Laura - Chapter 70

After Brandi's departure, Laura fell into her usual depression. Of all her lovers, both Brandi and Jonelle pierced her heart most deeply, and separating from either always caused her great pain. For three or four days she was unbearably glum and abstracted, and then on the fifth day something happened to make it even worse.

She was cruising the aisles of her local Safeway, listlessly picking up a few things, when she noticed a new assistant manager handling the cash drawers, money orders, etc. Where's Tracy? she suddenly thought, alarmed. Oh god, they didn't transfer her! I'll never find her!

But then she reassured herself. Everybody gets a day off now and then. She herself had just taken two to spend them deliriously fucking with Brandi, Ms. Olympia. Her body still throbbed in wild happiness at the memory, and her cunt moistened. She could still almost feel Brandi's huge thigh, steel sheathed in black silk, moving powerfully against her open pussy. But her thoughts quickly jumped back to Tracy.

She was young, smart, pretty, ambitious. They were always looking out for new talent. They wouldn't take long to move her up. Now Laura's anxiety flooded in again. Oh god, I won't see her again! she thought.

She couldn't keep herself from asking the checker, as she was leaving. She pulled an earring out of her handbag and showed it to him.

"You know that girl, that assistant manager who's usually here?" she said. "What is her name . . . Stacy?"

"Oh, you mean Tracy?"

"Yes, that's her. Well, I . . . found this earring of hers that she dropped when we were talking outside, last time I was here. I wanted to return it."

"Oh, she wasn't the assistant manager," he said. "She was what you are before they make you an assistant manager. But they did make her one. Last week. She's now at the Safeway in Emeryville."

"Oh," Laura said, crestfallen. "Emeryville? I guess I could, you know, find her there."

"You sure can," he grinned. "Every day."

"Thanks," she said, weakly.

She got into her car and found herself on the way to Emeryville before she even realized it. God, I guess it's just to get my mind off Brandi, she thought. When she got there, she went in and started buying some more items, hoping to spot Tracy.

They ran into each other near the cheese deli.

"Oh, hi there," Tracy said, brightly, her lovely young face breaking into a fetching grin as she saw Laura. "What are you doing here, did you move?"

"I, uh, no," Laura stammered.

"They made me an assistant manager," Tracy said, proudly.

"I know. Congratulations."

Tracy looked right and left, as if to keep anyone from overhearing. Then she leaned so close that her smooth black cheek almost brushed Laura's, and whispered.

"I finally found out the name of that model you look like," she said, conspiratorially. "Stephanie Seymour. You know? You look just like her."


"Except you have more, you know, up here," she pointed to Laura's breasts. "You sure are gorgeous, though."

"Thanks," Laura said again, blushing this time.

"What are you doing over here?"

Laura's blush grew deeper. "Actually . . . I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but I, uh, wanted to see you. I was afraid . . . you know, I wouldn't see you again. I . . . uh, like you."

Tracy positively beamed. Clearly she didn't take it the wrong way, at least not yet. "I like you too," she smiled warmly.

Throwing caution to the winds, Laura pressed ahead. "So . . . maybe we could meet for coffee some time. I mean, when you're not working."

Tracy's eyes widened. "You know, the only days I get off are Sunday and Wednesday. Sunday I have to spend with my kids, of course. And you probably work Wednesdays. Everybody does," she sighed.

"I could maybe take one off," Laura said, not meaning to seem too eager. Quickly, she calculated. It was Thursday. She knew her period would be coming up early the following week. "Maybe a week from next Wednesday."

Then she felt guilty and blushed again. Just meeting Tracy for coffee didn't mean . . .

But Tracy accepted eagerly. "Gosh, that'd be great," she said, enthusiastically. "Here's my home number." She scribbled it on the back of a brown paper bag. "Call me. We'll get together. That'll be fun. Excuse me, I have to go back to work now. Got to be careful, new promotion, you know."

Her eyes sparkled happily.

"I know," Laura said, smiling back. "I'll call."

Driving back across the bridge, she was flooded with a welter of conflicting emotions. Anticipation. God, she's lovely, I want her so much. Guilt. She has kids. She's so friendly. She has no idea I want to screw her.

Tracy reminded her in a way of Cecilia, so artless and open. And yet Cecilia, after her initial reluctance, had become a voracious and wildly hot lover, dying to fuck with Laura whenever possible. She still was.

Laura tried to put the whole thing out of her mind until Wednesday aweek. And who should help her do it but Yvette, whom she had not seen for weeks, almost two months, in fact. They had last been together on John Scheinbaum's office sofa, caught half-naked in each other's arms by Pete Hansen. Laura's phone was ringing when she walked in the door.

"God, I'm glad you're home," Yvette said breathlessly. "Arthur had to go out of town. His father is dying."

"Oh," Laura said. She had wished it was Arthur himself.

"Can I come over? I mean, I don't want to be rude. But Laura, I miss you. You sleep with my little sister more than you sleep with me."

"Now that's not true," Laura said, though she and Chanitra had shared an exuberant few hours in bed before Brandi showed up.

"Please say yes," Yvette begged.

"Okay. Come on over."

"I'll be there in twenty minutes."

And during those twenty minutes, while she waited, Laura found herself turning into a helpless prisoner of lust. Brandi had been gone for five days. Tracy's tempting beauty had filled her with fresh desire. And the memory of her last encounter with Yvette sent her over the top.

Her cunt was pulsing and wet. She and Yvette had always had explosive sex, and she knew what was coming. Her heart almost stopped beating for a moment when she opened her door and saw Yvette standing there.

All her initial desire for the girl came flooding back to her. Yvette looked spectacular. Tall, lean, her incredible long shapely legs showing under a high miniskirt, her wonderful glossy dark skin glowing and smooth, her eyes flashing with amusement and danger, her sensual mouth pouting in just such a way as to make Laura nearly tremble with need for her.

The door was barely shut and bolted before they were kissing voraciously, all tongues, fingers biting through clothing, trying to drink each other with their mouths. But then Yvette drew back, smiling, suddenly a very fetching tease.

"He'll be gone until Sunday night," she said. "Do you think we can spend two days together without killing each other?"

Laura smiled back, even though her spirit took a small dip at this news. She and Brandi had nearly put one another in the hospital, and doing a repeat performance with Yvette might be more than Laura could take. But kissing Yvette had made her blood sizzle, and right now she was willing to try.

"God, you look gorgeous," she said to Yvette. "Why do you look so beautiful?"

"Oh?" Yvette teased, pirouetting, showing off her spectacular legs. "You want me? Tired of all those other sluts? Including my slutty little sister?"

"Now now," Laura said. "What about your daughter?"

"She's with my Mom. We can play. Tell me how much you want me."

"Tell me how you silenced Pete Hansen," Laura said, drawing Yvette back into her arms and kissing her phenomenally smooth black cheek.

"Well," Yvette's eyes sparkled with mischief, "the bad news is I couldn't get him to fuck me because he's gay."

"You sound like you wanted him to," Laura said, not concealing her jealousy.

"Well . . . he is pretty good-looking. Or were you too flustered to notice? And I'm not like you, just a lesbian straight out. I like guys too."

"Is this Hurt Laura day?"

Yvette shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"And the good news?"

"The good news is that like most gay guys he's a sex maniac and understands what we were doing, and he'll be quiet so I don't 'out' him. I did have a little affair since I last saw you, though. With Rhonda Reardon, do you know her?"

Laura felt like she had been kicked in the stomach. She had been jealous before, but couldn't remember this hot squirt of fire in her stomach. Rhonda? Laura knew Rhonda Reardon: tall, very blond, pretty enough, corporate bitch type, expensive scarves, lots of jewelry, hard-edged.

"Yes, I know her," Laura swallowed. She released Yvette from her embrace, stunned by the news, her stomach churning wildly. "How did it happen?" she asked, as if it were a horrible, bloody accident.

And of course Yvette, as always, enjoyed turning the knife. "Oh, our group went on this off-site planning conference, up in Sonoma. I went swimming in the pool before dinner, and she kept staring at me. That evening we just sort of . . . ended up in my room. She's good, but not like you, Laura."

Laura only now realized that her eyes were full of tears, hot tears, and they were spilling down her cheeks.

"I don't know why you're crying," Yvette went on. "You've screwed half the pretty girls in the company, especially the black ones, right? Not only my little sister. Karen Harris. Barbara Crowley. Jonelle Roberts. Yes, I know about her. She used to get all moony whenever you came into view. I knew you were fucking her silly."

"Yvette, please."

Yvette's eyes watered briefly. "I get jealous too," she whimpered.

Again they embraced, kissing passionately this time, their tears mingling. And for some reason the burning jealousy each felt sharpened their hunger. They nearly devoured one another. Laura started undressing Yvette as she kissed her. Yvette's hands came up to Laura's breasts, squeezing them urgently through Laura's clothes.

"Oh . . . Jesus, I want you!" Laura panted.

"Quick," Yvette breathed. "Let's do it quick. In the bedroom."

Laura drug her down the hall and into the bedroom, kicking the door shut with her foot. Yvette was already half out of her blouse. Laura quickly unzipped her skirt. It fell to her ankles. Now she wore only her bra and bikini panties, stark white against her delicious dark smooth black skin. The thought of Rhonda Reardon running her hands and mouth all over Yvette's exquisite body made Laura almost gag.

But she didn't have much time to dwell on it. Yvette was undressing her now, pulling her sweatshirt up over her head, unzipping her jeans, pulling them down. The two of them were frantic with lust. Yvette unclasped Laura's bra, kissing her naked back, slipping her hands under Laura's arms and cupping her naked breasts from behind.

They both fell onto the bed, and Yvette turned Laura around, kissing her mouth heatedly again, then dropping her lips to Laura's breasts. She sucked Laura's nipples hard, ravenously, making Laura cry out.

"Ungghh! Oh god . . . unhh! God, yes!"

She kissed and sucked Yvette's smooth neck and shoulders, her fingers scrabbling for the girl's bra clasp. Yvette's mouth drank hers again, and she got the clasp free, pulling off Yvette's bra, then pinning the girl on her back. She scooped up Yvette's small, perfect breasts in her hands and sucked Yvette's bursting, swelling black nipples as hungrily as Yvette had swallowed hers.

"Ohhnnn . . . oh oh Laura oh yes oh yes yes!" Yvette whimpered, squirming, wincing as Laura's mouth passionately tore at her sensitive nipples.

Laura remembered how Yvette had said her nipples were tougher after childbirth, and she liked to have them sucked hard. She also remembered how Yvette had come, the first time with Laura, when Laura had sucked her nipples like this. And this time was a repeat performance.

Laura sucked and even bit them gently, and Yvette squirmed and whooped uncontrollably, her lovely face torn with wild sexual need.

"Oh yes! Oh yes, Laura . . . I oh . . . I'm going to . . ."

The thought that Rhonda had sucked Yvette's nipples this way, and brought the same helpless cry of need from Yvette's throat, burned through Laura's gut even as she brought the girl higher, higher, to the pinnacle. She slid one hand under Yvette's panties, finding the soupy wet mess of her pussy, scissoring her clit in two fingers, rubbing it hard.

"Oh! Oh god! Ungghhaiiiggnhhiieee!" Yvette cried out, coming in a fierce uprush of ecstacy as Laura bunched up one small breast in her hand and assaulted Yvette's wet, stiff nipple savagely.

"Unhh! Oh god . . . oh Laura!" she sighed, her eyes glazed with swirling love and lust.

She was still swimming in the aftermath of sensations that accompanied her orgasm, and Laura's lust for her had not diminished a bit. She swarmed over the mewling girl, pulling her panties off now, sliding quickly down and tonguing Yvette's pussy, devouring it. She had not tasted this beautiful pussy--by far the most beautifully shaped she had ever seen--for months, and again the sharp gut pain of realizing that Rhonda Reardon had also licked it attacked her.

God, I hate her for fucking you! she thought wildly as she tongue-fucked Yvette's juicy pussy. And I hate you for letting her fuck you! Her wild passion mixed with jealousy brought Yvette to another explosive climax in under a minute. She lay gasping for breath, trembling, throbbing with aftershocks, and still Laura was fucking her, sliding her finger up inside Yvette's pussy, determined to make her come so hard that she would regret giving her body to another woman.

Yvette's eyes were glazed, her face contorted with sexual need, her body writhing under the onslaught as Laura swarmed over her. She got a finger up into the girl's ass, and another into her pussy, searching for the spot. Yvette went wild, squirming and whimpering hysterically as her body was hungrily raped and devoured by Laura.

And Laura was insatiable. Fucking Yvette with both hands, she sucked the girl's clit into her mouth, lashing it hard with her tongue, and Yvette's body clenched, then exploded in a fury of orgasms.

"Unghh! Oh! AUUNGGHIIEEEE!" she cried out, coming fiercely, shrieking before Laura's hand could cover her mouth to muffle the groans.

After the first outburst she was still coming, her lovely lean body arching and quivering, clenching and shuddering, but the breath seemed to be knocked out of her, and she only cawed and mewled insanely as wave after wave of shocking pleasure wrenched her. Still enraged by burning jealousy and consumed with lust for Yvette, Laura fucked her until Yvette went limp in the wake of her fourth orgasm.

Finally, she slid her fingers out of Yvette's body, wiping them on the sheet and kissing her way back up the girl's long, silky black body to her face. She kissed Yvette's mouth long and slowly, reawakening Yvette from the stunning trance of fierce coming she had sent her into.

"Oh god . . . Laura," Yvette gasped. "You . . . raped me so hard. I came so hard!"

Laura, of course, was still wildly aroused from the experience, and rubbing her naked body against Yvette's made her even more so.

"I was so angry at you for letting Rhonda fuck you," she confessed. "And so horny for you myself. I guess I lost control a little."

"God, I thought I wasn't going to stop coming, when you touched that secret spot." She kissed Laura, looking contrite. "Look, I'm sorry about Rhonda. It didn't mean anything. We only did it a few times."

"A few times?" Laura burned.

"It only made me know there's no one like you."

Laura didn't know whether to believe her. But she did know she really had no right to be jealous, the way she gave her body, and her heart, so completely to Jonelle, and to Brandi. But her affection for Yvette seemed equally intense at this moment. How can I love all of them so much? she wondered.

But thoughts of this kind quickly disappeared as she felt Yvette's lips on her body, and looked down to see one of her swollen, aching nipples vanish into Yvette's warm, wet mouth. Yvette sucked her gently at first, but Laura was wildly horny after making the girl come so violently, and so many times. She writhed under Yvette's mouth, moaning and begging her.

"Ohhhnnnn god baby yes yesssss!" she moaned, holding Yvette's head, pushing her breast into Yvette's mouth. "Bite it. Oh please! Fuck me with your hand. Oh god, I'm going to come. Bite me, honey, bite me and fuck me! Please! Do it hard!"

Laura still had her panties on. Quickly she helped Yvette pull them down and off. Yvette's hand slid back up to her crotch, and two long fingers slid deep into her wet pussy. Now Yvette's lips fastened on Laura's other nipple, drawing it in deep. Her fingers scissored Laura's clit, rubbing it hard, and at the same time she sank her teeth into Laura's thick, throbbing nipple, not to hard, but hard enough to make Laura wince, and yelp softly.

Her body clenched, gripped by an involuntary shudder, and she spilled over in torrents of coming.

"Auungghh! Oh! Unngghh! Oh yes . . . ungghh oh god! Aunngghiiieee!" she cried out, flipping, surging off the bed, coming fiercely as Yvette continued pumping her flooding pussy.

Finally, she slumped back to the bed, panting, her body still tingling with aftershocks. Slowly, Yvette pulled her fingers out of Laura's pussy and licked each one off sensually.

"Mmmmm, you have the best taste," she smiled in her sultriest, most seductive way, having just raped Laura thrillingly. "I believe I could taste some more."

Laura was still glassy-eyed and throbbing as Yvette slid between her thighs and began tonguing her pussy. In another minute she was coming again, arching and quivering, moaning deliriously as wave after wave of acute sexual shock permeated her body. Yvette's mouth on her pussy was vigorous and hot, full of passion, gobbling and sucking and tonguing it until Laura was helplessly gagging softly on a fresh wild string of orgasms that left her gasping and quivering, almost begging for relief.

When it was finally over, and they were cuddled together, she asked Yvette the obvious questions.

"How did you know about me and Karen?" she murmured against Yvette's marvelous smooth cheek.

"Oh, so it's true," Yvette smiled. "I just sort of guessed. But I saw you two together once, about a year ago. Nothing overt. But I know that kind of electricity. I just guessed. True, eh?"

"We were each other's first," Laura confessed.

"She sure has a fantastic body."

"Not so fantastic. She just has large breasts, that's all. Did you feel that kind of electricity with Rhonda?" Laura asked spitefully, tracing her forefinger down Yvette's round, naked shoulder.

"Not the kind I feel with you," Yvette said, batting her eyelashes seductively. "Nobody ever made me come like you just did."

"I suppose you were just guessing about Barbara too?" Laura asked.

Yvette shrugged. "I know she's a lesbian. She's pretty. And black. Just your type. She came on to me once, but I don't think her heart was really in it. She likes white girls, like you. I think she wanted to do me because she knew you were doing me, and she could get to you that way. She's sort of evil. Did you fuck her?"

Laura bit her lower lip noncommittally. "More like the other way around," she said softly, slightly mischaracterizing their relationship.

"Oh, you mean she tied you down and raped you against your will," Yvette said sarcastically. "You hated every minute."

"She did part of that," Laura smiled, eyes twinkling with mischief.

Yvette's eyes widened. "No kidding. You let her tie you up?"

Briefly, Laura's mind darted back to her and Barbara's last encounter, when Barbara had allowed Laura to tie her up and fuck her in the ass with the prickly-bulb vibrator. The memory aroused her wildly. Then she recalled the earlier times, when Barbara had tied her up. Yvette could see that she was getting aroused just by thinking of it.

"God, you evil bitch," she said, smiling. "You pervert. You really did all that sick stuff. And enjoyed it."

Laura wrestled with the delicious girl, pinning her on her back and kissing her passionately. "You might enjoy it too," she whispered.

"Not me. It's sick."

But her long, lean body began undulating almost uncontrollably under Laura.

"But I wouldn't mind it if you fucked me hard again," she breathed, eyes swimming with sex.

"Mmmmm, and I wouldn't either."

Perhaps because of this conversation, they were both hotter than ever and ended up fucking one another into an uncontrollable, wild, urgent paroxysm of explosive, almost painful orgasms. Twice Laura had to cover Yvette's mouth with her hand to muffle the girl's screams of ecstacy. Twice she herself had to bite them off and push her face into a pillow, her body writhing and clenching fiercely as sharp sexual spasms wracked her.

In a writhing, volatile sixty-nine, they nearly incinerated each other and finally had to stop because neither could summon another spasm from her exhausted body.

"God, you wear me out," Laura gasped as they finally disentangled themselves.

Yvette smiled. "I want you to remember me. Especially when you're licking those other girls . . . and tying them up." She acted scandalized. "I still can't believe it."

"I'm glad you don't," Laura said. "What I did once with Barbara isn't what I do with everyone." She didn't mention Karen, with whom she had done far worse things.

"Would you really . . . do it to me?" Yvette asked, still acting shocked.

"Only if you asked me," Laura said. "Why, sound intriguing?"

She smiled coquettishly. "I don't know. Maybe. Does it hurt?"

Laura shook her head. "Only good hurt."

"Let's not talk about it any more. I'm already jealous enough of you and your . . . nasty friends."

"Then I guess you know how I feel about Rhonda." Even saying it, while watching Yvette's exquiste dark brown body disappearing into her clothes, made Laura's stomach contract in jealousy.

Yvette pouted. "I only want you. Don't be mad."

"Okay. But if you ever want to . . . you know, experiment, just let me know."

Yvette gave her a coy, saucy smile. "You'd like that, wouldn't you. First turn me into a lesbian, then into pervert."

Laura watched her dress. She was sexually exhausted, but watching Yvette's long, marvelous body only made her realize how right she had been to desire the girl in the first place.

"You're really stunning, you know," she told her. "You could have much better than me, or Rhonda, or that creep Arthur."

Yvette came over to Laura, who was still naked, sprawled across the rumpled sheets of her bed, where they had shared such heated passion only minutes earlier. Without saying a word, staring Laura hotly in the eyes, she knelt beside the bed, between Laura's thighs. She was fully clothed now, but she pressed her mouth against Laura's pussy and slipped her tongue way up deep inside, sending Laura up the wall immediately.

"Unhh! Oh!" she whimpered, trying to stop trembling as Yvette tongue-fucked her pussy quickly and expertly.

In two minutes, Laura was coming deliriously, her body twisting and convulsing in hot, wonderful spasms. When she was finished, slack-mouthed and red-eyed, still glowing with aftershocks, Yvette kissed her mouth, her lips still coated with Laura's own cunt juices.

"You're the only one, Laura," she whispered solemnly. "Don't ever forget it."

Then she turned and left the room, unfastening the lock and leaving Laura's apartment before Laura could even get up to say goodbye.

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