Laura - Chapter 54

Even though she had been gone only five days, to Laura it seemed like another world as she arrived home. She had been thoroughly, exhaustively fucked by male and female, and felt completely reamed and sucked dry, glad even for the rest the flight provided. She had not even thought of Jonelle until the airplane had touched the tarmac.

But at that instant, the hot, throbbing ache seemed to return to her. It was a Thursday afternoon, and as soon as she got to her apartment, she phoned Jonelle at work.

"I love you," she said into the phone. "God, how I missed you."

"Me too," Jonelle said. "Can't talk. People here."

"I understand. When can I see you? I want you. You know how much."

"Me too." She could hear Jonelle giggling nervously. "Eric has a ball game after work. Maybe tomorrow."

"I'll die."

"Me too."

"That's all you can say. 'Me too.'"

They laughed and Laura hung up, having a fantasy about Jonelle's lovely, lean, naked body pressed to hers. But the next day at work, she got a shock. Much as she loved and longed for Jonelle, she was almost paralyzed with desire when she saw her department's new secretary.

The old one had moved to another part of the company, and her replacement was a stunning, tall, statuesque girl named Cecilia. About twenty-five, she was totally gorgeous, with a full, curvaceous body and a tiny waist, jutting young breasts, and smooth skin that was blacker than that of any girl Laura had ever known, black as coal.

For whatever bizarre reasons, Laura had long known that black skin was a sexual turn-on for her, and now, seeing Cecilia, she could hardly control her desire. On top of everything, Cecilia was a very cheerful, good-natured person, not morose or haughty, or a sneaky, sexual pervert like Barbara, or a jealous, fiery bitch like Yvette. She was friendly and open, and didn't seem to realize that Laura was imagining her without her clothes on, much as a man might do.

She also wore a large diamond engagement ring.

Laura only realized how blatant her lust was when Barbara Crowley caught her staring at Cecilia from a distance.

"That gorgeous blue-black pussy ain't in your future, Laura, you horny lesbo," she whispered slyly into Laura's ear. "I can see you eating that poor thing alive."

The smell of Barbara and Barbara's warm breath in her ear aroused Laura shockingly, so much so that she had to swallow and take a few deep breaths to keep control. God, I really am a sex maniac, pure and simple, she thought.

"Takes one to know one," she whispered back to Barbara, giving her a hot, sexual stare.

I tasted your pretty black pussy, at least, her stare said.

But Barbara just grinned. "You know I like white girls," she teased. "She's a knockout, but I want you."

It was as if Laura's punishing sexual experience in New York were months ago. She could feel her pulse racing as she looked into Barbara's dark eyes, and focused on Barbara's sensual mouth.

"I . . . I," she stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Tonight," Barbara whispered. "You come over to my place this time."

"I can't." Laura had no idea why she said she couldn't. "I . . . I have an appointment."



"Playing hard to get, Laura?"

"I'll be there. What time?"


"Yes." Laura turned away.

"Get some rest," Barbara winked.

There was a hot, insistent pulse beating deep inside Laura's pussy. Her return to work had driven her wild. Cecilia's beautiful presence, and Barbara's seductiveness, had aroused her wildly. She went to the bathroom to try to calm down and there ran into Yvette.

Oh god, all I need, she thought.

"Hi," she smiled. Yvette was stunning.

"God, I've gone crazy without you," Yvette said under her breath, looking both ways to see if they would be overheard.

"You look pretty good to me, too," Laura said softly.

"Can I come by after work?"

Laura knew she wouldn't see Jonelle until tomorrow night. Then she remembered that she had just agreed to see Barbara tomorrow night. Shit! she thought. How could I do that?

Meanwhile, Yvette's eyes throbbed. Laura recalled the last five or six times Yvette had dropped by her place after work, and the almost insane hunger with which they had fucked. She felt her blood leap inside her body.

"Yes yes, please please," she said to Yvette, who smiled as if her dreams had just all come true.

Though they drove separately, they both seemed to race to Laura's apartment, arriving only five mintues apart. When they got inside, it was just as before. They devoured one another, staggering to the sofa and then sliding off it to the floor, unable to make it to the bedroom. They were so hungry for each other that both had orgasms before they were even completely undressed.

"Oh god yes, oh god, yes! I need it, I need you!" Yvette panted, almost hurting Laura in her haste to get Laura's bra off.

She squeezed one of Laura's breasts in both hands, licking and slurping and sucking and gently biting Laura's nipple, bringing quick, hot moans from Laura instantly.

"God, I missed you!" she panted, sucking Laura's other breast just as hungrily. "I can't stand the thought of anyone else fucking you. When I'm alone, I just burn with jealousy. I think that bitch Barbara Crowley wants to fuck you. I saw her staring at you in the hallway. Oh god, Laura, you're so beautiful. I love your breasts, I love sucking and tasting them."

"Ohhhhh baby, it feels so good!" Laura moaned, pushing her wet breasts into Yvette's mouth. "Do it hard!"

She had another orgasm in about a minute, with Yvette sucking her hard and pumping Laura's pussy with her hand.

"Auuggnnhh! Oh . . . oh yes! Oh god yes! Unnngghhh!" Laura groaned, coming sharply.

A few moments later she was nearly raping Yvette in the same way, kissing the girl's lovely naked black body everywhere, almost swallowing her big, bursting, swollen nipples. Then she slid between Yvette's beautiful thighs and tongued her pussy until Yvette was convulsed in a violent climax.

Then they fucked by pressing their hot, wet pussies together and grinding themselves into a delirium of wild spasms, something they had not done for a while and that left them, as always, totally dazed and reeling from the aftershocks of such stupendous coming. After this Laura fucked Yvette so quickly and so hard that Yvette nearly had a seizure of coming, a hot, whimpering, hysterical rapture that left her quivering helplessly, her cheeks slick with tears, in Laura's arms.

"I can only stay five more minutes," she wept softly. "I want to stay here all night."

"I know."

They coiled together in a slow, sensual miracle of fucking, their naked bodies blending with friendly familiarity and warm, aching desire, but spiced with just enough longing caused by their separation to make their shared, culminating orgasms exquisitely acute and sharp. They held one another and shuddered through blinding shocks of ecstacy, on the floor beside Laura's sofa. Then Yvette had to get up, get dressed, and leave.

Laura got dressed too. "I'll walk you to the door."

"You don't have to."

"I want to. I think we just set a record for the number of orgasms had by two human beings in such a short space of time, and I think I owe it to you to kiss you goodbye."

"We could do it here."

Laura shook her head. "Front door. Downstairs. I can watch you walk to your car and think of all the things I'm going to do to you next time."

Yvette positively twinkled. "Promise?"

They were at the front door of Laura's building, and Laura had just given Yvette a quick, discreet, but emotional kiss goodbye, when she glanced over Yvette's shoulder and saw Jonelle only about ten feet away, staring at them both in shock.

"Oh god!" she said under her breath.

"What's the matter?" Yvette asked.

"Oh . . . nothing. See you . . . tomorrow," Laura smiled, shaken, trying not to draw Yvette into it further. "Bye."

"Bye. Love you, Laura."

Yvette turned and left, and when Laura glanced back she saw that Jonelle was walking away too, in the opposite direction, as fast as she could go. She ran after her, finally catching her near the street corner.


Jonelle wouldn't look at her. Laura could see her face was wet with tears. She reached down for Jonelle's hand, but Jonelle yanked it away.

"Jonelle, please."

Finally she turned her face to Laura, her eyes jeweled with tears and red with pain. "You lied," she cried softly. "You said nothing was between you and her."

"I know." Laura began to cry too, in spite of her determination not to. "I didn't want to hurt you."

Jonelle sniffed contemptuously. "Hurt me. Oh, you didn't hurt me."

"I'm sorry," Laura said with deep feeling. "I love you, Jonelle."

"You just been sleeping with her. I can smell it."

Jonelle's wet eyes were fiery with daggers of hate.

"I . . . I---"

"You can't deny it. I'm sorry I ever let you touch me. You pervert. You don't love me. You love doing it with girls. That's all. Black girls, apparently. Well, this is one little nigger you ain't ever gonna do it with again."

Still glaring with hatred at Laura, she then turned and walked quickly away. This time Laura didn't follow her.

She stood, stunned and quivering with agony, on the sidewalk, watching as Jonelle disappeared down the street. The last time she had felt this way was when Rina had been murdered. She knew she would never see Jonelle again, and she wanted to kill herself.

Walking in shock back to her apartment, she also realized that had not wanted to give up her exquisitely pleasureable moments with Yvette. She loved Jonelle deeply, but what she and Yvette had just done together was so thrilling that Laura couldn't imagine living without it. I want them both, she thought.

But I love Jonelle, she realized. I really do love her, in a way that I don't feel for Yvette. Oh god, Jonelle, why did you show up at that time? You told me you couldn't make it.

She sat down and cried for an hour straight. She was desolate, filled with self-loathing and despair. I'll never see her. I'll never see her, never again! she moaned over and over to herself. But after a while it was impossible to feel any more pain. Bleary-eyed, she stumbled to the bathroom and washed her face.

She thought of having a drink, then decided against it. And almost like an automaton, she picked up the phone. Somehow the number came to her easily from her memory.

"Hello . . . Barbara?"

"Yes. Hi, Laura. Change your mind?"

"Actually . . . I---"

"I'll be waiting at the door," Barbara said in a smoky voice, then hung up before Laura could say anything.

As Laura drove to Barbara's apartment, she purposely blotted out of her mind any hint of Jonelle or Yvette. Even though she had had five or six acutely intense orgasms with Yvette about an hour earlier, she could feel her body aching, throbbing, yearning, eager for the kind of fuck-marathon an evening with Barbara promised to be.

I'm going to forget, she told herself. I'm going to forget about it. Nothing will make me remember it. I won't think of her. Barbara will fuck me. Barbara will hurt me, if I drive her to it. Barbara will make me come. She will make me forget. She will make me come so much, I won't do anything but ache. I remember the last time.

When Barbara opened the door, she was wearing a pale yellow lace camisole and cutoffs, and Laura, in spite of her half hour with Yvette, felt flooded with lust. Barbara's small, perfect breasts were clearly visible under the lace, as were the large dark protruding circles of her nipples.

"Did you get dressed up especially for me?" she asked ironically.

Barbara smiled very provocatively. "Yes. You like?"

"I have one just like it," Laura said. "Only pale blue. I know where the snaps are."

Barbara gave her a mock pout. "I was hoping you'd have to search for them."

Now that they were alone with the door closed, where anything could happen, their eyes locked together in a hot, pulsing gaze, each girl was remembering how raw the sex between them had been the last time, how they had fucked until both could barely move. It's what I need, Laura thought. Pure sex. Pure fucking. No emotions, no love, no tenderness.

Somehow Barbara could see what Laura was feeling in her eyes. She extended her arm and caressed Laura's cheek and jaw with her sensual fingers.

"You're depressed, Laura," she murmured. "Did you come to me for comfort?"

Laura brought her mouth close to Barbara's beautifully expressive mouth. "You know what I came here for," she whispered.

Barbara's eyes dropped to Laura's lips. "I know," she whispered back.

They kissed, a surprisingly emotional kiss, a hungry, demanding, but also deeply expressive kiss that shocked Laura somewhat, since she thought they had no feelings for one another but sexual ones.

"Come into my bedroom," Barbara whispered to her, taking her hand.

Laura followed. In Barbara's bedroom, she let Barbara undress her, quivering and sighing excitedly as she felt Barbara's hands and lips on her naked flesh. Barbara cupped both of Laura's breasts in her hands and spent a long time kissing them, avoiding Laura's nipples until Laura was trembling visibly.

"I wish mine were this big," Barbara murmured, squeezing the round upswept globes, making Laura's nipples flare.

"They aren't very big," Laura breathed.

"Bigger than mine."

"Suck them, Barbara. Please."

Barbara's dark eyes throbbed with sex as she gazed into Laura's. "I love to suck them," she murmured.

Laura watched as Barbara opened her sensual lips and sucked one of her nipples into her mouth, sucking it in deep.


She wanted to throw back her head and luxuriate in the beautiful sensations, but she also wanted to watch, and she forced herself to keep her eyes on Barbara's mouth and fingers. Like Laura, Barbara had infinite skill at this, and infinite desire. She held Laura's breast in both hands and toyed with Laura's nipple, sucking it gently, letting it escape, all shiny wet and pointing, from her lips, holding it in her teeth, sucking it back inside her mouth, more thirstily this time, then more of Laura's firm round breast with it, until her mouth was stuffed, and Laura was nearly swooning.

She did this several times before moving to Laura's other breast and giving it the same treatment. Only as she sucked and teased Laura's second nipple, she continued to pinch the first wet one in her fingers, first gently, then harder, until Laura was so aroused she could feel warm cuntjuice oozing down her thigh.

"Oh god, Barbara, let's lie down," she panted. "I can't stand any more."

"I know, I know," Barbara smiled.

"I want you naked too."

"But I'm not finished."

Barbara propped up the pillows on her bed so that Laura could recline half-sitting against them. Then she returned to Laura's breasts, sucking and teasing them, thrilling Laura by holding first one erect, wet nipple between her teeth, then the other, until Laura was whimpering uncontrollably.

Finally, she grabbed Barbara's head and crushed her lips down on Barbara's, kissing her with rough, urgent passion. At the same time, she took one of Barbara's hands and put it on her pussy, letting Barbara feel the wetness.

"God . . . I want you to fuck me," she begged Barbara. "Fuck me hard, right now! Please!"

But Barbara only smiled. Like Laura, she had developed tease- fucking to a high art, and with Laura so helplessly aroused, she now began to undress herself. Taking her time, she slid the cutoffs down her marvelous legs, then tantalizingly unsnapped the camisole, peeling the pale yellow lace up her body, revealing a smooth inch of it at a time, until she was naked.

By now Laura was a basket case. She grabbed Barbara, dying to feel the girl's marvelous naked body pressing against hers everywhere, and they rolled around wildly on the bed for a couple of minutes, kissing and stroking each other urgently. But Barbara finally got the upper hand, got Laura onto her back, and when she did start fucking Laura, she didn't stop until Laura had come ten times. Five of Laura's climaxes came in a continuous string, after which she thought she might just extinguish herself like a candle fizzling out, until Barbara made her come again minutes later.

It was like the first time, with Laura getting exhaustively fucked in the way she usually fucked her other lovers. Barbara was like a mirror image of herself, and she realized that was what she had come here for. But the girl also had a marvelous body, and now that Laura had been the object of Barbara's tireless, ingenious lust, she quickly turned the tables.

She too was an imaginative and energetic lover, and Barbara, who was so in touch with her body's needs and capabilities, brought out the best in her. She swarmed over Barbara's lean, dark brown, smooth, curvaceous body, sucking Barbara's small breasts into her mouth, biting the beautiful curved moons of Barbara's fantastic ass, then licking and sucking her pussy so wildly that Barbara too had a string of five or six orgasms, plus two more afterward, which Laura elicited by the cleverest combination of caresses.

Pausing after this hot whirlwind of feverish fucking, they lay talking softly, sipping the brandy Barbara had poured. Most people would have been satisfied, not to say astonished, after this sexual encounter, but both girls knew it was far from over. The relentless horniness that Laura usually tried to control rose to the surface in such congenial surroundings, and she knew she brought out the same loosening of inhibition in Barbara. Together they could finally give into their need to fuck until they couldn't fuck any more.

"You're the first girl or woman I haven't been able to wear out," Barbara confessed. "They always get tired before I do."

Laura smiled. "We have to go easy on them."

She was thinking of Karen, who was the only girl she knew who would probably measure up to Barbara's demands pretty easily. In fact, getting the three of them together would probably result in a 10-alarm fire. They would reduce one another to cinders. Still, it was an exciting prospect, although she knew Barbara preferred white girls, like herself.

They fucked for another hour or so, both having multiple orgasms, not resorting to any of the rough stuff yet, although Laura knew it was in the cards, and felt an excited stirring of butterflies in the pit of her stomach when she thought of it. But first Barbara invited her to take a bath, which they did together, and in the process of which they shared three more excruciating climaxes.

It was approaching midnight, and each girl had climaxed about fifteen times. They returned from the bathtub to Barbara's bed, and, grinning mischievously, she reached under it, pulling out a long coil of white silken rope. Laura's eyes widened.

"I never knew you went in for the truly kinky," she said, with mock alarm.

"Honey, there's a lot of things you don't know," Barbara smiled back.

"So who gets tied up, thee or me?"

"I hope you don't think I'd let an almost perfect stranger tie me up in my own apartment. You do."

Barbara's eyes danced with fire. Laura felt her cunt flood with fresh juice, and pulse crazily.

"I'll bet you really enjoy bringing white girls in here and tying them up and fucking them," Laura said.

Barbara actually licked her full, sensual lips. "Honey, 'enjoy' doesn't even half describe it."

"Why should I let you do it to me?"

Now Barbara came closer, making loops with the rope, playfully acting as if she were trying to trap Laura.

"Because I can guarantee you'll love it," she murmured under her breath. "Have you ever been tied up?"

"Once," Laura lied.

"Did you come hard?"

"Thought I would die," Laura gulped.

"I won't hurt you. You can trust me, Laura. I never knew anyone who could fuck like you. I don't want to lose you."

She knew Barbara was telling the truth. And she knew she would yield. It was only a question of prolonging the excitement. Their eyes locked and pulsed together. Laura lowered her lids, her eyes smoky and daring.

"Only if you fuck me hard," she whispered to Barbara. "Harder than you've ever fucked any of the others."

Her words excited Barbara so much that she had to take a deep breath before replying. She came even closer, caressing Laura's cheek with a coil of the rope, then kissing her mouth with tender longing.

"I promise," she breathed. "But some of them got it pretty hard. They wanted it too."

"I want it harder."

"Mmmm, Laura, you just get better and better," Barbara grinned, wrapping the first coil of rope around Laura's stomach, through her breasts, down her back, and between her thighs.

Even though she and Karen had tied one another up countless times, Laura began to tremble uncontrollably as Barbara wrapped the coils of silken rope around her naked body. And Barbara did it differently than Karen. She was more pure lesbian than pure sado- masochist. Laura had always had the feeling that if Karen could trust a man the way she trusted Laura, she would end up having her pain orgies with him, since he could be so very much more brutal, if asked. Pain was more important to her than Laura's body.

But it was the opposite with Barbara. Laura's body was most important to her. It took her nearly half an hour to tie Laura up completely, and she brought Laura to several more orgasms along the way. Starting with Laura's breasts, she focused totally on one, coiling rope around it, making it swell slightly, making Laura's nipple grow and gleam, until it was a bursting coral plum. Then, alternately relaxing and increasing the rope pressure, she teased Laura's distended nipple until, with a brief stroking of Laura's clit, Laura came abruptly.

Then Barbara did the same thing with Laura's other breast. After her second orgasm this way, Laura looked at her, bleary-eyed, stunned with ecstacy, and half-smiled.

"I'll give you a hundred years to stop it," she murmured.

"Honey, I haven't even started yet," Barbara grinned.

And Barbara meant it. The experience of being tied up and fucked by her was so different from the same thing with Karen that Laura was astonished. She had one more flashing, whooping orgasm on her way to being totally immobilized, wrapped in rope, only the tenderest parts of her body exposed to Barbara's clever assaults.

Each strand of rope was perfectly placed, so that she was completely encased in it, her breasts jutting out between two slabs of tightly-wrapped rope, her asscheeks, her groin. Her thighs were encased in rope, but there were two knots at her knees, pulling them open, so that she felt more exposed and vulnerable than she ever had. And yet it was so sexually exciting that she quivered almost constantly, and her cunt ran with warm juice, so much so that her ass was wet with it.

The last thing was the gag.

It was a red leather combination blindfold and gag, and the minute she saw it Laura began to tremble. She had never been blindfolded before, and the sight of the thing both terrified and thrilled her. Barbara could see her reaction.

"You don't want to get me evicted, do you," she joked softly as she fastened it in place, pushing the rubber ball into Laura's mouth.

Now Laura was completely at Barbara's mercy, and the fucking she received in the next hour surpassed any horrific, perverted encounter she had ever had with Karen. She had thirteen excruciating orgasms as Barbara fucked her in nearly every way possible: with her mouth and hands and her legs, with the same vibrator they had used before, and with others, until Laura's whole, trussed body was an exposed nerve of hot, helpless coming, tortured beyond belief into one ecstatic explosion after another.

Finally, Barbara unwrapped the coils of rope, kissing and caressing Laura's skin everywhere it had left red marks and weals.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" she murmured over and over, weak with need now that she had fucked Laura so thoroughly, for so long.

Laura realized by sliding her hand down to the soupy wet mess of Barbara's crotch. She was filled with lust herself, wanting to fuck Barbara the way Barbara had fucked her. She quickly swarmed all over the girl's wonderful lean body, her hand busy in Barbara's flooding pussy.

"Oh god yes oh god oh yes please Laura do it do it quick please oh I'm gonna come oh yes oh now now unhhhh oh please do it hard fuck me do it hard now oh Laura ohhnnn auughhiiieeee! Mnnggeee!" she wailed, coming hard.

Barbara came in a wild, writhing fit of ecstacy, then came quickly again as Laura turned up heat, sucking her flooding pussy and finger-raping her ass, bringing her to a level of orgiastic squirming and screaming she had not yet achieved in Laura's presence. Then, as Barbara lay back panting and exhausted and glassy-eyed, Laura grabbed the rope and quickly coiled it around Barbara's small, perfect, hard breasts, pulling it tight, making the hard little balls swell, and the large bursting black nipples gleam.

She strangled them with the rope and licked and sucked and finally bit Barbara's nipples, fucking the girl with her thigh at the same time, bringing Barbara to another series of convulsive, wrenching orgasms. Finally, neither girl was able to summon the energy for another coupling.

"It's a good thing we don't see each other every week," Barbara confessed. "We'd both be dead by now."

"I know. But I needed it," Laura admitted.

"Don't tell me about it," Barbara said, wryly. "It's Jonelle Roberts, isn't it."

Laura blushed with shock, and dismay. Big involuntary tears began rolling down her cheeks. "How did you know? Is it so obvious?"

Barbara shook her head. "Nobody knows. I just have a sixth sense for those things. You really love her, don't you." Laura nodded. "Can you tell?"

"I . . . I've been in love before." Barbara turned her head away. Her eyes were a little shiny. "With someone almost as beautiful as you are," she said, to the wall.

Laura put a hand on her arm, but Barbara had lots of self- control. She took a deep breath and smiled.

"Just don't tell me about it. I'm sorry . . . for your pain. I'm glad I could be of help."

"Don't be silly. The way you and I are together . . . nothing can top that. As long as we know when to stop," she grinned.

"Right," Barbara grinned back. "Just seconds before we both disintegrate."

They kissed, and Laura went home, her body finally satiated, sore but fulfilled, after hours of vigorous fucking with Barbara. But she cried again before going to sleep, because the thought of Jonelle spurning her would not go away.

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