Laura - Chapter 71

Laura had calculated well, and two days after her incendiary tryst with Yvette she got her period. She tried not to think about Tracy, but even during this minor malaise she couldn't keep her mind off the lovely young girl. How young? she wondered. Old enough to have kids. And not just one 'kid' either. 'Kids.' That's what she said.

As usual, Laura hated herself for thinking about this. She hated the abnormality of it, and hated facing her true nature, the fact that she was clearly a lesbian, no matter how she might deny it. She wanted this woman, wanted to sleep with her, kiss and touch her naked body, fuck her, make her moan and tremble in undreamed of spasms of ecstacy.

She hated herself as she had with Cecilia before, and Jonelle, such normal, fresh young girls, so innocent and naive until Laura got her hooks into them, and turned them into wild, ravening lust machines. This was a young woman with a wonderful, friendly nature, whose job prospects looked good, who seemed happy, out-going, and sweet.

And all I want to do is take her clothes off and fuck her, Laura thought, mortified and ashamed. Why couldn't I just be her friend? I know why. Because I would just want her all the time. I'm a sex maniac. I can't get a smile from a pretty young black woman without wanting to rape her.

She gnawed on this for days. But when the blood finally stopped flowing, she found the paper bag with Tracy's phone number on it, which she had carefully placed in her underwear drawer. And she called Tracy, feeling all the usual schoolgirl bashfulness and clumsiness, as if asking the sweet, unsuspecting woman for a date.

But Tracy, as usual, was open and trusting and transparently eager.

"Gosh, I wondered if you really were gonna call," she said.

"Of course I was," Laura said.

"Well, what should we do?"

"Well, I've got the whole day off," Laura said. "And so do you. I mean, do you have to pick up your kids from school or anything?"

"Not until three."

"I've got an idea. Maybe we could meet for a late breakfast, then go window-shopping or something like that."

"Sounds great to me. Where do you want to meet?"

"I could drop by your place . . . or you could come to mine," Laura said, hesitating, not wanting to sound like the spider inviting the fly to tea.

"Oh, I'd rather come to your place," Tracy said quickly. "There's always somebody coming by or calling around here. Never get any privacy."

"Okay, that's great. I can make us breakfast, or we can go out. How about nine? Or is that too early?"

"Are you kidding. These kids are up by six every morning. I can make it easy by nine. Just let me get a pencil to write down your address."

Laura realized by the time she hung up the phone that her heart was pounding with excitement. Wednesday was still three days away, and she could hardly contain her excitement. On top of that, Cecilia insisted on a visit, which Laura was incapable of resisting. And they fucked with such a white-hot frenzy that she was afraid she would have nothing left for Tracy, if she ever did manage to get the girl into bed.

That provided her with more to feel guilty about. What makes you think that's going to happen? she lashed out at herself. And indeed, she was exactly right. Nothing happened.

Laura cooked breakfast for them both. Tracy looked extremely fetching in tightish jeans and form-fitting red jersey. Laura realized she had been attracted to her initially for her face, without paying much attention to her figure, which you couldn't much judge anyway in her store uniform. But now that she could see it, Laura's desire only ratcheted upward quickly.

Tracy had a beautiful ass and firm, jutting breasts, swelling hips, tiny waist, longish legs, even though she was shorter than Laura. But she was totally oblivious to Laura's motives, and her sweet cheerfulness made Laura very embarrassed, reluctant to make any heavy overtures in her direction. There were really no opportunities to come on to her, and Laura couldn't contrive any.

They spent the day shopping, as Laura had suggested, and got to be pretty good friends. They enjoyed each other's company, and though Laura could not completely ignore Tracy's physical appeal, she couldn't bring herself to scrap all their genuine friendliness for a heavy-duty seduction. She and Tracy parted in the early afternoon with a promise to do it again soon.

And Laura went home, sexually disappointed and yet still feeling very warm and happy. I like her, she realized. I want her, even more now, but I like her too.

Still, in bed that night, she had dreams of Tracy, of kissing her, of undressing her. She awoke desperately horny. Only a spell on her back in the bathtub, masturbating in the way Karen had taught her and coming violently, assuaged her need enough for her to return to work.

And at work, Barbara dropped by to flirt, and Laura couldn't resist going home with her. When they rubbed their naked bodies together, they were only slightly less combustible than Laura and Karen, and by midnight each had been scorched by exhausting strings of orgasms that left them weak and limp. But Laura's preoccupation with Tracy seemed to fade in the fire of these sexual explosions. She felt less bad that nothing had come of it.

And so, in the following weeks, she spent whatever time she could with Tracy, but slept repeatedly and often with Cecilia, Yvette, and Barbara. She and Tracy became good friends, without sex ever rearing its beautiful head, except in Laura's occasional dreams. She had almost ceased to wonder if anything would ever happen between them when one Sunday she dropped by Tracy's house for a brief visit, expecting Tracy's two children--Bobby, 8, and Tamilyn, 5--to be there. But they were not, having left for the afternoon with Tracy's mother several minutes before Laura arrived.

And when she saw Tracy, Laura knew they would never be just friends. Laura would not be able to stop at that. Tracy wore white shorts and the same form-fitting jersey she had worn on her first, breakfast, visit to Laura's apartment, except that this time she wore no bra underneath it.

She was breathtaking, and didn't even seem to know it, being in the middle of vacuuming the carpets. But Laura knew it. The white shorts, very short, emphasized the sleek black shapeliness of her legs. And the outlines of her breasts were clearly visible through the jersey, round and jutting and plump though firm, with thick, swollen nipples that protruded, just the kind that made Laura weak with lust.

Tracy caught Laura staring at them. Laura realized she had been caught and looked away, embarrassed. But Tracy cracked a mischievous grin.

"Nice, ain't they," she said.

"I . . . didn't mean to stare," Laura stammered. "They sure are."

"I wouldn't expect you not to notice," Tracy winked. "Men, you know, they get these big eyes when they see these."

She looked down at her breasts. Laura looked at them again too, glad to have permission. She realized what made them so wonderful. They were more pear-shaped than the average ones, plumper at the bottom, a very full, bursting roundness rather than a regular roundness.

"I knew two guys who wanted to take pictures of them," Tracy said, proudly. "Said they were better than the girls in the magazines. What do you think of that?" She giggled.

"Did you do it?"

"No," Tracy scoffed. "You kidding? I'd be so . . . you know, shy. To have everybody looking at me naked."

"Perfection is nothing to be ashamed of," Laura said. "You wouldn't feel ashamed showing them to me, would you?"

"Welll . . . I guess not," Tracy drawled, partly shy, partly embarrassed, party coquettish all at the same time.

Laura's blood was pounding excitedly. She knew this was a chance. Tracy was being a tease, and enjoying it. There was more going on between them than she would acknowledge to herself.

Laura smirked in a friendly way, daring her. "Go ahead, then."

Tracy hesitated. Her eyes never left Laura's. "You really want me to?"

If you only knew, Laura thought. But she had to act casual, as if it didn't matter. "Sure. But not if you don't want to."

Grinning, Tracy lifted the red jersey up over her breasts and over her head too, pulling it free and tossing it on the sofa. Her breasts jiggled fetchingly, and the large black circles of her protruding nipples gleamed. Laura tried to control her face, the desire she felt. Tracy's breasts were shockingly beautiful, it was true.

They were a little too big for her small size, but only a little, with amazing, ripe-fruit plumpness, and thick, bursting black nipples that made Laura swallow nervously, hungrily.

"Oh god, they're beautiful," she croaked softly.

Tracy was beaming. She seemed to love showing them off. She put her knuckles under them and raised them slightly.

"Think so?" she fished.

Laura realized that what she felt was very apparent on her face. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to go over to Tracy but couldn't. Then she saw Tracy slowly moving toward her. They were only a few steps apart to begin with, and now Tracy stood very close, her knuckles still pushing up her lovely round breasts.

"They're even better close up," she murmured, her eyes still fastened to Laura's, throbbing and wide.

Somehow knowing it was okay, Laura put out her hands and cupped Tracy's naked breasts with them, squeezing each one gently, feeling the huge soft nipples against her palms. Tracy never took her eyes off Laura's.

"Never had a woman touch me before," she whispered.

"I can stop if you want me to."

Tracy just shook her head, her eyes never leaving Laura's. Slowly, still cupping Tracy's beautiful breasts, Laura's face came closer, until their lips brushed. They kissed, a long, patient, sensual kiss. Laura's tongue entered Tracy's mouth tentatively, but Tracy's coiled around it, then entered Laura's mouth, and soon the kiss grew hotter.

When their lips finally parted, their eyes burned into each other's. Laura kissed Tracy's smooth black neck, her shoulder, then dropped her mouth to one exquisite breast, cupping it from underneath with her palm and teasing the large nipple with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth.

"Ohh!" Tracy gasped.

Laura sucked the thick, silky bulb gently, kneading the firm, plump ball of Tracy's breast with both hands at the same time. Before sucking the other one, she lifted her mouth and kissed Tracy again, rolling Tracy's wet nipple in her fingers, pinching it lightly, exciting Tracy, who moaned while still kissing Laura back.

She was panting softly when their lips came apart this time, her dark eyes swirling with lust.

"Good thing my kids ain't home," she whispered, "because I don't want you to stop."

"I don't want to either," Laura said, lowering her lips to Tracy's other nipple and giving it the same treatment.

Now Tracy was becoming more and more aroused. Laura sucked her other nipple a little harder, meanwhile rolling and gently pinching the first one in her fingers. Tracy whimpered and moaned softly.

"Ohhnnnnn! Unhh! Oh . . . Laura! Unhhhh!"

Laura released her nipple and kissed her mouth again, this time a scorching kiss. She felt Tracy's knees sag as they kissed and grabbed her, holding her up.

"Oh god . . . let's go in my bedroom," Tracy panted.


She led Laura down the hall, into the bedroom, pulling Laura to the bed, pulling Laura down onto the bed with her. They kissed again and Tracy's fingers quickly found the buttons on the front of Laura's shirt, unfastening them one by one. Laura helped her get it off, then the bra.

"Oh yes, oh yes," Tracy panted as their breasts came together, as they embraced tightly, kissing passionately.

Laura could feel Tracy's wet, stiff nipples against her own breasts, and Tracy's tongue in her ear.

"Oh god, I want to do this, I want to do this," Tracy repeated over and over. "God, I want to do it all with you, oh Laura!"

Laura didn't reply, but she was all over Tracy, kissing her naked upper body and unfastening the single button and pulling down the side zipper of her shorts, skimming them down her delicious legs. Tracy didn't resist as Laura pulled her panties off too.

Now she was completely naked, totally delectable, Laura realized as she ran her hands and mouth all over the girl's delicious body. Two pregnancies had done nothing to mar her beauty, and in fact left little evidence on it but a small swelling to her belly, and a couple of marbly stretchmarks along the sides of her otherwise perfect breasts. Laura made love to her with careful skill, trying to bring her along slowly and not allow her to panic over being in bed with another woman.

She kissed Tracy's naked body lovingly, enjoying her smooth dark skin, slipping down between her thighs. Tracy's open pussy was buttery with juice, and Laura licked it skillfully, bring soft, low moans from the twisting girl.

"Ohhhnnn . . . oh yes . . . ohhnnnn yes . . . Laura," Tracy moaned, her body quivering as Laura caressed her and explored every fold and crevice of her pussy.

Something in her loved this first time, the first time with all of them, especially those, like Tracy, who had never been to bed with another woman before. It was a challenge to give her a sexual experience so much more powerful than she had had from anyone else. And Laura was very good at it.

She tongued and sucked Tracy's clit and pussy until the girl was gripped by an agonizingly complete orgasm, one that wrenched her repeatedly and stole her breath, leaving her just a beautiful, exploding wreck of incredibly intense sexual pleasure. Her luscious, smooth black body writhed and quivered, and moans of agonizing bliss escaped from her throat.

"Unhhh . . . ohhnnnnn! Ungghh oh . . . god auunnghiieeee! Oh Lauranngghiieee! Oh god, yes!" she gasped, coming in sharp spasms as Laura kept tongue-fucking her passionately.

And then, when she began to come down from it, bleary-eyed and panting, her forearm crossed over her forehead, her body still undulating with aftershocks, Laura poured on the heat again, now beginning to hand-fuck Tracy's pussy as she slid up the girl's body and began to suck her nipples again.

Through the fog of her ecstacy, Tracy looked at Laura with disbelief as she felt the flame spring up again in her body. And this time, Laura was fucking her harder, more ardently, bringing her back up more quickly.

"Unh! Unh! Unh!" she grunted softly, churning her hips, thrusting her pelvis up into Laura's hand, whimpering deliriously.

"Oh . . . oh god, yes! Unhhh . . . oh Laura oh god Jesus oh shit oh god you're making me come again . . . oh! Oh now . . . again, oh Jesus oohnnngghiieee!"

Again she came in a violent uprush of ecstacy, nearly passing out this time from the intensity of it. And Laura was there to cradle her shoulders and kiss her marvelous soft cheek as she slowly emerged from the storm of her orgasm.

For a long time Tracy stared at Laura, as if unable to believe what had just happened. "I never came like that," she whispered. "I've got two kids, and I've had six or seven men, and I never even got close to coming like that."

"Mmmmm. Good," Laura smiled, kissing her.

"I guess you can tell I've never . . . done this before. I mean . . . not with a woman, you know."

Laura marveled. Tracy had just had two explosive orgasms, and had not been as hard as Laura had feared to get into the bed in the first place, and now she was being very shy, embarrassed.

"I guess I knew," Laura murmured. "But you didn't run away."

"No. I wanted to. I told myself if you . . . you know, sort of invited me, I wouldn't refuse."

"Did you think I would 'invite' you?"

"I don't know. I sort of got the feeling a few times before this that you . . . you know, wanted me. I guess it was the way you looked at me."

Laura embraced her, pushing the whole length of their naked bodies together, their breasts mashing together, their lips meeting in another ardent kiss. "It was hard not to look at you like that."

"You really wanted me, didn't you," Tracy beamed.

"I sure did. And I sure do."

"I want you too. I never felt like this before."

Gently, she rolled Laura onto her back. Laura looked up at her solemnly, knowing what was coming, loving the girl in her sweet innocence and openness. She moaned softly as Tracy kissed her neck, her shoulder, the valley between her breasts. Then Tracy's lips found one of her nipples, sucking it softly, then more excitedly.

"Oh!" Laura gasped uncontrollably, her body quivering in a spasm of sexual thrills.

She was so aroused already from fucking Tracy that it took very little to bring her to a fever pitch of need. And Tracy seemed to love her breasts, holding them and kissing them fervently, sucking Laura's throbbing nipples hungrily, more and more passionately, which drove Laura quickly into a frenzy of sexual excitement.

"Oh . . . oh yes oh god Tracy," she panted, whimpering and twisting, holding Tracy's head in her hands and pushing her breasts into Tracy's face. "God, girl . . . suck hard! Oh yes! Ungghhh!"

"Oh god girl Laura you gon' come?" Tracy suddenly asked, realizing how aroused Laura was, how close.

"Yes! Oh yes!" Laura panted, her hips churning involuntarily. "Touch me . . . oh, touch my pussy, quick!"

Tracy dropped one hand between Laura's flexing thighs, bringing two fingers up to the oozing wet cleft of Laura's pussy. She sucked one of Laura's nipples again, and rubbed Laura's pussy sharply, and Laura spilled over in a torrent of coming.

"Auungghh! Unghnnmmiieeee!" she wailed, grimacing in a seizure of ecstacy, turning her head aside into the pillow to muffle her cries.

Her body arched and shuddered as the spasms wrenched her, then slowly died away, leaving her panting and shocked by the power of her climax. Tracy was smiling and kissing her, still fondling her breasts, as she drifted back up from the hot, swirling fog of rapture.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before?" Laura kidded her gently.

Tracy shook her head, wide-eyed.

"You sure took my breath away," Laura said.

"But I didn't even get to do what I wanted to do," Tracy whispered, eyes veiled and dark and suggestive.

"And what was that?"

"I wanted to do what you did to me. Like this."

She slid down Laura's body, kissing Laura everywhere on her way, not shy at all, until her mouth reached the puckered pink flower of Laura's pussy. Laura nearly swooned as she felt Tracy's tongue slip into her.

"Oh god . . . ohhhh honey yes oh oh!" she gasped, writhing again as the hot bliss flooded her body.

Tracy made love with her mouth and fingers to Laura's pussy, licking it sensually, stroking it with her tongue and probing the wet, squinchy depths with her fingers, until Laura was biting her lower lip and quivering helplessly. Only after arousing Laura to this feverish frenzy did she raise her tongue to Laura's clit, again stroking it slowly. But before she could do it very long, Laura burst in a fierce explosion of coming.

Her body strained and arched even more violently than the first time. She clutched her own breasts, squeezing and twisting them, her pelvis shuddering frantically as the sweet, sharp spasms wrenched her. Tracy held on until she was finished, then slipped up to hold and kiss her.

"There, that's better," she murmured, smiling. "You really came hard."

"I know," Laura gasped, still getting her breath back. She kissed Tracy. "You really made me come hard."

"Did I?" She beamed. "I did it right?"

Laura hugged her and kissed her passionately. "You delicious thing. I just want to fuck and fuck you."

"Oh god, that word, you're making me blush," Tracy giggled. "When women do it together, is that still fucking?"

"What would you call it?"

"It just . . . sounds so dirty," Tracy said. "What we did isn't, you know, dirty."

"Some people think so."

"I know."

"Why did you decide you'd do it with me, if I came on to you?"

Now Tracy grinned, a huge, bashful grin. "Because I really like you, one. Because you're beautiful, two. Like that model, Stephanie Seymour, you know, that I showed you? I mean, most people don't get to go to bed with anybody that beautiful, man or woman, right? And because I just don't have any luck with guys, so I figured, maybe doing it with Laura would be, you know, better."

"Was it?" Laura nuzzled her beautiful brown ear.

"You know the answer to that," Tracy batted her eyelashes.

Laura, as usual, could feel her blood heating up again. Twice wasn't enough for her, not with a girl this lovely. She glanced around nervously.

"Are we in danger of being interrupted or anything?" she asked Tracy.

"My kids left with my Mom. They won't be home until dinner."

"I know you don't see their father any more," Laura said. "But . . . is there a boyfriend who might get jealous to see us like this?"

Laura couldn't easily forget her problems with Arthur, or with Rina's boyfriend, the murderer.

Tracy smiled and shook her head. "No boyfriend."

"Why not? I can't believe men aren't knocking down the door to take you out."

"One, men don't like you when you put your kids first. Two, men don't like it when you're more successful than they are. Three, men like to booze and shoot hoops and jive around with the sluts instead of staying home and living decent. And four," she leaned over and kissed Laura, a deep sensual kiss, fondling Laura's naked breast at the same time. "Four, they none of them can 'fuck' me the way you do." She grinned and giggled.

Laura pushed her onto her back again, kissing her feverishly, passionately, hungrily. "Then you won't mind if I do it to you again, you delicious creature," she murmured. "I can't get enough."

"Ohhhh! Oh!" Tracy panted, as Laura's lips dropped again to her neck, to her shoulder, to one of her beautiful breasts. "That makes two of us!"

"Oh girl, your boobs are so beautiful," Laura murmured, licking and then nearly swallowing one of Tracy's big, bulging, silky nipples, feeling it tighten and stiffen in her mouth, hearing Tracy moan and feeling her twist excitedly.

"God, Laura . . . that feels so good," she panted. "Suck it harder . . . oh yes unhhh! Oh yes yes unhhh oh! Do it hard, yes! God, yes!"

Laura rubbed Tracy's wet pussy while she sucked the girl's nipples voraciously and squeezed her beautiful breasts with one hand, quickly bringing Tracy to a high pitch of lust.

"Oh god . . . fuck me, girl, fuck me, I can't wait," Tracy panted, churning her hips, pushing her pussy into Laura's hand. "Do it like that . . . ohhhnn yes, like that . . . oh . . . unh! Unh! Oh Jesus oh shit . . . unhh! Anngghiiiieeee! Mnnnggeeeee!" she cried out, coming quickly, in jolting shocks, her body shuddering helplessly as her climax wrenched her.

She fell back to the bed, still panting, her eyes glazed. Laura kissed her, but then quickly slipped down, down.

"I want to eat you again," she murmured. "I want to taste your sweet sweet pussy."

"Ohhnnnn!" Tracy sighed, completely vulnerable, surrendering her body totally to Laura. "Oh god . . . oh Laura!"

And Laura was voracious. She assaulted Tracy's oozing pussy with her mouth, insinuating her fingers into the crack between the girl's hard round buns at the same time as she stabbed her tongue deep into Tracy's glistening crack. She didn't actually introduce her finger into Tracy's asshole, but she rubbed it suggestively with her knuckle, slurping and sucking Tracy's cuntlips hungrily, lashing Tracy's clit with her tongue, fucking Tracy altogether much harder than she had yet done.

And Tracy went delirious with sexual excitement. She writhed and churned her hips frantically, moaning and mewling almost hysterically as a fresh orgasm approached. The more her sexual excitement peaked, the harder Laura fucked her, finally sliding two fingers up into Tracy's greasy warm channel and raping her with them as she sucked Tracy's clit, bringing the girl to a jolting, wrenching, horrific climax.

The orgasm hit her so hard that it took her breath away. Arching her back, shuddering and flexing, she came and came, cawing hoarsely and panting wildly as spasm after spams rocked her lovely body. Laura did not release Tracy's clit from her mouth until Tracy finally collapsed from the strain of coming so hard, gasping and moaning softly in a cloud of bliss.

"Laura," she finally murmured, regaining her breath. "You're mean, making me come like that. You know no one will ever be able to satisfy me now, not after you."

"Mmmmm, I hope not," Laura said, kissing her mouth passionately. "I want you for myself."

Suddenly Tracy grew serious. "But I know you've done this . . . before. I'm not your first. You go to bed like this with other girls, don't you."

Laura blushed. It was always such a hard question to answer. Karen or Barbara, who did sleep with other women, wouldn't even bring it up, but all the others, except perhaps Chanitra, were jealous of Laura sleeping with anyone but them. And she knew how they felt. Look how I felt about Yvette letting Rhonda screw her! she thought. I hated her.

"You know," she said to Tracy, "I've had a few others. It's true. I didn't learn how to make love to you like this overnight. But it doesn't mean you're not special to me. Very special."

It sounded very lame to Laura, but Tracy smiled. "You're special to me too. I've got two kids, but I never knew fucking could be like this. I want to do it to you again, too."

"Mmmm, good. You make me feel wonderful."

"I do?"


"I do everything . . . right for you?"

"You do it perfect." Laura kissed her, frenching her aggressively, hungrily. "I want you to do it to me again, let yourself go, do it hard, fuck me, Tracy, fuck me and fuck me. Please."

"Oh Laura."

"Oh! Oh . . . please! Oh yes!"

Tracy needed little encouraging. She began to devour Laura's body the way Laura had just devoured hers, sucking Laura's nipples, then pinching the wet, stiff buds in a way no one had ever done to her, making Laura's breasts fill with fire, and her nipples burn and throb wildly. The sensation made Laura nearly climb the walls.

It was like the pain she and Karen usually shared, with the same results: it brought her to the edge of a fierce orgasm in under a minute.

"Oh god," she panted to Tracy. "Honey, I'm going to come! Suck my pussy, quick! Oh please! Do it hard!"

"Oh Laura!"

"Yes, do it hard! Unh! Oh! Unh! Harder . . do it harder! Unh! Oh god . . . oh ungghiiieee! Anngghiieee! Yes! Oh Tracy yes harder I can come again yes! Ungghhiieeeee!"

Laura erupted in an explosive orgasm, a bursting, overflowing cataclysm of coming that shook and wrenched her quivering body. The first one was quickly followed by a second, another shattering blow, as Tracy kept fingerfucking and sucking her pussy frantically. Finally, it was over, and she sank back into the mattress, gasping, still throbbing, stunned and tingling with happiness.

"Gosh, you come so hard and so fast," Tracy said, when they had both relaxed again.

"You came pretty hard too."

"I know. Usually . . . like with a man, you know . . . it takes me forever. Sometimes I don't even come at all. But you make me come so quick."

"Mmmmm, because I know where to ring your bells," Laura smiled.

"You sure do."

They fucked three more times during the afternoon, and each had four more orgasms, before they had to get up and dress, anticipating the return of Tracy's children. As usual, with their clothes on they both, especially Tracy, grew a little shy of one another again.

"I can't believe we did that," Tracy whispered to Laura, grinning sheepishly. "I mean, did I really come eight times in a row doing it with a woman? With you?"

Laura nodded. "Yes. And I want you to take your vitamins. Next time, you come over to my place, and I'll fuck you so much you won't be able to get out of bed, you'll be so tired."

"Oooohhhh!" Tracy beamed. "Really?"

"Really." They embraced, and shared a thrillingly sensual kiss. "Tracy . . . I can't wait for it. When?"

"Soon. I can't wait either. Just have to find a place for the kids. Maybe next weekend."

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