Laura - Chapter 79

The experience with Karen left Laura and her both feeling better about their relationship. The one prior to this one had been so excoriating and perverted that they had both, Laura knew, wondered if they should continue. But this time, at least they had started out normally, and the rough stuff had been wildly fulfilling but at the same time under control.

Laura's body was not even sore, but the memory of being blindfolded, and coming in incredible, hysterical, wrenching shocks, lingered with her.

Somehow, after being with Karen, she was always really horny the next day, as if all that ravishing sex only stoked her fires, and made her want even more. But not more with Karen. She wanted some fresh new beauty. Her last new girl had been Tracy, very exciting but quickly over. And now Cecilia was gone out of her life too.

She even felt slightly mournful, sorry for herself, very briefly, until she suddenly met a lovely new girl at work, Sholandra Mason. This was Bradley Kirk's new assistant, a gorgeous young black woman who looked a little over twenty-five. She was short and lean, with smallish breasts and short but beautifully shaped legs, which she showed off by wearing short skirts.

She was not as black as most of Laura's other lovers. I like them really black, don't I, she thought, her mind skimming over Karen, Yvette, Jonelle, Barbara, and the others, most of whom were pretty dark, and of course Cecilia, who was almost blue-black. Sholandra, on the other hand, was not exactly mocha-colored, but about half-way between Barbara's chocolatey brown and the really light-skinned, tawny girls that Laura often admired but had never slept with.

Sholandra had shoulder-length 'good' hair, a wide sensual mouth, and flashing dark eyes. She seemed to have a saucy, spitfire sort of temperament, and Laura tortured herself by imagining that the girl was very wild in bed, though it was clear from the way she flirted with men, including her own new boss, that girl-girl sex wasn't on her agenda. I'll bet she scratches you with those long nails when she comes, Laura thought.

It wasn't easy getting to know her either. Sholandra seemed to view other women, especially beautiful women like Laura, as competition. She gave them short shrift, cutting glances and remarks, and acted frosty, aloof. At the same time, Laura could see from her sharp smiles and daring grins that she was a tease, as well as an emotional adventurer of sorts. A sexual adventurer too? Laura wondered.

At an after-work gathering in a local bar for a person who had taken a new job, Sholandra caught Laura staring at her legs, while both were in the restroom.

"Like what you see?" she smirked, in a tone that Laura could not decipher.

Either she was pleased to be admired, by anyone, male or female. Or she was snidely accusing Laura of being a sexual predator, which was of course true. Since it was true, it was always very hard for Laura not to feel guilty when thus addressed.

But she swallowed and replied, with a fairly ambiguous smile of her own. "Who doesn't admire a good set of pins? I'm just envious."

Now Sholandra smiled a trifle more warmly. "Hard to believe," she said, glancing down at Laura's long, willowy, model's legs. "I'd give anything for long legs like that."

Laura blushed. "Listen to us," she giggled. "I hope nobody can hear us. Look, my name is Laura."

"Sholandra. I've heard all about you."


God, what has she heard? Laura wondered.

As they left the restroom together, Laura leaned closer, and found her head filled with ethereal perfume, mingled with the fresh, marvelous odors of Sholandra's body and hair. She felt herself growing wet, just from the smell.

"Tell me what you've heard," she whispered confidentially.

Sholandra grinned broadly, and her eyes flashed. She was stunning, and Laura wanted her desperately. She wore a scoop-neck blouse, showing off her clear, rich brown skin and perfect clavicles, her sculptured throat, and just a hint of a shadowy cleft above her small breasts. She caught Laura's eyes on her, but this time said nothing.

"All the men seem to think you're a stuck-up bitch because you won't go out with any of them," she said, eyes still flashing.

"What else?"

"Isn't that enough? Honey," she whispered, "they all want to boff you silly. Anyone ever tell you you look like that model, Stephanie Seymour?"

Laura went crosseyed. "Over and over again."

"Well, they want to rip your clothes off and do it to you, girl," Sholandra whispered, eyes twinkling with mirth. "You must know that."

"I . . . never think about it much," Laura stammered uncomfortably.

Sholandra looked at her oddly as they parted. But Laura kept watching her furtively, throughout the party. She was very careful now, however, to make sure Sholandra didn't catch her looking.

They ran into each other again on the way out. Sholandra was looking for a ride, particularly from a guy Laura knew, Ron Casimir, who was married.

"I can give you a lift," she said.

Ron smiled at Sholandra. "It's really out of my way," he said. "Why don't you let Laura drop you off?"

Sholandra shot a sharp look at Laura. "Sure it's okay?"

"Of course," Laura smiled, trying to control herself.

"Ron's such a nice guy," Sholandra said, as Laura drove away.

"Yes, he is."

And the for the next ten minutes Sholandra talked about him, not disguising her interest in him, or the nature of it. Laura listened politely. When a pause ensued, she made her move.

"Want to stop off somewhere for a drink?"

It was Friday night, and so a plausible invitation.

"I don't know about you, but I have a date," Sholandra said, implying that Laura, though all the men at work wanted to screw her, would be spending the evening alone. "I'll tell you what," she continued. "You come up to my apartment while I change, and I'll fix us both a drink. He won't be here for another hour."

Laura smiled. "Okay."

Sholandra had a small, stylish apartment, much like Laura's, in a highrise building overlooking the waterfront. She made each of them a cocktail, then disappeared into her bedroom to dress for her date.

Laura looked at the view and tried not to think about Sholandra in the next room, naked, or in her underwear at least. She was experienced enough not to expect anything to happen, and was resigned to it. Sholandra seemed exuberantly heterosexual, even aggressively so. In the car, she had said, when talking about Ron Casimir, "Just looking at him makes this little black pussy hum."

And so Laura was surprised, even shocked, when Sholandra appeared in her underwear, holding up a pale yellow evening dress to the front of her body.

"What do you think?"

Laura gulped. Actually, she couldn't see very much of Sholandra behind the dress, but she tried not to seem like she wanted to see more. "Looks stunning."

"Think so?" Sholandra squinted her eyes playfully. "How's it go with my sexy undies?"

She pulled the dress aside. Her bra and panties were even paler yellow, lacy, abbreviated, very fetching, enough to make Laura's throat catch. Through the lacy pale fabric of the bra cups she could detect the large, very large dark circles of Sholandra's nipples. They weren't tiny little bumps. Laura could feel her pulse pounding in her neck.

"Wow," she said, weakly.

"Are you okay? Did I make that drink too strong?"

"Oh . . . no, I'm fine. Really."

"If you were a guy, wouldn't you want to rip these off?" Sholandra pointed to her bra, her wispy panties.

"I . . . guess I would."

Laura turned away. Sholandra came up behind her, putting one hand on Laura's shoulder.

"Are you sure you're okay?"


Laura looked into her eyes. Sholandra's gaze was very even. "This guy I'm going out with tonight, I never let him have it yet. But tonight, he's going to get his chance to make my little black pussy sing and sing."

Laura swallowed. "I guess he'll like that."

"You'd like it, wouldn't you," Sholandra said, out of the blue.

Laura turned a deep red. "Why do you say that?"

"You're a lesbian, aren't you."

"Why . . . do you say that?" Laura repeated, almost choking on her embarrassment.

"Simple. The guys at work all want to fuck you, and you won't have anything to do with them. Some of them are pretty fine, too. And then, I saw the way you keep looking at my body."

Laura blinked. "That doesn't mean anything."

"Oh, really? Maybe I should take off my bra and see if it still 'doesn't mean anything'. How would you like that?"

Sholandra reached behind her back, as if to unfasten it.

Laura shook her head, speaking softly. "I can't help it. I'm sorry. You're very beautiful."

There was a dead silence while they stared at each other, Laura's eyes tearing slightly, Sholandra's hard and glinting with satisfaction, apparently, at having smoked out this threat.

"I guess you'd better leave," she said.

"I guess I'd better."

Sholandra smirked. "Kind of flattering, though. I never had a lesbian make a pass at me before. I didn't know there were beautiful ones like you, either."

"I didn't make a pass at you," Laura said evenly.

Sholandra shrugged. "I guess you're right." Then the spitfire in her came out. "You better not, either. I could have your job for that."

"Look," Laura said, grabbing her coat. "Could we forget this ever happened? I think you're very attractive. I'm sorry. You just happened to guess right. But I never came on to you. Let's just forget it, okay?"

Now even Sholandra looked a little ashamed. "Okay," she said softly. "Fair is fair."

Laura couldn't believe she was walking out on this incredibly desireable girl, standing there in her fetching underwear, her dark nipples showing through her bra, her smooth dark midriff begging to be kissed, her shapely thighs gleaming.

"Fair is fair," she echoed wanly. "If you ever change your mind . . ."

"Don't hold your breath," Sholandra snapped.

"Okay. I won't. Bye."


Laura felt hollowness in the pit of her stomach, and red rage inside her head, as she drove home. How could you let that happen? she asked herself. You know better! You knew she would react that way. You just set yourself up for it.

She could still see Sholandra's perfect body in her mind's eye. Even in her disappointment, she could feel her pussy oozing with fresh fuckjuice as she remembered it. The smell of the girl's hair and skin still lingered in her nostrils. I want her so bad! she realized. I want her. Even harder, since she doesn't want me.

She got home to find a message from Chanitra waiting on her answering machine, and instantly brightened up.

"Hi, Laura, long time no see, I have the night free and wanted to you-know-what. But you're not there. Shit. Guess I'll have to take a bath and pretend or something. Call me if you get there before seven." And she left her number.

It was five minutes to seven. Laura didn't even hesitate. She had never called Chanitra at home and felt very uneasy talking to some adolescent male, probably a brother. But then Chanitra came on the line.

"Laura! You are there!"

"Oh god, I thought you might have left," Laura confessed, feeling all her lust for Sholandra instantly transfer itself to Yvette's teenage sister, even feeling her pussy flutter excitedly.

"You want to see me?" Chanitra whispered into the phone. "I hafta talk this way 'cause everybody can hear me."

"I want to eat you alive," Laura breathed into the phone.

"Ooooohhh!" Chanitra giggled. "You can either pick me up, or I can take the bus. My older brother has the car. Why don't you pick me up? You could pick me up at the mall. About fifteen minutes?"

"In front of Macy's," Laura said, unable to control her excitement. "You can stay all night."

"I can?" Chanitra said, coyly. "You wouldn't try anything, would you?"

"I'm going to try everything," Laura said.

"Oh good. I can't wait. See you in fifteen minutes."

Laura almost broke her neck getting back down to the car. God, you're acting like a teenager yourself, she thought. Rejected by one, flinging yourself into the arms of another.

But she couldn't help herself. Chanitra was a tonic for this situation, and when she hopped into the car beside Laura, it was all Laura could do not to rape her on the spot. She looked good enough to eat in her skin-tight white pants and her red sweater that showed off her jutting little breasts. Her hair was in braids, as usual, and all in all she was about the most delectable morsel Laura had ever seen.

Fortunately, she was currently sitting on her peerless ass, so that Laura was able to muster enough self-control to drive. When she got Chanitra inside her apartment, she gave in to her needs, grabbing her and kissing her ravenously before Chanitra could even get her coat off.

"God . . . Laura . . . please. Let me at least take off my coat."

"I want you. I've missed you. God, you're beautiful."

"You ain't so bad looking your own self," Chanitra giggled.

Laura kissed her beautiful, smooth black neck. She already had her hands under the red sweater.

"Shit, didn't know I was gon' be raped," Chanitra said.

"You did too," Laura panted, kissing her ear, her cheek. "Did too."

"Well . . . maybe so. Can't we go in the bedroom?"

Laura pulled her down the hall. Inside the bedroom, they tore one another's clothes off. As usual, Chanitra wore no panties, and Laura's fingers dug into the round, spongy, hard balls of her beautiful ass, as her mouth found the girl's perfect young breasts, sucking the black, bursting nipples.

"Oh . . . oh!" Chanitra sighed, overwhelmed by Laura's urgent passion.

Laura pushed her backwards until she fell onto the bed on her back. She scooped up both of Chanitra's small, hard, beautiful breasts in her hands and hungrily devoured her shiny, swollen black nipples, sucking them voraciously, bringing tiny, sharp mewls of pleasure from Chanitra's throat.

"Oh . . . shit, Laura, oh! You gon' make me come already . . . unnhhh!" Chanitra panted, squirming and writhing as Laura dropped one hand to her groin and began rubbing her wet, open pussy.

"Go ahead, honey, go ahead," Laura panted, in between attempts to swallow the girl's delicious, shiny wet nipples. "Come, you can come now, quick, do it."

"Unhh . . . unh! Oh! Oh god . . . anngghiieee!" Chanitra cried out, her body suddenly coiling, then erupting sharply in a wrenching orgasm.

It was a sudden, fierce explosion, and Laura held her tightly as she flipped and strained, whimpering excitedly until the spasms died away. Chanitra looked up at her, wide-eyed, still panting softly.

"Laura . . . ain't no sex like sex with you," she said, eyes still glazed.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Laura smiled.

"It is. Nobody ever made me come like you do. So fast. And so much."

She suddenly reared up and forced Laura onto her back. Laura gave in to her completely, and was coming exultantly herself minutes later as Chanitra brought her to two successive orgasms without stopping. Their first whirlwind of passion spent, they relaxed and took the rest of the evening slowly, fucking several more times with patience and skill, and earning the rewards in long, feathery orgasms, both singly and shared, that finally left them both limp.

Laura drove Chanitra home around one a.m., and dropped her off at the corner, so that her parents wouldn't be suspicious. It was bad enough that Yvette knew about them. Chanitra kissed her rapturously in her dark car, before getting out. Laura watched from the corner until the girl was safely inside her house, then drove home.

Screwing a sixteen-year-old girl! she told herself, smiling at the thought of what they had done tonight. I can say one thing. Sholandra Mason might be good in bed, but she could never be any better than that little treasure.

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