Welcome to lunch," she breathed. "I’m your waitress, and I plan to give you everything. All you can eat. Only, I think I’m going to eat first."

Now that they had made love once—fucked repeatedly through the afternoon and evening at Deshona’s house—they were more familiar with one another, and Deshona especially was more relaxed. She surrendered her lovely body willingly to Laura, luxuriating in the sensations as Laura kissed and stroked her phenomenally round and firm breasts.

Panting softly, she watched Laura tongue and pinch and suck her nipples until they were rubbery and pointing, erect, the areolas stippled with tiny bumps of excitement..

"You really love boobs, don’t you," she marveled, watching Laura’s fascination with hers. "I haven’t even seen a man who loves boobs more than you do."

Holding them in her hands, teasing Deshona’s wet, erect nipples with the tip of her tongue, Laura looked up at her from beneath her heavy lids. "I love yours," she said, quickly sucking one large areola and hard, pointing, wet center nub deep into her mouth.

"Ahhnnn!" Deshona gasped. "Oh god . . . that feels good!"

"Does it make you wet?" Laura smiled.

"Honey, I’m a river."

"I want to swim in your river," Laura purred, sliding down her small, very shapely naked body.

Deshona’s very beautiful pussy was an open, festering, inflamed flower of love, glistening with warm juice, the long, wavy black lips glossy and wet and tangy to Laura’s eager tongue. She licked it slowly and artistically, slithering her tongue into the folds, sliding it across Deshona’s swollen clit with infinitely slow tenderness, making the girl quake and shudder as the waves of sexual excitement flowed through her writhing body.

I can find her g-spot, Laura suddenly realized, remembering how the fantastic Kim had said that she went for it every time. Deshona was marvelously sensitive, her body quickly responsive to Laura’s every move, her clitoris so tender that the slightest touch of Laura’s tongue had her quivering and moaning, biting her fist . How could any man ever leave this beautiful woman! Laura wondered, totally magnetized by sexual desire.

On top of that, Deshona was emotionally overcharged. It wasn’t just fucking for her, either. Betrayed by her husband, insecure, overly suspicious, especially of white women (the blonde, Laura remembered), and half-convinced of her sexual inadequacy, Deshona was overwhelmed by Laura’s love for her as well as Laura’s sexual skill. If Laura found her secret release point, she would just dissolve in a helpless frenzy of coming; Laura knew it. The only drawback was that she would cry out, and would Jane or Kendra overhear them.

But it was the middle of the day. The chance that either was at home was low, and with Deshona’s undulating naked body right there, Laura’s mouth already pressed to her flowing pussy, there was hardly a chance that Laura could turn her back on her opportunity.

"Ohhhhnnn . . . Laura, that feels so good!" Deshona moaned. "Oh yes!"

"I’m going to make you come, darling," Laura purred. "Are you ready?"

"Oh god, yes! Unghhhh!"

"Hold on. This may be more than you bargained for."

But Deshona was nearly delirious and didn’t really hear her. She churned her hips frantically as Laura turned up the heat, swirling her wet, swollen pussy up into Laura’s hungry mouth. Now for the first time, Laura slid her palms under the girl’s hard little buns and squeezed them as she sucked Deshona’s clit between her lips. It was purest heaven for them both, and it took only a few deliberate sucks to bring on a sharp, jolting orgasm.

"Oh! Unghh! Aungghh! Oh . . . oh Laur---! Oh god ungghh! Aungghhh!" Deshona groaned, coming in shocks, fierce shocks that seemed to jolt her body each time, forcing low groans and grunts from deep in her chest.

This, however, was only the beginning. Laura turned her over, still lusting for the girl’s gorgeous naked back and exquisitely beautiful ass. She slid two fingers up into Deshona’s warm, greasy channel, now flooding with fresh juices, and began to probe the front wall of her vagina with them, searching for the precise location of Deshona’s trigger. At the same time, she kissed and sucked the round, smooth flesh of Deshona’s asscheeks, parting them with her fingers and slithering her tongue deep into the crevice, a move that had Deshona emitting tight, panicky little squeals of unbearable excitement.

It did not take Laura very long. In fact, her fingertips found the special sensitized area inside the girl’s pussy at the same instant that the tip of her tongue found Deshona’s tiny, pinched-shut rosebud, between her smooth, firm cheeks. It was hard to tell which sensation made Deshona suddenly gasp, clench, and go into convulsions as a fearsome series of shattering orgasms began to wrench her lovely body.

At first she was too paralyzed by the shocking force of her climax to cry out. Then, face down in the sheets, her sharp, whinnying cries were muffled by the fabric. But when she turned her face, grimacing in a blinding seizure of ecstacy, to the side, her loud moans filled the room.

"AUUNNGGHOOWNWGGHIIEE!" she cried out, in such loud wails of excruciating pleasure that Laura was surprised so much sound could come out of such a small body.

But Laura remembered how loudly Deshona had moaned the very first time Laura had made her come. Living in that house, she thought, enviously. Not having to worry about the neighbors hearing. Now she thought about Kendra and Jane again, since Deshona moaned so loudly.

"Ohnggggghhhh! Ohnnggg . . oh god! Ungghhhiieeee! Aunnngghiiieee! Oh Laura! Aungghiiee!" she groaned, coming in shockwaves, each orgasm apparently more crushing than the last.

She burrowed her face in the sheets, her lovely naked body quivering under the spasms, her peerless naked back rippling and flexing as Laura kissed it, kneaded it, still pressing her fingers relentlessly into the secret spot deep inside Deshona’s gushing pussy. The tendency she had told Laura about to gush fluid sometimes when she came was clearly in force here, and Laura’s fingers were wet with it. Each time she came a new spurt soaked the sheets, and Laura, so aroused by the spectacle of Deshona coming repeatedly, was not finished with her.

She turned her over again onto her back and began to fuck her even more aggressively. This time she assaulted Deshona’s wonderful round breasts with her mouth, straddling one hard smooth thigh with her legs and pushing her own throbbing pussy into Deshona’s sleek thigh muscle while continuing to finger the girl’s pussy. She quickly found the g-spot again, and Deshona, who had slumped into a temporary dip from her repeated orgasms, again came in two rapid, convulsive climaxes.

It was a real, passionate, grunting, heated frenzy now, and Laura was more aggressive, demanding, and relentless than she had ever been during their first time together. She fucked and raped Deshona, who had already climaxed five or six times, until both of them nearly went up in flames in a final, clenching, groaning, shuddering shared orgasm that shook them both to the depths. Their bodies quivered and slid together, clasping and squeezing and panting and flexing as the killing spasms wrenched their yearning flesh and left them drained and depleted, gasping in the aftershocks, almost unable to move. On top of that, Deshona had ejaculated one final, huge gusher during the orgasm she shared with Laura, and they were both drenched by it.

Finally, they drew reluctantly apart. Deshona looked stunned, and Laura felt a tug of worry that she might have shocked her by the nearly uncontrollable sexual hunger she had just exhibited. She didn’t realize I’m such a slut and rapist, Laura thought.

But then Deshona’s face broke into a warm, flabbergasted smile. She shook her head. "Laura . . . I think you’ve reinvented sex," she said, in a hoarse voice.

"What do you mean? I didn’t scare you, did I?"

"You do it somewhat like an army platoon," Deshona said, shaking her head in disbelief. "At least I imagine it would be like that."

Laura was contrite. "I’m so sorry. I just . . . love you, and I love your body so much. I couldn’t help myself."

"I think I told you before, don’t apologize for fucking me like that," Deshona said seriously, putting one hand on Laura’s arm. "How did you make me come like that? Over and over? Jesus, I thought I was going to die."

"Of happiness, right?" Laura smiled.

"You got it."

"It’s your g-spot. A friend of mine showed me how to find it."

Deshona shook her head in disbelief. "I didn't think it was real. And look what I did to your bed. I feel so guilty." She pointed to the very large wet spot she had made with several ejaculations.

"God, I just think it's so exciting you could come that hard, that you would do that," Laura said, touching it with her finger. "Did I make you do that?"

Deshona made a face. "I'll help you change the sheets." She embraced Laura, watching their naked breasts push together, kissing Laura warmly, deeply. "I feel so bad having come about seven or eight times when you only came once."

"Mmmm, I suppose we could take a few minutes to correct that," Laura purred, continuing to be very aroused by Deshona's naked body.

"Have we got time?"

"It doesn't take me long," Laura smiled.

"I know it doesn't. Me either, any more it seems. Not with you . . . doing what you do to me."

"It isn't half of what I want to do to you," Laura said softly, locking Deshona's black eyes to hers in a hypnotic gaze.

Deshona pushed her down on her back and began kissing Laura's body, stroking it. "You are the sexiest creature I have ever known," she whispered. "You are just The Bomb, as the kids say."

Laura's body responded immediately to each caress. She was so completely in love that everywhere Deshona's lips or fingers touched her she seemed to flare up, throbbing and pulsing from hot need. By the time Deshona's lips reached her inflamed pussy, she was keening and twisting, unbearably aroused.

"You make it so easy for me, Laura," Deshona whispered, kissing and licking Laura's sensitive vulva, circling Laura's excited clit with her tongue.

"Oh god . . . yessss!" she moaned, gyrating her groin into Deshona's lips.

"I love to make you come, Laura."

"Oh! Suck my pussy, honey!" Laura gasped, twisting her own aching nipples with her fingers. "Please!"

Deshona did as she was asked. Still a tentative lover, far from the brutal whirlwind of passion that Laura had become with her only minutes ago, she stroked Laura's clit softly with her tongue, finally tugging it with her sensual lips. But Laura was so overwrought with sexual tension that this gentle, persistent, tender approach triggered a mushrooming orgasm in her almost in seconds.

She came like a blooming flower, a slow unfolding of sweet, throbbing ecstacy that spread through her undulating body in billowing waves.

Moaning and quivering, she let it pervade her flesh until it seemed she had never felt such bliss. And then it died away almost as easily as it had arrived. She blinked and looked up to find Deshona's lips only a inch from hers. They kissed, long and meaningfully.

"If we don't get back to your office soon, those people will know what we've been doing," Deshona finally whispered.

"I know. I don't want this to end."

"Who said anything about ending? Get the sheets and I'll help you change them."

"Only if you put your clothes on first," Laura teased.

"I told you you were worse than a man," Deshona flirted.

While they were dressing, and Deshona was fastening her pearl necklace behind her neck, she idly asked Laura, "Are all your girlfriends black?"

The question caught Laura totally by surprise. Feeling herself blush a fierce, deep red, redder than she had blushed in a long time, she stepped briefly into her small walk-in closet, just to hide. Then she got control.

"No . . . not all. Why do you ask?"

God, did that sound defensive? she wondered. She raised one hand to her cheek, still inside the closet, to see if it still felt hot. It was only warm, so she stepped back outside. Deshona was not even looking at her. She was adjusting her hair in the mirror.

"Only those girls at the office, I guess," she said. "Weren't they . . . you know?"

"Oh, not the first one," Laura over-protested. "She used to report to me, that's all. There was nothing between us."

"And the second one? The sexy one with the braids? I know her type. Don't tell me you could resist her."

Caught, Laura looked down at the floor. "It was short and sweet," she lied, in clipped manner, hoping to cut this short too.

Deshona smiled, her face not at all judgmental. "Look . . . you had your cutie, I had my jerk. The guy with the blonde, remember? I'm sorry I asked."

"Don't be. She never meant what you mean to me."

Another lie. Laura was internally dying of grief and jealousy over Randi's obvious affair with Rob.

Deshona raised one eyebrow skeptically. "Let's change the sheets, okay? At least I bet she didn't gush like me."

Walking back to Laura's office, even though they were both dressed in business suits and looked every inch the professional women they were, Laura worried that they exuded sex, some rare, pungent odor that revealed how they had been shamelessly rutting and panting and joyously coming in each other's arms for the past hour. She knew it couldn't be true, but a glance at Deshona's face showed that she had to be feeling the same.

Worse, Laura saw Randi peeking at them from an empty cubicle about fifty yards away from her office door. And Randi looked jealous.




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