Laura - Chapter 169


In the heat of the moment, her deep guilt and sadness at having betrayed Kendra with Kendra’s own teenage daughter, Laura had forgotten about Charise. The girl had remained in her bedroom, staying carefully away from the scene in the doorway. Laura found her there, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Charise had already put her bra and her panties back on, and was pulling on her jeans. Laura was overcome with lust for her, but she quickly realized how inappropriate it was after the last few harrowing minutes. Nevertheless, she could feel her mind deviously trying to figure out how she could get Charise undressed again and into bed with her.

She sat down next to Charise. "Well, that was pretty ugly, wasn’t it," she said quietly.

"My mama would have done the same thing," Charise said softly, half-smiling at Laura from the side.

Laura ran a finger down her arm, then back up to her gleaming black shoulder. "God, I love your skin," she whispered.

Charise smiled broadly. "Do you really? It’s so black. A lot of people don’t like that."

"Does it bother you that they call you Inky?"

She shook her head. "Black is beautiful, right?"

"It sure is on you. I just want to lick your shoulder." Laura remembered licking Brandi’s shoulder, long ago, and what that had led to.

"You do?"

Laura nodded. "I can’t help myself."

Now Charise beamed in that angelic little-girl smile of hers. "You can lick it all you want."

Laura bent forward and kissed her shoulder, running her lips all over it, then slowly in the direction of her neck. She stopped at the bra strap.

"This is in the way."

Charise enjoyed being seduced for a second time. "Want me to take it off?" she asked, coquettishly.

"Let me take it off."


Charise turned her back slightly toward Laura so that Laura could reach her bra clasp. Laura could feel her own heart thundering inside her chest. She had already fucked this delicious young girl, sharing her with Jane, but it was as if it were all new to her.

I want you for myself, you darling creature. Charise was unlike Jane. She was so soft, submissive, pliant, willing. Not sarcastic, devious, bold, outrageous, like Jane. Laura liked both styles, but right now she wanted to enfold this sweet, very black girl and devour her beautiful naked body without having to share it with anybody. And best of all, Charise didn’t seem to have any objections.

Laura was a great connoisseur of backs and bottoms, and she had scarcely had a chance even to notice Charise’s when Jane was there. But now it was all hers. She kissed the long, smooth, dark expanse of Charise’s naked back, gently releasing the bra clasp with her fingers, kissing Charise’s shoulderblades, the hollow of her spine, the shallow dimples over her asscheeks.

Charise began breathing harder. "That feels good," she panted.

"Mmmm, it’s going to feel even better."

Laura ran her hands around Charise and up her phenomenally smooth midriff to her naked breasts, cupping them as she kissed the back of Charise’s neck. Charise turned her head, and Laura caught her mouth in a very hot, searching kiss. While they kissed, they both moved so that they could embrace, and Charise slipped one hand inside Laura’s robe, closing her hand over one of Laura’s breasts.

"You know what?" she murmured as their lips parted. "I like it being just you and me."

"Me too. I think you’re so lovely."

"You keep saying that."

"Because it’s true."

"Nobody ever told me that before."

"They all must be blind."

Laura cradled each of Charise’s beautiful breasts in her palms and lowered her mouth to them. She sucked one thick black nipple into her mouth and made love to it so insistently that Charise began to whimper.

"Oooohhh, it feels so good!" Charise mewled, looking down at her nipple inside Laura’s mouth, watching Laura suck and lick the shiny wet bud sensually. "Nobody ever did this to me before."

"Doesn’t your boyfriend do it?" Laura asked, moving her mouth to the other swollen, delectable nipple.

"No. He just squeezes and pinches them, and flicks them with his tongue. He don’t know that this really turns me on."

"Mmmm," Laura smiled, "does it turn you on enough to make you want to do it with me again?"

"Yes," Charise sighed.

Laura kissed her ravenously, pushing her down onto her back, now pinching both of Charise’s wet nipples in her fingers as she devoured the enchanting young girl’s mouth, stabbing her tongue deeply into it. Charise began to moan and mewl excitedly.

"Oh Laura . . . I love doing this with you," she panted, dark eyes glazed over in a flux of sexual heat.

Laura had not used the ‘f’ word with her, not feeling comfortable enough yet to do it. But now, she put her mouth close to Charise’s marvelously whorled black ear and breathed into it.

"I want to fuck you with my pussy."

A noticeable quiver went through Charise’s lovely young body, and Laura knew her words had had their effect. Charise looked deep into her eyes. She slid her hands down her body and began to remove her panties.

Laura helped. As they cleared her feet, Charise twirled them around her forefinger and let them go flying across the room. She looked at Laura, and they both burst into giggles.

"I love being with you," she said, and Laura’s heart filled with love for her.

"Lie back, honey," Laura said.

Charise’s pussy was even wetter than it had been earlier, when Laura and Jane had taken her for the first time. It was wet and slick and brightly magenta between the glossy black lips.

"You have such a beautiful pussy," Laura said, meaning every word. "Your beautiful pussy and mine are going to kiss."

Charise bit her full lower lip, watching as Laura moved her wet cunt closer to hers. When their pussies were only an inch or so apart, Laura reached down and spread her cuntlips with two fingers, opening the wet crease widely. She nodded for Charise to do the same.

"Pull your pussy open, honey," she panted. "Like me. Then we can really feel them come together."

Eyes throbbing in a maelstrom of sexual excitement, Charise did as she was asked and spread her own pussylips with two fingers. Again Laura inched forward. The warm, wet meat of their two vaginas pressed together, and the accompanying sensations of electrifying intimacy and meltingly sweet sexual arousal washed over them both.

"Unnhhhhh!" Charise groaned, throwing her head back, her delicious breasts jiggling as she gave in to the thrilling feelings.

Laura was nearly as overcome. She had not done this for months—the last time with Randi—and all her warm feelings for Charise mixed with the hot, sweet honeyfire in her throbbing pussy. She too groaned and began gyrating her hips in smooth, swirling fuck-motions, rubbing their two inflamed cunts together.

Charise, nearly swooning from overwhelming sexual desire, got the idea and began swirling her pussy into Laura’s. The wet, slippery interior of their cunts slid together, and their clits brushed, making each of them moan and increase the rhythm, pumping, grinding, on their elbows now, staring deeply into each other’s eyes as they fucked more and more urgently.

The bed began to shake, and the springs sang. Both of them were panting and mewling so much that they scarcely noticed. Laura, who loved to watch her partner’s face when she fucked this way, was overcome by Charise’s childlike innocence as sexual feelings more powerful than any she had ever felt before today filled her luscious young body. Her young face was torn with a sublime ecstacy just before she came in a great uprush of intense pleasure, enough to knock her back to the mattress as the spasms wrenched her body.

"Auungghhh! Oh! Ohnnnggg . . . auunngghhh!" she groaned, her beautiful young body writhing and twisting.

Laura came right after her, triggered not only by the relentless pressure of Charise’s pussy against her own, but also by the sublime ecstasy on Charise’s face. A deep upwelling of love and hot, fierce coming filled her body, and she moaned softly and focused on the feeling of her throbbing, wet vagina glued to Charise’s as the thrilling spasms coursed through her.

It was one of the most moving orgasms Laura had experienced for a long time, emotionally as well as physically moving. And she could see from Charise’s shiny eyes and stunned facial expression that she too was still experiencing feelings she had never felt before. It’s love, you silly darling, it’s love, Laura wanted to tell her. I’m in love with a sixteen-year-old. Another sure recipe for heartbreak.

They each savored the minutest sensation of bliss before finally they disentangled their legs and embraced. This time their embrace and their kiss had deeper meaning than earlier since they had, through the intense pussy-fucking that had just occurred, entered into a level of intimacy that neither had expected. Laura kissed Charise and stroked her hair, her Dutch flip, overflowing with love.

"I’m feeling stuff for you I never felt before," Charise confessed quietly. "I didn’t know this was going to happen. I got to get home and do my homework."

"I’m feeling like I love you . . . and I never expected this would happen either," Laura murmured to her.

"I wish you would suck my titties like you did before. Shoot, it really catches me on fire."

"Do you have time to be caught on fire again?" Laura asked. "Will your mother begin to wonder where you are?"

Charise glanced at the bedside clock. "I think I have about twenty more minutes. She don’t get home from work until seven." Her nose crinkled in a mischievous smile. "Can you light the fire and put it out in twenty minutes?"

Laura grinned. "Watch me."

This time Charise held her breasts in both hands while Laura, feeling like a rapist and marauder, sucked her delicious bulbous black nipples voraciously.

"You should never want breasts like Jane’s when you have these beauties," Laura murmured as she passionately devoured the springy young globes, bringing soft whimpers of frantic re-awakened need from deep in Charise’s throat.

"But hers stick out," Charise panted.

"Yours sweep up. See? Like this, right into my mouth."

"Unhhh! God, Laura, you making me wet all over again."

"I’m making you wet so I can drink you. I want to drink all the wonderful juices from your pussy and then make you come."

"God, you make me so hot. I never get this hot with my boyfriend. He don’t do what you do to me."

"Mmmm, I’m so glad," Laura smiled, slipping again between Charise’s sleek black thighs. "I’m going to make you come so you won’t forget me."

She knew how first-timers frequently reacted to a session like this. Overwhelmed by the excitement, and by the sheer number of orgasms they were able to have with her--unlike anything most of them had ever imagined--they had a tendency to retreat afterward, to reject her as a dangerous lesbian and the experience as an odd fluke, a brief, exciting, but ultimately scary detour from the straight and narrow. She didn’t want Charise to have any reason not to return to her.

"I ain’t likely to forget you, Laura," Charise panted, looking down at Laura as Laura slipped her tongue up into the girl’s open pussy. "Unhh!"

And now Laura let her have the full treatment, the technique she had perfected on so many other beautiful women. She brought Charise to the edge of a climax five times before actually making her come. The girl was devastated and destroyed by her final orgasm, which left her limp and nearly swooning, a lovely young innocent who had been initiated into a whole new world of sex by a skilled expert and a loving guide.

"I came eight times," she said, astonished, looking up into Laura’s eyes as she finally recovered from the eighth.

Laura kissed her. She couldn’t stop herself from kissing Charise again and again. "I love you, you darling girl."

"Eight times," Charise said again in astonishment. "I didn’t even know you could come eight times in a row. Did Jane come eight times?"

"I . . . don’t remember," Laura said, blushing a little.

She was very fond of Jane but didn’t want her even mentioned when she and Charise were becoming this close. Besides, the sound of her name brought to mind all the present, and doubtless future, unpleasantness with Kendra.

"I bet she didn’t. I bet she didn’t come as many times as me. I’m gonna tease her."

Charise’s eyes sparkled. You really are very young, aren’t you, Laura thought. But totally to die for. I have to kiss you again.

Charise kissed her back. "Don’t you want to come too, one last time? Before I leave?"

Laura grinned. "I wouldn’t try to stop you, if that’s what you mean."

Charise smiled her heart-wrenching smile, the one that made Laura quiver all over with happiness and fresh lust. "That’s what I mean," she said brightly. "I’m gonna make you remember me too."

"Honey, there’s hardly any way I can every forget you," Laura sighed, lying back as Charise, more confident now, began to kiss and caress her body.

In two more minutes, she was groaning softly through a marvelous, throbbing, sweetly intense orgasm as Charise tongued her clit into billowing explosions of bliss. She wanted to lie there and enjoy the throbbing for another hour, but both of them quickly realized that they were pushing Charise’s luck. It was ten minutes to seven.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Laura asked.

"I borrowed my brother’s car. It’s downstairs. I think I can make it."

Charise dressed hurriedly. Laura kissed her passionately at the door. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you, I can’t help it."

Charise smiled warmly. "Guess I feel that way too. Never really been in love before."

"I need to see you again. Soon."

Charise’s brow furrowed. "What about Jane? She’ll be jealous."

"I know."

"And now, feeling the way I do, I’ll be jealous of her."

Laura kissed her again. "Don’t be jealous. I love you."

But I am a hopeless little tramp, she realized. If Jane came down here tonight and took off her clothes, I couldn’t resist her. Charise knows that, doesn’t she.

But Charise beamed. "Sure had a good time," she said wittily.

"Please come back any time," Laura smiled. She squeezed her hand, wanting desperately to fuck her again, right there, by the door. "I mean it."

"Might be able to make it tomorrow, after school."

"I get home from work about five thirty."

Charise winked. "See you then."

Laura didn’t take her eyes off the marvelous young girl until the elevator doors closed and she was gone.

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