Laura - Chapter 203



It was not until she actually got home and looked at her back in the mirror, using a hand mirror to peer over her shoulder, that Laura realized the trouble she was in. There were deep and long scratches down the length of her back, red and ropey and inflamed. Not only did the scratches sting and throb and look horrible, they also would take a long time to heal. Her heart sank as she realized she would not be able to go to bed with Deshona for weeks, and would have to come up with an excuse.

She didn’t have long to do it, either. She had told Deshona that she had to fly to Arizona over the weekend because of a sick sister. There was already a message blinking on her answering machine, and she knew who it was. She loves me, Laura thought, with mixed feelings, a warm glow of happiness mixed with a hot, sour shot of guilt. And I spent a whole weekend fucking and fighting with that lovely bitch Randi.

She ran the tip of her tongue across the inside gash that had bled when Randi had popped her in the mouth. It was tender and coppery-tasting, and she recalled how they had fist-fucked each other in an unbelievable frenzy. Her pussy was still a little sore.

She couldn’t bear the thought of hearing Deshona’s voice, or the guilt she would feel. Instead, she went out to the nearby Safeway to get a rotisserie chicken for dinner. While waiting it line, she couldn’t take her eyes off the bagger, a young, beautiful black girl about eighteen years old, small and thin but with a gorgeous rump that stuck out high and round under her baggy black Safeway pants. Her name tag said ‘Tiffany,’ and Laura, even though she had spent a weekend of riotous fucking, was instantly in love.

Laura smiled at her a lot, trying to get her attention, feeling the boldness of desperation after her collision with Randi and her uncertain future with Deshona. Tiffany was also very black, and the thin white straps of her bra were visible through the white of her shirt, so dark was the skin of her back and shoulders. This was devastatingly alluring to Laura.

Tiffany smiled back, which made Laura even more reckless. "Can I help you out to the car with this, Miss Robbins?" she asked, with a small, satirical smirk, since this was what they were taught to say; but Laura’s package was only one bag, not a whole shopping cart.

"Gosh, would you?" Laura said, feigning complete innocence.

On the way to the car, Laura saw a diamond ring on Tiffany’s finger. Her heart plunged. But she resigned herself, knowing nothing would come of this anyway. It was just a passing flirtation.

"Just one question," Tiffany asked, as Laura unlocked the car door. "Why’d you ask me to bring this out here?"

Tiffany looked miffed. Laura tried to smile her out of it. "I thought you looked like you needed a break."

A slow grin spread over Tiffany’s beautiful face. "You are right about that. What a nice thing to do. You married?"

Laura shook her head.

"Maybe you’d like to go to a concert with me tonight. I got these two tickets to the Whitney Houston concert, and my boyfriend’s grandfather died. He can’t go."

Laura pointed to the diamond ring. "That boyfriend?"

Tiffany nodded, pouting. "Good seats. Concord Pavillion."

"You don’t even know me," Laura said, wondering what it would be like to touch the girl’s marvelously smooth black cheek.

Tiffany’s eyes twinkled. "You don’t look to me like some rapist and serial killer. In fact, you so beautiful, I should leave you home. All the dudes’ll be all over you and ignoring me."

"I hardly think so," Laura said, unable to keep a thin, ambiguous edge of lust out of her own voice.

I’m not a killer, you darling girl, but I’ve raped a few. She enthusiastically accepted the invitation. It would get her mind off everything. She and Tiffany went together to the Whitney Houston concert, and Laura was in heaven. She was sitting next to the gorgeous Tiffany, and of course she long would have liked to fuck Whitney Houston a year to Friday. There had been rumors about Whitney liking girls, too.

The music was sexy and high-powered, and by the time the concert was over, Laura was completely Tiffany’s slave. I’ll do anything for her, she realized.

"This feels so funny," Tiffany said as they drove back. "This is the time we’d usually be going out for a drink and the guy would be trying to get into my pants."

"Would it make you feel more comfortable if I tried?" Laura teased her.

"Not while I’m driving," Tiffany said with a straight face. "Sex gets me all hot and bothered. I might crash."

"You could come back to my place for a drink, if you like," Laura suggested. "The view is really incredible."

"That sounds great," Tiffany said. "No awful smoky club and horny guys."

Right, only horny me, Laura thought, wondering how she could be horny after Randi. But Tiffany was completely and wildly desirable. In fact, it had been no picnic sitting next to her at the concert. She wore a sleeveless evening dress that dipped low in front, and hugged her spectacular rear assets behind. She was very black, her skin gleaming and smooth and velvet. Laura wanted to touch it with her lips.

Laura gave her directions. In her apartment, Tiffany stared at the city lights, while Laura stared at her. "The only problem with being here is that nobody gets to admire you in that fantastic dress," Laura said.

"Oh, you like it?" Tiffany grinned, doing a quick pirouette. "My boyfriend just wants to rip it off when he sees me in it."

"He doesn’t like it?" Laura asked, innocently.

"No, silly. He likes my bod. I have a skinny little bod, but he likes it. Skinny bod, big booty."

She pointed to her rear end, which was not big at all but beautifully shaped and round and high, and which made Laura quiver inside from desire. The dress was pale yellow, and the fabric clung to Tiffany’s curves.

"I think your booty is great," Laura said. "It’s way better than mine, for example."

"Let me see."

Laura in turn did a shy pirouette, hoping that Tiffany found her attractive in some subconscious way that she would be unable to resist. Laura grinned and stuck out her bottom.

"We should have a contest," Tiffany said. "Who has the best booty. You pull your skirt up, and I’ll pull mine up, and we’ll have a booty contest."

"I’ll lose," Laura pouted.

"I think it’s pretty nice," Tiffany said, looking at Laura’s ass. "I’ll bet the fellas like it fine."

"Yours is better."

"You afraid to have a contest?"

"We haven’t even had a drink yet. Let’s have a drink and then have the contest. That way I can get more courage."

Tiffany laughed and followed Laura into the kitchen. "I like you. Okay, one drink, then booty contest."

They had vodka tonics, Laura’s specialty, and Laura tried not to stare too hard at Tiffany. When Tiffany finished hers, she stood up and walked to the center of Laura’s livingroom.

"Okay, here we go."

She hiked up the skirt part of her pale yellow dress and slid her thumbs under the elastic waist band of her panties. They were white and lacy, her naked thighs deep black and glossy. Oh god! Laura thought, devouring the girl with her eyes.

"Ready?" Tiffany smiled devilishly.

"Ready," Laura swallowed.

Slowly, Tiffany inched her panties down her thighs. Laura realized the girl was doing a striptease for her.

"You have to turn around, don’t you, so I can see your booty," Laura coached, nervously.

Tiffany’s grin grew wider. Slowly she turned, still inching them down her thighs. Her beautiful bare ass came into view, but the pale yellow fabric of her dress kept falling down to obscure it. She brushed the cloth away. Her ass was a round, high, curvaceous miracle. Laura was speechless.

"What do you think?" Tiffany asked, disingenuously.

Laura couldn’t say anything. Her eyes were riveted on the peerless black moons, perfectly round, swelling, gleaming.


"I . . . I think it’s . . . marvelous," Laura whispered hoarsely.

"You looking at what every man who comes in that Safeway wants to see, girl," Tiffany grinned over her shoulder. "I got the prettiest little black ass of all, and they all want to get their hands on it, you know?"

Laura nodded. "Anybody would," she half-croaked.

"Anybody?" Now Tiffany sensed a chance for big-time teasing. "Even you?"

"I wouldn’t mind the chance just . . . to touch it," Laura said softly, paralyzed by lust.

"Really?" Tiffany flirted. "Okay, now it’s time for yours."

"Mine isn’t in the same class."

"Probably not. But you have to show it anyway. This is a booty contest. How can I win if we don’t see yours?"

"It’s embarrassing."

"Is not. Look, you getting a full view of mine." She pushed her delicious bottom out at Laura and wiggled it. "I ain’t embarrassed.

"You’re just a shameless little tease," Laura said, standing up.

Tiffany smirked. "I got something to tease with," she said, almost seductively.

Laura knew her ass wasn’t as gorgeous as Tiffany’s. Few were. But she also knew her body wasn’t exactly minor league. Slowly, she unzipped her skirt, doing a modified striptease in return for Tiffany. Knowing she was going to the concert with Tiffany, and having hoped for a moment like this, she had worn her sexiest underwear.

Her skirt fell to her ankles, revealing her black lace thong. She could hear a small gasp of admiration escape Tiffany’s lips.

"Gosh, that’s pretty," Tiffany said. "But you gotta take it off too. Like me."

Slowly, Laura skimmed the thong down her thighs, watching Tiffany’s face. Tiffany watched every inch of Laura’s bare skin come into view. Are you sure you’ve never done it with a girl before? Laura found herself thinking.

Finally, the thong dropped onto the skirt. Laura stepped out of them. She turned so that Tiffany could see her naked ass. Neither one had said anything for more than a minute.

"Now shake it like I did," Tiffany said. "Go on."

Slowly again, Laura gyrated her bottom, swirling it sexily. Over her shoulder, she saw Tiffany looking at her ass. "What do you think?" she asked.

Tiffany beamed. "Very sexy. You got a beautiful booty . . . for a white girl." She turned and pointed to her own peerless naked ass. "But this one is still the winner."

"I agree," Laura swallowed.

"Come over here and rub your ass against the winner. That’s the respect you owe the champ."

Laura came closer. She could hardly believe this was happening. Tiffany was small, petite, short, a full head or more shorter than Laura. Turning and bending her knees, Laura rubbed her naked ass against the taut, round moons of Tiffany’s. She could feel her heart racing. Oh god, Tiffany, I want to fuck you! she thought.

"Ooohhhh . . . that feels good," Tiffany purred, swirling her own ass against Laura’s. "I never knew it could feel so good. Keep it up. You got a good ass, Laura."

Laura was becoming very aroused. She wondered if Tiffany was too. They were facing in opposite directions, so there were few clues. But suddenly, they pulled their asses apart and turned toward each other. Tiffany’s eyelids were heavy, and she was breathing harder.

"You are such a beautiful girl," Laura whispered.

She saw Tiffany’s eyes on her mouth. She moved her face close to kiss the girl, but Tiffany froze.

"I ain’t ever done it with a girl before," she said.

Laura ignored her. "I want to kiss the champ," she said softly. "To congratulate the winner."

Tiffany smiled and softened. "Really?"

Laura nodded. "May I?"

She took one step closer. They were now close enough so that she could extend one arm, curl it around Tiffany, and run her fingertips over one delicious hard round black buttock.

"Ooohh, don’t tickle me," Tiffany breathed.

"Now turn around so I can pay my respects," Laura said, continuing with the game.

Surprisingly, Tiffany obeyed. She turned around, presenting her breathtaking naked posterior to Laura, who knelt and began to kiss the smooth black moons sensually. In the back of her mind, Laura remembered how she had done this to Chanitra once, in the beginning, and quickly turned the girl into a teeny lust maniac. Would the same thing happen to Tiffany?

Slowly, Laura explored Tiffany’s extraordinary naked asscheeks with her fingers and kissed them everywhere, from the top slopes to the round, bulging bottoms. Then she grew bolder, separating Tiffany’s cheeks with her fingers and running her tongue up and down the dark, warm crease between them. At this, Tiffany began to whimper and quiver.

"Oh god . . . you getting me hot, Laura," she gasped.

On her knees Laura could do very little to maneuver Tiffany to a more comfortable position, and she felt reluctant to mention it in case the girl should clearly see that this meant they were going to actually do it. Not knowing what to do, she kept her tongue moving down, and her fingers too, until she felt the warm wetness of Tiffany’s crotch. She couldn’t reach it with her tongue—Tiffany’s magnificent bottom was too hard and firm and outthrusting—but her fingers easily slipped under the beautiful, bulging buns and slid into Tiffany’s very wet pussy.

"Unnhhh!" Tiffany gasped in surprise, and pleasurable shock. "God . . . what you doing, Laura?"

"Why don’t we go into the bedroom?" Laura said, panting herself.

"Told you I ain’t never done it with a girl."

Laura removed her fingers and stood up. Tiffany slowly turned to face her. Elaborately, so that Tiffany would see everything, Laura raised her two fingers, wet with the girl’s cunt juices, to her mouth and, very sensually, licked them clean. Tiffany’s eyes were riveted to Laura’s fingers.

Dropping her hand, Laura said, "I want more."

A half-grin tugged at the corners of Tiffany’s very sensual lips. "You won’t tell nobody?"

"Who could I tell?"

Tiffany tilted her head. "Okay."

She stretched out her hand, and Laura took it, leading her quickly to the bedroom, which was only a few steps away. They were both already naked from the waist down. Laura embraced her. She had rarely thrust her hand into a girl’s pussy without kissing her first, and now she made up for it, kissing Tiffany with searching, emotional heat, gently caressing the girl’s fantastic naked ass and running her fingers up the girl’s smooth back, under her shirt.

She had slept with a few small girls, petite girls, Deshona being the most recent, but Tiffany was the smallest ever, almost tiny, smaller than Deshona. It was like embracing a twelve-year-old, but one with curves, and a killer bottom. Tiffany was tiny but very well put together, with finely chiseled bones, a very small waist, beautiful features. She kissed Laura back very emotionally.

"You surprised me, Laura," she whispered as Laura pulled the straps of her evening dress off Tiffany’s gleaming shoulders. "I didn’t know you wanted to fuck me."

"Everybody who comes in that store wants to fuck you," Laura said, kissing her black, shiny shoulder on both sides of her thin white bra strap.

"You think so? Even the old ladies?"

"This old lady does," Laura panted, finally stripping the dress completely off.

Tiffany smiled. "I know."

Her bra fastened in front, between the cups. Laura had it undone in a second. Looking at her with her shirt on, one would have never known that Tiffany had these perfect little breasts, smaller than Laura’s but not just swellings, like Mavis or Jonelle. Real breasts. Lovely little upswept doves with shiny, thick black nipples, puffy and tempting.

"Oh Tiffany, look what you’ve been saving for me," Laura murmured, cupping them in her hands.

"Hate to disappoint you," Tiffany said softly, eyes dreamy and glazed from sexual excitement. "My boyfriend had these first."

"I’m sure he didn’t love them as much as I do."

"I love the way your skin looks against mine," Tiffany whispered, fascinated as Laura cradled one small, perfect breast in her palm and lowered her lips to Tiffany’s nipple, sucking it and half of Tiffany’s breast too into her mouth.

Laura was determined that no young stud was going to out-perform her when it came to taking this delightful young girl to a sexual paradise she had never even imagined. She felt Tiffany’s wet, pulpy nipple stiffen inside her mouth, sucking it gently, then harder. Tiffany whimpered unconsciously. Laura sucked her even harder.

"Oh! God . . . Laura, that feels so good!"


Laura struggled out of her own blouse without letting go of this marvelous little ball of flesh, stroking Tiffany’s nipple with her tongue while sucking it. Finally, she released it and quickly slipped out of her own bra. Before Tiffany could say anything, Laura had embraced her and pressed their naked breasts together. She now gave Tiffany a searing kiss.

Pliant, yielding, aroused, Tiffany gave in completely, falling gently with Laura onto the bed as Laura pushed her backwards. Laura kissed her neck, her throat, her clavicles, her shoulders, her smooth upper chest, kissing her feverishly, hoping she did not scare the girl by her passion, her almost uncontrollable hunger for Tiffany’s small, curvy, very black and smooth body.

"Gosh . . . Laura, your body feels so good against mine," Tiffany sighed. "I never knew this could feel so good. And look . . . I love my black skin against your white skin. Look."

She held her wrist against Laura’s shoulder. Laura, for whom the color contrast was a wild aphrodisiac in the first place, smiled and kissed Tiffany’s wrist. ""It’s enchanting."

"I mean it, I never did it with a girl," Tiffany repeated, as if to excuse any clumsiness in advance.

"Do you want to stop?"

"Oh no. Shit, this feels good. You feel good. You can go right ahead and do anything you want. I like it."

"Can I suck your nipples again?"

Tiffany nodded. Laura did. This time, she held both small, perfect breasts in her hands and sucked the girl’s gleaming black nipples back and forth, back and forth, until both nipples were wet and stiff, and Tiffany was moaning softly. She kissed Tiffany’s mouth again, pinching and twisting her wet nipples in her fingers, then dropped her mouth to them again.

"You like them, don’t you," Tiffany panted.

Laura was now sucking most of Tiffany’s breast into her mouth when she sucked the nipple, making Tiffany yelp softly and excitedly. "Your breasts are gorgeous. I want to swallow them," she said.

"God . . . feels like you doing it," Tiffany gasped, running her fingers through Laura’s hair.

"I am going to lick and suck your sweet pussy," Laura murmured, sliding down her squirming body, kissing her silky black tummy..

But Tiffany stiffened slightly. "Really? Why don’t you just fuck me with your hand?"

Laura thought this was curious, but she ignored it and continued down. Her lips on Tiffany’s warm, lean inner thighs made the girl whimper. Tiffany’s young, small pussy was puckering and wet, an open magenta mouth, a glossy little black tent with a fiery interior, blossoming for Laura’s tongue.

"You don’t have to lick me . . . Laura," she panted, twisting, nervous.

"I want to lick you."

"Nobody . . . ever did it to me before," Tiffany confessed shyly.

"Not even your boyfriends?"

"Only done it with one. He don’t like eating. Just wants to fuck it."

"Mmmm, are you in for a treat," Laura purred, spreading the wiry curls of Tiffany’s black pubic hair away from the wet flower, getting ready to give it her most skillful attentions.

She started slowly, worshipper that she was anyway, tenderly kissing and licking the beautiful, inflamed cleft, slithering her tongue into the hot pink tunnel, letting the warm juices flow over it. At first Tiffany seemed stiff and anxious, her fingernails even clawing into the beautiful hard flesh of her glossy black thighs. But soon she relaxed, as Laura took pains to bring her along slowly, licking her pussy tenderly and tongue-stroking her swollen, whitish little clit until it elongated further, protruding from its small black hood.

"Ohhh Laura . . . ohhhh Laura . . ." she sighed, gasping and panting as Laura’s tongue explored every secret crease and hollow of her sensitive pussy.

"Tiffany, you have such a pretty pussy. I don’t know why nobody ever wanted to taste it until now," Laura purred, tonguing and sucking the swollen, bright magenta blossom until Tiffany was actually churning her hips rhythmically and groaning softly in a wild flux of excitement.

"Oh! Ahnnn! Oh . . . Laura, I should tell you, when I get excited when my boyfriend is screwing me, then I really come fast," Tiffany whimpered, panting desperately now, writhing and bucking.

"Oh good," Laura smiled. "Are you excited now?"

"Shit . . . yes! Unghhh! Oh shit, I think I’m gonna come right now!"

"I think you are too," Laura said, turning up the heat rapidly.

Now she slipped two fingers up into Tiffany’s flooding pussy and sucked the girl’s clit between her lips at the same time, suddenly sucking and fucking her harder as Tiffany began shuddering and moaning, coming in a fierce, clenching spasm. Her taut, beautiful little body simply exploded in coming.

"Ungghiiiiee! Ohnggghhh! Unghhh . . . oh Laura Laura! Auunghhhh!" she cried out, coming violently.

She really let it all out, arching and quivering, then writhing in Laura’s sheets as a fierce seizure of pleasure gripped her delicious little body. Laura had spent the weekend watching Randi’s beautiful face contorted by numerous ecstacies, but watching Tiffany come stirred her deeply, and also aroused her to a terrible urgency of her own. Tiffany was still half-stunned from her climax, and so it was no trouble for Laura to maneuver the girl’s legs apart as she slipped one of her own underneath, then brought her own inflamed pussy up to Tiffany’s.

She held her cuntlips apart with her fingers, coaching Tiffany softly at the same time. "Hold your pussy open . . . honey, like this, hold your pussy open. Yes, like that, ohhhhh!"

"Ahhhhh! Oh Laura!" Tiffany gasped, biting her lower lip as the sensations became too intense.

Laura’s open pussy mashed against Tiffany’s, their two hot, slick, juicy slits melding together in a squirmy, slippery kiss, and both girls nearly fainted from the feel of it. Slowly, Laura began to swirl her hips, feeling her wet pussy slide across Tiffany’s. Whenever their clits brushed, they both clenched in almost paralyzing excitement.

Laura was on top, Tiffany still on her back, looking up at Laura with awed love and lust intermingled in her eyes, unable to believe that something this intense was actually happening. Laura’s eyes were locked with Tiffany’s too, and she too could scarcely believe it, since they had not even know each other as recently as yesterday. And now she was fucking Tiffany with her pussy in a slow, swirling, sensual motion, aware that neither of them would last long since the emotional and physical intensity was almost too much to bear.

Tiffany had not even descended from her first orgasm, and Laura had not yet climaxed. Quickly, they were both pumping and swirling their hips rapidly, panting and mewling, hurtling toward the certain eruption. It was at this hopeless moment that Laura thought of Kendra and Jane upstairs, but it was far too late now to stop either her or Tiffany’s cries, and suddenly they were both struck at the same instant by a crushing orgasm.

"Anngghhmmngggiieee!" Laura groaned, trying to keep it in but unable to stop herself.

Her body filled with honeyfire, and the sharp, throbbing spasms throttled her, threatening by their force to throw her onto her side. But she kept her balance, determined to last through the waves of her own orgasm and Tiffany’s. The girl came at the same time as Laura, her second, a convulsive shock that again had her arching and shuddering under Laura’s continuing thrusts.

"Ungghhh! Oh Laura . . . ohnnggg shit yes! Yes! Ungghhh! Auungghiieee!" she squealed, coming in long, repeated spasms.

Their flowing pussies seemed glued together in a throbbing ooze of scalding sensations, and it was only slowly that their hips tapered off from the frantic swirling motion that had brought them to this beautiful culmination. Reluctantly, Laura disengaged herself from the devastated girl, untangling their legs, feeling the absence of Tiffany’s pussy pressing against hers acutely as she pulled apart.

Tiffany felt it too. "I didn’t want it to stop," she whispered, her wide, throbbing, black eyes fixing Laura’s. "Ever."

"I didn’t either." Laura embraced and kissed her. "You are a treasure."

"You know," Tiffany said, intimately, "everybody thinks black girls are just hot little sex machines, and all. But it ain’t always true. I never screwed with anybody but my boyfriend. Before this, that is." She paused, finding it hard to say. "I never knew it could be like this."

He’ll have a hard time matching this one, won’t he? Laura thought, cattily. "Mmm, it isn’t over yet," she purred, nuzzling Tiffany’s smooth black neck, and squeezing again one of her small, marvelous breasts.

For the next hour she fucked the darling Tiffany with abandon, giving her three more orgasms, each increasingly powerful and debilitating, until poor Tiffany was almost limp with exhaustion and awe. Laura came herself each time too, sharp, throbbing orgasms enhanced each time by the thrill of holding this delightful, climaxing girl in her arms while they both wailed in fierce raptures.

Tiffany finally dragged herself out of Laura’s bed and began to pull on her clothes. "I’m still living at home, you know. If my boyfriend calls and I ain’t there, he’ll think I’m bopping some other dude."

Laura smiled demurely. "You wouldn’t tell him about me, I hope."

"Laura, he’d kill us both. No kidding." She looked serious. "He’d kill you if you was a dude, too."

She was only half-dressed. Laura grabbed her pulled her down again into the bed, tickling her and making her giggle. "Don’t forget, he won’t lick your pussy like I do."

"Sheeit. Won’t lick it at all." She got serious. "Nobody ever made me come like that. I mean him or me," she explained. "You gave me something to think about."


"You know."

"Tell me."

"I’ll tell you next time." Tiffany made a fetching, crinkly-nosed frown. "Were you serious about everybody coming in the Safeway wants to fuck me?"

"Dead serious, my dear. You are to die for."

Tiffany ‘blushed’ and looked down. "Long as you think so."

Since Tiffany was driving her own car, Laura had to stand on the dark street and watch her go, happy at least, when she glanced up at the ninth floor, to see that Kendra’s lights were not on. She was filled with warm feelings about Tiffany, who waved and blew her a kiss as she was driving off. Only when she got back upstairs and saw the light on her answering machine still blinking did her feelings of guilt return.

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