Laura - Chapter 55

Her exhausting evening of fucking with Barbara had the desired effect of keeping Laura from thinking of Jonelle for a while. And her body was sore for days afterward, which made sexual longings less intrusive.

Even Barbara had taken her aside at work, whispering, "Girl, you really fucked me hard. I could barely walk the next day, and I still feel like I been reamed by a firehose. And I think you tried to chew off my nipples."

"Quiet, you're making me hot again," Laura smiled, meaning it.

Just the smell of Barbara made her cunt wet.

But aside from that, she tried to work hard and not think about any of it. She didn't dare to go by Jonelle's desk, which fortunately was clear across the building from her own. She'll never want to see me again, she realized. If I went there, it would only make a scene. Dangerous for us both.

But Laura was totally unprepared for what actually happened.

Yvette, in a seemingly casual conversation, dropped the bomb. "Oh, you know Jonelle Roberts, John's secretary? She just quit last week, just like that. Moved to Texas."


Laura knew the blood had drained from her face. She could see that Yvette was enjoying twisting the dagger. Yvette clearly knew. She may not know everything, but she knew Laura had a strong feeling for Jonelle.

"I'm sorry," she said to Laura. "You look like you swallowed a bug or something."

"Oh . . . no, just kind of a headache," Laura stammered, feigning illness to cover up her devastating shock.

Yvette leaned close, never one to pass up an opportunity. "You wanted to screw her, didn't you, Laura," she whispered.

Laura said nothing, just staring desolately at Yvette.

"Did she really mean that much to you?" Yvette asked in a small voice, her face looking nearly as stricken as Laura felt. "Maybe you did screw her."

Laura still couldn't speak. She had hurt Jonelle. She had clearly hurt Yvette. And she herself hurt so much she wanted to die.


"Never mind. I don't mean to intrude on your pain. I . . . really had no idea it was so---"

"I'll tell you some time."

Yvette mastered her jealousy enough to put her hand on Laura's arm, a brief, reassuring caress. Then she left.

Laura was in agony. She had felt like this only once before, when she had learned of Rina's murder. She got through the rest of the day like a zombie, spent the night crying, and finally grew numb from suffering so deeply and so much. It wasn't like Rina, she told herself. Jonelle was still alive. In Texas. Gone forever from Laura, but alive. There was even a chance she would some day reconsider, remember how much Laura loved her, remember their moments together, especially their sexual moments.

Whenever some man touched her--or woman, Laura realized in a painful shock--she would remember Laura, how Laura had made her feel. Maybe she'll come back to me, some day. Maybe. But she knew it was hopeless. There was no chance. Jonelle had been very hard to win in the first place. Breaking down her resistance had taken all of Laura's skill. And Jonelle had hated Yvette. To see Laura and Yvette kissing, and to know they had done together what she and Laura had done, was clearly enough to send her into shock.

For weeks she went without sex, throwing herself totally into her work. Even though she was often obsessed with it, sex was now something repellent, something brutal and perverted that she did with Barbara or Karen or Cassandra and her boyfriend, something that left her sore and temporarily scarred and exhausted. But with Jonelle it had been sweet and unbelievably intense, a pure burning flame of ineffable ecstacy. She couldn't even think of sex, and every potential partner seemed to sense it--Barbara, Yvette, even Chanitra--and to stay away from her.

But then she ran into Karen. Each of them had been the other's first. First girl. First everything that now mattered. They had even shared Rina, and Chanitra, though not Jonelle, never Jonelle, Laura thought. I couldn't have shared her. And that's how she felt about me. This thought nearly made her cry on the spot, and Karen had to draw her aside.

"Hey, what's the matter there, Laura darling? You can tell me. You know that."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I think you need some comforting. Or something to make you forget."

Laura couldn't prevent a smile. "You're awfully good at that," she admitted.

And the sheer animal magnetism that had brought them together in the first place, and every time since then, exerted itself. Laura could feel herself becoming aroused, just standing there in the hallway next to Karen, smelling her, seeing her body, a beautiful body she had probably fucked more than any other. She realized that it was weeks, even months now, since she had had any sex at all, even autoerotic sex.

"Shall I drop by for dinner?"

But Laura tried to shake off her sexual excitement. She remembered last time.

"I don't know," she said softly. "After last time, I got a little worried. I think we went too far."

Karen looked at the floor briefly. "I know what you mean. Maybe it was too far. I hurt for days afterward."

Laura remembered whipping Karen's splayed red wet pussy, and the at the same instant she felt both sickened and wildly excited. It was the same erotic combination that always drove the two of them to the edge, when they were together. Just how far could they go? Just how intensely could one make the other come? Just what new torture could they invent that would leave them gasping and whimpering in ecstacy, and yet not draw blood, or leave a permanent mark or wound?

"We can try to control ourselves," Karen said.

"You know how hard that is."

"I know. I want you, though. It's been almost six months."

"I want you too."

"I won't bring my goody bag."

Laura smiled. "Maybe you shouldn't. We get carried away."

"Can I?"

"Oh god . . . yes!" Laura said, feeling herself begin to tremble with sexual need. "Now get away from me before I began to moan right here in front of everybody. I want you."

Her eyes looked longingly into Karen's. They understood each other. They had deep feeling for each other, though neither could ever remain exclusively with the other.

Without another word, but with many alluring and throbbing looks, they parted.

Laura still felt hollow inside and desolate from the loss of Jonelle, but as she waited for Karen to show up, she realized how horny she really was. I mean, before now I've been used to having twenty or thirty orgasms a week, she thought. It may seem excessive, but that's what I've been used to. No wonder I feel this way.

She felt restless, and hungry, and eager. She couldn't sit down. When the lobby buzzer rang, she could feel a hot, tingling sensation start deep inside her cunt, and it didn't stop. God, this is just the way it always is with us, she thought. We're both so hungry for it that we end up doing those awful things to each other.

And when she opened the door for Karen, she could see Karen felt the same way. The same sharp, pulsing, hot, dangerous hunger glistened in her dark eyes.

"We'd better go slow," she said softly, "or we're likely to kill each other."

"I know," Laura nodded.

She made them drinks, and they talked for a while, luxuriating in the percolating sexual feelings that were flowing between them, enjoying the anticipation. Soon they started kissing, slowly, patiently, reacquainting their mouths, until there wasn't any way to stop the sharp hunger they both felt from surfacing.

"Oh, I want to fuck you so much!" Karen whispered in Laura's ear.

"Let's go in the bedroom and do it right," Laura whispered back.

"You know," Karen said, mischievously, "I left my goody bag down in my car. I could bring it up now, before we get undressed."

"We decided not to."

"I know." Karen tried to look guilty. "But I have this fantastic new thing I was hoping to try out with you."

"What is it?"

Karen grinned. "I'm not telling."

"Oh god, go get it, then," Laura said, giving in.

While Karen was gone, Laura realized that they had really blown it. Their one chance to have normal sex, without sadism and wild perversion, was gone. They had left the gate open now, and the hot rush she felt confirmed her suspicion that that was what they wanted. They would have found a way to open it, no matter what. There would be pain in the next few hours, hot, physical pain, and insane whimperings of bliss. Kissing Karen had already made her wet, but this thought made her pussy gush with warm fuck juice.

Her pulse quickened. When Karen got back with the black bag, they locked the door and went into the bedroom. As always, Laura closed the bedroom door. Karen put the bag on Laura's vanity chair, knowing as Laura did that they wouldn't dip into it until a hour or two of fucking had primed them for the more ingenious technologies of sex. But just the sight of it sitting there, waiting for them, was enough to jack up both girls' lust to the boiling point.

"You know, we really aren't good for each other," Laura murmured, taking the ravishing, full-bodied black girl into her arms and kissing her passionately.

"Mmmmm, I think you're wrong," Karen murmured back. "You wouldn't want to be doing this with anybody else."

"Maybe you're right."

Laura unbuttoned Karen's blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. She kissed Karen's neck, her clavicles, the upper slopes of her breasts, still encased in a yellow lacey bra. She dipped her face between them.

"I still can't believe these, every time I see them," she said.

Karen's breasts were larger than those of any other woman she had slept with, by now a fairly big number. Rina, Brandi, Yvette, Chanitra, Sandra, Jonelle, Barbara, Cassandra. Only Shawn had bigger breasts, but they were surgically enlarged. But just because Karen's were bigger didn't mean they were shapeless, or flabby. On the contrary, they were beautifully shaped, like large bursting pears with the largest gleaming puffy black nipples Laura had ever seen.

Slowly, she reached behind Karen and unclasped the bra. The straps slid down Karen's arms and the bra cups fell away from her breasts. Laura took them in her hands, rubbing and pinching Karen's big soft nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Karen's eyes rolled up.

Laura pulled her down onto the bed and began feasting hungrily on Karen's beautiful breasts, tonguing and sucking her plump, bursting nipples while squeezing the hard round balls with her fingers, until Karen was shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh, I love to suck them," Laura murmured, pinching Karen's wet, stiff black nipples, making the girl moan excitedly.

"Ohhhnnnn . . . oh god, Laura, do it, do it hard!" she moaned, twisting and squirming as Laura gave in to her wishes. "Oh . . . nobody can do it like you do!"

Laura was still fully clothed herself, but she knew this aroused Karen so much, and her too, that there was no waiting. She devoured Karen's breasts, dropping one hand to the button and zipper of Karen's skirt and unfastening them, then pulling the skirt off and helping Karen slip out of her panties without taking her mouth off Karen's wet, erect nipples. By now Karen was whooping softly and mewling, holding her own breasts in her hands and pushing them into Laura's mouth.

And Laura was sucking harder and now even gently biting her nipples, sending Karen into paroxysms of wild, urgent need.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" she panted. "God . . . yes, do it, harder, bite harder, Laura, please!"

Laura did bite harder, and Karen began undulating and writhing and whimpering hysterically, clearly on the verge of her first orgasm. Laura slid down and found her pussy so wet that the juices smeared her inner thighs. She licked it passionately, feeling Karen's body stiffen with heightened excitement.

"Oh god yes Laura I'm going to come now do it please!" she whimpered.

Karen grabbed her own breasts, sucking and biting her own nipples while Laura sucked her pussy. And in only a few seconds she seemed literally to explode with coming.

"Aungghh!" she cried out. Her luscious body arched, quivering, and she sunk her own teeth into her nipple, suddenly jerking in terrible spasms as a horrific climax wrenched her body. "Anngghiieeee!" she cried out, thrashing wildly as the spasms ripped through her. "Oh! Ohhhhh!"

It was a fierce, quick, jolting orgasm that left her panting and glassy-eyed. But as it waned, both of them began giggling as they looked at each other, Karen dazed and ravished, naked and well- fucked on her back, and Laura still primly clothed in her business suit.

Karen sat up, her eyes smouldering, even as she tried to control her giggle. "Here, allow me," she said in a husky voice, helping Laura remove her jacket.

Then she slowly undressed Laura, taking her time, removing each garment separately and kissing and caressing every inch of Laura's body as it was exposed, until Laura was quivering at each touch of her lips. Karen removed Laura's bra with the same slow attention that Laura had used in removing hers.

"I hope you haven't been letting any of those other girls touch these," she kidded softly, cupping Laura's perfect breasts in both palms.

"Oh, of course I haven't," Laura whispered.

"These are mine."

"They're yours."

"And I'm going to kiss them and suck them until you beg me to stop."

"Oh . . . please," Laura sighed as she felt Karen's lips close over one of her aching nipples and draw it into her warm, wet mouth.

Karen, of course, knew her business, knew where all Laura's hot buttons were, and now it was Laura who was on her back, being thoroughly, devastatingly fucked by someone who knew every trick. In about three minutes she was groaning through a tumultuous, wrenching orgasm, gagging and whinnying on the fierce sensations as Karen kept them coming.

During the next hour, using their experience of each other's bodies, they each climaxed five more times, each one more intense than the last, until they knew they were ready for the more exciting perversions. Laura could usually tell when they both began to grow groggy with sex, overstimulated and hungry for even more excruciating orgasms. They fed on one another, goading one another to higher levels of sensation, until they were both throbbing with a need that couldn't be slaked by an ordinary climax.

She knew it when she had one of Karen's large, bulging, black nipples, wet with her saliva and stiff with excitement, between her teeth, and Karen begged her to bite it.

"Do it bite it do it honey," she panted, looking down at Laura's mouth.

"Oh, you want me to hurt you now," Laura grinned slyly, holding Karen's luscious breast in both hands, Karen's swollen, shiny nipple only an inch from her mouth.

"Yes!" Karen gasped. "Oh yes!"

But instead of biting it, Laura took Karen's breast and guided the bursting wet nipple into her own nipple, mashing both of their breasts together while she kissed Karen passionately.

"I thought you were going to show me your new toy you got for us," she whispered against Karen's teeth.

"God . . . yes," Karen said, her eyes blazing with perverted sexual excitement and wild, corruscating lust.

She got the black bag off the chair and opened it, pulling out a hard rubber contraption that made them both quiver when they saw it. It wasn't hard to figure out what it was for.

"How do you find these things?" Laura asked softly, running her fingers over it.

"Mmmmm, you should thumb through my catalog with me some time," Karen said in a sultry voice.

The device was a two-girl version of the one Karen had brought last time. It was shaped like a saddle, with two large dildo prongs protruding from each end. Clearly it permitted two girls to fuck each other face to face, in both the ass and the pussy. Laura glanced at Karen, and both nearly went into meltdown on the spot.

Slowly, Laura reached under the bed and pulled out the long velvet rope she kept there, while Karen pulled her own long black leather thongs from the bag. Staring solemnly at one another, they began carefully to tie up each other's breasts, until all four were throttled and swollen, their nipples popping and shiny.

"Oh god, you're going to have to gag me," Laura whimpered softly as the wild sexual excitement began to make her tremble.

"Not yet," Karen whispered. "I want to hear you moan. I want to hear you beg."

Laura kissed her more feverishly, pressing their hard, ballooning breasts together.

"I want you to fuck me hard," Laura panted.

"I want you to bite my nipples," Karen panted back, her eyes blazing with fiery need.



Laura lowered her mouth to Karen's strangled breasts. As always when tied up like this, they were strangely almost more beautiful to her than when free. Hard, dark, distended globes encircled by thick coils of white velvet rope, with huge, black, bursting-plum nipples, the areolas bulging and shiny, the thick, protruding centers flaring, pointing.

"Karen, your breasts are so beautiful," she whispered.

"Eat them," Karen quivered. "Swallow them. Please. Oh god. I don't let anybody do this but you. Please, Laura, please."

Even though Laura had done this many times, each time was like the first. The sexual excitement of it was so severe that she could feel her cunt flooding with juice as her tongue slid out and curled around one of Karen's large, distended nipples. The reluctance to hurt Karen, coupled with the strong desire to ravish, rape and swallow her whole, or at least her entire bulging, bursting breast made the hot blood roar and thunder inside Laura's body. No wonder we do this to each other, she thought, as she heard Karen moan excitedly, and felt her quiver uncontrollably.

The trick, of course, as both of them knew well, was to toy with each other, and skillfully torment each other into a rage of need, without bringing on a premature orgasm. Laura knew the way Karen responded to pain, and giving it to her without making her come was a delicate maneuver.

She held both hard, dark globes in her hands and peppered them with small, passionate kisses that had Karen groaning and whimpering in seconds.

"Do it . . . ohhhh do it!" she begged Laura.

"I don't want you to come," Laura whispered, licking the glossy, bulging nipples, flicking them with her tongue, hearing Karen gasp sharply.

"Ohhhh . . . pleeease! Laura . . . please!"

Laura gave in. She took one of the huge bulbs between her teeth, shaking her head, holding Karen's thick nipple lightly there while Karen watched, anticipating. Then, holding the firm round ball of flesh in both palms, she slowly sank her teeth into it.

"Ohhnngghh . . . oh! Auugghhhh!" Karen groaned, grimacing with incredible pleasure/pain. "Oh . . . oh god, stop, I'm going to come!"

Slowly, sensually, Laura let the wet, excited nipple slide back out of her teeth. Karen trembled and gasped sharply again. Her eyes burned as she lowered her mouth to one of Laura's bulging, throttled breasts. Laura could feel Karen's moist, warm breath on her swollen, throbbing nipple.

Then Karen's dark fingers enclosed her breast, feeding the nipple into her mouth, where she sucked and toyed with it before catching it in her teeth, as Laura had done to hers. As Karen's teeth slowly closed on her nipple, Laura could feel hot quaking shocks beginning deep inside her body.

"Oh god . . . I'm going to come too!" she gasped, as Karen's mouth dropped her nipple. "Baby, we've got to do it."


Karen grabbed the contraption placed it between them. Then, from Laura's bedstand she took the tube of K-Y jelly and used it to grease the back prong on each side, the prongs that would go into her ass and into Laura's. Then Laura watched as she introduced both thick prongs up into her pussy and her ass. Her eyes watered as the back prong slid in.

"Unhhh!" she grunted softly. "Oh Jesus!"

Before joining her, Laura grabbed the gag from under her bed and the one from Karen's goody bag. She knew they needed gags, both of them. This was going to be yet another horrific fuck, and neither of them would be able to contain their screams.

"Yes," Karen said, wild-eyed. "Yes, quick."

Quickly Laura strapped the gag in place over Karen's mouth, then waited while Karen gagged her. Then she lowered herself onto the rubber spikes that rose up from the other side of the saddle. The sensations were incredible. She had been fucked before by two men at once, but this was completely different. The prongs were as big as real, large, stiff pricks, but she was also face to face with Karen, and their trussed, strangled breasts were brushing, then mashing together roughly as they began rocking to and fro and embracing, fucking each other without restraint.

Impaled in the ass and pussy by the huge dildoes, their breasts bursting from the tight rope coils, both gagged and whimpering and whinnying hysterically, they quickly went out of control, swept up in the wildest, craziest fuck they had ever shared. Their bodies churned together, fingers biting into smooth flesh, clawing at hard ballooning breasts, pinching and twisting one another's protruding nipples, then pumping furiously as a firestorm of orgasms suddenly engulfed their struggling bodies.

They fell to their sides on the bed, their bodies locked together in a scalding, throbbing maelstrom of coming, mewling and groaning through their gags as each fresh, killing spasm wrenched their flesh. And before the orgasm was even over, Laura was tearing off her gag and sucking Karen's huge, bursting nipples into her mouth, biting them and pinching them until Karen was coming again, a fierce, shocking climax that left her limp and sobbing.

Not to be outdone, she was all over Laura next, after removing her gag too, and Laura thought her body would explode as two more killing orgasms wrenched her. They freed each other, unwinding the coils of rope and disengaging the fiendish dildo device from their groins, but their sexual hunger was not slaked, and they continued to swarm all over one another in a hot fit of fucking.

In fact, neither girl could believe the wild, naked fury with which they fucked. It was like a cat fight, interrupted at intervals for a brief, jolting agony of coming, then resumed at white-hot intensity. Karen pinned Laura on her back and assaulted her passionately, hand-fucking her and biting her nipples so hard that Laura sobbed with ecstacy as she came in a hot tornado of bliss.

Then she rolled Karen onto her back and raped her in a delicious frenzy, this time sucking and mouth-ravishing Karen's pussy until the voluptuous black girl nearly died of ecstacy. It was truly the most savage frenzy of fucking they had ever experienced, together or with others, and when they emerged from it after nearly a half hour of struggle, they were both drained and throbbing with aftershocks.

"I can't believe we did that," Laura whispered to Karen as they coiled together, deeply affectionate, after the storm had passed. "It was like we were trying to kill each other."

Karen kissed her. "You have to admit, whatever your affairs of the heart might be with others, nobody fucks like you and I do together."

"I know."

"I don't let anybody do to me what I let you do."

"Me too."

"But, you know, since we do it so seldom, I really need it," Karen said, eyes swirling with sex again. "I don't know how I can keep needing it, but I do." She lifted her beautiful dark breasts in her hands and offered them to Laura. "They still don't ache," she said. "Not like I want them to."

"Oh Karen."


Even after the white-hot fury of fucking they had just put one another through, even after the countless orgasms, they were still hot for each other, still ready for more. Laura could feel her cunt oozing as she lowered her mouth to Karen's incredible, huge, swelling nipples.

"Oh god, torture me, Laura," Karen begged in a husky, delirious voice. "I love it when you torture me."

Here we go again, Laura thought. It seemed that every time they thought they had exceeded the limits of perversion and the worst sexual extremes two girls could invent, they managed to go further. Laura realized it even as she was reaching for the rope and the gag.

"You're sure you want it?" she asked, as Karen helped her place the leather straps of the gag around her head, taking the rubber ball into her mouth.

Karen nodded vigorously, her eyes glinting with wildfire.

Before touching her luscious breasts again, Laura tied Karen's wrists together, then tied them to one corner bedpost, as she had once done with Brandi, during their last, stirring, incredibly hot time together. With her hands over her head, Karen's breasts jutted out even more provocatively, jiggling slightly now since she was already quivering and trembling and mewling with renewed sexual excitement.

Next, she coiled the rope around Karen's breasts, this time not tying them as tightly as before so as not to kill the sensation, but just enough to make the large, gleaming black nipples swell and protrude. She knotted the robe underneath them, then took the hard gleaming balls of flesh in her hands and began to make love to them in the way she knew would drive Karen wild.

Like Laura, Karen had had between fifteen and twenty orgasms in the past two hours, and for both girls that made subsequent ones harder to attain, and yet even more excruciating. Working on this knowledge, Laura toyed with Karen's nipples until the girl was writhing and moaning almost hysterically into the gag.

Starting with one luscious hard breast, Laura squeezed it and sucked the large black nipple until it was wet and stiff and until Karen was whimpering uncontrollably. Then she did the same to Karen's other breast, still sucking and teasing only.

By the time she started ringing the girl's stiff, excited nipples with her teeth, Karen was shaking and begging "please, please" through the gag. Laura held one huge nipple between her teeth and let it slide slowly out, until her teeth held only the tip of the center stem. Karen nearly fainted. Her body stiffened, and her breath came in rapid spurts. Then Laura sucked the nipple deep into her mouth and began again, letting it slowly escape.

But after the fourth or fifth time, she began to clamp her teeth down further into the spongy bulb, which was what Karen wanted. She was so in tune with Karen's body that she knew what level of arousal the girl was in at each second. She could hold one of Karen's erect nipples between her teeth and gently stroke Karen's clit with one finger while shaking her head back and forth, and Karen would come to the brink of an orgasm in four seconds, whimpering hysterically and churning her hips in frantic, spastic fuck-motions.

But Laura would not let her have it. She pulled back, repeating the exercise five more times, using first one nipple, then the other, until she grew afraid that Karen might faint before she came. Only then did she give in to the full brutal rape of Karen's strangled breasts and flooding pussy that Karen wanted so badly. She bit Karen's nipples savagely and hand-fucked her viciously at the same time, and Karen simply exploded in stupendous, rending agony of coming.

If not the most severe orgasm she had ever experienced from being fucked by Laura, it was certainly among the top two or three. She blacked out briefly in a seizure of ecstacy, then came to in a paroxysm of blinding bliss, her body clenched and writhing a fits of excruciating pleasure that lasted almost a full minute.

It took several minutes for both of them to recover from this cataclysm. Laura spent it untying Karen, ungagging her, kissing her, soothing her, bringing her back from a swoon of sexual rapture very much like those she had seen Jonelle sink into so often.

"I'm envious that you could come like that," she whispered to Karen.

"Mmmmm, your turn now," Karen murmured back, and for the first time Laura found herself half-cringing, wondering if she could go through it.

Barbara had fucked her very hard only a few days ago. She and Karen had both fucked very hard in the past two hours. Did she really want to go through the kind of torture she had just inflicted on Karen, just to reach a megabomb orgasm at the end?

But the decision was taken out of her hands by Karen, who began tying Laura's hands to the same bedpost before Laura could even say no. For the next half hour Karen tortured Laura's body as ingeniously as Laura had tortured hers, until Laura was sobbing and groaning through an orgasmic rapture every bit as wrenching and ecstatic as the one Karen had gone through.

And finally, they coiled together in their long, slow, healing fuck, the way they always ended their times together, a union of deep and lasting affection that Laura knew was the chief reason they kept coming back for more, even after brutal encounters like this one. When they finally parted, it was with the knowledge that whatever sexual adventures either one might have, nothing would ever come close to these incandescent moments, when each girl could several times almost feel her heart stop as the other tortured her into one depraved and glorious orgasm after another.

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