Laura - Chapter 80

At work on Monday, Barbara caught Laura alone in the bathroom.

"Mmmm, I see you got a new hot little piece working in your group," she smiled knowingly. "You get your tongue into that one yet?"

Laura acted offended. "I don't pursue every new girl who comes along," she said, frostily.

"Like hell you don't," Barbara said. "When they look like that one, your little white pussy gets all gushy-mushy inside. I know. Rhonda's just itching to get her into bed. Even asked me what I knew about her."

"What do you know about her?" Laura asked, pointedly, eyes sparkling with mischief and irony.

"I know she ain't eager to hop in the sack with the likes of you or Rhonda," Barbara said, with a sarcastic smile.

"That's hardly news," Laura said.

"Don't mean either one of you is gonna stop trying, though."

"Don't lump me in the same group with that . . ." Laura started.

"Temper temper," Barbara grinned.

"I know how she feels. I'm not pushing it."

Barbara leaned close, tickling one of Laura's earlobes with the tip of her tongue. "Then why don't we get together tonight?" she breathed.

Laura's blood leaped. "I'll think about it," she said, coyly.

"Oh, I just love it when you play hard to get. I'll see you at seven."

Laura nodded, not trusting herself to speak because of her racing pulse. She knew they would fuck wildly, in a heated frenzy. The knowledge of that almost was enough to take her mind off Sholandra, until they were thrown together in a meeting, in the late afternoon. Afterward, Sholandra took her aside in the hall.

"You know, you shouldn't look at me the way you did in there," she whispered. "It's kind of, you know, obvious. I mean, most people probably don't know you're a . . ." She smiled sweetly. "But they will pretty soon if you don't watch it."

Laura blushed. Had she really looked that lustfully at Sholandra, in the middle of a business meeting? Sholandra looked wildly fetching, of course. She always wore short skirts to show off her short but terrific legs, and scoop-neck blouses that revealed her clear, beautiful skin and perfect bones. On top of that, there was just something about her that attracted both men and women: her flashing eyes and quick wit, her bold glances, something that made her seem both alluring and dangerous.

And Laura felt so guilty that she was ready to believe any accusation. God, maybe I did look at her too much, she thought. Maybe everybody in that meeting knows I want her.

"I . . . I'm sorry," Laura stammered. "I guess I didn't realize I was doing it."

"You're doing it right now."

"I'm sorry."

Sholandra smiled, and Laura immediately saw two things in her dark eyes. One, she was enjoying taunting Laura, making her squirm. Two, she also was enjoying the fact that Laura was obsessively attracted to her, dying to have her. Laura realized that it put her completely in Sholandra's power.

"I'll try to do better," she said, hating herself. "But you're extremely beautiful."

Sholandra's eyes flashed. "I'm glad you think so."

Then she turned and let Laura admire every inch of her from the rear, especially her swaying bottom, as she walked away, knowing Laura was doing it.

That night Laura and Barbara fucked wantonly, screwing with such relentless vigor and passion that they were both exhausted by midnight, when Laura went home. She had let Barbara tie her up and fuck her hard, again and again. She had come maybe fifteen times, excruciating, shattering orgasms that totally obliterated any thought of Sholandra. Her body was sore but satiated, wilted with fatigue.

The next day she was even able to look at the girl with something approaching indifference, brought on by her depletion from the night with Barbara. And when she ran into Rob at lunch, Sholandra took a seat even further back.

He pulled her aside on the sidewalk. "I've been thinking about you."

Laura smiled. "I think about you sometimes too."

He nodded and grinned. "Promise you won't be shocked if I tell you what I've been thinking."

"I'm not easily shocked, you know."

"I was thinking about you, me, and my wife Camille. Together."

Laura's eyes widened. Could she believe her ears? She gulped softly. God, I thought of it too! she remembered.

"How does she feel about that?" she asked evenly.

"She doesn't know. I didn't ask her. How do you feel about it?"

Laura smiled slyly. "I've never met her. Never even seen her."

Rob grinned. "Believe me, I think you'll like what you see. I thought maybe I'd introduce you, so you two will know each other. Then we can figure out some way for you to be alone together. I know you must be pretty good at seducing good-looking women," he teased.

Laura blushed. "I've had a few successes," she said, demurely.

"You're so beautiful, and Camille might be a pushover for you. Then, when you two are in bed, I come in."

"And we have a party," Laura said, eyes twinkling, blood racing. The idea sounded perfectly delicious to her.

"I guess you're in?"

"When can I meet her?"

"We're having dinner after work at the Iron Horse. You want to join us?"

"I'd be delighted."

"Only one thing," he cautioned her, before they parted. "She's very jealous. Don't even hint that you and I ever . . . you know."

"Absolutely," Laura promised. "Not a word. Not a gesture."

"Good," he winked. "See you there at six-thirty."

Laura was excited as she walked to the restaurant, after working late. She actually had butterflies in the pit of her stomach. She had been invovled in sexual threesomes before, both times with Karen, sharing Rina, and Chanitra, and Rick, very early in her deep involvement with Karen. But for some reason, this was very different, and exciting.

And she was even more excited once she got a look at Camille, Rob's wife. Camille was drop-dead gorgeous, a tall, statuesque knock-out with skin the color of burnished gold, and an exotic, Chinesey slant to her dark, alluring eyes that you saw sometimes in blacks.

She had a voluptuous, full-figured body, with breasts even larger than Karen's, and a tiny waist. Laura could feel her pulse racing and her pussy melting as she looked into Camille's smoky eyes, wondering already what it would be like to fuck this fantastic creature. Lucky Rob, she thought.

They had a pleasant dinner, and Camille seemed to buy completely Laura's fabrication of a past for her and Rob. She said they had met through work, and that she had lived in Chicago but only recently moved to the Bay Area. She made it seem as if she and Rob were only passing acquaintances, and Camille did not seem suspicious.

At the end of the dinner, they all agreed to meet again, and Rob gave Laura a wink behind Camille's back to let her know everything had gone well.

But Laura still had to go home alone, filled with thoughts of Sholandra again, and now Camille too. Fortunately, Cecilia had phoned her and left a message. Laura saw her occasionally at work, watching her belly grow with dismay and resignation. She and Cecilia had shared great, scorching moments in bed, and to see her as a young mother was hard. Laura still wanted her, even though she was about three months pregnant. And from her phone message, she realized that Cecilia couldn't forget Laura either.

"I want to do it with you," she had whispered into the answering machine. "I know it's terrible. I'm going to be a mommy. And you probably wouldn't want to do it with a girl who's got a belly like mine. But I can't forget you, Laura."

Oh god, I do want her, Laura thought. I want her bad!

She phoned. Cecilia's boyfriend, soon to be husband, answered. Laura was disconsolate. She waited half an hour, then phoned again. He answered again. Shit! Laura thought. She wants me! Why can't you let her have me?

Then, about fifteen minutes later, Cecilia called her. "Was that you calling?" she asked.


"Thought it might be. He's so jealous, even when I'm pregnant. Look, he has to go to work in about an hour. I'll be over then."

Laura about died of the wait. When Cecilia arrived, Laura could hardly believe it.

"How long has it been?" she asked.

"I'm three months along," Cecilia said. "It's been at least three months."

"You're tummy isn't very big yet."

"Big enough," Cecilia pouted. "You used to love my body."

"Mmmmm, and I still do," Laura purred, beginning to unbutton her blouse, watching the smooth, deeply black skin come into view.

Cecilia loved being admired, and even in her slightly bloated state she responded with sensual delight to Laura's careful undressing of her. And for her part, Laura recalled how crazy she was about this phenomenal black black skin, seeming even blacker than usual by contrast with Cecilia's white bra. Laura kissed it everywhere, Cecilia's gleaming black shoulders, her perfect clavicles, her smooth long neck, her clear chest and the valley between her breasts, which were slightly bigger now than Laura remembered them.

Already Cecilia's dark eyes were glazed with lust, and her mouth was open and receptive to Laura's increasingly passionate kisses, and Laura embraced her and slowly unfastened her bra. She removed it and filled her hands with Cecilia's exquisite naked breasts, gently pinching the girl's bulging black nipples with her fingers.

Cecilia panted softly, and moaned.

"Are they sore?" Laura whispered.

"No," Cecilia panted. "I want you to suck them hard. My boyfriend won't suck them hard, like you do. He's afraid of hurting me."

"So am I," Laura said as she pulled Cecilia down the hall to the bedroom.

"No," Cecilia shook her head. "I want you to suck them hard." She grabbed Laura and kissed her searchingly. "Oh, Laura, when I'm in bed with him I dream of fucking with you."

"Well, now you are," Laura smiled, quickly slipping out of her own clothes and pulling down the bedcovers.

Cecilia removed her jeans and they both examined her belly, still wonderfully smooth and black but now swelling slightly. Laura pulled her down onto the bed and kissed her smooth black belly and midriff tenderly, exploring every delicious inch of it with her lips and fingers, then slyly dipping lower, kissing Cecilia's thighs, teasing her, until her lips finally arrived at Cecilia's wet, blossoming pussy.

"Ah! Ohnn!" she gasped as Laura's tongue slipped up into it.

Laura was as delirious with lust as Cecilia was. She couldn't restrain herself, although she wanted to explore and relearn every inch of the girl's long, silky, naked body. But both of them knew they couldn't postpone it, not this first, wild explosion. Cecilia squeezed and pinched her own breasts while Laura hungrily tongued and sucked her juicy pussy, and in under two minutes she was coming, arching her back and quivering, moaning, churning her hips frantically.

"Ungghh! Oh! Aungghiieee!" she cried out, coming exuberantly, her beautiful face torn with ecstacy.

And almost before she knew what was happening, Laura found herself on her back, with Cecilia on top of her, kissing her passionately everywhere.

"Oh god, honey . . . yes!" she gasped, watching one of her aching nipples disappear into Cecilia's hungry mouth. "Unhhh! Oh!"

"Oh god Laura I love to fuck with you," Cecilia panted, devouring Laura's breasts, then quickly descending to Laura's pussy and tonguing and sucking it wildly.

Laura was already aroused, and it didn't take long for her to come in sharp bursts, biting her own wrist to keep back her screams. She writhed and churned in the grip of a scorching orgasm, then fell back to the bed, exploding in brief gales of giggles from the release of tension, and the phenomenal quickness of it all.

"Gosh, I guess we really wanted to fuck each other, didn't we," she giggled to Cecilia, who also began giggling.

"I guess so," Cecilia grinned. "We both just about went up in smoke."

"Mmmmm, but there's still enough of us left for this," Laura purred, pushing the delectable girl down again on her back.

This time she scooped up Cecilia's marvelous dark breasts in her hands and began to feast on them, curling her long tongue around the bursting, shiny black nipples, sucking them, at first gently, then harder, as Cecilia had wanted.

"Oh yes! Oh god, Laura . . . yes!" Cecilia whimpered, watching Laura's mouth and hands on her beautifully shaped breasts, gasping ecstatically as Laura sucked one of her nipples in deep.

Laura had had beautiful breasts in her hands and mouth before, but none more perfect than Cecilia's, and she exulted in sucking and squeezing them, teasing them with her teeth, until Cecilia was again writing and moaning uncontrollably. Her nipples were wet, erect, swollen, her breasts bunched up in Laura's hands, hard smooth black gourds, and Laura was devouring them hungrily.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" Cecilia whimpered, squirming, her fingers fluttering spastically in Laura's hair.

And now Laura released one luscious breast and dropped her hand to Cecilia's crotch, slipping her fingers into the warm, wet groove of Cecilia's pussy.

"Are you ready? Ready, honey, ready?" she whispered to Cecilia, moving the edge of one finger across Cecilia's distended clit.

"Ohhnnn god . . . yes! Unngghh! Oh Laura! Fuck me, please! Ohnngg! Unh! Unh!"

"Oh, come on now, come, come, come," Laura panted to her, suddenly fucking her pussy hard and sucking one of Cecilia's wet nipples deep into her mouth at the same time, sucking and fucking her so hard that Cecilia simply exploded with coming almost instantaneously.

"Unggh! Oh! Auungghh!" she groaned, her lovely black body arching, quivering. "Oh! Unggauungghhh!"

She was scarcely finished with her orgasm before Laura was slipping down, between her thighs, sliding her own pussy up against Cecilia's, and fucking her cunt-to-cunt now, grinding hard. She held onto Cecilia's long, flexing leg and jammed her own flowing pussy into Cecilia's squinchy wet slit, pumping vigorously, bringing on another wild climax almost immediately.

"Ohhh! Ohhngghiieee!" Cecilia cried out, writhing as the fresh jolts of rapture shook her gleaming, flexing body.

Laura was right behind her, wrenched by hot spasms, feeling her pussy boil over with coming, her whole quivering body united to Cecilia's as they throbbed in unison, moaning and whimpering.

"I love it when you fuck me that way," Cecilia confessed after they disentangled their bodies and embraced again, still throbbing in the afterglow. "I'm so glad we did this. I can't think of giving you up, just because I'm pregnant. You don't mind fucking with a pregnant girl, do you? I mean, I'm probably your first, right?"

Laura smiled. "My first. But it won't be as easy for you to pop over here after it's born," she said, thinking of how hard it was for Yvette to get away.

On the other hand, she realized, her life was easier to manage when Yvette and Cecilia weren't always ringing her bell, and hopping into her bed, the dears. She and Cecilia fucked several more times before midnight, when Cecilia finally left. Laura realized she had not thought of Sholandra the whole evening, or of Camille and what lay ahead there.

Her body felt satisfied and still tingled with the memory of Cecilia's hands and lips on it. And she smiled as she drifted off to sleep, knowing Cecilia felt the same.

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