Laura - Chapter 170


It didn’t take long for Kendra to make her feelings known. On Saturday morning Laura was returning from the supermarket, her arms overloaded with grocery bags, when Kendra met her in the building foyer.

"Well, if it isn’t the lesbian sex addict who lives on the eighth floor," she said, voice dripping sarcasm. "Molester of teenage girls. Did you know I could file charges against you? Felony child molestation. Statutory rape? I could, you know. You seduced a teenager. Two teenagers, if Jane isn’t lying."

Laura, who always blushed, right or wrong, turned dark red, predictably. "She seduced me," she said quietly.

"I’ll bet I could get a jury to believe otherwise."

"Kendra . . . I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you. Or her."

Kendra descended into a rage very quickly. "You fucked my daughter, you whore! You cunt!"

"We’ve been through this," Laura said, wearily.

She looked around the building lobby, wondering who would overhear. The packages in her arms were getting very heavy.

Kendra glowered at her. But tears shone in her eyes. Laura couldn’t keep her eyes from drifting down Kendra’s beautiful, hard body. Excepting Brandi, it was the hardest body she had ever been to bed with. Even the teenagers with their marvelous, young, springy bodies—Chanitra, Jane, Charise—didn’t have bodies like Kendra’s. And of course Kendra, as usual, was dressed in a skimpy knitted shift, which showed off her body spectacularly. She knew Laura was staring, longing.

"You fucked my little girl!" she said to Laura under her breath. "You turned her into a lesbian!"

Part of Laura, the part that wasn’t guilty and ashamed, realized that the thought of Laura and Jane in bed together, fucking and sucking and having glorious orgasms, was erotically fascinating to Kendra. Otherwise she wouldn’t be dwelling on it so much. On the other hand, the thought of it also filled her with jealousy, misery, hatred of Laura, hatred of her own desire for Laura. And hatred of Jane’s desire for Laura, and Laura’s for Jane.

God, it’s so confusing! Laura thought. She looked longingly, hungrily, sadly into Kendra’s eyes. "God . . . I am so sorry," she whispered. "I wish you could believe me."

"And then we have to listen to you down there yowling like a cat with Miss Braids, who took down her braids and now looks like just any other tramp."

Laura’s eyes narrowed. "Are you still running down to see who it was?" she asked.

Now it was Kendra’s turn to feel a pang of guilt. But it was brief. "Everybody in this apartment building can hear you fucking, Laura. You and your girlfriends are very noisy. I hope you didn’t make Jane cry out like that. For her sake."

"I wouldn’t feel sorry for Jane, if I were you," Laura said drily.

Kendra pursed her lips, her hostility overflowing. "We’re moving."

"I . . . don’t know what to say." In fact, Laura was flabbergasted. "Because of me?"

"You’re damned right, because of you."

"Oh, Kendra."

Tears rolled down Laura’s cheeks. She almost dropped the grocery bags.

"A little late for that," Kendra said softly, almost forgivingly.

"I know. I’ve got to go or I’ll drop these groceries."

In the old days Kendra would have given her a hand, and after putting the bags in the kitchen they would have raced to Laura’s bedroom and fucked in exuberant, athletic abandon. But now they just looked sorrowfully at each other, and Laura continued toward the elevators, Kendra out the front door.

Laura was filled with sadness. Like an automaton, she put her groceries away. Kendra had never inspired that deep, throbbing, resonant love she felt for Shavon, Randi, suddenly now for Charise, in the past for Jonelle and Trina, but she was a very good-natured and enjoyable person, and an indefatigable fuck-partner, with a straightforward love of sex and an incorrigible sense of humor. Laura cared for her deeply.

As for Jane, Laura’s lust for her young beautiful body was the equal of her feelings for Charise’s, though Jane lacked the charming innocence and angelic shyness of her friend. Jane was a devil, in a way like Sholandra, full of mischief and eager for new experience. She had plunged into an affair with Laura without much thinking of the consequences, and now she was paying the price. And so am I, Laura thought. I won’t ever have her again. Or her mother.

But just when she was sunk in this somber mood, in the middle of a Saturday afternoon, she got a phone call from Charise.

"Lucky you’re in the book," Charise said. "You didn’t give me your phone number. Is this a bad time for me to be calling?"

"No," Laura said, sitting down, feeling her heart pound. "I love hearing your voice."

"Really?" Charise said in disbelief.

"I think about you all the time."

"Really? I think about you too."

"Are you at home?"

"Yes. But I don’t have any car or anything. I’m stuck here."

"I could pick you up."

"Not here."

"I understand. How about a few blocks away?"

"You’re sure you don’t mind?"

"I’m dying to see you." Laura meant, I’m dying to ‘fuck’ you.

Charise understood immediately. She told Laura where she would be. "How long will you be?"

"I should be there in ten minutes," Laura said. "I’m driving a white ’91 Camaro."

Laura felt her heart flutter. She loved being in love. Especially with a deliciously demure little black Lolita like Charise. Inky. Should I call her Inky? She is so gorgeously black. I wonder if she’d mind.

Laura drove to the appointed place. Charise was waiting by a blue mailbox. She was wearing jeans and a Chicago Bulls jersey and looked very young, so young that Laura began to think, Gosh, maybe Kendra is right and I’m a child molester after all. But she’s so precious and lovely, and look at that angelic smile now that she’s spotted me.

The basketball jersey was so baggy and long that it intensified Laura’s feeling, since it obscured whatever physical hints there were that Charise was actually a curvaceous and desirable woman, or rather a child with a woman’s body. And when she got into the car next to Laura, and squinted happily at her, and had to be told to fasten her seatbelt, she seemed more like twelve than sixteen. Did I actually fuck this cute, darling little thing? she wondered.

But then she remembered. I not only fucked her, I fell in love with her. And she felt all the feeling pour back into her heart and her body as soon as Charise was next to her in the car. She wanted to squeeze her and rape her right there.

"Oh, I’m so glad to see you!" she said, almost breathless with excitement.

Charise beamed. "Me too."

Laura drove, glancing at her jeans, her sneakers, her red jersey. She’s too young! she thought. God, I’m a criminal!

"Jane’s mama is really pissed at you, isn’t she."

Laura swallowed. "I guess she is."

"My mama doesn’t know."

"Good. I guess she would be . . . pissed too, if she found out."

"She’d tan my black ass good," Charise smiled. "That’s why I had to wait until I was alone to call you."

"Look, Charise, if you’re afraid you’ll get into trouble, we could—"

Charise frowned. "You don’t want to any more?"

"Oh god, I really want to," Laura said quickly. "I dream about you."

"I had a dream about you too," Charise said, looking out the window. "We were naked . . . you know, sort of like last time. I got real aroused, and I was panting and everything. I woke up. And you know what, I . . . sort of came, you know, right there in my own bed. Not like I came when I was with you. And Jane. Not real hard. Just a slow, fluttery, warm feeling. Wow, it was killer. I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn’t moan or something."

Laura blushed in feverish excitement, glancing over at the girl, trying not to get in an automobile accident.

"I had two dreams about you," she said, making them up. "In one I was kissing you. Just kissing you over and over again. Loving it. In the other I—"

"You better watch out for that car."

"Oops! Right!"

Laura swerved. She avoided an accident.

"Maybe I better tell you about the other one when we get there."

Charise smiled her angelic smile. When they got to Laura’s apartment, Laura got very nervous. She didn’t want Kendra or Jane to see her going in with Charise. She suggested going in first, then having Charise follow her in three minutes.

"Just like being a spy, eh?" Charise said.


"I’m game. See you in a minute."

Everything went smoothly. Neither Jane nor Kendra saw either one enter the building, or take the elevator up to Laura’s apartment. Finally, they were alone together inside.

"Now you can tell me about your second dream," Charise smiled. "I never had nobody dream about me before. Least they didn’t tell me about it."

"I was doing this," Laura said, taking the girl in her arms, kissing her passionately, and running both hands up under the Chicago Bulls jersey.

Charise wasn’t wearing a bra this time. Laura cupped both naked breasts in her hands. "And this," she whispered, pulling the jersey up further.

She dropped her mouth to them and began sucking Charise’s gleaming black nipples, one at a time.

"Ohhh . . . shiiiiit . . . that feels good!" Charise sighed softly.

"And then I took your shirt off . . . like this." She pulled the jersey up over Charise’s head, her eyes drinking in every inch of Charise’s flawless, smooth, very black skin, such a wild aphrodisiac to her. "And I worshipped each one of your beautiful naked breasts . . . like this."

She held one of Charise’s perfect breasts in both hands and licked and sucked the girl’s beautiful nipple until Charise was quivering and mewlng softly. Her nipples were big, and her aureolas were large and puffy, and Laura could have sucked them both all afternoon, without moving on. But Charise became very aroused from this.

"Laura, you making my knees weak," she panted. "I have to sit down."

"Why don’t we lie down instead?"

Charise nodded and followed her to the bedroom. There they quickly shed the rest of their clothes and lay down facing each other on Laura’s bed.

"Would you do that again? What you were doing?" Charise asked.

"You mean sucking your nipples?"

Charise nodded. "It drives me wild. I just want to give in to it completely. It almost makes me want to come."

"Honey, if you feel like coming, don’t stop. I want to make you come and come."

"Unhhhh!" Charise moaned as Laura began sucking her other nipple, while gently pinching the first, damp one between her finger and thumb. "Oh shit, it feels so good! Do it harder! Please!"

"Oh honey!"

Laura was in ninth heaven. Charise’s springy, beautifully-shaped young breasts were so lovely, and she sucked and tongued the girl’s delectable, erect black nipples, squeezing the globes at the same time, until Charise was indeed on the verge of an orgasm. She watched Laura sucking her breasts, then moaned and half-swooned, then watched again, approaching closer and closer to the point of no return.

Suddenly, she knew she was there. "Oh shit, Laura . . . I’m gonna come! Unhhh!"

"Yes, honey, yes!"

Just to help her over, Laura dropped one hand to Charise’s oozing pussy, brushing the girl’s hard little clit with her fingertip. And she returned to the first nipple she had sucked, taking it into her mouth again and pinching it between the roof of her mouth and her tongue, sucking it harder than before. Charise just spilled over with coming.

"Auuoowwnnggg! Oh shit oh jesus ungghhhh! Aoownnuughhh! Oh god . . . Laura yes unggghh! Please! Yes! Ungghhh!"

Half of her ecstatic cries escaped before Laura grabbed a pillow and as gently but quickly as possible turned her head to the side, so that she was moaning into it, partially muffling her very erotic groans. She was so beautiful in the throes of her orgasm that Laura almost came herself just watching and hearing her. Charise was stunned by the intensity of her climax, but as she regained her senses she realized that Laura was hyper-aroused.

Without even speaking, showing the experience she had gained in only a few prior moments like this one, she wrapped one arm around the back of Laura’s neck and drew Laura down so that their naked bodies touched everywhere, kissing Laura. It began as a warm kiss of gratitude but quickly became a torrid, scorching prelude to a more serious act as she rolled Laura onto her back and slid between Laura’s thighs in one fluid motion. Laura groaned and flexed as she immediately felt Charise’s tongue enter her pussy.

"Unhhh!" she moaned, undulating her hips slowly, swirling her aching pussy into Charise’s mouth. "Ohhhh . . . yes, honey, oh yes oh god yes!"

Charise was awkward but passionate. She licked and tongued Laura’s pussy eagerly, and Laura guided her gently, letting her know when she found the right place.

"Oh . . . there, there! Yes, there! Oh god, yes, honey, there, do it hard! Do it fast! Oh god, honey, I’m going to come too! Yes . . . darling, yes! Aoounngghhhhh!"

Quickly Laura turned her own face into the pillow, crying out in a sharp spasm of intense pleasure as she came but very aware at the same time of Kendra and Jane, upstairs listening. Still, there was no way she could hold it back. She moaned into the pillow, shuddering and coming in thrilling shockwaves as Charise continued to lick her flooding pussy. When it was over, there was juice on the sheets, and smearing Charise’s lips. Rarely did Laura ejaculate anything, but this was a very wet climax.

"Oh god, I’ve made a mess," she said, after she finally caught her breath. "I’m so sorry. Look at you, darling, you’ve got my juices all over your mouth."

Charise beamed in her sweet, angelic way, showing all of her perfect teeth. "You taste pretty good," she said.

"I usually don’t leave a river behind, though," Laura apologized, getting a towel. "I guess it was the way you did it to me, so special, that made me come that way."


Laura nodded and smiled. "I couldn’t help it."

"I love it when you call me ‘Darling’. Wow, it feels so good. Just want to do it with you all over again."

Laura glanced at the bedside clock. "How long can you stay?"

Charise shrugged, and her beautiful breasts jiggled seductively. "I guess a couple more hours. I should get home by six."

It was only three. We’ll both barely be able to walk by then, Laura thought. I can’t stop myself. I just want to consume her. I want to fuck her until I can’t lift a finger to fuck her again.

"We can do it again," she murmured softly. "And again and again."

"Ummmm," Charise smiled. "You making me hot, lady."

"Not as hot as you’re making me," Laura whispered, moving forward on the bed so that their nipples brushed. "I just want to do it over and over again with you. You’re so beautiful."

"You keep saying that," Charise giggled nervously. "Nobody ever called me beautiful but you. Everybody just be saying I’m cute. Cute with a big nose."

"I love your nose," Laura said, kissing it.

"It’s too big."

"It is not. I love it. I love every part of your delicious body."

"Ooooh, now you getting nasty," Charise grinned. "Even my little coozy? Even my ugly little black pussy?"

"Who told you it was ugly?"

"My mama. She say your pussy is the ugliest part of your body, and that’s why you have to keep it covered at all times. God just left a little slit there because he ran out of ideas after making a man."

Laura embraced the angelic creature and kissed her passionately, mashing their naked breasts together, running her hands all over Charise’s smooth body. "You have a beautiful, beautiful pussy," she murmured, finding it with one hand and stroking the wet lips tenderly. "A wet, beautiful pussy," she giggled softly against Charise’s deeply black cheek. "Wet for me? You want me to lick your pussy again, and drink your pussy juice, don’t you."

"Wow . . . I do. You’re right."

"Lie back, my darling, and let me eat your beautiful, wet, black pussy until you die of coming."

"Call me darling again," Charise said, eyes flashing, grinning uncontrollably.

"Darling. Darling darling darling."

"Let’s do one of those things where we do it to each other at the same time," Charise suggested. "I never done that."


"Why they call it that?"

Laura caressed her cheek. "You be the six, and I’ll be the nine."

For the next five minutes, they feasted on each other’s pussy, Charise on her back, Laura crouching over her. They were very much in synch with each other and came at the same time, a violent climax that had them both whinnying and shuddering, making the bed quake and causing much more noise than Laura hoped they would. But it was the purest sexual rapture for both of them

And Laura could not get enough of Charise. Even coming together with her like this was not enough, and she swarmed over the sweet girl, devouring her smooth young body, luxuriating in her deep black skin. Her physical hunger for the girl was overwhelming, and she found herself worrying after Charise’s fifth orgasm that she would frighten her away, that Charise would recoil from being so exhaustively and repeatedly fucked.

But Charise reacted differently. "I can come a lot, huh?" she grinned. "Wow, killer comes, too. You really know how to make my body go up in flames, girl."

Laura pulled her close, cupping her naked breast in one hand and murmuring, "Darling, darling" in her beautiful black ear. "You are black as night, and I’m going to set you on fire so you’re bright as day."

"When you call me ‘darling’ it makes me want to come all over again," Charise smiled. "And I already just came enough for a whole month."

"Not in my bed, you didn’t," Laura said. "Darling. I’m going to eat you alive."

"Don’t you ever get tired of doing it to me?"

"Are you kidding? Tired? I haven’t even started yet."

"Wow, you are one hot white lady. I never knew white folks got so sexed up as this. Look, don’t you just love the way your skin and mine look together?"

She put her very black hand on Laura’s naked breast. They both looked down at it, the sight very beautiful and striking. Laura’s nipple grew erect against her palm.

Charise grinned. "You nasty girl, you getting excited."

"I’m very excited by you." They kissed again, dancing tongues. "I want to do it to you again."


"I can’t get enough."

"You a nympho, girl."

Laura pouted. "You aren’t read to quit."

Charise grinned again. "I didn’t say that. I kinda like this more than anything else I ever did."


She nodded. "I like . . . to feel your tongue . . . down there." She looked away. "I’m gonna blush."

"Don’t blush, my darling Inky." Laura pulled her down again.

"You like me being really dark, don’t you. You a weird white lady all around, you know. You like screwing with sisters, and you like ‘em real black like me and Jane. I never met a white person like you."

"I consider that an honor," Laura said, sticking her tongue deep into Charise’s ear, breathing warmly, making Charise shiver and moan.

"Oooohhh shit . . . that feels good!"

Both of them were overcome by a new, fresh onrush of lust. "I want to fuck you again, Inky," Laura panted, using the ‘f’ word for the first time since she had invited Charise to fuck pussy to pussy, last time..

Charise apparently took it as license to use the word herself. "I want you to fuck me, Laura," she said, gazing deeply, seriously into Laura’s eyes. "I love it when you fuck me and call me darling and Inky."

"Mmmm, you do?" Laura nuzzled her neck, dropping her mouth again to Charise’s young, springy breasts.

In only a few more minutes Charise was coming again, with Laura’s mouth fastened to her pussy, coaxing more and more intense orgasms out of her, until she was truly devastated by them. Charise moaned softly and looked up at Laura.

"I think we’re gonna have to stop," she croaked. "I don’t know if my body can come any more."

Laura hugged her. "I’ve got news for you. It can."

"I must’ve had ten of them."

"Nine," Laura said. "You could have nineteen."

Charise shook her head and smiled. "I’d be dead before then. How many times have you done it? I mean, really come, you know, like this, when you were doing it like this . . . with some other chick?"

For the first time Laura detected a trace of jealousy, as if Charise didn’t want her to be doing with some other chick. She debated with herself how to answer.

"More than nine," she said.

"More than nineteen?"

Laura shrugged. "Maybe a few times."

Charise grew very serious. "I don’t believe you came that many times in a row. It ain’t human to do that."

"Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure," Laura smiled.

Charise broke out into her angelic smiled that so pierced Laura’s heart. "Next time you make me come that many times, okay?"

Laura patted the girl’s gorgeous, round, firm, black bottom. "You get lots of rest then, okay?"

"I will," Charise promised.

"You better get home before your mama begins to ask questions. Come on, I’ll drive you back and drop you a block away."

Laura was deliriously in love. Driving back from dropping off Charise, she wondered if she would now have to begin to think of her bed partners in tiers: love the most, love the second most, third, then the ones she just enjoyed and who just enjoyed her company once in a while, for example, Vondi, Bernice, Alison. At any rate, Charise now occupied the pinnacle, and Laura’s heart just spilled over with love for her, so much so that when she got home, she masturbated in the bath, thinking again of marvelous Inky and the wonderful time they had shared, finally coming in a great, throbbing explosion of rapture for the marvelous girl.

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