Laura - Chapter 115
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Laura wondered if she had ever felt such pain. She was so overcome by it, physically as well as emotionally, that she had to take the next two days off work. She lay in bed, doing nothing, staring at the TV, seeing nothing. Then she hit the vodka bottle, winding up sick, puking, full of self-loathing and fierce remorse.Finally she realized she would have to go back to work, no matter what, no matter how it hurt. She couldn't even bear to think of Trina. She couldn't bear to see either Sholandra or Yvette, and both of them seemed miffed by her aloofness, her lack of warmth, misinterpreting it as rejection. After about a week, she began to feel horny, almost in spite of herself. She realized that, tramp that she was, she was used to fucking. Several times a week. Being kicked out by Trina was the worst pain she had ever felt, but her body was hooked on the drug, and it began to ache and throb, wanting sex. She remembered that in the past, when she was in a mood like this, she had called Karen. Karen did the same to her. They used each other to obliterate their temporal disappointments in rough sex. But last time, with Karen, it had got almost too rough for Laura. Karen had raped her, raped her viciously, nearly injured her, and Laura was very reluctant to call her. No matter how bad my pain is, I don't need that, she thought. But finally she was desperately horny. She found herself wishing that Kim lived closer. Kim was a miracle, a fucking machine pure and simple, no guilt, no ulterior motives, no expectations other than hours of athletic fucking and monster orgasms. Laura also thought of Barbara, whom she knew would be happy to assuage her pains with raw and exhilarating sex. But Barbara was too close to it all, close to Rhonda, who already was screwing Yvette, and who wanted Sholandra. And Barbara was a curious mixture of cynicism and vulnerability, easily jealous herself of Laura's other lovers, and yet deeply cynical about lesbian relationships. It was more than Laura wanted to deal with. When the horniness got too bad, she put on Brandi's video and masturbated, even though Brandi was never naked in it for a second. But she had been naked in Laura's arms, plenty of times, and Laura remembered. In this way she temporarily got her mind off her desolation, and briefly satisfied her body's cravings. Then, as if sensing what Laura needed so desperately, Lorrie called. "Hi, I've got a two-day-layover. Can I lay over with you?" she asked brightly, bubbling exuberantly in exactly the way Laura remembered her. "I'd be offended if you didn't," Laura said. "I've missed you." "Mmmmm, you're scaring me. You know, I repressed our whole time together. Too wicked for me. I'm a nice girl. My mom wouldn't approve." "That's okay, mine wouldn't either. But you still want to . . . visit?" Laura searched for the right word. "Can you pick me up at the airport?" "Name the time." "Tonight. Ten fifteen." Laura got directions where to pick her up, then hung up, her heart pounding. The aching sense of loss from losing Trina was not gone, but her spirits lifted considerably. Until she looked in the mirror. After all, she had spent nearly a week in an agony of mourning and depression, either asleep or half-drunk or staring stupefyingly at the TV. There were grey circles under her puffy eyes, her hair was a tangle, her cheeks gaunt and colorless, her eyes bleary. But when she looked into her own face, she could think only of Trina, and she had to stop. The crying began again. And the shame, the guilt, the mortification over her own recklessness. The scratches on her back had healed, but her heart felt like a festering wound. And now Lorrie had phoned, bright and cheerful, as if to emphasize how far Laura had fallen. And she wants you, Laura sniffled. Wants to sleep with you, obviously. This Playmate of the Month. This gorgeous creature, with her perfect body. Wants to sleep with you. And you're mooning around about Trina? She tried to be cheerful and picked up Lorrie at the appointed time. "God, I love a Playmate of the Month in a uniform," she cracked as she helped Lorrie get her small flight attendant's suitcase into the trunk. Lorrie grinned, flashing her dimples. "Want to borrow my hat? The men all get hard-ons when they see me in it." And Lorrie did look ravishing in her tailored airline uniform, short skirt, perky little hat. "You better watch out for those hard-ons," she teased Lorrie as they got into the car. "They can leave a deposit that grows." "Don't I know it." Both were silent as Laura headed for the freeway, but Lorrie spoke up again before long. "I did go to bed with five guys since I saw you last, though," she said. "Just to see if it had changed me." "Five guys at the same time? I'm impressed." Laura continued to tease her, though her gut roiled with jealousy. "No, silly. One at a time." "And?" Lorrie caressed Laura's bare knee tenderly with her fingernails. "I'm here, aren't I?" Her smile and her glowing black eyes made Laura shiver in excitement. When they arrived at her apartment, she asked if Lorrie wanted to take a bath. "Mmmmm, I remember what happened last time I took a bath here," Lorrie said suggestively. Laura blushed. "Want to take one together?" Lorrie asked. "Wouldn't you rather have a drink first, after that long flight?" "Actually, I would. Got any vodka around here?" Laura, who had been drinking far too much in the past week, had two unopened bottles. She made them each a vodka tonic, and when Lorrie followed her into the kitchen, she quickly led her back to the sofa, remembering what had happened in the kitchen last time, where Lorrie had come standing up with her back against the refrigerator. "I'll bet you remember what happened in there too, don't you?" she said softly, winking. "How could I forget it?" Lorrie said seriously. They sat next to one another on the sofa, enjoying their drinks and their easy intimacy. Lorrie was just what Laura needed at this juncture, a very easy person to be with, relaxed and confident and sexy and obviously as enamored of Laura as Laura was of her. Both of them knew they were going to fuck all night, and there was no need to hurry things. After a while they began kissing. Laura unbuttoned the top button of Lorrie's uniform shirt and kissed her throat. "Guess this means I'm a lesbo just like you," Lorrie cracked. "Why do you say that?" Laura asked softly, unbuttoning the next button, kissing her warm, dark, smooth neck. "Oh . . . I guess because I really like this," Lorrie smiled warmly, gazing into Laura's eyes. "I like it better than I did with any of those guys. You're awfully good to me." Laura unbuttoned the third button. "Girls in uniforms turn me on, I told you that." Now Lorrie began unbuttoning Laura's shirt too. "Tell me how many girls you went to bed with since you saw me last," she said. "I'll bet it was more than five. I'll bet you." Laura started counting back and quickly realized that it was actually nine or ten, more if you counted multiple times with the same girl. God, I really am a tramp after all, she thought. It's true. Karen, Chanitra, Yvette, Sholandra, Rhonda, Kim, Barbara, Cecilia, Brandi, Trina . . . "Only a few more," she confessed. "But they're mostly friends I've known a long time." "Like fuck buddies, right? I knew a gay flight attendant, that's what he called them. Just fuck buddies." Laura had never heard the phrase, but she liked it. It surely fit her relationships with Barbara, Karen, Rhonda (that bitch, she thought), Cecilia, Kim, almost everybody but Brandi and Trina, and maybe Yvette. "I guess you could call them that," she said, burrowing her lips into the delectable shallow below one of Lorrie's perfect clavicles. Lorrie shivered excitedly. She unbuttoned Laura's second button and kissed Laura's neck. "I didn't mean that about lesbo," she whispered. "I mean . . . I've had a little difficulty adjusting to the fact that I want you more than a man." "I'm flattered." Now she had Lorrie's uniform shirt completely unbuttoned, except for the part that remained inside her skirt. She dropped her fingers to Lorrie's wide belt, cinched tight around her incredibly slender waist. "I mean, with you I had eight orgasms. God, I can still hardly believe it. With one of those guys I had two. With one I didn't have any." "Mmmmm, I'm going to give you another one in a minute," Laura purred, removing Lorrie's belt, pulling her shirttails out of her skirt and unbuttoning the rest of her shirt. "Wait just a minute," Lorrie insisted. She unbuttoned the rest of Laura's shirt too, then took it off Laura. Laura helped her take hers off. "God, you are breathtaking," she told Lorrie. Lorrie winked, showing her dimples. "Once a man came before he could even stick it in me," she laughed softly. "All over my thigh. Ugh!" "Poor guy. I'll bet he was sorry." "You should have seen his face." "I'd rather look at yours." Laura kissed the cleavage between Lorrie's breasts. She reached behind Lorrie and unfastened the clasp at the same time. Lorrie's bra fell away and Laura filled her hands with the exquisite, perfect globes, kissing them everywhere, encircling Lorrie's nipples with kisses, making her crave more. Lorrie squirmed. Her breathing accelerated. "Suck me, Laura. Quit teasing me," she panted softly, taking Laura's head in her hands and pushing Laura's mouth toward one of her gleaming, black, swollen nipples. Laura smiled up at her. She took Lorrie's exquisitely-formed breast in both hands, squeezing it slightly so that the thick nipple flared, then began to lick it sensually, covering it with warm spittle and making Lorrie whimper softly as she watched and felt it. Finally, she closed her lips over the thick wet bud, sucking it slowly into her mouth, tonguing it as she sucked, then sucking it harder. Lorrie moaned. She twisted, grimacing with pleasure, watching Laura's mouth on her nipple as Laura teased and sucked it, gripping it lightly with her teeth, tugging it, then sucking it hard again, then licking it, covering it with shiny warm spittle, then sucking it again. She spent a long time on it, then turned to Lorrie's other nipple and did the same, toying with it, teasing and sucking it, squeezing Lorrie's perfect breast, pinching the other damp, erect nipple at the same time with her thumb and forefinger, until Lorrie's eyes were on fire, and her whimpering was uncontrollable. "Fuck me, Laura, fuck me, do it right here, I can't wait," she panted desperately, writhing in the sofa pillows as Laura lovingly tormented her delicious breasts. "Really, please, now, do it now, do me now, please, I . . . I'm going to come any second. Oh please!" "You still have your skirt on, silly," Laura purred, unzippering it without removing her lips from Lorrie's fascinating nipples. "Oh! Oh!" Lorrie gasped, wriggling and helping Laura get the skirt and her panties off. "God, what a beautiful body," Laura said again. "Oh, do me now, fuck me now, Laura, please, now, quick!" "Mmmmmm, I love to hear you beg me, especially after you gave this delicious body to those beastly men who couldn't satisfy you," Laura purred, kissing her way slowly down Lorrie's beautiful flesh. "Oh god . . . oh god!" Lorrie panted, writhing, out of control. Laura remembered hearing her say that men all over the world had jerked off while looking at pictures of her. No doubt true. Wouldn't they have loved to see her like this, Laura smiled. A clear sign of her arousal was how wet she was. "Oh honey, are you ever wet for me," Laura murmured as she finally reached Lorrie's crotch. Her pussy was open and flowing, her pubic hair matted and glistening with juice. Laura spread the wet hair away from her parted, swollen black labia, exposing the beautiful, shiny inner trench. Lorrie quivered uncontrollably and groaned. She was so close. Laura remembered that she came easily, and knew she would come at the slightest touch now. How could any man not make her come? she wondered. She comes quicker than most of the women I know. Taking care not to touch Lorrie's hard little clit, swollen and tumid, engorged with frantic need, Laura adroitly slithered her tongue into the girl's open slit, letting Lorrie's copious pussyjuices flow around and over her tongue, relishing her taste, her wild-in-heat flavor. This drove Lorrie crazy, and she began moaning wildly and churning her hips, pumping, her luscious body undulating in a way that made her so desireable that Laura couldn't hold back either. "Oh god . . . oh god!" Lorrie whimpered, squeezing her own naked breasts now, twisting them hard and pinching her own excited nipples. "Oh god yes I . . . I oh Laura I . . ." Laura drew her tongue strongly up across Lorrie's exposed clit, then jabbed it a few times. Lorrie burst in a supernova of coming. She cried out so loudly that Laura feared the neighbors might hear. "Auungghhnnnggiiieeee!" Lorrie moaned, her beautiful face frozen in a seizure of intense ecstacy, her body clenching as the spasms rocked her. "Unnnngggnnuunng . . . oh god shit again! Auungghiiieeee! Ohnngggiieeee!" She had two orgasms with only the slightest dip between them, and they shook her beautiful body to the core, leaving her limp and gasping for breath as they waned and Laura held her. Laura was still wearing her bra and her jeans, which both of them realized only after Lorrie began to surface from the intense cloud of passion that had enveloped her. "Look at you," Lorrie smiled, "raping me like that when you're still almost dressed. Let me take that off you and rape you back." "I'll give you all night to stop," Laura smiled. They kissed, and Lorrie unclasped Laura's bra. Then Laura straddled Lorrie's thighs and pushed her naked breasts into Lorrie's face, luxuriating in the feel of Lorrie's hungry mouth on her nipples. Lorrie was not gentle. Her orgasm seemed only to have aroused her further, and she devoured Laura's naked breasts and nipples, reducing Laura to a quivering nerve of need in only minutes. "God, here, let's get you out of those too," Lorrie said, helping Laura wriggle out of her jeans and her panties. "You are so beautiful. I don't see how you can say I'm beautiful when you have this terrific body." "It's all yours," Laura panted. "Ahhnngg!" she gasped as Lorrie's hand invaded her crotch, Lorrie's fingers penetrating her pulsing, oozing pussy. "You're pretty wet too." "All wet for you . . . unghh! Oh!" Laura sighed. "God, girl, you're going to make me come, if you keep that up." "Really?" Lorrie sucked one of Laura's aching nipples, rubbing Laura's pussy hard with her hand. "How fast?" "Oh god . . . now!" "But I want to taste you." "Ungghh! Too late! Auunghhhnnn! Oh! Oh Lorr . . . auungghhh!" Laura cried out, pushing her face down into Lorrie's delicious black neck and coming sharply. Her knees dug deep into the sofa cushions as she pushed her cunt down into Lorrie's thrusting hand, her body exploding in hot, aching spasms, then quivering as the following warmth flooded her. Finally, she settled down into Lorrie's wating embrace, kissing her smooth cheek in gratitude. She realized that her eyes were filled with tears, an unexpected emotional reaction to the great fortuitous gift of Lorrie's mere presence in her life after the pain of her rift with Trina. "Oh god, I'm so glad you're here," she confessed, wiping the tears away as they spilled down her cheeks. "Why are you crying, girl? Why are you crying?" Lorrie kissed away her tears. She kissed Laura ardently. "Tears of happiness," Laura laughed uncomfortably through them. "So glad you're here." "I'm so glad to be here. Why don't we go into your bedroom now and screw like two normal lesbos, okay?" "Okay." They went into Laura's bedroom, and by the time they had fell asleep, Lorrie had had twelve more orgasms and Laura eleven. It was after midnight, and they collapsed in exhaustion. It was Saturday morning when they awoke. Naked and drowsy, they crawled all over one another with fresh lust, fucking twice more before getting up to shower and eat breakfast. "Maybe you'd better show me around San Francisco instead of just keeping me in here as your captive lust slave," Lorrie winked finally. "My ancestors were slaves, you know. We done had enough of that. All you want to do is be a-fuckin' me until my little black pussy go whoeeeee and explode in happiness." Laura hugged her. "You are a lot of fun, you know that?" Lorrie quickly got sensual, french kissing Laura fiercely, demandingly. "Not half as much fun as you are," she murmured huskily. "If you don't take care, I'll rip your clothes off." It was a light moment, and yet surprisingly Laura's eyes got hot with tears, and she had to turn away. Lorrie's words had reminded her of Trina discovering her ripped panties. She swallowed and half-choked, excusing herself, going to the bathroom, where she washed her face with cold water. "You okay?" Lorrie asked when she emerged. "I guess I got all choked up at the thought of you ripping my clothes off," Laura joked to deflect Lorrie's concern. She did show Lorrie around San Francisco a little, to give them both a rest. But when they got back in the late afternoon, they could only think of one thing. "Want to take that bath together now?" Lorrie suggested. Laura could feel her blood accelerate even at the mention of it. "I'll make us each a drink and you draw the water," she said. "Deal," Lorrie winked. "I can't wait to get you all wet and wonderful in my arms." Laura's hands shook as she poured the vodka over ice in two glasses. It had only been six or seven hours since their last fuck, and she was so excited she couldn't stop shaking. This sure is a good way to forget your troubles, she teased herself. In the bathroom, Lorrie was already naked in the tub. Laura set the drinks down and simply gazed at her, this marvelous, good- natured, totally gorgeous naked black Playmate of the Month in her bathtub, all shiny and wet, grinning up at Laura with her dimples and a dangerous fuck-me look in her eyes. "If you don't take off your clothes and get in here this minute, I am going to rip them off," Lorrie warned. "I wouldn't think of refusing." Laura did a slow striptease for her. By the time she was down to her panties and bra, Lorrie was breathing harder. Laura removed her bra sexily, toying with it as it slid slowly down her arms, revealing her naked breasts. She cupped them in her palms and held them out to Lorrie. "You better get in here quick," Lorrie whispered excitedly. Laura grinned and stepped slowly out of her panties. She rubbed one finger down into her crotch, between her cuntlips, watching Lorrie's eyes. Before meeting Laura, she had probably never touched a cunt but her own. In fact, she probably had touched no other but Laura's even now. But her dark eyes smoked as she watched Laura rub her finger up and down, opening her wet pussy. "Laura . . . get in here, please!" she finally begged. She pulled her legs up and made room for Laura in the tub. Laura got in, and immediately their naked, wet bodies came together. Lorrie devoured Laura's mouth, and her hands squeezed Laura's breasts roughly. "God, I can't believe I'm so hungry for you," she panted. "We did it this morning." Laura couldn't even speak. The warm water and wonderful shiny slipperiness of Lorrie's body took her breath away. They had, she believed, both planned to luxuriate in the bath and perhaps end in a drawn-out, sensual fuck, but instead they were all over one another. The water splashed everywhere. Laura tried to swallow Lorrie's perfect, wet, slippery body, filling her mouth with bulging, dripping black nipples, biting the girl's slick neck, rubbing her clit under the water, while Lorrie did the same to Laura. "Ohhhnnngg . . . oh shit, Laura, god yes do it hard unh! Oh!" she panted, sucking Laura's breast so hard that Laura yelped softly in pain. "Aiiee!" "Oh . . . I'm sorry!" "Don't be! Do it harder! Unghh!" Laura gasped. "Harder . . . fuck me hard!" "Oh god baby now now! Unghh!" "Yes . . . oh yes! Unh unh unh!" They both came in a glorious, wet, messy explosion, splashing water everywhere, gasping and shuddering, drinking each other in a fierce gluttony of sexual rapture. When it was over, it still wasn't over. The physical sensations of being completely wet and stuck together, and the rubbery, mucousy feeling of their pussies under water, captivated them, and they couldn't stop. They kept rubbing each other, and kissing, murmuring sweet obscenities to each other. "Fuck me with your pussy, fuck me with your pussy," Laura panted to Lorrie. "Like this." She twisted her legs around to bring their groins together, and both gasped softly as their slippery, open pussies kissed. "Oh Jesus!" Lorriane gasped. Laura was already moving her hips sensually, moving her pussy against Lorrie's, and when their clits touched for the first time, they both stiffened and quivered excitedly. Laura realized that for all the fucking they had done, they had never done it this way yet; and doing it under water made it even more bizarre and exciting. In only seconds they were pumping and whimpering wildly, and water was splashing everywhere as before. Lorrie came quickly again, groaning and pressing her cheek against Laura's calf, kissing Laura's leg and shuddering as the sharp spasms gripped her. Her orgasm triggered Laura's, who came in a shimmering burst of burning pleasure, feeling Lorrie's beautiful pussy welded into her own and the waves of heat passing back and forth between them. It was a devastating climax for them both, and it took a while to recover. When they did, they were both amazed at the water all over the bathroom. "Looks like Hurricane Lorrie hit this bathroom," Laura smiled. They dried one another off with big, fluffy towels. "I've never had any sexual experiences like this in my life, Laura," Lorrie said, dewy-eyed and solemn, kissing Laura as she toweled off Laura's breasts. "Listen to her," Laura teased. "And we haven't even got into the kinky stuff yet." "Kinky?" Lorrie said, raising her eyebrows. "Do you have dildoes and stuff like that?" "Why, does it turn you on?" "Looking at you turns me on. What would you do, handcuff me to the bed and do me with a big fat long dildo until I begged you to stop?" "Ooohh . . . that sounds like fun to me," Laura grinned. "Me too." "Too bad you have to go back to work in about two hours." "Mmmmmm, but we still have time for another . . . you know . . . don't we?" Lorrie purred, rubbing her naked breasts against Laura's. "You, my dear, are insatiable." "I know. A horny little black slut, my Mom used to say." "Really?" Laura said as she led Lorrie back down the hall to the bedroom. "I was wild about the boys." Lorrie came up behind Laura as Laura was bent over, tugging the messy sheets back into place. She ran her hand down the crack of Laura's ass and up underneath, inserting two fingers into Laura's pussy. "That was before I met you," she breathed, kissing Laura's naked back. "Ohhnnn!" Laura gasped, half in shock, half in delicious pleasure. She fell forward onto the bed, with Lorrie behind her, then on top of her, still rubbing her pussy and kissing her shoulder blades, then turning her over and kissing her mouth passionately. Slowly their bodies undulated together, and they began a slow, romantic, face-to-face fuck this time, a dreamy, emotional mingling, rolling over side by side and kissing and fingerfucking each other in a skillful, deliberate rhythm. "I want this one to be the best ever," Lorrie panted softly against Laura's teeth. "The one we'll remember." "How could I ever forget you," Laura sighed, feeling her body respond excitedly to every slightest move Lorrie made. "Ohh baby . . . ohhnnnn! Yes . . . god I'm going to come. So quickly! Unhh!" Both of them were shocked, after the number of orgasms they had already shared, to find that they were going to come so fast. "I don't want it to end . . . don't want it to end," Lorrie panted, kissing Laura frantically, tonguing Laura's tongue, rubbing Laura's clit rapidly. "Oh god . . . I'm coming Laura! Unnhhh! Oh!" Lorrie started coming without even a warning, spilling over, gripped by intense, almost excruciating pleasure, her body throbbing with sharp ecstacy in Laura's arms. Her orgasm quickly made Laura come too, a slow, blooming mushroom cloud of intense rapture that spread through her twisting, shuddering body. She came, and Lorrie came, clinging to each other, moaning into each other's ears, feeling their flesh truly melt together in a transcendant harmony of sexual throbbing. Laura had felt it before, felt it several times lately with Trina, but it was the most emotionally devastating moment she had ever shared with Lorrie. Both of them were so moved, emotionally and physically, that they could barely speak to one another for about half an hour. By then they realized that Lorrie would be late to the airport if they tarried any longer. They exchanged few words as they dressed, as if speaking would violate the purity of what they had shared. Finally, Lorrie broke down as they were leaving. She wept softly, holding Laura's hand. "You scare me," she confessed. "I never felt this way about anybody. But I hate thinking of myself as a lesbian. I'm really confused." "You don't have to be," Laura said softly. "Just remember this. Remember what we had here. Remember that last orgasm. It doesn't matter what you call yourself." Lorrie was very beautiful with diamond tears glistening in her dark eyes. Laura kissed her very tenderly before opening her apartment door. "Five guys, ten guys . . . they aren't going to give you what we just had," she whispered, hating herself for being so jealous but unable to stop saying it. "I'm sorry, I had to say that. I hate myself for it." "Oh, are we jealous?" Lorrie teased. "Don't like those hard dicks rooting around in this little black pussy you enjoyed sticking your tongue into?" "You bet." "I can't promise I won't go to bed with a man, Laura." "I know." Laura swallowed. "You can't promise you won't be sticking that tongue into another pussy, either." "I know." "Are they black pussies, like mine?" Lorrie asked. Laura blushed a little. "All kinds." She figured that Rhonda, the bitch, at least made this not exactly a lie. "You're very special, Lorrie," she said seriously, looking directly into her eyes. "I could think you say that to all the girls, but I know you mean it," Lorrie said. "You're special to me, too." God, why do I fall in love so easily? Laura wondered. She couldn't take her eyes off Lorrie, and felt like something was being ripped out of her flesh by watching her leave. And it was all intermingled with the loss she felt over Trina. She drove Lorrie to the airport and they kissed, a quick peck, in the dark before Lorrie, in her fetching uniform again, popped out of the car and disappeared into the swarm of people. |
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