Laura - Chapter 72

Even though it had been easier than Laura had feared to get Tracy into bed, and though Tracy loved to fuck as much as Cecilia or Yvette or the other delicious girls Laura spent her time with, she was very busy with her job and her kids. Laura did not get to see her often.

And, for various reasons, Cecilia and Yvette weren't monopolizing her time either. In the case of Yvette, Laura even grew jealous, thinking of the Rhonda Reardon episode, wondering how eager Yvette was to hurt her by continuing the brief affair. That left Barbara or Karen, and Laura wasn't eager to see either of them because she knew how raw the sex would get with them and didn't want to have to worry about hiding rope marks or suck bruises if she should get an unanticipated interlude with Tracy.

Also, it had now been about two months since the day she and Jonelle had spent heatedly fucking in Laura's Dallas hotel room. They had not even talked on the phone, and Laura knew it was because the separation was too painful, and neither wanted even to touch the open wound. Infatuated though she was with Tracy, just the thought of Jonelle made her throb with deep longing.

One night, following an afternoon of exuberant fucking with Tracy, during which Laura had come eight times and Tracy ten, Laura awoke in the middle of the night from a dream of Jonelle. They had been lying together naked, Jonelle's wonderful, smooth, sinuous body coiled around Laura, Jonelle's exquisitely beautiful face locked in a deep trance of sublime ecstacy.

As she awoke, Laura realized that her whole body was vibrant with need, as much emotional as sexual. She lay in bed throbbing violently for a while, feeling her pussy fester and ooze, her mind swimming with images of Jonelle. She could almost hear the deep, plangent sobs of ecstacy Jonelle sometimes made when caught in the grip of a shattering orgasm.

How can I feel this way after what I did with Tracy this afternoon? Laura wondered. But she knew that lying in bed like this would only make it worse. Half of her wanted to pick up the phone and call Karen. Or Barbara. She knew she could entice either one to fuck her so roughly, thoroughly, even brutally, that all thought of Jonelle would vanish for a while, at least.

The other half wanted to phone Jonelle, hear her voice, tell her what she was feeling, beg to see her. Instead, she went into the bathroom, looked into the bathtub, and almost without hesitation began filling it with water.

When it was half-full, she turned off the water and got in. For about ten minutes she caressed her wet body, really looking at it for the first time in months, seeing what others saw when they made love to her. It really was a beautiful body by any standard, and after stroking and squeezing her breasts for a few minutes, gently pinching her nipples, then tickling the lips of her pussy with her forefingers, she was terrifically aroused.

She hadn't thought of Jonelle the whole time, being totally absorbed in a deep, sensual narcissism. But suddenly a whole flood of images came back to her, now that she was sexually overheated.

Jonelle's sensual mouth, Jonelle's marvelous small new breasts, Jonelle's long velvety stomach, Jonelle's pretty little ass, Jonelle's parabola-shaped pussy, so pink within, so inviting . . .

All the while, Laura was carefully caressing her own pussy, and by now she was in a the grip of a slowly-building sexual frenzy. She had dropped down on her back in the water, her hair wet, her body squirming, glistening with beads of water, her breath quick. One fingertip massaged her clit in circles, while the nails of her other hand dug into her tawny thigh.

"Unhhh . . . uhhhhh!" she panted, biting her lower lip, feeling the water splash around her as she squirmed.

When she knew she was ready, she reached up to the faucet with a shaking hand, and turned the water on hard, adjusting it quickly to make sure it was not too hot. The warm water gushed from the pipe in a fierce stream, and Laura quickly slid foward, sliding her cunt right under it.

"Awwonngg! Oh! Unaghiiieee!" she cried out, coming immediately, a violent orgasm, as the sharp spear of water shot into her exposed pussy.

Her climax was so severe that she had to pull her body back from the water as the spasms ripped through her. She lay whimpering, throbbing wildly, in the shallow water, but then inched back into the stream, feeling it bite into her pussy, feeling another quick upwelling, then coming again in only seconds.

"Unnghhh! Unh oh . . . annghgiiiiee!"

This time she grabbed the nearby washcloth and bit into it to muffle her screams, fearing the echo would alarm her neighbors because it was even louder than the usual cries of ecstacy emanating from her bedroom. Again she pulled back, gasping and sobbing from the incredible intensity of the two climaxes. Then, one last time, she scooted forward, clenching her teeth as the fierce stream of water stabbed into her pussy.

This time it took her a little longer to come, but when she did it was a shattering, devastating orgasm that left her limp and keening pitifully, a sexual wreck, destroyed by ecstacy. She forced herself to turn off the faucet, drained the bathtub, dried herself off in a desultory way, and returned to bed, where she quickly fell into a deep, lasting sleep.

Then, wonder of wonders, she was awakened before her alarm went off by the phone. Her instinctive crabiness at being awakened vanished in a flash as she recognized the voice.


"Jonelle? Is that you?"

"I didn't wake you up, did I?"

Laura smiled wryly, squinting at her clock radio. "It's about six-thirty. I was just getting up."

"God, I never remember about the time. You know . . . are you going to be home tonight? I . . . I'm flying out there. My sister needs me to stay with her kids for a few days. Thought maybe we could, you know, see each other for a few minutes."

"A few minutes," Laura giggled. "Did you say a few minutes?"

"I probably won't have more than a few minutes."

"Jonelle, do you realize we spent the whole day together last time? I mean, you don't mind my saying that over the phone, do you?"

Jonelle didn't reply for a few seconds. "No . . . I don't. I think about it all the time."

"Me too. How could I let you go in a few minutes?"

"Better than not seeing me at all," Jonelle said. Then, in a flash of mischief, "Won't give you any chance to get nasty, will it."


"You know what I mean."

"My whole body is throbbing just at the sound of your voice," Laura whispered huskily into the phone. "When will you be here? Can I pick you up at the airport?"

"No, my brother-in-law's doing that. I could be at your place about seven. For maybe half an hour."

"Oh god, Jonelle, don't tease me."

"I'm not. Will you be there?"

"What do you think. I love you."

There was a muffled, obscure sound at the other end. "Me too, you know," Jonelle said softly. "See you then."

"I can't wait."

She couldn't, either. Every time she thought of Jonelle through the day, she would grow wet. Her body would flush with heat and sexual excitement. If some guy grabbed me now in his office, like John Scheinbaum apparently grabbed Yvette, he could fuck me hard and I wouldn't care, I'm so horny. And if Yvette just winked at me, I'd melt, even knowing about this evening. I'm just so horny!

In fact, it wasn't Yvette but Barbara who set Laura's blood to sizzling. They ran into one another in the hall. Barbara was wearing a white dress with thin black stripes, no sleeves, scoop neck, very cinched waist. She looked so devastatingly attractive that Laura knew her own lust was very apparent in her glance.

"I declare, Laura, you look like you could rape me," Barbara whispered to her, eyes dancing with fire.

Laura smiled, caught out. "If I could get away with it," she whispered back. "You look gorgeous."

"I know somebody who's out of town," Barbara smiled slyly. "Rhonda Reardon. Know where her office is?"


"I have a key."

The confused welter of emotions that suddenly attacked Laura was hard to swallow. She fiercely wanted Barbara. And yet that somehow made her feel disloyal to Jonelle. More, the mere mention of Rhonda Reardon's name made her burn with jealousy. Evidently Rhonda was another closet lesbian, who had already screwed Yvette, and probably Barbara, who had a taste for beautiful black girls the way Laura herself had one.

Her heart thundered so loudly she was afraid everybody might hear it, or she might keel over dead from lust and confusion.

"I . . . I'll meet you there in five minutes," she said to Barbara, furtively glancing around to see if they were noticed.

Barbara smiled very seductively, then disappeared around the corner. Laura could hardly control her excitement as she walked to Rhonda's office. She had made love with Yvette at work before, but never with anyone else. The risk made everything more intense, she knew, but also the fear of discovery nearly incapacitated her.

Her knees were weak as she knocked softly on the office door. It was nearly lunch time, so there were few people around, all of them some distance away. Barbara quickly opened the door and let her in.

The office was almost dark. Barbara had closed the venetian blinds. It made everything seem more secret and conspiratorial. When Barbara turned the lock shut on the door, Laura could feel her pulse leap up several notches.

"God, it's so scary," she whispered. "We could be caught." She remembered being surprised fucking with Yvette, both of them half-naked and panting like dogs in heat.

"Nobody will come in here," Barbara murmured.

"How do you know?" Laura teased. "Do you and Rhonda do it in here during lunch?"

Barbara smirked. "A few times. She isn't as good as you."

"What do you mean, 'as good'?"

Barbara had drawn close, and now she bent her head slightly, smiling, her eyes throbbing with deep sexual heat, and curved her sensual mouth slowly into Laura's, sliding her tongue deep into Laura's mouth as they kissed. The kiss was long and thrillingly hot. When it stopped, Barbara whispered against Laura's cheek.

"She's not as raw as you. She won't give it back hard. Like you will."

"God, you're lovely," Laura gasped, kissing Barbara's smooth, dark neck. "I want you."

"You want to suck my hot little black pussy?" Barbara whispered, eyes on fire.


Laura unzipped the back of Barbara's dress while they were arousing each other this way, pulling the zipper down to her waist. Barbara wore a black bra, and Laura quickly had it unfastened, pulling dress and bra both down Barbara's sleek, shapely arms, freeing her small, hard, beautifully-shaped breasts.

Laura scooped them both up in her hands, squeezing them, quickly dropping her head and guiding one bursting, shiny black nipple between her lips. Her fear of discovery was overcome by the heat of her passion, and she sucked the plump nipple hard, knowing that Barbara preferred raw sex to tenderness.

Barbara almost cried out, but instead whimpered excitedly. "Jesus . . . girl, unggh! Oh! God yes hard! Unghh!"

They were still standing by the door of the office, and both realized that their hunger for each other would quickly make it hard to control their moans.

"Over here . . . over here," Laura panted, pulling her across the room to the big desk.

She pushed Barbara down on it on her back, filling her hands and mouth again with Barbara's beautiful pear-shaped breasts, sucking and lip-biting her swollen black nipples. Barbara began mewling uncontrollably. Laura raised her mouth from the girl's wet, stiff nipples, gazing deep into her eyes.

"Don't scream when you come," she said, almost a prayer, and Barbara nodded quickly.

Laura hiked up the skirt of Barbara's dress and had her panties off in two seconds, marveling at the girl's stunning legs. Together they scooted Barbara completely onto the desk top. She spread her thighs and Laura crouched between them, bringing her mouth down and feasting hungrily on the runny pink slit of Barbara's juicy cunt.

She loved this thin-lipped, glossy black, succulent wet pussy, and devoured it passionately, stabbing her tongue in deep, then, realizing they didn't have a lot of time, going after the swollen berry of Barbara's clit. She tongued and sucked it frantically, bringing Barbara to the brink of a climax in just seconds.

"Oh god Laura oh oh god I'm going to come!" Barbara panted.

Her hips squirmed as she gyrated her pelvis, pushing her pussy up into Laura's mouth, quaking and quivering, her hard buns squeaking on the polished surface of the desk. The moment was sexually electrifying to Laura, who didn't know if she had ever felt so excited. She knew Barbara would come any second. Barbara even grabbed Laura's head, pulling Laura's mouth hard against her pussy.

"Ungghhrraanngghh!" she gurgled, choking back a sharp cry of ecstacy as she began to come in quick bursts. "Oh! Oh!"

Laura glanced up to see Barbara with her wrist in her mouth to stifle her screams, her lovely lean body arching and shaking, her perfect naked breasts jiggling as the spasms ripped through her. The thrill of fucking her and making her come so uncontrollably on top of Rhonda Reardon's desk was almost enough to complete the experience for Laura right there.

And Barbara did not recover quickly from such a fierce climax. She lay panting, eyes glazed, mouth slack, on the desk top. Laura, her lips still coated with Barbara's warm, tangy cuntslime, kissed Barbara's dark thighs, her smooth flat belly, her breasts again. But finally Barbara sat up.

She kissed Laura heatedly. "You really know how to fuck," she whispered hoarsely.

Laura was so aroused from it that Barbara's scorching kiss, and Barbara's lips on her neck made her shiver with lust. Barbara unbuttoned Laura's blouse slowly, taking care not to tear it. She pulled it down and unclasped Laura's bra in the center. Her hands enclosed Laura's naked breasts lovingly. When she felt it, Barbara could be very tender and sensitive.

She kissed Laura's mouth, her neck, her throat, then her breasts. "No one's as beautiful as you are," she murmured to Laura.

Her lips closed over one of Laura's aching nipples, drawing it deep into her warm, wet, moving mouth. She held Laura's breast in both hands, sucking the nipple hungrily, swirling her tongue over it, nipping the center stem with her teeth, driving Laura up the wall.

Barbara was still perched on the edge of the huge desk, and so had to bend over uncomfortably. Laura helped her scoot off. They turned so that Laura could lie back on the desk, and Barbara assaulted both of Laura's breasts now, quickly bringing Laura to an uncontrollable pitch of need. Then, instead of eating Laura's pussy, as Laura had done to her, she crawled up on top of the desk with Laura.

Their bodies were only half-naked, still partially clothed, but wherever their skin touched a fierce electrical current seemed to run between them. Barbara kept sucking Laura's nipples, but her hand was pulling off Laura's panties. She raised her head for a moment, smiling at Laura.

"God, girl, you're so wet. Is that all because of me?"

"Yes . . . oh! Ungghh! Oh yes!" Laura panted, almost hysterically, wild with lust.

She was indeed wet, sopping wet, her pussy sizzling and gushing with fuck-juice. Barbara's fingers toyed with it as she began to suck Laura's nipples even harder, and Laura was so aroused that she began to come almost immediately. Even in the first white- hot spasms of coming, she found herself regretting it had been so fast, and at the same time she was terrified she would be overheard panting and moaning uncontrollably.

"Unhh . . . oh! Oh . . . god unnghmmnnggeeee!" she wailed into Barbara's free hand, which Barbara had quickly placed over her mouth.

She lay there panting, throbbing, for several seconds. Slowly, Barbara took her hand away from Laura's mouth, but her other hand remained on Laura's wet pussy, stroking it gently while Laura gradually came down from her brief, wrenching orgasm. Finally, slowly, Laura sat up.

"Sure is a great substitute for lunch," she gasped softly, kissing Barbara.

"Only you came too fast," Barbara whispered. "I didn't even get my lunch at all. I wanted a taste of that juice."

She lifted her fingers, still shiny with Laura's juices, to her mouth and elaborately licked them clean. They both giggled softly as Laura slid down off the desk top, and they noticed a smear of her juices on it.

"I don't know if I've ever been that wet," Laura confessed, feeling an extra thrill from having left almost a puddle of it on Rhonda Reardon's desk. I wish I could leave it there for her to find, she thought spitefully.

Barbara embraced her, mashing their naked breasts together, giving Laura another scorching kiss. "I wish we had another hour together to really get out of control," she murmured into Laura's ear.

"God, me too!" Laura gasped, feeling her body already coming back to life as Barbara caressed her.

And she knew what 'out of control' meant to them both, a raw and rapacious sexual collision that would culminate in nuclear orgasms. They helped each other dress again, making sure each was presentable, leaving the smear of fuck-juice on the desk for last. Finally, Laura took a handkerchief from her purse and wiped the fluid up.

"I hope she can still smell it," she sneered.

But Barbara's dark eyes just sparkled with amusement. "Honey, that woman can smell a horny pussy from three miles off," she said.

Then she grabbed Laura again, her eyes smoking. Her hand rose up under Laura's skirt to Laura's panties, which were clammy and soaked through from her earlier gushing. Barbara's fingers slid under the elastic at the side and then into Laura's cunt again.

"Unhhh! Oh!" Laura gasped, eyes rolling up, her knees going slack.

"Come over to my place after work," Barbara murmured. "We can finish this off."

Laura was suddenly flooded with conflicting needs. She felt a cold squirt of guilt for having rutted like this with Barbara when she was anticipating Jonelle's arrival. She also felt the real urge to do what Barbara had suggested. The two of them were girl-girl sex addicts, and one orgasm apiece, no matter how torrid, would never be enough for either.

"I . . . I've got plans," Laura stammered.

She could see Barbara's face fall, see the hot jealousy spark to life in her eyes.

"I see."

"It's not anybody else," Laura lied. Then, thinking quickly, "In fact, I might be able to make it, but not until about eight- thirty."

Now Barbara's face brightened again. Oh god, what am I getting into? Laura thought. This is crazy. But she did not take it back. Discreetly, one at a time, they left the office and drifted back into the company workforce, as if nothing had happened.

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