Laura - Chapter 172


But if Inky was at the top, Earlene was only a few rungs down. These two new lovers occupied Laura’s thoughts constantly, and when Earlene phoned Laura the day after Laura’s bout with Inky, Laura’s libido took a sudden skyrocket into the exciting perversity they shared. Sex with Inky was so sweetly intense, but with Earlene it was dangerous and perversely thrilling.

"I couldn’t get the other night off my mind," Earlene confessed over the phone.

"I couldn’t either." Laura could feel the pulse beating in her throat.

"Think you could bring yourself to do it again?"

"I think wild horses couldn’t stop me," Laura breathed into the receiver.

"When are you free?"


"I’ll be there after work."

Laura, after a moment’s reflection, called Karen. "I need to borrow something," she said.

"Of course." Karen’s voice was smoky, suggestive. "Come on over after work. It’s been some time since we . . . you know—"

"I . . . have a date," Laura said, feeling sexually aroused and embarrassed at the same time.

"Oh." Karen’s voice dropped. "So you don’t want to see me. You just want to borrow something from me to use on your date. Like the last time you borrowed something."

Oh god, she’s right! Laura thought. "I . . . don’t know what to say."

"No need to say anything."

"No, there is a need. Let me say this. Next time you and I . . . you have free rein. Okay?"

"’Free rein’?" Karen asked. "You mean I can do anything I want?"

"Yes," Laura swallowed.

"And when might we get around to this?"

"This weekend?"

Laura could almost hear her smile. "I accept. Now let me guess what you want to borrow. The vise, right?"

She almost hated Karen for putting her through this. "Yes."

"I have it in my car. Meet me at the parking lot exit at a few minutes after work and I’ll let you have it."

This meeting was almost as erotic as Laura’s anticipated evening with Earlene would surely turn out to be. Karen was, as usual, wildly attractive. She was the first woman Laura had ever slept with, and her allure remained devastating. Her dark eyes were fiery with jealousy intermingled with lust as she removed a bag containing the wicked vise from the trunk of her car.

"How dare you use this on someone other than me," she said, handing it to Laura. "Is she pretty? Is she a sister? Are her boobs as good as mine?"

The answer to all these questions was yes, but Laura did not dare to answer them. "I can’t help it," she said in a meek voice. "I’m crazy about both of you."

Karen smirked. "Just don’t let her leave any marks on you. Or I’ll kill her. Got that straight?"

"I’ll tell her."

"I’ll drop by your place Saturday afternoon. Okay?"

Now it was Laura’s turn to smirk. "You better get some rest beforehand, girl."

It was the same thing she had said to Inky. She almost blushed at her boldness but stood her ground. Karen was absolutely ‘rape-able’ in a short white skirt that showed off her stocky but well-shaped legs and a tight yellow blouse punctuated by her large, jutting breasts. They had shared things that Laura would never even suggest to Earlene.

Although Earlene and I have gone pretty far already, she realized, remembering them fisting one another, and the way she had whipped Earlene’s breasts. Pretty far. And now . . . the vise.

But Karen and Laura had nearly put one another in the hospital, more times than either one like to remember. Karen leaned close, dangerously close, and breathed in Laura’s ear. "You are the one who better get rested up," she warned. "I’m going to fuck you so hard on Saturday that you won’t be able to walk on Sunday."

Laura’s knees suddenly went weak. Karen saw it and smiled. "I can’t wait," Laura whispered haltingly.

"I’ll bet you can’t." Karen winked. "Now enjoy your little night of torture with your black bimbo."

Laura drove home chewing over Karen’s words, feeling resentful, and aroused too. Earlene wasn’t a bimbo. She shared more with Karen than Karen knew. But more bizarre to Laura was the contrast between this plunge into perversion and the sweet, though intense, innocence of her emotional fucking with Charise, Inky, her wildly fetching teenager. How can I go from that sweet girl into this sick . . . thing we’re going to do? Hurting each other with these horrible devices? Whipping? Biting? And Inky is so sweet. I would never dream of hurting her lovely young body.

But Earlene was already there, waiting for Laura. And one look at her full, voluptuous body, and a deep gaze into her hotly pulsing eyes was enough to remind Laura that the perverse tortures were inescapable. Earlene had a lovely body too, and Laura looked forward to making her scream, to making tears flow down her cheeks, to making her nearly pass out in the throes of excruciating, even painful orgasms.

"Hi," Earlene smiled. "I was hoping you didn’t forget."

Laura could already feel how wet her own pussy was. "Small chance of that," she said softly. "Just try not to look at me like we’re obviously going upstairs to fuck. My neighbors are already suspicious."

They were alone in the elevator, and Earlene risked a little. "Maybe you don’t use that gag enough with the others," she teased.

Laura grimaced. "It’s because it looks so good on you, darling. I save it just for you."

"What’s in the bag?"

Laura smiled. "You’ll find out."

Inside Laura’s apartment, they kissed by the door, hungry for each other. "I’m sorry," Earlene confessed. "I really did want to do that. I think I really missed you. I know my boobs did. It took them three days to stop hurting, after last time."

Laura frowned, looking down at the mounds pushing up through Earlene’s thin rayon blouse. "Poor babies. But you told me that’s what you wanted. Something to remember me by."

"Nobody ever whipped them."

"You sound like you liked it."

Earlene’s eyes danced with fire. "Are you going to do it again?"

"Only if you want me to."

"I don’t know if I do or not," Earlene said as Laura pulled her toward the bedroom.

Laura was overcome by lust, and she realized Earlene was too. In Laura’s bedroom they quickly disrobed. Laura removed Earlene’s bra, and Earlene removed Laura’s. They brushed their naked breasts together.

"They’re beautiful," Laura murmured, cupping Earlene’s full, firm breasts in her hands. "They don’t look like they hurt."

"They don’t any more. But I have a feeling they will in a few minutes."

Laura kissed her passionately, thrusting her tongue deep into Earlene’s mouth. "I want to swallow them," she panted.

"What’s in the bag?"

"Want to see it?"

"Something to hurt me with?"

"You, honey, are sick.."

"Let me see," Earlene said, reaching for the bag, unable to stifle her curiosity.

Laura slowly removed the vise. She held it up, running her fingers along the rubberized bars. Earlene’s eyes widened. She too ran her fingertip along one bar, then twirled one of the wingnuts.

"Looks like that baby could hurt," she said.

"Want to try it?"

Earlene’s eyes were already glazed. She was a complete and total masochist, again like Karen. Just the idea of breast torture seemed to bring her close to an orgasm.

"I might come before you even get it tight," she panted, her breath growing quick.

"Well, we have to do it right," Laura said, pulling the rope out from under the bed.

She sat Earlene down and began to tie up her magnificent breasts, looping the coils of white rope around each one, separating them, strangling them tightly enough to make them swell and throb, but not enough to deaden the sensations. Again Earlene’s large black nipples flared, glossy and bulbous, fantastically tempting. She watched each detail, as Laura bound her breasts.

By the time Laura finished, they jutted out incredibly from the coils, hard balls, swollen and shiny, the large nipples protruding, the centers rising stiffly about half an inch above the engorged areolas. Laura wanted to drop everything right there and suck and bite them enough to make Earlene melt down in an explosion of coming, which she knew Earlene would do in under twenty seconds if she gave in to her desire.

But she controlled the urge. Earlene wanted the vise, even though she was nearly so far gone already in sexual delirium that Laura realized she could probably do anything to her.

"Do you want me to put the gag in now? Or wait?" she asked.

Earlene’s breath came in short pants. "Wait . . . until I . . . tell you," she gasped.

Laura teased her by running one long, shapely forefinger all over the bulging globes, touching each of Earlene’s bursting nipples with her fingertip. Earlene bit her full lower lip. She quivered visibly with intense sexual excitement as she watched Laura’s finger on her nipples.

"Oh god!" she whimpered in a soft voice.

"I’m going to tie your hands behind you, you naughty girl," Laura said to her. "I don’t want you trying to protect them when I . . . give you what you’re dying for."

"Oh god," Earlene said again as Laura tied together her wrists behind her back.

Now Laura picked up the vise. Like Karen’s, Earlene’s breasts were bigger than hers. The wing nuts had to be loosened and the bars pulled farther apart before they would even fit over the bulging globes of Earlene’s gorgeous, throttled breasts. Earlene watched everything, fascinated, terrified.

Laura slipped the bars over Earlene’s breasts, trapping the beautiful mounds between them. From experience she knew not to push them too far back toward Earlene’s chest, so that they caught the rear part of her breasts, which were already tightly trussed by the rope. Instead, she stopped halfway, catching each full, hard globe in the middle, so that when the bars were tightened, they would clamp each breast in its fleshiest part.

Now Earlene was shaking and moaning so badly that she could hardly sit up. Laura wondered if the gag would be necessary very soon. She had not even begun to tighten the bars, but the anticipation nearly made Earlene come. And she didn’t even know yet that Laura planned to put the nipple clamps on her too, momentarily.

"Oh god . . . oh shit," Earlene murmured over and over, as Laura began slowly to turn the wing nuts on each side of the device.

"It doesn’t hurt yet, does it?"

"No." Earlene shook her head, her neck-length braids swirling sexily. "But it’s gonna. I can tell. Where did you find this thing?"

"It’s a secret."

"Have you ever had it done to you?"


The bars were drawing closer together now, biting into the wonderful smooth flesh of Earlene’s breasts. Again Laura paused to run her fingertips over Earlene’s bursting, bulbous black nipples.

"I just want to lick them and suck them so badly," she murmured.

"Do it. Please . . . do it."

"But if I do you’ll come."

"I know."

"Don’t you want to save it?"

"I want to come," Earlene glowered at Laura, who began to tighten the wing nuts again.

By the time Laura next paused, Earlene’s breasts were crushed between the two bars, and Earlene was beginning to moan uncontrollably. Laura knew it was time for the gag. She had been through this herself and knew that this stage, which was clearly beginning to torment Earlene, was only the prelude to worse pain to come. Her own breasts were smaller, but she knew that Earlene’s could take at least another inch of pressure. But the pain was growing intense.

Tears began to roll uncontrollably down Earlene’s cheeks. "Why do you want to hurt me?" she asked Laura softy, as Laura was retrieving the ball gag from her closet.

Laura kissed her cheek, again rubbing her fingertips over Earlene’s taut, swollen nipples. "You asked me to hurt you. It makes you come hard."

Earlene’s face was contorted by fierce sexual excitement. "Are you going to fist fuck me again?"

"Do you want me to?"

"I dreamed of having you whip me there. Like you whipped my boobs, last time? I dreamed of you whipping my pussy."

"Believe me, girl, you don’t want that. You won’t walk for days."

"I have a high pain threshhold," Earlene panted. "That’s why I can stand this."

She looked down at her crushed and swollen breasts, knowing as Laura fastened the ball gag in place that Laura wasn’t finished with them. Before the ball slipped into her mouth, preventing any more pleas, she fixed Laura with her throbbing black eyes.

"Whip my pussy and make me come, Laura," she asked solemnly. "Whip my pussy."

Before fastening the ball in place, Laura leaned forward and kissed Earlene sensually, a long, intimate, emotional kiss, a kiss of great tenderness but also a promise. By her kiss she told Earlene she didn’t want to hurt her but would do what Earlene wanted. Earlene quivered and mewled as the ball went into her mouth, and the strap was tightened. Now her eyes were streaked with fear.

Laura immediately opened the bed side table drawer and withdrew the alligator nipple clamps, the ferocious ones Karen had left with her, the clamps that had made her, Laura, weep and sob and shudder from intense pain. She could feel Earlene almost physically recoil from them as she stared at Laura’s hand.

But then she nodded rapidly, grunting and moaning incoherently into the gag. "Unhhh! Ungghmmphhh!" she grunted, nodding, signifying to Laura that she wanted them, she wanted the clamps, she wanted more pain.

Grimly, Laura pried open the first clamp with her thumb and forefinger. She slid the wide, open jaws of the clamp over the bulging areola of one huge, glossy, swollen, black nipple and slowly let it close. The teeth, even though coated with a thin rubber skin to prevent puncturing, bit sharply into Earlene’s nipple. Her body shuddered involuntarily, and a piteous mewling of agony escaped from deep in her throat. Again tears poured down her cheeks.

Laura paused to refine the torture a little by running the tip of her forefinger over the protruding stem of Earlene clamp-bitten nipple. Earlene whimpered, her black eyes imploring Laura, whether to keep it up or to stop Laura couldn’t tell. Now Laura fastened the second clamp onto Earlene’s other nipple in the same way, also flicking the erect center with her fingertip. Now Earlene’s whole body flinched, and she moaned in acute pain, her lovely breasts mangled by the vise, strangled by the rope coils, and her large nipples fiercely pinched by the alligator clamps.

Now that both nipples were clamped, Laura heightened the torment by toying with the steel chain that linked them together, tugging it with her finger and watching the fresh tears pour down Earlene’s face, listening to the desperate whimpering that was so neatly stifled by the ball gag in her mouth. A glance down at Earlene’s crotch revealed a soupy, glistening mop of pubic hair and Earlene’s puckering wet pussy, overflowing and festering in an inflamed bloom of lust. Laura realized that to fulfill Earlene’s deepest needs, she had to whip this beautiful pussy, as Earlene had begged her to do.

And to do that successfully, she had to tie apart Earlene’s thighs, so that she couldn’t reflexively close them against the blows of the whip. Earlene realized it too, and she quivered and moaned helplessly while Laura took time out to tie each knee to opposite bed posts. Now Earlene’s beautiful silky black thighs were completely spread, and her pussy was totally vulnerable.

Laura wondered if she had ever seen a more beautiful victim. Karen was certainly as fetching, but for true beauty she couldn’t match Earlene’s high cheekbones and v-shaped face. Randi was even more beautiful, but Laura had never done anything to her but tie up her breasts a little; never anything like this, or what she and Karen had done together. Brandi was beautiful, but her spectacularly grotesque and beautiful body drew your attention away from her face, and somehow made her category-less, as if she couldn’t be compared with anybody else, save maybe another beautiful female body builder.

Earlene was shockingly alluring in her bound state, tears streaming down her cheeks, her luscious breasts all mangled and tortured. She was also on the verge of a horrific orgasm, Laura knew. There was only one thing remaining to be done before Laura brought it on. And that was to tighten the vise one more inch, bringing a pain that Earlene knew was coming but probably had hoped by now to avoid. She might have even thought Laura had forgotten.

But Laura wanted to draw it out as long as possible. She toyed with Earlene’s tortured nipples, pulling the chain that connected the clamps, then licking the erect tips, then nipping each one gently with her teeth, until Earlene was writhing and crying uncontrollably.

"You know, your breasts can take one more inch," she said to the girl. "We can tighten the nuts one more inch."

Now Earlene, for the first time, shook her head violently, whimpering, begging Laura with her eyes not to do it. But Laura knew she wanted it.

She smiled a more sinister smile than she ever had before, somehow aroused to find this level of sadism reawakened in her. Only Karen usually had the power to awaken it. "In for a penny, in for a pound," she whispered to Earlene, beginning to tighten one wing nut again.

The bars bit lopsidedly into Earlene’s breasts since it was now impossible to tighten both nuts at the same time—it took too much strength. But Laura alternated between the two nuts quickly, so that the two bars pinched Earlene’s breasts to the point where she was howling continuously into the ball gag. Laura realized that she might faint soon, but that the maximum degree of arousal had also been reached. She can come now.

Whatever I do, she’ll come. She’ll either come, or pass out in a few seconds.

"Okay, girl, get ready," she said, reaching for the whip.

In a few more seconds it was all over. Laura yanked the steel chain connecting the nipple clamps and, with her other hand, snapped the head of the whip into Earlene’s inflamed pussy several times, whipping it hard. Earlene came almost immediately, falling into paroxysms of excruciating sexual rapture, screaming herself hoarse into the gag, and then actually passing out briefly, as Laura had predicted she would.

Laura brought her out of it and into one more wrenching climax by dropping the whip and chain and sinking to her knees between Earlene’s spread thighs. She pressed her mouth to Earlene’s erupting pussy and sucked and tongued it passionately, bringing on another wailing, flexing orgasm. Finally, while Earlene was still coming, she had to release the vise, for fear it would cause permanent bruising.

Then she released the gag, and Earlene’s soft moans and panting poured into the room where moments ago her stifled screams had so excited Laura. Next she took off the nipple clamps, then the coils of rope, finally untying Earlene’s knees and wrists. Earlene looked down at her breasts, which still showed the rope marks and the deep indentations made by the bars of the vise. Her nipples gleamed beautifully, no worse for wear, except that Laura knew they hurt like hell because of the fiendish clamps.

"I think I’m sorry I ever mentioned breast bondage to you," Earlene said in a soft, chastened voice.

Laura kissed her tenderly, then more ardently, a kiss to which Earlene responded warmly. "You loved it," Laura said. "You died of coming."

Earlene smiled dreamily. "I’m one sicko little black girl, don’t you think? I even feel like doing it back to you this time, you hurt me so bad."

"Bad news," Laura shook her head. "I’ve got a new, very young girlfriend. She wouldn’t understand the bruises and weals."

"I’d be careful. Look at my nipples."

"I love looking at your nipples."

"You can’t even tell."

"But they’re on fire, aren’t they," Laura said, knowingly.

Earlene nodded. "I want to hurt you back." She grinned. "Only to make you come, of course."

"Of course. You want to put those nasty clamps on my poor, sensitive nipples. And make me cry."

"You sound like you might like it."

Laura couldn’t deny that she felt a twinge deep in her pussy as she spoke. She had way more masochism in her than she was willing to admit, she knew from her bouts with Karen. The idea of a pain festival with Earlene was not entirely bad.

Earlene could see that Laura was debating the issue with herself. "Just a little," she coaxed. "I’ll be careful. She won’t see anything."

"If you whip my pussy, it’ll hurt for days."

Earlene got a long face. "You mean that’s what I have to look forward to?"

Laura gave in, instantly feeling her sexual arousal increase about triple. It was sick, but she couldn’t deny it, and she recognized the feeling from her many depraved moments with Karen.

"If you . . . are careful, and only do it a little," she murmured, her eyelids growing heavy and her breath accelerating as the thought of the sexual pain she would soon feel swept over her.

"I’ll leave the gag off, and you can tell me when it’s too much," Earlene promised.

Laura nodded. She sat patiently while Earlene tied her hands behind her back. Earlene, as she had confessed the first time, was almost always on the receiving end, not the giving end, and so she was a little awkward in this stage. She even needed a little prompting from Laura herself as she tied up Laura’s breasts in coils of rope.

"You need to make it just a little tighter," Laura coached. "Yes . . . unhhh! Oh yes, that’s right. Just tight enough . . . but not so tight it cuts off the blood. I should just be able to feel a gentle throbbing. Yes . . . like that."

"I love the way your nipples stand up and swell like that when I pull it tight," Earlene said, very aroused sexually by tying up Laura.

Laura herself was beginning to feel an influx of terror that she had not expected, which had the perverse effect of arousing her sexually even more, as well as panicking her. The cause of it, she knew, was Earlene’s obvious excitement. The girl was enjoying this, and when it came time for the alligator clamps, the look on Earlene’s face was one of delirious sexual arousal.

"Don’t put them on me, I’ve changed my mind," Laura said to her softly, seriously, as Earlene parted the jaws of one clamp with her fingers.

"You can’t change your mind," Earlene smiled, her smile every bit as sinister as Laura’s had been. "That’s why I tied you up."

"Please . . . don’t," Laura said, with finality.

But Earlene didn’t hesitate. She held apart the pinchers of the clamp, sliding it forward so that Laura’s vulnerable, swollen nipple was between them. Then she slowly let it close. The fierce pinching was horrific. Pain shot through Laura’s nipple, and tears sprang immediately to her eyes.

"Oh . . . shit!" she said under her breath. "Please, take it off!"

Still smiling, Earlene opened the other clamp and slowly, so that both of them could enjoy each second, slid the open jaws over Laura’s other nipple. The same electrifying pain shot through Laura’s breast as the clamp closed on her nipple.

"Oh god!" she moaned softly, feeling the tears begin to pour involuntarily down her cheeks. "It hurts!"

"Mmmm," Earlene toyed with her, lifting the chain between the clamps with one long, sinuous forefinger and tugging it gently.

Even a gentle tug sent ribbons of flame through Laura’s nipples. She moaned piteously, looking down at her tortured breasts. And since they had agreed to limit this to the clamps, Earlene was apparently eager to make the best of it. She bent her head to Laura’s breasts and began to tickle Laura’s tormented nipples with her tongue at the same time as she gently tugged the chain.

The added stimulation had the desired effect. Even though her nipples screamed in pain, Laura realized that her cunt was even wetter than it had already become from whipping Earlene. And now Earlene refined the torture by removing one clamp, tonguing and then sucking Laura’s aching nipple passionately, then closing the tight clamp on it again before doing the same to Laura’s other nipple.

By this time, Laura’s breasts were throbbing with pain, but the torture and hard sucking Earlene was administering to her nipples also had aroused her so much that she was squirming and flowing, dying to be finished off. Earlene knew it and began to toy with Laura’s pussy. She slipped two fingers into it, then three, until Laura realized what she was doing She was going to fistfuck Laura at the same time that she tortured her nipples.

"Oh god . . . put the gag in!" Laura begged her, delirious from pain and wild sexual arousal mixed together. "Please . . . the gag . . . the gag, Earlene, the gag, please!"

All Laura could think of was Kendra, and Jane. They would hear her screaming, and she would certainly be screaming. She was almost coming already.

Earlene smiled in her sinister way and removed her three fingers from Laura’s sopping wet pussy, wiping them on the bedspread before fastening the ball gag in place, and locking the harness. Now Laura knew the intense pain would begin, and the horrific orgasms, but at least no one but she and Earlene would hear her screams.

She watched as Earlene lowered her hand again and made a wedge with her fingers and thumb. Oh god! she thought, filled with panic. She had survived it before, but each time scared her all over again, and hurt like crazy at first. She clenched her teeth as she watched and felt Earlene’s hand enter, then penetrate her pussy up to the wrist.

"Ummggnnn!" she groaned into the rubber ball.

She wondered if any sexual torture were more sublime than this. The whip stung, and left soreness for days, but fistfucking was wildly violent and quick, and had relatively little in the way of aftereffects. Earlene rotated her fist inside Laura’s pussy, and Laura came unglued. Tears poured down her cheeks, but she began pumping her hips, fucking back, grunting and moaning at the same time. Earlene now began fucking her seriously, plunging her hand in deep, bringing muffled howls of pain from Laura.

And then she grabbed the chain that linked the nipple clamps and began to pull it too, while she fistfucked Laura. The pain was intense. Laura groaned and twisted. She realized that she was about to come. Oh god, let it be over! one part of her begged, unable to speak it. But another part of her wanted it to be even rougher, wanted to feel Earlene’s fist raping and spearing her stuffed and stretched pussy.

It was over quickly, as Laura had known it would be. She simply erupted in horrendous spasms of coming, her body buckled and wrenched by excruciating waves of bliss. It was a cataclysmic orgasm, but it was over as quickly as it happened. Her body collapsed, and Earlene drew her hand slowly out of Laura’s plundered cunt, leaving a feeling of emptiness but also deep satiety.

Earlene unfastened the ball gag and wiped away Laura’s remaining tears with a towel.

"I’m almost sorry I ever learned about that," Laura confessed. "It makes any other kind of fucking seem like a tea party."

She winced as Earlene removed the fiendish nipple clamps. Tenderly, Earlene kissed Laura’s nipples. "They must hurt," she said soflty.

"Yours hurt, mine hurt," Laura said. "Why do we hurt each other?"

"Because it’s the wildest fun I know," Earlene said seriously. "The first time anyone ever bit my nipple . . . I came like gangbusters." She grinned at Laura conspiratorially. "You should see what I do when I’m alone."

"You don’t have to be alone," Laura said. "You’re too beautiful to be alone. What do you do?"

"I knew you’d want to know."

Laura had done a few things alone, mainly long ago, with cucumbers, and with the faucet in the bathtub, as Karen had taught her. She had masturbated often when she was mooning over Brandi, but that had been almost two years ago. Since then she had accumulated so many girlfriends that she rarely had the time or the need to do it alone. But she was wildly curious about this beautiful, but shockingly kinky, black girl, and what she did to herself when she was alone.

"I’m dying to know," she said, almost breathless.

Earlene put on a little show for Laura. She cupped her full, very firm breasts in her hands from below, lifting them slightly and brushing her large black nipples with her thumbs.

"I tie these up very tight. Tighter than you do. Then I have these little vises that I bought in the hardware store. You use them to holding things together that you’re gluing."

Laura’s mouth dropped. "Oh god."

"I know just how to put them on, and just how tight to make them. I just about die while I’m doing it."

"I can imagine."

"Do you want to hear more?" Laura nodded. "Well, I’m almost ready to come by this time. You know how torturing my boobs makes me come. So I lie on my back on the bed and put my feet up on the top of the headboard, and scoot a pillow under my ass. Then I get my fingers all greasy with K-Y Jelly and fist fuck myself in the ass. And with my other hand I pull on the vises until my nipples almost explode. God, I really come hard when I do that."

She was breathing hard as she described it. So was Laura.

"Wow," Laura said.

She had fisted Karen in the ass, last time they had met, which had seemed like the most perverted thing either one had ever done. And here was Earlene talking about doing it to herself. Earlene bent forward, slithering her tongue between Laura’s lips.

"You made my pussy hurt bad with that whip," she whispered, "but my ass still feels just fine."

Laura shook her head. "Too much rough stuff for one day," she said. "I want to do something we’ve never done. Never thought of.."


Their lips were still only a inch apart, and Laura kissed Earlene slowly and soulfully, the most romantic kiss they had ever shared. "Let’s make love," she whispered. "Just you and me, kissing, caressing, coming together. No pinching or biting. Only loving. How about it?"

"Mmmmm," Earlene grinned. "Do you think we can actually do something that tame?"

"Let’s try."

"I’m willing."

And so they took twenty prolonged minutes making love to each other, starting with very conscious tenderness, and only growing a little more passionate as they became more aroused. By the final explosion, both were desperate for one another, in a sixty-nine position, roiling and writhing, then suddenly coming almost together in a fiery finish. Laura was almost sad to realize that her orgasm, though sweet and intense, was not as acutely shattering as the ones Earlene had given her earlier, by carefully controlled torture. She knew when she kissed Earlene afterward that Earlene felt the same.

"It was good to love you and not to hurt you," she whispered to the black girl.

"I know," Earlene smiled wryly. "But I wouldn’t want to give up the other. Would you?"

Laura took a long time to respond, wishing it were otherwise. But then she shook her head. "I would love to watch you do what you just described to me," she said. "With the little vises and the . . . the rest."

Earlene’s eyes sparkled. "Next time," she promised. "I never thought of having someone watch. That sounds exciting."

Laura was so excited by the thought of it that she could still feel her blood racing when she waved goodbye to Earlene.

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