Laura - Chapter 116

As soon as Lorrie disappeared through the "Employees Only" door, Laura plunged into an even deeper depression than before. She cried all the way driving home, and then drank herself into a stupor. The whole business with Trina had come flooding back to her, and she realized that she could never give up Lorrie for Trina, or give up Yvette, or Sholandra.

But Trina wanted complete fidelity. And Laura wanted Trina. She longed for her, ached for her, cried for her. Finally, against her better judgement, she even phoned her. She waited until she was in control again, dry-eyed, calm, even serene with a kind of false serenity borne of deep despair.

"Trina, I miss you," she said softly.

"I . . . miss you too, Laura."

"Could I come over?"

Trina waited a long time before responding. "No. Don't think so. You really hurt me, girl."

Now Laura began to cry again, softly. "I would do anything not to hurt you," she sobbed.

"It still hurt me to think of you . . . with her," Trina said, so softly that Laura could barely hear her. "She scratching you like that."

"Oh god, Trina, please forgive me."

"You know, I gave you myself, Laura. Not just my body. Myself. That's what hurt so bad."

"I know."

"Don't cry, hon'. You makin' me want to cry too."

"Trina, I love you," Laura wept. "I love you. This has never happened to me before. I never felt this way. I love you, I want you. Please let me come over. Please."

There was a long pause. Laura had stopped crying. She wondered if Trina were trying to make up her mind.

"Laura . . . I . . . love you too," Trina whispered into the phone. "But you can't come over here, hon'. We ain't gonna do that any more. We puttin' that behind us."

"We can't," Laura sobbed. "I need you."

"I'm bitin' my tongue, hon'. You don't want to be hearing what I want to say."

Laura knew she was right. You need my black pussy. You don't need me. You can get other girls to sleep with you. Obviously. Have your scratches healed yet? Things like that. Laura would feel even worse after hearing them.

"Can I at least call you once in a while?" she sniffled. "Like this?"

"Guess I can't stop you, can I. But it just makes it harder on both of us, hon'."

"When you call me hon' I just about melt," Laura laughed softly. "It's so sweet."

This made Trina uncomfortable. She does care about me, Laura thought.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Laura," Trina said, coldly. "We finished. Forget it happened, okay? Forget it."

Laura swallowed glumly. "I can never forget it."

"You better," Trina said, and hung up.

This was a new low point for Laura. But she had already cried and drank so much that she couldn't do either any more. Instead, she went to work like a zombie, accomplishing little, giving rise to concerns about her health. Consequently, she was ready for it when she ran into Karen at work.

Karen worked at a different company location but was at Laura's building for training. She pulled Laura over in the hallway.

"Girl, you look terrible, if I may say it," she said. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing."

Karen looked both ways to see if they were being watched, then leaned close and whispered in Laura's ear.

"If I didn't feel so bad about last time, I'd say you need a little loving. Or maybe a lot of loving."

Laura smiled, blinking back quick tears. "I need a lot of it."

Karen's eyes twinkled mischievously. "I'm not offering anything. I ought to be in jail for what I did last time."

"You're right."

Laura couldn't believe her feelings. She could feel the most powerful sexual stirrings deep inside her body and knew it derived from her long, deep sexual history with this girl. My first, she thought. My first girl. Who raped me last time worse than any man ever has. Maybe it's payback time. After a few hours with her, the pain of thinking about Trina will really be secondary.

She looked at her watch. It was only early afternoon. "Let's take the rest of the afternoon off and go to my place," she suggested, looking deep into Karen's eyes.

"Are you kidding?" Karen asked.

"I'm not kidding."

Karen's dark eyes almost started smoking. "I'll tell the trainer I'm sick," she said. "Be right back."

They each drove their separate cars to Laura's apartment. Laura met Karen at the building's entrance and noticed that she did not have her little black satchel.

"You don't have your bag."

"After last time, I was afraid to bring it."

"Go get it. I'll wait."

"Are you serious?"

"Do you have good orgasms when you're suffering?" Laura whispered, eyes veiled and threatening in a way she knew made Karen's blood overheat. "Do you want me to tie you up and fuck you?"

Karen bit her full lower lip. "Be right back," she said.

She returned in under a minute, and she and Laura rode the elevator up to Laura's apartment, trying to keep their hands off each other. I don't believe you, Laura lectured herself as she looked at Karen's voluptuous body, her large, jutting breasts, straining against the fabric of her blouse, her firm, out-thrusting ass. You can have such sweet, tender, profound sex with Trina, with Lorrie, and turn right around and do these sick, perverted things with this delicious Karen. You want to hurt her, don't you. After last time, what she did to you. You want to hurt her. And you want her to hurt you, so you'll forget about Trina.

Trina would never even speak to you again if she knew you did these kind of sick things.

They went into Laura's bedroom, without preliminaries. Karen began to unbutton her blouse.

"I guess you really want to hurt me bad, after last time, don't you," she said, reading Laura's mind.

Laura could see the expected sexual excitement glittering in Karen's eyes, but she also detected an underlying note of fear that she hadn't seen before, as if Karen realized she had gone too far and didn't know how far Laura would go in retaliation.

"You know I wouldn't really hurt you," Laura purred. "I care for you too much. We've shared too much together."

Karen peeled away her blouse, exposing her delicious black upper body, made even more fetching to Laura by the contrast between her white bra and smooth black skin. Knowing she had Laura's attention, Karen slowly, tantalizingly, removed her bra. Laura was still surprised at how every time was like the first, as if she had never seen Karen's magnificent breasts naked, had never tasted her beautiful, swollen, protruding black nipples, surpassed in shapely beauty only by Rina's and Trina's.

Laura tried not to think about Trina as she watched Karen's bra come off. And the moment it dropped away from Karen's spectacular globes, she didn't have to worry about thinking of Trina any more.

They were as marvelous as ever, full, round, gleaming, very firm, the nipples large and soft, puffy and marvelously silky in the soft bedroom light of mid-afternoon.

"How do you keep them so beautiful?" Laura asked, as if hypnotized. "Letting all those people, male and female, feast on them all the time."

"Male," Karen corrected her. "You're the only female in my life, darling. The men respect my breasts. Some are even awed by them. They won't even suck hard unless I beg them to."

Laura went over to her, their eyes locked, smoking. She raised her palms, cupping Karen's extraordinary breasts. "You don't have to beg me."

"I know."

"I'm going to do a lot more than suck them hard," she murmured, lowering her head and licking one of Karen's bulging nipples sensually.

"Ohhh!" Karen gasped in pleasure. "I know."

Laura pulled out the large coil of rope from under the bed.

"Are you sure you want to fuck me first?" Karen asked softly, caressing Laura's cheek with one finger. "If you let me do you first, you may have double the reason to punish me afterward."

Laura's knees almost melted out from under her as she heard Karen's words. She realized that she wanted rough treatment herself, she wanted to be raped and abused just as badly, even worse, than she had been by Karen the last time. It was hard to believe it of herself, but it was true. How could she get Karen, who felt guilty, not to hold back?

She embraced Karen and kissed her mouth slowly, emotionally, then passionately. They had not yet kissed. They infrequently kissed, their relationship having centered more on rough, increasingly painful sex than tenderness or romance. But this kiss was deep and stirring.

"I'm going to tell you something," Laura whispered in Karen's marvelous dark brown ear. "I want you to fuck me even harder than you did last time. I mean it. I want to be raped and hurt by you. Even if I try to stop you . . . I want you to go ahead. As long as you don't make me bleed, you can do anything to me."


"Will it make me come?"

"Laura," Karen whispered huskily into Laura's ear, "you will come so hard, and so many times, you'll wish you met me three years earlier."

Then her tongue followed her hot words into Laura's ear. Laura shivered, feeling her pussy go all warm and buttery. Oh god, can I take it? she wondered.
She began removing her clothes, wondering it even more as she saw Karen open the bag and take out a pair of handcuffs.

"God, you really are getting kinky, aren't you."

Karen dangled them from one finger. "I've been sleeping with a cop. He gave them to me."

Laura felt an icicle of fear shoot through her body. At the same instant her pussy grew more buttery than ever, and began to throb. She knew there was no turning back. Karen helped her removed her skirt, her underwear. Then she lay on the bed while Karen expertly handcuffed her hands behind her and began to tie her up with the rope, beginning with her breasts.

The tying up always excited Laura almost as much as the actual fucking, and she began to quiver and whimper softly as the coils of rope went around each breast, then cinched tight, making her nipples bulge and grow purplish with engorged blood.

"Not too tight," she said. "Please?"

"Oh, of course not, darling. We don't want to kill the sensations, do we."

Laura's breasts were throttled, encased in rope coils, her nipples bulging and deep purple. Before proceeding, Karen paused to tease them. She licked Laura's nipples, pulling the rope even tighter, then releasing it, digging her fingers into the springy, strangled globes, teasing Laura's taut, protruding nipples with her teeth.

"Oh . . . oh god!" Laura gasped, looking down at Karen's teeth holding one ripe, swollen nipple.

She knew sooner or later those teeth would sink into the sensitive bud, but would it be now or not now? Karen released it, grinning at her.

"You want to feel those teeth?" she asked coyly.

"I don't know whether I do or not," Laura confessed, panting excitedly, temporarily relieved that the pain had been postponed.

But she was wildly horny and knew that if Karen were not careful, the slightest touch would make her come violently. Karen knew it too. Quickly she bunched up some pillows the way she wanted them, to support Laura's back. Then she unfastened the handcuffs and handcuffed one of Laura's wrists to her ankle, behind her. Laura leaned back into the pillows while Karen withdrew another pair of handcuffs from the bag.

"Two pairs?" Laura said, feeling her hot blood leap at the sight.

Oh god, I'm going to get fucked and hurt so much! she realized. Am I ready for it?

Without speaking, Karen handcuffed Laura's other wrist to her other ankle. "Mmmm, we're almost ready for the most unbelieveable fun," she teased.

Now more rope looped under Laura's knees pulled them and her thighs apart. Karen tied the ends to the bedframe. Laura's eyes were wide with terror as she watched Karen go again to the bag. This time her hand came out with the dreaded nipple clamps.

"Oh god, not those!" Laura whimpered, hearing the words escape involuntarily from her mouth.

Again Karen said nothing, but only smiled. She came to Laura, holding one clamp open, and slowly lowered the fiendish thing to one of Laura's bulging, throbbing nipples.

"Anghh! Ouchhhh!" Laura cried out as Karen let the clamp close on her nipple. "Oh shit!"

But before clamping the other nipple, Karen held Laura's breast in one hand, squeezing it fiercely and sucking Laura's nipple so sharply that Laura almost squealed in pain. Tears came to her eyes, and then the pain got even worse as Karen quickly closed the second clamp on the same nipple she had just sucked.

"God you bitch it hurts!" Laura swore at her.

"It sposed to hurt, Miss Laura," Karen smiled sweetly, mocking her. "You done axed me to hurt you."

Laura smiled through her tears of pain. "But not so much," she said, pathetically.

"Oh, it's going to get a lot worse than that," Karen smiled.

She gently tugged the gold chain that ran between the two clamps, pulling on them, so that Laura's nipples flamed with pain.

"Ohhnggg! Ownnchh!" Laura cried.

As she watched, fully expecting the small whip to be next, she saw Karen pull a new toy from the bag. "Oh, have I got a treat for you," Karen said.

She held it up for Laura to see. It consisted of about six big glass marbles connected by what looked like an insulated wire. After the last marble the wire ran into a battery case.

"What is it?" Laura panted.

"Every heard of Ben-Wa balls?"

Laura nodded.

"These are sort of like that. Except there's more of them, and they vibrate. Girl, you're going to come like a Fourth of July rocket."

"What do you do with them?"

"Mmmmm, you'll see. We better gag you first, though, because I'm about ready to cause some damage, darling."

Laura began to quiver again as Karen put the ball into her mouth and fastened the strap at the side of her chin. Her cunt oozed with fresh, warm juice. Somehow the handcuffs, the gag, and the glass marbles drove her into a helpless frenzy of anticipation. Her nipples throbbed wildly in the clamps.

Karen was not content to get right to it but had to torment Laura's breasts a little more first. Removing one clamp, she teased and sucked and lightly bit one of Laura's nipples, meanwhile tugging the chain with her hand to torture the other one. Then she refastened the clamp on the first one and gave the same treatment to the other one.

Laura's breasts screamed with hot pain. Encased in rope, they were two shades of red deeper than the rest of her body, and her exploding nipples were nearly purple. Karen rubbed her own naked, full globes against Laura's, biting her lower lip each time the nipple clamps on Laura's nipples brushed against her own.

Then she began to work on Laura's pussy.

"I know you're close, girl," she murmured to Laura. "I know I have to be careful. But I do want a taste. I love your pretty pink pussy, and I want to lick it."

She did it cleverly, avoiding Laura's clit entirely but slithering her tongue all the way into Laura's pussy, licking Laura's cuntlips until Laura was twisting and whimpering hysterically. The only thing she was grateful for was that Karen had apparently forgotten the raspy jute rope so that this time it was neither cutting into her inflamed pussy nor tied to the chain between her nipples where it could yank them each time she writhed.

But Karen's tongue cleverly tormented her exposed, pulsing pussy until Laura was insane with need. Then she looked down her own heaving belly and watched as Karen slowly inserted each one of the connected glass marbles into her, Laura's, pussy.

"Oh girl . . . oh girl, get ready for the wildest come," Karen panted.

The marbles felt odd going into her pussy, but Laura really didn't feel anything weird until the last marble disappeared inside her, and Karen turned on the switch. The battery pack evidently had two speeds, and Karen used the lower one. The marbles began to vibrate inside Laura's pussy.

Oh Jesus! she thought, feeling a phenomenal sexual excitement spread through her tied-up body. Karen began to lick her clit while the marbles vibrated inside her pussy, and Laura began to whimper and squirm, feeling the crescendo of burning lust swell in her body, in her pussy. She knew she would come in seconds if Karen kept this up, but she had no way of anticipating what Karen did next.

With hardly a warning, Karen switched the battery pack to the high setting. All six marbles leaped to life inside Laura's pussy, buzzing insanely, and Laura's body stiffened in shock as arrows of sexual sensation shot through her flesh. Then, gripping the end of the insulated wire, Karen yanked the string of marbles out of Laura's wet pussy and dragged them up across Laura's clit at the same time, all in one fluid motion.

Laura came in a hot, explosive burst of shocking ecstacy, her body wrenched by a fearsome jolt of deeply intense pleasure. The orgasm was so deep and shattering that it almost made Laura faint. She was still reeling and shuddering from it when she realized that Karen had turned her onto her side. She had quickly greased the marbles with K-Y jelly and was pushing them up into Laura's asshole.

When they were all inside her, Karen lay face to face with her and inserted a huge, fat double dildo into each of their pussies, then began fucking Laura while she turned on the battery pack again. This time the weird vibrations were deep in her ass, but it didn't take long for her to start coming again as Karen fucked her and also flicked the battery pack switch to high. Laura's writhing body nearly came apart.

She came in a long, continuous, white-hot spasm as Karen slowly withdrew the vibrating marbles on a string from her asshole. It was another debilitating orgasm, wrenching and tearing her, leaving her helpless and quivering as Karen again rolled her onto her back. Through the fog of sensation Laura knew that Karen was only getting started. There was much more to come.

Now that Laura was primed by two violent orgasms, Karen went for the whip. Laura only half-realized what was coming as she squinted and saw it about to descend on one of her already-clamped nipples.

"Awwonggmmnffmmphhh!" she groaned hysterically into the gag, feeling her whole breast explode with pain.

Karen quickly snapped Laura's other nipple the same way, then began alternating her blows, until both of Laura's nipples were fiery with pain. Next she went where Laura knew she was going, and there was nothing Laura could to do stop her. She had asked for it. She could only shut her eyes and try to bear it.


The tip of the whip cut straight into her exposed, vulnerable pussy. Laura mewled and shuddered. The pain was unbelievable, but even worse was to follow as Karen cruelly whipped her inflamed cunt, landing blow after sharp blow on her clit, on her pussylips, on her inner thighs, on her clit again, accelerating, lashing Laura's pussy savagely, until almost in spite of her pain Laura erupted again in a fierce, cataclysmic orgasm that this time did make her briefly pass out.

She revived to feel Karen eating her pussy passionately, and fingerfucking her ass at the same time, bringing her quickly to another climax. And then it was rape time as Karen grabbed the double dildo again and began to fuck Laura and herself with it, peaking in a feverish frenzy, jabbing the dildo deep into them both and exploding in a fiery, painful finish, both of them coming in excruciating bomb-bursts of killng rapture.

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