Laura - Chapter 78

While in the supermarket Laura's eye was caught by a tabloid headline describing how O.J. Simpson's slain ex-wife had been addicted to sex. It stuck with her. This was the day after her enchanting but frenzied half-hour of total all-out fucking with Yvette, in which between them about ten orgasms had occurred in under thirty minutes.

Is that what I am? she wondered. It sure feels like it sometimes. Like it's all I can think of.

Her body had recovered from the hammering Rob had given it, and her wild tryst with Yvette had only seemed to hone her appetite for more. And not only more, but more extreme. Her thoughts inevitably turned to Karen. Only Karen (and Rob) could be depended on to really push the limits with her, and the hot, frantic fucking with Yvette made her feel like she needed to go farther, deeper, into territory she and Karen had shared before.

Maybe I am addicted, she thought. She realized that in the back of her mind, she had been thinking about Rob, and his new wife, and how he had said she was Laura's 'type'. She didn't really think consciously about them, but in the murky depths of her sexual nature she knew she was wondering how it would be to go to bed with them both at once. It wasn't enough for her to sleep fairly regularly with Yvette, Karen, Chanitra, and up until recently with Cecilia and Tracy. And then there were Brandi, and Jonelle, though she saw each of them rarely. But she also had to be obsessed with Rob and his wife. Maybe I am an addict, she thought.

Even thinking about all this made her horny, and again the thought of Karen passed through her mind. It had been almost two months since their last, pretty horrific, and yet wildly ecstatic, time together. The Evening of the Whip, as Laura had come to remember it.

It took me a week to stop hurting, she also remembered. Are you sure you want to do something like that again? she asked herself. Well, maybe not exactly that, she answered. It did hurt. Yes, and you came unbelievably, remember? Yes . . . I remember. But I thought my poor pussy would never stop stinging.

Perverse as she was, this thought made her pussy start flowing and pulsing. She picked up the phone.


"I was just going to call you. We must be psychic." Karen's voice was low, breathy, smoky, a wild turn-on to Laura.

"Oh god, I have to see you. Now."

"Open the champagne, girl. I'll be there in ten minutes."

As usual, when the prospect of wild, perverted, even brutal fucking with Karen came up, Laura began to flow with fuck-juice even before she put down the phone. Karen got caught in traffic, and it was twenty minutes before she arrived. By then, both of them were already in a state of advanced lust.

Karen had barely removed her coat before Laura was on her, kissing her hungrily. And Karen was kissing back. Her eyes were glazed with sex as she pulled her mouth from Laura's.

"I thought you said this time we were going to try doing it normally, like everyone else," she murmured. "No sick stuff. No . . . fun stuff."

Her dark eyes glinted with mischief.

"I didn't realize how much I wanted you," Laura said. "It's been too long."

"I know what you want," Karen said darkly.

"Let's try," Laura said. "At least we can try."

Karen looked down at the black satchel she had brought with her. "I guess we'll have to leave this in here," she grinned.

"We can always come and get it, if we get weak."

"Girl, I get weak when I look at you," Karen said, eyes smoking.

"Me too," Laura said softly.

She began to unbutton the back of Karen's blouse as she kissed her smooth black neck. One by one the buttons came loose. More and more of Karen's delicious, sleek black skin came into view, and Laura's lips kissed every inch of it. She removed the blouse and threw it into a nearby chair.

"We better go to the bedroom, or you'll want to grab that bag," Karen whispered.

"You're right," Laura said, drawing her down the hall.

In her bedroom, Laura shut the door and watched Karen seductively remove her bra. "You like to watch me do it, don't you," Karen whispered.


Karen did it slowly. The lacy cups of her bra were made of a sheer fabric, and Laura could see the large dark circles of her nipples through it. Of all the women Laura had been to bed with, Karen had the largest nipples, and Laura felt hungrier than ever for the girl as she saw them come into view.

Karen let the bra straps slide slowly down her arms. Laura found herself remembering their first time, the first time she had seen these magnificent naked breasts, and the way she had wanted to touch them then. Karen's huge nipples protruded from the full, firm globes, puffy and gleaming like black satin.

Karen's eyes swam with murky, hot lust. "No biting," she whispered as Laura approached. "You said normal."

"I want to swallow them," Laura breathed.

Karen cupped both firm breasts in her palms, lifting them slightly, while Laura bent her head. Laura ran her tongue all over one huge, silky nipple, then drew it into her mouth. Karen's hand fell away and Laura enclosed the warm globe in both of her hands, squeezing it and sucking Karen's soft, pulpy nipple in deeper, feeling it stiffen against her tongue.

"Ohhh! Oh . . . Laura!" Karen gasped softly.

"Come over here on the bed," Laura whispered. "I want to do this right."

"But you've still got your clothes on."

Laura grinned. She quickly stripped, and Karen removed her jeans. Now they were both naked. Laura plumped up the pillows and made Karen lie back against them on the bed. Then she lowered her mouth again to the same damp nipple she had been sucking.

This time she sucked and tongued and teased Karen's large, swollen nipples for about five minutes, going very slowly, never even threatening them with her teeth, but sucking them so skillfully that Karen was nearly insane with need by the time Laura kissed her mouth.

They kissed very sensually, but Karen squirmed and panted almost uncontrollably. When their lips came apart, her eyes were swirling and smoking, desperately horny.

"If you don't fuck me in about a minute, normal or not, I'm going to die," she breathed.

"Mmmmm, I always love it when you beg," Laura murmured, returning to Karen's fantastic breasts and tormenting her big wet nipples again.

But this time she continued down, until she arrived at Karen's wet, open pussy. It was the first pussy she had ever tasted, and she never tired of licking and sucking it. And right now it was incredibly juicy, a pink runny hot trench that she assaulted hungrily, driving Karen up the wall.

"Unhh! Oh!" Karen gasped, her hips churning frantically. "Oh god girl yes oh god yes! Oh Laura! Yes . . . now, ungghh!"

Since Laura knew how much Karen loved pain, she was tempted to ratchet up the intensity right now with a ferocious, culminating rape that would wrench Karen in a quick, sharp agony of coming. She had done it in the past, and knew she could bring it off. But they had promised each other.

So instead she skillfully stroked Karen's distended clit with her tongue, carefully teasing it, until Karen exploded in a sudden, whinnying climax, her body flipping and surging off the mattress.

"Unngghhhoowwnngg! Unghhiieee! Unghhiiee!" she wailed, biting down on her cries and coming exuberantly.

When she came down from it, her eyes were glassy and red, her mouth still gaping, her breath short.

"Maybe normal isn't so bad after all," she grinned at Laura. "The way you do it."

"I love to make you come," Laura confessed.

"Nobody can do it like you," Karen smiled, embracing her, kissing her, more and more heatedly, finally pushing Laura down onto her back and swarming all over her body.

Laura, of course, was very aroused already, and Karen was the opposite of a tentative lover. She didn't get rough, but her caresses were sure and accurate, her lips on Laura's nipples sharp and insistent, her hand between Laura's thighs quick and clever. In only seconds Laura was arching her back, twisting up off the bed, whimpering uncontrollably.

"Oh, honey, you're gonna come so fast," Karen whispered, rubbing Laura's clit with two fingers while her lips teased one of Laura's erect, wet nipples. "So quick."

"Unh! Oh . . . unh!" Laura panted, her body tense with need, quivering helplessly, clenching, stiffening. "Fuck me, honey, do it! Do it now . . . oh god! Oh!"

"Mmmmm, I'm going to swallow this breast and you're going to come so hard, girl," Karen murmured.

Bunching up one of Laura's breasts into a hard cone of flesh, Karen drew the pointing, swelling, aching nipple deep, deep into her mouth, sucking hard. At the same moment her two fingers performed a clever, familiar, quick maneuver on Laura's distended clit, and Laura came abruptly, a gushing, fierce orgasm.

"Auuggnhhhh!" she groaned, her body twitching helplessly as the sharp spasms shook her. "Oh! Oh!"

Karen held her while she came, then caressed her afterward. "We do all right doing it normal, don't we," she smiled, kissing Laura's neck.

Laura, still stunned from her quick, explosive orgasm, still panting softly, nodded. "Not too bad."

"Why don't we go just a little further from normal and let our pussies kiss, like we used to do," Karen purred into Laura's ear.

Laura was still aroused from her climax, and hungry for more. Her loose, pliant body yielded easily to Karen's maneuverings, and within seconds their wet cunts were sliding together.

"Unh! Oh shit!" Karen gasped uncontrollably as the sensation overpowered her.

"Oh! Ahhh!" Laura sighed, her body thrilling at the feel of Karen's slippery warm cuntlips pressing against her own.

As usual with them, the first orgasms were only fuel for the fire that would soon be raging. With their groins locked together, they began a far more athletic kind of fucking, panting and grunting softly as they gyrated their hips, grinding their cunts together and whimpering as the tension built. Their eyes locked together too as they fucked and fucked one another, each girl clinging to the other's leg for leverage.

"Oh god, girl, you're so wet," Laura panted to Karen. "I want you to come all over my pussy."

"Oh . . . unhhhh!" Karen groaned, unable to speak, biting her full lower lip, pushing her sopping-wet pussy violently into Laura's.

As always, it was one of the most exciting ways ever to fuck, and both of them were aroused to a frenzy in only a few minutes. The sight of Karen's large, luscious breasts swirling, her large black nipples gleaming, as she undulated her body, pushing her groin into Laura's, made Laura reel with lust. She kissed Karen's shapely black calf passionately as she jammed her own pussy into the girl's, moaning and churning frantically.

Both were pumping so wildly that Laura's bed began to shake and creak, and in the back of her mind she wondered if it would hold out. But nothing could stop them. They pumped and moaned and whimpered, then suddenly began to come together, in the same instant.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" Laura cried out.

"Unggh! Oh . . . oh girl oh Laura!" Karen groaned.

A shattering orgasm gripped them both. Laura could almost feel the electrical current flowing between their joined cunts, through their shuddering bodies, melting both moaning girls into a quivering mass of ecstacy. They lay there quivering, locked together at the groin, for a long time, trying to recover their breath. Finally, they disentangled their bodies, embraced, kissed.

Karen ran her tongue inside of Laura's mouth. "So much for the normal stuff," she winked. "Let's move on to the next course." "But we promised," Laura pouted.

Karen gave Laura an alluring glare. She cupped one of Laura's breasts in her palm and raised it to her mouth, baring her teeth and teasingly, loosely clamping Laura's thick, swollen nipple with them, looking up at Laura from under her long lashes. Then she released Laura's nipple.

"Are you sure?" she grinned. "Promises are made to be broken, you know."

Laura's whole body was gripped by an excited, deep shiver. She could feel her cunt growing wet again, and she knew Karen was feeling the same way.

"God, we can't stop ourselves, can we," she said, under her breath.

Karen gave her a long, searching kiss, during which they slid their naked bodies together in a slow, sensual caress that had them both smouldering by the time their mouths came apart.

"Look at it this way," Karen whispered to her. "I don't let anyone hurt me but you. I don't trust anybody else. After a while, I need it. I know how you can make me come. I know how you can make me beg." She grinned, nuzzling Laura's throat. "And I know how you want to."

Already Laura was squeezing the luscious, hard, swelling breasts, lightly pinching Karen's huge, soft nipples. She knew nothing would stop them now.

"I want to fuck you hard," she whispered. "I want to see the tears on your cheeks."

Karen shut her eyes, almost swooning at the thought. She took one of her own breasts in both hands, squeezing it so that her already large nipple swelled and flared even larger as she brought it up to Laura's mouth.

Laura quickly took the beautiful globe in her own hands and sucked Karen's big black nipple deep into her mouth, pushing Karen onto her back and devouring her breast more hungrily, more roughly than before. She did the same thing to Karen's other breast. And when both nipples were wet and pointing, she began to nip them tantalizingly with her teeth, bringing deep whimpers of sexual mania from Karen's constricted throat.

"Oh . . . oh Jesus!" Karen panted. "Yes . . . please!"

Laura could not restrain herself. Karen was already massaging her own wet pussy as Laura assaulted her luscious breasts, and she was delirious, wild with need. Laura bunched up the girl's beautiful, wet breasts in her fists and closed her mouth over one bulging nipple, sinking her teeth into it and feeling Karen's body jump, hearing her cry out in a mingled gasp of lust and pain.

"Ahhhnnggggg! Oh! Oh god . . . Laura . . . I'm going to come! Tie me up first. Tie me tight and fuck me hard, oh please!"

Without speaking, Laura reached under her bed. She had kept a rope there ever since Brandi's last visit, and she drew it out and quickly tied Karen's ankles, spread wide, to the foot of the bed, then tied her wrists together and fastened them to the head of it.

While she did this, Karen was twisting and moaning excitedly, her luscious, naked, vulnerable body so beautiful that Laura could hardly keep herself from raping the girl instead of finishing with the rope. But she managed to loop it around Karen's breasts, which she knew would drive Karen even crazier.

Now her large, firm breasts bulged, strangled by the coils, her nipples protruding like bursting black plums. Her pussy was even wetter than before, with slick, shiny fuck-juice running down her inner thighs. Laura knew she would scream, arousing the neighbors in more ways than one. Quickly she fished the gag out from under the bed and fastened it in place, slipping the rubber ball into Karen's mouth.

"Oh baby . . . I'm going to fuck you so hard," she whispered to Karen, dangling her own naked breasts in Karen's face, stroking her quivering body, kissing her throttled, bursting breasts. "So hard!"

"Ngghmmnhgg!" Karen grunted into the gag, her eyes fiery with burning lust, her body straining against the tight rope, which Laura had pulled tighter than usual.

Now that Laura had her trapped and completely at her mercy, she was in no hurry. Over the next fifteen minutes she brought Karen to the edge of fainting with her infinitely clever caresses. She knew the trigger points, and visited them only briefly, only touching Karen's swollen nipples with her tongue or lips enough to make the girl stiffen and whimper piteously, only letting the tip of her tongue graze Karen's distended clit, then pulling back quickly to avoid a premature explosion.

But finally Karen was almost hysterical with need, and Laura gave in. She began kissing, sucking, and nipping the girl's flaring nipples, sliding two fingers into the soupy mess of Karen's pussy. Karen went crazy, flipping and straining, whinnying eagerly, her hips churning wildly.

"God, girl, you really want it, don't you," Laura panted, warming to the occasion, aroused phenomenally by Karen's frenzy.

"Nnnmmgghh!" Karen grunted fiercely, shaking with sexual frustration.

"Here it comes, baby," Laura whispered.

She sucked one big, shiny, bulbous nipple into her mouth, sinking her teeth into it, rubbing Karen's clit roughly at the same time, jabbing her fingers up into Karen's cunt too, knowing Karen wanted it hard. She actually rolled over on top of Karen, almost as if she were a man fucking her, and feasted on the girl's popping nipples, roughly squeezing Karen's strangled breasts at the same time with her hand, while raping Karen's flooding pussy violently with her other hand.

Karen came in a wild eruption. Her beautiful, glossy, trussed body gleamed in the half-light of Laura's bedroom as she arched and flexed, straining against the ropes, groaning loudly in the throes of a shattering orgasm. Her flexing, clenching body fueled Laura's lust so much that she kept fucking Karen even after the girl's orgasm had peaked, and she was gasping and sinking back.

Laura paused only to roll Karen onto her side and slide down to her ass, which she began to massage and bite, invading Karen's rectum with the two fingers that were already greased with the girl's cuntjuice. Karen's body stiffened again, and she groaned as she felt her ass being invaded, then raped, as Laura again turned up the heat.

"Nnggmmnnggeee!" Karen whinnied helplessly, straining and squirming in her tight bonds as Laura fucked her, harder and harder.

At the same time, she also got her mouth on the girl's streaming pussy, licking and sucking it passionately. Karen went even wilder, flipping and surging uncontrollably, her gleaming body straining and squirming.

"Oh yes . . . I'm going to suck your clit, and rape your ass, and you're going to come so hard," Laura murmured, half-panting, to her as she brought the girl to another series of killing orgasms.

Karen came violently, and by the time she was finished, she was an almost total wreck, a limp, weeping, exhausted victim of scalding bliss, who lay in Laura's arms, after Laura had finally untied her, just sighing and quivering in the aftermath of ecstacy.

But now it was Laura's turn to suffer and burn. And the next hour was an ordeal of the sweetest torture for her as Karen returned the favor with excruciating ingenuity, completely immobilizing Laura's body with the ropes, then gagging and blindfolding her. Laura had never been blindfolded before, and the fresh terror of it somehow added to the hysterical climaxes she finally reached, after a long, almost unbearably ingenious buildup by Karen.

Somehow being unable to see made each physical sensation more intense, and her body seemed to swell and throb under Karen's clever lips and fingers. Her nipples felt like they would explode, and her pussy ached wildly, creaming with juice, then bursting in wild orgiastic bombs of unbelievable coming. When it was over, she too was a wreck, a gasping, quivering mass of flayed nerves, lying in Karen's arms.

"Why did you blindfold me?" she asked in a soft, meek voice.

Karen grinned. "I thought it would be fun."

"It scared the hell out of me."

"You came like crazy. I thought you were going to break the rope."

Laura smiled. "I can still feel it."

They embraced and began coiling together, bringing on their usual long, patient, smouldering, healing fuck that nearly always terminated their sexual collisions. It seemed as if they had to go down to the depths together before they could communicate in this way, a penetrating, soulful, rhythmic exercise of blending their bodies together until they both came at once in a groaning, vibrating unity of intermingling flesh.

For the first time they both clutched each other in a desperate seizure of coming, locked together in a cawing, spastic, excoriating ecstacy, not more intense than several they had administered to each other in the past, but definitely more harrowing than they had ever shared at the same instant. It left them both stunned, speechless, almost destroyed by the extremity of bliss and helplessness they had achieved.

"Girl, we have to stop doing this or I'm gonna have a heart attack," Karen giggled as they finally peeled their bodies apart.

Tears were still leaking from the corners of Laura's eyes. "We never came together that hard."

"I know," Karen nodded, solemnly. "But don't start getting any ideas. I'm not the marrying kind."

She winked.

Laura blushed. "You're so bad. I wouldn't think of tying you down."

"But you sure in a big hurry to tie me up," Karen retorted, with a devilish smile.

Laura grabbed her and wrestled playfully with her on the bed, where they had spent the last two hours moaning and coming in repeated raptures.

"Any time I get the chance," she laughed, and they dissolved into a period of tickles and laughter.

By the time Karen left, they were both drained, both from the strenuous fucking and from the emotional overload.

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