Laura - Chapter 114
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Her heart racing in panic, Laura drove to Trina's apartment. She tried to talk herself back into reasonableness. She won't know this happened, she told herself. There's no way she can know. You're panicking about nothing. Just tell her you had to work a little late.But don't act nervous, or guilty. That's what might raise her suspicions. Anyway, she knows I love her. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I can't help it if Sholandra is . . . irresistible. I can't help it that I'm such a . . . tramp. Such a sex fiend. Nothing could have kept me off Sholandra, after she took her bra off in the car that way. But Laura felt devastatingly guilty. How would I feel if I knew Trina was screwing somebody else, Rhonda, or somebody like that, right before she came to see me? That she was so weak she couldn't resist? I would be desolate. I love her. And Trina was radiantly beautiful as she opened the door for Laura. Shawna was glad to see her, and they had a very happy dinner together. Trina accepted Laura's mumbled excuses so easily that Laura's guilt gradually dissipated, and after an hour or so she began to feel as if her scorching sexual encounter with Sholandra had happened days, not hours, ago. Trina put Shawna to bed, then reappeared about ten minutes later wearing an enchanting peach-hued wispy babydoll nightie. "What do you think?" she asked coyly, modeling it. "I got it just for you." "Oh my god," Laura said, tears of confusion coming to her eyes briefly as she realized how beautiful this woman was, and how she herself had jeopardized their relationship only a while ago. "You are the most beautiful creature I've ever seen." "Oh . . . you only saying that," Trina scoffed. "Makin' me blush again." But Trina's jutting breasts and protruding black nipples, and the slenderness of her waist, and her swelling hips, and her incredible smooth black skin were all silhouetted through the filmy fabric, making her indeed, to Laura, the most exquisite thing she had ever seen. With Sholandra Laura had come about five or six times, but she could instantly feel the warm juices begin to flow as she looked at Trina. "I'm not just . . . saying it," she stammered, overcome with desire. She stood and walked over to Trina. They kissed very sensually, and Laura let her hands explore the girl's body, first outside, then inside the babydoll. Trina took Laura's whole ear inside her mouth, kissing and frenching it in a way that made Laura nearly come on the spot. "You know, you better do me good tonight 'cause I feel like I might be getting my period tomorrow," she whispered, following the words with her tongue again. "Ohhhh Jesus . . . you're almost making me come!" Laura confessed. "Come in the bedroom," Trina whispered. "We don't want the baby to hear you." How can I want this woman so much? Laura asked herself as she stumbled toward the bedroom behind Trina, letting her eyes devour the firm black moons of Trina's extraordinary bottom just beneath the hem of the flimsy babydoll. She had her hands on them before the door was even shut. "Oh god, you're so beautiful," she gasped. "Let me shut the door," Trina giggled softly. "You a sex maniac, Laura." "You have the most beautiful ass I ever saw," Laura panted, pushing Trina forward face down on the bed with her naked ass perched on the edge of the mattress. Laura was a quick, hot whirlwind of lust. Without even removing her own clothes or Trina's nightie, she fell to her knees beside the bed and pushed her face into Trina's crotch, kneading and squeezing the firm, dark globes of Trina's spectacular ass and driving her tongue up into Trina's streaming wet pussy. "God, honey, you're really wet, you want me to eat you, don't you, eat you and fuck you and do it fast, don't you," Laura murmured to her. Trina could do nothing but squirm and whimper uncontrollably, pushing her ass and pussy back into Laura's mouth and fingers, swirling her ass and moaning each time Laura's clever tongue swiped quickly across her swollen clit. Laura knew just what would blow the top off, and she went for it eagerly. She slipped two fingers up into Trina's warm, slippery cunt, and began fucking her with them. At the same time, she found the girl's tiny, pinched-closed rectum and began to tickle it with her tongue, finally wriggling her tongue inside. Trina nearly went crazy and came in five seconds, a whinnying seizure of ecstacy, her squeals muffled only by the bedspread as she pushed her face into it, trying not to wake her daughter as Laura killed her with hot fucking. "Anngghiiieeee!" she wailed, thrashing and writhing as Laura's tongue slithered in and out of her ass and Laura's fingers rubbed her clit. "Unghh! Ohnngg oh shit unngghiiieee!" Trina lay there face down on the bed, still quivering from the powerful orgasm that had just shaken her body. But Laura could not stop; she wanted the girl, completely, wanted to consume Trina. Somehow her guilt made her want to rape Trina and at the same time bring Trina to the most unimaginable ecstacy possible, as if by doing it she would obliterate her own betrayal. She pulled the babydoll up over Trina's head, rolling Trina onto her back and scooping her large, luscious breasts up in her hands, devouring Trina's huge, bulbous, gleaming nipples hungrily. Trina was used to Laura's passion for her, but she had never seen it become quite this intense, as if Laura had gone briefly mad with sex. But she was in no position to refuse. Her body responded quickly to Laura's caresses, and in a few minutes she was coming again. Laura slipped down between Trina's thighs and licked her pussy until she came extravagantly, biting her own wrist to keep from crying out. She whimpered and whinnied through another three orgasms before Laura would let up. And as she lay beside the beautiful girl, kissing her, murmuring her love, caressing her peerless flesh, Laura realized with shock that she was still completely clothed herself. God, it must seem like a rape or something, she thought. I didn't even bother to take my clothes off. Even though she had been half-consumed by the hot whirlwind of Laura's lust, Trina suddenly realized it too. Her hand went up to Laura's blouse. "Goodness, hon', you must've wanted me bad," she said, half- grinning. "I always want you bad," Laura said honestly. "Well, we'll just have to do something about that," Trina said, beginning to undress Laura. These moments were absolutely thrilling for them both, since Trina took her time, kissing and stroking every inch of Laura's skin as it came into view, and Laura was already frightfully aroused from her rape of Trina. She watched Trina's sensual lips closing over one of her nipples, feeling it being sucked into Trina's warm, wet mouth, feeling Trina's tongue swirling around it, then pinching it up against the back of Trina's front teeth. The sensation itself nearly made her come. "Unhhh! Oh!" she gasped, biting her lower lip. "Oh, does that hurt?" Trina asked, worried. "God, no, it feels wonderful," Laura panted. "You're going to make me come, if you keep it up." "I am going to keep it up. But first I'm going to kiss you all over," Trina purred, sliding further down Laura's quivering body. She was tugging Laura's panties down her thighs when she noticed the tear in them. "Uh oh, you ripped these somewhere, hon'," she said. Laura was mortified. She had been in such a panic at Sholandra's apartment that she had pulled on her panties without even noticing that they were ripped. It was a gaping tear, too, where Sholandra had torn them trying to get them off. Oh god! she thought, trying to remain calm. "Gosh, I don't know how," she said, still panting and aroused from Trina's caresses. But Trina wasn't in the mood to pause either. Her lips were on Laura's smooth belly, on Laura's inner thighs, and Laura was back in heaven, groaning softly as Trina's lips finally reached her wet, blossoming pussy. "Oh god . . . I'm so close . . . so close . . . oh god Trina oh yes! Oh god I love you . . . oh oh aunngghhh!" Laura came almost before she knew she was going to come. Trina's tongue grazed her clit, then bore down on it hard, sawing back and forth, and Laura simply exploded in a hot gusher of coming. Her body arched, shuddering and straining, and the sweet spasms shook her violently. She fell back to the bed, still panting and moaning, overcome with deep love for Trina, so glad that this moment had obliterated her earlier rashness with Sholandra. Trina, like Laura, was not easily satisfied, and continued to kiss her, returning to her breasts, fondling Laura's pussy with one hand, bringing her back up to another level of excitement. Laura knew she would come again, any second. Her emotions were focused entirely on Trina, and her body responded to Trina's slightest touch. "Ohhhh god . . . it feels so good!" she sighed. "You gon' come again, hon'," Trina whispered. "Yes." "Roll over and let me do you from behind. I want to kiss your beautiful bottom." Laura did as asked, and Trina began by exploring her entire back, kissing her way along it until she finally stopped, touching the back of Laura's shoulders with her finger. "What happened here?" she murmured. "Looks like you got scratched or something." A fresh jolt of cold panic squirted through Laura, completely neutralizing her sexual arousal. Oh god! she thought, realizing what had happened. "I . . . don't know," she stammered clumsily, trying to look back over her shoulder. "How could somebody scratch you there, and you wouldn't know it?" Trina frowned, becoming increasingly suspicious. She pulled away from Laura, suddenly understanding completely. Laura turned on her side, her face imploring Trina not to go there, not to push it any farther. I love you, I love you, her eyes told Trina. I didn't mean for it to happen! Trina looked at her coldly, unsmiling. Laura could see the wheels turning. "You didn't have those last night when you were here," she almost whispered. "You couldn't have done them to yourself." Laura looked down at the bedspread. "Please forgive me." "Was it that high yella girl I saw you with?" The pain in Trina's dark eyes was very evident. Laura shook her head. "I never see her. She lives in Minneapolis." "Somebody else I don't know, then." Laura nodded her head slowly. Two big tears began sliding down both of her cheeks. Trina was silent for a long, agonizingly long time. "I know you're not a saint, Laura. I'm not, either. But this whole thing with you, I had to change a lot of myself for that. I loved you." The past tense shocked Laura, who looked at her now in true agony. "I know she was probably a friend from before . . . us. But you should have said no." "I know," Laura swallowed. Her cheeks were now slick with tears. "Think you'd better go." "Trina . . ." Trina turned away. She slipped off the bed and over to her closet, quickly drawing on a bathrobe to cover her naked body. Laura suddenly felt very naked, alone on the bed. "Trina, let me explain," she said, choking back potential sobs. "Nothing to explain." When Trina turned to face her again, Laura saw her cheeks wet with tears too. "You did it with her, didn't you? Those scratches are fresh. You two must've done it right before you came over here. That's why you were late, right? Must've been some tussle too if she scratched you that way and you didn't even know it. Tore your panties, too. Laura, you worse than a man." Now Laura could not stop crying. "You'll wake the baby," Trina shushed her. "I love her too," Laura cried, wracked with sobs she tried to suck back, to muffle. "Shoulda thought of that," Trina said, turning away. Laura knew that she was hurt to the quick by this. She had trusted Laura completely. Tears were pouring down her cheeks, but she never sobbed. "Get out my house, Laura," she said softly, glaring at Laura. "Better leave now. Now." Laura gathered up her clothes and put them on. She tried to stop feeling sorry for herself. I deserve this, she thought. I deserve it. I brought it on myself. She has a right to feel deeply injured by me. Trina waited by the front door, holding it open a crack, as Laura emerged from the bedroom. Laura stopped and tried to caress her cheek. Trina shook her head. "Don't touch me." "I . . . I'm sorry." "Maybe you are. Don't make no difference." "I love you. I'm not lying." Trina simply stared at her, saying nothing. "What are you going to tell Shawna?" "I'll think of something." "Trina, I---" Trina simply gestured with her head, indicating that Laura must leave. Laura stepped into the hall. The door closed behind her. |
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