Laura - Chapter 56

After this typical scorcher with Karen, Laura's body felt sore for days. She had gone through the wringer with both Barbara and Karen, and hadn't thought of Jonelle for days. Maybe I'm starting to get over her, she thought. Then she felt a twinge, a sharp pain, deep in her chest, and she knew it wasn't true.

Still, at work she couldn't keep her eyes off the beautiful Cecilia, whose bright, cheerful personality made her even more attractive. By now Laura was very skillful at insinuating herself into a coveted woman's life, as a mere friend, no threat, certainly not a sexual one, since such a thought would be so bizzare.

She had lunch with the girl now and then, getting to know her. It was perhaps a bad tactic, because she quickly developed a physical hunger for Cecilia that verged on the obsessive. And it was made worse by the fact that all Cecilia did was rattle on about her boyfriend.

At night, to make herself not think about Jonelle, Laura would think about Cecilia. He's fucking her, her boyfriend is fucking her right now, she would think. She would imagine him doing it. She would imagine him taking off her clothes, exposing that smooth, polished ebony skin, and then Laura would see herself in his place, which was not difficult since she had never seen him.

She tried to imagine Cecilia's breasts as her white bra cups slid away from them. She tried to see the thick, puffy, gleaming black nipples. She tried to see the rapture on Cecilia's beautiful face as she, Laura, took one plump nipple into her mouth.

She imagined Cecilia's naked black body writhing as she carefully tongued the girl's long, glistening red pussy. In her fantasy she also saw Cecilia's boyfriend's long, thick black cock sliding in and out of it. And she saw Cecilia's face as she came, seized with ecstacy, sublimely beautiful, contorted in a grimace of nearly unbearable pleasure.

Usually by this time, Laura was touching herself, making herself come, trying to do it quickly, to get it over with, half- embarrassed by her need to do it. Soon she decided that she had to quit mooning about Cecilia. Seducing her was out of the question. The girl had no inclinations toward girl-girl sex. She bored Laura to tears talking about how her boyfriend made love to her until she quivered with bliss.

Honey, you don't know what bliss is, Laura thought confidently. If you let me fuck you just once, you'd give him back his ring.

But she knew it was futile. To get her mind off Cecilia, she took to masturbating in the bath again, as Karen had taught her, using the warm, vigorous stream of water from the faucet to make her explode in violent, whinnying orgasms. And she returned to Brandi Pearson's video.

She was shocked to discover that she had forgotten just how marvelous Brandi's body was. And Brandi was never really completely naked in the video. She wore abbreviated and very sexy bikinis. But it was even more alluring to Laura, who had tasted Brandi's nipples and Brandi's pussy, and still hungered to see her naked again.

The best thing about the video was that it lasted nearly an hour. The cameraman seemed to love Brandi's body as much as Laura did, for he photograped it lovingly, almost licking her fantastic legs and thighs with the lens, lingering on the miracle of her back, caressing the rippling muscles of her stomach. Laura lay back on her sofa, taking in every detail, remembering how it felt to hold such a powerful yet vulnerable body as Brandi writhed and shuddered through fierce, rocking orgasms that left her tearful and awe- struck.

One evening she made herself come five times while watching it, rewinding it to the most delicious parts, especially relishing one part in which Brandi demonstrated the exercises she used to build up her phenomenal thighs. Laura had nearly died of coming while having one of those thighs jammed into her flaming wet pussy, and had done it over and over, begging Brandi to fuck her that way. Now, looking at them, she could nearly melt.

To imitate the feeling, she tried using a hard pillow between her thighs, and though she came, it didn't come close to being the same. Her body ached for Brandi, her heart ached for Jonelle, and she realized that intense, scarifying bouts of sex with Barbara and Karen had not been enough to make the pain go away. Then, one evening, just as she was wondering how she would ever make it stop, she got an unexpected phone call from Brandi Pearson.

"Oh god," she said. "Where are you? I didn't think you'd ever call again."

"I didn't either," Brandi said, softly, her reluctance very apparent. "I . . . couldn't help it."

"Where are you?"

"I'm . . . actually, I'm here. I'm staying in a hotel. I thought I would have enough self-control to come here and not call you . . . but I didn't."

"I'm dying to see you."

"Laura . . . could we meet some place in public? Like, you know, where we won't be tempted? I just want to see you so badly."

"Oh Brandi, of course."

They met at a coffee shop Laura knew that was a few blocks away from Brandi's hotel. Brandi looked spectacular, as always. She wore form-fitting clothes, to show off the masterpiece of her body, and she got the kind of attention she deserved. She saw Laura watching the way men looked at her.

"Everybody wants to fuck Ms. Olympia, right?" Laura whispered in her ear. "You told me that once."

Brandi winked at her. "I'll bet you still do too."

"I'd sell my soul to the devil," Laura half-grinned back.

They found a quiet corner.

There was now a wedding ring on Brandi's hand, in addition to the first ring. Laura's heart sank.

"You did it, eh?" she said, wanly.

"Yes. I did it." Brandi crinkled her beautiful nose. "I'm a bride. Do I look like a bride?"

"Why don't you twist the dagger harder?"

"Oh Laura, you aren't jealous. You can't be." Brandi took Laura's hand. Her dark eyes burned into Laura's. "Nothing could ever be like you. Nothing."

"I've been missing you," Laura said, changing the subject.

Brandi looked sad, even haunted. "I miss you every day." She abruptly lowered her voice to a whisper. "Every time he and I . . . you know, make love . . . I miss you."

Laura smiled, again wanly.

"I don't trust myself alone with you," Brandi confessed.

"I won't rape you," Laura grinned.

"But I'd want you to."

"Why fight it?"

"It was terrible, what we did."

Laura nodded. "I know. You came hard, though."

"I've never had an experience like that one. Before or since. I never knew that could happen. It's scary."

"I think I'm going to have to go. This conversation is making me hurt. I hurt with desire for you. I'm wet. I'm throbbing with need for you."

Brandi's eyes glistened. She grew tense, nervous, squirming in her chair. "I feel that way too."

Laura gave her a lingering look, full of deep longing. "Come to my place? Just for a little while? I promise to be good."

"You're always good."

"No . . . I mean to behave. Nothing kinky."

Brandi looked away, eyes glistening even more now. "How can I do it? I can't do it, I promised myself."

Now Laura took her hand. "I understand."

They were silent, sipping coffee, looking uncomfortably around them. Then they talked for a while about little things. Brandi's new husband was not a body builder. He was nice, good-looking, had a good job, wanted kids. She came only rarely when he . . . made love to her.

"Why do you call it that?" Laura asked.

"I've always been taught to call it that," Brandi smiled.

"What was what you and I did?"

"Just fucking," Brandi said, under her breath. "Just hot, deliriously exciting, unbelievable fucking. You're making me blush."

Again Laura covered one of Brandi's hands with hers. "Let's go somewhere," she whispered. "We can't deprive ourselves this way. It's love between us too, you know. Not just fucking."

Now two big tears rolled from Brandi's eyes and down her cheeks. "I know."

"We can go to your hotel. You don't have to come to my place." Laura smiled. "Anyway, it's closer."

Brandi smiled and giggled through her tears. "We better hurry before I start stripping right here and begging you."

In Brandi's hotel room, the atmosphere became smoky as soon as they closed and locked the door. Brandi was wearing a thin yellow backless blouse that tied around her neck, showing off the incredible rippling and smooth and glossy beauty of her back. Laura was kissing and caressing it before Brandi had even fastened the bolt on the door.

"Ohhhhnnn, pretty white lady, you makin' me quiver," Brandi sighed, lapsing immediately into the affectionate chatter she had often used intimately with Laura.

She turned and they kissed, a very long, romantic, rediscovery kiss. Then Laura very slowly untied the knot behind Brandi's neck and let the blouse fall away. Brandi had two soft rubber cones over her hard little breasts.

"How do these things stay on?" Laura asked, kissing her shoulder and neck.

"Tape. Take them off gently."

"You mean you go through this just to expose that gorgeous back?"

"Il faut souffrir etre belle," Brandi said, wincing slightly as Laura peeled one cone away from its delicious contents.

"Mmmmm, gorgeous, has muscles, speaks French too," Laura murmured, taking Brandi's thick black nipple and then the whole small breast into her mouth, still speaking as she sucked it. "Actually, it's 'Il faut souffrir pour etre beau'."

"Ahhh!" Brandi gasped. "Oh . . . oh god oh Laura," she panted softly. "Wow, where did you learn how to do that?"

"I minored in French in college. Come over to the bed," Laura whispered.

"Pretty white lady, you gon' fuck me?" Brandi teased softly.

"You look funny with one cone on and one cone off."

Brandi kissed her, fervently, expressing all her longing and desire for Laura in the kiss. "You know how to correct that," she breathed.

Laura smiled and peeled off the other cone, sucking that whole breast into her mouth too. She couldn't get enough of Brandi's small, delicious breasts, sucking each one deep into her mouth, one after the other, until Brandi was whimpering softly, uncontrollably.

"God, I love it when you do that," she panted. "Everyone else is so . . . delicate. But you, Laura, you really do it to me."

"Everybody else?" Laura grinned as she kissed her way down Brandi's incredible, hard, rippling stomach and began to unbutton her skirt.

Brandi helped, until she was naked. But before Laura could continue, Brandi's hands came up under her sweater, cupping her breasts through her bra, squeezing, while her wet, snaky tongue slipped into Laura's mouth.

"I want your body too," she murmured, pulling Laura's sweater over her head.

Laura slipped out of her skirt and panties while Brandi unclasped her bra, filling her hands with Laura's perfect breasts, then devouring them as passionately as Laura had devoured hers. Now they were writhing naked together on the bed, almost unable to control their need for one another, and their delirious happiness at being back together, when both had thought this would never happen again.

They kissed hungrily, panting and talking through their kisses.

"Oh god, I knew it would be like this," Brandi panted. "I hate you for making me feel this way."

"I want to fuck you and fuck you and make you so sorry you ever got married," Laura panted back, slipping down between Brandi's magnificent, bulging, hard thighs and slithering her tongue up into Brandi's glistening pink pussy.

"Oh! Anngggghh!" Brandi gasped, her body clenching as a fierce charge of sexual excitement gripped her.

Both of them were consumed by urgent, feverish hunger, and yet Laura was determined after last time to show Brandi that she could be tender and skillful as well as brutal and perverted. She slid her hands under Brandi's incredible hard round buns and began to make love to the girl's pussy with her tongue.

She went slowly, taking five agonizing minutes to bring Brandi to a state of uncontrollable need. The beautiful girl's muscular body was a masterpiece of clenching, straining, rippling, gorgeous, gleaming dark brown flesh as Laura coaxed her closer and closer to a rapturous climax.

"Oh god, Laura . . . oh god . . . please! Oh please!" she whimpered, twisting, pumping with her hips, churning her pelvis, quivering and shuddering helplessly as she approached a killer orgasm.

When Laura finally let it arrive, she curled her tongue around Brandi's erect clitoris and flicked it into a fierce seizure of ecstacy. Brandi arched, shuddered, and exploded in a wild, convulsive fit of coming.

"Auungghh! Oh! Oh god Laura oh god yes! Auungghhiieee! Ohnnggmmnnggg!" she moaned, her cries quickly stifled by Laura's hand over her mouth.

Arching her incredible back and tightening her fantastic muscles, she came in torrents. Finally it was over, and Laura held her while she caught her breath, which took about a minute.

"Pretty white lady," she gasped softly, still looking dazed and stunned, "you really do know how to make this little girl come hard and hard." She kissed Laura with slow, sensual gratitude. "I told you I hate you for this."

"You love me for this."

Brandi smiled warmly. "I know."

And truly it was more like love than ever before between them. Brandi began to caress Laura in the same slow, sensitive way, as if to show Laura that she too was more than she had been, more than merely "The Thigh" that made Laura whimper and die of ecstacy. She sucked Laura's nipples with excruciating tenderness, bringing Laura to a wild pitch of need without ever once doing it hard.

Then she licked Laura's flowing pussy the same way, gently, patiently, as Laura had made love to hers, finally bringing Laura to a huge, blossoming, throbbing orgasm that made her body swell and burst with rapture.

The turned off the lights and lay coiled together in the dark, talking softly.

"I thought you'd be trying to fuck the daylights out of me, after all this time," Brandi murmured.

"We're not going anywhere, are we?" Laura said, in a bemused voice.

"You mean, you are? You know, you made me come about twelve times once."

"You even remember the number?"

"Darling, you may be used to that. But for a little black girl who never came more than twice at the same time, twelve is not a number you forget."

"Want to try for twenty-eight?"

Brandi kissed her warmly. "You know, I'm in pretty good shape."

"You're telling me."

"No, I mean stamina. But after that time, I thought I would have to check into the hospital. The great thing about men is, they fuck you once, maybe twice, then they go to sleep, leave you alone."

"Not me, though."

"No," Brandi grinned. "Not you. With you it's one killer climax after another."

Laura had dropped her hand to Brandi's delicious pussy while they were talking, and she easily had Brandi panting and squirming in seconds. "Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to stop at one?" she teased.

"Ohhh," Brandi moaned, churning her hips. "Pretty white lady, you a sex maniac," she said, wide-eyed.

"I want to devour your fantastic body," Laura purred, doing just that, turning Brandi over onto her stomach.

This time she gave her the works, kissing and rubbing Brandi's amazing muscled back, then stroking and squeezing her spectacular ass, digging her fingers into the hard black buns before invading the dark secret crack between them with her tongue.

"Ooooohhh oh god ohhhh!" Brandi sighed, squirming excitedly. "I forgot you like to fuck every single part of me."

"Mmmmm, and eat you alive," Laura purred. "Your husband may have a cock, but he can't do what I can do for you."

"Can't even come close," Brandi panted, lifting her body obediently so that Laura could slide a pillow under her stomach, elevating her ass and inflamed red pussy.

And now Laura went for the feast, tonguing and sucking the red, glistening meat of Brandi's black-lipped pussy, insinuating her tongue up to tickle the tightly-shut ring of Brandi's asshole, invading it with the tip of her tongue, bringing wild shivers and moans from Brandi.

"Oh! Oh! Oh god . . . Laura, oh honey, oh god I can't believe what you do to me! Please, do it, fuck me, do it quick!"

But Laura was not about to deliver until she was ready herself. With her fingers she opened Brandi's asshole until she could get her tongue into it, then tongue-fucked it until Brandi was quivering with need, moaning and twisting. Now Laura hand-fucked Brandi's oozing pussy at the same time, scissoring her clit and sliding two fingers up into the warm, slimy trench.

Brandi was out of her mind, writhing and squirming, rolling her face over into the bedcovers to keep from crying out. When Laura knew the girl was on the verge of a fierce orgasm, she suddenly ratcheted up the passion, driving her tongue into Brandi's rectum and hand-raping her pussy at the same time. Brandi erupted in a seizure of coming.

"Aoownyyyuungghh!" she groaned into the sheet, her powerful body flipping and jerking as sharp spasms of ecstacy wrenched her. "Oh! Ungghhh! Oh . . . Laur--, ungghh! Auugnnhhhh! Oh god!"

After another long orgasm, she collapsed, with Laura still swarming over her pliant, gleaming black body, licking her beautiful muscles and sucking her nipples, keeping Brandi going, bringing her back up, sliding between her thighs and sucking her clit, squeezing her hard asscheeks, until Brandi was whimpering, then moaning, then sobbing again through another fierce climax, and yet another.

Finally, completely wrung out from violent coming, she lay back into the pillows, looking with dazed awe at Laura.

"I'm going to have to take you to my place and gag you if you keep screaming like that," Laura smiled, winking. "You'll have the hotel detectives here soon, thinking you're being murdered."

Brandi beamed. "You promise? Can we go there now?"

"Only kidding," Laura said, kissing her. "You know what happened last time."

"I even dreamed about it," Brandi said, her voice husky and throbbing with sex as she began to caress Laura again, squeezing Laura's beautiful naked breasts, feeding one of Laura's nipples into her mouth.

Laura was aroused from fucking Brandi, and she quickly grew uncontrollably excited. She held Brandi's head between her hands, looking down at her nipple inside Brandi's sensual mouth.

"Do it harder," she begged. "Harder, bite it. Unhh! Oh!"

But instead of complying, Brandi let Laura's tingling, throbbing nipple slide slowly out of her mouth, looking up at Laura as she held the stiff center in her lips before releasing it. Then she took one of Laura's hands and ran it suggestively along the phenomenally hard, shapely muscle of her thigh, the thigh that had made Laura nearly die of coming more than once.

"I won't give you what you want unless you take me home, pretty white lady," she said under her breath, her eyes smoking with hot lust. "We be makin' an awful commotion here." She paused, her dark, shiny eyes throbbing with promise. Then she looked down at Laura's hand on her glossy thigh. "Don't you want to feel it, pretty white lady?"

"Oh god, Brandi," Laura gulped. "We said we wouldn't."

"I don't remember saying that."

"You said it was terrible, what we did."

Brandi nodded slowly. "It was. I can't forget it."

"We shouldn't," Laura said in a hushed voice, feeling her will crumbling. She knew Brandi's had already crumbled.

Brandi flexed her thigh under Laura's fingers. The hard muscle reared and strained. "Do you want it?" she asked.

"God, yes."


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